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Coastal Zone Dreamin'

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Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]September 2008, Week 2[/B] Despite Herculean efforts by the staff here at my resort and a fair number of liquid lubricants, I am unable to find anything that will relax me for the next week. I await the arrival of the wrestling trade weekly while time slows to a crawl. Every fiber is telling me to pick up the phone and make sure everything is going right, but I can just hear Cliff: [INDENT]"Don't worry, we'll take care of everything."[/INDENT] A week full of restless days and nights later, it finally arrives and I immediately head for the back pages to find out how CZCW fared at our September Weekly show. ---------- [B]CZCW September Weekly 1[/B] Grissom Auditorium (SW) Att: 1,900 [list] [*]John Maverick d. Marc Speed (C+) [*]Joss Thompson d. Insane Machine (C) [*]Michael Gallagher d. Fernando Elwes (C) [*]Face Time d. High Fliers (C) [*]Valiant d. Joe Simmons (C-) [*]Frankie Perez d. Jacob Jett (C) [I](Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship Title)[/I] [*]Hell Monkey d. Plague (B-) [/list] Overall: C+ ---------- A deep sigh of relief and a hand gesture to the bartender. Almost 2,000 people attended and the show was, once again, a good one by all accounts. John Maverick bests Marc Speed to open the show. Joss Thompson keeps racking up wins, this time against perennial Midcard contender Insane Machine. The Futures Title Series is underway again, with Michael Gallagher denying his long-time friend Fernando Elwes a second chance to get back to the Title match. Face Time reassert their title credential against High Fliers II. Valiant builds on his win last week with a victory over Joe Simmons. Frankie Perez makes the 12th defense of his Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship, outclassing Jacob Jett to continue to put distance between himself and the rest of the Midcard. And Hell Monkey defeats Plague to remain on course towards Brent Hill and end the evening on a high note. Another deep sigh of relief and the bartender delivers a tropical drink to my table. I take a deep gulp, notice the small blurb beneath what I had just been reading, and cough up the drink. ---------- [B]CZCW October Weekly 2[/B] The Simmons Center (SW) Att: 246 [list] [*]Frankie Dee d. Duberry Excess (E) [*]Marc Speed d. Oscar Golden (C-) [*]Jacob Jett d. Remmy Skye (C-) [*]Insane Machine d. Ricky Turner (C-) [*]Hell Monkey d. Frankie Perez (C+) [/list] Overall: C ---------- What the hell is CZCW doing putting on a show in the Simmons center for? In front of 246 people? One day after the Weekly show? Two shows in two days? 2 minutes later and Cliff is on the phone explaining. Everybody was focused on getting the weekly show moved to a date where wrestler conflicts wouldn't cause a problem and shifting all the marketing around. No one remembered to stop our system from automatically sending an email announcement to everyone on CZCW's mailing list [I]for the original show date[/I]. It wasn't until the day after the first Weekly Show that someone wondered out loud why people were buying tickets for a show that was supposed to take place that very evening. And by the time everyone figured out what had happened, it was too late to do anything other than find a venue and hold the show as best they could. The Simmons Center was available on short notice and a show of dubious quality was hastily put together and pushed in front of the fans. Except for the final match between Hell Monkey and Frankie Perez, a wasted pairing on a show of this size and quality (and expensive to boot), everything was utterly forgettable. Of special note however is that someone put Frankie Dee and Joe Simmons in the ring together for reasons passing understanding and the results were predictable, to say the least. And the last thing I hear before Cliff hangs up the phone is the least reassuring thing he could possibly have said. [INDENT]"Don't worry, we'll take care of everything."[/INDENT] Next week: A sudden horrifying realization
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[QUOTE]Someone forget to reschedule your event?[/QUOTE] This was the first month that I was actually playing after I took my long break (the rest had been simmed but not written up) and I completely forgot several important steps when setting up the shows. My favorite blunder, however, was re-scheduling a show from Friday to Thursday (due to wrestler conflicts) and then making the colossal error of re-setting it back to its original day before simming past the original day, thereby locking myself into running a show on consecutive days with half my roster working elsewhere.
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  • 1 month later...
Coastal Zone Dreamin' *************** [B]September 2008, Week 3[/B] The next morning, I wake up in a cold sweat. It suddenly occurs to me that we have 6 wrestlers who are entering the final days of their current contract, including Brent Hill and Frankie Perez! I left detailed instructions about the steps necessary to re-sign them before this enforced exile. But then, I left detailed instructions about just about everything else and look what's happened. So, I board a plane 4 hours later and enter the CZCW offices straight from the airport. It's like [I]Lord of the Flies[/I]; I'm surprised there isn't a rotting boar's head on a spike at the front door. Everyone is rushing around looking frantic. Files are in disarray and paper scattered everywhere. Phones are ringing unanswered. No one even notices me enter and head into Cliff's office. Cliff is busy on the phone yelling at someone when he notices me. [INDENT]Cliff: "OK, I think you'd better start fixing things." Me: "Fine, but if you ever send me on vacation again, I quit." Cliff: "Son, if I ever send you on vacation again, I quit."[/INDENT] A half hour later, I have a handle on the situation. No one has booked a venue for this week's event, so I assign a team to cajole the Grissom Auditorium folks into getting us a date. I send out a call to all those guys whose contracts are coming up to schedule meetings. Everyone who isn't assigned to anything else is assigned to clean the place up or answer phones and messages. In rapid succession, I move [B]Brent Hill[/B], [B]Frankie Perez[/B], [B]John Maverick[/B], [B]Marc Speed[/B], [B]Jack Giedroyc[/B], and [B]Remmy Skye[/B] through my office, agreeing in record time to contracts with each. They were fairly reasonable in negotiations, but I was in no place to argue because I needed to get agreements before they left us and needed to make sure they felt wanted since no one had even mentioned contract renewal to them before my call. Well, any extra money we had to spend is all Cliff's fault. I give myself an hour after the last meeting and quickly get a card together, it's nothing earth-shattering, but it will get us out of this month. Plague and Remmy Skye lead the evening off, while Joss Thompson, looking for his 5th straight win, is given a match against Marc Speed. Steven Parker and Duberry Excess match up in the Futures Title Series. And (what else are you going to do on such short notice?) we have title matches for the tag teams and the Coastal Zone Championship. NATO against Full Force and Brent Hill against Insane Machine. ---------- [B]CZCW September Weekly 3[/B] Grissom Auditorium (SW) Att: 1,040 [list] [*]Plague d. Remmy Skye (C) [*]Joss Thompson d. Marc Speed (C-) [*]Steven Parker d. Duberry Excess (D)* [*]Valiant d. Michael Gallagher (C) [*]John Maverick d. Jack Giedroyc (C+) [*]NATO d. Full Force (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Tag Team Title)[/I] [*]Brent Hill d. Insane Machine (C+) [I](Coastal Zone Championship Title)[/I] [/list] Overall: C ---------- The last show of this month, one which CZCW will be happy to forget, is a mediocre show. The attendance is actually pretty impressive for a fourth show, which is interesting. Joss Thompson defeats Marc Speed, notching his fifth consecutive win. Steven Parker advances to a match against Michael Gallagher in the Futures Title Series. NATO defeat Full Force, who continue to impress as they build up credibility. Their time is coming, but for now NATO remain the kings of this federation. And Brent Hill, unsurprisingly, defeats Insane Machine to retain his title. The rest of the month, what is left of it, is spent getting things in the office back on track. Our profits for the month dipped to $36,472, but considering the scheduling SNAFUs and the extra show at The Snake Pit, I suppose things could have been worse. Next Week: Hell Monkey gets antsy.
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