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WWE - Entertainment Turned on it's Head!

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Ok, so I thought I would jump on the band wagon and write my own diary, I'm going to be original with this one folks, so yep, you've guessed it ..... another WWE diary! This is my first diary so hopefully I can make this enjoyable enough for everyone so much so that you guys actually keep coming back to read it. This diary is set the very next night after WrestleMania 25. So in order to get you guys up to date with what has happened in the last three weeks of WWE television take a look below.......


Return of a Legend

On the March 16th edition of WWE Monday Night RAW; WWE Legend Ric Flair made an appearance after being called to the ring by an irate Chris Jericho. Jericho was annoyed and felt humiliated after Ric Flair cost him a chance to go to Mania and be involved in the "Money in the Bank" ladder match the week before. Flair came to the ring and said he distracted Jericho last week to prove a point that no legend is afraid of Jericho. Jericho called Flair a "Fan pleaser" and challenged him yet again to a match at WrestleMania 25. Flair went on to say as tempting as it is to go to Mania again, it's not going to happen! Jericho proceeded to then punch Flair in the face and follow it up by putting the boots to a fallen Ric Flair. It was at that point that ..."Glass Shattered" and out came Stone Cold Steve Austin, sporting a new look now that he has shaven off his famed goatee off.


Austin ran to the ring in aide of Flair as Jericho hot tailed it out of the ring and backed his way up the entrance ramp. As Jericho backed up the entrance ramp looking angry Austin then got a mic and said that he is sick and tired of watching RAW and seeing Jericho walking around thinking he can 'whoop ass' at any time he pleases. Austin went on to say that there is only one man who can whoop ass whenever he wants and that's Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin then brought up the fact that these last couple of weeks Jericho has gone around beating down on legends, Austin then paused and said come the night before WrestleMania 25 he officially in the eyes of the WWE Hall of Fame will become a legend. Austin then started to smile and asked Jericho how he felt about trying to beat down on the legend of 3:16 come WrestleMania 25. Jerichio screamed back "You're on STEVE"! as the crowd went nuts.


With the match confirmed WWE went on a huge promotional campaign across WWE television on RAW, Smackdown and ECW hyping Austin taking on Jericho at WrestleMania 25. In the build up to their big match Jericho cut promo after promo playing on Austin's neck issues. Jericho also went on to say that he would take great pride in crippling Austin at Mania.


It was also annoucned by WWE that Mickey Rourke would be at ringside for this one.


"Money in the Bank" and "Miss WrestleMania"

The "Money in the Bank" ladder match as well as the WrestleMania 25-Dvia Battle Royal match where the winner is declared "Miss WrestleMania" were hyped as well. When it came to the 25-Dvia Battle Royal old faces like Trish Stratus, Jackie Gayda, Tori, Sunny, Alundra Blayze and Wendi Richter as well as the returning Gail Kim along with a number of Diva's from RAW, Smackdown and ECW were also hyped to appear in the battle royal via weekly graphics on WWE tv. The "Money in the Bank" ladder match was also hyped acrossed all three shows as all participants within the match had one-on-one matches with each other in what the commentators claimed were "tune-up" matches. Going into Mania Christian, MVP, CM Punk and the WWE United States Champion Shelton Benjamin were likely candidates to capture the briefcase in the eyes of the wrestling online community.


JBL wants to do something Historic at Mania!


On the March 16th edition of WWE Monday Night RAW new WWE Intercontinental champion John Bradshaw Layfield made his way to the ring with what he claimed was his 'Historic WrestleMania Announcement' that everyone has been dying to hear. JBL said that for weeks everyone was wondering what was it going to be that was so historic that only JBL could do? JBL said what he had in mind was something no one has ever done at Mania before and that's retire that very night in the ring as a champion. JBL ran down possible candidates for himself to face at Mania however he was interrupted by the Russian Vladmir Kozlov who came to the ring and demanded that he face JBL for the Intercontinental championship at Mania. A smug JBL reminded Kozlov of the fact that they had a match against The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels on RAW that night and that they should work as a team rather than against each other. JBL also took the opportunity to remind Kozlov that he wasn't in his leauge anyway. An angered Kozlov sqaured up to JBL and said that he will get what he wants in the end.

It was on this very night that while backstage on RAW Rey Mysterio made a sarcastic comment towards interim RAW General Manager Vickie Guerrero. Vickie had just had Edge shout at her for messing around with The Big Show behind his back. As Edge walked off Rey Mysterio came into shot and said to Vickie "It's not all bad Vickie, i'm sure Eddie's proud of you anyway". Mysterio then went on to say that Vickie disgusted him and was a disgrace to the Guerrero name. Mysterio then walked off as Vickie was left looking angry. Later that night Mania opponents Taker and HBK teamed up to take on JBL and Kozlov. Prior to this match it was announced that RAW interim General Manager and Smackdown General Manager Vickie Guerrero made an interpromotional match for that weeks Smackdown pitting Rey Mysterio in a No-DQ match with Vladmir Kozlov. Anyway back to the RAW main event, during the match Kozlov decided to leave half way though the match and left JBL a sitting duck. As Kozlov left the ring an angry JBL hit HBK over the head with his Intercontinental championship ending the match in a DQ. JBL left ringside clutching his Intercontinental championship as RAW ended with Taker helping up HBK before then locking up in a stare down with him as RAW went off the air.


On the March 20th edition of Smackdown Intercontinental Champion JBL made a surprise appearance as he entered Smackdown General Manager's office Vickie Guerrero. Vickie decided to cash in her favour for giving JBL his Intercontinental championship shot against CM Punk the week earlier. However Vickie Guerrero's favour was not heard by the viewers at home. Later that night in a No-DQ match between Rey Mysterio and Vladmir Kozlov; JBL came running down, postioned himself up to attack Kozlov but instead attacked Rey Mysterio. JBL beated down on Rey and left him bloody. While this was going on Kozlov stole JBL's Intercontinental championship which was in the ring and left ringside as JBL looked annoyed with Kozlov and while Rey Mysterio was left a bloody mess in the middle of the ring. It would later transpire via a video on WWE.COM that Vickie's favour to JBL was for JBL to get rid of Rey Mysterio from the WWE.


The March 23rd edition of RAW saw JBL coming to the ring asking for Koslov to give back his Intercontinental championship. Kozlov came down to the ring and said he would give JBL back his championship but on the condition he would get a shot at the title at WrestleMania 25. JBL agreed and said he would regain his championship and make history by retiring with the title the very same night. This brought out Rey Mysterio who came from the crowd and attacked both men, hitting both JBL and Koslov with 619's. After the commercial break Vickie Guerrero backstage told JBL and Kozlov that they would team up to face Rey Mysterio later that night. The handicap match in the end never happened as the team of JBL and Kozlov broke down as both men started to fight with each other. Vickie Guerrero later decided on that weeks Smackdown that she had to see sense and if she wanted to eliminate Rey Mysterio from WWE the best thing to do was to have a three-way at Mania for the Intercontinental championship having JBL defend his championship against both Kozlov and Rey Mysterio.


In the build up to the triple-threat match at Mania JBL continued to claim he would regain his championship and retire as champion in the same night making WrestleMania history like only JBL can!


Title Unification at Mania 25


In the mood for making matches at WrestleMania 25 Vickie Guerrero decided that she had seen enough of the current feud between World Tag Team Champions Miz and Morrison and the WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito and Primo that she decided that the two teams would face each other at WrestleMania in a match which would see both the World and WWE Tag Team Championships unified making the winners the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions.


HBK-Undertaker; The Road to WrestleMania 25 continues


In a match that everyone was looking forward to and even were going as far to as calling the unofficial main event for WrestleMania 25; The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, was capturing everyone's atteniton. The feud was built up fantastically. Neither man laid a hand on each other until the last week leading up to WreslteMania where The Undertaker showed up on RAW and chokeslamed HBK in the middle of the ring. Shawn Michaels later showed up on Smackdown later that week and super kicked The Undertaker in the face and stood over him as Smackdown came to an end.


Brother Vs. Brother


Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy continued their personal rivalry as the weeks lead on to WrestleMania. Matt went on to claim that at WrestleMania 25 his brother would crash and burn and this time wouldn't get up!


The Main Events


Both World title matches continued to be built up currently like they are on tv now. When it came to the triple-threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Edge went around backstage on RAW and Smackdown accusing everyone and anyone of sleeping with Vickie Guerrero. John Cena continued to make fun of the paranoid champion while The Big Show as normal was built like a monster in the build to WrestleMania. The ever so personal WWE Championship match between Orton and Triple H was built up great as well. On the March 16th edition of RAW Orton informed the viewers at home that he himself bailed Triple H out of prison after Hunter attacked him in his own home the week previous. Orton said he bailed HHH out because he wanted to beat HHH at WrestleMania and finally beat his Evolution mentor which in turn would have the circle of Evolution come complete. In the weeks build to Mania; Orton and HHH went back to their no touching each other rule which could only be broken if Orton attacked HHH first, of course this rule was broken a number of times as HHH and Orton continued their personal build up to a huge Mania main event.


Here are the matches for WrestleMania 25 below, I will post the results up as well as some news bits from the event next. It won't be a full write up just notes and results. The full write ups officially begin with the RAW after WrestleMania 25.


WWE Championship

Triple H © vs. Randy Orton


Triple-Threat World Heavyweight Championship

Edge © vs. The Big Show vs. John Cena


The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels


Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho


Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy


"Money in the Bank" Ladder Match

Finlay vs. Mark Henry vs. Kane vs. Christian vs. CM Punk vs. WWE United States Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP vs. Kofi Kingston


Triple-Threat for the Intercontintal Championship

John Bradshaw Layfield © vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Vladmir Kozlov


WrestleMania 25-Dvia Battle Royal winner is declared "Miss WrestleMania"

Featuring WWE Women's Champion Melina, Mickie James, Layla El, Jillian Hall, Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix, Rosa Mendaz, Maria, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Eve Torres, WWE Diva's Champion Maryse, Michelle McCool, Natalya, Alicia Fox, Tiffany, Katie Lea and WWE Diva's from the past such as Trish Stratus, Jackie Gayda, Ivory, Tori, Alundra Blayze, Wendi Richter, Sunny and the returning Gail Kim.


Title vs. Title - Winners become the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions

WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito and Primo Colon vs. World Tag Team Champions The Miz and John Morrison





Hope you all enjoy this diary as it gets started!

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WWE Championship

Randy Orton defeated Triple H © to capture the WWE Championship


Triple-Threat World Heavyweight Championship

Edge © defeated The Big Show and John Cena to regain his World Heavyweight Championship


The Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels


Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated Chris Jericho


Matt Hardy defeated Jeff Hardy


"Money in the Bank" Ladder Match

Christian defeated Finlay, Mark Henry, Kane, CM Punk, WWE United States Champion Shelton Benjamin, MVP, Kofi Kingston


Triple-Threat for the Intercontintal Championship

John Bradshaw Layfield © defeated Rey Mysterio and Vladmir Kozlov to regain his Intercontintal championship. After the match JBL announced his retirement from wrestling; JBL retired as Intercontintal champion


WrestleMania 25-Dvia Battle Royal winner is declared "Miss WrestleMania"

Trish Stratus defeated WWE Women's Champion Melina, Mickie James, Layla El, Jillian Hall, Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix, Rosa Mendaz, Maria, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Eve Torres, WWE Diva's Champion Maryse, Michelle McCool, Natalya, Alicia Fox, Tiffany, Katie Lea, Jackie Gayda, Ivory, Tori, Alundra Blayze, Wendi Richter, Sunny, Gail Kim. Trish Status officially is declared "Miss WrestleMania" after elimintaing Michelle McCool last to win the battle royal.


Title vs. Title - Winners become the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions

World Tag Team Champions The Miz and John Morrison defeated WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito and Primo to become the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions

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WrestleMania 25 notes


Orton-HHH came off very huge at Mania. The match ended the show and saw the finish of Orton beating HHH with the fourth RKO of the match. The match featured no interference from Legacy or anyone defending HHH. The match went 25 plus minutes and despite Orton winning the match; HHH still looked strong in defeat as the finish was built to show the match truly could have gone either way seen as both men by this period in the match were extremely tired.


Edge-Big Show-Cena was a very straight forward triple-threat match with a few cool little spots. During the match Edge seemingly had the match won when he speared The Big Show while Cena was on the outside recovering from a chokeslam he took from the Big Show. As Edge was about to get the win Vickie Guerrero ran down and pulled Edge off of Big Show. At this point John Cena got in the ring and did the Attitude Adjustment to Vickie. As the match carried on Vickie Guerrero was stretchered out of the arena. Edge won the match with a spear on Big Show after John Cena had done an Attitude Adjustment to Big Show and had then been kicked out of the ring by Edge so he couldn't break up the fall.


Taker-HBK stole the show with amazing reversals and in-ring work. The match really did look to go Shawn Michaels way at one point but Taker won with a tombstone on HBK for the 1,2,3.


Jeff Hardy-Matt Hardy was very exciting. Before the match started Lillan Garcia announced that the match would now be No-DQ. During the match Lita made a shock appearance on the entrance way watching the match. She later came down to the ring and watched the match till its end. Matt Hardy got the win over his brother Jeff with a twist of fate off of a ladder through a table. Lita did not interfer in the match at all as she just stood at ringside watching. As Matt Hardy had his hand raised Lita slowly walked off shaking her head. Both Matt and Jeff had to be helped backstage after the match.


Austin-Jericho went down extremely well. Mickey Rourke was shown at ringside throughout the whole night but during the match Rourke got involved and DDT'ed Jericho after Jericho had slapped him in the face. Rourke then stood at ringside along with Ric Flair, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper amd Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat as Stone Cold did his famed stunner to Jericho for the win.

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- Adam Martin of WrestleView.com is reporting that both Matt and Jeff Hardy were pretty banged up after their amazing no-DQ match at WrestleMania 25. Jeff Hardy is said to be more banged up than his brother Matt though. Jeff took a twist of fate through a table off of a ladder from his brother Matt Hardy at the close of their match. Both Matt and Jeff are expected to work on through any nagging injuries they may have though.


- Many were shocked at the appearance of former WWE diva Amy "Lita" Dumas last night during the match between Matt and Jeff Hardy at Mania. What's even more shocking is that Lita did not take part in the 25 Diva battle royal earlier on in the night. Word has it that Lita has not signed a contract with WWE and neither has she expressed any nature to sign one either. It's believed the only reason she was there was because of her past with both the Hardy Boyz plus Lita was previously booked to appear at TNA superstar Booker T's wrestling convention during the weekend of WrestleMania 25. Lita later turned down Booker T's convention in favour of Mania.


- It's believed that Chris Jericho could be taking some time off in the near future due to some nagging injuries. It's also believed that Jericho was injured during his match with WWE Legend Stone Cold Steve Austin last night at Mania. Jericho was seen limping to the back after taking two stunners in a row from Austin at the conclusion of their match.


- It's believed that many guys in the locker room were shocked after Christian won the "Money in the Bank" match at Mania last night. Many thought that one was going to MVP. Christian's win is being seen by many as Christian's big chance to impress.

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Mania Fallout, but will there be a Backlash?


Less than 24 hours after the biggest stage of them all, WrestleMania, WWE RAW comes Live from Houstin, TX. What can we expect on the last RAW before the official WWE Draft? What does our new WWE Champion Randy Orton and his Legacy have in store for us as a new era of Orton begins. Will there be a Backlash following Orton's defeat of the Game last night? ....


WWE.com can officially confirm that WWE C.E.O. Linda McMahon will be in attendance tonight on RAW, but why is Linda coming to RAW tonight? Only time will tell what Linda has to say and whether or not our new WWE Champion Randy Orton is going to like it or not.


WrestleMania 25 didn't just bring us a new WWE Champion but it also brought us a new Mr. "Money in the Bank". Christian last night shocked the world when he showed everyone that he is back when he captured that "Money in the Bank" briefcase. Now with only one week away from the official WWE draft is Christian out to create a little shock or two tonight by cashing in his championship opporunity. Anything is possible as tonight ECW superstar Christian is expected to appear Live! on RAW!

After playing a losing part in "Money in the Bank" last night at WrestleMania 25 what should we expect of Kane tonight as he takes on Ted Dibiase of the Legacy? Plus WWE Women's Champion Melina teams with Kelly Kelly to take on "The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix and her intern, Rosa Mendez Live! tonight only on RAW!



Non-Title - WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions The Miz and John Morrison vs. CM Punk and Kofi Kingston

Dolph Ziggler vs. Goldust

WWE Women's Champion Melina and Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendez

Ted DiBiase vs. Kane

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