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OT: OK so i feel i have a really good game going and would like to share this with you in the form of a diary. I have currently just passed Victory Road 09 and will be beginning my diary from the following nights Impact broadcast.


I Sat in my Office chair looking over the figures from the Victory Road PPV, All things considered it was a good PPV a solid 3.99 Buy Rate, A rabid sell out crowd...


I was startled as the phone rang.


"Hello Neil Speaking"


"Neil it's Dixie great work on the PPV last night the Lashley vs Joe main event was a work of art."


"Thanks Dixie but really it was just a filler we need to look at our big picture here of getting AJ back and pulling the trigger on the Joe AJ feud."


"What did you have in mind?"


"I'm not sure Dixie I'm not sure at all."


I hung up the phone and run my hands through my hair. while on paper the fans would eat a feud between Joe and AJ up i knew it had been done before and that they would want something new and interesting.


Victory Road 2009 Quick Results

Miss Maryse and The Beautiful People (W) vs Roxxi, O.D.B and Taylor Wilde (L)


X Division Title Match

Jerry Lynn © (W) vs Sheik Abdul Bashir vs The Fallen Angel Christoper Daniels


TNA Tag Team Titles

Team 3D (W) Defeated Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner.


TNA Women Knockout Title

Cheerleader Melissa defeated Awesome Kong, Sarah Stock and Sara Del Ray to win the title previously held by Del Ray.


Kurt Angle and Booker T defeated Paul London and Mick Foley to retain Booker's TNA Legends Title.


TNA Heavyweight Title


Samoa Joe retained vs Bobby Lashley.

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TNA Impact Preview


Join TNA for all the Victory Road fallout from this past Sunday


Whilst members of the Main Event Mafia Kurt Angle and Booker T were successful, Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash failed to win their match.


How will Nash and Steiner respond to their Tag Title loss to Team 3D?


How will the landscape of the X Title be affected coming off Victory Road where we saw Jerry Lynn retain in his 1st defense of his title?


How will the ever vocal Bashir respond?


How will the new attitude of The Fallen Angel manifest its self?


Also what will The Future is Now have to say coming off Victory Road and after gaining a new member and a new title in the form of Melissa's Knockout Title


All this will be answered come this weeks Impact broadcast.


Impact Matches Set.

Team 3D vs Beer Money INC - Non Title.

Jerry Lynn and Suicide vs Sheik Abdul Bashir and Christoper Daniels.

Homicide vs Booker T - Non Ttitle

Paul London vs Scott Steiner.


Also The Future is Now to open the show.

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TNA Impact Week 1 August


Mike Tenay and Don West here and thanks for joining us, just 4 days removed from a jaw dropping Victory Road


DW: Oh Yeah Mike and seriously if you didn't catch the PPV then please log onto tnawrestling.com and see how to catch the replay of the stacked card.


The Music of the Future is Now hits and Joe flanked by The Motor City Machine Guns and The Knockout Champion Cheerleader Melissa head to the ring.


Joe Grabs the Mic as the music cuts


Joe - You see i told you that the young lions were the future i told you we were coming and i told you i would take this title by any means nessesary in the 2 plus months since i formed this group look who i have taken out Sting i retired your old washed up punk ass, AJ you trusted me and i wrapped a chair round your head and you havent shown that stupid hick ass of yours since, Bobby Lashley i beat you twice damn it TWICE and now im done with you.


Foley i want a challenge if i dont get it we will take you out Bitch.


*The Future is Now's Music hits and they leave the ring


Scott Steiner vs Paul London


Going into the Match London knew he would be outmatched by Scott to make matters worse Steiner was in a fowl mood after losing his tag title at Victory Road, London did his best to hold his own with a series of kicks and springboard attacks but was constantly overpowered by a number of suplexs and clotheslines, however London caught his second wind and nailed a number of forearms, kicks and a epic looking tornado DDT laying Scott out, London assended the top rope looking for the London Calling but Booker came out the crowd and distracted Paul long enough to allow Steiner to nail the Steiner Flatliner for the 3 count.


Winner Scott Steiner by pinfall in 7:47


The Camera pans to the backstage area where a serious looking Sheik Abdul Bashir is perched on a steel folding chair.


Jerry Lynn...... You stole what is dear to me..... you stole my control..... YOU STOLE EVERYTHING..... and these fans couldn't be happier with you.... Oh your the conquering hero you saved the X Divison from the grasp of that terrorist, from the guy who spat on everything the title stands for.


Sheik stands up from the steel folding chair he was sitting in.




The Sheik takes a second to compose himself.


Jerry Lynn what will happen is very simple I will cut through anyone and everyone in my way untill there is no one left but you and then with the blood of everyone on my hands i will take my X Title back, i will take back my power, my dreams, my life and then i will spit in the face of you Jerry Lynn, the fans and Lady America.


Bashir proceeds to rant in Iranian before storming off.


Mike Tenay: At this time Keith in the truck can we take a look at the recent history between Paul London and Booker T?


A Video is shown documenting the past few months worth of problems between Legends Champion Booker T and Paul London.


Booker T vs Homicide (Non Title Match)


Booker doesn't even wait for the bell as he takes Homicide down from behind and nails a series of kicks to the head and back of The Notorious 187 Booker T was the star of this match and it showed as a portion of the fans were vocal in their support of Booker.


Mid way through the match Booker got caught with an explosive tornado DDT by homicide followed by a dropkick and an exploder suplex allowing Homicide a 2 count.


The match went back and forth from there till Homicide had the Legends Champion on the ropes and went for his Gringo Killa, Booker managed to roll out of it and nail Homicide with a Scissor kick for the 3.


Winner: Booker T in 14:43


The Music of The Main Event Mafia hits and Nash and Steiner make their way to the ring minus the Tag Titles they lost at Victory Road, they enter the ring and Nash grabs the stick.


KN: OK.... OK....... Yeah go on laugh it up we lost enjoy the moment why dont ya!!


*Crowd break into a chant of "where's your titles"


KN: SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! Ya see me and Scotty know that wars aint about winning the battle its all about the long haul and baby their aint more that know about long hauls than me and Scotty so 3D we are gonna get our belts back and we feel like getting them back next week on Impact fella's.


Nash hands the Mic to Scott.


SS: Listen you dumb bitches you think your some kinda whoop-de-doo legend tag team? i dont see you calling yourself the steiner brothers or the damn outsiders i mean look at you.... one of you is fatter than Joe i think the only fighting you have been doing recently is over the damn buffet table and the other is a damn moron all he can say is testify man this aint church and we aint..............


The Bomb Drops and 3D enter to the stage.


BR: Blah blah blah blah blah blah and oh yeah blah Kev i really dont think you are doing yourself any favours hanging around with Scott I just sat back there listening and couldn't understand a damn thing you said.... I think you called me fat and i know i have a few extra pounds but scott that doesn't stop your mom from constantly calling my beggin for the 3D Rush.


Ray hands the mic to Devon.


OH Boys you see its simple you want a rematch next week all you had to do was ask you see me and my brother are fighting champs and we dont shy away from two wannabee gangsters, you see we grew up on those mean streets in Philly and you two.... you wouldn't last 2 mins on the streets.


Devon hands the mic back to Ray


BR: All joking aside you want a rematch... we wanna kick your ass and the fans want Tables so next week on Impact Team 3D vs The Mafia in a tables match for these belts.




Sheik Abdul Bashir and Christopher Daniels vs

Jerry Lynn and Suicide


Bashir and Daniels worked over Suicide for the majority of the match not letting him make the tag out to Lynn, by the time Suicide tagged out Lynn exploded and cleared house, setting Daniels up to nail the Cradle Piledriver until Bashir forced them both to the outside, Suicide attempted to nail the Suicide Solution on Bashir but was instead hit with the WMD and the 3 count.


Winners Bashir and Daniels in 14:35


Backstage JB is with Mick Foley


JB. Mick at the start of the show Joe and the Future is now had some pretty threatening words for you saying that if you couldn't find any suitable competiton for Joe that he and the rest of the Future would make it you that is their next target, your response?


Mick: Well firstly JB thankyou for filling me in i actually missed their words as i was in the canteen *mick grins and thumbs up* But Honestly JB i think they forget that those comments they made were directed towards not just TNA's Executive Shareholder but TNA's EXecutive Shareholder who in 1998 flew from the top of a 15 foot cell not once but twice, a TNA Exec Shareholder who in 1994 had most of his ear ripped off by Vader in Germany and who just recently has been taking it to Kurt Angle right here in the Impact Zone *fans Cheer* I think you can say JB that the Future may indeed be now but if they want to invovle themself with Mick Foley they will end now BANG BANG.


TNA Impact Main Event

Non Title

Team 3D vs Beer Money Inc.

The match was your standard tag team match with Beer Money cutting the ring in half with Devon not letting him tag out or catch a breather.


Beer Money showed that pound for pound they can hang with one of the best tag teams in the business today.


Beer Money hit all their classic double teams but still couldn't put away the new Tag Team Champions.


Finally Devon managed to catch a break and tag in big Brother Ray who cleared house and gave Beer Money everything he had.


The Finish came when Robert Roode tried to hit Brother Ray with the Tag Title but Ray managed to duck under the shot and nail the 3D along with Devon for the three count.


Team 3D celebrate in the ring as they have gained serious momentum heading into next weeks Table match with The Mafia.


The Cameras cut backstage as The Future is Now are beating down Mick Foley in the car park and Joe is screaming something along the lines of "you should have just played the game Mick"


Joe slams Mick's head off a wall and The Future walk off after leaving Foley with a definite message as the show fades to black.


Quick Match Results and Grades

Pre show - Brutus Magnus d Shane Sewell D-

Pre show - Madison Rayne d Portia Perez E-

Main Show

Scott Steiner d Paul London C-

Booker T d Homicide C+

Daniels and Bashir d Lynn and Suicide D

Team 3D d Beer Money Inc D+

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Reports from TNAWrestling.com


TNA Weekly roundup


Beer Money Inc's manager Tammy Lynn Sytch has been served with a 28 day suspension after testing positive for hard drugs in accordance with our wellness Policy that suspension will begin immediately.


Kevin Nash received a fine of 1 weeks pay after leaving the impact tapings early and without informing anyone within management. After talking with Kevin about his reasons management decided to issue the fine after his reason was deemed not to be suitable.


Kurt Angle was on a local radio show this past week and made a bold claim that he is in fact the kingpin of TNA, we here at TNA wish to issue the following statement in retort to Mr Angle,


Whilst Kurt Angle is one of our key stars on the TNA Roster we do not in any way support his claim that he is the kingpin withing TNA and would ask that Mr Angle mind his place within TNA.

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Report From TNA


TNA is glad to announce the finalized signing of a new superstar who has built up quite the reputation on the Indy Circuit, This superstar has held such titles as Chikara Pro Wrestlings Champeonatos de Parejas and is a former IWA Mid South Light heavyweight Champion.


To find out who this latest signing is stay tuned to TNA Impact in the coming weeks.

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Impact Matches set for this week


The Latin American Xchange vs Motor City Machine Guns.


Suicide vs Sheik Abdul Bashir


Kurt Angle vs "The Monster" Abyss


And in the Main event on Impact in a match set by Mick Foley in answer to Samoa Joe's request of a challenge.


Rhino vs Samoa Joe - No DQ - Non Title.

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TNA Breaking News


TNA and Spike TV recently came to terms on the renewal of Impact for a further season although ideally TNA management would have preferred a longer deal we are sure spike will continue to be happy with TNA in the future
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Lol i have no idea i was just trying things out... if you like that is something i can change for next time?


also thanks for the kind words too critical


No prob. I would say use the blue for the wrestler's names i.e. Team 3D vs Beer Money, inc. and use regular font for the match write ups and such. And especially use quotation marks for whenever the wrestler/manager/on-screen authority speaks or use italics. In the end, this breaks up the diary and makes it easier to read because just using all blue makes me lose my place. Just a few small tips and I hope you keep this one-fan diary up and running.

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1. Ease off the color. It's annoying to try to read a massive block of colored text.


2. Take it easy. This isn't a huge community, and you're making five posts in the diary in one day, one of them just fishing for a response, and another one whining about people not immediately showering you with feedback.

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No prob. I would say use the blue for the wrestler's names i.e. Team 3D vs Beer Money, inc. and use regular font for the match write ups and such. And especially use quotation marks for whenever the wrestler/manager/on-screen authority speaks or use italics. In the end, this breaks up the diary and makes it easier to read because just using all blue makes me lose my place. Just a few small tips and I hope you keep this one-fan diary up and running.


Thanks for the advice i will certainly take that on board and use it for my next set of results.


1. Ease off the color. It's annoying to try to read a massive block of colored text.


2. Take it easy. This isn't a huge community, and you're making five posts in the diary in one day, one of them just fishing for a response, and another one whining about people not immediately showering you with feedback.


Sorry it did just seem like forever, what was probs 5 mins seems like an eternity when you are waiting for any sort of feedback be it good, bad or indifferent.


Next set of results will be up later in the day.

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Hey not trying to be annoyance but you really need to explain somethings like Maryse,Paul London,Bobby Lashley getting to TNA that would be something you need to explain and checkout The Diary Writting Tips.


Ok so before i get on with the latest impact results i wanna address a question.. a valid question at that so as super mario would say Lets aaa go.


Paul London - hired Paul in week 2 of April 09 as a means to bolster the X Division ranks, currently fueding with Booker T due to London wanting to become a Legend by defeating Booker for his Legends Title.


Lashley - there is really no epic story here sting was retiring and i had no interest in keeping the old timer around due in part to him retiring, chewing up a load of my finance and my general dislike of him (i hate sting, respect him but he annoys the p**s out of me) so Lashley wasn't doing anything so i gave him a chance, had 2 world title matches vs Joe and lost both.


Maryse - for what ever reason WWE chose not to resign her when her contract expired and me being the Maryse fan i am snapped her up for the womans knockout division cant really say much more as she is going to be involved in a coming story line.


Any more questions just ask.

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TNA Impact Week 2 August 2009


The Opening Pyro goes off and the camera goes round a jam packed Impact Zone.


MT: Mike Tenay here and Don what a lineup we have on tonight's Impact broadcast.


Of course our Main Event tonight is as ordered by Mick Foley Samoa Joe our current TNA Champion vs a very Motivated War Machine Rhino


DW: And of course Mike Rhino would love nothing more tonight than to plant Joe with the Gore and earn a potential shot at the Heavyweight Gold Joe carries.


The Music of TNA Exec Shareholder Mick Foley fills the Impact zone as he waddles to the ring as only Foley can.


Mick grabs a mic as the music cuts.


MF: Well Joe that was quite the beating you and your goons put on me last week but you see mick foley is made of just a little stronger stuff.


You know i laid down my history in front of this impact zone crowd last week Joe, then in that beat down i was reminded of a crazy bastard they used to call Cactus Jack so Joe lets lay it down like this next week TNA Heavyweight Champ Samoa Joe vs The Hardcore Legend Mick Foley in a Falls Count Anywhere Impact Zone Brawl.....


L.A.X vs The Motor City Machine Guns


A nice fast past tag match as the first match to kick off the show, beyond just a competitive match this had plenty riding on it as the Guns were looking to prove they deserve to be in The Future is Now.


Sabin rolled up big Hernandez + a hand full of tights to score a win for the guns.


Winner via Pin Fall Chris Sabin.


MT: Well the Machine Guns certainly silenced the critics there with a win over a well established team there Don.


The music of Matt Morgan hits as he approaches the ring in street clothes and mic in hand.


This is dumb... its a travesty is what it is im the damn DNA of TNA the Blueprint of what a wrestler should be damn it and yet another week goes by where low and behold Matt Morgan is ignored...... Underappriciated and damn well forgotten...... it seems Matt Morgan is going to need to make an impact, no pun intended to get noticed.


Matt slams down the mic and storms off leaving a muttering impact zone.


Sheik Abdul Bashir vs Suicide

The match was fast paced and featured the usual varied offense of Suicide, Sheik picked up the W here after using the ropes to aid his pin fall.


Winner via rope assisted pin fall Sheik Abdul Bashir


TNA Womans Knockout Cheerleader Melissa and Miss Maryse


Sara Del Ray and Christy Hemme


Typical knockout match with Melissa carrying the workload for her team and Del Ray doing like wise for hers.


Maryse puts an end to this pinning Hemme after her French Kiss finisher.


Winners via Pin fall Knockout Womans Champion Cheerleader Melissa and Miss Maryse.


Post match the Beautiful People appear at the top of the ramp applauding, Melissa gives them a look of death then continues to celebrate the win.




The cameras head backstage to a darkened area of the Impact zone to reveal Abyss pottering around he turns to the camera ready to speak his mind.


Kurt this week my therapist.. my therapist taught me to use the internet have you seen it its so magical, you can read comics on there and watch music videos i... i like the Jonas Brothers the best hee hee ha ha.


But Kurt my therapist he also showed me the website where you were interviewed and said your the Kingpin of TNA hee hee ha ha, is that like the kingpin of crime... Oh gee ive never wrestled a super villian before Kurt.... this will be great i cant wait.




To the office of TNA Management Jim Cornett who informs us that since Mick has his hands full with Joe he is using some of his power to book a match at the next PPV that will see Team 3D vs Nash and Steiner face off for 3D's tag belts.


Kurt Angle vs "The Monster" Abyss


Typical match between the 2, Abyss began with the power game repeatedly shrugging off the attempts to gain the upper hand by Angle, up until Angle outsmarted Abyss and worked over the leg.


Winner by pin fall following a chair shot Kurt Angle.


The scene drifts to the locker room of the Champ who is sitting on a bench, his towel draped over his head.


SJ Mick Mick Mick did i really hear you call me out for next week?

Did I honestly beat the crap out of you that badly that you think this is 98? I am the Samoan Submission Machine, not some guy screwing the bosses daughter.


Mick I am the very best at what I do and what I do is cripple people. So next week on your head be it Mick i accept... And Rhino tonight I make you my sacrificial lamb Mick watch close cos Joe is gonna Kill you.


Rhino vs Samoa Joe.


Joe was on the money with his comments towards Foley as Rhino got very little offense in this match. Joe stretched Rhino out like his dirty washing and in the end put a bloody Rhino away following a muscle buster.


Winner by Pinfall TNA Heavyweight Champion Samoa Joe.


Joe raises his Belt in the ring signifying he is indeed the best in the company before we close with a graphic of next weeks blockbuster main event Samoa Joe vs Mick Foley.


Final Show rating B


Quick match results.


Pre show - Stevie Richards beat Sami Callihan

Pre Show - The Real American Heroes beat Colt Cabana and Jay Lethal

Main Show

The Motor City Machine Guns beat L.A.X

Sheik Abdul Bashir beat Suicide

Cheerleader Melissa and Miss Maryse beat Sara Del Ray and Christy Hemme

Kurt Angle beat Abyss

Samoa Joe beat Rhino

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On this weeks impact a huge blockbuster main event was proposed by Mick Foley and later accepted by our reigning Champion Samoa Joe for a No DQ Impact Zone brawl, for up to the moment information stick here to TNAwrestling.com


Also on Impact was the announcement that once more Team 3D and Main Event Mafia members Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner will clash for 3D's newly won Tag Team Titles.

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TNAwrestkling.com - Tuesday Week 2 August 09


Today at a press conference TNA Vice President Dixie Carter announced the news that following a string of successful Impact tapings in Canada and outside of TNA's home states that TNA Wrestling has now risen to International.


This news comes to us just week away from our Hard Justice PPV.


For up to the minute information regarding the ppv and TNA's rapid expansion please stay tuned to TNAwrestling.com

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TNAwrestling.com - Thursday Week 2 August 2009.


TNA Wrestling has learned that at Hard Justice the revolutionary X Division will be in the spotlight once again when TNA debuts its newest concept.


TNA King of the X.


we have learned that 4 current TNA X Division stars including X Division Champion Jerry Lynn will be joined by 4 stars who represent the best the US, Canada and Mexico have to offer in a 1 night tournament in which the winner walks away X Division Champion.


We at TNA have recently heard that not only will the winner be the X division champion, but current champion Jerry Lynn will defend in each of the matches he is in.


Can Lynn at his age go the distance and prove he is King of the X, the only way to find out is to tune into Hard Justice.

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TNAwrestling.com Saturday Week 2 August 09


TNA Wrestling has learned that Management Officials higher up the chain have informed Mick Foley that he will not be allowed to compete at this weeks coming Impact but instead will have to find 2 wrestlers to face Kurt Angle and TNA Heavyweight Champion Samoa Joe in a tag team match.


Also we have been informed the the American Qualifying stages of King of the X will begin with 2 seperate matches that will see 2 new comers debut.


TNA has found out that these matches will feature both members of the Motor City Machine Guns as Chris Sabin will take on new comer Arik Cannon.


TNAwrestling.com how ever has not managed to find out who Sabin's tag partner Alex Shelley will face.


TNA Impact Matches Set


King of the X American Leg Qualifier

Chris Sabin vs "The Anarchist" Arik Cannon


King of the X American Leg Qualifier

Alex Shelley vs ???


TNA World Champion Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle vs A team hand picked by Mick Foley.


Awesome Kong vs Sara Del Ray.


Non Title Tag Team Affair

Team 3D vs The real American Heroes

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I do indeed still have the mafia running around all minus Sting who retired and i chose not to renew his contract.


But they are all doing seperate things, Nash and Steiner are chasing 3D, Booker is having problems with London over the legends title and i have decided to use Angles comments to make him utterly hated and everyone want to kill him.


Basically look for The Future is Now to become the number one heel group in my TNA i mean hey they already have 2 titles that show they are the best, the world and the knockouts title

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