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WCW: Phoenix From The Ashes...

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nitro's looking awesome. love that everything points directly to the pay per view and it looks like there won't be even a minute's wasted tv time in terms of selling bash at the beach. good stuff.


prediction wise i'm thinking....


ddp/duggan vs stasiak/toro. on the basis that i think both the heels are going over at the ppv, that would normally suggest that i think the faces are getting some kind of victory here. but, there more too it. with the undefeated streaks of the heels it'd be a weird place to end those, right before the ppv, especially toro's. ddp can't really afford a loss here and while i know a loss at the ppv would mean retirement, i still don't think you can sell the match so well here if toro's already beaten him on the show before the ppv. the sacrificial and unimportant lamb in this one's duggan. everyone knows he's not beating stasiak at the ppv, and he can't have all that much of a future with you anyway, so, in a match that largely keeps toro and ddp away from each other, only teasing it a little bit, i think it's stasiak and toro getting the win over duggan for the decisive fall.


kidman/helms vs skipper/noble. while i don't think the respect between kidman/helms is gonna totally disappear here (although i expect it to during the ppv match), i think it's gonna be teased a little bit. what better way to do that than to have them lose on nitro. i'm going skipper/noble for this one. it also opens up the division more and makes those guys look like bigger threats as the weeks progress.


lex luger vs chuck palumbo. the basis that last time out it was totally buff coming out on top, i'm going with palumbo over luger. if palumbo loses here though, then it's a definite NBT win at the ppv as a third loss would totally kill their momentum. i think you're gonna hedge your bets here and have palumbo get the win, leaving things wiide open for the ppv.


and then the huge main event, which will literally set the tone for sunday's ppv, booker/sting vs goldberg/hbk. really struggling to call this one. i thnk you'll avoid a direct decision between the opponents for the bash, so it'll be something like booker pinning goldberg or hbk pinning sting. booker lost last week, and another direct loss here would hurt him, but, somehow i see hbk getting the pin on sting. goldberg/hbk to win.

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Diamond Dallas Page & Jim Duggan v Shawn Stasiak & Toro

Toro pinning Duggan

Shane Helms & Billy Kidman v Elix Skipper & Jamie Noble

Noble pinning Kidman

Lex Luger v Chuck Palumbo


Booker T & Sting v Goldberg & Shawn Michaels

No finish

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Diamond Dallas Page & Jim Duggan v Shawn Stasiak & Toro

-Considering DDP's probably on the verge of retiring, and Duggan's washed-up, I think the heels win both this tag match, and the singles matches at the Bash


Shane Helms & Billy Kidman v Elix Skipper & Jamie Noble

-I could see some dissension between Helms & Kidman leading into the Bash, but I think they'll pick up the win.


Lex Luger v Chuck Palumbo

-Really could go either way. I could see you having Totally Buff win both of the singles matches, only to lose the tag title match. But, like Saviour said, I think Chucky will win to leave at least some doubt for the tag match.


Booker T & Sting v Goldberg & Shawn Michaels

-I'm with rjha here; I see a no contest. I picture a double DQ, with Goldberg/Sting and Booker/HBK brawling to close the show and lead into the Bash.

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WCW Monday Night Nitro : 7-8-01 : 90 MINS



On Bravo!


Live from Orlando, FL in front of 15,000 fans and live on Bravo!


Dark Matches


??? def. Hugh Morris B-

- This match went better then how I thought, I thought it'd garner a C+. The ??? is WCW's new signing that will debut soon.



Mike Awesome & Buff Bagwell def. KroniK C+

- Lack of selling from KroniK mostly was the downfall to this one. Trying out some random pairings to see who I could possibly fit as future partners. Bagwell & Awesome's grade: C, nothing special.





Main Show


Pyro explodes all around the southeastern arena as it abruptly ends to the new theme song 'Crush 'em' by Megadeth, with the camera zooming into the titantron with the WCW logo on screen, we're taken to our announcers for the night, Tony Schiavone and 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan.




Tony: WCW Monday Night Nitro is live from Orlando Florida this week, with just six days remaining until the Bash at the Beach!

Hulk: Man Schiavone, I haven't been more excited for a PPV in awhile, and we've got a big card tonight as well.

Tony: Oh you're right Hogan, tonight we've got tag-team action between Booker T & Sting against Goldberg & Shawn Michaels!

Hulk: Even though it's not on a PPV, this one's going to go down in the history books as one of the biggest matches in WCW history!

Tony: You got that right Hogan, also tonight, we've got Chuck Palumbo and Lex Luger taking on each other, this should be a preview for this Sunday's World Tag Team Title Match eh Hulk?

Hulk: You got that right brother, should be a good one. Tonight we've also got cruiserweight action, with Shane Helms & Billy Kidman taking on Elix Skipper & Jamie Noble.

Tony: And not to mention the opening contest between Diamond Dallas Page and Jim Duggan against Shawn Stasiak & Toro.

Hulk: Experience against sheer brutality, should be a good one.

Tony: And we've got one quarter of that match coming to the ring now, Shawn Stasiak.

Hulk: Great, now we've to listen to this guy's ego for a couple of minutes.




2 Min






Stasiak comes down to the ring with a decent amount of boos aimed towards him, he raises a microphone to his mouth and begins to speak...


Stasiak: Typical. Typical for you fans to taunt and bash me, the future of World Championship Wrestling. You see, you conservative pieces of filth can't stand to witness change in this business, and so starting tonight I'm going to have you all take notice that I, Shawn Stasiak, am the true future of professional wrestling! And the best way to usher in the future? Is to take out the past, starting with 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan this Sunday, when I kick his old worn-down ass out of the ring and straight into retirement!




'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan then comes down to the ring with his trusty 2x4 as the other two wrestlers soon make their entrances as we're about to get underway!




3 Min




Diamond Dallas Page & Jim Duggan v Shawn Stasiak & Toro


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/DiamondDallasPage.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jim_Duggan6.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnStasiak.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Toro.jpg


- Duggan starts off against Stasiak.

- Duggan immediately attacks Stasiak, hitting lefts and rights on the youngster.

- But after a rake to the eyes it seems that Stasiak's on top of this match.

- After dominating Duggan for awhile, Toro receives a tag as so does DDP.

- Brief staredown between the two until they lockup with DDP grabbing the advantage.

- After an irish whip, Page ducks a clothesline and locks in a sleeperhold.

- Toro doesn't fade at all as he armdrags Page off of him, and we're back with the heels on top.

- Until DDP slips out of an arm wrench attempt and slaps Toro across the face, bad idea...

- Big Lariat to DDP! Toro tags to Stasiak...Stasiak tries the ground game...

- ...unsuccesfully, as DDP kicks Stasiak in the abdomen and tags to Duggan.

- Hacksaw hits a running clothesline as he starts hitting some elbow drops on his Bash opponent.

- Duggan then attempts a 3-Point Stance Takedown, but Stasiak dodges the attempt and hits a Future Drop! 1...2...DDP kicks Duggan out!

- Hacksaw then hits a double clothesline with DDP on Stasiak, pin attempt, 1...2.Kick Out!

- Stasiak manages a poke to the eyes on his way back up as he makes a quick tag to Toro.

- Toro gets in the ring and immediately charges at Duggan for a spear, but the veteran moves as Toro ends up hitting DDP.

- Toro then quickly turns around and floors Duggan with a massive lariat, Mitchell on the outside signals for some 'DOOMSDAY!'

- Toro gets the message as he hoists Duggan up with one arm, and delivers a massive chokeslam! 1...2...3!


Winners: Toro & Shawn Stasiak in 13:13 C+

- Lack of selling from Stamboli here, but not too worried about that, think it actually helps his character.


Tony: Geez, a huge chokeslam from Toro and this one has been practically sealed up.

Hulk: Uh-oh, I don't think these two are just done yet...






Stasiak and Toro surround a downed Duggan like a pack of wolves, Mitchell then orders for another chokeslam from ringside as Toro picks up Stasiak's Bash opponent, Stasiak looks behind himself as he bails as he sees a visibly pissed off Diamond Dallas Page sliding into the ring. Toro has Hacksaw up in the air...but Page spins Toro around! Dropping Duggan! Diamond Dallas Page then delivers a vicious Diamond Cutter on his opponent for Sunday. He then spits on Toro as he then celebrates for the fans, for what could be the last time on Nitro.



4 Min


Tony: And Diamond Dallas Page celebrating for the fans for what could one of his final ring appearances.

Hulk: Well, knowing DDP from backstage don't count him out this Sunday, he can hang with anyone.

Tony: You're right there Hogan, and remember Page v Toro this Sunday with Page's career on the line!






A nice and lengthy video is shown of the history between World Heavyweight Champion Booker T and United States Champion Shawn Michaels from their history from WCW Legacy to the current feud between the two. The video has quotes from the two about each other heard, from comments early on about them respecting each other to comments about ripping the other to pieces this Sunday. It then ends with a graphic of both of them holding their titles with a quote, "Booker T v Shawn Michaels: Winner Take All : This Sunday!"



6 Min




Shane Helms & Billy Kidman v Elix Skipper & Jamie Noble


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShaneHelms.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BillyKidman.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ElixSkipper.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JamieNoble.jpg


- Noble elects to start off first, while Helms & Kidman are shown discussing who to go first...

- Apparently the champ is going to start this one off.

- Noble wastes no time hitting his opponent with a leaping knee strike to the head.

- Noble then drags Helms to the center of the ring and starts stomping on his chest, he then heads up top early...

- But Helms gets up and hits a nice frankenrana off the top rope!

- Helms then goes up top and waits for Noble to stand, but Skipper rushes over on ringside and pushes him off the turnbuckle.

- Skipper receives a tag and then goes to work on the champ.

- After a scoop slam, Skipper then goes up top and waits for Helms to stand...

- Helms is up, Skipper goes for the missile dropkick but Helms pushes him away!

- Helms makes the hot tag to Kidman!

- Kidman hits some stiff kicks to Skipper's back as he then rebounds off the ropes and hits a bulldog.

- Kidman then goes up and hits a top-rope leg drop.

- Kidman then gets floored by Noble who tries to help out his partner.

- Kidman then tries crawling over to Helms who seems eager to receive the tag, but Skipper gets up and drags his opponent to his corner...

- Tag to Noble and now both heels are punching Kidman in their own corner.

- Helms tries to get in the ring to help but the ref stops him from doing so.

- Skipper then gets back to the ringside as Noble picks up Kidman for a Nobledriver, but Kidman slips out of it and hits a drop toehold to the corner.

- Kidman gets the tag to his opponent for Sunday as Helms then waits for Noble to stand...Shining Wizard! Kidman then dropkicks Skipper off the apron as he then gets up top, Shooting Star Press!

- Helms with the pin, 1...2...3!


Winners: Shane Helms & Billy Kidman in 16:47 B+

- Man these guys definitely know how to put on a good show, Helms and Kidman worked pretty well together, might put them together some more, keyword: might


Tony: Now how about that? Two opponents for this Sunday at the Bash at the Beach both claiming victory tonight!

Hulk: They seemed to gel pretty well together Schiavone, but now I wonder who's going to win at the Bash at the Beach.

Tony: Your guess is as good as mine Hogan, but these two are sure to put on an exciting bout this Sunday, all for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship!






After the match, the two opponents for the Bash at the Beach both have what looks to a brief staredown as Kidman is shown eyeing Helms' Cruiserweight Title, Kidman then extends his hand and waits for Helms' response. The Cruiserweight Champ then returns the favor and accepts the handshake, we're then taken to commercial.



2 Min




Lex Luger v Chuck Palumbo


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LexLuger.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChuckPalumbo.jpg


- Handshake at the beginning of the match as the early lockup goes to Luger.

- Luger pushes Palumbo around the ring a little bit before flooring him with a big clothesline.

- Luger then mounts some punches on Palumbo as Palumbo soon lands a grounded monkey flip on Luger.

- Chuck quickly gets up and then clotheslines Lex over the top rope.

- Palumbo poses for the fans for a little bit until the Total Package gets back into the ring.

- Palumbo and Luger then lock up again but this time Palumbo wins.

- Palumbo chops Luger's chest in the corner but Luger soon responds with some chops as well.

- Luger then fights his way out of the corner and hits a suplex on Chuck, pin attempt 1...2.Kick Out!

- Luger then bounces off the ropes and hits a running forearm smash on Palumbo, he then goes for an elbow drop and hits it.

- Another pin, 1...Kick Out!

- This time Palumbo gets up quicker then before as he then charges Luger and spears him into a corner.

- Palumbo then waits for Luger to stumble out of the corner as he then hits a monstrous Superkick! 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- The fans are digging Luger's kickout as he starts to fight his way back up, he picks Palumbo up onto his shoulders and...Fireman's Carry Slam!

- Luger then picks up Palumbo again and locks him into a Torture Rack!

- Palumbo looks as if he's about to submit but he scrambles off of Luger's shoulders, he then plants Luger right in the chin with a Superkick.

- Palumbo crawls over to Luger and drags an arm across him, 1...2...3!


Winner: Chuck Palumbo in 16:17 B-

- Luger started to tire a little bit.


Tony: And a come from behind victory for Chuck Palumbo!

Hulk: Man and even I'm surprised that Palumbo was able to escape for Luger's Torture Rack, normally that finishes the job.

Tony: And it just might do that, Totally Buff v The Natural Born Thrillers for the WCW World Tag Team Championships this Sunday at the Bash at the Beach!






After coming back from a commercial, we're taken to a shot backstage in Totally Buff's locker room.


Buff: Hey man tough loss, but don't worry about it we can easily get back in this thing and take home the World Tag Team titles this Sunday.

Luger: Yeah I s'pose so, still don't get how the hell he slipped out of my Torture Rack though.

Buff: Like I said, don't sweat it Lex, we got the NBTs number this Sunday. Now go wash up we gotta get ready for Miami this Sunday.

Luger: You got it.


Luger then leaves the locker room to hit the showers, Bagwell is shown staring a bit intensely at him while he leaves the room.



2 Min






A shot of 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is shown backstage with US Champ Shawn Michaels, Scott Steiner, and Kevin Nash.


Gene: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guests at this time, Shawn Michaels, Scott Steiner, and Kevin Nash. Now Shawn tonight you tag with Goldberg against World Champ Booker T and Sting, your thoughts?

HBK: Okerlund you as well as I know that tonight Booker T does not stand a chance against me and Goldberg. Instead of it being 2 on 2 tonight, I prefer to think of it as 4 on 2, as I've got my two main guys here backing me up. In the end, it's all about the numbers. Just like this Sunday Booker, it's going to be more or less like a 3 on 1 match, and you've got no one there to back you up.

Gene: Well what are your thoughts about Sting?

HBK: Sting is just like Booker T, just another obstacle in my way before I-


Shawn Michaels then bails from the scene as...




Booker T shows up and immediately floors Kevin Nash with his WCW World Heavyweight Championship, he then turns his attention to Steiner and kicks him in the gut, then delivering a Book End on his advesary from the Great American Bash. He then heads straight to the ring.



5 Min






A hype video is shown of Sting v Goldberg II this Sunday, a video of their history from pre-WCW: PFTA is shown, then the incident at Legacy until now. The video ends with a graphic saying, Sting v Goldberg II : Clash of the Titans : This Sunday!



3 Min




Booker T & Sting v Goldberg & Shawn Michaels


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BookerT.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Sting.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Goldberg.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnMichaels.jpg


- Booker T starts off against Goldberg, who HBK pushes into the ring.

- Booker goes for a clothesline but Goldberg responds with his own as we get underway.

- Goldberg hits a lot of power moves towards the beginning, pausing to stare at Sting before each delivering of one.

- Booker slips out of a powerslam and then hits a spinning kick to the head.

- Booker then mounts some punches before locking in a single leg boston crab.

- Booker then goes up top for a Harlem Hangover, he leaps...

- And hits it! Cover, 1...Kick Out!

- Booker decides to tag to Sting who stands in the corner and just watches Goldberg.

- Goldberg gets up and charges towards his opponent, who ducks out of the way and then chops away at his opponent's chest.

- Sting then nails a Stinger Splash to a bulldog combo.

- Sting then tries locking in an armbar on the mat and has it locked in, but Goldberg starts to stand...

- And he whips Sting out of the ring! Tag to HBK!

- Michaels stretches out in the ring until Sting crawls back in, immediately Michaels starts hitting some punches and elbows.

- HBK then hits a swinging neckbreaker and then taunts Booker.

- Michaels then goes up top for a Top Rope Elbow Drop and hits it! 1...2...Booker kicks Michaels out!

- Michaels and Booker go face-to-face as Michaels slaps Booker. Booker responds with a punch to the face.

- This allows Sting to get up and hit a Scorpion Deathdrop! 1...2...Goldberg kicks Sting out!

- Michaels then crawls over to Goldberg and gets the tag!

- Goldberg starts fighting back against Sting and goes for a Jackhammer...

- And he hits it! 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Goldberg is livid! He nearly attacks the ref but then gets himself ready for a Spear...

- Sting is up and grabs the charging Goldberg for a DDT!

- Sting starts crawling his way over to Booker and gets the tag!

- Booker first avoids Goldberg as he then hits a basement slide dropkick on Shawn Michaels on the outside!

- Booker then gets back in the ring and hits an Axe Kick on a groggy Goldberg! Cover, 1...2...3!


Winners: Booker T & Sting in 15:08 A

- Great match from these 4 ring warriors.


Tony: And there we go! Booker T & Sting able to capitalize and score the victory!

Hulk: Yeah but I don't think they're out of the woods yet, here comes the cavalry.






Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner then run down the entrance ramp and immediately put a pummeling on Booker T, hitting their respectable finishers on the World Champ. Michaels then comes in and goes for a Heartbreaker on Booker, but Sting stops him and starts punching away at Booker. Goldberg grabs Sting and starts fighting him. Booker meanwhile gets back up and launches himself over the top rope to take out a retreating HBK, Steiner, and Nash, the screen fades to black as the all-out brawl continues.



2 Min




Final Rating: B-


Match Results


??? def. Hugh Morris

Mike Awesome & Buff Bagwell def. KroniK


Toro & Shawn Stasiak def. Jim Duggan & Diamond Dallas Page

Shane Helms & Billy Kidman def. Elix Skipper & Jamie Noble

Chuck Palumbo def. Lex Luger

Booker T & Sting def. Shawn Michaels & Goldberg




Texasrangers13: 1 / 4

TheSaviour: 2 / 4

rjhabeeb: 2 / 4

The Final Countdown: 3 / 4


(No 4/4's, I'm happy :))






Current 'Bash At The Beach' Card


'WCW World Heavyweight & WCW United States Championship Match'

Booker T (WH) v Shawn Michaels (US)


Sting v Goldberg


'WCW World Tag Team Title Match'

The Natural Born Thrillers © v Totally Buff


'If Page loses, he has to retire from wrestling'

Diamond Dallas Page v Toro


'WCW Cruiserweight Championship'

Shane Helms © v Billy Kidman


'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v Shawn Stasiak




Any thoughts/comments from you guys?

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<p>7 - 10 - 01</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="21889" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span>http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/WrestlingObserver.gif</span><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:12px;">WRESTLING NEWS - WK 2 JULY</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://www.coolcopyright.com/images/cases/titan.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:12px;">- Amy Dumas (Lita) was injured this week on RAW, she'll be out for about 1-2 Months.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> - Steve Austin went over Kane on RAW while Kurt Angle def. Eddie Guerrero on SD.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span><span>http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/WCW.jpg</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> - WCW have announced that their new signing will debut this Sunday at the Bash at the Beach. We can confirm that he is a former Federation worker.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> - WCW have returned to the house show circuit...the card was something like this.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Booker T & Diamond Dallas Page def. Shawn Michaels & Scott Steiner</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> Sting def. Goldberg</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> The Natural Born Thrillers def. KroniK to retain the </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><em>WCW World Tag Team Titles</em></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> Toro def. Hugh Morris</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> Shawn Stasiak def. Jim Duggan</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong> Shane Helms def. Chavo Guerrero Jr, Billy Kidman, and Jamie Noble to retain the </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><em>WCW Cruiserweight Title</em></strong></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>TV RATINGS</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> RAW -</strong> 4.13 (+.01)</p><p> <strong>SD! -</strong> 2.36 (SAME)</p><p> <strong>Nitro -</strong> 3.87 (SAME)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> --------------------------------------------------------------------------</p>
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<p>'WCW World Heavyweight & WCW United States Championship Match'</p><p>

<strong>Booker T (WH)</strong> v Shawn Michaels (US)</p><p> </p><p>

Sting v <strong>Goldberg</strong></p><p> </p><p>

'WCW World Tag Team Title Match'</p><p>

<strong>The Natural Born Thrillers © </strong>v Totally Buff</p><p> </p><p>

'If Page loses, he has to retire from wrestling'</p><p>

<strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> v Toro</p><p>

call me an optimist.........BANG</p><p> </p><p>

'WCW Cruiserweight Championship'</p><p>

<strong>Shane Helms ©</strong> v Billy Kidman</p><p> </p><p>

'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v <strong>Shawn Stasiak</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Booker T</strong> (WH) v Shawn Michaels (US)</p><p> </p><p>

Sting v <strong>Goldberg</strong></p><p> </p><p>

'WCW World Tag Team Title Match'</p><p>

<strong>The Natural Born Thrillers</strong> © v Totally Buff</p><p> </p><p>

'If Page loses, he has to retire from wrestling'</p><p>

<strong>Diamond Dallas Page</strong> v Toro</p><p> </p><p>

'WCW Cruiserweight Championship'</p><p>

<strong>Shane Helms</strong> © v Billy Kidman</p><p> </p><p>

'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v <strong>Shawn Stasiak</strong></p>

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Scheduled to be held LIVE in Miami, FL and to be shown LIVE on PPV!




Miami is known for it's culture, sun, tourist attractions, and it's great beaches. Well, after Sunday Night it will be known as the city that held the greatest WCW PPV ever! The Bash at the Beach! This year we've got a huge card that Miami took notice of, tickets sold out in half an hour for the beach-based venue! With the clear night sky the ceiling for tonight's event expect a special night where anything can happen, tonight's main event will be a rare 'Winner Takes All Title Match', with Booker T the World Heavyweight Champion taking on Shawn Michaels the United States Champion. Whoever wins this match will walk out of Miami Florida both the World Heavyweight and United States Champions. And in the second meeting between these two legends of the wrestling world, Sting will take on Goldberg in a rematch of their Great American Bash match, which had the Stinger take the victory. The WCW World Tag Team Titles will also be on the line tonight, with the Natural Born Thrillers taking on Totally Buff for these titles, with TB being on a winning streak lately, can they capitalize tonight and take those titles? Diamond Dallas Page might be getting suited up for the final time in his so far illustrious career, as he takes on Toro tonight, it's DDP's Career vs. Toro's Winning Streak, who will walk out of Miami victorious? In what is guarenteed to be an exciting matchup, the Cruiserweight Title will be on the line as 'Sugar' Shane Helms will defend against Billy Kidman in what is sure to be a high-flying bout, be sure to watch this match as you'll be awed at the air these two can get. And in the opening contest for the night, Shawn Stasiak who's been dubbing himself as 'The Future' plans to show that he is the future, by taking on a legend of the business 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan. Also, the next month's PPV will have a special concept involved, find out what it is tonight at the Bash at the Beach! We'll see you there, order now!




'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v Shawn Stasiak


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jim_Duggan6.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnStasiak.jpg


It's pretty obvious everyone's pissed off with Shawn Stasiak's arrogance, in fact, it's even more obvious that Jim Duggan is pissed off with Shawn Stasiak. For the past few weeks, Stasiak has been running his mouth how he is 'The Future' of WCW, and that the legends of this business are just scabs who just are hanging on to the business. This comment irked Duggan, who appeared on Nitro two weeks ago to challenge Shawn Stasiak to a match at the Bash at the Beach to shut him up, Stasiak gladly accepted. With the backing of other WCW legends, Duggan's clearly set to take down Stasiak this Sunday, while Stasiak himself is ready to prove why he's the 'Future' of WCW. Who will prove themselves victorious? Order the Bash at the Beach this Sunday to watch this and many more great matches!


'WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Shane Helms © v Billy Kidman




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShaneHelms.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BillyKidman.jpg


One cornerstone of the wrestling action on WCW is definitely a favorite that the fans have come to love over the years, the Cruiserweight Division. Tonight two of the most elite members of that division will step into the squared circle and wage battle for the most coveted belt in this division, the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. Shane Helms has been holding that title belt since four months ago on one of the last episodes of the original Monday Night Nitro, but Kidman has been said to be ready to usher in a new era of Cruiserweights into WCW, he wants to re-usher in the era of the Filthy Animals! Both men have quite an arsenal that is sure to leave your jaw hanging by the end of the night, question is, which one will have just enough to get past the other? Watch this question be answered this Sunday at the Bash at the Beach, order now!


'Career v Streak'

Diamond Dallas Page v Toro


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/DiamondDallasPage.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Toro.jpg


Miami Florida might go down as the place where Diamond Dallas Page officially retired from wrestling, that is if he's pinned by the monstrous Toro this Sunday Night. Three weeks ago on Nitro, Diamond Dallas Page took notice of Toro's winning streak and proclaimed that he would be the one to stop it, Toro's manager Jim Mitchell then offered DDP the match if he would put his career on the line. Page gladly accepted the terms, confident of his victory. This previous Monday Toro defeated Diamond Dallas Page in a tag-team match, could the result tonight be the same? Toro as usual has been said to be extremely focused on this match and feels like he's ready to tear Diamond Dallas Page to shreds. While the veteran of Page knows not to underestimate the powerhouse of his opponent. So what will come through victorious this Sunday? The Winning Streak of Toro that many have come to fear, or will Diamond Dallas Page be able to fight another day? Order the Bash at the Beach today and watch all of the action this Sunday!


'WCW World Tag Team Championships'

The Natural Born Thrillers © v Totally Buff




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChuckPalumbo.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SeanOHaire.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BuffBagwell.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LexLuger.jpg


Totally Buff might've finally overcome that little 'bump in the road' they previously had. After going through a month's worse of losses, the veteran team seem to have finally hit their stride and will be coming for the WCW World Tag Team Championships at the Bash at the Beach. Their opponents though have held those Tag Titles for about 7 months now, who are we talking about? The ever so dominant Natural Born Thrillers, the Thrillers have said that they feel that they're streak is nowhere near over and that they plan on holding the titles for over a year, breaking the previous reign record of the WCW for those titles. But don't toss out the idea of Totally Buff winning those belts, as they've been quoted as being more focused then ever for this match. With two experienced teams squaring off tonight for those coveted titles, who will come out of Miami Florida the WCW World Tag Team Champions? Order the Bash at the Beach this Sunday to find out.


Sting v Goldberg


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Sting.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Goldberg.jpg


Flash back to the Great American Bash and visualize the most epic wrestling match that may have ever been put on, the match that was Sting vs Goldberg. Well WCW fans get ready, as we're getting this match again! Goldberg, being unhappy with the previous results of his conquest to defeat Sting has requested this match to finally settle the score with his rival. Sting, knowing of Goldberg's wanting of the match, decided to apparently have some fun and wage a war of mind games against the pissed off Goldberg. Apparently his tactics have worked, as Goldberg seems to be in an ass-kicking mood for tonight. It can only be assumed that Goldberg will charge right out of the gate in the get go and try to decimate Sting in the early going. But Sting definitely knows how to go toe-to-toe with his opponent for this Sunday, having done so three times in the past month and a half. For this match, these two opponents are going to pull out all of the stops, who will win this epic one? Sting, Goldberg, it's this Sunday only on PPV!


'WCW World Heavyweight & WCW United States Championships - Winner Take All'

Booker T (WH) v Shawn Michaels (US)




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BookerT.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnMichaels.jpg


It's finally here. It's been talked about since the Great American Bash, and we all knew it was coming. Booker T and Shawn Michaels to see who takes home both the World Heavyweight and the United States Championships, but it's much more personal then that. After kicking each in the jaw at previous events, and bunch of words thrown around towards each other, these two will finally get their hand on each other, and trust us, there will be blood. Shawn Michaels has publicly announced that his partners Kevin Nash and 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner will both be at ringside for this event, while Booker T has told the Heartbreak Kid that he could bring as many people as he wants to, he will decimate them all. Steiner and Nash have been known to interfere in some of the World Heavyweight Champion's other matches and for Shawn Michaels' matches but will HBK be able to receive the support he needs to win this one? And can Booker T overcome the odds to become World Heavyweight and United States Champion? Order the Bash at the Beach for this Sunday on InDemand to get this and other great matches for your viewing pleasure, we'll see you there!


Prediction List



'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v Shawn Stasiak

Shane Helms © v Billy Kidman - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Diamond Dallas Page v Toro - Career v Streak

The Natural Born Thrillers © v Totally Buff - WCW World Tag Team Championships

Sting v Goldberg

Booker T (WH) v Shawn Michaels (US) - Winner Take All : World Heavyweight & US Championships

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'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v Shawn Stasiak

-No doubter.


Shane Helms © v Billy Kidman - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

-Could go either way; I'd much rather see Helms retain, so he's my pick.


Diamond Dallas Page v Toro - Career v Streak

-Adios, DDP.


The Natural Born Thrillers © v Totally Buff - WCW World Tag Team Championships

-The NBT retain, and Totally Buff implodes.


Sting v Goldberg

Could go either way, but something tells me Sting wins, and Goldberg's anger grows.


Booker T (WH) v Shawn Michaels (US) - Winner Take All : World Heavyweight & US Championships

-You seem to be positioning HBK as the franchise player of your WCW, so I think he's going to take the strap from Booker. Though this may not be the end of this feud, either way.

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'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v Shawn StasiakShane Helms © v Billy Kidman - WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Diamond Dallas Page v Toro - Career v Streak

The Natural Born Thrillers © v Totally Buff - WCW World Tag Team Championships

Sting v Goldberg

Booker T (WH) v Shawn Michaels (US) - Winner Take All : World Heavyweight & US Championships

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  • 2 weeks later...

7 - 14 - 01 : Ppv : 180 Mins






Held live on a beach in Miami Florida in front of 10,000 beachgoers and live on InDemand PPV!




Dark Matches


??? def. Norman Smiley C

- I think Smiley dragged the match down a bit with the brand new signing, who's set to make his debut later in the night.



AJ Styles def. Chavo Guerrero Jr. B-

- Still figuring out when to give AJ Styles his push, might be stuck on the dark matches for awhile. Shown live on WCW.com.





After an opening montage of the buildup to the Bash at the Beach, a shot of a barge out in the Atlantic Ocean is shown as it starts launching fireworks into the air. After a gorgeous pyrotechnic display a camera is shown flying over the crowd, featuring a bunch of guys and girls in their bathing suits, plus the actual fans there for the wrestling event. We're then taken to our announcers for the night, Tony Schiavone and 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan.




Tony: Miami Florida is the home of the Bash at the Beach tonight ladies and gentlemen! And of all the places to hold a bash at a beach, we're live here on...a beach.

Hulk: Geez Schiavone, I think some of our spectators are drunk. *leans over to spectator* Hey, put the damn watergun down brother!

Tony: Well you seem to be having fun eh Hogan?

Hulk: Oh yeah, everything's great on my behalf, I enjoy getting shot at by waterguns.

Tony: Have fun with that, anyways tonight, in what is dubbed to be the biggest WCW Main Event ever we've got Booker T taking on Shawn Michaels in a Champion v Champion Winner Take All Match! Who will take home both titles? The face of WCW or the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels?

Hulk: I haven't got a clue Schiavone, but I can tell you I'm excited for the match scheduled to take place before that one.

Tony: Ah yes, Goldberg v Sting in their second matchup between these two, there's a lot of tension between these two and it looks like it's finally going to snap tonight when these two will put everything on the line to either pin the other or make them submit.

Hulk: *Points at another fan* Hey! I'll come over there and kick your ass if you aim that laser pointer at me again!

Tony: The WCW World Tag Team Titles are on the line tonight as Totally Buff will challenge The Natural Born Thrillers for the prestigious titles, while Shane Helms will defend his WCW Cruiserweight Championship against Billy Kidman. And in what might be his final apperance in the wrestling world, Diamond Dallas Page will take on the monstrous Toro tonight, putting his career on the line to try and snap Toro's winning streak.

Hulk: All three of those matches should be real competitive, can't wait to see the results, but this opening matchup I can't wait to see.

Tony: Which is Shawn Stasiak taking on the legend of 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan, Duggan looking to teach Stasiak a lesson about respect in this business.

Hulk: And speaking of respect, *Snatches a water gun* There we go.




4 Min






A nice and lengthy hype video is shown promoting the Title v Title match scheduled to take place later on tonight, it's pretty much the same video from 6 days ago on Nitro just with some alternate footage.




6 Min




'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v Shawn Stasiak


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jim_Duggan6.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnStasiak.jpg


- Duggan immediately charges towards the youngster and pushes him into the corner.

- He starts to chop away at Stasiak's chest.

- Stasiak fights his away out of the corner though as he hits an arm drag on the veteran.

- Duggan gets right back up and starts flailing away at Stasiak.

- Stasiak though guards himself rather easily and then shoves Duggan away, and follows it up with a Big Boot!

- Stasiak then starts to take the fight to the ground.

- But Duggan won't let him as he gets to his feet...

- Duggan fights back with some slaps to the chest...

- But Stasiak comes back and hits a thunderous clothesline on the veteran.

- Stasiak then locks in some locks on Duggan's legs...

- But Duggan sits up and starts chopping back at Stasiak's chest.

- Both competitors are back to their feet as Stasiak floors his opponent with a dropkick, pin attempt, 1..Kick Out!

- Duggan locks in a chinlock on Stasiak on the ground, but Stasiak soon powers out of it and whips Duggan across the ring...

- And hits a spinning elbow to floor the legend.

- Stasiak then backs up into his corner and waits for Duggan to stand...

- Stasiak charges with a boot to Hacksaw's face!

- Stasiak then picks up Duggan and drops him with a Future DDT! Cover, 1...2...Last Second Kick Out! Duggan's still in this!

- Duggan starts to fight back some more against Stasiak, hitting some punches to the gut.

- But they don't seem to faze the youngster as he picks him up yet again, and he drops him with another Future DDT!

- Cover, 1...2...3!


Winner: Shawn Stasiak in 11:33 C

- Thought they'd pull a C+ but if this is the best they can get, I'm happy that Duggan's not coming back to wrestle in WCW.


Tony: And so Shawn Stasiak puts away the veteran of 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan.

Hulk: Really was hoping it would go the other way.

Tony: Aren't you supposed to be an impartial broudcaster?

Hulk: What? Brother don't tell me you weren't cheering for Stasiak in any way, now what the hell is he doing!?






After soaking in the reaction from the crowd, Stasiak then walks back over to Jim Duggan as Hacksaw tries to get back up using Stasiak's leg, The Future laughs as Duggan tries to get to his feet, but Stasiak immediately holds him in position for a Future DDT. He then falls back to Earth driving Duggan's head into the canvas, Stasiak laughs menacingly as he leaves the ring and heads to the back.




3 Min






A lengthy hype video plays for the co-main event of the night, Goldberg v Sting. It features past highlights between the two even before the Death of WCW in 2001, it also features commentary from both on their thoughts before heading into the match.




9 Min






'Mean' Gene Okerlund then appears on screen backstage, he seems set to do an interview.


Gene: Ladies and Gentlemen, Mean Gene Okerlund here, please welcome my guest and one half of the co-main event tonight, Goldberg. Now Goldberg, it's finally here, you get to get your hands on Sting 1-on-1; how focused are you on tonight's match?

Goldberg: I swear Okerlund you're questions just get dumber and dumber each and every week, all I've been focused on since May 28th has been taking out Sting, some nights I can't even sleep as I can't wait to tear into Sting and finally end him.

Gene: Is this the night you finally take out the Stinger?

Goldberg: What do you think Gene? *Walks Away*

Gene: Back to the ring.




5 Min




'WCW Cruiserweight Championship'

Shane Helms © v Billy Kidman




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShaneHelms.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BillyKidman.jpg


- Handshake between the two towards the beginning of the match.

- Early lockup as Kidman takes advantage, keeping the champ in a side headlock.

- Helms fights out of it and hits a kneelift, Helms then lands a nice headscissors sending Kidman to the outside.

- Kidman gets in the face of a drunk beachgoer who decided to slap him on the back of the head...

- Helms flies over the top rope and lands on top of Kidman!

- Both competitors slide into the ring as Helms pins Kidman, 1...2.Kick Out!

- Helms then goes up top and lands a nice moonsault.

- Helms tries a pin but Kidman somehow reverses it into a small package, 1...2..Kick Out!

- Kidman now waits for Helms to stand and starts punching away at him, but Helms picks up Kidman and drives him to the mat with a big spinebuster!

- Helms now waits for Kidman to get up as he charges for a Shining Wizard...

- But Kidman moves out of the way and hits a nice frankenrana!

- Kidman then covers Helms but is immediately thrown off.

- Bunch of standing technical action controls the match for awhile.

- Until Kidman grounds the champ and then hits a nice rolling senton, he then goes up top...

- And hits the Shooting Star Press! 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Kidman seems livid but keeps his cool as Helms soon gets up, Kidman flings him across the ring...

- And drops him with a dropkick! He then goes up top and then goes for a moonsault! But Helms rolls out of the way!

- Helms drags an arm across his opponent, 1...2..Kick Out!

- Both opponents stand and face each other, Helms connects with the enziguri!

- He then rebounds off the ropes and hits the Shining Wizard! Cover! 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- The Miami Crowd is fiercly applauding for these two so far, the crowd seems to favor both of them...

- They lockup yet again and then Helms now takes advantage...

- And after a spinebuster he heads up top, and leaps off with a crossbody!

- But Kidman rolls through! 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Both competitors go toe-to-toe as the crowd erupts.

- Kidman goes for a dropkick but Helms gets out of the way and then hits a Shining Wizard out of nowhere! He then collapses onto Kidman, 1...2...3!


Winner: Shane Helms in 21:04, Helms retains the WCW Cruiserweight Championship B+

- These two guys put on a classic high-flying battle that should be remembered for ages, should look to book these two together in a match again. This match really got the crowd going.


Tony: Has anyone ever seen a match of that intensity before in their life?

Hulk: Wow I know I haven't, but I'm sure as hell hoping that we can see more like this one sometime in the future.

Tony: As do I Hogan, now we're being taken backstage to 'Mean' Gene Okerlund yet again!






Gene: Yes thank you Tony, my guest at this time is a man who might make his final in-ring appearance ever in this business tonight, Diamond Dallas Page. Page, tonight you've got to face one of the most formidable opponents in this company, that being Toro, can you topple him and go on to fight another day?

DDP: Y'know Mean Gene, my career has been nothing but an uphill battle, I started wrestling at an age where no one thought I was young enough to make it far in this business. I've had doubters since day one, and I have fought hard each and every time I stepped into the squared circle to prove that I was one of this businesses' elite, and tonight I'm going to have to do it again to prove that I still belong in this business.

Gene: Now we all know that Toro has been on quite the winning streak lately, are you going to be the one to stop it?

DDP: I don't have much of a choice do I? If I'm going to ever wrestle again, I'm going to have to, and I'll do it with ease. So watch out Toro, watch out Mitchell, Diamond Dallas Page is coming to kick your ass!




7 Min




Diamond Dallas Page v Toro


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/DiamondDallasPage.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Toro.jpg


- DDP and Toro have an intense staredown at the beginning of this one.

- Toro immediately drops DDP with a big right hook, but Page immediately gets to his feet.

- This little punch and get-up routine goes on for about fifteen seconds until DDP grabs one of Toro's fists and lands an arm drag.

- DDP starts stomping away at Toro in the corner of the ring.

- But Toro fights his way back to his feet and then spears DDP while charging out of the corner.

- Toro then hits a flurry of mounted punches but DDP pushes him off, DDP then gets up and starts chopping away at Toro.

- Toro responds with some chops of his own.

- Toro then grabs DDP and then starts throwing him around the ring like a rag doll, he then screams at some audience members.

- Toro then gets hit by a soda in the back of the head, he immediatly turns around and grabs the fan, pushing him further into the crowd.

- DDP comes in for the save as he hits a double forearm smash on Toro's back.

- He then rolls Toro back into the ring and starts hitting some elbow drops on Toro.

- DDP then waits for Toro to stand and then hits a kick to the gut, he then goes for the Diamond Cutter but Toro pushes him off.

- Toro then hits a Spinebuster off the rebound off the ropes.

- Toro goes for a pin, 1...2..Kick Out!

- Mitchell on the outside is shown mouthing the word, DOOMSDAY! Toro then lefts his right hand to get ready for the Chokeslam...

- DDP groggily gets to his feet and is sent 7 feet into the air!

- But he reverses it into a Diamond Cutter! Cover! 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- DDP makes a motion to the ref to count faster, as Toro then gets up behind DDP, German Suplex!

- Toro then waits in the corner as DDP starts to stand, Toro charges for a spear, but DDP sends him shoulder-first into the ring post!

- Toro then stumbles out of the corner, Diamond Cutter! He's going to do it! 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- DDP can't believe it as he signals for yet another Diamond Cutter, Toro gets to his feet as he gets him in position...

- DDP goes for it but Toro shoves him off of him!

- Toro charges and hits the Big Boot!

- Toro now controls the ground game as he hits random elbows, fists, knees, and stomps on DDP's legs.

- After a minute of this DDP gets to his feet and rakes Toro's eyes and after a standing clothesline he gets into position for the Diamond Cutter...

- He's up...and he hits it! Cover, 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- DDP now gets in the ref's face to argue the slow count which allows Toro to hit DDP in the back of the head with a big boot.

- Toro then hits a Sidewalk Slam and signals for a Chokeslam...

- Toro then hoists DDP up, and he gets slammed 7 feet down to the ground! Cover, 1...2...3!


Winner: Toro in 25:19 C+

- Definitely Stamboli's tiredness brought down this match, Diamond Dallas Page started to get tired as well. As mentioned early on on the roster list, DDP was possibly looking towards retirement, and low and behold he announced he was retiring around the Great American Bash. Don't know what I would've done with him if he hadn't retired though.


Tony: Ladies and gentlemen we have just witnessed the end of an era, Diamond Dallas Page has lost this match and he is now forced to retire from professional wrestling.

Hulk: I can't believe it, I just can't believe it.






Diamond Dallas Page then stands up and is shown crying, he then celebrates for the fans one last time as he poses on each side of the ring and taking the time to high-five each fan down on ringside. The segment lasts for awhile as a large 'THANK YOU DDP!' chant breaks out as an ultimate sign of respect.




7 Min




A shot of a darkened arena is shown as brief flashes of light illuminate a structure in the center of the arena...a deep voice then starts to speak...


???: It strikes fear into the hearts of those who step inside...


Another flash of light reveals more pieces of the structure revealing it's a silver-ish color.


???: It itself is a weapon of destruction, inflicting pain and suffer to those who're brave enough to enter it...


One final flash and it reveals it's a steel cage...


???: And on August 14th, all of WCW will fight...inside a steel cage! Warriors such as Booker T, Shawn Michaels, Scott Steiner, Sting, and Goldberg will all try to survive...







5 Min




'WCW World Tag Team Championships'

The Natural Born Thrillers © v Totally Buff




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChuckPalumbo.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SeanOHaire.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BuffBagwell.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LexLuger.jpg


- Bagwell elects to start off, as does Palumbo.

- Great power struggle early on, with Palumbo coming out on top.

- Buff powers out of a side headlock and then clotheslines Palumbo down, taking the advantage.

- After an attempted boston crab, Palumbo kicks Buff away and tags to O'Haire.

- O'Haire comes flying towards Bagwell with a Flying Forearm Smash, he continues with this for awhile.

- Until Bagwell catches him in midair for an STO! Tag to Luger!

- Luger goes for a Torture Rack early on but O'Haire scrambles off of his shoulders and dropkicks him down onto the second rope.

- Tag to Palumbo as they both choke Luger on the rope with their boot.

- Palumbo works the ground game on Luger for awhile, although it's quite ineffective.

- Luger manages to power himself up as he manages to hit a quick snap suplex, he then tags to Bagwell.

- Buff then gets in and clears house and then poses for the fans, O'Haire quickly gets in the ring and throws him into the ringpost, shoulder-first.

- The ref shoos O'Haire off as Palumbo delivers a nice powerbomb on Bagwell, pin, 1...2.Kick Out!

- Palumbo looks as if he's ready to finish Bagwell off and gets ready to charge up for a Superkick...

- But Luger gets in the ring and clocks Chuck over the head with a forearm.

- This allows Bagwell to get up and spear Palumbo into the corner, he follows it up with some punches to the gut.

- Now Buff picks up Palumbo and delivers a Buff Blockbuster! Cover! 1...2...Kick Out from O'Haire!

- Now O'Haire is thrown out by Luger! Luger then poses for the fans as Palumbo then stands up as he throws Luger out of the ring...

- Palumbo stumbles around a little bit, still feeling the effects of that Buff Blockbuster as Bagwell starts to get up...

- Palumbo takes his oppurtunity and strikes, SUPERKICK! Palumbo lands on top of Bagwell, 1...2...3!


Winners: The Natural Born Thrillers in 17:48, The Natural Born Thrillers retain the WCW World Tag Team Championships. C+

- Off night for Totally Buff tonight, but as you're about to see, I don't care anymore.


Tony: Wow! And it seemed that Totally Buff would claim those WCW World Tag Team Titles!

Hulk: It certainly was a close one throughout Schiavone.

Tony: It certainly was Hogan, now the Natural Born Thrillers are leaving the ring with their titles they fought hardly for.

Hulk: Yeah and here's Totally Buff in the ring.






Bagwell is shown standing in the ring looking frustrated with the outcome of their title match, Lex Luger then slides into the ring as he then gets by his partner's side to talk to him about it. Luger then moves to exit the ring but Bagwell puts a hand on Luger's shoulder. Luger then abruptly turns around but is planted by a Buff Blockbuster! The fans then give a mixed reaction to Bagwell's actions as he then picks up Luger's head and yells some abuse to him, he then slams his head down to the mat and then heads up the entrance ramp.




4 Min


Tony: Ladies and gentlemen, we have just seen Totally Buff implode.

Hulk: Eh, he might be blowing off steam Schiavone.

Tony: Blowing off steam? Blowing off steam!? Buff Bagwell just planted Lex Luger with a Buff Blockbuster! And you call that blowing off steam!?






Gene: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, and Sh-

HBK: Whoa, hold it right there Mean Gene. Let me re-introduce ourselves. Standing right here is the man who has had my back throughout my whole career, the man who will ensure my victory today, 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash! And to my left, the strongest man on this side of the solar system, 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner!

Nash: And this man who stands before us is the man who will win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship tonight, the most electrifying man in professional wrestling, 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels!

HBK: Ah thank you, thank you, you're too kind.

Gene: Anyways, Shawn tonight's the night, can you defeat Booker T to win the World Heavyweight Championship?

HBK: Listen Mean Gene, I've won so many titles through my already illustrious career that I believe I can add WCW World Heavyweight Champion to my resume easily. And as long as I got these two guys in my corner tonight, Booker T doesn't have a chance.

Gene: So you're saying Steiner & Nash will play a part in the match tonight?

HBK: Maybe, maybe they just want to stand by and witness me become World Champ, who knows?

Gene: Back to the ring.

HBK: Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, hold up Okerlund. Booker, tonight is going to be the night where I alongside Steiner & Nash destroy your body tonight, we're going to put you through pain that you've never expereinced in your life. Tonight Booker, I'm not just going to take that precious WCW World Heavyweight Championship from you, I'm going to take your career!




6 Min




Sting v Goldberg


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Sting.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Goldberg.jpg


- Goldberg immediately charges towards Sting but Sting dodges it easily.

- Sting then drops Goldberg with a rear suplex.

- Sting then immediately stomps away at Goldberg's legs, he then locks in a submission on the legs.

- Goldberg quickly stands up though as he then picks up Sting and delivers a Fireman's Carry Slam.

- The action early on is like this, real slow.

- Goldberg stomps away at Sting while he's down in the corner but the face-painted warrior gets to his feet.

- And then slaps Goldberg! Goldberg's taken back a bit which allows Sting to hit a running crossbody!

- Sting then lands a few knee drops and then picks Goldberg back up, he then hits a scoop slam as he heads up top...

- Body Splash from the toprope! Cover, 1...2..Kick Out!

- Goldberg manages to crawl to his feet before Sting as he then kicks his rival in the head, he then picks up Sting and delivers a spinebuster!

- Goldberg then stomps at Sting's head as he then picks him, Running Powerslam! Cover, 1...2.Kick Out!

- Goldberg seems to want to finish this thing already as he picks Sting up again, he goes for the Jackhammer...

- And hits it! Cover, 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Goldberg gets in the ref's face as Sting lays motionless in the ring, Goldberg goes to pick him up...

- But Sting rolls him up! 1...2..Kick Out!

- Now Goldberg's just pissed, he savagely stomps away at Sting now.

- Goldberg then goes outside and grabs the ring bell...

- Goldberg tries to reenter the ring but the ref won't let him, Sting starts to stand...

- And he launches himself over the referee and onto Goldberg!

- Both are sprawled out outside the ring as Sting comes to first...

- The ref counts to 3...

- 4...

- 5... Sting picks up Goldberg.

- 6... Sting then throws Goldberg back into the ring.

- 7... Now Sting's in himself.

- Sting now gets in position for the Scorpion Deathdrop, and he nails it! Cover, 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Sting then locks in the Scorpion Deathlock but Goldberg already grabs onto the ropes...both are now up.

- And Goldberg dumps Sting over the top-rope! He then goes out of the ring himself and then stands up on Tony and Hulk's announce table...

- Goldberg then picks up Sting...Piledriver through the announce table!

- Ref's count is to 6...

- Goldberg flicks off the ref as he now grabs Sting by the hair and throws him right into the ring stairs.

- The count now reaches 10 as the ref has to call this match a draw.


Winner: Draw in 19:48 B+

- Thought it'd get an A like their meeting at the Great American Bash, guess they weren't focused tonight or something.


Tony: Ladies and gentlemen Goldberg has snapped! Goldberg has snapped!

Hulk: Where the hell are you going?

Tony: Gettin' the hell out of here, these two might bring down the whole city of Miami!

Hulk: Get your ass back here.

Tony: Now where's Goldberg taking Sting?






Goldberg then drags Sting over a barricade that seperates the ring from the crowd as he starts beating on him in the crowd. Goldberg picks up a steel chair and goes to swing it but Sting dodges the chair and punches it into Goldberg's face! Sting now starts punching away at Goldberg's face as he then suplexes him onto the concrete! Sting then poses for the crowd as he grabs the same chair as before, he then brings it down to the floor to connect with Goldberg's skull but Goldberg moves out of the way. Goldberg then escapes over the guardrail as Sting hops over as well, Goldberg tries fleeing up the entrance ramp but Sting pounces on him and pulls him to the ground! Sting then lands some mounted punches on Goldberg. Goldberg then shoves Sting off of him as he continues his retreat to the back, he escapes behind the curtain to the locker room as Sting continues to chase him down.




7 Min






A brief tale of the tape is shown, with each wrestlers height, weight, hometowns, and past accomplishments displayed.




2 Min




'WCW World Heavyweight Championship' 'WCW United States Championship

Booker T (WH) v Shawn Michaels (US)


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BookerT.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnMichaels.jpg


- The two stare intensely at each other before locking up.

- Booker prevails with a side headlock, as he locks it in tightly.

- He then pushes Michaels into the corner and starts delivering some chops to the chest.

- Michaels pushes his way out of the corner and starts delivering some chops of his own.

- Michaels then hits a few boxer punches on Booker and then hits a flying forearm.

- Booker immediately stands up as HBK follows that up with an inverted atomic drop.

- HBK goes for a Heartbreaker Kick early on but Booker ducks it and then delivers a german suplex.

- This allows Booker to then go up top, he leaps off and connects with a Harlem Hangover!

- He then covers HBK, but Kevin Nash quickly kicks him out.

- Booker then gets up and gets in Nash's face, but Steiner kicks him down to the mat, the two then get back to ringside.

- HBK then covers Booker, 1...Kick Out! HBK then gets in the corner and starts stomping his foot.

- Booker is up, and HBK goes for the Kick, but Booker ducks! Sit-out neckbreaker!

- Booker now takes the time to get outside of the ring and go after Scott Steiner & Kevin Nash, but to no avail.

- He gets inside of the ring as he's met by a flying forearm from Shawn Michaels.

- HBK then goes to lock in the Figure-4 Leg Lock...

- And he locks it in! Booker writhes in pain as Nash and Steiner prevent him from reaching the ropes...

- Booker looks as if he's about to tap...

- But he sits up and starts to slap HBK's chest.

- Michaels regretfully releases the hold as he clutches his chest. Booker then clotheslines him out of the ring!

- Nash & Steiner go to check on their partner as Booker repeats what he did on Monday when he launches himself outside of the ring and onto all three of them!

- Booker then throws Michaels into the ring and slowly gets in himself. Nash pulls his leg while trying to get back in...

- Booker turns around, Heartbreaker Kick! Pin, 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Michaels can't believe it is as he heads back to the corner and starts stomping his foot again, now in aggresion.

- Booker now gets up as HBK launches for the Heartbreaker, but Booker ducks it again, and he connects with the Book End!

- Cover! 1...2...Nash kicks Booker off of HBK!

- Booker immediately punches Nash in the gut as he bounces off the ring ropes and delivers an Axe Kick to Big Sexy!

- He then grabs an entering Scott Steiner and Book Ends him over the ropes!

- He then turns around and is hit by yet another Heartbreaker! HBK slumps onto Booker for the cover, 1...2...Booker gets his foot on the ropes!

- You can definitely feel the emotion from this crowd, this match to them is an absolute classic!

- Booker and HBK get up and start trading punches again.

- Booker seems to be weaker then HBK at the moment as Michaels hits a couple of backhand chops to the World Champ.

- Michaels then irish-whips Booker and is ready to go for a back body drop but Booker instead hits the Axe Kick!

- Booker then goes up top...

- HARLEM HANGOVER! And here's the cover, 1...2...3!


Winner: Booker T in 26:58, Booker T wins the United States Title and retains the World Heavyweight Title A

- If this isn't a match-of-the-year candidate, then I don't know what's wrong with my game.


Tony: And Booker T does it! He retains the World Heavyweight Championship!

Hulk: And not just that Schiavone, but he wins Shawn Michaels' United States Championship as well!

Tony: What a great night for World Championship Wrestling! For 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan, I'm Tony Schiavone and-

Hulk: I don't think this Pay Per View is done just yet Schiavone...




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Hulk Hogan is right, as 'War Machine' by Kiss starts to play. The are around the entrance ramp starts to smoke as a figure then runs through the smoke.




It's former ECW World Heavyweight Champion Rhino! He immediately charges into the ring and delivers a GORE to the World and US Champ Booker T! Rhino then stands tall, raising his arms into the air with a foot on Booker's chest as the PPV comes to a close.




2 Min




Final Rating: B+


Match Results


Rhino def. Norman Smiley

AJ Styles def. Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Shawn Stasiak def. Jim Duggan

Shane Helms def. Billy Kidman to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Toro def. Diamond Dallas Page, DDP is forced to retire.

The Natural Born Thrillers def. Totally Buff to retain the WCW World Tag Team Championships

Sting -draw- Goldberg

Booker T def. Shawn Michaels to win the WCW United States Championship / Retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship




TheSaviour: 5 / 6 (Good job there Saviour)

rjhabeeb: 4 / 6

MattitudeV2: 4 / 6 (Hey Deezy, hope you keep predictin'.)

The Final Countdown: 4 / 6

buck44f: 5 / 6


Meh, fairly predictable I guess. 'Bout time I got this damn thing up lol. So any thoughts from you guys?

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Meh, fairly predictable I guess.


The undercard was pretty predictable, but there's nothing wrong with that. I think the right guy won in each case; you'd have been insane to put Duggan over Stasiak, it was way too soon for Toro to be jobbing to anyone, and Totally Buff was clearly on the verge of a break-up. The only undercard match that could conceiveabely have gone the other way was the CW title match, and I personally think Helms is a much better choice than Kidman.


I like the no-finish in Goldy and Sting; should set up nicely for a decisive gimmick match at a future PPV. And while I may have been surprised by Booker winning over HBK, I have to say that I approve. I still think HBK is taking the belt off of Booker in the near future, but this win really helps establish Booker as a major player; I don't think he'd ever beaten someone of HBK's caliber in such a high profile match, either in your game or in real life.

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7 - 15 - 01 : 12:30am


After the PPV, I decided to go around to the different locker rooms and here my employees' opinions on the PPV and where they should go from here.


Patrick: Hey Michael, just dropping by to check in on you, you okay after tonight?

HBK: Yeah, I was thinking though that I should get my title shot soon, it's written in my contract y'know.

Patrick: Yeah, we're working stuff out back in the booking department, so we don't know where to fit in a title reign for you, at the moment. How you enjoying the heel turn?

HBK: I'd rather work a face but it's a refresher, I think this stable you've got me Kev and Scott really is working, the fans loathe us.

Patrick: Yeah, I see that. Alright so I'll see you in Charlotte tommorow.

HBK: You got it.




Patrick: Hey Terry, you in right now?

Rhino: Yeah, come in Patrick.

Patrick: So, like working for WCW so far?

Rhino: Definitely! Ever since ECW folded it was either Japan, the indies, or the F or WCW. I chose the F, the money was there, but they just kept me as a midcarder.

Patrick: Well we realized what a great menace you portray as Rhino so we decided to give you a bigger push then that.

Rhino: Cool, thanks for the push then Pat.

Patrick: Don't mention it, see you tommorow.




Patrick: Hey Marcus? You in?

Buff: Yeah, yeah come in.

Patrick: Hey, just checkin' in to say great job with the turn on Lex at the show.

Buff: Oh you like that huh?

Patrick: Yeah, you really sold it over the past couple of weeks. And I think you're going to get rewarded big out of this whole thing.

Buff: Where you going with this?

Patrick: Well, I think it's time to give Buff a push.

Buff: Cool, thanks.

Patrick: Don't mention it, alright I'm off to Charlotte.

Buff: Okay, see you there.




I continued my walk down towards my limo when I passed by one last locker room and then looked in, Diamond Dallas Page stood on the inside.


Patrick: *KNOCK KNOCK* Hey Page, how you doin?

DDP: Eh, it feels bittersweet right now, y'know? The business has treated me well, and now I'm leaving.

Patrick: Though you've been thinking about it for awhile right?

DDP: Yeah that's true.

Patrick: So I figured we'd just give you one last match and you can then celebrate your retirement.

DDP: One complaint though, I wish I could've won my last match.

Patrick: Yeah well...we couldn't just stop Toro's momentum, we got to make him look like as big of a monster as possible. And we couldn't put your last match on a PPV as there was no true buildup to it.

DDP: Meh, that's true, but I still would've rather won.

Patrick: Well I'm sorry that it didn't go down the way you wanted.

DDP: It's alright Pat, now I can just go home and rest.

Patrick: Alright, enjoy your retirement now Page.

DDP: Thanks.




Overall, it seemed like a pretty good show, some minor complaints from my workers on how it should've went. But after sitting down with the members of my roster I now got a clearer view on how to book the future shows that they'll be involved in. Now I had to hurry to the local regional airport, my private jet to Charlotte was leaving in one hour.



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On Bravo!


Scheduled to be held in Charlotte, NC.


One night removed from what went down as a landmark PPV, Monday Night Nitro will come to you live from Charlotte North Carolina on Bravo! Last night we saw many shocking events go down, such as the debut of Rhino, who made quite the debut when he gored newly crowned WCW United States Champion Booker T. Speaking of T, he's now the proud holder of both the WCW World Heavyweight and WCW United States Championships, as he defeated Shawn Michaels last night in a Champion v Champion winner take all match. But that's not all that happened last night, Goldberg and Sting fought a vicious battle that will go down in the books as one of the best in PPV history but unfortunately for the fans it ended with a draw with both brawling to the back. And in perhaps the most shocking announcement of the night, the August WCW PPV WrekCage has been announced as an all-steel cage match PPV! With the excitement from the Bash at the Beach over, let the march to WrekCage begin! With Booker T's newly won WCW United States Championship already on the line! After being gored by Rhino last night, Booker T has gone to WCW Management Representative Ric Flair to get a match set with him and Rhino, Flair gladly complied and signed the match for this Monday; But with Booker having to put his US Championship on the line in order to get the match. With Rhino's first match in WCW set for tonight and for the United States Championship, can Rhino capitalize and win the title in his first match? Or will Booker T continue to prove to be the ultimate champion in professional wrestling and defend against the newcomer? Watch this and much more this Monday on Nitro, only on Bravo 10PM EST/9PM CST!





The Natural Born Thrillers v Elix Skipper & Jamie Noble


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChuckPalumbo.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SeanOHaire.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ElixSkipper.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JamieNoble.jpg


Fresh off the heels of a succesful title defense at the Bash at the Beach, the Natural Born Thrillers find themselves in action tonight against the young high-flying team of Elix Skipper & Jamie Noble. Skipper & Noble have been seen tagging together recently although with less-than-favorable results, although they may have just gotten all of their strategy together finally, as they look hungry for either a WCW World Tag Team Title shot or a WCW Cruiserweight Title shot. And pinning the Tag Team Champs just might earn them that shot to go on and face the NBTs at WrekCage. But the Natural Born Thrillers have been proven to be formidable opponents, only being defeated once since the return of WCW, could the NBTs be handed their second defeat this Monday? Tune in to Nitro to find out!


AJ Styles v Buff Bagwell


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/AJStyles.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BuffBagwell.jpg


After surprising everyone last night by turning on his tag-team partner Lex Luger last night at the Bash at the Beach after their loss in the WCW World Tag Team Title match, Buff Bagwell finds himself in action against the youngster AJ Styles. Bagwell seems to be very c0cky heading into this match, as he's been heard saying that the best thing he's done so far in his career was dumping 'that dead weight.' AJ Styles just might have something to say about that, the rookie has been winning matches left and right on WCW Online-Exclusive Matches, and he finally is getting his singles shot on Nitro this week, with momentum on his side, can Styles pick up the win? Also, will the recently beaten down Lex Luger make an apperance during this match and tip the scales to Styles' side? Watch this match and many more this Monday only on Nitro on Bravo!


Bam Bam Bigelow v Toro


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BamBamBigelow.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Toro.jpg


Bam Bam Bigelow's going to need a whole lot more than a new focused attitude to prevail in this one. Toro, fresh off sending Diamond Dallas Page into retirement last night at the Bash at the Beach has already found himself in some action taking on the more experienced Bam Bam. With this match already having gone down before with Toro picking up the win will the result be the same this time around? Or can Bam Bam somehow pick up a victory? And in other news surrounding Toro, his manager Jim Mitchell has approached WCW Management Representatives Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat since last night and has expressed his want of giving Toro a WCW United States Title Shot sometime soon, perhaps a convincing win over Bam Bam can convince the Management Reps that Toro is more then ready to receive a United States Title Shot, to get all of the action that you fans crave tune in to Nitro this Monday to watch this one pan out!


'WCW United States Championship'

Booker T © v Rhino




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BookerT.jpg v http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Rhino8.jpg


Flashback to last night at the Bash at the Beach, World Heavyweight Champion Booker T succesfully defended his World Heavyweight Title and walked out of Miami the United States Champion as well. Well, he didn't really walk out, he was stretchered out, at the hands of the debuting Rhino. Rhino said to our wcw.com reporters that he has one goal in WCW: become the most dominant force that the promotion has ever seen. And his mission just might get underway this Monday if he can claim a victory over the top wrestler in WCW. But Booker T is a force to be reckoned with as hell, and has been quoted as being steaming mad at Rhino coming to WCW and ruining his celebration. Booker even went to WCW Management Representative Ric Flair to get Flair to book this match, Flair would only book it under one stipulation. If Booker put his newly won WCW United States Championship on the line. Booker happily complied, setting the stage for perhaps one of the most intense battles that we're ever going to see on Nitro! Who will win? The most prolific champion on the face of the Earth right now or the debuting monster out for blood? Tune in to Nitro this Sunday to find out, only on Bravo!


Prediction List



The Natural Born Thrillers v Elix Skipper & Jamie Noble

AJ Styles v Buff Bagwell

Bam Bam Bigelow v Toro

Booker T © v Rhino - WCW United States Championship

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The Natural Born Thrillers v Elix Skipper & Jamie Noble

-Non-title means Elix & Jamie do have a chance, but it's a slim one.


AJ Styles v Buff Bagwell

-I'm tempted to say that Lex will intervene and help Styles score the upset, but if you're serious about pushing Buff, I'm not sure he can really afford a loss to someone as unestablished as AJ.


Bam Bam Bigelow v Toro

-Sorry, Bammer. Nobody's stopping Toro anytime soon.


Booker T © v Rhino - WCW United States Championship

-There's no reason for Booker to hold onto both belts. I had been expecting him to vacate the US title, leading to a tournament, but this works too. You get the belt off of Booker, and give Rhino tons of momentum in his debut match.

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7 - 15 - 01 : Tv Show : 90 Mins



On Bravo!


Held live in Charlotte, NC in front of 14,148 fans and shown Live on Bravo!




Dark Matches


Lex Luger def. Mike Awesome C+

- Two just didn't click, put Luger in the match to give him some more momentum. Shown live on WCW.com




Shane Helms def. Billy Kidman B

- Wanted to warm up the Charlotte crowd with a rematch from last night's Cruiserweight Title match, certainly did do the effect I wanted. Although this time it only got a B, still worked though. Shown live on WCW.com






Before the live feed to Charlotte begins, a video is shown highlighting all of the highlights from last night's PPV Bash at the Beach. More focus is given on the World/United States Title match and Goldberg v Sting. The video then ends with a shot of the newly-debuted Rhino standing tall in Miami Florida with his boot on Booker T's chest.




3 Min




As soon as the video ends, the live shot to Charlotte North Carolina is shown where a nice and colorful display of pyro then goes off for about 15-20 seconds. After the pyro, the camera shot then pans around the arena and then focuses on the TitanTron, displaying the WCW logo...the shot then goes to our announcers for the night, Tony Schiavone and 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan.




Tony: If you didn't order the Bash at the Beach last night, you sure missed a whole lot of great action! Monday Night Nitro comes to you live from Charlotte North Carolina for the most exciting 90 minutes on television tonight!

Hulk: Amen to that brother, tonight's going to be a hell of a lot better then that other show on TNN.

Tony: I'm with you there, and the reason for that being that Rhino is now in WCW! And tonight he'll face Booker T for his newly won United States Championship!

Hulk: And boy did Rhino certainly impress a lot of people by debuting last night, he laid out Booker T himself!

Tony: Which certainly shocked many fans, along as us right partner?

Hulk: Oh yeah.

Tony: Last night we also saw Goldberg and Sting fight to a double-countout, well tonight we're going to have Goldberg have a sit-down interview with 'Mean' Gene Okerlund that was taped earlier today. And not just that, we've also got our WCW World Tag Team Champions in action tonight, the Natural Born Thrillers will take on Jamie Noble + Elix Skipper.

Hulk: Could this be the night where Noble and Skipper finally get a shot at gold?

Tony: Well we're going to find out soon Hogan, we've also got Buff Bagwell taking on the youngster AJ Styles and we've got Toro taking on Bam Bam Bigelow.

Hulk: With Toro retiring Diamond Dallas Page last night I'm sure he's got even more fans against him now.

Tony: Wouldn't doubt it, and here comes the World Heavyweight & United States Champion, Booker T!




2 Min






Booker T comes out to a standing ovation, with both of his titles slung over his shoulders, after posing to the fans for a bit while longer he grabs a microphone from ringside and raises it to his mouth.


Booker: Last night was a night of celebration for myself, I not only retained the WCW World Heavyweight Championship last night. But I also shut Shawn Michaels up and won the WCW United States Championship! But...but after I defeated the Heartbreak Kid, I was battered and bruised, and now I had to deal with this new punk Rhino, who felt that he had to lay me out after my hardly fought bout. Well last night, I went to WCW Management Representative Ric Flair looking for a match with Rhino to teach him a lesson, Flair said I'd have to put the WCW United States Championship on the line in order to get the match, and so I complied with his demand and so tonight, I'm finally going to get my hands on Rhino and demolish him! All while retaining my United States Championship! Rhino, this isn't ECW where you used to wrestle. This is World Championship Wrestling, we have something here called integrity, we don't support people who feel they have to damn-near kill people in their debut. And so tonight, I'm going to show you how to fight, the WCW-way!




5 Min




The Natural Born Thrillers v Jamie Noble & Elix Skipper


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChuckPalumbo.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SeanOHaire.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/JamieNoble.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ElixSkipper.jpg


- Palumbo decides to start off against Noble.

- Lockup in the beginning results in Noble being flung across the ring.

- Noble then comes charging back with some kicks to the leg.

- But he gets thrown to the mat again, he then makes a quick tag to Skipper.

- Skipper tries a running crossbody and that seems to work as Palumbo goes down.

- Skipper then does a running senton as he then dropkicks Sean O'Haire off the apron.

- He then goes up top and lands a flying moonsault! Cover, 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Skipper can't believe that he and Noble were that close to getting a Tag Team Title shot, he then tags back to Noble.

- Noble comes out firing on all cylinders, until Palumbo ducks a forearm and hits a neckbreaker, he then tags to O'Haire.

- O'Haire goes up top and comes down crashing onto Noble with a splash, 1...2..Kick Out!

- O'Haire then stomps away at Noble's legs but Noble manages to get up and nails an arm drag on his opponent.

- Hot tag to Skipper who continously dropkicks O'Haire down.

- Skipper then suplexes O'Haire...and then hits a springboard moonsault! Cover, 1...2.Kick Out!

- O'Haire struggles to crawl over to his partner while Skipper then stomps on O'Haire's back.

- After being dragged back to the center to the ring, Skipper tags to Noble who then waits for O'Haire to stand.

- MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, 1...2.Kick Out!

- Noble picks up O'Haire and goes for a scoop slam but O'Haire manages to headscissor Noble into his corner.

- Tag to Palumbo and Palumbo hits some big punches to the gut.

- O'Haire then runs on the apron and spears Skipper down to the ground...

- While a groggy Noble stumbles out of the corner as Palumbo rebounds off the ropes...SUPERKICK!

- Cover, 1...2...3!


Winners: The Natural Born Thrillers in 11:18 C

- Chemistry between the two teams was lacking.


Tony: The Natural Born Thrillers are still looking strong, even after their title defense last night!

Hulk: Yeah, they look unstoppable now...

Tony: Wait now who the hell is this...?






Flames erupt from the entrance ramp as some Japanese music starts to play, a roar of a dragon is then heard as two Japanese men run out towards the ring. They then start to attack the Natural Born Thrillers, with one man kicking Chuck Palumbo straight in the head while the masked man hits an Asai DDT on O'Haire. They then stand tall while holding the WCW World Tag Team Championships as they then drop them and head back up the ramp...


Tony: Wait...I guess this must be them!

Hulk: Who?

Tony: Those two men that just attacked the Natural Born Thrillers, I believe that the man who just kicked Palumbo in the head is named Yoshihiro Tajiri while that masked guy is named Ultimo Dragon.

Hulk: And so collectively they're named?

Tony: From what I heard backstage...The Dragons.

Hulk: Well I guess we're certainly going to have to keep an eye on them.

Tony: Definitely, they just laid out our Tag Team Champions!


3 Min






A shot is shown of 'The War Machine' Rhino stretching out backstage in his locker room when he hears a knock on the door, Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, and Scott Steiner all then walk into the room.


Rhino: Haven't you guys ever heard of knocking?

HBK: Well, you certainly seem cheery.

Rhino: ...what do you want?

HBK: Listen, we all know that you're out to get Booker T and take his United States Championship away from him. Well listen, you look like you might need some help in tonight's matchup.

Rhino: What? You saying I can't handle Booker on my own?

HBK: Hey man, I'm just saying, Booker's going to try somethin' tonight to keep his title. And you should consider joining us, as we'll make sure that you'll never get screwed over by Booker.

Rhino: Ironic that you say that you're the one telling me to beware of being screwed Booker.

HBK: Hmm. I've got no clue what you're talking about.

Rhino: Anyways, why would I need your help? Both you and Steiner have failed taking those titles off of Booker.

HBK: What? Can't hear you!

Rhino: Listen, I didn't come to WCW to side with anyone. I came here to become the most dominant force you've all ever seen. So if I have to kick your ass (points to Nash), your ass (points to Steiner), and your ass (points to Michaels) then I will gladly do so. Now get the hell out of here, I have a match to get ready for.


4 Min




AJ Styles v Buff Bagwell


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/AJStyles.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BuffBagwell.jpg


- Bagwell bullies Styles around the ring early on, just throwing him around.

- Until Styles dodges a boot from Bagwell and then dropkicks Buff.

- Styles lands a rolling senton as he then heads up top...

- He launches for a crossbody...but Bagwell catches him!

- Bagwell keeps dropping Styles' ribs onto his knees as he then punts him in the head.

- Styles slowly gets to his feet but Bagwell drives his knee into his skull.

- Buff looks about ready to put this one away, but Styles trips him up as he lands on the second rope!

- Styles then pushes Bagwell down, choking him on the rope...

- Styles then goes up top...

- he launces off for a spiraling maneuver, but Bagwell rolls out of the way!

- Bagwell then clotheslines Styles back down as he then taunts the crowd.

- He's overheard yelling, 'This one's for you Luger!' as he then picks up Styles, Buff Blockbuster!

- Cover, 1...2...3!


Winner: Buff Bagwell in 7:14 C

- Not a really great night of matches so far.


Tony: And Buff Bagwell quickly puts away the young AJ Styles. And I'm surprised that Lex Luger didn't show up.

Hulk: Oh trust me Hogan, he'll show up.

Tony: I guess you're right, and here comes Luger!






Lex Luger then comes running down to the ring after his former partner Bagwell's match, he then gets face-to-face with Bagwell as Luger is shown trying to talk some sense into Buff, and it seems as if Bagwell's just tuning out whatever Luger's trying to say. After Luger is finished talking, Buff then starts yelling back at Luger and then points his finger into his chest, this pushes Luger over the limit as he then floors Bagwell with a big punch. Luger then says something to the grounded Bagwell as he then leaves the ring.




5 Min


Tony: Well it seems that Luger has just gotten even with Buff Bagwell!

Hulk: It might look like that now but let me tell you something Tony, this thing is far from over.




Bam Bam Bigelow v Toro


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BamBamBigelow.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Toro.jpg


- Both opponents are staring each other down at the beginning, and Toro swings for a punch early on but Bam Bam misses and gets Toro into a headlock.

- But Toro easily powers out and then irish-whips Bam Bam.

- Bam Bam ducks a clothesline and somehow hits a crossbody, taking down Toro!

- Toro surprises everyone by body pressing Bam Bam from the ground and throws him off of him.

- Toro then immediately boots Bam Bam back down to the mat.

- Bam Bam then starts to get back up but Toro scoop slams him back down to the mat.

- The next time Bigelow gets back up he ducks a boot from Toro and then hits a reverse suplex on the masked monster.

- Bigelow then lands a running splash.

- Cover, 1...2.Kick Out!

- Bigelow knows he's going to have to do more then that, so he goes up top early for what seems to be a Diving Headbutt...

- And he leaps off for the maneuver, but Toro is already up!

- He catches him by the throat in mid-air! What Power!

- Bam Bam's then slammed straight into the canvas for a huge Chokeslam! Cover, 1...2...3!


Winner: Toro in 8:47 C-

- Looks as if the fans are tired with this matchup, brought the fans' mood down a little.


Tony: And so Toro is still staying on the path to domination in WCW.

Hulk: You're right there, I don't think anyone's going to be able to stop him anytime soon. I'm smelling a future title shot.

Tony: Well Toro's manager Jim Mitchell has gone to WCW Management looking for a title shot lately, I guess we'll find out soon if he gets it.






A shot is shown of 'Mean' Gene Okerlund sitting down in an undisclosed room which seems to be set up in a formal setting.


Gene: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time Goldberg. Now Goldberg, reflect back on the match between you and Sting last night-

Goldberg: Wait, hold up Mean Gene, last night that was not a match between me and Sting, that was an all-out brawl. Both of us poured our heart and soul into that match to come out on top, problem is neither one of us were able to pick up the win.

Gene: We've all known you've had a personal vendetta lately to defeat Sting, will you challenge Sting to another match at the upcoming PPV WrekCage?

Goldberg: Well that depends Mean Gene, if Sting ever wants to show his face on WCW Television and personally tell me that he wants to have another go at it so be it. At WrekCage, there will be no place to hide for the Stinger.




4 Min




'WCW United States Championship'

Booker T © v Rhino




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BookerT.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Rhino.jpg


- A shot of both competitors staring at each other from across the ring is shown...

- They both then charge out of their corners and immediately lock up, with Rhino pulling Booker into a side headlock.

- Booker manages to fight his way out as he then hits an inverted atomic drop.

- Booker follows that up with a clothesline as he then hits a few knee drops to Rhino's head.

- Booker then picks up his opponent as he then whips him across the ring, sidewalk slam! Cover, 1...Kick Out!

- Booker knows he's going to have to do more then that to pull this one out as he starts chopping away at Rhino's chest, but Rhino pulles Booker into the corner now...

- And Booker receives some chops to the chest!

- Rhino then clotheslines Booker over the top rope and then raises his arms up to show his dominance.

- Booker slides back in the ring and takes out a charging Rhino with a clothesline.

- Booker then whips Rhino across the ring but Rhino ducks a clothesline and hits a running STO!

- Rhino then stomps away at Booker's arms.

- Rhino then tries an armbar but Booker fights him off, Booker starts to stand but Rhino chops him back down.

- Rhino then waits in the corner for a Gore, Booker starts to stand...

- But sees Rhino coming and throws him into the steel ringpost!

- Booker then waits for a groggy Rhino to stumble out of the corner, and he plants him in the chin with a Superkick!

- Booker then heads up top, Harlem Hangover!

- Booker makes the cover, 1...2..Kick Out!

- Booker heads up top again for another Hangover, and he launches off...

- But Rhino rolls out of the way!

- Rhino then hits a leg drop and then heads outside to grab a table...

- But the ref stops him from doing so, Booker T then launches over the ref and over the top rope...landing on Rhino!

- Both opponents then manage to make it back in the ring before the 10-count.

- And a chopfest immediately ensues!

- Rhino prevails as he whips Booker across the ring, and a big forearm takes down the champ.

- Rhino then hits a couple of elbow drops and then hits a spinebuster on Booker when he starts to stand.

- And now Rhino waits in the corner for a Gore...

- Rhino charges for it! But Booker rolls out of the way, Rhino hits the corner turnbuckle...

- And walks into a Book End! Cover, 1...2...Last Second Kick Out!

- Booker, after doing a Spinnaroonie, stands back up as he then waits for Rhino to stand up...

- Rhino stands up and is bent over...Booker goes the Axe Kick...

- But Rhino dodges it just in time and hits a Spinebuster!

- Rhino then stomps on Booker some more as the champ begins to stand...

- GORE!!!! GORE!!!! GORE!!!! Rhino hits the Gore!

- Cover, 1...2...3! And the War Machine wins!


Winner: Rhino in 35:04, Rhino wins the WCW United States Championship B+

- For the main event I think it did pretty well, not our best though, Rhino started to tire a little bit but it didn't affect the match rating too much.


Hulk: Wow...quick title reign for Booker wouldn't you say so?

Tony: You're damn right it is, Booker T has just lost the US Championship, after only holding it for 24 Hours!

Hulk: You've got to admit though, Rhino sure looked strong as hell during that match.

Tony: You've got me there Hogan, now what the hell do these guys want!?






Shawn Michaels, Scott Steiner, and Kevin Nash all then come out and then stand on the entrance ramp, all with a smirk on their face, Michaels is the only one with a microphone in hand.


HBK: Aww...what happened there Champ? Lost your title already? That's not all you're going to lose Booker, I just went to WCW Management Representative Ric Flair, who last night asked if I was going to use my rematch clause for the WCW United States Championship. I declined his offer, as I've seen you were going to have your hands full with Rhino tonight. Well I've got some news for you Booker, Ric Flair offered me a deal that I couldn't refuse. Seeing how I wouldn't get a shot at reclaiming my United States Championship, he offered me a shot...at your World Heavyweight Championship at WrekCage! So you better get ready Booker, because at WrekCage you're going to have to face...The ShowStoppa!




5 Min




Final Rating: C+

- This is what I believe to be our worst show to date, hopefully we can improve in the future editions of Nitro.


Match Results


Lex Luger def. Mike Awesome

Shane Helms def. Billy Kidman


The Natural Born Thrillers def. Jamie Noble & Elix Skipper

Buff Bagwell def. AJ Styles

Toro def. Bam Bam Bigelow

Rhino def. Booker T, Rhino wins the WCW United States Championship




The Final Countdown: 4 / 4

rjhabeeb: 4 / 4


- I need a Staples button, because that was easy. :D







Current WrekCage Card


'WCW World Heavyweight Championship'

Booker T © v Shawn Michaels




Any thoughts from you guys?

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It looks like the fans were not that interested in the show, as a whole. They did like some parts though, and it could be a good building block as you head towards WrekCage. I'm seeing a possible buildup towards a Luger/Bagwell match at the PPV. The Booker T/HBK matchup could be a good one. Another thought may be to build up a Luger/Bagwell showdown for the PPV that follows WrekCage. Based on the rating from Nitro, a good rated feud between the two looks promising.


With Booker T having to get his main focus on his world title, who are the top contenders for the U.S. belt?

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http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/WCW.jpg.com Exclusive


Scott: Head Booker of WCW Patrick Scott here, hosting the first ever WCW Saturday Night webshow, tonight we're going to have special interviews for you folks, and we'll broudcast two WCW.com exclusive matches for you. Tonight our guest is going to be the man who will face Booker T for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrekCage, ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels! But first ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to show our very first match on WCW Saturday Night, here is Lex Luger taking on Mike Awesome.




Lex Luger v Mike Awesome


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LexLuger.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/MikeAwesome.jpg


- Lockup towards the beginning leads to Luger ending up in a side headlock.

- But Luger immediately just dumps Awesome over his head with a back suplex.

- Luger then stomps at Awesome but Awesome quickly gets up and hits a lariat!

- Awesome then tries locking in an armbar but Luger fights him off, boot to the gut from Luger and Awesome goes down by ways of neckbreaker...

- Luger then tries locking in a boston crab but Awesome manages to roll through and pin Luger, 1...2..Kick Out!

- Awesome then goes for a belly-to-belly suplex but Luger knees him in the gut and then hits another neckbreaker...

- Luger then stomps away at Awesome's arms to gain an advantage...

- And he then picks his opponent up, Luger goes for the Torture Rack...

- But Awesome manages to escape and launches Luger with a German Suplex.

- Luger is shown holding his neck as he then is assaulted with a flurry of punches from Awesome.

- Luger manages to kick away his opponent as Awesome then charges back towards Luger...

- Lex ducks a clothesline as Awesome bounces off the ropes...

- Right onto Lex's shoulders! He's got the Torture Rack locked in!

- And Awesome is tapping! This match is over!


Winner: Lex Luger in 6:58 C+




Scott: Wow, an impressive match between those two with Lex Luger picking up the impressive victory, now, I'm about to have an interview with the man who will challenge for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at WrekCage, Shawn Michaels. And the questions I'm about to ask are questions that were written in to the show by fans like yourself. And here he is now, the #1 Contender to the World Heavyweight Title, Shawn Michaels.




HBK: What? No applause?

Scott: Umm...Shawn, this is a webcast show, not in front of a live audience.

HBK: Well Patrick, if you're really interested in the best interests of the fans you should film in this in front of an audience, only when I'm on the show though.

Scott: Sure, ok. Now this first question comes from Bill in Rochester, NY, it asks, "Hey Shawn, great seeing you back in in-ring action. How do you like everything so far in WCW?"

HBK: One thing's for sure Bill, the competition here in WCW couldn't hold a candle to the competition back in the Federation. It's just a bunch of chumps here who couldn't wrestle their way out of the box, I'm the shining star of this company and I'll prove it at WrekCage.

Scott: Okay next question, "Shawn, I think you suck, go back to the Federation."

HBK: Okay, will do.

Scott: What kind of answer was that?

HBK: Don't worry about it.

Scott: Okay final question for the fans, from Erik in Phoenix Arizona, "Hey Shawn, I'm a longtime supporter of yours, and I hope you beat Booker at WrekCage. Anyways, what was the catylyst that made you want to sign with WCW?"

HBK: Thanks for the support Erik, and here's the answer to that question. A certain 'old man' felt as if he didn't need to keep me around anymore, and so teaching that 'old man' a lesson, I signed with the next biggest company in the world.

Scott: Those are some kind words Michaels.

HBK: Shut up, is this thing over yet? I'm out of here.

Scott: Shawn Michaels ladies and gentlemen, now to cap off the first webcast from wcw.com, here's a rematch for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship from the Bash at the Beach. Here's Billy Kidman v Shane Helms.




'WCW Cruiserweight Championship'

Shane Helms © v Billy Kidman




http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShaneHelms.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BillyKidman.jpg


- Another handshake between the two starts this one off.

- The two then trade punches and kicks until Kidman grabs onto Helms' head and launches him across the ring with a monkey flip.

- Helms immediately gets back to his feet as he then hits a dropkick on Kidman.

- Bunch of quick action early on until Helms manages to land an arm drag and pulls it right into an armbar.

- He keeps the submission locked in for awhile but Kidman starts to stand and kicks Helms away.

- Kidman then tries a bulldog but Helms moves out of the way, and he hits an early Shining Wizard! Cover, 1...2.Kick Out!

- Kidman shows some great resilience as he kips back up and then kicks Helms across the head.

- Kidman then starts to get in some offense of his own as he then takes the match back to the ground.

- After trying a kneebar, Helms manages to scramble away from his opponent as he then jumps up and throws Kidman across the ring with a Frankenrana.

- Helms then stomps away at Kidman and then goes up top...

- Kidman stands...Missile Dropkick connects!

- Helms then raises his hand and waits for Kidman to get up, he's up...

- And Helms slams Kidman to the mat with a Chokeslam! Cover, 1...2...3!


Winner: Shane Helms in 11:24, Shane Helms retains the WCW Cruiserweight Championship B




Scott: Great match there for the Cruiserweight Championship, but Billy Kidman couldn't quite get it done again. Well, that's all the time we've got for this week's edition, tune in next week on wcw.com for another edition of the WCW Saturday Night Webcast, this is Patrick Scott signing off hoping to see you all next week.


And in news from around the world...


- Jake Roberts has tragically passed away at the age of 46, it is believed drugs were involved with the legend's passing.


- The Federation put on decent shows this week with RAW and SD both earning C+ ratings.


- Rey Misterio Jr was voted on an online poll to be the Top High-Flyer Today (although he's injured).


- WWF star The Undertaker has made a surprise face turn recently.


- WCW's Bash at the Beach has reportedly brought in a 9.7 Rating.




RAW - 4.13 (SAME)

SD - 2.40 (+.04)

Nitro - 3.85 (-.02)




Hope you all enjoyed this, Nitro preview coming up shortly.

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On Bravo!


Scheduled to take place in Columbus, OH.


Last week on Nitro we received a major surprise when Rhino pinned Booker T to become the new WCW United States Champion. But that wasn't the only surprise from last Monday, former US Champion Shawn Michaels appeared at the end of the show to reveal that he will get another WCW World Heavyweight Title Shot at WrekCage in three weeks. This week on Nitro we're going to get a follow-up on Michaels' challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship and also the mysterious Sting will make an appearance as well, what will he have to say? Nitro's also got a couple of great matches on the card for tonight as well, with the main event of the night being 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner taking on 'The War Machine' and new United States Champion Rhino. Another featured match scheduled to take place is going to be Shawn Stasiak taking on the Cruiserweight Champion Shane Helms, can Stasiak continue his winning ways? Or will Helms gain an upset victory? To get all the action watch Nitro this week on Bravo! 10PM EST/9PM CST.





The Natural Born Thrillers v KroniK


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ChuckPalumbo.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/SeanOHaire.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BrianAdams.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BryanClark.jpg


The Natural Born Thrillers find themselves in action again this week, with their WCW World Tag Team Championships not scheduled to be defended. They find their opponents this week to be the powerhouse duo who they've feuded with before, KroniK. These two fought each other earlier in the year at the Great American Bash where the NBTs succesfully defended their titles against KroniK, could the result be different this week? And with the Natural Born Thrillers being attacked by a Japanese team known as The Dragons last week, could they be attacked again? And if so, can KroniK be able to capitalize and pick up a victory and another possible shot at the WCW World Tag Team Titles at WrekCage? For the result, watch Nitro this Monday only on Bravo!


Shane Helms v Shawn Stasiak


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShaneHelms.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ShawnStasiak.jpg


Both of these men have enjoyed a run of success lately in WCW. With Helms being the WCW Cruiserweight Champion and succesfully defending his belt at every occasion when he has to; And with Stasiak being undefeated since his return to WCW, both of these young wrestlers have got plenty of talent and plenty of momentum on their side. Question is, who's going to win this one? Stasiak has been on a roll lately, coming off a quick victory over 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan two weeks ago at the Bash at the Beach and looking forward to picking up more and more victories. While Shane Helms has defeated nearly every opponent thrown at him by WCW Management, proving him as one of the most elite Cruiserweight Champions in WCW history. Both of these wrestler's paths will collide head-on this Monday, with only one being able to pick up the victory, who will it be? Helms or Stasiak? Tune in to Nitro this Monday to find out.


Bam Bam Bigelow v Goldberg


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BamBamBigelow.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Goldberg.jpg


Two weeks after fighting to a no-contest with his rival Sting at the Bash at the Beach, Goldberg finds himself in in-ring action this week against Bam Bam Bigelow. Goldberg stated that he plans on getting through Bigelow with ease, though Bam Bam says that it's about time for him to break through and finally get a victory. This matchup should be a good one, with both being heavy-hitters in the ring, who will win this one? And another question, will Sting make an appearance during this match? Tune in to Nitro on Monday Night to find out, only on Bravo!


Lex Luger & Rick Steiner v Buff Bagwell & Mike Awesome


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/LexLuger.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/RickSteiner.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/BuffBagwell.jpghttp://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/MikeAwesome.jpg


After turning on his former partner Lex Luger at the Bash at the Beach, Buff Bagwell is going to have a chance to inflict some more pain on the 'dead weight' of Totally Buff some more in tag-team action this Monday, Bagwell has chosen Mike Awesome to be his partner while Lex Luger has chosen Rick Steiner to be his. There's a lot of bad blood in this match, which should make this one all the more exciting, as both Luger and Bagwell will hold absolutely nothing back as they both get the chance to get their hands on each other. Which one of these two teams will have more drive to get the victory? Tune in to Nitro this Monday on Bravo to find out!



Rhino v Scott Steiner


http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/Rhino.jpg v http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww215/WCW_legacy/ScottSteiner.jpg


Last Monday Rhino shocked the wrestling universe when he pinned Booker T to become the new WCW United States Champion in his first match in WCW, this week he's got some more competition against him. WCW Management Representative Ric Flair was said to have been very impressed with Rhino's performance last week and so has put him in another match this week against Scott Steiner. Steiner has been looking to try and get back into the World Heavyweight Title picture, and a win over the United States Champion just might help Steiner get back to fight for the World Title, possibly at Fall Brawl. But Rhino is still looking forward to forge his path of destruction in WCW, and a win over Steiner can put other members of the WCW roster on notice that that path might just be coming. With Kevin Nash and #1 Contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Shawn Michaels scheduled to be at ringside, will this tip the scales to Steiner's favor? Or will Rhino impress everyone yet again and pick up another big victory on Nitro? Watch this match and many other great ones this Monday only on Nitro on Bravo!


Prediction List



The Natural Born Thrillers v Kronik - Nontitle

Shane Helms v Shawn Stasiak

Bam Bam Bigelow v Goldberg

Lex Luger & Rick Steiner v Buff Bagwell & Mike Awesome

Rhino v Scott Steiner - Nontitle




ATTENTION: I've got a new prediction contest lined up that will take place until Halloween Havoc (13 Shows From Now), the winner of this contest will make a major creative decision that I've come up with. And the WCW Saturday Night Webcasts will be predictable as well, instead of posting the results on the Dark Matches section of the Nitro Card, I will post the matches scheduled to take place and you may be able to predict them after reading Nitro. With plenty of shows, this should be good one.

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The Natural Born Thrillers v Kronik - Nontitle

Shane Helms v Shawn Stasiak

Bam Bam Bigelow v Goldberg

Lex Luger & Rick Steiner v Buff Bagwell & Mike Awesome

my mind says that it should go the other way but what can i Say Im a Steiner Bro's mark

Rhino v Scott Steiner - Nontitle

I want Big Poppa Pump to win but im taking the safe pick here

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The Natural Born Thrillers v Kronik - Nontitle

-You don't seem to care for Kronik very much, so I don't see why you'd give them a win over the champs, even to advance the feud between The NBT and The Dragons.


Shane Helms v Shawn Stasiak

-I'd like to see Helms win personally, but if you're planning on pushing both of these guys, which you seem to, Stasiak needs the win more. Stasiak loses a lot of his luster if his undefeated streak is stopped, while Helms still has the Cruiserweight title to fall back on.


Bam Bam Bigelow v Goldberg

-Poor Bammer.


Lex Luger & Rick Steiner v Buff Bagwell & Mike Awesome

-I think Buff Daddy figures more into your long-term plans than Flexy Lexy.


Rhino v Scott Steiner - Nontitle

-I don't think Rhino should be losing yet.

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