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10-Man Battle Royal for #1 Contendership to US Title

Shawn Michaels, Shawn Stasiak, Rick Steiner, Hugh Morris, Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, Bam Bam Bigelow, Diamond Dallas Page, Elix Skipper, Jamie Noble

-Shawn's the biggest name in the match, but I think the US title is beneath him. Though I could see him winning the battle royal so he has something to do at GAB, I'm going to go with DDP and say HBK is eliminated in controversial fashion, setting up a match for him on the PPV.


Norman Smiley v Toro

-Toro's going to squash him, Big Wiggle be damned.


Shane Helms & Billy Kidman v Chavo Guerrero Jr & AJ Styles

-This one really could go either way. A victory over the champ could keep Chavito strong heading into his title shot, so that would make sense. But since Sugar Shane was already pinned at Legacy, I think he could use a win to get some of his heat back.


The Natural Born Thrillers © v Scott Steiner & Lance Storm - Nontitle

-I don't think it'd make much since for Scotty to be on the losing end here, 6 days before his title shot.


(Starting from here to Bash @ The Beach, I'm going to have a prediction competition, whoever wins at the end of the BATB will get the chance to help me with a creative decision in the game, hope ya'll predict!)

-That's a good idea. I've actually been toying with the idea of introducing some kind of reward for predictions in my own diary.

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WCW Monday Night Nitro: 90 MINS



On Bravo!

Live from Houston, TX in front of 14,089 fans.




Dark Matches


Booker T def. ??? B

- Was testing out the new acquisition in this dark match against the champ, and I definitely enjoyed the result. I'm gonna give the plans between these two a green light.






Main Show


After a decent-sized pyro display at the stage our cameras zoom in to our commentators of the night Tony Schiavone and 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan.




Tony: Welcome everyone to yet another new episode of Monday Night Nitro! Tony Schiavone here alongside Hulk Hogan, Hulk what an episode last week was huh?

Hulk: Oh you bet Schiavone, last week as if we thought all the past was over and done with between Booker T and Shawn Michaels, it seems that it all just re-heated back up!

Tony: Wonder what the fallout from that's gonna be, anyways the Great American Bash is live this Sunday! 3 Hours of pure WCW action and what a show it's looking to be so far!

Hogan: We've got Booker T taking on Scott Steiner to defend his World Heavyweight Championship so far, and we've got the Tag and Cruiserweight titles on the line! So far lookin' to be a great card Tony.

Tony: And tonight we've got matches that we think could rival Sunday's card.

Hogan: Main event for the evening's gonna be the Tag team Champs the Natural Born Thrillers taking on Lance Storm & Scott Steiner. And the newcomer Toro will face Norman Smiley this week.

Tony: Don't forget Cruiserweight tag-team action and a 10-Man Battle Royal to find out who's going to GAB to challenge for Lance Storm's United States Championship, and that match is now!



2 Min




10 Man Battle Royal for #1 Contendership to US Championship

(Shawn Michaels, Shawn Stasiak, Rick Steiner, Hugh Morris, Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell, Bam Bam Bigelow, Diamond Dallas Page, Elix Skipper, Jamie Noble)





- As usual, an all-out brawl starts off this one.

- Early on Totally Buff looks as if their advantage of being a team is working for them, nearly getting Morris out.

- The Cruiserweights are holding their own as well.

- Though that soon stops working as Noble throws Skipper out...


- Noble taunts Skipper as Stasiak then comes from behind and throws Noble out.


- DDP works on Bam Bam as the others soon join him trying to get the big man out.

- But Bam Bam fights back and holds the others off.

- In the confusion, DDP accidentally knocks out Rick Steiner, although the less the better y'know?


- Hugh Morris tries throwing Stasiak out but the youngster holds his own and then whips Morris out of the ring.


- Totally Buff still tries the teamwork against Bam Bam.

- But Bam Bam then picks up both and dumps them over the top.



- Final 4: Michaels, Stasiak, Page, Bigelow

- HBK works on Bigelow while Stasiak works on DDP.

- Even match so far until Stasiak lands on the outside of the ropes but manages to hang on.

- He ends up grabbing DDP's head and somehow suplexes him out of the ring!


- While this happens Michaels chops Bam Bam off the ring apron.


- Stasiak and Michaels have a brief staredown and then go at it.

- Pretty even for a couple of minutes until Michaels gets on the ring apron.

- Stasiak looks close to taking Michaels out until he ducks a punch and gets back in.

- Stasiak misses a standing clothesline as HBK ducks and then hits him with a Heartbreaker! Stasiak flies out of the ring!


Winner and #1 Contender to the United States Championship: Shawn Michaels in 17:17!


- Thought this match rating suited the match, very pleased.






Michaels then immediately beckons for someone from ringside to hand him a microphone.


HBK: Cut the music! Last week, I put my trust into a man who said that his actions at WCW Legacy were purely accidental. Yet last week, he nearly repeated the same mistake again. Booker T! I don't want to hear any excuses tonight, I just want you to know I will never fall for any of this stuff again! I'm not saying that I won't watch your back anymore, as you've got a big target on your back. But let me just say that no one screws Shawn Michaels over, nobody.



3 Min


Tony: Well Michaels certainly is a cheery fellow today.

Hulk: Tony, you know as well as I that Booker nearly hit HBK again last week, he has every right to be mad at the Champ.




Norman Smiley v Toro


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/NormanSmiley.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Toro.jpg


- Of course you could obviously tell this thing wasn't going any other way.

- Toro dominates from the very beginning, and quickly puts away Norman Smiley with a Chokeslam.


Winner: Toro in 1:28



- Blah, thought it'd get a C at least but I'll take it.






Mitchell: So far this year my client has demonstrated the sheer power he can generate and the destruction that he can wreak across WCW. He demands better competition, this man is going to be the man to single-handedly cause the death of WCW! He will pulverize and destroy anyone he comes into contact with, and he needs bigger and more badder victims...so...




Buff: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa...calm down there shorty. You say you want the biggest and baddest? Well you've got it, Totally Buff accepts your challenge for the Great American Bash!


Mitchell: Ha! You must be joking! You two haven't won a match since the return of WCW, I highly doubt you'll be able to put away Toro. But nonetheless, Toro needs some rag dolls to throw around so consider the match all signed and ready, as this Sunday you will meet your doomsday! Hahahaha!



5 Min


Tony: Well Totally Buff sticking their foot in the door and challenging Toro to a match at the Great American Bash!

Hulk: Sure there might be a power difference between these two and that monster but I'm thinking the numbers difference will definitely play into this one.






A graphic is then shown for the night's main event, featuring the Natural Born Thrillers in non-title action against Lance Storm & Scott Steiner. The video then shows both of those teams in action from before.



3 Min




Shane Helms & Billy Kidman v Chavo Guerrero Jr & AJ Styles


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShaneHelms.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BillyKidman.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/AJStyles.jpg


- Guerrero starts off against Kidman, Guerrero gets the momentum early on.

- Kidman somehow breaks free and tags to his partner, Champion meets Challenger.

- Helms has the advantage until Guerrero uses a cheap move to get ahead.

- Guerrero tags to Styles who shows what he's made of.

- But Helms soon fights back and tags back to Kidman.

- Kidman goes for a top-rope crossbody but Styles hits a nice dropkick while Kidman comes down! Styles makes the tag.

- Guerrero pounds away at Kidman for awhile, trying some technical moves.

- But Kidman slips away and goes back using some aerial maneuvers.

- After a nice frankenrana Kidman makes the tag.

- Helms goes for a Shining Wizard but Guerrero slips away and goes for a Gory Bomb, Helms slips away.

- Guerrero starts chopping way at Helms as Styles soon gets the tag.

- Nice top-rope dropkick from the rookie!

- Styles tries a pin but Helms easily kicks out.

- Helms hits a nice kick to the head as Kidman gets the tag.

- Kidman knocks down Styles and hits a Shooting Star Press! 1...2...

- Guerrero drags Kidman off!

- Helms runs into the ring and hits a Shining Wizard on Guerrero!

- Kidman then crawls over to Styles and drapes an arm over him, 1...2...3!


Winners: Billy Kidman & Shane Helms in 15:48



- Don't know why the rating was this low, thought the match really did good, Styles started to tire towards the end.






After the match Billy Kidman leaves, as soon as he heads backstage Elix Skipper and Jamie Noble appear from the crowd and then beat down Helms, Guerrero stays outside of the ring and watches the beatdown ensue. Noble's about to hit a big kick to the side of the head when WCW Management Representative Ricky Steamboat stands on the entrance ramp.




Steamboat: Hold it right there Noble! Don't even think about doing it! Listen, I know you two aren't happy with last week's result with Guerrero becoming the #1 Contender to the Cruiserweight Championship, there's nothing I can do about that. But...seeing as you two want to pick apart the champion I'm going to make a change to the Cruiserweight Title Match, at the Great American Bash it will be Shane Helms vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Elix Skipper vs. Jamie Noble in a Fatal 4-Way for the Cruiserweight Championship!



6 Min


Tony: Wow this PPV just seems to be getting better and better!

Hulk: Man this is going to be some great cruiserweight action at the Great American Bash!






Goldberg is shown backstage by himself staring into the camera.


Goldberg: Last week Sting, you decided to have some fun and play your mind games with me, resulting in you cheaply attacking me from behind last week. Well you can't run anymore Sting, I went to WCW Management Representative Ric Flair last week and asked him if we could have a little match at the Great American Bash. And you want to know something Stinger? He thought it was a great idea and immediately approved it. This Sunday, you can't turn off the lights on me, you can't attack me from behind, as this Sunday, you'll be facing me!



5 Min


Tony: This just can't get any better!





The Natural Born Thrillers © v Scott Steiner & Lance Storm


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChuckPalumbo.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SeanOHaire.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ScottSteiner.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LanceStorm.jpg


- Steiner starts off against Palumbo, the two try to outdo eachother with some power moves.

- Until Steiner tags to Storm, who immediately demonstrates what makes him such a great technical wrestler.

- Palumbo soon starts to fight back and throws Storm off of him, tagging to O'Haire.

- Sean tries some quick kicks to Storm but Storm takes him down.

- Storm then tags to Steiner as he then throws Sean out of the ring and then poses to the chagrin of the fans.

- O'Haire sneaks in and dropkicks Steiner to no avail.

- Steiner goes for a big slam but O'Haire slips away and tags to Palumbo.

- Palumbo goes on a string of hitting some big clotheslines.

- Steiner then ducks one and tags to Storm.

- Storm tries a standing headlock but Palumbo hits a big back suplex.

- Palumbo tries a cover but Steiner kicks him off.

- Steiner then hits a big boot as Storm goes for the Texas Cloverleaf.

- He's got it locked in!

- It stays in for awhile until O'Haire runs in and dropkicks Storm off of him.

- O'Haire then hits a running crossbody and slips out of the ring.

- Palumbo fights back against Storm who makes a tag to Steiner.

- Steiner then floors Palumbo and then goes for a Steiner Recliner but O'Haire distracts him.

- Palumbo then makes the tag as O'Haire immediately for a crossbody but Steiner just catches him and slams him to the ground.

- Steiner then easily locks in the Steiner Recliner as Lance Storm gets in the ring to make sure Palumbo can't come in.

- O'Haire then taps.


Winners: Scott Steiner & Lance Storm in 17:58



- Thought it could've been better, though pretty consistent match ratings are really what I'm looking for.


Tony: And the Tag Team Champs have been put away!

Hulk: It seems Storm & Steiner were just too much for the champs today.

Tony: Now wait what the hell is this? Here come the challengers for this belts this Sunday, here comes KroniK!






KroniK then get in the ring and then beatdown their opponents at the Great American Bash, Scott Steiner & Lance Storm then join the fight until...




World Heavyweight Champion Booker T comes down for the save, he then throws Storm out of the ring and tries fighting against Steiner, KroniK then start to pulverize the champ until...




Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash run down to the ring! Nash immediately hits a big boot on Bryan Clark sending him out of the ring while Michaels hits a Heartbreaker Kick on Adams sending him flying out of the ring. Michaels then gets up and gets in Booker's face. Booker then nods and just is shown mouthing the words thank you to Michaels, the two then embrace in the ring as it seems that their differences may have finally been put aside.



7 Min


Tony: Well partner I think it's finally over! This bad blood between Shawn Michaels & Booker T is not over and both can now focus on their title matches at the Great American Bash.

Hulk: Good, now all they have to do is just focus on the competition. See all of you folks on Sunday!

Tony: As will I, Tony Schiavone signing off for WCW Monday Night Nitro, we'll see you at the Great American Bash!




Final Rating: B-


Quick Results


Booker T def. ???


Shawn Michaels wins the Battle Royal for the #1 Contendership to the US Title

Toro def. Norman Smiley

Shane Helms & Billy Kidman def. Chavo Guerrero Jr & AJ Styles

Scott Steiner & Lance Storm def. The Natural Born Thrillers




The Final Countdown: 3 / 4

- Dude I swear, when I read the notes I put underneath your predictions I usually think to myself 'Damn I should've done that' lol, thanks for the prediction.






Current Great American Bash Card


World Heavyweight Championship

Booker T © v Scott Steiner


Sting v Goldberg


United States Championship

Shawn Michaels v Lance Storm ©


World Tag Team Championships

The Natural Born Thrillers © v KroniK


Cruiserweight Championship

'Sugar' Shane Helms © v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Elix Skipper v Jamie Noble


Totally Buff v Toro




Any thoughts on the show? Because I noticed the comments sort of just dropped off on this thread, and I know that if you can take the time to read it, then you can certainly take the time to comment on it.

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Comments drop off all the time... Don't take it personally...


I really enjoy what you're doing, be interesting to see where you head with some things.... I'd love to see Toro get over huge.... Toro vs Goldberg would be fantastic if they're both monsters

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- Monday Night RAW this week got a B rating, the show was headlined by Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle def. Edge & Christian


- Thursday Night Smackdown! however got a C+, headlind by Steve Austin going over Kane.


- Surprising news this week came when Eddie Guerrero appeared on a radio show and announced that he had a falling out with friend Dean Malenko.




- The Great American Bash is this weekend for WCW, the event is currently being headlined by Booker T vs. Scott Steiner for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.


- WCW has indeed signed one of WWF's releases from last week, they plan on debuting him sometime in July. He was rumoured to have been working a dark match on the past episode of Nitro.


- WCW Chairman Preston Scott is reportedly interested in re-opening Thursday Night Thunder. When asked about this Scott simply said, "I'm definitely interested in bringing Thunder back, but first off we've got to get situated with our current show Nitro."


TV Ratings


Monday Night RAW - 4.07 (+.01)

WCW Monday Night Nitro - 2.35 (+.03)

Thursday Night Smackdown! - 3.85 (SAME)






Who could possibly be at the door now? I've got business to take care of...


"Oh hey Patrick, come on in."


"Hey dad, read in the Wrestling Observer today that you were interested in bringing back Thursday Night Thunder?"


"Definitely Pat, trust me, we're currently shooting up like a rocket and we're going to need a 2nd show soon to help build more storylines."


"You do understand we need a bigger roster right? Even currently we're running a bit short on guys."


"Hey, you've got the creative control. So sign away, just don't go crazy with the money like your no-good mother."


"Dad, drop it."


And with that I quickly left my dad's office before he started off on another tangent of trash-talking about my mom, who left him about 10 years ago. Ever since she left, he seems to be less trust-worthy of the people around him. But I'm sure he'll eventually become more trusting soon.


Anyways, what was I doing? Ah yes, signing new workers. Could go around the indies, head overseas, well Dad told me to go sign whoever right? Guess it doesn't matter what I did.


And so I picked up the phone...

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Great American Bash



Live on PPV in Chicago, IL




World Championship Wrestling proudly presents the return of the Great American Bash! WCW promises to give you 3 straight hours of entertainment of some of the greatest professional wrestling action ever! Ever since the return of WCW two weeks ago, World Heavyweight Champ Booker T has had his hands full with not just Scott Steiner, his opponent for tonight, but also some growing tension with Shawn Michaels. Booker has said that he's completely focused on his title match tonight, but the big mystery is if Shawn Michaels would show up. Michaels has his own match tonight against Lance Storm for the US Championship, in what should be a great matchup. Two other titles are on the line tonight as the Natural Born Thrillers will defend their Tag Titles against KroniK while Shane Helms will defend his Cruiserweight Title against three others tonight. The team of Totally Buff will also be in action against the monster Toro while Goldberg will look to settle the score against Sting, who he's a had a beef with for the past couple of weeks. Six monstrous matches, six reasons for you to order WCW Great American Bash on InDemand this Sunday, we'll see you there!




Totally Buff v Toro


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LexLuger.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BuffBagwell.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Toro.jpg


Ever since Toro stepped foot in a WCW ring, he's left nothing but a path of destruction behind him. Leaving Norman Smiley, Rick Steiner, and Bam Bam Bigelow all victims of a monstrous clothesline, but he finally might have some competition in Totally Buff. Lex Luger & Buff Bagwell both have been bit on a slump lately but both are desperate to get back to their winning ways as they try to take down James Mitchell's monster. It's going to be one big powerhouse against a team of powerhouses, an all-out power matchup. Can Toro claim victory yet again in WCW or will Totally Buff finally stop this monster? Order Great American Bash now to find out!


'Fatal 4-Way for the Cruiserweight Championship'

Shane Helms © v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Elix Skipper v Jamie Noble




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShaneHelms.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ElixSkipper.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JamieNoble.jpg


Cruiserweight Champion 'Sugar' Shane Helms finds himself defending against three other challengers for his title at the Great American Bash. Helms first was to defend against Chavo Guerrero Jr who won against these other two in a triple-threat match two weeks ago on Nitro. However, Skipper & Noble then attacked Helms on the previous episode of Nitro prompting WCW Management Representative Ricky Steamboat to make this match a fatal-four way matchup. With the three challengers hungry to climb back into the spotlight and reclaim the Cruiserweight Championship, expect anything to happen in this one. And remember, the champion does not have to be pinned in order for the title to exchange hands.


'WCW World Tag-Team Championships' - 'Tornado Tag'

The Natural Born Thrillers © v KroniK




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChuckPalumbo.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SeanOHaire.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BrianAdams.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BryanClark.jpg


After defending their titles against KroniK on the first episode of Nitro, KroniK attacked the Natural Born Thrillers, causing Ric Flair to grant them a rematch against the NBTs. This time in a Tornado Tag match, meaning that there are no tags, both members of the tag team fighting against the other two members at the same time. WCW Announcer Tony Schiavone interviewed Palumbo on Wednesday and said that this match is now personal after KroniK attacked the champions after their main event bout on Monday Night Nitro. The NBTs certainly looked focused, but KroniK themselves have been training pretty hard as well, who will prevail in this match and take home the tag team titles? Order the Great American Bash now to find out!


'WCW United States Championship'

Shawn Michaels v Lance Storm ©




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnMichaels.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LanceStorm.jpg


Both of these WCW Superstars both found themselves having some major controversy follow them when the return of WCW happened. Storm captured the United States Championship from Booker T at WCW Legacy, although it was 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner who helped Storm get the victory by taunting Booker. While Michaels found himself being kicked in the jaw by Booker, who was trying to gain some retribution by trying to kick Steiner, who rolled out of the way. Michaels and Booker both had a bit of a war of words but both eventually got over the scuffle, until it nearly happened again two weeks ago. Though last week the two seem to have once again made up. This Sunday, it's going to be all business when these two get in the ring as both are looking for a way to help catapult them towards a possible shot at the World Heavyweight Title, and to see who will walk out of the Great American Bash United States Champion. Order the Great American Bash on InDemand now in order to get all of the wrestling action!


Sting v Goldberg


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Sting.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Goldberg.jpg


It all started at WCW Legacy, not just the return of WCW, but the start of this feud. In the Fatal 4-Way for the #1 Contendership to the World Heavyweight Championship, Goldberg seemed as if he was about to secure the victory and his title shot by hitting a Spear on Scott Steiner but it was Sting who speared Goldberg out of the ring. Goldberg retaliated the next night on the debut episode of Monday Night Nitro by calling out Sting to have a talk with him but Sting started to use some mind games with Goldberg, who grew visibly frustrated. Sting then crawled out from under the ring and attacked Goldberg, who appeared the next week to inform Sting that they'd have a match at the Great American Bash. This Sunday, when Goldberg finally gets his hands on Sting sparks will fly as these two legends of WCW will square off in what will sure be a Grade-A match, order this match now when you order the Great American Bash on InDemand this Sunday!


'WCW World Heavyweight Championship'

Booker T © v Scott Steiner




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BookerT.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ScottSteiner.jpg


Scott Steiner earned his title shot at WCW Legacy by winning a four-way match to secure his #1 Contendership. That night Steiner also interfered in Booker T's US Championship match causing Booker to lose his title. Steiner refused to respond to any questions posed by our Gene Okerland as he seemed to just be completely focused to regain what he claims was wrongly taken from him, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The Champ himself has had his fair share of action since then as well, defeating Steiner in a tag-team matchup two weeks ago and having the night off last Monday. Booker used his time wisely to help train for this match, and he seems just as equally focused as Steiner heading into this one. With the most prestigious title in wrestling history on the line at one of the most historic wrestling PPVs of all time, these two will stop at nothing to claim victory and claim themselves as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Order InDemand this Sunday to watch the Great American Bash and receive all of the blockbuster matches for just $39.99!


Prediction List



Totally Buff v Toro


Shane Helms © v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Elix Skipper v Jamie Noble - WCW Cruiserweight Championship


The Natural Born Thrillers © v KroniK - WCW World Tag Team Championships


Shawn Michaels v Lance Storm © - WCW United States Championship


Sting v Goldberg


Booker T © v Scott Steiner - WCW World Heavyweight Championship


And remember, whoever has the most correct predictions by (NEW DATE: LAST NITRO BEFORE BATB) will have a say in a bit of the creative process for this game.


The Current Standings Are



The Final Countdown: 3 / 4

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Totally Buff v Toro

-Too early for Toro to lose, despite the 2-on-1 setup.


Shane Helms © v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Elix Skipper v Jamie Noble - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

-This is a complete toss-up. I debated between Helms and Chavito, but I'll go with the champ to retain.


The Natural Born Thrillers © v KroniK - WCW World Tag Team Championships

-KroniK are arguably your most established team, so I think putting the belts on them makes sense.


Shawn Michaels v Lance Storm © - WCW United States Championship

-Lance Storm is the perfect US Champ, IMO, and HBK is clearly a main eventer. I think Storm retains in some sort of screwy fashion, possibly involving Booker T. This will be match of the night, I'm thinking.


Sting v Goldberg

-Could go either way. I'm going with Sting, as I could see you turning him heel in the near future: your main event picture seems pretty skewed towards faces, and could use another big time heel.


Booker T © v Scott Steiner - WCW World Heavyweight Championship

-You seem to be building for a Booker/HBK feud, so I think Booker retains here.

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Really enjoying this keep on going here are my predictions.


Totally Buff v Toro


Looks like you are building Toro up to be you're monster so i think he needs the win more than totally buff.


Shane Helms © v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Elix Skipper v Jamie Noble - WCW Cruiserweight Championship


Not sure why but my gut tells me Helms is going to retain


The Natural Born Thrillers © v KroniK - WCW World Tag Team Championships


I hate Kronik so i am going with NBT


Shawn Michaels v Lance Storm © - WCW United States Championship


Storm will go over with some kind of screw job finish


Sting v Goldberg


This one could go either way but i am going to have to go for Goldberg


Booker T © v Scott Steiner - WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Steiner to win after a mystery person attacks Booker

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I just caught up with everything and I can officially say you have a new reader. My picks are not detailed this time but they will be next time. But for the most part I agree with all the explanations from The Final Countdown, all except one.


Totally Buff v Toro


Shane Helms © v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Elix Skipper v Jamie Noble - WCW Cruiserweight Championship


The Natural Born Thrillers © v KroniK - WCW World Tag Team Championships


Shawn Michaels v Lance Storm © - WCW United States Championship


Sting v Goldberg


Booker T © v Scott Steiner - WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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Totally Buff v Toro

Shane Helms © v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Elix Skipper v Jamie Noble - WCW Cruiserweight Championship


The Natural Born Thrillers © v KroniK - WCW World Tag Team Championships


Shawn Michaels v Lance Storm © - WCW United States Championship


Sting v Goldberg


Booker T © v Scott Steiner - WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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WCW Great American Bash : PPV : 180 Min : 6 - 14 - 01



Great American Bash


Live on InDemand! and in Chicago, IL in front of 15,000 people.




Dark Matches


Shawn Stasiak def. Rick Steiner C+

- Was hoping for Stasiak to pull a greater rating, as he's going to be featured on WCW TV more often now.






Main Show


Sudden bursts of red and blue pyro erupt from the ground and above the ring at the Allstate Arena. After a good 20 seconds of pyro the launchers then cut out as the camera then zooms in to the titantron with a WCW logo on it. The screen then fades to our commentators for the night Tony Schiavone and 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan.




Tony: Here are we folks in Chicago Illinois as we're proud to present the Great American Bash! Tony Schiavone alongside my broudcast partner 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan as we've got a Grade-A card for you folks here tonight, right Hulk?

Hulk: Y'got that right Tony, the Great American Bash has been known for it's great cards over the years but here's one that may finally settle this rivalry between Booker T & Scott Steiner.

Tony: And don't forget that that match will be for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. And another match that I've been waiting for has been Sting v Goldberg.

Hulk: I've been waiting for this one too Schiavone, we've got two utter legends in the ring as it's going to be a clash-of-the-giants. Goldberg's definitely looking for revenge against that attack by Sting two weeks ago.

Tony: And remember that this all goes back to WCW Legacy when Sting speared Goldberg out of the ring. And don't forget folks that the Cruiserweight, Tag Team, and United States championships are all on the line tonight as well.

Hulk: I know I'm going to be looking forward to all of those Schiavone.

Tony: Me too Hogan, and coming up next Totally Buff v Toro! Enjoy the show folks!



3 Min






A video plays of the current feud between World Heavyweight Champ Booker T and Scott Steiner, a montage of past events between the two is shown including Booker winning the title from Steiner on the last episode of Nitro on TNT, the video then ends and goes to a graphic saying that it all ends here...



4 Min




Totally Buff v Toro


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LexLuger.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BuffBagwell.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Toro.jpg


- Luger first starts off against Toro.

- Luger lands some punches early on but soon Toro starts to fight back with a few of his own.

- Toro goes on the offense for awhile until Luger kicks Toro in the gut and then makes the tag to Bagwell.

- Bagwell starts hitting some of his own offense as Toro is pushed into a corner.

- Toro then charges out of the corner as he spears Buff down.

- Toro starts laying in some boots but Bagwell soon starts to get up.

- Bagwell knocks Toro down with a clothesline as Luger is then tagged back in.

- Luger runs right into a big spinebuster, cover, 1...2..Kick Out!

- Toro then starts working on Luger on the ground as Bagwell gets in and kicks the masked monster off.

- Toro doesn't respond to that kindly, knocking Bagwell off the apron.

- This gives Luger the oppurtunity to roll Toro up! 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- While Bagwell is on the floor, Luger starts to work on Toro's legs.

- This goes on for about a minute until Toro starts to fight back, quick tag to Bagwell who continues the attack.

- Toro soon starts to get back up as he then hits a spinebuster on Bagwell.

- Toro starts to head back on offense.

- As soon as Bagwell gets the oppurtunity for a tag, he takes it, Luger is now in.

- Luger starts to clothesline Toro down repeatedly.

- Until Toro ducks one and hits a Big Boot on the rebound.

- Toro then knocks Bagwell off the apron and looks to just about be ready to finish this one.

- Toro picks Luger up...

- CHOKESLAM! Cover, 1...2...3!


Winner: Toro in 20:02 C+

- Thought this match did well for Stamboli tiring.


Tony: And we thought Toro was a dominant force in singles action, he just took out the team of Totally Buff!

Hulk: I'm just as shocked as you Schiavone, and this crowd seems to have enjoyed that match as well.

Tony: Indeed they did, oh and here's Totally Buff both in the ring...





Bagwell is shown getting into the ring and getting face to face with his partner Lex Luger, both are shown talking to each other. When Bagwell seems to get more aggresive with his words Luger then proceeds to shout back as Bagwell then bails out of the ring and heads back up the entrance ramp.



3 Min




'Fatal 4-Way for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship'

Shane Helms © v Chavo Guerrero Jr v Elix Skipper v Jamie Noble




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShaneHelms.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChavoGuerreroJr.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ElixSkipper.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JamieNoble.jpg


- Match starts out with the opponents sizing each other up.

- Noble then immediately jumps at Helms, as Guerrero goes on to fight Skipper.

- Helms fights back against Noble and starts to dominate against him.

- Helms then hits an early Shining Wizard and goes for the pin, Skipper pulls him off.

- Guerrero then pulls Skipper off of the champ and goes back to what he started.

- The match goes on for awhile with these two pairs going against each other until...

- Skipper escapes from a headlock and then hits a dropkick, Guerrero flies out of the ring.

- Skipper then works on the champion but Noble gets up and throws Skipper out of the ring.

- Noble gets in a decent amount of offense as Guerrero fights Skipper on the outside.

- Helms tries to fight back but Noble rakes the eyes, roll-up, 1...2..Kick Out!

- Guerrero rolls Skipper into the ring and goes up top...

- He leaps off for a frogsplash but Elix rolls out of the way, he then goes up top and hits a Shooting Star Press...

- Noble kicks Skipper in the gut and goes for a Nobledriver but Helms gets up and chopblocks Noble.

- Helms then heads up top and hits a beautiful senton on both competitors!

- Cover on Skipper, 1...2...Guerrero kicks him out!

- Guerrero goes to lock on his uncle's Lasso from El Paso, but Helms rolls through and sends Guerrero through the ropes.

- Noble starts to stumble to his feet, Chokeslam from Helms!

- Skipper starts to get up as well as Helms then hits a running Shining Wizard!

- Cover on Skipper, 1...2...3!


Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Shane Helms in 25:44 B

- Worked out just how I wanted it to.


Tony: Once again Shane Helms defending his Cruiserweight Title!

Hulk: This kid has quite the tenacity Tony, at this rate it's going to be hard to get that title off of him.

Tony: No kidding, and we've got some news from backstage...






Sting is shown backstage with the lights shown to be a bit dimmer. Sting then stares into the camera and then speaks...


Sting: Goldberg, let me be the first to say that you've got nerves of steel challenging me to a match tonight at the Great American Bash. Although I must say you're pretty dimwitted as well, thinking that it's a personal vendetta of mine to have taken you out before you won the #1 Contendership at Legacy. Well no, no it wasn't, I was just doing business, just like tonight after I drop you with another Scorpion Deathdrop and then lock in the Deathlock you'll be just another victim to the Stinger. So get ready Bill, cause it's SHOWTIME IN CHICAGO!!!!



6 Min




'WCW World Tag-Team Championships' - 'Tornado Tag'

The Natural Born Thrillers © v KroniK




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChuckPalumbo.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SeanOHaire.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BrianAdams.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BryanClark.jpg


- The match gets underway with both teams running straight towards each other.

- O'Haire takes on Adams while Palumbo deals with Clark.

- The NBTs get an advantage at first with Palumbo clearing house.

- O'Haire dives through the ropes and takes out Adams while Palumbo deals with Clark still.

- A minute later, it's KroniK who's starting to take an advantage.

- Clark keeps Palumbo isolated from the ring while O'Haire is left helpless to Brian Adams.

- Palumbo soon breaks free from Clark and goes in the ring to help his partner, BIG CLOTHESLINE TO ADAMS!

- Palumbo and O'Haire then go for some double-team moves but Clark comes in and takes them both out.

- Clark then continues his original job of isolating Palumbo outside.

- O'Haire, after getting pummeled for awhile, hits a nice kick to the head that allows him to go on offense.

- Clark throws Palumbo into the ring steps, leaving him out for awhile.

- KroniK then proceed to double-team O'Haire.

- They then prepare for a Double-Chokeslam until Palumbo runs in and chop blocks Adams.

- All four competitors now square off against each other in the ring.

- O'Haire gets Clark up for a powerbomb later on in the match, Palumbo then clotheslines him off of his partner's shoulders.

- Adams attempts to get even but soon gets taken down himself.

- O'Haire then gets Clark into a full-nelson as Palumbo then charges at Clark and hits him with a Big Boot!

- Clark falls backwards as O'Haire pins him with a bridge, 1...2...3!


Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions: The Natural Born Thrillers in 13:16. C+

- Lack of selling from KroniK on this one was the downfall.


Tony: And so once again the Natural Born Thrillers pull out another victory and retain there titles once more!

Hulk: Got that right Schiavone, they've practically gone through every single one of WCW's tag teams.

Tony: Well wherever they go they'll find some competition, and we promise that WCW will show it for you.

Hulk: Gettin' some word from backstage that Gene Okerland has a special guest.






Gene: 'Mean' Gene Okerland backstage with the WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T, Booker tonight you defend your world title against a man who is hell-bent on reclaiming it, how do you prepare for this?

Booker: Well Gene, I've been prepared. Scott Steiner thinks he can just come in and try taking my title away? Psh, I'd like to see him try. You see Steiner, you may have been cheating your way to try getting inside my head with you screwing me out of my United States Championship, but I no matter what you do tonight, I will beat you. Face it Steiner, you know you can't defeat a Four-Time! Four-Time! Four-Time! Four-Time WCW Champion! Now can you dig that...sucka?

Gene: And what are your thoughts on the current Shawn Michaels situation?

Booker: Me and Shawn both have been having a sort of tense history as of late but we talked backstage before the show and both came to terms on what happened. Besides Shawn's a good guy, and I trust him.

Gene: Thank you Booker, once again this is Mean Gene Okerlund, sending it back to the broudcast booth.



4 Min


Tony: Well the champ's certainly focused for tonight.

Hulk: And why shouldn't he be Tony? Booker T's got everything going for him so far.

Tony: Well like he said himself, Steiner will try anything to get his hands back on that World Heavyweight Championship.

Hulk: Right. And speaking of Booker T, his friend Shawn Michaels is in action and that's coming up next.




'WCW United States Championship'

Shawn Michaels v Lance Storm ©




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnMichaels.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LanceStorm.jpg


- Lengthy lockup from the beginning, as now both competitors back off for a second.

- They lockup again with Michaels getting the advantage.

- Storm gets pushed into a corner early on as HBK starts hitting some hard chops.

- Storm ducks a chop as he then launches Michaels with a German Suplex.

- Storm puts on a technical display for a period of time...

- That is until Michaels kicks Storm in the head and then starts punching away at the Canadian.

- A USA chant then starts as Michaels sets up the champion for a Heartbreaker...

- But Storm ducks it and hits an inverted Northern Lights Suplex!

- Storm then works away at Shawn's legs for awhile...

- And Storm locks in the Maple Leaf!

- Michaels manages to scramble to the ropes as the ref stops the count.

- Storm then kicks away at Michaels, he then proceeds to keep him grounded.

- HBK soon fights back with some punches of his one, rebound off the ropes...Flying Forearm!

- Michaels then looks to be headed up top...but Storm rushes him and kicks Shawn in the head!

- Michaels collapses to outside of the ring.

- At the count of 8...Michaels manages to scramble back into the ring.

- At this point it's all Storm-offense.

- Until a distraction from Kevin Nash at ringside allows Michaels to roll up the champ, 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Storm gets back to his feet and hits a baseball dropkick on Nash!

- Michaels doesn't respond kindly to this and starts hitting any sort of move with his fists on Storm.

- Michaels then hits an inverted atomic drop and then lays Storm out with a dropkick.

- Michaels then heads up top...Flying Elbow!

- HBK slowly gets up and starts kicking his foot up and down in the corner...

- Storm gets up and turns around...HBK for the Heartbreaker! NO! Ankle Lock!

- Storm shows his technical prowess with the hold and then locks it into a grapevine.

- HBK looks as if he's about to tap but he manages to reach the ropes later.

- Storm then taunts the crowd as he then proceeds to work on Michaels' leg.

- After a bit of a beatdown HBK manages to stand up at the corner while Storm yells some abuse at the crowd.

- Kevin Nash, now back up, gets on the ring apron to taunt Storm, Storm tries to rush Nash...

- But Kevin grabs Storm's head and leaps off the apron with it, pulling it down onto the ropes and lets go!

- Storm then turns around...Heartbreaker Kick! 1...2...3!


Winner and NEW United States Champion: Shawn Michaels in 28:07. A

- Both of these veterans show how to really get it done! Pretty sure I'm going to receive a booking note soon on how Shawn Michaels has too big of a push to receive a midcard title, blah blah blah. Should really pair these two together more often, as the chemistry showed in the ring.


Tony: And he does it! Shawn Michaels becomes the WCW United States Champion!

Hulk: Man what an explosive match Schiavone, I thought it was going in Storm's favor there!

Tony: As did I, but the veteran Shawn Michaels pulls off an amazing finish! Not to mention with the help of his partner Kevin Nash.

Hulk: I'm expectin' a lengthy title run for this cat.

Tony: Here's to that Hogan.






Goldberg is shown staring intensely into the camera.


Goldberg: What's that you said about me earlier Sting? That I've got nerves of steel? That I'm dimwitted? That's pure irony Sting, as you're the dimwit for ruining my chance at becoming #1 Contender to the World Heavyweight Championship Sting! After tonight, after I demolish you and break every bone in your body for crossing my path, I will go on to become World Heavyweight Champion yet again next month at the Bash at the Beach. Sting, you're going down.



3 Min






A video is then shown of past Bash at the Beach highlights, and promotes WCW performers scheduled to be at the Bash including Booker T, Scott Steiner, and Shawn Michaels. It ends saying, In Miami...this won't be your ordinary bash...



2 Min




Sting v Goldberg


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Sting.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Goldberg.jpg


- Goldberg starts to dominate right out of the gate, taking Sting down.

- Sting starts to fight back on his own but then gets charged back into a corner by Goldberg.

- Goldberg hits all sorts of punches and kicks until Sting charges out of the corner and spears Goldberg down.

- After some more mayhem like this, the match soon starts to cool off with Sting locking in some submissions.

- Though this soon backfires as Goldberg flips the face-painted veteran over his shoulder.

- Goldberg then starts to punch away at Sting until Sting kicks Goldberg off of him as he then stands and chops Bill into a corner.

- After some more chops Sting poses for the crowd until Goldberg hits a SPEAR out of nowhere! 1...2..Kick Out!

- Goldberg knows that he's going to have to get in some more offense if he's got a chance in this one. He signals for a Jackhammer.

- Goldberg gets Sting onto his shoulders but Sting falls backwards, he's in position for a Scorpion Deathdrop!...

- But Goldberg manages to escape as he then hits a suplex on Sting...

- After a few running powerslams Goldberg starts to stomp away at Sting's chest.

- Goldberg then hits a boot to the side of the head and then goes for a pin, 1...2..Kick Out!

- Goldberg gets in the ref's face which allows Sting to slowly get up and roll Golbderg up with a Small Package, 1...2.Kick Out!

- Sting then tries mounting some own offense of his own, which seems to be working for awhile, at least until Goldberg throws Sting off of him.

- Goldberg then goes for a spear in the corner but Sting rolls out of the way, Goldberg's shoulder hits the ring post with a sickening thud.

- Goldberg groggily turns around as Sting then hits Goldberg with a DDT.

- Sting then goes off on an offensive run for at least 3 minutes.

- Until Goldberg finally gets back on offense after a kick to the stomach, Goldberg then hits a sidewalk slam, cover, 1...2.Kick Out!

- Goldberg's absolutely livid now as he gets in Charles Robinson's face, Sting then chopblocks Goldberg and then locks in the Scorpion Deathlock!

- Goldberg's struggling to get to the ropes!

- Goldberg's about to tap!

- But he manages to soon get to the ropes...Sting rests in the corner.

- Goldberg quickly gets up and starts kicking away at Sting in the corner...

- Sting hits a poke to the eyes and then kicks at Goldberg's leg, but he's going to have to do better then that...

- As Goldberg hits a monster clothesline on Sting!

- Goldberg then picks up Sting and goes for a Jackhammer...

- He runs and then hits it! 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Goldberg now nearly attacks the ref but his attention turns back to Sting who started to get back up.

- Goldberg then picks up Sting for yet another Jackhammer, Sting squirms loose though...

- And he's in position for a Scorpion Deathdrop!

- Sting hits it! Sting manages to drape an arm over his opponent, 1...2...3!


Winner: Sting in 29:55 A

- Another top-notch quality match! This thing just looks to keep getting better and better.


Tony: And Sting puts an end to Goldberg! Looks like the Stinger should be the one becoming #1 Contender!

Hulk: Definintely a great showing from Sting tonight.

Tony: You're right there Hogan, and Sting's such a class-act, posing for the fans in each corner of the ring...

Hulk: Yeah, what a...watch out brother!






While Sting was celebrating for the fans, Goldberg then rushes back into the ring and then turns Sting around on the turnbuckles...Goldberg gets his rival onto his shoulders, JACKHAMMER! The fans boo intensely at the former fan-favorite as he then sets up in the corner while Sting starts to get to his feet, Goldberg then launches at him, SPEAR! Goldberg then bails out of the ring and heads back up the entrance ramp taking his time to yell at Sting from the ramp. Sting then gets up on his forearms and manages to make brief contact with Goldberg as he then slumps back to the mat unconcious.



2 Min






Scott Steiner then appears backstage by himself just looking straightforward into the camera.


Steiner: Tonight is finally going to be the night. The night in which I reclaim what Booker T stole from back in March, the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Y'see Booker, tonight I'm going to put you through utter hell, you will be so banged up after tonight's match I guarentee you won't even make it to the Bash at the Beach. Take a look at what just happened to Sting, that will be you Booker, layed out, passed out, sprawled out left in the middle of the ring. You don't deserve to be WCW World Champ as the most deserving person on the roster should be the most dominant person on the roster, that being me. Booker, tonight that World Heavyweight Championship, is coming back to where it belongs.



4 Min


Tony: Steiner's certainly confident.

Hulk: He does have a point there though Tony, Steiner is undoubtedly one of the most dominant members of the current WCW roster! I think Booker might have his hands full tonight.

Tony: Well we're certainly going to find out soon as that match is next!




'WCW World Heavyweight Championship'

Booker T © v Scott Steiner




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BookerT.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ScottSteiner.jpg


- Nice lengthy staredown at the beginning really gets the crowd going.

- Steiner then hits a cheap shot to Booker and the match is officially in action.

- Steiner tries every move he knows in the book, until Booker floors him with a big kick.

- Booker takes the advantage for awhile and looks as if he's running away with it.

- That is until Booker gets taken down by a big Steiner clothesline.

- Steiner tries the ground game for awhile.

- But Booker has none of it and powers out, big spinning kick to Steiner's chin!

- Booker goes up top early for a harlem hangover, but Steiner moves out of the way.

- Scott looks for an early Steiner Recliner but Booker rolls over and kicks Steiner in the back of the head.

- Booker pushes Steiner to a corner and hits some big chops.

- Booker then goes for a kick but Steiner dodges the attack and takes Booker down with another clothesline.

- This time Steiner runs a good ground game.

- Steiner gets Booker up and seems to be about to hit a big slam on him but Booker smacks Steiner on the head and takes the offense again.

- Booker attempts a modified Figure-4 and seems to actually be close to making Steiner submit.

- But Steiner reaches the ropes as the champ has to break the hold.

- Booker immediately looks for a superkick but there's no one home as Steiner grabs the foot and pushes it away.

- Big boot from Steiner!

- Steiner now works on the ground game yet again.

- This time Booker powers out a minute later and hits a nice spinebuster.

- Booker looks at the crowd and then nods his head as he does a quick spinnaroonie.

- Booker then signals for a Book End, as Steiner gets up Booker gets ready for the maneuver.

- But Steiner slips out and hits a german suplex! Steiner then goes for the Steiner Recliner.

- Steiner locks it in!

- Booker's about to tap! We're about to have a new champion!

- But Booker gets his foot on the ropes, Steiner locks in the hold for an extra 4 seconds.

- Booker seems to be in some big time pain in the back, Steiner then punches him in the back.

- Steiner then goes for yet another Steiner Recliner and locks it in.

- Booker looks as if his back's about to break...

- But then he suddenly rolls over and kicks Steiner off...

- The both then square off for a couple of minutes with no decisive winner so far.

- Until Steiner charges at Booker in the corner but Booker dodges the attack.

- Steiner turns around a bit dazed and walks right into a Book End! Cover, 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Steiner gets up and looks absolutely infuriated, he hits some big punches on Booker...

- But Booker gets down on one knee and then hits an elbow to the stomach.

- Booker then rebounds off the ropes and hits an axe kick! Cover, 1...2...3!


Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Booker T in 28:10 B+

- Guess these two were just lacking a little bit of something.


Tony: And how about that? Booker T defending his World Heavyweight Championship in tremendous style.

Hulk: I'd definitely call this a match-of-the-year candidate.

Tony: Oh and I don't think Steiner's too happy with the result...






While Booker T is celebrating with his World Heavyweight Championship he has his back turned to Scott Steiner who slips into the ring behind him. While Booker doesn't notice what's going on, Steiner locks him into a full-nelson and then slams the champ into the ground. Steiner looks as if he's about to lock in the Steiner Recliner that is until...




Kevin Nash and the new United States Champion Shawn Michaels come running down to the ring. Steiner nearly misses seeing this as he quickly bails out of the ring and heads back up the ramp while the two attend to their friend...



2 Min






Nash and Michaels then help Booker up as he then pats his two friends on the shoulder. Michaels then stares at Nash while Nash stares back at Michaels, Michaels then quickly turns his back towards Booker. And then plants him right in the chin with a Heartbreaker! The Allstate Arena is completely confused as boos then erupt out as the ring quickly becomes a junkyard full of random debris from the fans. Michaels orders a ringside attendant to give him a microphone.


HBK: Three words for you Champ, Trust...No one.


Michaels and Nash then flee up the ramp dodging the flying projectiles as the screen turns to black.

4 Min




Final Rating: B


- Liked how the show went overall, thought a few matches could've been better though. Hope you all will keep reading/watching.


Final Results


Shawn Stasiak def. Rick Steiner


Toro def. Totally Buff

Shane Helms def. Chavo Guerrero, Elix Skipper, & Jamie Noble to retain

The Natural Born Thrillers def. KroniK to retain

Shawn Michaels def. Lance Storm to win the US Championship

Sting def. Goldberg

Booker T def. Scott Steiner to retain




The Final Countdown : 4 / 6

Joeymitch : 3 / 6

mrallan : 3 / 6

buck44f : 3 / 6


-which brings the totals to-


The Final Countdown : 7 / 10

Joeymitch : 3 / 10

mrallan : 3 / 10

buck44f : 3 / 10


To those who predicted I'd like to thank you guys, had fun reading them. And I'll finish this thing off with any comments on the show?

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6-15-01 : WCW Offices : Los Angeles, CA : 1:00PM


"Yeah...yeah...yeah I know it went down well...Well thank you sir that's an honor coming from you...oh hang on have to go, thanks for the call now Terry, alright take it easy."




"So...wasn't able to attend the show last night but I was able to get an update. I'd just like to say thank you for not giving away anything to me."


*digs into a take-out box*


"What? You told me not to tell you..."


"I know. Listen son, I've heard some news from a wrestling insider of mine that our popularity is already starting to go up, we're starting to make a big name for ourselves Pat."


"Don't let it get to your head dad."


"Thankfully I haven't, yet. But anyways, remember that conversation we had last week about signing new people? You didn't go overboard did you?"


"Nope, but I did manage to sign that one guy from the Federation for you."


"Well that's good, any others?"


*steals take-out box, eats it*


*Shows pictures*




"Hey that was m- nevermind, got a couple of guys from Japan for you. They go under the ring names Ultimo Dragon and Tajiri. Still looking for a couple more."


"Hmm, sounds good thanks for the update."


*Leaves Patrick's office*


"You owe me takeout! Remember that dad!"





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On Bravo!

Scheduled to be held in Kansas City, MO


The Great American Bash left many WCW fans with many questions last night. Questions such as 'why would Shawn Michaels turn on his friend Booker T after winning the US Championship?' Or 'why did Goldberg attack Sting after their match', well WCW promises to have both of those questions answered tonight as Goldberg and Shawn Michaels will explain their actions. Speaking of action, we've got four big matches on Nitro tonight, including Shawn Michaels teaming with Scott Steiner to take on World Champ Booker T and his choice of a partner, none-other than Diamond Dallas Page! The #1 Contendership to the WCW Tag Team Titles will be on the line as well, as KroniK and Totally Buff will face each other in a WCW Legacy rematch. Both of these teams are looking for a fresh start and help get the momentum back on their side, perhaps long enough to win the Tag Team Titles at the Bash at the Beach. WCW's resident monster Toro will be in action as well, taking on the victorious WCW Cruiserweight Champion Shane Helms in action. Shawn Stasiak is also scheduled to be on the card taking on Hugh Morris. All of this and much more on Monday Night Nitro! Only on Bravo at 10PM EST/9PM CST!


Hugh Morris v Shawn Stasiak


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/HughMorris.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnStasiak.jpg


Shawn Stasiak is set to make his in-ring debut in the rebirth of WCW, taking on one of WCW's finest Hugh Morris. Morris has been looking to get back to his winning ways while Stasiak is looking for his first in awhile. With each of these trying to start their returns to WCW with a victory, which one of these two will prevail? Tune in to Nitro to find out!


#1 Contendership to WCW Tag Team Titles

Totally Buff v KroniK


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LexLuger.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BuffBagwell.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BrianAdams.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BryanClark.jpg


The #1 Contendership to the WCW Tag Team Titles is on the line tonight, with Totally Buff taking on KroniK. Both of these teams lost their matches last night, KroniK to the Tag Team Champs while Totally Buff lost their handicap match against Toro. Both of these teams know what's on the line and will be fighting tooth and nail in order to gain their #1 contendership. Though Totally Buff might not be on the same page as evidenced last night when Buff Bagwell and Lex Luger seemed to have gotten into a bit of a war of words after their lost. Did Totally Buff reconcile after last night? And if so, can they pull out a victory against the previous #1 Contenders and become #1 Contenders themselves? Watch Nitro tonight on Bravo.


Shane Helms v Toro


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShaneHelms.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Toro.jpg


WCW Cruiserweight Champion Shane Helms finds himself in action off the heels of his title defense at the Great American Bash. But he may have some problems as he's facing the man who hasn't lost since his debut in WCW, that man being Toro. Helms has shown before that he has the skill to hold his own with opponents bigger then him, but is Toro too much to handle? Toro is looking forward to mowing down more and more opponents before he gets what he wants, Jim Mitchell said, a World Heavyweight Championship Title Shot. If Toro wins, consider him a step closer to his goal. Though if Helms wins against this monster, he might just jump even further on his road to stardom in the WCW.


Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page v Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BookerT.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/DiamondDallasPage.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnMichaels.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ScottSteiner.jpg


It was the kick heard all around the world. Shawn Michaels shocked wrestling fans across the globe after he nailed World Heavyweight Champion Booker T in the jaw with a Heartbreaker Kick after seeming to have driven Scott Steiner off from attacking Booker. Michaels, who is expected to answer the question that everyone wants to know earlier in the night, is going to face the man he kicked the previous night. And his partner Scott Steiner is looking for retribution as well, having lost to Booker the previous night, failing to regain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Booker T has been quoted as being 'as mad as a bull' last night after the Great American Bash went off the air, and will be looking to punish Michaels & Steiner as hard as he can in this tag match. And he picked quite the partner as well, Diamond Dallas Page, a former WCW Champion himself. In one what sure looks to be a promising main event, who will win? The champion looking for revenge or the former fan-favorite who is looking for more gold? Tune in to Nitro to find out.


Prediction List



Hugh Morris v Shawn Stasiak

Totally Buff v KroniK - #1 Contendership to Tag Team Titles

Shane Helms v Toro

Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page v Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner






The Final Countdown: 7 / 10

Joeymitch: 3 / 10

mrallan: 3 / 10

buck44f: 3 / 10

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Hugh Morris v Shawn Stasiak I will cry because i love Hugh but he is a jobber here

Totally Buff v KroniK - #1 Contendership to Tag Team Titles Im gonna go with a no contest or double count out or some thing.... Buff looks to be exploding and Kronik isnt gonna get another crack at the belts

Shane Helms v ToroSQUASH

Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page v Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner.....???

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Hugh Morris v Shawn Stasiak


Stasiak to go over here as i have a feeling you are lining him up for a push


Totally Buff v KroniK - #1 Contendership to Tag Team Titles


I hate them but i am going with Kronik via Buff turning on lex


Shane Helms v Toro


Big Man to get the squash victory


Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page v Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner


I am going with HBK & Steiner for this one

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Hugh Morris v Shawn Stasiak

Shawn Stasiak was one of my favorite young superstars in the dying days of WCW so I hope gets a push and his first win in the diary against Hugh Morris can be the starting point


Totally Buffv KroniK - #1 Contendership to Tag Team Titles

The Natural Born THrillers have picked up two decisive wins over Kronik for the title so it really doesn't seem like they should get another title match. Plus Totally Buff has not won a match yet and they defiantly need one and I believe this will be it. Also the Bagwell and Luger thing can be extended way longer than this possibly if they get the title match and lose then Bagwell can go crazy


Shane Helms v Toro

While I agree with others that Toro will win this match, I highly doubt that this will be a squash match. That wouldn’t really be good for the CW Division or Helms who is coming off of a good title defense, I expect Toro to dominate a lot of the match but Shane Helms will get a good amount of offence in.


Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page v Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner

Booker T & DDP with the win setting up DDP vs HBK for the U.S title and a post match attack continuing the Steiner and Booker feud.

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Hugh Morris v Shawn Stasiak

-I don't really care about either guy, but Stasiak has more "upside."


Totally Buff v KroniK - #1 Contendership to Tag Team Titles

-I call a draw of some kind, leading to a triple threat for the titles.


Shane Helms v Toro

-Toro wins, obviously. But I hope you keep Helms strong, and he turns in a respectable showing.


Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page v Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner

-Like HBK said; Booker can't trust anybody. I could easily see DDP turning on his partner in an effort to thrust himself into the title picture.

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Hugh Morris v Shawn Stasiak

Seeing as how you said you were using Shawn more on tv, it only makes sense

Totally Buff v KroniK - #1 Contendership to Tag Team Titles

I see Totally Buff pulling this one out. When tag teams break they still get the abnormal win occasionally.

Shane Helms v Toro

Champ VS Monster. Tie goes to Monster. Sorry, gotta say Toro is the winner. Can't have him losing to a cruiser.

Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page v Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner

Shawn has the upper hand, so it only makes sense that he loses. But WCW never really made sense lol. I'll stick with Shawn for now.

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WCW Monday Night Nitro: 6-15-01 : 90 MINS



On Bravo!


Coming to you live from Kansas City, MO in front of 15,000 fans and live on Bravo!




Dark Matches


Billy Kidman & AJ Styles def. Jamie Noble & Elix Skipper C+

- Wanted to keep some cruiserweights in action, plus I'm looking for some more training for AJ.






Main Show


Pyro explodes from within the stadium as a panning shot of the audience is shown. The pyro then stops as the shot then zooms in on the TitanTron with the WCW logo on it, the shot then heads to our broudcasters for the night, Tony Schiavone and 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan




Tony: Hello wrestling fans and welcome to Monday Night Nitro, one day removed from the Great American Bash.

Hulk: Great to be back in Kansas City Tony, after the action from last night I think we've seen pretty much everything now.

Tony: Definitely partner, last night in a truly appaling move, Shawn Michaels seemed to help his 'friend' Booker T out by saving him from Scott Steiner; only to turn on him and plant him right in the chin with a Heartbreaker Kick,

Hulk: Definitely a low move by Michaels, wonder what his motive was...

Tony: Well I guarentee that we'll find out tonight, speak of the devil, here comes that rat now.




3 Min






The new United States Champion Shawn Michaels comes strutting down to the ring alongside his friend/manager Kevin Nash. Michaels flaunts his title to the jeering fans at ringside as he then gets in the ring and sets off his pyro. He then raises a microphone in his hand to his mouth but then drops his hand, soaking in the boos some more, Michaels then finally speaks.


HBK: What is this? Is this how WCW treats their new United States Champion?! I'm quite shocked actually, no, in fact I'm appaled that you all lack the respect to celebrate my accomplishment along with me.


*A 'You Screwed Booker' chant erupts*


HBK: I screwed Booker T? I screwed Booker T last night? No, Booker T screwed himself. In this business, there is only a select group of people that you can surround yourself with, people that you know will have your back. Booker, having his head in the clouds from being World Champ, was gullible enough to trust me, a man who hasn't even been in WCW for a month, to have his back. And you see, me and Kev here hatched a plan to help get me to the World title picture. While Booker was under attack by Scott Steiner for the World Heavyweight Championship, we'd pretend to have his back, and then get him when he'd least expect it. Like last night, Booker staring up at me, thanking me for helping chase off Steiner as it seemed he'd attack him after the match, Booker you're a fool! Like I said last night, trust...no one...tonight, we've got a tag match with me and Steiner versus you and Diamond Dallas Page. Who knows what'll happen Book, will DDP turn on you and throw his name into the title picture? Or will he-




The fans explode with cheering as the World Heavyweight Champion comes out and gets in the ring, getting face to face with Michaels.


Booker: Michaels, you shut your damn mouth! I've known DDP for awhile now and we both want to shut your punk-ass up! Maybe it's because I haven't been in the business as long as you, but trust is a nice thing to have on your side in this business. And for you to pretend to be on my side for the past month and just throw that away with that Heartbreaker last night? That's a disgrace. Michaels...you're one of the dirtiest players in the game and I wouldn't hesitate to drop you to the mat, in fact after this tag match tonight...how's about me and you one-on-one next week, so I can beat your face in and break every bone in your BODY!




6 Min






WCW Management Representative Ricky Steamboat then comes out and stands on the entrance ramp with a microphone.


Steamboat: I've got an even better idea Booker, seeing as how you both want to get your hands on eachother so bad, I've added a stipulation to tonight's tag-team match you two are scheduled to have. Booker T, if you win tonight's match, then you get the chance to take on Shawn Michaels next week in a 1-on-1 Steel Cage Match! Shawn, if you win tonight, then scheduled for the Bash at the Beach will be Shawn Michaels vs. Booker T - in a 'Winner Take All World Heavyweight/United States Championship' match!


*The reactions of both champions is then shown as Steamboat heads to the back as Nitro heads to commercial*




1 Min




Hugh Morris v Shawn Stasiak


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/HughMorris.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnStasiak.jpg


- Morris gets the early advantage and seems to have the match under control for a minute.

- Stasiak then hits a cheap shot to the eyes and then goes on offense.

- Stasiak hits some big knees to Morris's head as he then hits a clothesline.

- Morris soon reverses out of a headlock as he then whips Shawn to the ropes.

- Stasiak then hits a big flying forearm on the rebound.

- Stasiak goes for the pin, 1...2..Kick Out!

- Stasiak then taunts the fans who mock him for his failed pin as he then waits for Morris to stand...

- Stasiak then picks Hugh up and drives him straight to the mat with an Inverted DDT!

- Cover, 1...2...3!


Winner: Shawn Stasiak in 5:37 C+

- Quite possibly thinking of developing Stasiak some more, or I could just keep him on the midcard for now. Still don't know what to do with Morris.



Tony: And so Shawn Stasiak makes a big debut in WCW!

Hulk: Yup, he was powerful before WCW folded, but in the rebirth of WCW, he looks even more powerful then before.

Tony: And Stasiak grabbing a mic in the ring.






Stasiak holds his hand up, motioning to the crowd to hush up. He then raises the mic to his mouth.


Stasiak: Kansas City is the luckiest city in the world. For they have just witnessed the first victory of Shawn Stasiak in the new WCW! For all of you fans and the other wrestlers in the back, take notice. For you have all just witnessed 'The Future' in action!



- Yikes.


3 Min


Tony: Well that's certainly a bold statement from Stasiak.

Hulk: Who knows Schiavone, this kid could be the future, hope he can pick up some more wins in the coming weeks.

Tony: You don't think he was being too c0cky?

Hulk: Like I wasn't?




A recap of the finish of the Sting v Goldberg match from last night is shown, then this is shown...




While Sting was celebrating for the fans, Goldberg then rushes back into the ring and then turns Sting around on the turnbuckles...Goldberg gets his rival onto his shoulders, JACKHAMMER! The fans boo intensely at the former fan-favorite as he then sets up in the corner while Sting starts to get to his feet, Goldberg then launches at him, SPEAR! Goldberg then bails out of the ring and heads back up the entrance ramp taking his time to yell at Sting from the ramp. Sting then gets up on his forearms and manages to make brief contact with Goldberg as he then slumps back to the mat unconcious.




3 Min






Goldberg then comes down to the ring with some jeans and a leather jacket on, smirking all the way down the ramp. After yelling some abuse at some ringside fans, Goldberg then gets into the ring with a microphone.


Goldberg: So. You all seemed to have enjoyed Sting Scorpion Deathdropping me two weeks ago on Nitro, but it's a crime when I return the favor to Sting last night? You people are all biased scumbags who only like to play favorites, last night I attacked Sting to prove a point. To prove to him that I actually am the superior wrestler out of us both. Last night Sting merely squirmed away from me like the cowardly slug he is, and after escaping is when he hit me with another Scorpion Deathdrop and then pinned me. I had that match nearly won again! And yet Sting finds yet another way to steal the victory from me...Sting this isn't over yet, this is far from over!


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYz8A7a7Ouo&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYz8A7a7Ouo&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


The fans go crazy as the lights dim as Seek And Destroy then comes on. The lights then turn back on as only Goldberg is left in the ring.


Goldberg: *Chuckles* Sting we've been through this before, nothing you can do is going to stop me from destroying you!


As Goldberg exits the ring, the camera then pans up and reveals Sting staring at Goldberg from the rafters.




7 Min




#1 Contendership to WCW Tag Team Titles

Totally Buff v KroniK


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LexLuger.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BuffBagwell.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BrianAdams.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BryanClark.jpg


- Luger starts off against Adams.

- It seems that Totally Buff seem to be back on the same page again.

- After taking somewhat of a beating, Luger makes the tag to Bagwell.

- Bagwell comes in and seems to dominate for a bit, until Adams makes the tag to Clark.

- Clark & Bagwell then lock up with Clark coming out on top.

- Clark hits some big chops to Bagwell until Buff ducks one and hits a neckbreaker, Buff makes the tag to Luger.

- Luger hits a powerslam on Clark as TB seems to have settles into a good pace.

- Luger goes for a Torture Rack early on, but Clark gets off of Luger's shoulders and makes the tag.

- Adams ducks a punch from Clark and then takes him down with a big forearm.

- Adams takes over for awhile until Luger makes a quick tag to Bagwell.

- Buff takes down Adams and then stomps away at Adams.

- Brian soon starts to get up and seems to be prepared to make a tag to his partner but Buff pulls him back and floors him with a Blockbuster.

- Luger charges across the ring and clears Clark off the apron.

- Bagwell goes for the pin, 1...2...3!


Winners and new #1 Contenders: Totally Buff in 10:10 C+

- Just how I thought it would go down.






Buff Bagwell then rolls in the ring with a microphone.


Buff: Last night at the Great American Bash, it appeared that me and my partner Lex Luger here had a total meltdown. But we're both on the same page now, and now that we're the #1 Contenders, we're coming for those titles at the Bash at the Beach!




3 Min


Tony: Well we've got our WCW Tag Team Title contest at the Bash at the Beach settled, with the Natural Born Thrillers set to defend against Totally Buff.

Hulk: I'm personally more surprised that Totally Buff actually picked up a victory.

Tony: Who knows Hulk, it could be the start of something new for these guys.




Shane Helms v Toro


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShaneHelms.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Toro.jpg


- Helms surprisingly holds his own during this match early on against the heavyweight.

- Toro quickly goes on offense though, hitting a big slap to the chest on the Cruiserweight Champ.

- Helms ducks a punch in the turnbuckle and then dropkicks Toro into the corner.

- Helms went for a big body splash in the corner but Toro got out of the way, Toro follows it up with a big boot.

- Toro then attempts to choke out Helms on the mat.

- Helms gets to his feet though Toro takes him back down.

- Helms gets back up but this time goes on offense.

- Helms tries a small package but Toro then picks up Helms and goes for a chokeslam.

- Frankensteiner from Helms!

- Helms goes for a pin, 1...2.Toro throws Helms off of him.

- Helms goes for a Shining Wizard to put Toro down and hits it, Helms then goes up top.

- Launches for the moonsault, and it connects! 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Helms signals for a Vertebreaker, tries to pick up Toro, but he's too heavy!

- Toro then headbutts the champion and then goes back on offense.

- Toro unloads with big punches and forearm smashes, but Helms kicks Toro away.

- Big dropkick from Helms!

- Helms then dropkicks Toro in the corner, he then goes up top.

- Top-rope sunset flip! But Toro doesn't go down!

- Toro then grabs Helms' shoulders and pulls him to his feet, he picks up Shane for a Chokeslam.

- And then nails it! 1...2...3!


Winner: Toro in 15:14 B-

- I think Helms took a bit of a beating in this one, but at least I didn't have Toro dominate this one. This one really had the crowd into it, with them believing that Shane Helms could end Toro's winning streak.


Tony: And though he didn't win, Shane Helms puts up a valiant effort.

Hulk: Man Toro's on a streak, wonder who's going to stop him?

Tony: I think many of our fans are asking that same question as well. The real question is, when?






The fans quickly get up and cheer as Diamond Dallas Page comes out and stands on the entrance ramp.


DDP: Y'know something, you may own some victories over some of the weaker people on our roster Toro. But I don't think you can handle going up against one of the big boys.

Mitchell: Ha! That's a laugh Page, how can you consider yourself a big boy anymore? Your only match ever since WCW came back was in a 10-Man Battle Royal and you couldn't even win that!

DDP: That was just an off night for me, and to prove it was just an off-night. I'm challenging your client to a match at the Bash at the Beach. And since I can guarentee you that I will leave Miami with my arm raised in victory, if i lose at the Bash, then I will quit WCW and retire from this business!

Mitchell: Ha ha ha! I'm going to make sure you'll eat your words Page, consider your challenge accepted!




5 Min


Tony: Well we've just found a new challenger for Toro at the Bash at the Beach, and it's Diamond Dallas Page!

Hulk: Well I wouldn't really call him a challenger Schiavone, I'd more or less call him food.

Tony: Well "food" better pick up a victory at the Bash at the Beach, or else he'll be forced to retire from professional wrestling!






A shot is then backstage where Scott Steiner enters United States Champion Shawn Michaels & Kevin Nash's locker room.


Steiner: Hey Kev, hey Shawn.

Michaels: Hey Steiner, what's up?

Steiner: Listen, I know we've got that tag-team matchup coming up soon, and let me just tell you something, I support you 100% on your quest to become World Heavyweight Champion.

Michaels: Cool, thanks for that.

Steiner: Listen, I know Booker's pretty pissed that you kicked him last night, and let me tell you something, he's probably going to come charging at you like a bull tonight.

Michaels: Yeah, I kinda figured that.

Steiner: Well I listened to your speech earlier about not trusting anyone, but Booker had a point, you need to surround yourself with people in order to stay ahead. And so tonight, I've got your back.

Michaels: Cool, see you out there Steiner.


*Steiner then leaves.*


*Michaels then leans over to Nash.*


Michaels: Watch him, make sure he doesn't try anything.




5 Min




Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page v Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BookerT.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/DiamondDallasPage.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnMichaels.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ScottSteiner.jpg


- Steiner elects to start off against Booker T.

- Tough matchup from the beginning as the two seem to still have something to prove against each other.

- The World Champ comes out on top so far as he hits a spinning back kick to Steiner.

- Booker punches Michaels off the apron early, Nash stands on the apron to taunt Booker.

- Booker goes to attack Nash but Steiner rolls him up, 1...2.Kick Out!

- Booker kicks Steiner away and gets the tag to DDP.

- Page unloads with lefts and rights on Steiner, Steiner then shoves Page away. Tag to Michaels.

- Michaels immediately jumps on Page with a Flying Forearm.

- Michaels goes on offense for awhile, until Page trips up Michaels and then takes the advantage back.

- Page signals for a Diamond Cutter early, but HBK pushes him away, and hits a beautiful dropkick on the rebound.

- Michaels then goes up top for a Diving Elbow, but Booker gets in the ring and Michaels instead hits a crossbody on the champ.

- Michaels makes the tag to Steiner.

- Steiner then goes for the Steiner Recliner but DDP rolls through, he then kicks Steiner in the back and tags to Booker.

- Booker hits a big jumping kick to Steiner.

- Booker then goes up top and hits the Harlem Hangover.

- Booker does a spinnaroonie and then goes on the ground attack.

- After pulling off some succesful submission moves, Booker then signals for a Book End.

- Booker gets Steiner in position and holds him there for awhile, staring at Michaels.

- Booker then hits the Book End!

- Booker turns his back to Michaels to go for the Axe Kick...Michaels gets in the ring.

- Michaels hits a Heartbreaker on the rebound!

- Nash takes care of DDP at ringside while all of this happens.

- Michaels then stands back on the apron looking for the tag, he gets it!

- Michaels goes up top and easily hits a Flying Elbow, 1...2...3!


Winners: Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner in 23:23 B+

- Another top-notch quality matchup from my main eventers, was debating with myself for awhile for who to get the win, and which outcome to choose.


Tony: Well I guess that settles it, for both the World Heavyweight Championship and the United States Championship at Bash at the Beach.

Hulk: That's going to be one great match Schiavone.

Tony: It definitely will be Hogan, but that snake Shawn Michaels cheated his way to victory. Kicking Booker T when he wasn't the legal man.

Hulk: Well what do you expect from Michaels now Tony? He's hellbent on becoming World Heavyweight Champion, he'll do whatever it takes to prove his case why he should be champion.

Tony: Well he's still a cheat in my mind, and that's going to do it for us here at Monday Night Nitro. Tony Schiavone signing off for myself and Hulk Hogan, good night folks!




Final Rating: B-


Match Results


Billy Kidman & AJ Styles def. Elix Skipper & Jamie Noble


Shawn Stasiak def. Hugh Morris

Totally Buff def. KroniK to become #1 Contenders to the WCW World Tag Team Titles

Toro def. Shane Helms

Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner def. Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page




rjhabeeb: 3 / 4

Joeymitch: 3 / 4

mrallan: 3 / 4

buck44f: 2 / 4

NickC13573: 3 / 4

The Final Countdown: 3 / 4

chopps4312: 4 / 4 (Congrats on that chopps ;))




rjhabeeb: 3 / 14

Joeymitch: 6 / 14

mrallan: 6 / 14

buck44f: 5 / 14

NickC13573: 3 / 14

The Final Countdown: 10 / 14

chopps4312: 4 / 14


NOTES: First off, I'd like to thank you seven guys who predicted for Nitro, I can't explain in words how much it means to me that you guys take the time to predict. And secondly, thanks to iMac and TFC for nominating Phoenix From The Ashes for Rookie Diary of the Month. Once again a big thank you.






Current 'Bash At The Beach' Card


'WCW World Heavyweight & WCW United States Championship Match'

Booker T (WH) v Shawn Michaels (US)


Diamond Dallas Page v Toro


'WCW World Tag Team Championships'

The Natural Born Thrillers © v Totally Buff




Any thoughts/comments on the show?

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And secondly, thanks to iMac and TFC for nominating Phoenix From The Ashes for Rookie Diary of the Month.

You deserve it. Like I said in the nominations thread, I think you're off to a really promising start, and I hope you stick around for awhile, because I'd like to see how things develop over the long haul. I still can't get over that you've given a gimmick to Johnny the Bull that I actually like and am interested in. The real Johnny the Bull only wishes he could say the same!


Glad to see Helms got some offense in on Toro, and looked good even in defeat. I could see Helms becoming a real breakout guy for you down the line.


OK, there's probably more I could say, but I really should close my browser and finish typing up my next show. Anyhow, KUTGW!

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