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Coastal Zone Dreamin'

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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]July 2007[/B] Up-is-down, black-is-white. It's the start of a new era at the Coastal Zone. After Cliff and I finish burning $100 bills for fun, I settle in to revamp things a bit to take advantage of our new situation. First, the show schedule is moved about a bit. The Weekly shows are all moved to the first week of each month, and each one is changed to a 2 hour show. Our main shows are all moved to the 3rd week of every month, and are similarly changed to a 2 hour show. Second, we'll run the 4-man matches of our two Title Series' during the Weekly show. Then the top 2 from each series will face off in the regular show, and get their title shot in the same show. That will insure that each show has a fairly serious distribution of our best wrestlers, and allow me to make some good matches, even when we're not involved in our two specific title series matches. I set myself a goal of about $5K budget for workers for each show, but we'll treat that as a loose guideline. With that in place, we set up the June Weekly event. In the Coastal Zone Xtreme Title Series, Remmy Skye takes on Valiant, while Jacob Jett and Marc Speed face off. In the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series, Plague battles Insane Machine and John Maverick tackles Snap Dragon. In addition, Face Time will defend their tag team title against the High Fliers. With so many of our best wrestlers at the show to begin with, we're able to generate some purposeful "filler" matches as well, rather than the usual dreck. Joss Thompson and Michael Gallagher, young wrestlers we'd like to see do well, are given matches against John Maverick and Frankie Perez. Hopefully they can learn something while we make our top guys look dangerous. Valiant and Frankie Perez also get matches against Main Eventers (Plague, John Maverick). We hope to move them up to that strata eventually, let's see how they fare, and let's see if they can learn anything. Satisfied with the show's booking, we tune into the local radio station, where John Maverick is doing some promotional talk radio for CZCW. I just about hit the floor when Maverick tells a caller that he can't stand Joss Thompson and the CZCW may not be big enough for both of them. Trouble is, this isn't part of the act, he's just shooting off his mouth. Even better, I just scheduled the two of them together for the June Weekly. Oh well, their both supposedly professional, we'll see how they handle it and keep an eye on both their moods for a couple months. ---------- [B]CZCW July Weekly[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 616 [list] [*]Remmy Skye d. Valiant (C) [*]Jacob Jett d. Marc Speed (C) [*]Joss Thompson/Michael Gallagher d. The Nightmares (C-) [*]John Maverick d. Joss Thompson (C+) [*]Frankie Perez d. Michael Gallagher (C-) [*]Face Time d. High Fliers [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C) [*]Valiant d. Plague (C) [*]Remmy Skye d. Snap Dragon (C-) [*]John Maverick d. Frankie Perez (C+) [*]Plague d. Insane Machine (C-) [*]Snap Dragon d. John Maverick (B-) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- A large crowd and an excellent show crank up the volume for the CZCW. Remmy Skye and Jacob Jett win their matches and will advance to the Battle on the Beach for a chance at Frankie Perez. John Maverick and Joss Thompson, despite hating each other personally, have great chemistry in the ring and put on a match well beyond expectations. Valiant and Frankie Perez acquit themselves nicely against their Main Eventer opponents, a promising sign. Face Time make their 14th title defense in one of our best tag team matches to date. Plague gets past Insane Machine to move on to the Battle on the Beach for a chance to face Brent Hill. And Snap Dragon and John Maverick put on the best show in CZCW history, with Snap Dragon also advancing. One of the nice things about the Title Series is that it makes my life a bit easier. The shows practically book themselves. I get a good look at everyone's capabilities against a variety of people. And after a few months of this, I expect to make some decisions about new directons in which to take CZCW. For the Battle on the Beach, we have Title series matches pitting Jacob Jett against Remmy Skye and Plague against Snap Dragon. At the end of the evening, the winners get their title shots. Fresh off such a good match last week, Face Time make their 15th title defense giving High Fliers a rematch. And we allow our two title holders to square off (in a non-title match) for a look at how well Frankie Perez can do against Brent Hill. ---------- [B]CZCW Battle on the Beach[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 443 [list] [*]Remmy Skye d. Jacob Jett (C-) [*]Snap Dragon d. Plague (C+) [*]Brent Hill d. Frankie Perez (C+) [*]Face Time d. High Fliers [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C) [*]Primal Rage d. Marc Speed (C) [*]Valiant d. Michael Gallagher (C-) [*]Duberry Express/Frankie Dee d. Valiant/Marc Speed(C-) [*]Jacob Jett d. Duberry Express (C) [*]Plague d. Insane Machine (C) [*]Valiant d. Marc Speed (C-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Remmy Skye [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Snap Dragon [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] (C+) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- Crowds for our second show of the month are smaller than we'd like, especially considering what we're packing into them. But it's still plenty to insure profitability. Remmy Skye defeats Jacob Jett, but doesn't have enough left in the tank to defeat his tag team partner, Frankie Perez, for the title. Frankie has a very good night, defending both his titles, and making a good account against Brent Hill. Meanwhile, Snap Dragon denies Plague a return shot for the title, but is unable to wrest the title from Brent Hill. And for the first time, we put on two top-quality (for CZCW anyway) shows in a month, two shows which will help our popularity significantly. And our profitiability remains high, taking in $10,238 this month. Next month we'll see if July was a fluke, or the start of something big.
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' (After a long break, I am getting back to my CZCW game and journal.) *************** [B]August 2007[/B] Cliff bounds into my office with an "efficiency expert" in tow on Monday morning, long before I have finished my first coffeee of the day. Long story short: some guy has convinced Cliff he can save lots of money on our merchandising efforts buy teaching us to use "Just-In-Time" methods of production. I wish Cliff the best of luck with these efforts and roll my eyes when they leave. I can only hope that whatever we're paying this consultant doesn't come out of my budget for talent or shows. A few personnel issues start off the month also. [B]Snap Dragon[/B] storms into my office to, once again, register his intense disapproval. I tell him to hang on, we have something special planned for him this month. It may be "too-little-too-late" as his contract is about up, but we're going to make one last attempt to convince him to stay. Then it's on to planning for the Weekly Show. We have two preliminary matchups in the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title series and two preliminary matchups in the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series, as always, for the Weekly show. Plus we give the High Fliers (Jacob Jett/Snap Dragon) a return match against the seemingly unbeatable Face Time for the Coastal Zone Tag Team Title. That and a bunch of filler matches involving guys already associated with the show. ---------- [B]CZCW August Weekly[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 679 [list] [*]Jacob Jett d. Remmy Skye (C-) [*]Valiant d. Marc Speed (C) [*]Simmons/Giedroyc d. The Nightmares (C-) [*]Snap Dragon d. Joe Simmons (C) [*]Jacob Jett d. Frankie Perez (C-) [*]High Fliers d. Face Time [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C) [*]Insane Machine d. Jack Giedroyc (C) [*]Marc Speed d. Remmy Skye (C-) [*]John Maverick d. Valiant (C+) [*]Plague d. Snap Dragon (C+) [*]Insane Machine d. John Maverick (C+) [/list] Overall: C ---------- In the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title series Jacob Jett and Valiant move past their opponents and will compete at the next show for a shot at Frankie Perez and his title. In the Coastal Zone Championship Title series Plague and Insane Machine squeeze past their opponents and will get their chance to go after Brent Hill. But the biggest news of the evening is that Face Time lose their Coastal Zone Tag Team Title after 15 defenses! And, would you look at that, Snap Dragon now has a title around his waist! That should make him happy, right? Wrong. After the show [B]Snap Dragon[/B] announces to me that if this is the best I can do he refuses to sign a new contract and is leaving the CZCW. That's going to leave me with a hole to fill in the Coastal Zone Championship Title series and a pretty short reign for the High Fliers. [B]Primal Rage[/B] also gives up on CZCW and leaves, though in his case, I'm barely able to stay awake during the exit interview, such is my level of concern at his departure. Attendance is up for the show, but the overall performance is flat, despite 3 solid matches to close out the evening. Valiant is starting to demonstrate that he might be worthy of a move up in rank, as he continues to have good matches against our best wrestlers. And with Frankie Perez showing that he can hold down the Mid-card position for us, perhaps it's time to start the push for Valiant as we planned way back at the start. The CZCW Wave of Fury puts all the titles on the line and exacts a little personal revenge. To start the evening, Jacob Jett and Valiant will square off with the winner getting a shot at Frankie Perez while Plague and Insane Machine similarly square off for a shot at Brent Hill, who is making an attempt at his 10th title defense. Then, in a series of 3 matches, we say "goodnight and good luck" to Snap Dragon. Not only will he get made to look foolish in his attempt to defend the Coastal Zone Tag Team Title, but he'll also get the same treatment in individual matches against Frankie Perez and Insane Machine. On a more positive note, we're going to pit Valiant against Brent Hill as we consider promoting Valiant. ---------- [B]CZCW Wave of Fury[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 458 [list] [*]Jacob Jett d. Valiant (C-) [*]Plague d. Insane Machine (C) [*]Rolling Johnny Stones/Kashmir Singh d. Valiant/Insane Machine (C-) [*]Brent Hill d. Rolling Johnny Stones (C-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Snap Dragon (C-) [*]Face Time d. High Fliers [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C) [*]Plague d. Kashmir Singh (C-) [*]Brent Hill d. Valiant (C+) [*]Insane Machine d. Snap Dragon (C-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Jacob Jett [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] (C-) [*]Plague d. Brent Hill [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] (C+) [/list] Overall: C ---------- Jacob Jett and Plague earn the right to title shots, but where Jett comes up short, Plague is able to defeat Brent Hill and wrest the title from him. Face Time regain their Coastal Zone Tag Team Title after just 2 short weeks, taking it from the High Fliers. Snap Dragon looks completely dreadful all evening and CZCW issues an immediate press release announcing that they are "parting ways" with Snap Dragon...amicably, of course. The evening, overall, is solid though unspectacular, and attendance is up a bit from last month. The best news of the evening, from our point of view, is the match between Valiant and Brent Hill. A promotion for Valiant looks more and more likely. With the departure of Snap Dragon and Primal Rage we re-sign [B]Steven Parker[/B] who quit the CZCW in disgust just last February. As predicted, a few months of unemployment calmed him down. At the same time we sign a new wrestler to the scene, [B]Fernando Elwes[/B]. I can't get the image of the Dread Pirate Roberts out of my head whenever I look at him, and maybe we can make something of that. We don't want to anger all of our new wreslters by not using them, like we did last time. At the same time, now that we have attained "Regional" status we are thinking about going further than that. So a few phone calls later and we've booked a small venue in the Maritimes. We'll send all our low-level wrestlers there and see if they can't pry open the Canadian market for us. That's what I tell them at least. In reality, it gives me a chance to put these guys into the ring against each other in round-robin format and see if any of them work particularly well together. As we look for a more permanent idea for our lower card guys, this provides a valuable bit of data. And I can do it in a place where, at a minimum, they can't damage our reputation. ---------- [B]CZCW Branching Out[/B] New Brunswick Hall (Canada) Att: 6 [list] [*]Duberry Excess d. Steven Parker (D) [*]Joss Thompson d. Fernando Elwes (D) [*]Michael Gallagher d. Joe Simmons (D) [*]Steven Parker d. Joss Thompson (D) [*]Duberry Excess d. Fernando Elwes (D) [*]Steven Parker d. Joe Simmons (D) [*]Duberry Excess d. Michael Gallagher (C-) [*]Fernando Elwes d. Joe Simmons (D) [*]Fernando Elwes d. Steven Parker (E) [*]Duberry Excess d. Joe Simmons (C-) [*]Michael Gallagher d. Fernando Elwes (C-) [*]Duberry Excess d. Joss Thompson (C-) [*]Michael Gallagher d. Steven Parker (D) [*]Joss Thompson d. Michael Gallagher (C-) [*]Joss Thompson d. Joe Simmons (C-) [/list] Overall: C- ---------- Mostly dreadful stuff, a little bit of decent stuff. The wrestlers come back complaining about everything: the weather, the food, the facilities, the fact that only 6 people showed up. I don't think they'll be happy doing this every month. And that's OK because I have the info I need. So I assign the Marketing Department a project: figure out what to do with our lower card wrestlers to keep them involved and develop them without destroying the chemistry our Upper- and Mid-card wrestlers have got going for CZCW. The month ends with Cliff showing me the bottom line. I'm ecstatic to see that our overall profit for the month is $13,021. The fact that a smug Cliff points out that all of the increase in profits this month came from the Just-In-Time production methods his efficiency expert put into place only dampens my mood a little bit. Next month, we have to figure out what to do now that the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series is lacking a participant!
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]September 2007[/B] The departure of Snap Dragon not only breaks up one of our tag teams, it also leaves a hole in our Coastal Zone Championship Title Series, dissipates all the heat that series has been creating, and we don't have anyone available who can reasonably fill it right away. Valiant is the obvious candidate, and I plan to promote him to the upper card ranks, but he's committed to the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title Series right now. I'd like that to play itself all the way out first, since it's generating lots of heat for us. So we'll have to wait a while for that series to conclude and then migrate folks around with the least disruption possible, from a Marketing perspective. In the meantime, we'll set up a mini rivarly round-robin with Brent Hill, John Maverick, and Plague to generate some heat that we can transfer over when Valiant joins the fun. In other matters, [B]Pee-Wee Germaine[/B], our referee, is up for contract renewal. I look for someone who's available and might be an upgrade, but can't find anyone who's a better value, so we re-sign him. And then I find out that some idiot at the Snake Pit scheduled a poker tournament into their venue on the same day as our show, meaning that the Weekly show is going to be limited to an hour this month. The Weekly show features Jacob Jett vs. Marc Speed and Valiant vs. Remmy Skye, each looking to move on to the main show with a chance at Frankie Perez and the title. The newly reunited tag team of [B]Rough and Tumble[/B] (Steven Parker/Kashmir Singh) return to CZCW with a title shot against Face Time. (Undeserved, yes, but we've got a paucity of good tag teams right now.) Meanwhile, Brent Hill and John Maverick take each other on, with the winner earning a shot at Plague and his Coastal Zone Championship Title in the evening's Main Event. ---------- [B]CZCW September Weekly[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 599 [list] [*]Jacob Jett d. Marc Speed (C) [*]Remmy Skye d. Valiant (C-) [*]Rolling Johnny Stones/Kashmir Singh d. Frankie Dee/Duberry Excess (C-) [*]Jacob Jett d. John Maverick (C) [*]Face Time d. Rough and Tumble [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (D) [*]Brent Hill d. John Maverick (C+) [*]Frankie Perez d. Insane Machine (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Plague [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] (B-) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- Attendance is a little low, though I guess that's to be expected because of the scheduling snafu. Those who stay away miss a fairly entertaining evening (by CZCW standards). Jacob Jett gets past Marc Speed and Remmy Skye unexpectedly gets by Valiant, to advance in the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title Series. Rough and Tumble do nothing to justify their title shot by both losing and putting on a dreary show against Face Time. The upper card dominates the evening, however, and rescues the show from outright mediocrity. Brent Hill squeezes past John Maverick for a shot at regaining his title. Then Brent and Plague stage their best match ever in a rollicking bout that ends with Brent Hill, once again, confirmed as Coastal Zone Champion. It's hard to keep this man away from the title. The Labor Day Brawl show is prepped and ready to go. This time John Maverick and Plague compete for a chance to dethrone Brent Hill (these three practically guarantee at least 2 good matches every evening for us). Jacob Jett and Remmy Skye follow them, with the winner taking on Frankie Perez, who is trying to defend his title for the 5th time since winning it. Meanwhile, Jacob Jett is paired with Plague (a pick-up tag team as we look for someone to replace Snap Dragon) in a title shot against Face Time. (Undeserved, yes, but you know what we're up against.) The evening ends with two more title defenses as Brent Hill and Frankie Perez look to stay at the top of their respective heaps. ---------- [B]CZCW Labor Day Brawl[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 586 [list] [*]John Maverick d. Plague (C+) [*]Jacob Jett d. Remmy Skye (C-) [*]Thompson/Gallagher d. Dee/Duberry (C-) [*]Remmy Skye d. Duberry Express (D) [*]Frankie Perez d. Michael Gallagher (C-) [*]Face Time d. Plague/Jacob Jett [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C) [*]John Maverick d. Duberry Express (C) [*]Marc Speed d. Jack Giedroyc (C-) [*]Brent Hill d. Jacob Jett (C) [*]Insane Machine d. Joss Thompson (C-) [*]Jacob Jett d. Frankie Perez [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] (C-) [*]Brent Hill d. John Maverick [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] (C+) [/list] Overall: C ---------- Attendance for the second show is up from previous months and insures that overall attendance for the month remains stable, despite the impact of the scheduling snafu. The upper card wrestlers get the evening off to a great start and finish. John Maverick proves too much for Plague, but is unable to put Brent Hill away, and the title does not change hands. The mid-card wrestlers let everyone down, putting on flaccid performances in both their Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title Series matches, despite the fact that Jacob Jett upsets Frankie Perez to take the title away from him. You'd think a new champion would be an exciting thing, but in this case, not so much. Plague and Jett are perfectly serviceable as a tag team, even though they can't stop the Face Time juggernaut. And so ends a month devoted to cleaning up from Snap Dragon's departure. It made my life more difficult briefly, but our profits remain healthy at $12,890 for the month. Marketing informs me that they will present a plan for our lower card wrestlers next month, so we've got that to look forward to.
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]October 2007[/B] Lots going on in the personnel office this month. We re-sign [B]Valiant[/B], for whom we have a promotion into the upper ranks of the federation planned. We re-sign [B]Jacob Jett[/B], who is doing a credible job for us in the middle of the federation (he's the current champion, for crying out loud). We also re-sign [B]Joe Simmons[/B], who comes cheaply at the bottom of the federation. We release [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] who has never quite taken hold and is asking for an insane amount of money relative to his worth. In his place we sign a young wrestler named [B]Oscar Golden[/B] who, at least, comes cheap. I've decided that the color commentary problem is becoming acute, so after letting Cliff know he's going to get a partner, I start searching for a color commentator. I'm unable to find anyone who fits the bill amongst the ranks of available workers. Then someone in the office suggests I talk to [B]Joss Thompson[/B] about it, since he has all the attributes needed for a color commentator. So I call Joss into my office and suggest that he play a dual role for CZCW, providing color commentary whenever he's not involved in a match himself. ([B]Jack Giedroyc[/B] can fill in on the mic for Joss' matches, since Jack is not too bad in this area either.) Joss, seeing the opportunity for a steady paycheck, agrees rapidly. Problem solved! Then it's into meetings with Marketing. I don't want our younger stars, like Steven Parker, languishing until they grow upset and leave. I want to invest in them, get them involved, develop their ability, and move them up the ranks. Promote from within! But not in a way that hurts our growing popularity. Marketing tells me they have just the solution: The Coastal Zone Futures Title and the Coastal Zone Futures Tournament to crown our first champion! (We're still a small federation, so we don't employ the world's best Marketing people...and we get what we pay for when they recycle the same idea we used to crown our first Coastal Zone Xtreme Champion...a perfectly workable, if uninspired idea.) So Marketing kicks into high gear, issuing a press release announcing the creation of a new Title in the CZCW, the "Coastal Zone Futures" Title, which will be competed for by the up-and-coming stars of our federation. And now that there's a title, we need a champion. In keeping with tradition and our roots as a wrestling federation who gives these finicky modern fans wrestling packaged like sports, we offer them another tournament to decide who will be the first ever Coastal Zone Futures champion. Secretly, however, I resolve to throw in a few dirty tricks and other assorted events to see if our fans can't start warming up to some theatre mixed in with their wrestling. Two groups of Coastal Zone Futures competitors are assembled: Group 1: [list] [*]Duberry Excess [*]Oscar Golden [*]Joe Simmons [*]Fernando Elwes [/list] Group 2: [list] [*]Frankie Dee [*]Steven Parker [*]Joss Thompson [*]Michael Gallagher [/list] Same rules as before. Each wrestler will face the others in their group once. The top two wrestlers in each group (based on record) will advance to a best-of-five semi-final. The winners of the semi-final will engage in a best-of-seven series for the Coastal Zone Futures Championship. Two matches at each show will be devoted to this tournament. With all of that behind us, it's on to the October Weekly. The first two "Futures" matches feature Oscar Golden against Duberry Express and Michael Gallagher against Steven Parker. The Coastal Zone Xtreme Title Series is back into action, although between this show and the next one, we're going to start the process of reorganizing the two Title Series to deal with Snap Dragon's departure. In the meantime, the Plague/Maverick/Hill threesome completes itself this month. Face Time make another title defense, this time against the pickup team of Jacob Jett and Insane Machine. ---------- [B]CZCW October Weekly[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 461 [list] [*]Valiant d. Remmy Skye (C-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Marc Speed (C) [*]Oscar Golden d. Duberry Excess (D) [*]Valiant d. Steven Parker (C-) [*]Marc Speed d. Duberry Express (C-) [*]Face Time d. Jett/Insane [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C-) [*]John Maverick d. Insane Machine (C+) [*]Michael Gallagher d. Steven Parker by DQ when Fernando Elwes interfered (D) [*]Frankie Perez d. Oscar Golden (C-) [*]John Maverick d. Plague (C+) [*]Remmy Skye d. Marc Speed (C-) [*]Brent Hill d. John Maverick [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] (B-) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- A dip in attendance, but a good show nonetheless. The Coastal Zone Futures matches themselves are, perhaps predictably, a bit poor in quality, despite the excitement of having Fernando Elwes come into the ring and give Michael Gallagher an assist against Steven Parker. Because of the interference, the match was declared a DQ and won't count in the standings. Another match between the two will have to be scheduled for the next show. Jacob Jett and Insane Machine are unable to take the title from Face Time, but they show good chemistry together as a tag team, so we'll keep an eye on that pairing and possibly make it permanent. Brent Hill makes yet another title defense against John Maverick as that trio continues to drive the quality of our shows up. Between shows, even though there are still technically two matches to go in the current Coastal Zone Xtreme Title Series, we reform that Series with the goal of moving Valiant into the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series. The participants in the second Coastal Zone Xtreme Title Series will be: Frankie Perez, Jack Giedroyc, Marc Speed, Jacob Jett, and Insane Machine. We'll close out the current series with a match between Valiant and Frankie Perez and a subsequent match against Jacob Jett for the title and start the next title series all in the same show! In the "Futures" Tournament, Steven Parker and Michael Gallagher have their rematch, while Fernando Elwes opens his tournament against Joe Simmons. All that, plus a tag team title rematch between Face Time and Jacob Jett/Insane Machine. ---------- [B]CZCW Halowe'en Terror[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 451 [list] [*]Frankie Perez d. Valiant (C) [*]Frankie Perez d. Jacob Jett [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] (C) [*]Steven Parker d. Michael Gallagher, Fernando Elwes tried to interfere but was intercepted by Joss Thompson (C-) [*]Insane Machine d. Joss Thompson (C-) [*]Plague d. Marc Speed (C) [*]Jacob Jett/Insane Machine d. Face Time [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C-) [*]Valiant d. Steven Parker (C-) [*]Joe Simmons d. Fernando Elwes, Steven Parker interfered (C-) [*]Fernando Elwes and Michael Gallagher agree to watch each other's back (F) [*]Marc Speed d. Jacob Jett (C) [*]Plague d. Brent Hill (C+) [*]Insane Machine d. Jack Giedroyc (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Remmy Skye (C+) [/list] Overall: C ---------- Frankie Perez regains the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title with wins over Valiant and Jacob Jett in rapid succession. Then Marc Speed and Insane Machine win their opening matches in the newly re-formed Series and will advance to the next show looking for a chance at the title themselves. Better match quality in the Futures tournament. Fernando Elwes once again tried to interfere in Steven Parker's match, but Joss Thompson left the color commentator's table and kept him away from the match, enabling Parker to come away with a clean win. Later in the evening, Parker showed up at ringside, distracting Elwes who then lost to Joe Simmons. Michael Gallagher came into the ring after the loss and he and Elwes vowed to watch each other's back against Parker and Thompson. (At least that's what I think they announced...it was hard to hear over the boos and catcalls of the disapproving fans who wanted to see more wrestling.) The tag team of Jacob Jett/Insane Machine took the Coastal Zone Tag Team Title away from Face Time. An announcement of a formal creation of their new tag team is scheduled for next month. At month's end, the standings in the Coastal Zone Futures Tournament looks like this: Group 1 Oscar Golden 1-0 Duberry Excess 0-1 Joe Simmons 1-0 Fernando Elwes 0-1 Group 2 Steven Parker 1-0 Michael Gallagher 0-1 Frankie Dee 0-0 Joss Thompson 0-0 Our profits decline a bit, coming in at $11,248, which is mostly due to lower-than-expected attendance and heavy use of expensive wrestlers at each show. But we're still well into positive territory, so I don't pay any attention to the minor fluctuation. Next month: a new tag team, a new Championship Title Series!
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[QUOTE=bigguy9854]Glad to see you back!!!! It has been a long time!!! Where have you been?:)[/QUOTE] The old story: real life interfered. Then I kind of forgot about TEW for a while. Just recently fired it up again.
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]November 2007[/B] With Valiant now safely extracted from the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title Series storyline, we re-start the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series, this time with Brent Hill, Remmy Skye, Plague, John Maverick, and Valiant. We started the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series a week after its Xtreme sister because we're going to handle things a bit differently. Instead of running the preliminary matches for each series in the Weekly show and the title matches in the main show, we'll run preliminary matches for one and the title matches for the other in each show. That way we get a better mix. And CZCW will always have a title-deciding match near the end of our shows. Plus, we can end each show with matches from our best and hottest wrestlers and the most compelling competition. We also announce the formation of a new tag team, [B]High Fliers II[/B] (Jacob Jett and Insane Machine). They start life as the title holders, having won it last month before their pairing was given a name. I send an aide to handle the exit interview for [B]Rolling Johnny Stones[/B] who is leaving CZCW for greener pastures, or so he says. No matter, he's not important enough and I need to work on the line-up for this month's shows. I want to make a habit of beginning and ending on high notes, so this Weekly show starts with matches in which marquee Main Eventers take on the top contenders from the Midcard. They should be able to put on credible matches and I can get a feel for who might be ready to step up and join Valiant. In this case, John Maverick takes on Frankie Perez and Plague takes on Jacob Jett. The Coastal Zone Futures tournament continues, with matches between Frankie Dee and Joss Thompson and Oscar Golden and Joe Simmons. High Fliers II will defend their title against Face Time and Insane Machine will battle Marc Speed for a chance at Frankie Perez. The evening ends with a match to decide the Coastal Zone Xtreme Champion and the first matches in the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series. ---------- [B]CZCW November Weekly[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 618 [list] [*]John Maverick d. Frankie Perez (C) [*]Plague d. Jacob Jett (C) [*]Frankie Dee d. Joss Thompson when Fernando Elwes interferes (D) [*]Marc Speed d. Joe Simmons (C-) [*]Insane Machine d. Oscar Golden (C-) [*]High Fliers II d. Face Time [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C-) [*]Marc Speed d. Insane Machine (C) [*]Oscar Golden d. Joe Simmons (C-) [*]Valiant d. Joss Thompson (C-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Marc Speed [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] (C) [*]John Maverick d. Plague (C+) [*]Valiant d. Remmy Skye (C-) [/list] Overall: C ---------- Oscar Golden defeats Joe Simmons in the Coastal Zone Futures Tournament, without incident. Joss Thompson was not so lucky. Fernando Elwes showed that the grudge is not limited to Steven Parker when he came to the ring and caused Joss Thompson to lose his match to Frankie Dee. Unfortunately for Thompson, the referee did not see a thing, so Thompson is not awarded a rematch and gets his first loss in the tournament. So far it's not clear whether our fans are taking to this new theatrical type of wrestling, or whether the lower card wrestlers are just boring them. I vow to press ahead and see where this takes us, until it really starts to hurt the bottom line. High Fliers II defend their title from Face Time, marking the first time Face Time has been without the title for more than 2 weeks since they originally won it! Marc Speed gets past Insane Machine, but is unable to defeat Frankie Perez for the title. John Maverick and Plague put on a barn-burner, but Remmy Skye and Valiant fall all over each other in the ring and close off the evening on a down note. Hmmm, did I make a mistake with Valiant? Or maybe it's time to say goodbye to Remmy Skye who has never really been much of anything or very much in my plans. We'll keep an eye on those two for at least a few weeks. In time for the Thanksgiving Feast, it's decided that Face Time and High Fliers II need some company, so we add another tag team to the lineup. [B]NATO[/B], which is made up of Valiant and Jack Giedroyc, will get a chance against Face Time to get them started. Looking ahead to the Futures tournament matchups, if history is any guide, Steven Parker had better be on his guard when he takes on Frankie Dee, and Fernando Elwes should do the same when he takes on Duberry Excess. I expect some fireworks this week. The Xtreme Series starts a new round, with matchups featuring Marc Speed v Insane Machine and Jacob Jett v Jack Giedroyc. The evening ends with John Maverick taking on Valiant. The winner gets a chance at Brent Hill and his title while the loser stays in the ring to take on Marc Speed (so the winner can catch his breath). ---------- [B]CZCW Thanksgiving Feast[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 456 [list] [*]Brent Hill d. Frankie Perez (C+) [*]Insane Machine d. Marc Speed (C) [*]Jacob Jett d. Jack Giedroyc (C) [*]Steven Parker d. Frankie Dee despite interference from Elwes/Gallagher (D) [*]Remmy Skye d. Jack Giedroyc (C-) [*]NATO d. Face Time (C) [*]NATO Challenges High Fliers II, they accept, but will not grant a title shot (D) [*]NATO d. High Fliers II (C) [*]Duberry Excess d. Fernando Elwes, DQ when Gallagher is caught interfering (D) [*]Insane Machine d. Steven Parker (C-) [*]Valiant d. John Maverick (B-) [*]John Maverick d. Marc Speed (C+) [*]Brent Hill d. Valiant [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] (C+) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- Crappy attendance seems to go hand-in-hand with CZCW's better show ratings. I'm getting tired of fewer people watching our better efforts! Brent Hill and Frankie Perez open the evening with a rollicking match that has me wondering how long I should keep Frankie Perez in the Midcard area of the federation! The remaining midcarders also hold up their end of the bargain, posting solid matches against each other, with Insane Machine and Jacob Jett advancing from the preliminary matches. The Futures tournament does not fail to disappoint, when it comes to fireworks, although it continues to throw sub-standard matches into the mix. Steven Parker is jumped by both Fernando Elwes and Michael Gallagher, but manages to beat both of them off and still defeat his actual opponent, Frankie Dee. Michael Gallagher escorts Fernando Elwes to the ring for his match, and remains at ringside to protect him. While there, he provides Fernando Elwes with an "assist" against Duberry Excess. The referee spots it and disqualifies Elwes in a match that, it is decided, will count against his record, dropping him to 0-2 and probably destroying his chances in the tournament! The Coastal Zone Futures standings now look like this: Group 1 [list] [*]Oscar Golden 2-0 [*]Duberry Excess 1-1 [*]Joe Simmons 1-1 [*]Fernando Elwes 0-2 [/list] Group 2 [list] [*]Steven Parker 2-0 [*]Michael Gallagher 0-1 [*]Frankie Dee 1-1 [*]Joss Thompson 0-1 [/list] NATO open their account at CZCW with a win against Face Time. Then Valiant surprises everyone when he grabs the mic and calls out the High Fliers II, impugning their manhood and demanding a title shot on the spot. Jett and Insane Machine can’t ignore the challenge; they agree to an impromptu match, but the title will not be at stake. It's a good decision by High Fliers II, since NATO blitzes them to post their second win. The evening ends with three great matches. Valiant and John Maverick have as good a match as CZCW has ever seen, with Valiant eking his way past Maverick to get a title shot against Brent Hill! While Valiant rests, Maverick stays in the ring, and he and Marc Speed continue the momentum with another great match. Then Brent Hill and Valiant take to the ring for a long, exciting, see-saw battle in which Brent Hill is just able to retain his title, while Valiant serves notice that he is a force to be reckoned with. At our end-of-the-month wrap-up meeting, Cliff shows me profits of $13,365 this month and a bank account that is practically bulging, with over $100K in reserve. Next month: As my second year with CZCW comes to a close, a position opens up in Mexico and Cliff wonders if this is the end of the line?
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]December 2007[/B] Holiday cheer is in the air around CZCW as Cliff hands out bonus checks to everyone for a job well done this year. When he comes into my office and gives me a pat on the back he notices an email in my Inbox from [B]Mexican Hardcore Wrestling[/B], who are looking for a new booker. He doesn't say anything, but I can tell he's a little worried that I might be considering applying. I am considering it. But, things at CZCW are trending in a very positive direction and who knows what kind of mess I will find at MHW? So, after a couple day's consideration, I delete the email, tell Cliff not to worry about my leaving, and settle down to the business at hand. Two major names are up for contract renewal and no question about re-signing them: [B]Insane Machine[/B] and [B]Plague[/B]. Both men are integral to events here at CZCW, both have done well for us in the past. And both are in our plans for the future. Both are worth what they are asking for and I find myself with an increasing budget, anyway. Given that, we're abandoning self-imposed budget constraints on worker costs at shows. At our present rate, I believe I can afford to use whoever I like for each show and still maintain a healthy profit. So it's down to work on the Weekly show lineup. The Future's tournament has only one match, the last match in Round 2 of the group stage, between the feuding Joss Thompson and Michael Gallagher. Both men are 0-1 in the tournament, so the loser will probably not be advancing, which should make for some bad blood inside the ring. High Fliers II, in an act designed to enrage NATO, extend a title shot to the unheralded team of Kashmir Singh and Frankie Dee, rather than to NATO who defeated them in a non-title match last month. In the Xtreme Title Series, Jacob Jett tries to get past Insane Machine to get a return shot at Frankie Perez and the title he lost several months ago. And the Costal Zone Championship Title Series starts off a new round, with Plague taking on Valiant and John Maverick taking on Remmy Skye. As an added bonus, the losers of these matches will face off against each other as part of the show's thrilling climax. ---------- [B]CZCW December Weekly[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 655 [list] [*]Plague d. Valiant (C+) [*]Remmy Skye d. John Maverick (C) [*]Joss Thompson draw Michael Gallagher, Fernando Elwes & Steven Parker interfered (C-) [*]Brent Hill d. Oscar Golden (C) [*]Frankie Perez d. Marc Speed (C) [*]Jack Giedroyc d. Fernando Elwes (C-) [*]Kashmir Singh/Frankie Dee d. High Fliers II, who are counted out when NATO shows up and the High Fliers exit the ring to engage them, ignoring their actual opponents (D) [*]NATO Challenge High Fliers II to title match, but Face Time answer the call instead (D) [*]NATO d. Face Time (C) [*]Insane Machine d. Jacob Jett (C-) [*]John Maverick d. Valiant (B-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Insane Machine [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Marc Speed (C+) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- One of CZCW's largest crowds ever are treated to an evening they won't soon forget. Upsets are the order of the day in the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series, as Plague and Remmy Skye advance. The Coastal Zone Futures Tournament match up results in a draw because all pretense to the match between Joss Thompson and Michael Gallagher is abandoned in favor of wholesale chaos when both Fernando Elwes and Steven Parker enter the ring. Similarly, the Tag Team Title match is abandoned in chaos when NATO come to ringside. High Fliers II abandon their match with Kashmir Singh and Frankie Dee inside the ring in favor of an impromptu match up against NATO outside the ring. Eventually High Fliers II are counted out inside the ring and NATO applies a fairly severe beating outside the ring, with Jett dragging his partner to safety. Valiant grabs the mic and demands a title shot, right then and there. Instead of High Fliers II, however, Face Time answer the call, feeling that they are being pushed aside despite their extensive title credentials. A brawl ensues between the two teams, with NATO prevailing. At that point order is restored in time for the ending to the evening. Insane Machine brushes aside Jacob Jett to earn his shot at Frankie Perez. John Maverick and Valiant, once again, put on a thrilling match. Frankie Perez defeats Insane Machine to retain his title. And Brent Hill and Marc Speed close out the evening, with Brent Hill continuing to dominate the CZCW and provide entertaining matches while Marc Speed acquits himself nicely against the Champ. With the holidays barreling towards us, there's barely time to catch our breath before we have to schedule our final show of 2007. The Futures tournament is, once again, trying to complete the second round of matches, with a repeat of the abandoned match between Joss Thompson and Michael Gallagher. With the feud between the two sides gaining in acrimony, this match could be as chaotic as the first one. High Fliers II continue to thumb their noses at NATO, extending a title shot to fellow heels Fernando Elwes and Michael Gallagher, rather than facing NATO. The Xtreme Title Series starts a new round, with everyone once again vying for their chance at Frankie Perez. And in the Championship Title Series, Plague and Remmy Skye battle for the chance at ever-dominant Brent Hill. Plus lots of other matches designed to either improve wrestlers, keep people happy, or just entertain the fans. ---------- [B]CZCW Is Comin' To Town[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 405 [list] [*]Remmy Skye d. John Maverick (C+) [*]Jacob Jett d. Insane Machine (C-) [*]Marc Speed d. Jack Giedroyc (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Fernando Elwes (C) [*]NATO d. Joss Thompson/Marc Speed (C) [*]Frankie Perez d. Plague (C) [*]Joss Thompson draw Michael Gallagher, Fernando Elwes & Steven Parker interfered (C-) [*]High Fliers II d. Elwes/Gallagher [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (D) [*]High Fliers say they will face the winner of a best-of-five series between Face Time and NATO (E) [*]John Maverick d. Jacob Jett (C) [*]Insane Machine d. Joss Thompson (C-) [*]Plague d. Remmy Skye (C+) [*]John Maverick d. Marc Speed (C+) [*]Brent Hill d. Plague [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] (C+) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- Once again, poor attendance for our second show of the month. Marketing needs to answer some questions about this next month. Upsets are not the order of the day in the Xtreme Title series, as favorites Jacob Jett and Marc Speed advance. The Costal Zone Futures Tournament match up results in another draw when both Fernando Elwes and Steven Parker enter the ring yet again. At this rate, we may never finish the tournament or get past this single match up. A whole month gone by, and the standings have not changed since last month, since no matches have been completed. Group 1 [list] [*]Oscar Golden 2-0 [*]Duberry Excess 1-1 [*]Joe Simmons 1-1 [*]Fernando Elwes 0-2 [/list] Group 2 [list] [*]Steven Parker 2-0 [*]Michael Gallagher 0-1 [*]Frankie Dee 1-1 [*]Joss Thompson 0-1 [/list] High Fliers II dismantle Elwes and Gallagher to retain their title, and immediately announce to the crowd that they will extend a title shot to the winner of a 5 match series between NATO and Face Time. The evening comes to a climax with Plague advancing past Remmy Skye, but losing to Brent Hill, who retains the Coastal Zone Championship Title. Our profits for the month are $9,776, lower than last month because we used our best wrestlers in every show, but still very healthy. So I bid farewell to 2007 and look forward to 2008.
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]January 2008[/B] What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time, we had just started turning healthy profits of over $2K/month through judicious use of wrestlers, but the cost of achieving financial stability was dissension in the ranks. Nine wrestlers were unhappy, and 7 of those left the federation in the months to come. Of course, of those 7 departures, one was later re-hired ([B]Steven Parker[/B]) and only one caused any kind of impact ([B]Snap Dragon[/B]). And we had yet to figure out how to run two shows a month and maintain profitability. This year, we are running 2 shows a month with profits of around $10K/month, using all of our wrestlers, and there is practically no unhappiness in the ranks. Of course, I want to branch the CZCW out of the Southwest, where we have been locked since our inception, but with all signals currently green (and Cliff happy) we will bide our time on that goal. The only issue currently plaguing me is why attendance drops off so sharply for our second show every month. I don't know whether this is just a fact of life (people don't want to see that much of CZCW) or whether something in our booking strategy is causing the problem. At any rate, I set myself the goal of optimizing for attendance in the upcoming months. The new year, as always, brings with it the [B]Annual Awards[/B]. [list] [*]Wrestler of the Year: Yoshimi Mushashibo [*]Young Wrestler of the Year: Wolf Hawkins [*]Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Danger Kumasaka [*]Female Wrestler of the Year: Saeko Hiroyuki [*]Promotion of the Year: Supreme Wrestling Federation [*]Most Improved Promotion of the Year: North of the Border Pro Wrestling [*]Match of the Year: Yoshimi Mushashibo d. Nobuatsu Tasuko (PGHW The King's Road) [*]Card of the Year: PGHW The King's Road [/list] CZCW, not surprisingly, is un-represented among the top 100 wrestlers. I also take a look at the state of our federation to start the new year, to make sure no changes are necessary. [list] [*]Main Eventers: Brent Hill (F), Remmy Skye (F), Plague (H), John Maverick (H) [*]Upper Midcarder: Jacob Jett (H), Insane Machine (H), Frankie Perez (F), Valiant (F), Marc Speed (H), Jack Giedroyc (F) [*]Midcarder: Oscar Golden (F), Duberry Excess (H), Steven Parker (H), Joss Thompson (H) [*]Lower Midcarder: Joe Simmons (F), Michael Gallagher (F) [*]Opener: Frankie Dee (H), Fernando Elwes (F) [*]Enhancement Talent: Kashmir Singh (H) [*]Tag Teams: Face Time, NATO, High Fliers II, [/list] [B]Brent Hill[/B] has admirably filled his role as the "star" of the CZCW since we hired him and [B]John Maverick[/B] has added some fire to the top of the ticket as a serious rival for Brent, while [B]Plague[/B] is always able to throw in a good match or two also. [B]Valiant[/B], who we pegged early on to be one of our rising stars, has done just that and is now playing with the big boys and doing a great job at it. [B]Frankie Perez[/B], our other star of the future, is holding down the fort in the middle of the card, with solid support from [B]Marc Speed[/B] and [B]Jacob Jett[/B]. There's lots of bad blood in the lower card, with [B]Oscar Golden[/B] and [B]Steven Parker[/B] slowly emerging from the pack as the most interesting pair of wrestlers. Despite the fact that I haven't paid too much attention to it, I seem to have lucked into a good situation in the tag team department, with three credible teams, all capable of entertaining the crowds. For sure, if profits continue to stay at this level (or even increase), I'm going to add some talent upgrades this year, throughout the organization. But, all things considered, I'm fairly happy with where we are now. Except for that attendance problem... I arrange an off-site with Marketing to discuss the issue and possible solutions. During an early session, one of the interns meekly suggests that perhaps we should consider advertising the marquee matches in advance to let people know what they are going to see before they come to the show. The silence around the table after this suggestion is made is uncomfortable, to say the least. From the look on his face, it's clear the intern believes he should have kept his mouth shut. From the look on the face of our Senior Marketing Manager and most of the professional Marketing staff, they are embarrassed they didn't suggest this idea first. I am hoping that everyone can tell from my expression that I'm wondering what they are doing with their budget if not advertising our shows in advance. From that point onward, the off-site is devoted to developing a Marketing plan around this revolutionary idea. I duck out early, go back to the office, and start planning for the first Weekly show of 2008. We still have to get through the match up between Michael Gallagher and Joss Thompson, so that match is scheduled and it is arranged that Plague, John Maverick, Valiant, and Remmy Skye will guard the ring to insure that no one interferes. Under the assumption that we can finally get through that match, the next match in the tournament is also scheduled, with Oscar Golden taking on Fernando Elwes. Face Time and NATO square off for the first match in their best-of-five to decide who gets to face High Fliers II for the title. The Xtreme Title Series wraps up the current round, with Marc Speed and Jacob Jett fighting for their chance at Frankie Perez. And the latest round of the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series gets underway, with John Maverick taking on Valiant and Remmy Skye taking on Plague. ---------- [B]CZCW January Weekly[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 818 [list] [*]Jacob Jett d. Marc Speed (C) [*]Plague d. Frankie Perez (C+) [*]John Maverick d. Marc Speed (C+) [*]Michael Gallagher d. Joss Thompson, ring is guarded (C-) [*]Face Time d. NATO, 1-0 (C) [*]Oscar Golden d. Fernando Elwes, Joss Thompson interferes (C-) [*]Jacob Jett d. Michael Gallagher (C) [*]Jack Giedroyc d. Oscar Golden (C-) [*]John Maverick d. Valiant (B-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Jacob Jett [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] (C) [*]Remmy Skye d. Plague (C) [/list] Overall: C ---------- Wow! 818 people show up and I don't know whether to attribute that to the new Marketing strategy or to the lagging effects of our increased popularity. Marketing, of course, takes all the credit for the increase and I let them bask for now. Unfortunately, the show is not one of our best. The highlight of the evening is the match up between John Maverick and Valiant, two wrestlers who put on a great show every time they meet. Plague and Frankie Perez also put on a good show for the fans, but beyond that mediocrity is the watchword. Saved from outside interference, Michael Gallagher polishes off Joss Thompson, who is not happy about it, his chances in the tournament now ended. He gets his revenge later, however, when he trips Fernando Elwes during his match with Oscar Golden, causing him to lose and sending Oscar Golden through to the semis. It's scant revenge, however, since Elwes had already been eliminated. Face Time are in superb form against NATO, handing them their first loss since joining forces, and taking a 1-0 lead in the best-of-five series. Jacob Jett earns another title shot, but Frankie Perez maintains his stranglehold on the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title. Finally, Remmy Skye and John Maverick win their preliminary matches in the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series. And so we approach the New Year's Mayhem show with anxious anticipation. Will we see the typical drop-off in attendance? Or will it hold steady at around 800 people? Could I dare hope for an increase? Whoever shows up, they should get a treat. There's a guaranteed Coastal Zone Championship Title match up between Brent Hill and either John Maverick or Remmy Skye. Brent Hill is looking to make his 15th consecutive title defense! Our best midcarders are in the ring together for a new round of preliminary Xtreme Title Series matches. NATO and Face Time renew their best-of-five series. High Fliers II look to stay in good form with a title defense against Oscar Golden and Joe Simmons. Who knows what'll happen when allies Steven Parker and Joss Thompson take each other on in a Futures tournament match up? Duberry Excess and Joe Simmons take each other on in the Futures tournament, the winner advances, the loser is eliminated. All that, plus much, much more! (Apparently I've been proofing our Marketing materials too much lately.) ---------- [B]CZCW New Year's Mayhem[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 872 [list] [*]Jacob Jett d. Jack Giedroyc (C) [*]John Maverick d. Frankie Perez (C+) [*]Insane Machine d. Marc Speed (C) [*]Steven Parker d. Joss Thompson, Thompson tanked at the end to give Parker the guaranteed win (C-) [*]NATO d. Face Time, 1-1 (C) [*]Duberry Excess d. Joe Simmons (D) [*]High Fliers II d. Oscar Golden/Joe Simmons [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C-) [*]Brent Hill d. Insane Machine (C+) [*]Remmy Skye d. John Maverick (C) [*]Jack Giedroyc d. Marc Speed (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Remmy Skye [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] (C+) [/list] Overall: C ---------- Attendance is up, and once again Marketing is quick to take the credit. I'm concerned, however, because suddenly our performances are down. I finally get the butts in the seats that I want, and we're giving them thoroughly mediocre shows. Sure, we're still increasing our popularity by exceeding expectations a little. But we're missing out on the viral word-of-mouth Marketing that two truly great shows could have given us for free. OK, while everyone else at the office is popping Champagne, I will just work a little harder. In the Future's tournament, Steven Parker and Joss Thompson entertain the folks, but then Joss Thompson lays down for Steven to insure that he goes through, since Joss has already been eliminated. Duberry Excess gets by Joe Simmons to advance to the semi-final also, although this match was not as entertaining. With just one match to go, the standings look like this: Group 1 [list] [*]x-Oscar Golden 3-0 [*]x-Duberry Excess 2-1 [*]Joe Simmons 1-2 [*]Fernando Elwes 0-3 [/list] Group 2 [list] [*]x-Steven Parker 3-0 [*]Michael Gallagher 1-1 [*]Frankie Dee 1-1 [*]Joss Thompson 0-3 [/list] (x=clinched semi-final berth) NATO even the score in their best-of-five against Face Time, while High Fliers II defeat Oscar Golden and Joe Simmons fairly easily to retain their title. Jacob Jett and Insane Machine get past their opponents and will look for a chance to de-throne Frankie Perez next month. Remmy Skye, our perennial underachiever, surprises everyone with an upset of John Maverick, but is unable to capitalize on the opportunity, and Brent Hill defends his title for the 15th time. With attendance figures like this, I am eagerly awaiting a look at our monthly financials, and am not disappointed. Total profits of $22,197! About twice what we had been seeing in the previous few months. Our bulging bank account and the promise of a steady stream of increased revenue gets my mind working... Next month: it's time to start spending Cliff's money.
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Costal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]February 2007[/B] It's time to start using CZCW's financial stability to my advantage. But after careful reflection and consideration of a number of different possible scenarios, I decide to keep the changes relatively small. No huge spending spree on new wrestlers. Don't fix what isn't truly broken at this point. Incremental changes so no one month has the potential to send us into a death spiral. To start things off, I decide to give myself a little present and make my own life a little easier while improving things here at CZCW. Brent Hill has acted as Road Agent for CZCW for all matches that he isn't involved in. But when he's involved in a match, or absent from a show, it requires me to shuffle things around and find a suitable replacement. More than once I've been caught running a match without a good Road Agent. So the first outlay of cash will be to sign a full-time Road Agent for CZCW. After scouring the wires for someone who is available and will work for us, we locate and hire [B]Luis Montero[/B] a Road Agent out of Mexico. He costs us almost $2,000 per show, which makes him the highest paid CZCW worker (aside from Cliff), so he'd better be worth it. For starters, hopefully a dedicated Road Agent is just the tonic CZCW needs to pull us out of our slight performance slump. Beyond his role as a Road Agent, Luis addresses two other needs for CZCW. First, he provides locker room leadership, which, I am reminded after every show, is lacking here at CZCW. Second, he is fluent in Spanish, which means I can now expand my inquiries for new talent to include Spanish-speaking wrestlers without them getting too lonely in the locker room. Since we don't do many interviews or promos here at CZCW (the fans get restless every time we attempt something of the kind) it doesn't much matter what language the wrestler speaks, so long as they can be kept happy. The only other personnel news this month is that [B]Kashmir Singh[/B] is leaving CZCW. I wasn't even aware he was still here. Then it's down to the real business of planning our shows. And I'm going to make one incremental change here as well. We're going to pull back on our habit of using multiple wrestlers multiple times every night to stretch the value of our appearance fees. More appearances for everyone, fewer matches each appearance for everyone. Hopefully that will help stave off any further personnel problems from the wrestlers we care about, and may increase the fan's happiness. It's worth a try, and the extra expense shouldn't prove too troubling. With that in mind, I set the schedule for the February Weekly. The final match up in the group stages of the Future tournament pits Michael Gallagher against Frankie Dee, with the winner advancing to the semi-final. Jacob Jett and Insane Machine battle for their shot at Frankie Perez and the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship. NATO and Face Time take a 1-1 tie into the 3rd match of their best-of-five while High Fliers II continue with a tune-up match against Steven Parker and Joss Thompson. Finally, the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series kicks off another round. ---------- [B]CZCW February Weekly[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 813 [list] [*]Jacob Jett d. Insane Machine (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Steven Parker (C) [*]NATO d. Face Time, 2-1 (C) [*]Michael Gallagher d. Frankie Dee, Fernando Elwes interfered (C-) [*]Marc Speed d. Duberry Excess (C-) [*]High Fliers II d. Steven Parker/Joss Thompson [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C-) [*]Brent Hill d. Jack Giedroyc (C+) [*]Jacob Jett d. Frankie Perez [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] (C) [*]John Maverick d. Remmy Skye (C+) [*]Valiant d. Plague (C+) [/list] Overall: C ---------- Another large crowd, but our performance slump continues. We squander yet another opportunity for word-of-mouth advertising by not sending all 813 people home to tell a friend about CZCW. In the Futures tournament, Fernando Elwes insures that Michael Gallagher advances, even if he doesn't, by interfering from ringside against Frankie Dee. That ends the group stages, with the following results: Group 1 [list] [*]Oscar Golden 3-0 [*]Duberry Excess 2-1 [*]Joe Simmons 1-2 [*]Fernando Elwes 0-3 [/list] Group 2 [list] [*]Steven Parker 3-0 [*]Michael Gallagher 2-1 [*]Frankie Dee 1-2 [*]Joss Thompson 0-3 [/list] And the semi-final matches are set: [B]Oscar Golden v Duberry Excess[/B] [B]Steven Parker v Michael Gallagher[/B] (Should be a doozy, filled with bile and hatred.) NATO get by Face Time yet again, and take a 2-1 lead in the best-of-five series. High Fliers II retain their title against a pair of lesser opponents. Jacob Jett gets by Insane Machine and yet another shot against Frankie Perez who, up until now, has looked unbeatable. Jett shatters that aura of invincibility with a commanding performance. At the end of the evening, he is being feted as the new Coastal Zone Xtreme Champion! John Maverick and Valiant advance in the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series, and one of them will get a chance to follow in Jett's footsteps against Brent Hill. But people are still complaining to me about a lack of locker room leaders. What a bunch of babies, apparently one isn't enough, they need two people to hold their hands. Well, that will just have to wait. So we head into the Valentine's Day Massacre show, looking to improve our performance. I call an all-hands meeting and lose my cool a bit, in an effort to motivate everyone. For the older guys who won't respond to intimidation from the boss, I end with an appeal to their sense of professionalism and a challenge to continue building on their own success in and out of the ring. In an effort to shake things up and provide incentive for everyone to exceed expectations, I allow the Futures wrestlers to start off the evening, a slot usually reserved for marquee wrestlers. Privately, Joss Thompson, Michael Gallagher, Fernando Elwes, and Steven Parker are told, for the sake of the prestige of the title, to maintain their composure and that any interference will be frowned upon. I throw a rare 3-way match up into the mix, sending Plague into the ring against High Fliers teammates Jacob Jett and Insane Machine. Face Time and NATO are at it again, of course, with Face Time looking to stave off elimination. High Fliers II take part in yet another title defense/tune up match, this time against Duberry Excess and Oscar Golden. The Xtreme Title Series starts a new round, with a new champion and Frankie Perez involved in the preliminary match ups for the first time. And John Maverick and Valiant look for a chance to de-throne Brent Hill. ---------- [B]CZCW Valentine's Day Massacre[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 596 [list] [*]Duberry Excess d. Oscar Golden, 1-0 (C-) [*]Steven Parker d. Michael Gallagher, 1-0 (C-) [*]Plague d. Jacob Jett, Insane Machine (C) [*]Face Time d. NATO, High Fliers II interfered, 2-2 (C) [*]John Maverick d. Joss Thompson (C+) [*]High Fliers II d. Duberry Excess/Oscar Golden [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (D) [*]Marc Speed d. Insane Machine (C) [*]John Maverick d. Valiant (B-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Jack Giedroyc (C) [*]John Maverick d. Brent Hill [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] (C+) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- It's like a perverse uncertainty principle...I can either have good attendance and a mediocre show or poor attendance and a good show. But I can't have both at the same time. In the Futures tournament, Duberry Excess and Steven Parker dominate the opening matches, taking 1-0 leads. And everyone is on their best behavior. The same cannot be said about High Fliers II who invade the ring when it looks certain that NATO are going to storm past Face Time and win the series at 3-1. Instead, NATO find themselves distracted and harried on all sides, eventually losing the match to Face Time and necessitating a deciding 5th match. Later in the evening, High Fliers II defend their title. In a highly positive development for CZCW, Joss Thompson hints at his hidden possibility in the ring in a high-tension, high-excitement match against John Maverick. Thompson loses, but you might want to remember where you were when Joss Thompson made his first serious statement in the ring. Frankie Perez announces his intention to regain his title by throttling Jack Giedroyc. He'll need to get past Marc Speed next month, but certainly looks on-target for a chance at revenge against Jacob Jett. And in the two best matches of the evening, John Maverick fights his way past Valiant, then defeats Brent Hill to claim the title of Coastal Zone Champion from its perennial holder! Given the signing of Luis Montero and our heavy use of wrestlers, it's not surprising that our profits drop to $11,472 for the month. But it's a sign of the times that nether I, nor Cliff, are at all concerned. There's more than enough in the bank and more than enough coming in to continue down the path we're on. Next Month: Can Frankie Perez and Brent Hill re-claim their titles? And who will be the tag team champion when the dust settles?
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]March 2008[/B] [I](Note: I made a transcribing error in my notes for last month's journal. It turns out that I had the result of the match between Brent Hill and John Maverick backwards! Brent Hill remains champion this month. I corrected last month's journal for anyone who comes to this later on. Apologies.)[/i] As I get into the office to start the month of March, I'm feeling pretty pleased despite the driving rainstorm outside. For once, there's no one needing a raise or a new contract this month, so I figure I'll be able to focus all my energies into getting the best possible lineups into our two shows. Cliff has other ideas. He thinks the time is right to go after sponsorship deals, since CZCW is starting to make a name for itself. So he loads up my schedule with meetings involving every possible sponsor he can think of. I politely suggest that he handle the discussions himself, but he believes the sponsors want to feel they will have some input on the creative front to insure product placement. So they need to meet me and get a good vibe from me. I spend most of the early part of March bouncing from meeting to meeting, talking with fat men sporting comb-overs about the natural synergy between whatever their business is (auto-body shop, rental center, pizza parlor, sports bar) and the CZCW brand of wrestling. It's painful, and not just because I realize that our current demographic is apparently a bunch of people with whom I wouldn’t want to attend a party. More incentive to increase our popularity and increase the breadth of our demographic. In between and during meetings, I scribble down the lineup for the March Weekly Show. Most of it is fairly easy. The match ups in the Costal Zone Championship Series are pre-planned (Plague/Valiant, Remmy Skye/John Maverick). Frankie Perez takes on Marc Speed for a chance at a return match for his recently lost title. NATO and Face Time meet in the deciding match of their best-of-five, with the winner getting a title shot later in the evening when High Fliers II assume they will be tired. And the Coastal Zone Futures Tournament semifinals continue. I add two filler matches to the evening and make sure everything is ready to go. Did I mention that Cliff invited 10 potential sponsors to come to the show in order to impress them with our product? If not, that's probably because he forgot to mention it to me until the last minute, meaning we had to scramble to find them ringside seating. ---------- [B]CZCW March Weekly[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 797 [list] [*]Valiant d. Plague (C+) [*]Giedroyc d. Elwes (C-) [*]Insane Machine d. Frankie Dee (D) [*]Duberry Excess d. Oscar Golden, 2-0 (D) [*]Michael Gallagher d. Steven Parker, 1-1 (C-) [*]Marc Speed d. Frankie Perez (C-) [*]NATO d. Face Time, 3-2 (C) [*]John Maverick d. Remmy Skye (C+) [*]High Fliers II d. NATO (C) [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] [*]Marc Speed d. Jacob Jett (C-) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C- ---------- Our potential sponsors can't help but be impressed by the 800 people in attendance, but if any of them actually know anything about wrestling they will be taking their sponsorship money and running in the opposite direction at the sight of this dismal performance. The two filler matches I came up with stink to the rafters, dragging the show down by their weight along with some other dreadful stuff. It probably didn't help that everyone came expecting to see Frankie Perez get a chance to win the title back, only to have him lose to Marc Speed in the preliminary match. Marc went on to beat Jacob Jett and claim the title for himself, but both he and Jett did not put on a championship effort, ending the show on a serious down note. In the Futures tournament, Duberry Excess surprises everyone by jumping out to a 2-0 lead on Oscar Golden, although by the end of the match, most of the fans were probably averting their eyes. Michael Gallagher evens his series with Steven Parker in a passable match up. NATO pulls off the effort of the evening, defeating the two best tag teams in CZCW in the same evening to win their best-of-five and the Coastal Zone Tag Team Title in the same night. The matches are solid, if unspectacular. The Coastal Zone Championship Title Series is the lone bright spot. Two matches, two performances at the level we expect. And the good news is that Valiant and John Maverick, two of our better performers, are the ones advancing to next week. The next morning I'm waiting in Cliff's office. None of the 10 sponsors agreed to a deal. I suggest that Cliff handle meetings with sponsors for the rest of the month and let me focus on the upcoming March Lions show. Bring sponsors to that one, I tell him, and we'll impress them enough to get them to open their check books. And I'll make sure we have seats set aside ahead of time. He agrees. Once again, I call the troops together for a meeting. I tell them about the sponsorship deals in the works and what's at stake. Then I lay out the evening for them. The Future semifinal matches continue. I have a little chat with Duberry Excess and Oscar Golden about their sub-standard performances to date, then ask them to spend some extra time with Luis Montero before the show. Marc Speed is the latest Coastal Zone Xtreme Champion, and the four wrestlers gunning for his crown will take on each other. Face Time tries to rebuild their title [I]bona fides[/I] with a match up against Joss Thompson and Duberry Excess, while NATO graciously extends a rematch to High Fliers II. Finally, John Maverick and Valiant go after each other with the winner given a chance at Brent Hill and his title. I try to provide a better pair of filler matches also, giving both our champions (Marc Speed and Brent Hill) matches against lower-level opponents, in Brent's case against the up-and-coming Joss Thompson. ---------- [B]CZCW March Lions[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 630 [list] [*]Jacob Jett d. Jack Giedroyc (C) [*]Insane Machine d. Frankie Perez (C) [*]Oscar Golden d. Duberry Excess, 1-2 (E) [*]Steven Parker d. Michael Gallagher, 2-1 (C-) [*]Face Time d. Thompson/Excess, (C-) [*]Marc Speed d. Frankie Dee (D) [*]Brent Hill d. Joss Thompson (C) [*]John Maverick d. Valiant (B) [*]High Fliers II d. NATO (C) [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] [*]John Maverick d. Brent Hill (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- Attendance for the second show of the month continues to show a dip, but 630 people is nothing to sneeze at. And the performance is bound to impress the sponsors sitting in the prime seats at ringside. Given their performance to date, I arrange with Cliff to take the sponsors back stage for a private "tour" during the Oscar Golden/Duberry Excess match, so luckily only the paying fans have to watch that one. Golden pulls a match back, though I'm not sure more matches in this semifinal is a good thing. Steven Parker pulls ahead 2-1, as he and Michael Gallagher put on another credible show. Joss Thompson and Duberry Excess provide fodder for Face Time, but little in the way of entertainment, despite the fact that they seem to work well together. Maybe some more practice and we'll have something. High Fliers II are unwilling to go quietly into the night, and surprise everyone by regaining their tag team title from NATO, just when it looked like NATO might be ready to go on a run. Frankie Perez continues to struggle, losing to Insane Machine in his preliminary match, and will have to wait yet another week. Jacob Jett, on the other hand, wins his match and keeps his hopes for the title alive. But it's the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series that blows the rafters off the joint. Valiant and John Maverick put on the first "B" rated show in CZCW history and then John Maverick follows that up with a solid performance against Brent Hill to win the Coastal Zone Championship. And apparently that's enough to impress the sponsors because the next day Cliff shows me three signed sponsorship deals, which by month's end have inflated our total profits to $30,650. Next month: Some love for the tag teams.
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]April 2008[/B] Despite a few blips and bumps, things have been progressing fairly well. The Main Eventers and Upper Midcarders are all pretty well tied up with their respective Title series matches, building interest and providing anchors for each show. And the Lower Midcarders are busy with the Future Title Tournament. Some interesting and useful information has come out of all of these events, such as the intense level of competitiveness between Valiant and John Maverick, which we'll have to build on. But it's time to turn my attention back to a project which has remained on the back-burner since I took over at CZCW: the tag teams. There was one abortive attempt to form up a whole series of tag teams, mostly taken from the lower level guys, and try to make something out of that. But lack of chemistry, lack of ability, and attrition caused an end to the experiment. In the meantime, mostly in order to get a few guys more match work, I've blundered into a trio of tag teams (NATO, Face Time, High Fliers II) that all work well together and have generated some interest from the fans, almost by accident. So this month, I fill out the roster with a more stable and reputable group of teams to compete against our main trio. Plague and Maverick are paired as an all-star team called [B]Full Force[/B]. I figure they will provide a fairly serious challenge for any of our teams (based on skill alone) as they develop popularity and experience for themselves. Joss Thompson, a wrestler just looking for an opportunity, is paired with Duberry Excess as a team called [B]Excess Energy[/B]. I want to make sure that Thompson gets match time in as much as possible while I wait for a chance to give him a good run as a singles wrestler. Finally, Steven Parker tells me that he has lots of experience in another fed with a wrestler named [B]Ricky Turner[/B] as [B]The 'A' Alliance[/B]. Ricky Turner, it turns out, is available for hire, so we get a lower card team with instant credibility and name recognition for a reasonable price. I don't really have any specific plans yet for the tag teams, other than to mix and match things up and see what starts to develop on its own. Later in the year we'll try to form a cohesive plan for these teams. With a full complement of 6 tag teams to play with, and no other personnel matters to suck up my time this month, I settle into planning for our April shows. First up is the April Weekly. John Maverick is the new Costal Zone Champion, and his four rivals will be at each other's throats for a chance to topple him before he becomes as ensconced in that role as Brent Hill did. Brent, in particular, is not happy about having lost his title and is looking for revenge. Pity Remmy Skye who has to face him in the preliminary match. Jacob Jett and Insane Machine are looking for a chance at the newly-crowned Coastal Zone Xtreme Champ, Marc Speed. The best Frankie Perez can do is watch, while he challenges Plague in a meaningless filler match. Steven Parker can close out his series against Michael Gallagher and Oscar Golden and Duberry Excess renew their interminable semifinal, with Duberry leading 2-1 and everyone hoping he wins tonight and puts us out of our misery at having to watch them. Finally, High Fliers II extend a rematch to NATO, over the strenuous objection of Face Time who feel they should get in on the title picture. ---------- [B]CZCW April Weekly[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 884 [list] [*]Plague d. Valiant (C+) [*]Brent Hill d. Remmy Skye (C+) [*]Marc Speed d. Fernando Elwes (C-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Plague (C-) [*]Oscar Golden d. Duberry Express 2-2 (D) [*]Steven Parker d. Michael Gallagher 3-1 (C-) [*]Remmy Skye d. Joss Thompson (C-) [*]Jacob Jett d. Insane Machine (C) [*]High Fliers II d. NATO when Face Time interfered [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C) [*]Jacob Jett d. Marc Speed [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] (C) [/list] Overall: C ---------- A familiar story for the Weekly show: good attendance (threatening the 900 mark!) but an average show. I guess I should be happy, each of these shows increases our popularity in the Southwest. But I'd like to see C+ shows become the standard for CZCW. In the Future semifinals, not only are Oscar Golden and Duberry Excess dreadful yet again, but Oscar evens the series at 2-2, forcing another match up. Steven Parker, by contrast, closes out Michael Gallagher at 3-1. In the Xtreme title series, Jacob Jett restates his claim by defeating Insane Machine and Marc Speed to recapture the Costal Zone Xtreme Championship. Jett is surging where Frankie Perez is faltering. Brent Hill dismantles Remmy Skye and Plague gets by Valiant. As thrilled as I would have been to see the possibility of another Valiant/Maverick match, the prospect of a nostalgic match up between bitter rivals Plague and Brent Hill, recalling CZCW's early days (with a subsequent match up against John Maverick) is decent comfort. Face Time's bitter feelings about being left out of the title picture for three straight shows spill into the ring, disrupting the title match between NATO and High Fliers II. When the dust settles, NATO has absorbed too much of a combined beating, and High Fliers II are confirmed as champions, while Face Time retreat to the locker and NATO mutter darkly about recrimination. A summit between the tag teams is called to attempt to restore order and dignity. High Fliers II will refrain from any further title defenses until we can establish a pecking order among the challengers. To start things off, Face Time will take on Full Force while NATO will square off against Excess Energy in the Spring Break Bash. Oscar Golden and Duberry Excess close out their semifinal, with the only good news being that this is guaranteed to be their last match. The challengers to the Xtreme Title series start off the final round in that Series, with everyone wondering just how far Frankie Perez has sunk. And Brent Hill and Plague tangle with each other looking for a chance at the Coastal Zone Championship Title against John Maverick. ---------- [B]CZCW Spring Break Bash[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 547 [list] [*]Marc Speed d. Jack Giedroyc (C) [*]Frankie Perez d. Insane Machine (C) [*]Plague d. Joss Thompson (C) [*]John Maverick d. Steven Parker (C) [*]Oscar Golden d. Duberry Excess, 3-2 (C-) [*]Face Time d. Full Force (C+) [*]Jack Giedroyc d. Michael Gallagher (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Plague (C+) [*]NATO d. Excess Energy (C) [*]John Maverick d. Brent Hill [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] (B-) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- A familiar story for the second show of the month: a drop-off in attendance and an above-average show. I suppress the rising bile and vow to just be happy that we're still making progress. Oscar Golden completes his improbable comeback from an 0-2 deficit in a match where, even more improbably, I'm not wishing I could rip off my own head at the end. So, after months of effort, it comes down to [B]Steven Parker[/B] and [B]Oscar Golden[/B] in a best-of-seven series for the Coastal Zone Futures Title. Face Time and NATO demonstrate that they are the clear favorites to take on High Fliers II, with solid matches against Full Force and Excess Energy. I'm particularly pleased that the Full Force match up went so well, based largely on the skill of Full Force. Over time, they may actually develop enough popularity and awareness to become a force in the tag team scene at CZCW. Frankie Perez shrugs off his doubters with a commanding performance against Insane Machine to get himself back on track to regain the Xtreme Title. His next assignment is to get past Marc Speed, and after what happened to him the past two weeks, he probably won't be looking past Marc. At any rate, we're guaranteed a match up involving two former champions vying for the Xtreme Title next month. In the evening's premier matches, Brent Hill and Plague remind everyone why they were such a popular rivalry, adding another great performance to their stellar history together. But the strain of getting past Plague proves too much for Brent Hill, who stumbles at the finish line and loses a championship match to John Maverick for the second month in a row. CZCW's financials remain strong this month, with profits of $29,909. Next month: The Xtreme Title series comes to a close while the Futures Tournament Final begins.
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]May 2008[/B] After two blissful months without any personnel matters to attend to, May requires me to evaluate two of our wrestlers and make a decision. At first glance, it seems like an easy decision to re-hire Fernando Elwes and Steven Parker. Both have been a part of the Coastal Zone Futures Tournament, and Parker is one of the participants in the final. Not re-hiring him certainly seems like madness. But, seriously, what does CZCW have to show for all the effort it's poured into the younger wrestlers? A steady stream of dreary matches that have been a drag on the rest of each evening. I haven't even got some of the ancillary positive benefits I was hoping for, like marketable matches for our Midcard wrestlers to keep them looking dangerous, since a lot of those matches have been flaccid also. And when Steven Parker tells me how much he is expecting in a raise...well, I almost make a decision right then and there to chuck the two of them onto the street and be done with it. I decide to reflect on the matter, however, and get back to them. In retrospect, it's probably not their fault. I mean, what did I expect when I put two wrestlers that CZCW identifies as its worst into the ring together week-after-week? And, without a steady diet of decent wrestlers to go against, these poor guys have not improved. The fact that I dangled a title at the end of a string did garner some public interest, but was, in essence, just asking too much. So I decide the fault is actually mine. There are just seven matches between the Futures wrestlers to go and the rest of the guys who were involved are able to work freely. So I arrive at the office the next day, pull [B]Steven Parker[/B] and [B]Fernando Elwes[/B] into my office in turn and re-sign both of them. Just as quickly, I shoo them out and turn my attention to the shows. The Weekly show marks the end of the Coastal Zone Xtreme Title Series. Jacob Jett is the latest champ after a roller coaster 4 months which saw a different champ each month. Frankie Perez and Marc Speed are the challengers, both looking to end the series with the title around their waist. Steven Parker and Oscar Golden start their Coastal Zone Futures Title best-of-seven. The Coastal Zone Championship Title series, having started a month later, starts its penultimate round. Maverick holds the title, having made his first defense last month. The May Weekly will see two early tag team matches, and a "match to be announced" which will ultimately decide who gets a chance to take on High Fliers II for the championship at the end of the night, as we continue to try to get mileage out of the tag teams. Between all that, we sandwich a pair of matches between Lower card wrestlers and Midcard wrestlers, as our training regimen for the lower card commences. And, as a "thank you" to our fans (and a way to increase Plague's sagging morale), Plague and John Maverick spice up the last part of the evening with a non-title match up between two of our best stars. ---------- [B]CZCW May Weekly[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 774 [list] [*]Valiant d. Remmy Skye (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Plague (C+) [*]Face Time d. Excess Energy (C) [*]The 'A' Alliance d. Full Force (C) [*]Steven Parker d. Oscar Golden 1-0 (C-) [*]Jacob Jett d. Joe Simmons (C-) [*]Insane Machine d. Michael Gallagher (C-) [*]NATO d. The 'A' Alliance & Face Time (C) [*]Frankie Perez d. Marc Speed (C+) [*]Plague d. John Maverick (C+) [*]NATO d. High Fliers II (C) [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] [*]Frankie Perez d. Jacob Jett (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C ---------- No one should be surprised looking at the attendance figures and the show's quality, least of all me. I should be getting more sanguine about it by now. Hell, I can probably roughly predict the attendance and perfectly predict the show's quality for our upcoming Mother's Day Mayhem show. Steven Parker and Oscar Golden allow me to breath a small sigh of relief by putting on a credible match, which Steven wins to take a 1-0 win. It won't win any awards, but at least it doesn't look like a slow, grinding, spirit-crushing repeat of the Duberry Excess/Oscar Golden debacle. After Face Time and The 'A' Alliance win their tag team matches, a decision is made that we can't decide between the three top tag team challengers, so we just throw everyone in the ring together and let them sort it out. NATO emerges victorious over both Face Time and The 'A' Alliance, then seizes the opportunity and defeats High Fliers II later in the evening to regain the Coastal Zone Tag Team Title. The filler matches (with the obvious exception of Plague/Maverick) are nothing to write home about, and probably the deciding factor in the evening's overall rating. On a positive note, it does look like the younger wrestlers can show some improvement when given a chance to learn from the pros. In the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series, Brent Hill and Valiant beat back their opposition, and it looks like no matter how things turn out at the Mother's Day Mayhem show, this Series should provide the fireworks we expect from it. The evening's biggest news is that Frankie Perez shakes off the lethargy that overtook him for several months and storms his way back into possession of the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title, bringing the curtain down on this Series with a tremendous match against Jacob Jett. But, for all the positives, I find myself fighting off a rising tide of depression and hoping for a Mother's Day miracle...or at least an unexpected result from the show that will allow me to shake off the lethargy I'm carrying around. Without the Xtreme Title Series to guide the booking for the evening, I use the opportunity to search for good pairings and to prop up the little bits of sagging morale within CZCW. Many of the wrestlers who find themselves uninvolved in a Title Series match find themselves in the ring against a young wrestler. Steven Parker and Oscar Golden have their second match in the Futures best-of-seven final. NATO, still feeling bitter about events from month's past, extend a title shot to The 'A' Alliance, rather than the recently defeated High Fliers II or perennial challengers Face Time. Frankie Perez and Jacob Jett reprise last week's excellent match with a title rematch. And Brent Hill takes on Valiant, with John Maverick and the Coastal Zone Championship Title waiting in the wings for the winner. ---------- [B]CZCW Mother's Day Mayhem[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 571 [list] [*]Plague d. Insane Machine (C) [*]Remmy Skye d. Fernando Elwes (C) [*]Full Force d. Excess Energy (C+) [*]Jack Giedroyc d. Joe Simmons (C) [*]Oscar Golden d. Steven Parker, 1-1 (C-) [*]Face Time d. High Fliers II (C) [*]Marc Speed d. Joss Thompson (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Valiant (C+) [*]NATO d. The 'A' Alliance [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] (C) [*]Frankie Perez d. Jacob Jett [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] (C) [*]John Maverick d. Brent Hill [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] (C+) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- No Mother's Day miracle materializes, and the show does exactly what I expect. We see several good efforts, including an unexpectedly rousing tag team match up from outsiders Full Force and Excess Energy. Oscar Golden levels the Futures best-of-seven at 1-1. Frankie Perez and Jacob Jett are unable to catch lightning in a bottle two shows in a row, though Frankie does defend his Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title. Brent Hill defeats Valiant, but his mental block against John Maverick seems to be growing as he loses a title match to Maverick for the third month in a row. Doubt may start creeping into Brent's mind if this trend continues. Profits are down to $23,487 in May, still more than healthy. All signs are positive for CZCW. Attendance insures that we will make money every month while retaining the freedom to use our wrestlers at will. Each show is increasing our popularity, as a general rule. So why does it feel like we're in a rut and need to reinvigorate things? I look back at where CZCW was a little more than a year ago and see some parallels. We've come to an end of the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title Series while the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series ends next month. Interest in both Title Series is fairly high and we can build off the momentum with a few of our better wrestlers benefitting in the upcoming months. We've established John Maverick as serious rival for Brent Hill and found a rivalry-in-waiting with Valiant. We've got three very good tag teams who have been trading the title back and forth for a while, with three other tag teams just waiting for their chance. Despite disappointing early returns, we have a solid crop of youngsters just waiting to be used. So, once again, it seems like a perfect time to make changes. Instead of hoping for that miracle, we're going to go out and make it happen. Next month: Busting out of that rut!
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]June 2008[/B] After long and careful consideration of the problems facing CZCW (attendance, performance consistency) as well as the strengths it now has (steady revenue, cash reserves), I decide to make a few moves in an effort to break us out of our current rut. The first two involve changing our show schedule around. Two shows a month is too few, given our situation. More shows will increase the rate of our popularity expansion and should have either a neutral or positive effect on the bottom line. It's almost certainly not going to push us into negative territory, so this is a no-brainer and we expand our schedule to 4 shows a month. In addition to that, we pump up the volume on our main show every month. Prior to this we've been pretty much billing all our shows equally. Now it's time to highlight the main show. We're running 3 small weekly shows each month (weeks 1, 2, 4) which are 1 hour long. The main show will be a more medium-sized show (at least compared to the big guys...from my perspective it's a large effort!) that will run 2 hours long and be booked into a larger venue, Grissom Auditorium. Hopefully that will drive more people to the main show where most of the action and best matches take place every month. With scheduling changes behind me, I need to deal with a single personnel issue this month. Our referee, Pee Wee Germain, is up for contract renewal this month. He's done steady work for us to date, and CZCW is certainly grateful for his help. But, we can do better. Bret Graveson is available to be hired by CZCW, and while his refereeing skills are just about the same as Pee Wee's (maybe a little better) he does bring locker room leadership qualities that Pee Wee doesn't. Alongside Luis Montero, CZCW would have all the leadership it needs to keep things under control backstage. So, a decision is made and [B]Pee Wee Germain[/B] is out, [B]Bret Graveson[/B] is in. All of CZCW's wrestlers are excited as we go over the booking for the first show...most of them are seeing a chance to increase their pay for the month by being involved in an extra show or two. (At least a few are equally glad to be doing one show a month someplace other than the beer-soaked environs of The Snake Pit.) I'm hoping that excitement will translate into better, more consistent performances as well as increased attendance. The first show, booked into our standard venue at The Snake Pit, will feature only three matches that are pre-determined. Steven Parker and Oscar Golden are tied at 1-1 in their best-of-seven for the Futures title. Brent Hill, Plague, Remmy Skye, and Valiant are all involved in preliminary matches in the Championship Title Series. Beyond that, Face Time attempt to rebuild their credentials with a match against Full Force while Frankie Perez gives Marc Speed a return shot at the title. ---------- [B]CZCW June Weekly 1[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 841 [list] [*]John Maverick d. Jacob Jett (C+) [*]Face Time d. Full Force (C+) [*]Steven Parker d. Oscar Golden, 2-1 (C-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Marc Speed (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] Angle: Jett Demands a Title match (E) [*]Plague d. Remmy Skye (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Valiant (C+) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- We pull a healthy number of people for the show and keep them entertained with a solid show. Steven Parker goes up 2-1 in the Coastal Zone Futures final. The tag team match up proves once again that Full Force are a useful team for getting solid matches while we build up their credibility and experience as a team. Frankie Perez defends his Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title, although the match is marred by the appearance of Jacob Jett at the end to challenge Frankie Perez, insult Marc Speed, and demand another title match for himself. The crowd, typically, boos Jett out of the arena for daring to do something other than wrestling. I know this will happen in advance, but sometimes you just have to tell a story. In the evening's dual main events, Plague and Brent Hill advance in the Championship Title Series, and will get their chance for the title at the main Surf Slam show. The second show for June is our second weekly show and will begin to test the power of our scheduling changes. If form holds, attendance will drop off to the mid 500's. If attendance is well above that mark, we'll know our experiment is working. As for what the folks will be coming to see... Steven Parker takes his 2-1 lead and attempts to put a stranglehold on the final series against Oscar Golden. After Jett's intrusion last week, Frankie Perez decides to just climb into the ring with both of them and settle things once-and-for-all with a three-way title match. The High Fliers II stay in practice this week with a match against the 'A' Alliance. And Brent Hill headlines the evening, with a match against Remmy Skye. Brent's a little upset about having lost his title, so I don't want to risk having him sit out a show, and he's our most consistent headliner anyway. ---------- [B]CZCW June Weekly 2[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 780 [list] [*]Jack Giedroyc d. Ricky Turner (C) [*]Insane Machine d. Joss Thompson (C+) [*]Steven Parker d. Oscar Golden, 3-1 (C-) [*]High Fliers II d. The 'A' Alliance (C-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Marc Speed & Jacob Jett (C) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [*]Brent Hill d. Remmy Skye (C+) [/list] Overall: C ---------- Attendance figures are above expectations and I'm cautiously optimistic that the new booking strategy is working. The performance quality dips a bit, but that's partly due to who I booked to be at the show, with the match between Jack Giedroyc and Ricky Turner serving to improve the men's morale, but not exactly exhilarating the fans. Joss Thompson continues to prove that he is capable of having solid matches against wrestlers in the upper ranks of CZCW, with a solid performance in losing to Insane Machine. The 'A' Alliance and High Fliers II, on the other hand, disappoint everyone with a distinctly sub-par performance. Steven Parker races out to a 3-1 lead against Oscar Golden, and each match in this best-of-seven from now on has the potential to see a champion crowned. Brent Hill makes short, but entertaining work of Remmy Skye. And Frankie Perez silences his rivals and his critics by defeating both Jacob Jett and Marc Speed to retain the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title. And so we move on to June's main show, CZCW Surf Slam at the Grissom Auditorium. There are two attendance variables in our experiment here: we've increased the size of the show and increased the size of the venue. At least once in CZCW's history increasing the size of the venue led to an increase in ticket sales (apparently some folks will come to a larger venue that wouldn't come to the smaller one). So we'll be watching the attendance figures for this show with keen interest. Since this is the main show of the month, everything is up for grabs and everyone is in the mix. All of our big-name tag teams are in action. Steven Parker has a chance to become the first ever Coastal Zone Futures Champion with a win over Oscar Golden. NATO, who have been idle for a few weeks and watching the results of other tag team matches extend a title shot to Face Time. Frankie Perez decides to emphasize the point he made last week and extends a three-way title match to both his main competitors for a second week in a row. Finally, Plague and Brent Hill will go after each other, with the winner getting a shot to de-throne John Maverick. ---------- [B]CZCW Surf Slam[/B] Grissom Auditorium (SW) Att: 929 [list] [*]Brent Hill d. Plague (C+) [*]Jack Giedroyc d. Duberry Excess (C) [*]The 'A' Alliance d. Full Force (C) [*]Oscar Golden d. Steven Parker when Fernando Elwes and Michael Gallagher interfered, 3-2 (C-) [*]Insane Machine d. Michael Gallagher (C-) [*]High Fliers II d. Excess Energy (C) [*]Valiant d. Joe Simmons (C-) [*]Joss Thompson d. Remmy Skye (C) [*]NATO d. Face Time (C) [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] [*]Frankie Perez d. Marc Speed & Jacob Jett (C) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [*]Brent Hill d. John Maverick (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- Success! Almost 1,000 people show up to watch the CZCW and they see the type of performance to which CZCW aspires. Now if they all go home and tell their friends... The Coastal Zone Futures Championship belt is at ringside for the match between Steven Parker and Oscar Golden. Parker looks supremely confident until, just before the match starts, Fernando Elwes and Michael Gallagher come to ringside and take seats to watch the match up close. Despite the distraction, Steven Parker dominates the match until Fernando Elwes initiates an arguement with referee Brent Graveson about something, allowing Michael Gallagher to club Steven Parker in the head with the title belt, unseen. That's as close as Parker comes to the belt from that point on, as Golden makes short work of the now groggy Steven Parker to draw a match back. Face Time enter their match against NATO with supreme confidence, but it isn't enough as NATO defeat Face Time yet again, to retain their Coastal Zone Tag Team Title. Frankie Perez, once again, establishes his dominance in the Midcard with a title defense in a three-way match against Marc Speed and Jacob Jett. And Brent Hill, now clearly wrestling with fire in his belly, blazes past Plague in the first match of the evening and John Maverick in the last match of the evening to regain the Coastal Zone Championship Title he clearly believes is his. Thus ends the Coastal Zone Championship Title Series. As I arrive at work for the final week of June, the malaise that had been settling over me is lifting along with my spirits. Attendance and performances have been good all month, and our experiment seems to be working. Our title series' have both completed and the Future title will be decided in one of the next two shows. Most every wrestler will be available to me to create a new series of narratives for our fans. The landscape is open to allow my creativity to run riot. Step one begins now. Frankie Perez is going to undertake a major series of Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title defenses against all comers. The push (which has been in the plans since I began more than 2 years ago) starts this month with a title defense against Insane Machine. Of course, we still have to crown a Coastal Zone Futures Champion, and Steven Parker gets his second shot to become the first-ever champion against Oscar Golden tonight. Steven looks a bit shaken after his experience the last match, but he is certainly talking as if he's going to rise to the challenge. NATO, fresh off their defeat of Face Time show no fear in taking on their other main rival, High Fliers II with the Coastal Zone Tag Team Title on the line. Valiant has been doing yeoman's service and is still a major force for the future. At some point, we will settle him and John Maverick into some sort of story and take advantage of their blistering chemistry. For now, however, Valiant needs to gather some momentum, since his push into the Upper card ranks led to a series of defeats against the likes of Brent Hill and John Maverick. He gets a match against up-and-coming Joss Thompson (I am also feeling around for someone with chemistry with Joss who I can use to push Joss at some point) and a title shot against Brent Hill in the same evening. ---------- [B]CZCW June Weekly 3[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 463 [list] [*]Valiant d. Joss Thompson (C) [*]Jack Giedroyc d. Ricky Turner (C) [*]Jacob Jett d. Duberry Excess (C-) [*]Oscar Golden d. Steven Parker while Fernando Elwes and Michael Gallagher watch from ringside, 3-3 (C-) [*]NATO d. High Fliers II (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] [*]Frankie Perez d. Insane Machine (C) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [*]Brent Hill d. Valiant (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- With everything trending positive all month, I was blindsided by the drop-off in attendance this week. Well, the scheduling experiment is deemed a partial success, but it's back to the drawing board apparently. Still, the show is a good one... Steven Parker quails at the site of Fernando Elwes and Michael Gallagher at ringside once again. Although they take no part in the proceedings, Parker spends most of the match more concerned with waiting for the other shoe to drop than his opponent. Oscar Golden easily walks over him to even their final series at 3-3. NATO, once again, prove themselves the dominant tag team force at CZCW, defeating High Fliers II in an exciting match for the Coastal Zone Tag Team Title. Frankie Perez starts his series of title defenses off with a win, pushing Insane Machine to the edge and keeping him there all evening. Valiant takes out Joss Thompson early in the evening and gives a good account of himself against Brent Hill, although he is not able to break through and claim his first CZCW title. ----- There's just one thing left to discover this month...how much did our new schedule impact the bottom line? Four shows means a lot of wrestlers and Grissom Auditorium is 4 times as expensive as The Snake Pit after all. As it turns out, however, I was right in thinking that it could be done without impact, as our profits remained solid at $30,010. Still, further optimization is needed to maximize our efforts. Next month: Major news from CZCW!
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]July 2008[/B] I spend a long time staring at our figures over the last several months, trying to make sense of things, and suddenly, the answer seems crystal clear. So clear, I don't know why it didn't occur to me previously, except to say that I am as dense as a bag of hammers. I've always been aware that the attendance is always highest for the first show of the month and then drops for each successive show. So, obviously, we need to put our largest show first! So we juggle our show schedule for July so the first show is the medium-sized Battle on the Beach, booked into Grissom Auditorium. After that, we run 3 weekly shows, each small, each booked into The Snake Pit. I can already anticipate that I will be better off dropping the 4th show, since it will see an attendance drop-off into the 400's. But for the first month we're going to be aggressive, and see what happens. As the staff scrambles around to re-arrange the show schedule, I meet with Valiant about a new contract. I'm a little worried, since he hasn't yet seen the kind of push he deserves and he definitely qualifies as the best wrestler at CZCW to never have held any singles title. But [B]Valiant[/B] is surprisingly accommodating and we re-sign him with no trouble. [B]Joe Simmons[/B] is re-signed at the same time. He's cheap, I have no compelling reason to dismiss him, and I don’t have time for the termination paperwork or the exit interview anyway. With high hopes, I set to work creating a compelling show for our Battle on the Beach. Once again, being the main show, everything is up for grabs, and everyone is in the mix. Steven Parker and Oscar Golden have the final match in the Coastal Zone Futures Championship Title tournament, one of them will be crowned the first-ever champ tonight. NATO continue to take on all possible challengers, with a defense against The 'A' Alliance. Frankie Perez graciously extends a title shot to Joss Thompson, who is attempting to emerge from among the lower card wrestlers and find a place higher up in the roster. And Brent Hill offers a title match to the winner of a bout between Valiant and John Maverick earlier in the evening. ---------- [B]CZCW Battle on the Beach[/B] Grissom Auditorium (SW) Att: 1,741 [list] [*]Plague d. Jacob Jett (C) [*]Remmy Skye d. Insane Machine (C) [*]Marc Speed d. Michael Gallagher (C) [*]Face Time d. Full Force (C+) [*]Oscar Golden d. Steven Parker; Fernando Elwes, Michael Gallagher, and Joss Thompson all interfere, 4-3 (C-) [I](Coastal Zone Futures Championship Title)[/I] [*]John Maverick d. Valiant (B-) [*]Jacob Jett d. Duberry Excess (C) [*]Jack Giedroyc d. Joe Simmons (C) [*]Frankie Perez d. Joss Thompson (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [*]NATO d. The 'A' Alliance (C) [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] [*]Brent Hill d. John Maverick (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- Almost 1,750 people turn out to watch CZCW, the largest crowd in our history, by far. The noise is deafening and the excitement backstage throughout the show is palpable as everyone gets a feel for what is, hopefully, the future. What's more, the performance level rises to the level of the crowd, which is lucky for me since I would have suffered and aneurism if we'd finally drawn this size crowd and then put on a mediocre show. I was definitely a little worried at the start when none of our first three matches offered anything other than serviceable entertainment. In the 4th match, however, Face Time and Full Force pumped up the crowd to get things rolling, with Face Time continuing to assert itself as the top contender to NATO. The Futures Title Tournament rubber match is chaos. Fernando Elwes and Michael Gallagher are, once again, at ringside to intimidate Parker. Joss Thompson has had enough, however, and leaves the announcer's table to attack the both of them. That turns out to be a miscalculation, however, as he gets worked over outside the ring by the two men. Parker is forced to come to his rescue, while Oscar Golden is unsure exactly what to do. In the end, the fracas spills back into the ring and in all the commotion, Oscar Golden manages to pin Steven Parker and is crowned the Coastal Zone Futures Champion. NATO make an unsurprising defense of their title against The 'A' Alliance, who do nothing to indicate that they deserved the title shot they were granted. Joss Thompson gives a good account of himself against Frankie Perez, bolstering his case for promotion, despite the fact that Perez defends the title fairly easily. Thompson is not quite there yet and there are quite a few guys well ahead of him, but he is an exciting youngster who bears watching. John Maverick and Valiant engage in yet another barn-burning match, with Maverick emerging as the victor. He is fired up for a title shot against Brent Hill, looking to recapture the title that was his briefly, but is unable to wrest the title away in the end. ---------- I spend most of the rest of the following week in meetings outside the office, which has been happening frequently for the last two months. So much so that people are starting to talk. Most of them believe I am in discussions about a job at a different federation. The truth is, however, that CZCW has been prowling for one hot-shot hire. It occurred to me as I considered our problems and possible solutions that all of our existing wrestlers have popularity in the Southwest that is exactly on par with CZCW. That makes sense of course, since the two have gone hand-in-hand since I began growing CZCW's popularity. So, as part of my recent shake-up, I decided to bring in a wrestler whose popularity when he walks through the door exceeds that of the CZCW. Someone so popular to start with that CZCW can ride his coat tails a bit, and possibly even use as a springboard to expand CZCW nationally. Two caveats complicate the search: I won't break the bank and I need to find someone who will actually work for CZCW. Plus, I wanted to keep the news as secret as possible until we announce it with a splash to our fans. Hence, meetings outside the office. I spent a good deal of June talking to JD Morgan, who is unemployed, despite his popularity. I'm not thrilled with his skills, which are less than most of the wrestlers on our roster already. But I figured since he was unemployed he would come cheap and be willing to work. Unfortunately, however, we are never able to come to terms...he's just asking for too much given what he has to offer and considering that he's unemployed. By last month's end, JD was still unemployed and wouldn't even take my calls. So the latter part of June and the beginning of July were taken up with locating another wrestler who matched our needs. And we find our man, finally, and get him signed for even less than JD Morgan was asking. [B]Hell Monkey[/B] joins CZCW. I wish I could have signed him in time for the Battle on the Beach, but negotiations took longer than expected. The plan is to unveil Hell Monkey for the first time at the first July Weekly, with Cliff doing the honors and announcing that he will be getting an immediate title shot against Brent Hill that evening. Those two events bookend the show. In between, we're starting the Coastal Zone Futures Title Series, which will involve Oscar Golden, Steven Parker, Fernando Elwes, Michael Gallagher, and Joss Thompson battling each month for the Coastal Zone Futures Title, using exactly the same format as was used previously for the other two Title Series. Finally, Frankie Perez defends his Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship against Marc Speed. ---------- [B]CZCW July Weekly 1[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 780 [list] Angle: Cliff Anderson introduces Hell Monkey and announces that he will be fighting Brent Hill for the Championship (D) [*]John Maverick d. Plague (C+) [*]Steven Parker d. Joss Thompson (C) [*]Valiant d. Ricky Turner (C) [*]Full Force d. The 'A' Alliance (C) [*]Frankie Perez d. Marc Speed (C) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [*]Brent Hill d. Hell Monkey (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- Attendance is pretty much where we'd expect it and the performance is a good one. The crowd, as always, is less than thrilled when someone is talking instead of wrestling, but despite that, the introduction of Hell Monkey creates a buzz. Brent Hill, it should be said, is not pleased that Hell Monkey is given an immediate title shot, feeling that he should have been forced to spend some time proving his worth before he gets a chance. And in Hell Monkey's first ever match at CZCW, Brent Hill manages to narrowly defeat him to retain his title. In the inaugural match of the Coastal Zone Futures Title Series, Steven Parker defeats Joss Thompson. Frankie Perez continues to look as formidable as ever, dispatching Marc Speed with relative ease to retain his own grip on the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship. ---------- Back at the office between shows, I re-arrange the roster a tiny bit to make room for Hell Monkey. Remmy Skye is dropped into an Upper Midcard role, which is a better place for him anyway, although he might not agree with that. [list] [*]Main Eventers: Brent Hill (F), Hell Monkey (H), Plague (H), John Maverick (H) [*]Upper Midcarder: Jacob Jett (H), Insane Machine (H), Frankie Perez (F), Valiant (F), Marc Speed (H), Remmy Skye (F) [*]Midcarder: Oscar Golden (F), Steven Parker (H), Joss Thompson (H), Jack Giedroyc (F), Ricky Turner (H) [*]Lower Midcarder: Duberry Excess (H), Joe Simmons (F) [*]Opener: Fernando Elwes (F), Michael Gallagher (F) [*]Enhancement Talent: Frankie Dee (H) [*]Tag Teams: Face Time, NATO, High Fliers II, Full Force, The 'A' Alliance, Excess Energy [/list] The folks from Marketing are clamoring for my attention all day, and when I finally manage to give them a few minutes, they tell me that their recent marketing studies show that our recent run of good form and the introduction of Hell Monkey combined to push us into another strata of popularity in our home region. That's good, since that means ticket prices can withstand an increase. The lineup for the second July Weekly will feature Hell Monkey against Brent Hill yet again. Brent maintains that Hell Monkey is receiving excess consideration and should be forced to "prove" himself before being given a title shot. (Apparently Brent is forgetting his own introduction to CZCW back at the start of my tenure). His plea falls on deaf ears, however, and the match is arranged, although Hell Monkey will also wrestle early in the evening against Jacob Jett as a tune up. Fernando Elwes and Michael Gallagher take each other on in the Futures Title Series. Rounding things out, High Fliers II battle the oft-forgotten (for good reason) tag team Excess Energy and Joss Thompson continues to step up in rank a bit, with a match against Insane Machine. ---------- [B]CZCW July Weekly 2[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 615 [list] [*]Hell Monkey d. Jacob Jett (C+) [*]Valiant d. Duberry Excess (C) [*]Fernando Elwes d. Michael Gallagher (C) [*]Joss Thompson d. Insane Machine (C) [*]High Fliers II d. Excess Energy (C-) [*]Brent Hill d. Hell Monkey (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C ---------- Attendance is down significantly, and what's more, Marketing tells me that our fans are complaining about the hike in ticket prices, as if they weren't the ones who set the new price, the weasels. Could the ticket price be a factor in the low attendance? Or is this just the standard steady erosion of fan support we always see as the month drags on? Worse, despite two excellent matches involving Hell Monkey book ending the evening and the fact that the match between the two Futures Title Series contenders is uncharacteristically watchable, our performance is just mediocre overall. The largest part of the blame belongs to Excess Energy who are unentertaining against High Fliers II... unless, of course, you want to blame me for creating the unholy pairing in the first place. In the matches everyone came to see, Hell Monkey dispatches Jacob Jett, who responds very well to a chance against a wrestler of Hell Monkey's stature, but falls to Brent Hill who is making a case that reports of his fall from the CZCW summit were greatly exaggerated. ---------- A "brainstorming" meeting with Marketing is apparently required to take the obvious decision that ticket prices should be lowered to address our fan's concerns. While listening to suits with MBA's spew jargon for an hour, all I can think is that this is time spent which I'm going to regret on my deathbed. Besides which, given my prediction of an attendance drop-off for the fourth show in July, I'm anticipating and dreading another meeting with this batch of Cassandras sometime next week. Oh well, at least I manage to jot down my notes for the third July Weekly while pretending to pay attention. Hell Monkey, after having the quick route to the title blocked by Brent Hill, will take the longer route and prove himself against all comers, starting this week against Plague. Joss Thompson continues his run against top tier opponents with a match against John Maverick this week. Fernando Elwes and Steven Parker match up against one another in a match that's certain to be anything but civil since the stakes involve the winner gets a Futures Title shot against Oscar Golden at August's Wave of Fury show. And after a week off, both NATO and Frankie Perez are back in action for their respective titles, against perennial contenders High Fliers II and Jacob Jett. Could Jacob Jett dethrone two champions in one evening? ---------- [B]CZCW July Weekly 3[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 468 [list] [*]John Maverick d. Joss Thompson (B-) [*]Valiant d. Oscar Golden (C) [*]Fernando Elwes d. Steven Parker, Thompson and Gallagher got involved (C-) [*]NATO d. High Fliers II (C) [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] [*]Frankie Perez d. Jacob Jett (C) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [*]Hell Monkey d. Plague (C+) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- The attendance drops just as we expected and the fans are still moaning about ticket prices. The fans who choose to come out are rewarded with fairly good evening, starting with an electrifying match between Joss Thompson and John Maverick. Maverick is just too much for Thompson, but Thompson continues to impress the fans and myself with his ability. In a Futures Title series brouhaha, Michael Gallagher gets involved first, followed by Joss Thompson leaving his announcing table, the referee is knocked silly, and when the dust finally settles, Fernando Elwes wins the chance at Oscar Golden. Jacob Jett goes 0-2 on the evening, losing the Tag Team Title to NATO and the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship to Frankie Perez. Hell Monkey is a whirlwind in the ring, proving too much for Brent Hill's long-time nemesis, Plague, and taking the first step towards another chance at Brent Hill. ---------- Since the outcome of the "emergency" meeting with Marketing about ticket prices and attendance is a foregone conclusion anyway, I tell Marketing to hold their brainstorming session without me and send someone to my office with the outcome. While I'm waiting, Cliff brings me the monthly financials. Despite hiring Hell Monkey, CZCW turns a profit of $45,094 and our bank account broke the $300K barrier! My reverie about hiring an army of Hell Monkeys away from the big federations is interrupted by a Marketing drone who timidly knocks on my door and announces that they decided the best course of action is to...wait for it...lower ticket prices. Next month: CZCW starts to find its stride.
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]August 2008, Week 1[/B] [I]Note: A change in format here. With the number of shows I am running and the overall pace of things, a month-at-a-time recounting is too much to write at one time (and, I imagine, too much to read at one time). So from this point, I'm going show-to-show instead.[/I] The first order of business for August is pre-ordained after looking at last month's attendance figures. The fourth show is cancelled. We're going with one main show and two weeklies until something happens to change my mind about that. We'll see this month what affect that has on attendance. Plus we decrease ticket prices again...they are only $2 higher than they were when Marketing first suggested we hike them due to our increased popularity, so hopefully this is the lowest we have to go. The second order of business is likewise fairly easy, with Plague and Insane Machine looking for new contracts. Plague won't be getting much of a sniff at the title anymore, with Hell Monkey, Brent Hill, and John Maverick ahead of him in my priorities. But he is able to be entertaining against all three of those guys, so he's needed as fodder for them. Plus, I still think his tag team, Full Force, may emerge eventually into the top tier. So, [B]Plague[/B] gets a new contract. Likewise, Insane Machine won't be getting anywhere near a singles title anytime soon. But he's a staple for both Midcard and Main Event matches and is part of one of our top three tag teams, High Fliers II. So [B]Insane Machine[/B] also gets a new contract. The Wave of Fury show starts off with a treat for the fans, pitting our two title holders against each other. Both Frankie Perez and Brent Hill have been fairly unassailable recently and, even though no titles are on the line, both men will be looking for some serious bragging rights. Hell Monkey begins the process of building towards a chance for the Coastal Zone Championship with a match against perennial punching bag Remmy Skye. Oscar Golden takes on Fernando Elwes with the Coastal Zone Futures Championship on the line. Fernando is still smarting from his poor showing in the original tournament and is looking to establish himself as a viable contender. NATO make another defense of their tag team title against Face Time. And our two re-signed wrestlers are given title shots. Frankie Perez defends the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship against Insane Machine and Brent Hill defends the Coastal Zone Championship again long-time rival Plague. ---------- [B]CZCW Wave of Fury[/B] Grissom Auditorium (SW) Att: 1,775 [list] [*]Brent Hill d. Frankie Perez (C+) [*]John Maverick d. Jack Giedroyc (C+) [*]Valiant d. Joss Thompson (C) [*]Jacob Jett d. Ricky Turner (C) [*]The 'A' Alliance d. Full Force (C) [*]Marc Speed d. Steven Parker (C) [*]Oscar Golden d. Fernando Elwes, Joss Thompson occupies Michael Gallagher while Steven Parker rushes in and knocks out Elwes (C) [I](Coastal Zone Futures Championship Title)[/I] [*]NATO d. Face Time (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] [*]Hell Monkey d. Remmy Skye (C+) [*]Frankie Perez d. Insane Machine (C) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [*]Brent Hill d. Plague (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- Despite the fact that fans are still moaning about the ticket prices, they turn up in droves for the show. I begin to wonder if I should even bother reducing ticket prices, since there hasn't seemed to be any impact on attendance even when the fans complain. Brent Hill and Frankie Perez get the evening off on the right foot with an entertaining see-saw match, in which Brent Hill eventual comes out on top. The Futures Title Series match once again devolves into mayhem. Michael Gallagher accompanies Fernando Elwes to ringside for "moral support." The tables are turned when, in an act of cold-hearted revenge, Joss Thompson engages in a shouting match with Michael Gallagher, distracting him, Elwes, and the referee long enough for Steven Parker to rush in un-noticed and knock Fernando Elwes senseless. From that point, Oscar Golden has a cakewalk of a defense against a near-helpless opponent. Though the disgusted look on his face as he leaves the ring suggests that Golden is starting to tire of these antics tainting his title. NATO prove too much for Face Time yet again, retaining their tag team title. Frankie Perez fares better in his singles title match, dispatching Insane Machine and retaining his title. Hell Monkey breezes past Remmy Skye with a clinical demolition that suggests he is dead serious about getting back at Brent Hill in the future. In the present, however, Brent Hill remains dominant, defeating Plague in their title match. Next Week: Raising up Joss.
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I'm really enjoying this one - and am glad that you're pulling enough of a profit to keep a big name or two! Thompson for the Futures title any tume now - as long as you've got someone who can call all of his defences!
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]August 2008, Week 2[/B] When I get back into the office the next day, Luis Montero is waiting to see me. When he closes my office door behind us, I'm a little worried he may be here to inform me he's moving on to better things. But instead he tells me something I actually already know, which is that it's time to see what Joss Thompson is actually capable of. I agree, so he and I spend the next few hours talking things over. After a while we bring the head of Marketing in to talk it over as well. He's horrified and needless to say that fact alone tells me we're doing the right thing. His concerns fall into two main categories. First, who is going to handle the color commentary if Joss is in the ring? That's an easy problem to solve. Despite the paucity of practice our wrestlers get using the microphone and interacting with our persnickety fans, we have three other wrestlers who can take over the mike for Joss at any time: Jack Giedroyc, Valiant, and Jacob Jett are all able stand-ins. Besides, we have enough money to hire a full-time, dedicated color commentator if we need to. His second concern is more valid. Joss just doesn't have enough public exposure yet to do anything significant with him. And, given the way our Futures Title Tournament went and the Series has been going, they aren't the best vehicle for generating buzz about a particular wrestler. They are useful for keeping the younger wrestlers involved, but the steady diet of matches between low level wrestlers has had predictable results and not generated anything like the kind of interest we want for anyone involved in it. So, after a half-day's discussion, we decide for the subtle, long-term approach. We are going to withdraw Joss from the Futures Title Series, and replace him there with Duberry Excess. Then, without any fanfare to start, Joss will begin a series of matches against wrestlers up and down the roster insuring that he gets exposure at almost every show and that he starts taking part in more and more interesting matches. During the process, we'll keep our eye out for anyone against whom he seems to match up well, and perhaps start a rivalry later on. On his way out of my office, the head of Marketing announces off-handedly that we've reduced ticket prices yet again. Now they are just $1 extra. I think about arguing whether or not it's actually necessary to do so. But, to be honest, the combination of his irritating cologne and his irritating voice has already given me a splitting headache and I don't want him spending any more time in my office than he has to. So I just nod and let him leave. The upcoming show is our first August Weekly, booked into The Snake Pit. Planning starts as soon as my headache subsides. Joss Thompson gets a match up against Plague this week. In the Futures Title Series, Fernando Elwes takes on Steven Parker. With bad blood getting worse all the time between these guys, who knows what to expect? Full Force take on High Fliers II. Frankie Perez makes his 10th defense of the title against Marc Speed. And Hell Monkey looks to bolster his title claim with a match against Insane Machine. ---------- [B]CZCW August Weekly 1[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 950 [list] [*]John Maverick d. Jacob Jett (C) [*]Joss Thompson d. Plague (C) [*]Fernando Elwes d. Steven Parker, Michael Gallagher interfered (C-) [*]Remmy Skye d. Oscar Golden (C) [*]High Fliers II d. Full Force (C+) [*]Jack Giedroyc d. Michael Gallagher (C) [*]Frankie Perez d. Marc Speed (C) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [*]Hell Monkey d. Insane Machine (C+) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- After having spent some time marvelling at the near-capacity crowd for tonight's show, I'm just settling into my seat because the show is about to start when I get a call on my cell phone from Luis Montero informing me that Fernando Elwes is late, he hasn't heard from him, they are the second match of the evening, and we've advertised the match in advance as part of the Futures Title Series marketing. I take a deep breath...there's time enough for rage at Fernando later. Right now we have to solve the problem. Both John Maverick and Jacob Jett are here tonight for tag team matches, so I tell Luis to suit them up for an impromptu lead-off match to buy us some time. They are both troopers, and though the match lacks anything truly special, it's perfectly serviceable and, a phone call in the middle of the match informs me, has bought us enough time for Fernando to show up. In the next match, Joss Thompson scores a major upset over Plague, sending the audience into an uproar. Joss goes a little nuts celebrating and leaves the ring area, forgetting his announcing duties. No matter, Jack Giedroyc just stays at the table. On the other hand, since Joss is backstage whooping it up, Steven Parker is all alone out front, and at the mercy of Fernando Elwes and Michael Gallagher. It's not a pretty sight. The referee does a valiant job of trying to maintain some semblance of order in the ring, but both Elwes and Gallagher are after Parker at every opportunity and it's only a matter of time before he succumbs. Though High Fliers II deny Full Force the second major upset of the evening, I continue to be pleased with the performances of Full Force and make a mental note that Marketing needs to start paying attention to their popularity so I know when to take the reins off for them Frankie Perez defends his title against Marc Speed, and I'm beginning to wonder if Frankie Perez needs a better opponent or two to challenge him more. Hell Monkey brings the evening to a close by demolishing Insane Machine. As he stalks off stage, the fire in his eyes is unmistakable and you have to wonder if Brent Hill is starting to get worried. Next week: Brent Hill does his talking in the ring.
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[QUOTE=eayragt]I'm really enjoying this one - and am glad that you're pulling enough of a profit to keep a big name or two! Thompson for the Futures title any tume now - as long as you've got someone who can call all of his defences![/QUOTE] Thanks very much and right back at you. I enjoy your USPW diary a lot also.
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]August 2008, Week 3[/B] To his credit, Fernando Elwes has the good grace to be pretty upset himself about his lateness, so we let him off with a warning, though I hear through the grapevine that Luis Montero has some choice words for him behind closed doors. I've seen Luis angry, and I hope the combination of our two actions will be enough to send a message not only to Fernando but to the rest of CZCW about our expectations of professionalism. Disciplinary actions dispensed with, I'm noting with satisfaction that the buzz among CZCW fans right now is Joss Thompson and Hell Monkey. Joss' upset of Plague put him squarely in the public eye, and everyone is now wondering just who this young phenom is. We'll answer that question with a series of matches, and let Thompson build up his own cachet, rather than doing it for him. The intensity with which Hell Monkey has demolished his last two opponents is threatening to make Brent Hill an afterthought at CZCW before the title is even taken from him. Brent, to his credit, is not shrinking from the challenge, and says he'll do all his talking "in the ring." Brent starts this week by taking on fan favorite Valiant for his fifth defense of the Coastal Zone Championship. Despite never having held a singles title at CZCW, Valiant remains a threat in every match he takes part in, and Brent knows this. But a series of title defenses against "jobbers" won't do the trick as far as he's concerned. Joss Thompson steps down in caliber this week, with a match against Ricky Turner. But you have to prove that you can rise to the occasion against guys above you in the organization and still maintain form against the guys below you; unexpected losses to guys like Ricky Turner have a way of destroying momentum. In the Futures Title series, Duberry Excess and Michael Gallagher tangle with one another. The real key here for me is the attendance figure. With only the 3 shows this month, what happens to attendance for the third show? The attendance for the second show did not drop off as sharply as it had when we were running four shows. So will I be seeing 600 people or 400 people this week? ---------- [B]CZCW August Weekly 2[/B] The Snake Pit (SW) Att: 820 [list] [*]John Maverick d. Marc Speed (C+) [*]Insane Machine d. Frankie Dee (D) [*]Michael Gallagher d. Duberry Excess (C-) [*]Joss Thompson d. Ricky Turner (C) [*]Face Time d. Excess Energy (C) [*]Jacob Jett d. Remmy Skye (C+) [*]Plague d. Jack Giedroyc (C) [*]Brent Hill d. Valiant (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- My guesses going in were completely off as CZCW enjoys another near-sellout at The Snake Pit, entirely validating our change to the schedule. And once again, the wrestlers respond with a solidly entertaining show for the fans. CZCW has really started to hit it's stride this month, both in terms of attendance and show quality. John Maverick and Marc Speed get things off on the right foot with a rousing see-saw match in which both men look like serious contenders. But in the end there can be only one winner, and in this case that is John Maverick. Insane Machine and Frankie Dee follow that up with a match of dubious quality, and it's a credit to everyone else that we are able to overcome it. Michael Gallagher ruins Duberry Excess' first match in the Futures Title Series, defeating him in buzz saw fashion and, what's more surprising, without any assistance from Fernando Elwes. Gallagher and Elwes, long-time allies, will now face each other, with the winner getting a chance at Oscar Golden. Joss Thompson maintains his form against Ricky Turner, a match that is as significant for the fact that it's entertaining despite the lack of any big names as it is for Joss' victory. Face Time, Jacob Jett, and Plague all "get healthy" with wins over various wrestlers, leading to the Main Event. In the Coastal Zone Championship Title match, Brent Hill looks like a different wrestler. More intense, more focused, and more driven. After 2 years of domination, he's responding to the challenge. Valiant is a formidable foe, and he looks good throughout the match and tests Brent severely. But Brent never looks like he is in serious danger of losing his title and in the end succeeds in defending. As he leaves the ring after his win, you can't help but look forward to the inevitable clash between he and Hell Monkey. With a successful August full of consistent efforts in front of near-capacity crowds and with nothing on the schedule for the fourth week of the month, the mood around CZCW is excited and expectant. Even Cliff is happy since we added $48,563 to our coffers this month. Next month: When the cat's away...
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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]September 2008, Week 1[/B] Don't ask me what it is, but I have a feeling of deep foreboding as I come into the office at the start of September. Nothing specific, mind you, just a feeling in the pit of my stomach... Cliff comes into my office with a drone who I know works over in human resources but who, for the life of me, I couldn't identify. The look on their faces doesn't do anything to ease my sense of foreboding. Nor does the first thing out of Cliff's mouth. [INDENT]"Son, I hate to say this, but you gotta leave."[/INDENT] The shocked look on my face is met by a puzzled look on Cliff's face. I can see him replaying that last sentence in his head, and then a sudden dawn of realization. [INDENT]"No, no, no. Nothing like that!"[/INDENT] Turns out, the drone from HR informs me, I haven't taken a single vacation day since I started in December 2005. My accrued vacation is getting serious, and I need to use some of it now or CZCW is going to get a visit from the Feds. Four weeks, to be precise, Cliff informs me, all expenses paid by CZCW. He hands me a folder full of paper: airline tickets, hotel reservations, car rental, etc. I hand the folder back and tell him I'll take the vacation, but I'll take it here in the office. Cliff shakes his head. [INDENT]"Write whatever memos you need, then get out of here and enjoy yourself. Forget all about us. Don't worry, we'll take care of everything."[/INDENT] Eight hours later I'm on a plane, winging my way over an ocean towards a tropical paradise and trying to convince myself that everything will be just fine. One week later, I'm enjoying a Mimosa and a Continental breakfast and reading the trade weekly. I turn to the back to get the round up from the CZCW Labor Day Brawl and cough up an entire mouthful of Mimosa. ---------- [B]CZCW Labor Day Brawl[/B] Grissom Auditorium (SW) Att: 1,090 [list] [*]Valiant d. Marc Speed (C+) [*]Joss Thompson d. Duberry Excess (C) [*]Elwes d. Gallagher (C)* [*]Jacob Jett d. Insane Machine (C) [*]Face Time d. The 'A' Alliance (C) [*]Plague d. Frankie Dee (C-) [*]Hell Monkey d. Steven Parker (C+) [*]NATO d. High Fliers II (C) [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] [*]Oscar Golden d. Fernando Elwes (C) [I](Coastal Zone Futures Championship Title)[/I] [*]Frankie Perez d. Jack Giedroyc (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [*]Brent Hill d. Remmy Skye (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- Ten minutes later I'm on a phone to Cliff asking him why only 1,000 people showed up. Not to worry, he says. Just a small clerical error. It seems someone forgot to change this particular show into a Medium show and, without me there to look over the paperwork, the mistake didn't get caught. So marketing for the show was well below what it should have been, and the fans didn't show up. Cliff tells me that he's on it. They are changing the first Weekly to a Medium show. I remind him that we also need to change the date a bit, since several of our wrestlers are not available on the night it is originally scheduled for. [INDENT]"Don't worry, we'll take care of everything."[/INDENT] Turning back to the trade weekly, it seems like most everything else went pretty well with the evening. By all accounts it was an entertaining show for the fans. Valiant got himself healthy against Midcarder Marc Speed to offset some of the losses he's been taking from the Main Event guys recently. Joss Thompson got yet another win for himself, this time against Duberry Excess. Fernando Elwes earned himself a Futures Title chance, but was not able to defeat Oscar Golden. Face Time defeated The 'A' Alliance early in the evening while NATO defeated the High Fliers II to retain the Tag Team Championship. Frankie Perez wiped the floor with Jack Giedroyc to retain the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title. Hell Monkey demolished Steven Parker while Brent Hill demolished Remmy Skye (to retain his title) as both men remain on a collision course. I drink what's left of my Mimosa in a single gulp and reassure myself that it could have been worse. Next Week: It gets worse.
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