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The X-WA || "An Act of Vengeance for The Fallen Angel"

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NEWS: The Mystery deepens... An unknown figure leading the charge against Nemesis?


It's been over a month now since the very first attack was levied upon the X-WA's Owner, Nemesis, and as time goes on the plot becomes deeper and much more secretive. There are a number of questions that reside within this story and we, here at X-WrestlingAmerica.com, plan to tackle some of the biggest questions still lingering from this last weeks episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg". With that being said, let's begin...



Who is Nemesis's Mystery Attacker?

While his identity is still unknown... At least, by this point, we have begun to see him physically on TV. Dressed in a black tinted "Riot Squad" outfit, this mysterious assailant has gone un-named for quite some time now. He was the very man who started this all... And yet... We know as much about him today as we did back then practically.


Is he a member of the X-WA roster? A newly acquired superstar? In any aspect... No matter who is found to be under the "Riot Squad" gear... They will most certainly become Public Enemy #1 in the eyes of the Wrestling Legend, Nemesis.



What does William Kingsbury III have to do with all of this?

After vehemently denying any sort of connection with the mysterious attacker, William Kingsbury III has now stepped forward as a co-conspirator... A theoretical revolutionary agent. Everyone, Nemesis included, knew that he was lying from the start and all it took was a potential attack by the X-WA Owner upon Kingsbury at last month's PPV, "eXtreme Decimation", to show Kingsbury's true colors.... "yellow".


The "Riot Squad" attacker helped Kingsbury survive his match-up with Nemesis shortly following "eXtreme Decimation" (Forcing the match into a DQ due to his interference) and joined in along with his "savior" and bodyguard, Vladimir, to mow over the out-numbered X-WA Owner.


However, it wasn't until this past episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" where the plot began to become much more secretive.... As Kingsbury was seemingly used as the "Voice of a Revolution"... Declaring that he, the "Riot Squad" attacker, and Vladimir were all part of a new Militia forming in the X-WA.... A new faction focused squarely upon the fact of overthrowing Nemesis's rule in the X-WA. The most shocking part of it all though.... The announcement that a scorned figure in U.S. Wrestling History was on their way to the X-WA.... To lead this very faction with the intent of destroying the X-WA from within.



Who is the Mystery leader of this new Militia?

This is where the biggest question lies at this point.... Who is this mysterious leader? The only thing we've been given thus far is that they are a "scorned figure in U.S. Wrestling History"... However, that could be practically anyone if you look deep enough. In a sense, this figure has to have something against the X-WA Owner... A hatred so strong that they would step out from the shadows and designate all of their time and effort towards overthrowing Nemesis as the companies main authority figure.


Will we see him soon or will he continue to be a shadowy figure for quite some time? No one knows for sure.... However one thing we can surely rely on... The X-WA is in the process of an all-out war....



... Whose side will YOU be on? ...

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Writer's Note:


This summer is going to be a really busy one for me between 2 classes, 2 jobs, playing shows, and trying to maybe have a semblance of a life over the next 3 months... So, needless to say... The blistering pace that this diary has gone thus far may start to slow down greatly.


I have no plans on ending it, as I love creating my own little version of the Cornellverse, however, the overall pace will start to slow and there may not be as many "between show posts" (ie: news information, etc.).


Most of the storyline information will probably be found in the shows themselves... However, there will be one post following each show with a "website-esque" kind of look to it. Nothing crazy... Just enough to do a very small hype of what had just taken place on the previous show.


Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know. Thanks for still reading & checking back here and there!





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NEWS: "The Acid Impostor" does the unthinkable...

[2nd Week of July 2008]




[... It took "Acid" to defeat Acid ...]


After six months of never falling victim to a standard 3 count, the X-WX X Champion, Acid, suffered his very first pinfall loss this past week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" to the very man who is impersonating him. In the closing moments of this past week's Main Event, The "copy-cat Acid" found a way to do the unthinkable and ultimately defeat the X Champion with his own very move, "The Acid Rain Bomb". Needless to say, The X-WA Arena was in absolute shock over the outcome... with some viewers even going as far as to call the ending a "Historic Moment in Wrestling History".


We attempted to reach out to the X Champion for a comment on the matter, however, the man of little words was M.I.A. Reports, however, have surfaced that the animalistic warrior was seen storming into the depths of the X-WA Arena.... In a sense, descending into his constructed lair seperated from the rest of the roster.


It should be noted, however, that Acid is STILL undefeated in singles competition as his only losses have come in Tag Team formats.


With such an outcome transpiring... Are Acid's days as X Champion numbered? In just a few short weeks he will, once again, square off against his mysterious "Imposter" at X-WA "Hellbent".... however, this time... the title will be on the line!

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Out of Curiosity, could we send you questions for the Pulse ?


You definitely can. If anyone would like to send in questions for "The Pulse" then you can do so via PM'ing me. I'll throw them in with the default Q's that I'll be using during the post.


"The Pulse" will become a weekly thing, following each show along with the "Behind the Curtains" report.


So, yea, if you have a Q or two... Send them along.

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BLITZKRIEG: "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" Card Announced!

[2nd Week of July 2008]





As stated previously here on X-WrestlingAmerica.com, The X-WA is on the verge of a cataclysmic civil war. A violent, emotionally charged, company-wide altercation with the lingering question being..... Whose side will you be on?


Do you favor the X-WA Owner, and all-around Wrestling Legend, Nemesis?


Or wil your allegiance fall towards a budding Militia that is hell-bent upon removing Nemesis as the Owner of the X-WA by any means necissary?


While the members of the Militia may be shrouded in secrecy at this point... Will our upcoming episode of "Blitzkrieg" bring the much needed answers that we are all starving for? Who stands for the Militia? Who is the mysterious "Riot Squad" Attacker? Also, who is the unknown figure of power leading this potential faction? Only time will tell....


With that being said, here is the upcoming card for "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg"....



Hell Monkey vs. Ultimate Phoenix

[Non-Title Match]


Francios Cartier w/ Queen Emily vs. Joss Thompson or Jacob Jett

[Grudge Match]


Mainstream Hernandez w/ "The Boys of Huntington Beach" vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir & "Riot Squad" Figure


"The Circus" © vs. "The Way of OTA"

[X-WA Six Man Championship Match]

[six Man Division Rules]


|| "Blitzkrieg" Main Event ||


American Elemental vs. Vicente Marquez




* Steve Flash to address Kill Switch, and "The Circus", about their attack on his Son LIVE via Satellite from the Flash household in NY.

* Vicente Marquez to make a big announcement regarding Jack Griffith, Hell Monkey, and their Chaos Championship Match set for X-WA "Hellbound".

* The Militia continues to take shape....



As we climb closer and closer towards the X-WA's July PPV, "Hellbound", there are still a lot of questions still hovering above the action. What will the final card look like? Will we know the identity of the members of the vengeful Militia? Will we find out the identity of the "Acid Impostor"?


With all of these questions still hanging above it all, These next few weeks will certainly stand to be a truly chaotic string of events.




*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Hell Monkey vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Francios Cartier vs. Joss Thompson or Jacob Jett

Mainstream Hernandez vs. William Kingsbury III

"The Circus" © vs. "The Way of OTA"

American Elemental vs. Vicente Marquez

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excited for the next ppv as this whole militia thing is shaping up to be a really cool storyline. kind of makes you feel like the old school nwo when they first came to wcw. the whole whose side will you be on thing goes along with that feel. very cool.


*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Picks ***


Hell Monkey vs. Ultimate Phoenix

hell monkey is a champ of yours and he needs a win leading into the ppv


Francios Cartier vs. Joss Thompson or Jacob Jett

carter is on his way out. one of his former trio members gets their day in the sun.


Mainstream Hernandez vs. William Kingsbury III

kingsbury is a bigger star for you but i sense some sort of situation from nemesis helping hernandez pick up a huge victory. plus you need new big time wrestlers as alot have left.


"The Circus" © vs. "The Way of OTA"

both trios are losing a member so im not really sure what youre going to do here. Ota's trio has been pushing for the win though.


American Elemental vs. Vicente Marquez

shot in the dark if you ask me but i have a feeling that this match wont go as planned. maybe jack griffith continues to butt into Marquez's business? something is bound to happen.

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X-WA "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" - TV Event

Saturday, 2nd Week of July 2008 (Shown on TV on Thursday)

The X-WA Arena (Tri-State)








Hell Monkey vs. Ultimate Phoenix

[Non-Title Match]


While Ultimate Phoenix is highly regarded as a "prize commodity" in most Indy Wrestling circles, The West Coast veteran has had a really difficult time in the X-WA since losing the Arena Championship. Despite his troubles, Phoenix will go down in history as the VERY FIRST man to hold said title, however, as of late, he hasn't really found himself back in "true form". Tonight wasn't any different... sadly.


While his flashy, aerial loaded, approach to wrestling is enough to "wow" the fans.... His inability to string together a confident hard-hitting style was his ultimate downfall as Hell Monkey is far too demanding as a competitor to not do so. Monkey, practically well-versed in every form of wrestling, was consistently in control of the match-up and was never really on the verge of losing tonight. While Phoenix was successful in pushing the pace of the match to an almost chaotic pace.... The Chaos Champion himself, Hell Monkey, was able to match his aggressive speed and eventually shock the Pro-Phoenix crowd with a, out of nowhere, pinfall victory following his signature "Tumbling Monkey".


Winner: Hell Monkey over Ultimate Phoenix in 13:15 via pinfall.

Grade: C-



Angle: A Firey Challenge...

Grade: D+



[... A Enraged Father with a Challenge ...]


[A short interview is shown between Steve Flash and X-WA journalist, Jonathan Owens, via satellite as Flash is currently at home with ailing Son following a powerbomb through a flaming table from the "Ringmaster of the Circus", Kill Switch. Flash, obviously filled with nothing but violent rage, stairs into the camera and barely says a word as Jonathan Owens directs questions at him. Instead, he would deliver as short of an answer as possible... looking down at the ground as if he was a broken man after seeing his son physically assaulted as he was a few weeks back on "Blitzkrieg". In the end, Steve Flash delivers an aggressive challenge for Kill Switch.... Ultimately challenging him to a "Flaming Tables Match" for "Hellbound", the upcoming X-WA PPV only a few weeks away. Owens, thrown back by such a match choice by Flash, questions why he would want to subject himself to the same kind of carnage that his son had to endure... in that case, Flash delivers this final message.]


"If Kill Switch wants to play with fire..... We'll play with fire. However, this time... It will be his flesh burning atop that table... Retribution for what he did to my son."



Angle: Who gets the shot at Francios, Tonight?...

Grade: D-



[... Who gets the Shot? ...]


[At this point, We cut backstage to see former "Next-Gen-Trio" members Jacob Jett and Joss Thompson stairing eachother down in the locker room area. Neither man looks as if they are willing to step down as both know exactly what is on the line tonight... A shot at their former boss... the very man who physically kicked both of them out of their previous Trio... one at a time. Knowing that only one of them will be given the shot to face Cartier, Jacob Jett attempts to make a case for why he should receive the shot... Totally ignoring the fact that everything he was forced through was also what Joss was forced through a week earlier. However, just as Jacob comes to a close and is looking for Joss to do the same... Joss looks down at the ground and slowly spins around from Jacob.... A potential sign that he is giving up the shot tonight and allowing Jacob to take the match. In a brief second, Jacob forms an arrogant smirk upon his face... Thinking he has tonight's match... Only to end up unconious on the floor as Joss quickly swings back and lands a hard right hand across the jaw of the unsuspecting Jett.]


[Jacob rolls around on the ground holding his face in agonizing pain as Joss Thompson shakes out his fist, potentially injured from such a hellacious punch, and slowly walks out of the room... Not a word was spoken on his part... rather... He used his actions to gain the shot at Cartier tonight!]





Francios Cartier w/ Queen Emily vs. Joss Thompson

[Grudge Match]


The second match-up of the night would prove to be a "Tale of the Former Boss vs. his Former Employee" in a sense as Francios Catier, the former leader of the "Next-Gen-Trio", was squaring off against Joss Thompson, forced out of the lost Trio by Cartier. Needless to say, there was an overly emotional sense to this match.... Something that was seen in both men as everything was taking on a highly contested tone.


Cartier, with help of Queen Emily, was fortunate enough to turn Joss's relative obsession with him into his weakness.... Allowing Joss to overwork himself, ultimately overlooking key moments of the match, and making room for Queen Emily to distract the UK-born youngster on a few different occassions. At one point, their dubious tandem had all but overloaded Thompson following a missed springboard moonsault in the direction of his Opponent. Upon hitting the mat, his head bouncing off the canvas, it seemed as if Joss was on "dream street"... However... That notion would come to a crashing hault...


As Franios Cartier, later on in the match following a slow-plotting assault on Joss, was attempting his signature Fisherman Suplex... His opponent found enough piece of mind to "snap back into the moment"... Breaking the hold with a few choice strikes to the kidney area of Cartier. Francios, trying to swoop back in again for the same move, instead is caught by Joss's new signature move, "The Guillotine" (Standing Suplex/Stunner Combo)... Putting him out-cold upon impact. Meanwhile, as Queen Emily continues to slam her hands against the canvas below in frustration.... Ryan Holland counts a standard three count in favor of the former "Next-Gen-Trio" outcast.... Joss Thompson.


Winner: Joss Thompson over Francios Cartier in 11:28 via pinfall.

Grade: C+



Angle: Special Guest Referee is named...

Grade: D+



[... The Man in Charge of Chaos at "Hellbound" ...]


[shortly following a brief commercial break, We see X-WA superstar, Vicente Marquez standing before a black and white company backdrop, situated in the loading dock area of the X-WA Arena. In a very short address, The embattled youngster reflects upon his decision, last week, to no longer be a "victim" and to move forward with destructive intentions. His first action since delivering such a major decree was to announce that, after speaking with Nemesis earlier on in the night, he will be the special guest referee for Jack Griffith's Chaos Championship shot versus, the Champ, Hell Monkey at "Hellbound". While Marquez had practically allowed Jack Griffith to destroy his life over the last six months... He now believes that the tides have turned... As he is focused on now delivering the same amount of pain, agony, and destruction upon the very man who has sought to do the same to him. In a sense, the once mild-tempered youngster was now on a pathway towards vicious vengence... Starting with Griffith's title shot at "Hellbound".]





Mainstream Hernandez w/ The Boys of Huntington Beach" vs. William Kingsbury III w/ Vladimir & "Riot Squad" Figure


There was this overall feeling in the X-WA Arena that this match would not go the distance..... Not because either of these men weren't talented enough to defeat the other, but rather that everyone was awaiting the arrival of the X-WA Owner, Nemesis. Even Kingsbury had this feeling hovering over him as he designated both Vladimir and the mysterious "Riot Squad" Figure to stand at the base of the enterence way in anticipation of the rage-filled Owner in dispute. So, needless to say, the match itself felt a waiting game as everyone knew what was about to happen...


The match itself was a standard back and forth affair with Mainstream Hernandez holding his own against the controversial "Silver Spoon Superstar". In most cases, Kingsbury plays the "bumbling fool" in most matches as a way to catch his opponents off guard... In a sense, rendering them in a position where he can ultimately overcome them with a few choice blows here and there. However, in this match-up Kingsbury was seen taking it too Hernandez from the very start. While he looked good through out the match... The overwhelming feeling with most was how great of a performance the youngster, Hernandez, was able to deliver.


In the end, though, what everyone was waiting for.... came to pass. X-WA Owner, Nemesis, came storming out of the back with a baseball bat already in hand... Stairing down the Threesome who laid him out last week with a "cold hearted stair". Vladimir and the "Riot Squad" Figure tried to stop him, however, Nemesis bolted in their direction and was able to take both of them out in a truly renegade kind of fashion. After quickly disposing of Kingsbury's entourage... He slowly made his way into the ring with baseball bat still in hand.... The crowd is going absolutely crazy as Nemesis stairs down his hated rival with a look of a sense of true vengence peering out of his eyes. Ryan Holland tries to stop the carnage but there's nothing he can do.... Nemesis leaps towards Kingsbury, trying to reason with the X-WA Owner, landing a major blow across the side of his head.


Kingsbury's knees buckle underneath him as the Wrestling Legend continues in his assault... Wailing away on his fallen victim as the X-WA crowd is eating every second of this up. With no real choice in the matter, Ryan Holland calls for the bell... Officially declaring this match-up in favor of Kingsbury via DQ.


Winner: William Kingsbury III over Mainstream Hernandez in 9:42 via DQ. The match was called as a DQ following Nemesis's attack on Kingsbury.

Grade: C



Angle: And The Mystery Attacker Is...

Grade: C+



[... The Attack wages on ...]


[Nemesis, hell-bent on destroying this so called "Militia" before it can even take shape, continues to lay into William Kingsbury III with baseball shot after baseball shot upon the spoiled youngster's back. Ryan Holland, trying to control the situation, attempts to slow down the Owner... However, all it took was one threatening gesture his way for the X-WA employed referee to step away and allow such an attack to take place.]


[After a few more seconds, Vladimir is seen climbing back to his feet and stepping over the top rope... Stairing down Nemesis as he practically begs for the Big Man to "come get some". Vladimir, attempting a Big Boot straight out of the gate, is met with a thunderous baseball swing square to his chest... Bending him over in the process. Trying to fight off the pain for a brief second, Vlad attemps to swing at Nemesis with a rage-filled closeline... However, Nemesis is able to, once again, move out of the way.. Landing a powerful shot to the back of Kingsbury's personal bodyguard. This final shot sends Vladimir back to the ground... Holding his back in pain...]


[Nemesis stands over the Big Man with the end of the baseball bat facing towards his head... About to slam it square into the back of his skull, however, just then... "The Riot Squad" figure sneaks into the ring and decks Nemesis from behind with his steel baton. The strike lands square across the back right Leg of the X-WA Owner, forcing him to drop the bat and grab for his potentially injured knee. Nemesis, trying to spin around to defend himself, is unable to... (Just like last week)... As the "Riot Squad" Figure decks Nemesis straight across the face with the steel baton... In a sense, knocking Nemesis out with one major blow. The X-WA Owner, now unconcious, lays motionless on the canvas below as the "Riot Squad" figure goes around to both Kingsbury and Vladimir to help them back to their feet. Once back on their feet, Vladimir and Kingsbury begin to stomp the living hell out of the fallen Legend... As the "Riot Squad" member stands before the dissaproving X-WA Crowd.... Ripping his Helmet off to show that it's none other than....]



... Stric Lee Bizness ...


[sLB is the mysterious attacker who has laid out the X-WA Owner on three previous occassions... The very man who started all of this craze... And now, seemingly a member of the new Militia forming in the X-WA. The three men, (Kingsbury, SLB, and Vlad) embrace in the ring shortly as the livid X-WA Crowd continues to throw trash into the ring... Pissed about the outcome and being overly vocal about it in the process. This is the image we are left with right before a well placed commercial break.]





"The Circus" © vs. "The Way of OTA"

[X-WA Six Man Championship Match]

[six Man Division Rules]


The only title match of the night came as THE most dominant X-WA Trio, "The Circus", put their Six Man Championship on the line against an impressive new Trio led by Fumihiro Ota, "The Way of OTA". Since the X-WA's inception, "The Circus" have been the ONLY Trio to hold the "crown jewel" of the Trio Division.... Defending it against various upstart threesomes looking to dethrone the Champs, however, no one has been successful as of yet. Until... maybe... Tonight?


The match itself was certainly a hectic one as all 6 men made their presence known through out the match. Bodies flying everywhere, high spots from each corner of the ring, and even a few bone rattling manuevers on the outside of the ring, would make up the overall look of this match. Kill Switch, the leader of "The Circus", stood out above the rest as he and Fumihiro Ota were constantly engaging eachother... Brawling around the ringside area and ultimately looking to their Trio-mates to "take care of business". At one point, Kill Switch and Ota had strayed so far away from the ring that the X-WA had to bring in a whole new camera angle just for them as they brawled into the first few rows of the seating area.


Meanwhile in the ring, Mikkel Drago and Jay Chord were working as a "well-oiled machine"... Pushing Whippy the Clown and Snap Dragon to the edge and back. At one point, it looked as if Drago and Chord were on the verge of picking up a victory following a "jaw-dropping" double team powerbomb... However, Snap Dragon was fortunate enough to sneak in and break up Jay Chord's pinfall. While they may have found a way to sneak out of that one... The overall tone was that of the "Way of OTA" looking like they were on the verge of winning the titles!


However, no one saw this coming next.... Fumihiro Ota and Kill Switch have worked their way back towards the ring... Eventually climbing up into their respective corners... Looking to finish tonight's action off as the "legal men" for once... but... that chance never came to happen as Jay Chord, the legal man at the time, decided to exit the ring out of nowhere.... Back peddling up the rampway as he throws on a T-shirt that was waiting for him at ringside. As the shirt is finally in view, on him now, it's seen that the Black T-shirt is actually a Total Championship Wrestling shirt. Ota and Drago, confused as to what is going on, watches on as Jay Chord back peddles towards the enterence curtains... wearing the t-shirt of his new employer... Laughing the entire time.


As Ryan Holland finishes his count.... "The Way of OTA" ends up losing tonight's match-up due to the fact that Jay Chord, the legal man in the match, had walked out on his former Trio...


Winner: "The Circus" over "The Way of OTA" in 10:22 via count-out.

Grade: D+



Angle: Coming to make a save?...

Grade: D-


[With Jay Chord walking out on his former Trio-mates, "The Way of OTA" is now down to two men.... Which, in turn, would pose a huge problem from them as "The Circus" (3 Strong) are now embarking on a 3 on 2 attack in the middle of the ring. No matter what Ota and Drago try to do... It's just not enough to overcome the sheer number difference as both men fall victim to their recent rivals. However, that would all come to an end as...]



[... Hell Monkey to the Rescue?]


[Hell Monkey comes roaring out of the back with his trusty bented, and bloodied, steel chair in his hand. The X-WA Chaos Champion piles into the ring, dropping the title belt on the canvas below and stairing down his former Rivals... "The Circus". Literally, before he was injured, Hell Monkey was just coming off of a huge 2 month feud with the very team he now stands on the opposite side of the ring from... Seemingly eager to re-ignite the flames of their previous rivalry.]


[However, that was just not the case.... As Fumihiro Ota tried to pull himself up to his feet, Hell Monkey vicious swung the steel chair in his direction... Slamming the dented steel over his head and dropping the loved cruiserweight back to the canvas. Monkey, with a look on his face as if he had "lost it", does the same to Mikkel Drago before landing a HUGE russian leg sweep on Drago... onto the steel chair below. From there, Hell Monkey quickly bounces his way back up to his feet... Stairing down "The Circus" still...]


[That's when it happened... Hell Monkey slowly walks towards the members of "The Circus" and takes his place... Aside Kill Switch. All four men celebrate togther as it's aparent now that Hell Monkey has become the newest member of the demonic, "Circus" Faction. The crowd is heard boo'ing like crazy, angrily denouncing the Chaos Champions actions, however, it doesn't seem to phase him in the slightest.]



Angle: The Militia has left the building...

Grade: C



[... The Militia begins to take shape ...]


[shortly after Hell Monkey's succsessful turn, We now cut backstage to see a long black limo positioned on the side street from the X-WA Arena. A grungy grey door slowly opens up as William Kingsbury III, Stric Lee Bizness, and Vladimir all pile out into the sweltering night air... Slowly making their way over to the waiting limo. The limo driver quickly runs out gracefully opens up the back door facing the Arena as the three X-WA superstars stand on the cracked sidewalk... looking into the limo. There, we see a hand slowly stretch out and motion for them to "come in", this gesture is backed by a familiar voice peering out of the vehicle stating "It's time to leave for tonight... We won this battle, however, the war has only begun". From there, Kingsbury III, SLB, and Vlad all pile into the limo... Speeding off into the night.]





American Elemental vs. Vicente Marquez


Tonight's main event was a prime example of what "Modern Wrestling" is all about as two high-paced, overly athletic, "Aerial Kings" squared off one-on-one for the very first in X-WA history. While both men have been labeled as true "Cornerstones" to said style, The X-WA had no idea what was about to happen next as these two confident young superstars really pushed the boundaries of gravity..... Taking flight on several occasions... Putting their bodies on the line for the sake of a single victory.


AE, known for his "High Risk/High Reward" menality, was in rare form tonight as everything seemed to "click". Gone were the former letdowns the International youngster had conjured up... Instead, it looked as if his mind was primarily focused on elevating his career tonight with a huge victory over the darling of the X-WA, Vicente Marquez. From the very onset, AE was looking to set the pace at an insane pace... Striking Marquez with an array of sweeping kicks and open-palm strikes.... Ultimately pushing Marquez on his heels and taking the Mexican-native out of his element. In most cases, at first, it looked like Marquez was caught off guard by AE's aggressive approach.... As he suffered to gain any sense of control in the match-up. Knowing this was the case, AE continued his fast striking intentions... Catching Marquez off guard through out the early moments of their bout.


Vicente Marquez, a true survivor if there ever was one, would ultimately find a way to force himself back into an equals standpoint with his opponent, Using the same fast striking approach to dizzy AE.... Finally dropping him to the mat with a rolling Spinebuster, a move that was exicuted as AE tried to leap upon Marquez following hitting the ropes. Marquez, seeing his opportunity to set the tone of the match, began to work over the much smaller AE... Focusing his approach on the previously injured knee of his opponent.


However, focusing on AE's knee wouldn't really prove to be that benefitial as the youngster continued to bounce off each and every rope he could find.... The biggest moment coming when AE landed a leaping hurricanrana onto Marquez.... Pulling both men over the top rope and crashing to the floor. From there, both would trade high spots of their own.... With the major one being Vicente Marquez's shooting star press plancha from the top rope onto the staggering AE below. The crowd, chanting "holy Sh*t" upon exicution, was absolutely mesmerized by tonight's Main Event as both men were practically putting their lives on the line in front of them.


In the end, however, there had to be a victor....


American Elemental and Vicente Marquez were both standing atop the nearest turnbuckle... Fighting tooth and nail for who would ultiamtely gain control of the situation. AE, landing a hard elbow strike to the jaw of Marquez, sees his opportunity to potentially finish the match with a high impact move from the Top Rope, sets himself up for a top rope superplex.... However, Marquez is able to block it.... Tries again.... It's blocked again.... While AE tried to losen up Marquez's forehead following the blocks.... Vicente is fortuante enough to literally push his opponent off the top rope. Upon impact, however, AE sprung right back up to his feet... Knowing that if he was going to win... Now is the time to do so. However, once he comes back to the ropes... Marquez shows off his cat-like ability... Leaping to his feet and diving off the top rope.... As he descends Marquez exicutes a top rope spear.... Slamming AE down to the mat with a thunderous force.


From there, Marquez lifted the obviously stunned AE.... Finally exicuting his signature "Vicente Spike" (Brainbuster Suplex) in the middle of the ring... followed by a quick pinfall... and a standard 3 count from X-WA Referee, Ryan Holland.


Winner: Vicente Marquez over American Elemental in 18:39 via pinfall.

Grade: C+



Angle: Bitter Hatred between "Like Figures"...

Grade: C-



[... The Gates of Hell Open with this assault ...]


[The show's closing segment would pit the X-WA X Champion, Acid, against his opponent for "Hellbound", and his "Copy-Cat", "The Acid Impostor". All in all, Acid (completely enraged over falling victim to a pinfall last week) stormed down to the ring and threw his X Championship on the canvas below... Without speaking a word, The animalistic fighter began to point to the rafters of the X-WA Arena... Screaming out with a warrior's cry... Almost as if he was threatening his "Impostor" to show his face... And that's exactly what he got following a black-out. The two men, with a bitter aggression not seen everyday, began to wail into eachother with fists of fury... Pushing themselves over the top rope and crashing to the floor below, never breaking from their fight.]


[in the end, both men were seen using everything and anything at ringside to beat eachother up... Electrical chords, TV cameras, steel chairs, tables, Trash cans, etc... You name it... They used it. They even took their wild brawl into the crowd, dodging fans as they continued their violent assault upon one another. At one point, "The Acid Impostor" used a steel chair that a fan had been sitting on to slam over the head of the X Champion... Rocking him sensless and igniting a huge response from the crowd. X-WA security guards stand on guard as both superstars are literally within inches of X-WA Fans... Anything could really happen at this point.]


[in the end, Acid's "Impostor", once again, gets the upper hand on the X Champion... First slamming his head against the back wall of the Arena and then finally belly-to-belly overhead suplexing him through a wavering table that a group of fans put together for them. Acid, motionless, looks to be conquered once again as his challenger... And all around Mysterious Figure, as we do not know his identity past the fact that he wears "Acid's" ring attire, stands over top of him... Taunting in Acid's signature Gladiator kind of way... Closing the show with the real question being.... Can the animalistic Warrior, Acid, find a way to overcome his "Impostor" at "Hellbound", because if not... We will have a new Champion!]








Overall Show Grade: C

Popularity Status: Increased!

X-WA Arena Attendance: 3,327

"Blitzkrieg" PPV Buyrate: 0.38 (- 0.02)

Prediction Winner(s): BigPapa42 (4 out of 5)!


*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Re-Cap ***


Hell Monkey def. Ultimate Phoenix via pinfall. (C-)

Joss Thompson def. Francios Cartier via pinfall. (C+)

William Kingsbury III def. Mainstream Hernandez via DQ. ©

"The Circus" def. "The Way of OTA" via count-out. (D+)

Vicente Marquez def. American Elemental via pinfall. (C+)

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+ There was an overall buzz backstage this week as there are a number of superstars unhappy with the amount of TV time they've received lately. Superstars like: Silver Shark, The Mean Machine, The Cyclone, P-Phunk, and others have come to the point where they are annoyed with their position within the company. With that being said, it seems that X-WA Owner, Nemesis, and X-WA officials may be on the verge of letting a lot of people go following their contracts running up in a few months. There are a few bigger names that are rumored to be on the way out, so the names above aren't the only people in jeopardy.


+ The X-WA is, once again, at odds over what to do with the Six Man Championships. Company officials thought they the division was on the verge of potentially "breaking out" due to the influx of new talent, however, this last weeks raid on the X-WA roster has left the company with a lack of Trio's once again. There is a consistent buzzing backstage that Nemesis may be looking to rid the company of the Titles as it continues to be a difficult sell when the division can't stay strong enough. As many as you know, This battle has been going on backstage for quite some time now as company officials struggle to make a decision about their unique threesome approach to Tag wrestling.


+ It's been made official, Jonathan Owens will be taking over Steve Smith's chair at the Announcing Table for all upcoming events effective immediately. Steve Smith, the former "voice of the X-WA", is on the verge of leaving for TCW tomorrow and is leaving a giant gap to be filled. In the end, Nemesis felt that Owens had the best chance of succeeding behind the desk (B levels in all entertainment/announcing skills).


+ American Elemental is considered to be a rising star within the X-WA. It's been noted that the company loves his high-speed approach to in-ring combat and it now seems that he has Nemesis in his corner. Could this mean something big for AE going forward? He's truly seen as one of their Franchise members thus far.


+ There were a number of Indy workers backstage at this last weeks episode of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg". While most of them were ushered away from the local media, One wrestler , Kirk Jameson, was seen talking with X-WA Owner all through out the night. Could the youngster be on his way, with a few others, to the X-WA? Only time will tell for sure...




*** "Blitzkrieg" Quick Re-Cap ***


Hell Monkey def. Ultimate Phoenix via pinfall. (C-)

Joss Thompson def. Francios Cartier via pinfall. (C+)

William Kingsbury III def. Mainstream Hernandez via DQ. ©

"The Circus" def. "The Way of OTA" via count-out. (D+)

Vicente Marquez def. American Elemental via pinfall. (C+)


Overall Show Grade: C


Note: The most recent posting (6/10) of "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" is the final post on the previous page. If you haven't had a chance to give it a read, and would like to keep up with the diary, then def. check it out! Let me know what you think. Cheers.
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great show eisen. I love the fact that stric lee bizness was the mystery attacker as it gives him a main event platform for awhile which he has shown he deserves with show grades. The militia thing is turning out to be a pretty cool faction. Especially since the group has a reasoning behind it, not just a collection of people for no reason.


You continue to put together a great diary man. Sucks to hear that you may be slowing down a bit but you will still have a reader in me.

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great show eisen. I love the fact that stric lee bizness was the mystery attacker as it gives him a main event platform for awhile which he has shown he deserves with show grades. The militia thing is turning out to be a pretty cool faction. Especially since the group has a reasoning behind it, not just a collection of people for no reason.


You continue to put together a great diary man. Sucks to hear that you may be slowing down a bit but you will still have a reader in me.


Thank you! I felt that Stric Lee would be best for the position as he is a borderline Main Eventer (From a popularity standpoint), So he would need a campaign like this to really get him on top. Kingsbury, even losing to Nemesis on two different occassions, really did well following his feud with Nemesis.


As for slowing down, Yea, I'm super busy as of late and on top of that... It's been hard to keep my motivation levels high. I've questioned whether or not I should take some time off and maybe start a new diary with a company in the Cornellverse like TCW or something but I LOVE doing more "darker entertainment" and seeing how there really aren't any in the Cornellverse... My created company was the only thing that seemed possibile.


The next show may not be up for a week or so too since I'm leaving on Vacation on saturday and will be gone until Wednesday, so it'll give me some time to get away for a bit. Maybe re-charge the batteries.


All in all, Thank you though!

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NEWS: Jay Chord Walks out on X-WA to join TCW.




[... The Son of a Legend walks out on the X-WA for TCW ...]


There is a lot of internet buzz hovering around Jay Chord's recent walk-out on the X-WA to join Cornell's, Total Championship Wrestling. While it's hard to fault a youngster for trying his hand at an International sized company.... Many feel that his decision to walk out on his Trio, "The Way of OTA", this week was another sign of his egocentric mentality.


Jay Chord, known for his combative arrogant personality, was considered to be an up-and-coming superstar for the X-WA, however, those dreams were destroyed when Total Championship Wrestling offered a Written contract to the youngster. However, in stead of bowing out like a respected figure... Chord decided to continue his childish ways by walking out on Mikkel Drago and Fumihiro Ota during a Six Man Championship Match... Forcing "The Way of OTA" to lose based upon a count-out decision.


When reached for comment on the matter, Jay Chord (only a week or so away from being TCW bound), left this controversial soundbyte... Something certainly that's going to enrage a lot of rabid X-WA fans.


"The X-WA was a stepping stone for me as I never had any intentions to stay with this floundering piece of crap. They can try to hype themselves as the "future of the industry" or as something all-together different from the "Big Three" but we all know that's nothing more than smoke. The X-WA has been, and will forever be, nothing more than a 4th rate company with a roster housing nothing more than nameless hacks."


+ Jay Chord


It should be noted, while Jay Chord did walk out on his Trio this last week on "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg", that his contract does not truly end until after this weeks episode of "Blitzkrieg". With that being said, It's been rumored that Nemesis will be forcing the youngster to make an appearance on the upcoming show. Will he be in action? Only time will tell...

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After thinking long and hard about the state of my X-WA Diary, I feel that I may take some time off from the whole diary writing thing and see if I can re-charge my batteries. To be honest, this "time off period" could only stretch for a few days but I do feel like I need to step away and find something new to keep me interested.


The X-WA was a lot of fun to book, however, recently, I've found myself mulling over a couple new projects that may be more fun/reader friendly to Cornellverse fans.


Needless to say, I'm going to think over what I want to do with these projects and ultimately will probably come back sometime in the next week or two with a new focus... and a new company.


Thanks to everyone who read this! Overall, as a Cornellverse realist at heart, I started to lose touch with a company that wasn't in the original data set.


All in all, Hopefully some of you will jump to my other diary, if and when, that comes up.



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What a difference a few hours make.... ha.


So, I was mulling over a new project to escape my X-WA diary, however, I've come to realize that there really isn't another company in the Cornellverse world that would give me what I'm looking for. I love this version of the X-WA as it's more about modern wrestling, equal on popularity and skill, and gives me the "dark entertainment" abillity... So, needless to say, everything I'm looking for.


I tried to look into a few other companies, however, nothing seemed to really "Fit" with what I'm looking to write about. So, needless to say, I'm going to keep this diary up and running instead. I've come to 480 some posts so far and there's really no reason to leave it now.... Especially with a few huge storylines on the horizon.


I'm going out of town tomorrow, though, and won't be able to post any show related information. I will have my computer on me so I may check in and respond if anyone write's something after this... If not... Then you'll see another posts next week that goes into the next show.


I guess, I started to think that people didn't like my diary because it wasn't a typical cornellverse company. There are a lot of really great diaries out there and a lot of them are well deserved in their attention. I guess I got to the point where I was feeling as if my writings weren't all that interesting, even though I was super interested in them myself, and felt like that I was fizzling out since I felt like just "another diary".


I'm going to work my hardest to keep it as reader friendly and enjoyable as possible.


All in all,


This X-WA diary is still on.


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Good to hear the XWA is sticking around. While I have no doubt that you could have done well with one of the other promotions, you've put a lot of work into this vision of XWA. It works very well and you have a reader base.


The temptation for someonething seems to common. I know I experience it often enough, and it seems like a few other writers do too. Glad you're continuing with this one...

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Good to hear the XWA is sticking around. While I have no doubt that you could have done well with one of the other promotions, you've put a lot of work into this vision of XWA. It works very well and you have a reader base.


The temptation for someonething seems to common. I know I experience it often enough, and it seems like a few other writers do too. Glad you're continuing with this one...


Thank you, Pa.


I think I was itching for something new since I've been running with this diary for 3 months now and started to feel there were certain things about the company that I wasn't too excited about anymore. With that being said, I'm taking the week or so to iron out the "new details" behind my diary. However, this is what I'm thinking as of right now:


* Trio Titles become Tag Titles

(I've lost a huge chunk of my Trio wrestlers due to TCW moving up in the ranks and instead of hiring a whole slew of new people just to pad my roster, I'm going to transition the Trio titles over into the Tag Titles once and for all).


* Under that same idea, I'm cutting down the size of my roster.

(Too many people are pretty much not being used and instead of having them flounder in Dark Matches... It's best to just let them go and bring them back in later if I need them/want them again)


* Match Ratio goes from 80% to 70%

(The X-WA is all about having good in-ring action along with popularity, as they are rated equally in my product, however, one thing I've noticed is that the storylines take over the huge portion of my show. Now, with this, I can cut down to 4 matches per show versus 5 and open up more room for my storylines).


* Show Write'ups will be shorter.

(Not crazy short but more compact and maybe less drawn out. This is more for my own sanity. Sure, an occassional show may be written out in massive detail here and there when it needs it, however, I'm going to allow myself some room to relax on the finite details all the time and go forward with quality versus quantity. PPV's will still be drawn out though.)



That's really it. So, if you're a reader of this diary.... You're going to see some slight things change about the X-WA, however, I promise to make these things a part of the overall happenings of the company (Ie: the Trio to Tag division). I don't want it to seem like there were just huge changes made and no real emphasis on why they happend. Needless to say, As the storylines continue to push forward.... So will some changes to the overall landscape of the X-WA.

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[OOC: I'm not going to be able to post a long write-up for this upcoming "Thursday Night Blitzkrieg" card, however, I wanted to leave behind what matches will be taking place... So, that by the time, I get back home after vacation... Then maybe it'll give some feedbackers to leave behind their predictions.]




The Dreamweaver vs. The Mean Machine


Stric Lee Bizness vs. Stevie Grayson and Mainstream Hernandez

[2 on 1 Handi-cap Match]


Fumihiro Ota w/ Mikkel Drago vs. Jay Chord

[Knock-Out Match]


Acid vs. "Acid" vs. Jack Griffith vs. Kill Switch vs. Steve Flash vs. Vicente Marquez

[six-Way Match]

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