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1983 The Rise of Memphis Rassling

Guest cmdrsam

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Guest cmdrsam

From the Memphis Commerical Appeal.

CWA bought out from a northern backer?



Acronym CWA

Established March 20, 1977

Style Rasslin'

Location Memphis, Tennessee

Nashville, Tennessee

Founder(s) Jerry Jarrett

Owner(s) ?????????


The Continental Wrestling Association is a wrestling promotion managed by Jerry Jarrett untill he was recently bought out. The CWA is the name of the "governing body" for the Championship Wrestling, Inc. promotion which is usually referred to as Mid-Southern Wrestling in Pro Wrestling Illustrated and its sister wrestling magazines. This promotion is a chief NWA territory from the 1970s and while operating out of Tennessee and Kentucky. The CWA is a member of the National Wrestling Alliance and affiliated with the American Wrestling Association.


In the mid 1970s the territory split in two, with separate promoters for each half. Jerry Jarrett ended up as the promoter in charge of Memphis, Louisville, Lexington and Evansville while still part of NWA Mid-America. While Nick Gulas who had been the primary booker promoted the other half of the territory. A dispute arose between Nick Gulas and Jerry Jarrett. Many of the wrestlers in the promotion were upset at Nick Gulas for over booking Nick’s son George Gulas in the extremely profitable Memphis half of the territory.


Nick Gulas who lived in Nashville eventually made "Music City" his home base running weekly cards at the Fairgrounds and all over Middle Tennessee. Originally Gulas was backed by many of the areas top draws but Jerry Jarrett had two aces up his sleeve. First he was backed by Jerry “The King” Lawler. Lawler had just toppled Jackie Fargo as the headliner of the area, and second was that with Lawler he had Memphis. Memphis was clearly the hot spot for the territory. Gulas did attempt to run shows in Memphis for some time but without the headliner, Lawler, he could not compete.


The split between Gulas and Jarrett created the Continental Wrestling Association as a totally separate promotion run by Jarrett. In 1980 after only three years, the Gulas territory folded when Nick Gulas retired and the CWA took over some of the more profitable locations including Nashville and Louisville.


In the early 1980s, Andy Kaufman would routinely wrestle women during his shows, soon proclaiming himself the “Intergender Wrestling Champion” where he would offer women $1000 if they could beat him. As part of this performance, Kaufman would imply that these matches were “real” and thus also imply that professional wrestling was not “real”, which countered the sacrosanct belief of fans in that era that wrestling was "real".


Kaufman even started appearing on the Mid-South Coliseum shows wrestling women in the undercard matches, and after winning Kaufman would berate the Memphis crowd and proclaim his own greatness in the sport. He even went so far as to claim that no woman could beat him and if they did – he would marry that woman. Enter Jerry Lawler, proud defender of wrestling and angry at Andy Kaufman for mocking the sport that made him a star, so he decided to coach one of Kaufman’s opponents. Kaufman still won despite Lawler’s coaching and gloated like it was going out of style, until Lawler had enough and pushed Kaufman, sending the comedian on a tirade.


The fans loved every second of it, watching the local star defend the sport against the arrogant actor from Hollywood. When the inevitable Lawler/Kaufman match was finally held, the Mid-South Coliseum was packed to the rafters. The delighted fans saw Lawler execute two Piledrivers (a move that was "banned" in Memphis) after which Kaufman was carried out of the arena on a stretcher (kayfabe). The following day several newspapers reported that Kaufman had in fact broken his neck.


Several weeks later, Kaufman returned to the Mid-South Coliseum wearing a neck brace, and the skinny comedian vowed to get even with Lawler no matter what. The feud got national exposure in several newspapers after Kaufman’s supposed injury, and it would get even more press after Kaufman discussed it on Saturday Night Live. But that was just a preview of things to come.


On July 27, 1982, Kaufman and Lawler were guests of David Letterman on Late Night with David Letterman. Kaufman still wore the neck collar to indicate that he still had not gotten over the brutal match five months earlier. After the two argued back and forth, Lawler got fed up, stood up and then slapped the comedian out of his chair and off the stage. Kaufman responded by throwing a cup of coffee on Lawler and then storming off while cursing up a storm.


Little is known of the new owner. As several attempts to contact the new owner have yet to be returned. Jerry Jarrett has said "There are no plans as of this time to move the CWA. And will he (Jarrett) remain with the company performing various duties."


Dave Brown, a local weatherman for channel WMC-TV who also works as a play by play man for the CWA also states he has been informed he too will remain with the company at his current role but knows as much as we do about the new owner.

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CWA All-Stars

At Channel TV 5

Week 1 April 1983


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We open up with the previous video. Lane Russell and Dave Brown welcome us to another action packed card this Saturday. Lance reports that incase if you have missed the news, we have a new owner. With that being said Eddie Marlin, Jerry Jarrett, and Jackie Fargo come into the scene. They explain to the viewing audience that the news is true they have been bought out. And yes it is also true that the new owner is from the north. But he wishes to remain silent at this time. The new owner also has stated that the only changes will be that more bigger names will be coming into the area. One will be making an appearance tonight, as Jim Cornette has brought in Dennis Condrey. Jerry Jarrett tells us that the new owner has family down the road from Memphis in Adamsville TN.

Rated: C+



Dutch Mantell VS Ricky Morton


The Dirty Dutchman was all over Ricky from the start of the match. Ricky was able to get a few shots in and dazed Dutch. But a missed dropkick from Ricky was all Dutch needed. A Piledriver later and Dutch secures a victory.

Winner: Dutch Mantell

Rated: D+



King Cobra VS NY Assassin #1


Squash match for the masked man from New York has he easily wins against his man.

Winner: NY Assassin #1

Rated: D



Austin Idol and manager Jimmy Hart comes out to the broadcast table and precedes to tell us how he will end the reign of one King Lawler. And it will be his time to shine again as he will become the new AWA International Champion.

Rated: C+



AWA Southern Heavyweight Championship

Bill Dundee ( C ) VS Dennis Condrey w/ Jim Cornette VS Sabu the Wildman


Condrey took charge early as he took out The Superstar Dundee early in the match. This left Sabu and Dennis to battle. Dennis secured several pin attempts on The Wildman. Dundee how ever did manage to get back in the match and picked up a hard fought win.

Winner: Bill Dundee

Rated: D+



Dutch Mantell comes back out after the match and demands Lance Russell give him a microphone. He tells Bill Dundee that the gold belt he has right now, is on his waist by a fluke of nature. And he sure as hell better keep it shiny for him. Dundee motions for Dutch to get in the ring and Dutch drops the microphone and makes his way to the ring. The fans egg him on but he eventually stops and points to his head. Nope, not today partner. But one day soon.

Rated: D+



The Moondogs w/ Jimmy Hart VS Terry Taylor and Bobby Fulton


Terry and Bobby are already in the ring as The Moondogs are led out to the ring by their manager Jimmy Hart. The dogs are chewing on their soup bones as they enter the ring, Jimmy gives the word and the drop the bones and precede to beat down Terry and Bobby. Eventually order is restored but only after Moondog Rex pins Bobby Fulton.

Winners: The Moondogs

Rated: D-


After the match Jimmy Hart takes Dave Brown’s microphone and demands to know where The Fabulous Ones are. They are chicken and yellow bellied those cowards are. The Moondogs want their shot soon baby.

Rated: C



Jacques Rougeau VS The Angel


Just your obligation squash match. Rougeau isn’t a bad worker, just not ready yet. The Angel picks up the win.

Winner: The Angel

Rated: D-


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The Fabulous One are coming home next week.

Rated: C+



Bobby Eaton VS NY Assassin #2


Eaton took a page right out of the Assassin play book and jumped #2 as he entered the ring. Eaton looked like he was gonna pick up upset win when NY Assassin resorted to some dirty tactics to slow Eaton and the pace of the match down. Eventually pins Eaton.

Winner: NY Assassin #2

Rated: D



Jerry Lawler comes out and says he is sorry for not coming out earlier but he has been on the phone with the new owner redefining his role. Idol thinks he can run his fat mouth and take my title. No way. Not with this right hand ready to pound your face.

Rated: C+



AWA International Title match

Austin Idol w/ Jimmy Hart VS Jerry Lawler ( C )


Idol does his part to put away Lawler early. Several Slams, Running Clotheslines, Rake of the eyes got Idol several pin attempts. But Lawler drops the shoulder strap and its on now big boy, Big right hand by Lawler, another staggers Idol, another one drops Idol. Lawler goes for a cover but Jimmy Hart gets up on the apron to break the count. Lawler gets up and drops Hart with a right hand. Idol catches his breath and clotheslines Lawler in the back of the neck. Lawler goes out of the ring. Idol goes out after him. The two are out side just wailing away at each other as referee Jerry Calhoun loses all control of the match at this point as both men have grabbed steel chairs and start beating one another with them turning each other into a crimson mess.

Winner: Draw. Jerry Lawler retains the AWA International Title

Rated: B-


The show comes to an end as both Idol and Lawler continue to go at each other. Other workers and officials come out and try to separate the two before they kill each other.

Rated: C-



Overall: C

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Thought I would take a happy minute to discuss our current champions and the belts they hold.






The AWA International Heavyweight Championship, originally known as the CWA/AWA International Heavyweight Championship. Is a major professional wrestling title defended in the Continental Wrestling Association. It was renamed in 1983 from the CWA's partnership with the American Wrestling Association.

Current Champion= Jerry Lawler who won it from Austin Idol after a 3 year reign.


Jerry Lawler as a young adult, Lawler was a disc jockey, and attracted the attention of local wrestling promoter Aubrey Griffith. The two made an agreement in which Lawler would give Griffith free publicity in exchange for free wrestling training. Lawler debuted as a wrestler in 1970 and won his first championship in September 1971 by winning a battle royal. He soon won the NWA Southern Tag Team Championship under the managerial service of Sam Bass with partner Jim White.



In 1974, Lawler began feuding with Jackie Fargo, who had been his trainer and mentor. This led to a match for the AWA Southern Heavyweight Championship. On July 24, 1974, Lawler was booked to win the belt and the title of "King of Wrestling." While Lawler began his career as a heel, he became a face after splitting from Bass at the end of 1974. On November 12, 1979, while working in the Continental Wrestling Association (CWA), Lawler defeated Billy Graham to become the CWA World Champion.



In 1980, his career was put on hold due to a broken leg, but he returned to the ring after several months.



In 1982, Lawler had a notorious feud with comedian Andy Kaufman. At the time, Kaufman wrestled women as part of his skits and had declared himself the Intergender Heavyweight Champion. On April 5, Lawler, who had taken exception to the skits, wrestled Kaufman in Memphis. During the course of the match, Lawler delivered two piledrivers to his opponent, sending him to the hospital. On July 29, Lawler slapped Kaufman in the face on an episode of Late Night with David Letterman. Kaufman responded by throwing his coffee on Lawler.




CWA World Tag Team Championship is a major professional wrestling tag team title defended in the Continental Wrestling Association.

Current Champions= The Fabulous Ones who won the belts by defeating The Moondogs.


The Fabulous Ones consisting of Stan Lane and Steve Keirn. The Fabulous Ones compete primarily in North American territories such as the Continental Wrestling Association, Florida Championship Wrestling, Southwest Championship Wrestling. The team is considered one of the first teams to adopt the “Funloving Pretty Boy” gimmick.



Steve Keirn made his professional wrestling debut in 1972, working mostly in the Southern territories of the United States. Keirn often found himself working as a tag-team, most notably alongside.



Mike Graham in Championship Wrestling from Florida. Keirn had joined the Continental Wrestling Association in 1981 as a face and held both singles and tag-team gold. Stan Lane made his professional debut in 1974 and like Keirn had worked mainly in the Southern regions. Lane had come into CWA as a heel in late 1981 but turned face in early 1982 feuding with his former manager Jimmy Hart and his stable of wrestlers.



Steve Keirn and Stan Lane were first brought together in early 1982. Lawler and Jarrett decided to give the two ”Pretty boys” a big push right off the bat, shooting a couple of music videos starring Lane and Keirn set to ZZ Top’s Sharp Dressed Man and Billy Squier’s ”Everybody Wants You” while wearing top hats, sequin tuxedos and the likes. This was one of the first times where music videos were used to get a wrestler ”over” (popular) in pro wrestling, a practice more common today.



The CWA bookers also persuaded local hero The "Fabulous" Jackie Fargo to lend his endorsement to The Fabulous Ones (earning them the nickname ”Fargo’s Fabulous Ones”), which gave the team instant credibility in the South. The original plan for the Fabulous Ones was for them to dispatch the New York Dolls, then turn heel on Lawler and Dundee and be managed by Jim Cornette, but because of the overwhelming popularity of Lane and Keirn those plans were quickly changed.





AWA Southern Heavyweight Championship is a major professional wrestling title in the Continental Wrestling Association promotion. The title is part of a long lineage that is best known while the title was named the AWA Southern Heavyweight Championship for Continental Wrestling Association during the 1970s and 1980s.



It was made when the NWA Southern Junior Heavyweight Championship, in use since 1939, was renamed the NWA Southern Heavyweight Championship (Memphis version) in 1974. The title's name changed again in 1978, when it was renamed the AWA Southern Heavyweight Championship due to a partnership with the American Wrestling Association.



It was also called the Mid-Southern Heavyweight Championship in Pro Wrestling Illustrated and its sister publications, in order for this title to not be confused with Championship Wrestling from Florida's version of the title.

Current Champion= Bill Dundee who won from Dutch Mantell.


Born in Scotland, William Cruickshanks grew up in the circus as a trapeze artist before moving to Australia at the age of 16. He started wrestling in Australia in 1962 and finally arrived in the United States as "Superstar" Bill Dundee in 1974 with his tag team partner George Barnes.

Dundee made a name for himself in the Memphis, Tennessee area where he regularly teamed & feuded with Jerry Lawler and Jimmy Valiant for years.





The NWA Mid-America Heavyweight Championship is a professional wrestling title defended in the U.S. states of Tennessee and Alabama.


The title began in 1957 and lasted first 1980 when it was first abandoned when Jerry Jarrett took over the Mid-American titles from Nick Gulas. Jarrett revived it in 1981, making it a part of the Memphis-based Continental Wrestling Association.

Current Champion= Koko B Ware who won it against Bobby Eaton.


Koko spent his early days in the sport in the Mid-South, Georgia and other NWA territories where he impressed fans enough to vote him the Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rookie of the Year in 1979. Early in his career, Koko Ware (as he was then known) did not find great success, learning the ropes and paying his dues both in Jerry Jarrett’s Continental Wrestling Association and Nick Gulas’ territory in the south.


It was not until late in 1980 that Koko’s fortune changed when he participated in a battle royal to crown the first ever Mid-American Television Champion. The crowd favorite was Jimmy Valiant, who Koko accidentally knocked into Danny Davis and eliminated Valiant. Moments later, Koko dumped Davis to the floor and won his first title. After the match, Jimmy Valiant returned to the ring and beat Koko down. Koko’s feud with Jimmy Valiant was quickly expanded to include the heel Tojo Yamamoto and Koko ally Tommy Rich. When Dutch Mantel returned to the CWA in early 1981 he quickly defeated Koko for the TV title making Koko’s first run with the gold a short one.

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CWA All-Stars

At Channel TV 5

Week 2 April 1983


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Lance Russell and Dave Brown welcome us the show but are quickly cut off as Jerry Lawler comes to the delight of the fans. He tells us it is ridiculous that Austin Idol just cant accept the fact that he won fair and square right in the middle of the ring. So what does he do, he grabs a steel chair and smashes it on me. Well if he wants to go that route I can do it too. And if he wants to we can bash each other again right now. Idol get your butt out here now and bring that wimpy manager of your out here also I might have a few whacks for him too. He waits a few seconds as Jimmy Hart comes out. Jimmy explains that Idol is out of the country right now. He is a hot commodity and is overseas looking to become a bigger star than Lawler could ever be. Lawler was about to say something else when Bob Orton Jr. Comes thru the curtain pearl harbors Lawler. Jimmy just laughs as Orton lays the boots to Lawler. Russell is outraged at this behavior and Dave Brown appeals for Orton to stop.

Rated: C+




1. AWA Southern Heavyweight Title

Bill Dundee ( C ) VS Bobby Eaton


Bill Dundee tries to shake Eaton’s hand before the start of the match. Bobby refuses and slaps Dundee in the face in return. Eaton took several short cuts chokes, eye rakes, etc. but in the end it is Dundee who prevails.

Winner: Bill Dundee

Rated: D+



2. Buddy Rose w/Jim Cornette VS Terry Taylor


Jim Cornette introduces his new client before the start of the match. Buddy and Terry lock up several times at the start of the match and Rose pushes Terry to the ropes and breaks cleanly. Cornette applauds this “Clean” wrestling. They lock up again and this time instead of a clean break Buddy slaps Terry. Terry charges and is meet with a backdrop. From that point on it was Buddy in charge thru out the match. Eventually Rose locks in a figure four to force Terry Taylor to submit.

Winner: Buddy Rose

Rated: D+




After the match Buddy Rose and Jim Cornette go over to the announcers table. Buddy tells Lance Russell he is a winner every where he goes. How can he say he is a winner, because he consistently puts a championship caliber matches and wins them. Lawler, Dundee, and who ever else has a title here are on notice. Because Buddy Rose is here in Memphis for a very long time. Cornette chimes in and says because what Momma wants, Momma gets. She told me to bring this world caliber wrestler here. And no offense to Jimmy Hart, but if Idol cant get the job done by knocking off Lawler, he has the man who can.

Rated: D+




3. The New York Assassins VS The Rock N Roll Express.


Fun little match. RNR Express were hot at the start, Assassins took over in the mid way point working over Robert Gibson. Robert makes the hot tag to Ricky Morton who picks up the win with a missile drop kick.

Winners: Rock N Roll Express

Rated: D




Lance Russell announces that he has just received word that Eddie Marlin has just completed the signing of Dutch Mantell and Bill Dundee for the AWA Southern Heavyweight title. This match will take place later this month for our jam packed card in Jackson TN at the Oman Arena. With that being said Dutch Mantell comes out. He tells Lance and the rest of the fans that what he has to say wont take all day long. Bill Dundee I hope you are real proud that you’re the Southern Champion. But listen up you yellowed bellied egg sucking jerk, That title is mine. And at the end of the month I’m gonna prove it to you. Bring the title, I’ll supply the butt kicking.

Rated: D-




4. The Fabulous Ones ( C ) VS Phil Hickerson and The Spoiler (non-title)


As the song Sharp Dressed Man is played the fans start to cheer as Stan Lane and Steve Keirn come out and high five the fans. They enter the ring and start to take off their ring attire. Hickerson and The Spoiler attack them as we start the match. The Fabs are really being tossed around for a bit but a missed elbow drop from The Spoiler opened the door for The Fabulous Ones to make a comeback. The end saw Steve Keirn pinning Hickerson with a cross body block to secure the win.

Winners: The Fabulous Ones

Rated: C-



Jerry Lawler comes out with an ice pack on his head and pleads with Jerry Jarrett to come out. Jarrett does and asks repeatedly to sanction a match with himself and Bob Orton JR. Jarrett tells Lawler he cant because he is unsure if Orton is even under contract. Besides that Lawler is in no condition to wrestle today. Lawler says he will sign a waiver or anything else he needs to but this match will happen even if its in the parking lot. Jarrett says he has some phone calls to make as Lawler tells him lets go make them then.

Rated: B-




5. Dutch Mantell VS Jacques Rougeau


Dutch is still fired up from his comments earlier wanting to prove a point to Dundee. He really picked apart Jacques. Mantell with eye rack, Mantell with a right hand, Mantell with a clothesline, Mantell, well you get the picture.

Winner: Dutch Mantell

Rated: E+ (didn’t do this for the rating.)




Jimmy Hart comes out and tells us here hears crybaby Lawler wants a match with Orton. Well Orton does indeed have contractual obligations here in Memphis. And he is more than willing to put the crown prince of the rednecks out of wrestling for good. Today will be the last day Memphis will see Jerry Lawler wrestle.

Rated: C




6. Dennis Condrey w/ Jim Cornette VS Bobby Fulton


Winner: Dennis Condry

Rated: D




Dave Brown tells us that we will indeed see Jerry Lawler battle Bob Orton Jr. That match will happen today. But lets first see what led up to this match as we recap the bad blood between Jimmy Hart and Jerry “The King” Lawler. A video segment highlighting the never ending feud between the two is showed.

Rated: D




7. Bob Orton Jr. VS Jerry Lawler (non title)


The war was on right from the start as both men pummeled each other. Lawler is still selling his beatdown earlier so it was a short time before Orton was in control. Orton slowed the pace down taking Lawler down with a chop block. Orton stalked his prey thru out the match. But Lawler makes one of his trademark comebacks. He starts to climb the ring post for a fist drop when Austin Idol appears and throws Jerry off of the top turnbuckle. Referee Paul Morton has no choice but to call for the bell.

Winner: Jerry Lawler by DQ

Rated: B-



Idol and Bob Orton continue to work over Lawler much to the delight of Jimmy Hart he blocks as many officials as he can so his man can continue their assault on Lawler. When it looked like nobody could separate Hart’s men and Lawler, Bill Dundee runs out in street clothes wielding a chair. But Hart and his Family see him and evacuate the ring before Dundee could use the chair on any of them. What a despicable act of cowardice this is yells Lance Russell as we come to the end of the show.

Rated: C




Final Rating: C

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Guest cmdrsam

CWA All-Stars

At Channel TV 5

Week 3 April 1983


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After the opening video segment Lance Russell say we have some major news coming from the AWA as we have a video sent in from Stanley Blackburn. Blackburn announces that in the spirit of cooperation between the AWA and CWA he has decided to send a few AWA wrestlers to the Memphis area. Tonight you will see Adrian Adonis take on Brad Rheingans. Also we will have the AWA’s own, Curt Henning, battle Jerry “The King” Lawler, for the AWA International Title.



With that being said we come out of the video where we see Lance Russell and Curt Henning there. Lance proceeds to welcome Curt to Memphis. Curt thanks Lance and Dave and to the Memphis fans for the warm welcome. He has the utmost respect for Jerry Lawler and to the great fans here in Memphis. But this is a battle he has been training hard for. And make no bones about it. I will take that title back home to Minnesota.

Rated: C-



1. Adrian Adonis VS Brad Rheingans


Incase your wandering this is the biker version not the “Flower Shop” version of Adonis. These two put on a clinic for mat wrestling as the matched each others holds. The end saw Jimmy Hart come down to do some scouting. He inadvertently got involved in the match which distracted Brad long enough for Adonis to grab a hand full of tights to secure the win. Jimmy laughs at Brad who gives chase. But Hart is way to fast for brad to catch him.

Winner: Adrian Adonis

Rated: D+



2. Austin Idol VS Robert Gibson


Austin Idol who usually has the services of his manager near him battles Robert Gibson. Gibson carried himself well but Idol is able to lock on the Las Vegas Leglock on Robert to force him to submit.


Winner: Austin Idol

Rated: D



After the match Austin goes to the announcers table and wants to know why does Stanley Blackburn have someone with less charisma, less potential, and less good looking than him battle for the International Title. Everybody here knows it should be him has champion not Jerry The Queen.

Rated: C+



A short commercial break we come back to The Fabulous Ones, Stan Lane and Steve Keirn next to Dave Brown. The tell us how good it is to be back in Memphis and how proud they are to be the Tag Team Champions. The have been on tour and faced a lot of great tag teams out across the nation. But man is it so good to be back home in Memphis. Now that they are back they hear that The Moondogs want their shot at gold. Well brother just watch this and see if you think your ready for now. They make their way to the ring but we see a close up peaking from the curtains Jimmy Hart and Moondog Rex and Spot.

Rated: C+



3. The Fabulous Ones VS Porkchop Cash and Troy Graham (non Title)


In a short match that showcase the talents of The Fabulous Ones. Steve Keirn picks up the win with a cross body block on Troy Graham. The Moondogs and Jimmy Hart are seen discussing something as The Fabulous ones leave the ring after high fiving the fans as they leave.


Winners: The Fabulous Ones

Rated: D+



4. Mid American Heavyweight Title

Jesse Barr VS Koko B Ware ( C )


A fast paced match that saw Koko secure the win with a missile drop kick to retain his Mid American Heavyweight Championship.


Winner: Koko B Ware

Rated: D-




Bill Dundee comes out to the announcers table. He tells us he has had a lot of wars here in Memphis. But this one between him and one Dutch Mantell is the toughest one so far. But if you think you can beat me, The superstar that I am brother. Then lets sign the deal. For you see Dutch, I have beat them all brother. Lawler, Idol, you name em, they all have fallen before me, Superstar Bill Dundee.

Rated: D



5. AWA Southern Heavyweight Title

Bill Dundee ( C ) VS NY Assassin #1 w/ NY Assassin #2


Bill Dundee was fired up for this match to prove he is ready to defend against Dutch Mantell or anybody else for that matter. This is supposed to be a one on one encounter but #2 got involved several times to swing the advantage to his tag team partner. But Dundee may be short, but he is a firecracker. He finally has had enough as he clotheslines #2 out of the ring and into the fans. He then precedes to take apart NY Assassin #1. He secures the win with a piledriver.


Winner: Bill Dundee

Rated: D+



The match is over but instead of being treated to a Bill Dundee celebration we get The Fabulous Ones and The Moondogs going thru the curtain as they battle each other. Jimmy Hart is running in circles trying to direct his troops while blowing a whistle. The Fabulous Ones give as well as they take. But ring officials and other wrestlers from the back finally get the two teams separated.

Rated: C-



6. Buddy Rose w/ Jim Cornette VS King Cobra


After putting on a showcase of his skills Buddy Rose ends the match with sleeper hold.

Winner: Buddy Rose

Rated: D



After a short break we come back and are showed a highlight reel of Curt Henning and Jerry Lawler courtesy of stock footage. The video hypes over the upcoming match for the AWA International Title.

Rated: D



7. AWA International Title

Curt Henning VS Jerry Lawler ( c )


The two shake hands before the start of the match. But this match is for biggest belt in the region so they go at each other pretty hard. Lawler even broke out a drop kick which stunned not only Curt but the fans on how well it was executed. O no look out yells Lance Russell as Bob Orton and Austin Idol storm the ring.


Winner: Draw

Rated: C



Referee Jerry Calhoun calls for the bell as Orton and Austin crash the match. Orton works over Henning as Idol works on Lawler. But both Henning and Lawler at the same time fire back on their men. After looking at each other and nodding they whip Orton and Idol into each other sending both men crashing to the mat. Jimmy Hart yells for his men to get out of the ring as Jerry Lawler and Curt Henning exchange hand shakes again as we come to the close of the show.

Rated: D





overall: D+

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