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Australian Pro Wrestling

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[OOC: Trying this again... Just something of note, this diary will end on May 12 and will resume in September due to commitments to the U.S. Army... So enjoy it while it lasts and then enjoy when it comes back!]



Australian Pro Wrestling


I walked into the locker room, a few days before Christmas in a button down shirt and khaki shorts. To most who came from the states, this would be bizarre. But considering A) I was born in Australia and B) had spent the last ten years in Hollywood, it wasn't too off for me. In fact, it felt good to have a Green Christmas after all these years.


"If it isn't Arn Ambrose," a loud voice bellowed through the lockerroom. Coming from the ring area was a massive, sweaty man and he made no qualms about it as he gave me a hug worthy of his size. The man, Baz "Big Daddy" Horne, was an old childhood friend. He was also the one who told James McMinister about myself. While I made my living moving to the States, Baz had made his living trying to make a continent known for wrestling. I would joke that Baz wasn't the man to do it, if he weren't current; squeezing the life out of me.


"Baz, how are you doing? Good match." He could tell I was being a tad sarcastic but laughed it off. The man could barely stay in the ring for seven minutes without tiring himself out. But his size made him the perfect heel. And when he went against the right opponents, fans could buy it. Speaking of the right opponent, his opponent, the reigning and defending APW Commonwealth Champion Harry Simonson walked through the curtain. I had followed APW for the past year and Simonson, much like he did in Adelaide, had become the dominant face. Simonson didn't recognize me, and he went into my blind spot.


"I'm doing fine Arn. How are the wife and kids?"


"Angry they have to leave Hollywood I'm afraid. But... I'm going to be honest, it's not like they didn't know I'd eventually return to Australia."


"Indeed. You made your money. So have you met the boss?"


"No. Lad doesn't know alot about wrestling does he?"


"He's a fan. That's more that can be said about most owners."


"Good Show Boys..." a voice said as a man stood on one of the boxes. His distinctive gray beard made me realize it was the old booker and manager of one of the more entertaining men in Aussie, Sean Quartermainne. "As some of you may know, this is my last night with the book and I'm glad we made it a good one. For some, like Swoop" the young prospect acknowledged himself, "it was another night of improvement. For others, like Harry and David, it was more proof that APW has the cream of the crop. Anyways, this is going to be short. I'm not sure what our new booker has planned for the upcoming year but I want everyone to realize that APW is now on the map and every promotion, from Rip Chord's little MAW to the Eisens in SWF in on notice for the upcoming surge of Australia!" There were a few cheers as I made my way towards the bench. I went to shake Sean's hand but he had disappeared by the time I arrived. A few wrestlers looked at me, unsure of what I was going to do and without an introduction I stepped on the makeshift soapbox.


"Err... Good evening. Great show indeed. I saw some interesting things tonight both on the show and before the show started. For those who aren't aware, I am Arn Ambrose. I am the new head guy around here... Uh... I'm not big on speeches but I helped TCW develop into what it is today and I sure as will make sure APW gets the same recognition. Err.. The next show is in four weeks here in Marv's Sports Central so I hope to see you all then. Happy Christmas to all of you."


There were some murmurs among the locker room. I wasn't Mr. Charisma by any means but James McMinister wanted me to come in and give a quick introduction. I think what I said was sufficient. Plus Mr. McMinister had told me to come to his office on January 2nd for my first real day of work. This was just to see an APW show live.


Next Post: Company Meeting and An Actual Company Rundown

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OOC: Credit to all pictures to respective creators. Alot of them were taken from the Alt-Render threads but unfortunately I've forgotten who did what. Sorry =[




First Day on the Job


I drove to the McMinister Mining Company headquarters early the next day. Swank place. As APW was technically a subsidy of McMinister Mining Co., it also served as the APW Headquarters. I would get my own little office to hold meetings in it seemed. Excellent. When I arrived I immediately noticed a picture of James McMinister with Bruce the Giant. Bruce had done some promotional work with the Mining Company it seems. At the front desk, the receptionist greeted me.


"Mr. Ambrose?" she asked politely.


"That depends how you knew my name," I joked.


"Oh my brother was a huge wrestling fan. Before you were demasked, he was your biggest fan in the eighties. Too bad you never were a champion. Anyways I recognized your name and asked my brother and he showed me your picture."


"Oh. Well if your brother ever wants an autograph or picture with the Australian Assassin, let him know where I am!"


"Oh will do sir. Oh uh Mr. McMinister is available to see you now," she said as she pointed to his doors. I had been in many grand offices before. At SWF Headquarters, before I retired, Richard Eisen wanted to personally thank meand offer me a contract. In HGC, Stallings' office looked like one out of a movie. And Tommy Cornell's? It was overpriced and completely English. It also was decorated with the old HGC belts, a nice touch if you ask me. But McMinister's? It was a tribute NOT to himself but his dominance in Mining and Wrestling. Logos of old mining and wrestling companies, awards for his company and the old Adeline and Aussie Rules belts, hung upside down. It was shrine to dominance and it was very intimidating.


"Mr. Ambrose," he said cooly as he got up and reached out. "Nice to finally meet you."


"You as well, sir," I said as I shook his hand. And that's how the meeting began. For the next two hours, I told James McMinister stories of my old wrestling days, of the two times I fought Bruce the Giant, of the one title shot I ever received in a dark match against Tommy Cornell before I left and then of my plans with APW. Then an interesting question came up.


"Who would you like to hire?" I told him six names, only the last one causing him to cringe. "Absolutely not. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever mate. That bastard will NEVER see the time of day in my promotion."


"But I think The Comedian is the key to getting over. I think we will look more credible WITH the Comedian as opposed to without..."


"Book without him. That's final. Now it's been fun, but I'm afraid I must get on with the daily business of the Mining. I will see you soon, and good luck with those negotiations, mate." And with that, the first meeting between Owner and Head Booker ended. It wasn't entirely successful but I came away knowing what the boss wanted, didn't want and what to expect. A stubborn headed wrestling fan.




Australian Pro Wrestling Presents OzFest 2008

APW Commonwealth Champion Harry Simonson vs. Debonair David Peterson

APW Australian Champion Swoop McCarthy vs. Dingo Devine

The APW Tag Team Champions, The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi and Rick Stantz) vs. Crime Wave (D.O.A. and Switchblade)

The New Zealand Open Challenge- The New Zealand Pitbull vs. ???

Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Boo Smithson


And More!

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No major news of note this month as we all arrived in the locker room. I met up with Markus Rush, a youngster who retired early due to an injury. Rush could've been bigger, he has a look. Anyways, Rush, the APW's road agent was going to be my number two backstage. We ran down the card before the show with the wrestlers, and with four debuts we were looking at an interesting show.


Australian Pro Wrestling Presents OzFest 2008

Hosted on DVD by Mitch Y. Bryson and Frank Mucciolo


APW Australian Championship Match

Swoop McCarthy © vs. Dingo Devine

A great opening contest for the new year. While the two weren't exactly chemistry in the ring, the individual talents of each man brought out the best in the other. The 19 Year Old McCarthy is proving to truly be Australia's hottest export. He controls Devine throughout the match continue his winning streak stemming from last year with a Running Powerslam at 10:38 for the win.

Winner Swoop McCarthy [C-]


After the match, McCarthy grabbed the microphone.


"Much like 2007, 2008 begins with a win. This belt," Swoop says as he pats the APW Australian Championship, "isn't going anywhere. So take this, at next month's Anniversary Show I'm placing an open challenge for my championship. And it won't matter WHO it is, because when the referee counts the three you know that one man will come out on top, and that my friends is Swoop."


We're backstage where New Zealand Pit Bull is putting on his dog chains when an unfamiliar face steps in front of him.




The Pit Bull looks up with a raised eyebrow at the robed figure who begins to speak.


"Listen up Pit Bull, you talk a big game. Talk about how you're the biggest thing going? Well you know how they say that big things come in small packages? Well that's me mate. I'm Mr. Tradition, Frankie Robertson and tonight I'll take your New Zealand Open Challenge and fight with your rules."


"Great," Pit Bull responds. "I can't wait to destroy you."


New Zealand Rules

New Zealand Pit Bull vs. Frankie Robertson

New Zealand Rules is just the APW's way of saying Hardcore. The Pit Bull completely dominated this relatively short match. It was a way to introduce Robertson, who didn't touch a weapon throughout the match, but to be honest Pit Bull's dominance was the key factor, even if he seemed out of it throughout the show. The match ended when Pit Bull used a chair to brutally crush poor Robertson's skull.

Winner New Zealand Pit Bull [D]


APW Tag Team Championship Match

The Melbourne Blondes (Blake Belushi/Rick Stantz) © vs. Crime Wave (DOA/Swithchblade)

Second match in a row in which a competitor seemed to be focused somewhere else. Belushi seemed unfocused, although Mitch and Frank covered it for the internet viewers. The live crowd however noticed it, but was distracted by Stephanie Drucker, Blake's girlfriend. The two have amazing chemistry together, but I guess if you were sleeping with her you would too? Anyways the Blondes continued dominance of the tag division by once again defeating Crime Wave. Big changes need to come for the Tag Division soon as the fans didn't like this match at all.

Winner Melbourne Blondes [D-]


"Super Agent" Max Forbes came out to a few boos, although I think the boos were because Forbes was a talker, not a fighter. APW loves fighting more than talking.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, once again the Super Agent has come with good news. You see, I sold the contract of "Spiffy" Stan Standish earlier tonight to pick up the hottest contract in APW. Ladies and Gentlemen, the man who will fight the Commonwealth Champion at the Anniversary Show, the hottest technical fighter in APW today, Lanny Williams!"


The crowd is now sick and tired of the talking as Lanny Williams comes out from the back. The Technical Wizard is all business though as his opponent, Adgee Cross, makes his way out.


Adgee Cross vs. Lanny Williams

The crowd were all over poor Cross all match. It's not that Cross is bad, he isn't at all, the crowd just didn't like him. Lanny Williams, being the vet, kept the rookie under control and led the fight. At one point, Cross took control but it wasn't long as the Veteran regained control and hit his patented Figure Four Leg Lock to make Cross tap.

Winner Lanny Williams [D]


Boo Smithson vs. Spiffy Stan Standish

Another fighter off his game, as Standish seemed distant. He was unaccompanied as mentioned earlier, Forbes sold Standish's contract. Mitch and Frank attributed Standish's lack of focus to not having a manager, and Mitch questioned whether Frank was going to pick up the contract which he chuckled and refused to answer. Smithson, a technical wizard, took control the match from Standish. However before Smithson could finish, Debonair David Peterson appeared from the back to boos. Smithson, confused, was shocked and Standish took advantage hitting the Spiffy Brainbuster for the three.

Winner Spiffy Stan Standish [D+]


Peterson entered the ring, with Quartermainne trailing. Peterson stuck out his hand and Standish shook it as the crowd booed but before the trio could celebrate, the music of Harry "Hitman" Simonson hit and the crowd cheered as the Commonwealth Champ came out.


"Peterson, Quartermainne... It seems like I can't get any sleep around here. I don't know how you two did it, but you managed to swindle two contracts tonight. The first of Stan Standish, a man far below the talent of being your lacky Peterson," at this Standish jaws off as Simonson smiles and continues, "and then a Championship Match tonight against me. I mean, when did you last win a match David? But I'll defend the belt against you and then next month, Lanny Williams and Max Forbes? Well let's just say I can't wait to repeat history when I make Lanny tapout with the Coral Crab!" Simonson drops the microphone as the ring clears out for the main event.


APW Commonwealth Championship

Harry Simonson © vs. Debonair David Peterson w/Spiffy Stan Standish and Sean Quartermainne

Harry Simonson proves why he's the champ. Nothing against Peterson, but this 18 minute matchup showed Harry carried Peterson to the match of the night. Simonson seemed leery of his opponent's colleagues the whole match, and this kept Peterson in. However Simonson finally managed to shake off the idea of interference and lock in the Coral Crab on Peterson for the tapout and retaining of the title.

Winner Harry Simonson [C-]


Overall C- [should've increased our popularity]


Overall a great show. Simonson and Swoop prove why they're the champs although the tag division is lacking. I have a few plans to reprimand that. And the debuts of Robertson and Cross seemed good for both men. And Marv's Sports Central was packed, and maybe next month for the Anniversary we'll have a packed show at a bigger venue. Maybe... I announced next month's card after the show, which everyone seemed happy about. Especially the new guys.






APW's 1st Anniversary Show

APW Commonwealth Championship Match - Harry Simonson vs. Lanny Williams

APW Australian Championship Open Challenge - Swoop McCarthy vs ???

APW Tag Team Championship Match - Melbourne Blondes vs The Rising Suns (Jimmy Stratosphere and Motty Kuroda)

New Zealand Open Challenge - New Zealand Pit Bull vs. ???

Frankie Robertson, Adgee Cross and Dingo Devine vs. Debonair David Peterson, Spiffy Stan Standish and Vance Sturt

Boo Smithson vs. Nathan McKenzie

And More!

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(OOC: As noted before, credit goes to whomever created images. I'm not sure who created what unfortunately and if you would like credit, feel free to ask :))


I came to the show early. Markus, as usual, was there early. Tonight would mark the first year of existence for APW. Although James didn't agree with the name changing (Big Night Out sounded idiotic) the First Anniversary Show would be the beginning of big things for APW... Or so we hoped. Markus and I discussed some things, how well the McCarthy/Devine and Simonson/Peterson matches went. How much the crowd hated whenever anyone grabbed a microphone, including Swoop. And how to fix the tag division. As it was hours before showtime and the ring crew had just arrived, I decided to go into the makeshift booking office to hammer out the details of the card. Sitting on the desk at my chair was a folder marked "Roster." I wondered who made this but shrugged it off and began to look through it.


Australian Pro Wrestling Roster


Main Event



APW Commonwealth Champion

Harry "Hitman" Simonson



Big Daddy Horne - Lanny Wiliams - Nathan McKenzie - New Zealand Pit Bull



Upper Midcard



APW Australian Champion

Swoop McCarthy



Blake Belushi - Debonair David Peterson - Trehawke Phillips - Vance Sturt






Alyx Macquarie - Boo Smithson - Dingo Devine - Jimmy Stratosphere - Rick Stantz - Spiffy Stan Standish - Switchblade



Lower Midcard



D.O.A. - Motty Kuroda






Adgee Cross - Frankie Robertson



Tag Teams



APW Tag Team Champions

The Melbourne Blondes ©



Crime Wave (D-)



The Rising Suns (D-)





Max Forbes - Lanny Williams



Sean Quartermainne - Debonair David Peterson, Spiffy Stan Standish



Stephanie Drucker - Melbourne Blondes





Frank Mucciolo - Mitch Y Bryson - Colour and PBP Men



Arn Ambrose - Markus Rush - Road Agents



James J McMinister - Owner



Virgil Mann - Referee

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Live from Fuster Hall, the new APW home it seems. Only 553 people bothered to show up. But it was fine with us, although we may head back to Marv's next month.


Australian Pro Wrestling Presents The First Anniversary Show

Hosted by Mitch Y. Bryson and Frank Mucciolo




Boo Smithson vs. Nathan McKenzie

The first match of the night saw the burly McKenzie and the hobo-looking Smithson lock up. McKenzie, who wasn't at last month's show, looked outstanding in the ring with Boo Smithson, but that might just be because Smithson can carry anyone to a good match. It's a shame the guy has no look or charisma or anything. Of course, tonight's opener might have just been the case of two workers clicking. However, the crowd hated McKenzie and nearly booed him out of the arena, and not the normal kind of heel boos. McKenzie still picks up the win with the Spear around 11 minutes to give him a solid victory.

Winner Nathan McKenzie [D+]




APW Tag Team Championship Match

The Melbourne Blondes © w/ Stephanie Drucker vs. The Rising Suns

An improvement over last month's defense, the Blondes and the Suns were both extremely technical for some reason in this match. Although not their strong points, it was still a watchable match. The two teams, and Drucker playing the perfect face valet of Belushi cringing everytime he hit the mat, made for one enjoyable match. The end came however when two masked men with dog colors ran down to the ring and began to attack the champs, causing the ref to call for a DQ.

Winner by DQ The Melbourne Blondes [D]


The two men continued to attack the Blondes ferociously, with Stantz even beginning to bleed a little when the Suns suddenly hit two amazing Missle Dropkicks to send the masked men fleeing. The Suns helped up their opponents and the two duos shook hands. The music of Swoop McCarthy plays though as he does a slow applause, coming through the curtain. The two teams look at Swoop as he gets in the ring.


"Bravo champs. First you defeat two hoodlums and this month you defeated two guys who think people actually care about them. How about next month, you two take on the masked guys that just whipped you all post to post?" The Suns and Blondes take offense to this but Swoop simply laughs. "Oh you all going to attack me? No? Well get out of my ring. I have an important announcement to make." Stephanie Drucker smiles and instructs the two teams to leave, and they oblige. Drucker however, stays. Swoop raises an eyebrow. "Can I help you missy?"


"Remember last month, how you placed an open challenge?" Swoop smiles, as the thought of fighting Drucker amuses him. "Well Swoop, let's just say I wasn't the only one who was sick and tired of hearing you talk every show about how "great" you are." Swoop raises an eyebrow as Stephanie points to the entrance ramp. Suddenly the music of Big Daddy Horne hits and out from the back comes Big Daddy Horne.


"That's right Swoop. Stephanie and I began talking about how I need to refocus myself and since she's the manager of champions, and I'm in need of a championship I've decided to align myself with her and the Blondes. Sorta works out, I AM a Natural Blond after all. So tonight, I'm going to kick your ass and take the Australian Championship with me!"





APW Australian Championship Match

Swoop McCarthy © vs. Big Daddy Horne w/Stephanie Drucker

The second title match of the night, and shortest match of the night. Despite his best efforts, Horne proves that he is 41 and overweight and well... Not able to keep up with the 19 year old McCarthy. Still, an entertaining match and more proof that the McCarthy is the real thing as he sells like a pinball to Horne but, with a sneaky lowblow and a HUGE powerslam, Swoop managed to keep his belt and winning streak alive.

Winner Swoop McCarthy [D+]




Adgee Cross, Dingo Devine and Frankie Robertson vs. Debonair David Peterson, Spiffy Stan Standish and Vance Sturt w/Sean Quartermainne

Not the best match to be booked, it really had no storyline or anything behind it. Cross, who debuted at last month's show, had NO crowd reaction. Apparently getting whipped by Lanny Williams doesn't give you any crowd credibility. Noticing how much the crowd was affecting Cross, the heels take advantage early and take out Cross, making it a handicap match. The next person out would be Robertson, another debutant from last month. And while Devine tried hard to fight back and give his team a win, the 3 on 1 odds would be too much as the match ended with Sensational Neckbreaker from Sturt giving the heels a reason to celebrate and the win.

Winner Peterson, Standish, Sturt [D-]


Once again we're in the back in the locker room of New Zealand Pit Bull. He is once again putting his dog chains on when suddenly a loud wind noise is heard and an unidentifiable man runs in.




"Evildoer!" the man begins, but before he can finish he gets a right hook from the Pit Bull. The Pit Bull begins to ruthlessly attack the man, who Mitch Bryson identifies as "Whirlwind Lee Wilkes" and drags him out to the ring. As it is under New Zealand Rules, Virgil Mann has no choice but to start the match.



New Zealand Rules

New Zealand Pit Bull vs. "Whirlwind" Lee Wilkes

A mildly entertaining squash that saw the Pit Bull absolutely destroy his opponent. A variety of weapons were used, once again by Pit Bull and a busted open and bruised Whirlwind had no choice but to look up at the lights after Pit Bull destroyed his skull, much like he destroyed Robertson's, with a BRUTAL chairshot.

Winner New Zealand Pit Bull [D-]


As the ring carnage was being cleaned up, The Beatles' "Tax Man" suddenly played over the PA System. Some fans booed this, and the man who came out to the music as they seemed to recognize him from the East Coast Indies that have run through Newcastle before.




The man, wearing a snappy business suit and glasses, ****ily strode to the ring with a small book in his hand. He stepped into the ring.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sorry to interrupt your wonderful evening here tonight. I have a little matter to attend to. Folks, my name is Angus McMiller and I am from the Australian Taxation Office. Unfortunately, the ATO is going to have to shutdown the show tonight prematurely." The crowd boos McMiller, who continues. "It seems a Mr. Phillips owes too much money to the ATO and as Mr. Phillips is an employee here, we will have to shut the show down to find him."


"That wouldn't be a Trehawke Phillips, would it?" says Trehawke Phillips who makes his way down to the ring.


"Actually it is. Would you know the man because if we can just find him and take him in."


"I'm that man boy and this is a wrestling ring. So how about instead of hearing you blab about who you're oging to take in and out of the arena, how about we get down to business and fight."


"Ah... the brutal sport of wrestling. Well I suppose a good beating will suffice in tonight's case."



Angus McMiller vs. Trehawke Phillips

Unfortunately, Phillips seemed to phone in it. Phillips, who has no real character or direction in APW, both before I took over and now, seems to think of himself as a superstar. A superstar who's curtain jerked almost every APW show until tonight, but a superstar in his mind. He complained at every turn about losing but in the end, we finally managed to convince him that he would be better served by losing to McMiller and maybe starting a feud. But Phillips, instead of giving it all he had, decided he'd be better off phoning it in and letting the APW fans use this match as a bathroom break. McMiller, for his part, did carry his half of the match and the entertaining McMiller hit the Penalty Clause for the win.

Winner Angus McMiller [D-]




APW Commonwealth Championship

Harry "Hitman" Simonson © vs. Lanny "Old School" Williams w/Max Forbes

Another great match from these two as they always seem to deliver the goods. As there was no real storyline for the belt, it seemed appropriate for the Anniversary show to have a rematch of the first ever title match. And well, Lanny does come off as a believable challenger. However Harry proves why he's the champion as the two go back and forth for 20 odd minutes or so, with neither giving the other one a break. The finish would come however when Williams looked at Forbes for advice, giving Simonson a chance to take advantage and hit the Simonson Sideslam for the pinfall.

Winner Harry Simonson [C]


Overall C-


An okay show that the Main Event made worth watching, for wrestling fans that is. Many fans thought the show went well, however I couldn't help but overhear that McMiller was misused. I'm not sure if they meant overused or too high on the card, and I'll admit a booking blunder. However, in a last minute rush to fill 20 or so minutes, I sent McMiller and Phillips out there to wrestle. I had originally planned on McMiller's debut to be next month but as it was the Anniversary Show, I felt it would make more sense to have a two hour show. Not yet it seems.


APW Presents Fight Night 2008

APW Commonwealth Championship Match - Harry "Hitman" Simonson © vs. Nathan McKenzie

APW Australian Championship Match - Swoop McCarthy © vs. "Whirlwind" Lee Wilkes

APW Tag Team Championship ReMatch - The Melbourne Blondes © vs. The Rising Suns

Number One Contender's Four Corners Match - "Debonair" David Peterson vs. Lanny Williams vs. Trehawke Phillips vs. Alyx Macquarie

Adgee Cross and Frankie Robertson vs. "Spiffy" Stan Standish and "Sensational" Vance Sturt

New Zealand Rules - New Zealand Pit Bull vs. Big Daddy Horne

Boo Smithson vs. Angus McMiller

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Another show in Fuster Hall, unlike the last one which we had trouble filling two hours, this one we had trouble squeezing everything in an hour and a half. Once again trying out Fuster Hall, just short of 600 people filled into the Hall, up from last month's attendance, but not by much.


APW Presents Fight Night 2008

Hosted by Mitch Y Bryson and Frank Mucciolo




An APW show normally begins with a match, but tonight was different it seems. Nigel Darling came down to the ring to boos as he had what looked like a box in his hand. He steps into the ring and places the box on the ring mat as he is handed a microphone.


"Last year we held a tournament to crown a Commonwealth Champion. Well, the feedback from the one night, eight man tournament was great. Because of that, I've decided to go ahead and create the Continental Cup." As Nigel says this, he opens the box up and takes out a trophy.




"While the brackets aren't 100% set yet, but over the next two monts EVERY match will have qualification implications. Perform good and win, you will be entered into the tournament. So every competitor in APW needs to be on their toes, starting tonight. Because the Winner of the Continental Cup will not only get this trophy, but will get a guaranteed Commonwealth Championship match!"


The crowd seemed to not care about the announcement as Nigel Darling heads back to the back leaving the Mitch and Frank to discuss the possibilities of what a tournament win can do for most of the folks in APW.



New Zealand Rules

Big Daddy Horne w/ Stephanie Drucker vs. New Zealand Pit Bull

Another basic hardcore match from the Pit Bull here. The gimmick of him being a dominant buly seems to be getting over, and once again he showed how brutal he can get by taking on Horne. Unlike Robertson and Wilkes however, Horne is big. Pit Bull used more reliance on the weapons around including a spot where he hung Horne with the dog chains in front of Drucker. Horne couldn't keep up with Pit Bull and a brutal chairshot later, Pit Bull won the match.

Winner New Zealand Pit Bull [D-]


As medics check on a bloodied Horne, we're backstage where Sean Quartermainne is with his two newest clients, Stan Standish and Vance Sturt. Standish, as always, is clean shaven while Sturt is looking more rough around the edges. Sturt smiles as Quartermainne speaks.


"Right here you're looking at the backbone of S.Q. Enterprises. Right here is 'Sensational' Vance Sturt and 'Spiffy' Stan Standish. These two men are an investment of myself and I will make sure that these two men, along with 'Debonair' David Peterson are the only names anyone cares about here in APW. And tonight? Tonight we make our first impressions on those Team THR morons."



Team THR [Adgee Cross/Frankie Robertson] SQ Enterprises [stan Standish/Vance Sturt] w/ Sean Quartermainne

Team THR [Tradition Honour Respect] isn't going to be burning up the tag division soon, but it expands the division with SQ Enterprises and those two guys from the last show from 3 to 6. That's a good thing, although this match didn't show it. Standish, once again, was out of the match giving me a reason to maybe let him lose next show. Sturt sort of made up for it, but it was still a match to forget and a sigh of relief came out of my mouth when Standish hit a Brainbuster and pin on Cross.

Winners SQ Enterprises [E]


Next out was Boo Smithson. Smithson, who came up short against McKenzie, looked all business tonight. Well, about as all business as a guy like Smithson can look unfortunately. As he was stretching, the music of Angus McMiller hit and the crowd began to boo as the Taxman makes his way out. He steps into the ring but before the match begins, grabs a microphone.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce you to my opponent tonight, Boo Smithson. Smithson was once an outstanding Australian citizen but he forgot to pay his taxes this past year. So the ATO went in and took everything and now this bum can't afford ANYTHING. And tonight, the humiliation continues further when Boo Smithson gets pinned 1-2-" Before McMiller can continue Smithson rushed and hit a huge clothesline on McMiller as Virgil Mann calls for the bell.



Angus McMiller vs. Boo Smithson

The matches seemed to be on the rise as once again Smithson is able to carry a subpar worker to a watchable match. McMiller, who's entertaining hasn't really proven himself to be a top calibre ring worker yet and while this wasn't match of the year by any circumstances, it was still a watchable match. The two exchanged some decent chain wrestling and while Smithson was able to keep up, McMiller proved to be the superior wrestler after hitting the Penalty Clause and picking up the W.

Winner Angus McMiller [D]




APW Tag Team Championship Rematch

The Melbourne Blondes © vs. The Rising Suns

Another decent match that saw Blake Belushi get quite technical at actually exchange some decent chain wrestling with Stratopshere, I guess both really liked the previous match? No sign of the two masked men either as the Blondes finished the job from last month when Belushi hit Stratosphere with an excellent axe kick.

Winners The Melbourne Blondes


As soon as the match ended, Stephanie Drucker grabbed a microphone.


"Next month, we've got a match to fight those two... monsters who attacked my men last month. We dont know who you are, but you two better show up and receive what's rightfully yours from the Melbourne Blondes!"




APW Australian Championship Match

Swoop McCarthy © vs. "Whirlwind" Lee Wilkes

These two just couldn't get on the same page and neither could the crowd. While this was questionable booking, considering Wilkes lost his first match in the company. Anyways, this wasn't a good match by anyone's expectations and while it was watchable, these two could've delivered so much better if they only clicked. McCarthy thankfully ended this match with a Running Powerslam for the academic pin.

Winner Swoop McCarthy [D]


Swoop McCarthy headed backstage where he bumped into Harry Simonson. Simonson smiled at McCarthy.


"Good match out there champ."


"Don't get used to watching them, 'champ'. Pretty soon I'll be going after you and you won't be watching that match, just the lights on the ceiling." The smug McCarthy continues to walk past Simonson who just shrugs.



Number One Contender's Match

Debonair David Peterson vs. Lanny Williams vs. Trehawke Phillips vs. Alyx Macquarie

A decent match which saw Phillips really get the brunt of the punishment as the only face and three heels teaming up on him. However he wouldn't be the first eliminated as the heel alliance would break down, Macquarie going high hitting Peterson. After this, the loose alliance was broken and the three heels went after each other giving Phillips some time to rest. The rest would only be momentary however as Macquarie was the first eliminated after being hit with a stump piledriver from Williams and Peterson. The two heels worked together once again but Phillips fought back, not giving up. After momentarily sending Williams to the outside, Phillips managed to hit a reverse DDT and much to the shock and horror of Sean Quartermainne was able to eliminate Peterson.


The final two, now exhausted from this long match, began to wrestle. Both veterans, it would seem as this would find no conclusion until Max Forbes, Williams' manager, managed to distract Phillips long enough for his client to gain the advantage. This advantage saw Williams begin to pick apart Phillips before ending the match with the Figure Four Leglock and giving Williams another shot at the Gold next month.

Winner Lanny Williams [D]




APW Commonwealth Championship Match

Harry "Hitman" Simonson © vs. Nathan McKenzie

The main event of the evening saw the young McKenzie [19] take on the the Champ [29]. One could say it was like looking into the future as guys like McKenzie and McCarthy would be main eventing much more while guys like Simonson and Williams take a back seat to the action. McKenzie, who is strongly disliked by the fans for unknown reasons, really brought it to the Champ here. The hard brawler gave everything he had and while he had an advantage, rookie mistakes would lead to his downfall as a mistimed lariat led to Simonson getting the advantage, an advantage he would hold on to leading to his deadly Coral Crab for the tapout.

Winner Harry Simonson


As the champ was handed the belt, he grabbed the microphone.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, first off Nathan McKenzie gave me a tough challenge for this belt and for that I congratulate him. I hope to fight Mr. McKenzie once more in this ring!" The crowd gives a mixed reaction to this as Simonson continues. "But others, such as that cheater Lanny Williams, I have no desire to fight. Williams, next month you and I fight. I saw what Forbes did tonight and I know what he's capable of. I also know what you're capable of and I'm sick of it. So next month, I've got two stipulations already signed off by the Board of Directors. The first stipulation is that this will be the last time you and I EVER fight against each other for the title. That's right, if I lose I don't get my rematch against you and if you lose? Well I don't plan on losing this belt so you will never get a title shot against me again!" The crowd cheers at this as Simonson continues. "And the next stipulation is simple. As the next event is called, let's make it interesting. You and I inside of a steel cage. No way for your friend to help you then, is it?" The crowd continues the cheers as Simonson poses with the belt and the show comes to an end.


Overall D+


Nothing really to say about this match. A couple of workers, such as our new tag team, were a little upset about not getting booked but I felt the crowd deserved a real ending to the tag match. The crowd must like the idea of a steel cage main event however, even though they saw the same match just last month. As for the second booking of Simonson/Williams, I sort of bungled up the booking sheet this month. Oh well, Simonson covered my ass and gave the fans something to look forward to.


APW Presents Caged Showdown

Steel Cage Match for the APW Commonwealth Championship - Harry Simonson © vs. Lanny Williams

APW Tag Team Championship Match - The Melbourne Blondes © vs. ??? and ???

APW Australian Championship Match - Swoop McCarthy © vs. Boo Smithson

Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Trehawke Phillips

New Zealand Rules - New Zealand Pit Bull and Nathan McKenzie vs. The Rising Suns

Ten Man Battle Royal for Guaranteed Spot in Continental Cup - Adgee Cross, Frankie Robertson, Big Daddy Horne, Dingo Devine, "Whirlwind" Lee Wilkes, Alyx Macquarie, Angus McMiller, D.O.A., Switchblade, Vance Sturt

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I just read the last show, as I am being (still) sick and bored. And it was a good one; not too long, but still enough detailed for me. I am looking forward to what you are going to do with Swoop, Simonson (and the titles of course) and the tag division. Looking very strong thus far. Good job.
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OOC: Thanks for the comments. Hope I don't disappoint over the next 30 or so days. Took some creative liberties. Forgot small companies don't use Steel Cages. Oh well.


Fuster Hall, April. It's funny how fast time goes by in the Wrestling world. It's already April, Caged Showdown is literally an hour away, the ring just finished being set up and a couple of workers were in the ring warming up before the crowd arrived. GCG and WLW were also holding shows tonight, not that it matters to us. Just thought it was interesting. TotalExtremeWrestling.com posted a preview of our show, which I posted on the wall. It was good to be appreciated, even if we were a two-bit operation out of Australia.


APW Presents Caged Showdown 2008

From Fuster Hall, Hosted by Mitch Y Bryson and Frank Mucciolo



New Zealand Rules Tag Match

Nathan McKenzie and New Zealand Pit Bull vs. The Rising Suns

First real match of the night, and it's a brutal tag match. The two teams really just brawled all over and referee Virgil Mann had no way of controlling it. The crowd was all over McKenzie, again, and it just looks like no matter what I do he will never be accepted by the crowd. Anyways this match should be an obvious victory as the Pit Bull used the same sickening chairshot he's used to bust open three previous competitors on Motty Kuroda for the win.

Winners McKenzie and Pit Bull [D]



Spiffy Stan Standish w/Sean Quartermainne vs. Trehawke Phillips

Phillips, who eliminated Quartermainne's other client Peterson from the four corners match last show, would face the young Standish. The veteran stayed all over Standish not giving him room to breathe and even with a Quartermainne attempting to help his client, it would be all for naught as Phillips was 100% focused and slapped on a Sleeper Hold for the win.

Winner Trehawke Phillips [D]


As Phillips was celebrating his victory, out from the back came "Sensational" Vance Sturt who blindsided Phillips. Standish quickly recovered and the team beatdown on Phillips. Quartermainne


"I bet you think you're awfully great eh Phillips? You've gotten lucky twice now. But your luck just ran out, we know you're in the tournament and when Vance Sturt wins this battle royale, I guarantee that your luck will run out when you fight the Sensational One next month!"


Before the beatdown could continue the other nine men of the battle royal came down to the ring clearing Standish and Phillips to start up the next match.




Ten Man Battle Royale for Guaranteed Spot in Continental Cup

Adgee Cross, Frankie Robertson, Big Daddy Horne, Dingo Devine, "Whirlwind" Lee Wilkes, Alyx Macquarie, Angus McMiller, D.O.A., Switchblade, Vance Sturt

What can anyone say but cluster****? The second the bell rang, it was a 9 on 1 attack on Big Daddy Horne. Considering Horne is the biggest competitor in APW, it made sense. Unfortunately, Horne was too big for the competitors and the unfortunate victim? Lee Wilkes, who was sent flying from the ring as Horne would be the first to grab him. Horne took a few seconds to rest as more action went on.


The two tag teams were having at each other while Macquarie/Sturt and Devine/McMiller were in opposite corners with the Sturt and McMiller in control. This led to a great spot where the two Devine and Macquarie were irish whipped towards each other but Devine, thinking fast, dropped to all fours and Macquarie jumped off of Devine hitting McMiller with a leg lariat.


Horne, seeing his chance headed towards McMiller but Macquarie saw him and hit him with a chopblock that sent the big man to one knee. Once again, he was attacked from numerous angles as Macquarie, Devine and Sturt all began to work him over. McMiller, having recovered, went to help D.O.A. who was working on Adgee Cross and D.O.A. gladly accepted McMiller's help in eliminating Cross. However, this would be D.O.A.'s last mistake of the match as McMiller gladly dumped D.O.A.


Meanwhile, their respective partners were wildly brawling, with Robertson gaining an advantage. Robertson seemed to be controlling it when he noticed that Cross had been eliminated by McMiller and went towards the tax collector. The two begin to fight near the ropes and Switchblade went after the two, hitting a clothesline that sent Robertson over the top but the momentum also carried Blade over too. The two however had to be broken up by road agents and their partners.


Back to the 3-on-1 Horne attack, Horne began to fight back but Sean Quartermainne had tossed a kendo stick into the ring to his client, Sturt, who took a wild swing and with one swing the stick exploded into multiple pieces on the back of Horne's head, knocking him out.


McMiller, being crafty, began to order the other three around and the four men struggled to drag the dead weight of Horne towards the ropes. After a couple of minutes of struggles, the four managed to get the big man over leaving Sturt, McMiller, Macquarie and Devine, much like last month's four corners match of three heels and one face.


Unlike last month's however, Macquarie immediately took it to McMiller, taking offense at how McMiller ordered him around it seems. The two immediately began brawling while Sturt and Devine both wisely seemed to take a break. McMiller would be on the losing end of this exchange as when he went for the Penalty Clause, Macquarie backdropped him up and over the top rope leaving Macquarie, Sturt and Devine. Macquarie immediately rushed Devine, but Devine was too smart for this and sidestepped Macquarie for Sturt to literally grab the small high flyer and toss him over for another exit, leaving Sturt and Devine as the last two.


The two men would go another few minutes of nice even brawling until Quartermainne, sensing Devine was getting an advantage tossed what a chair into the ring. However Devine would be the one who grab it. Devine played to the crowd, as he went to grab Quartermainne and this is all Sturt needed as he hit a running axe handle [Polish Hammer] to Devine's back sending the face to the floor as the crowd booed and the Battle Royal came to an end.

Winner Vance Sturt [D]


Sturt immediately grabbed the contract sitting at the time keeper's table and began to celebrate his victory as if he had just won the tournament itself as a pissed off Devine headed to the back, most likely guaranteeing he wouldn't get a spot.


The music of the Melbourne Blondes hit and Stephanie Drucker, for the second time tonight, came out. On a side note, since taking over as manager of Big Daddy Horne, he's gone 0-3. The Blondes have gone 3-0 though since then. Anyways Drucker grabbed the microphone as her team stood behind her in the ring.


"Well we've waited one whole month for those two cowards to come out to the ring. Well where are they?"


The music of Nigel Darling began to play though and the crowd booed.


"I'm going to be honest, doll," began Darling, "I don't know what you were expecting. As far as I know that could've been a publicity stunt by your two boys there. I can't figure out WHO could've attacked your two men but I did find two men who would GLADLY kick their asses tonight. Ladies and Gentlemen, Smasher and Mauler, the S&M Connection!" Suddenly two men with the same two dog collars as from two shows ago began to attack the Blondes. Bryson is the first to catch on that these are the same men and the crowd begins to boo as Darling simply smiles and heads to ringside.




APW Tag Team Championship Match

The Melbourne Blondes © w/Stephanie Drucker vs. The S&M Connection w/Nigel Darling

Should I even bother with how bad of a match this was? It seems like three months of build up just went out the drain. Sigh. Anyways this match was more about Darling and Drucker's outside struggle of encouraging their clients. Drucker of course was more convincing to the crowd of 639. Thankfully this match was relatively quick and Belushi played the face-in-peril before getting the hot tag letting Stantz clean up and Belushi getting the win with an Axe Kick on Smasher.

Winners Melbourne Blondes [D-]


Swoop McCarthy was the next one out as Darling berated his new clients/new APW signings. McCarthy stopped and talked to Darling for a few seconds before he grabbed a microphone.


"Well ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad to say that I am the third confirmed contender in next month's tournament!" The crowd begins to boo as Swoop continues. "Boo all you want. Or are you calling for your hero?" There's a small pop from the crowd and Swoop continues. "The fact you people even recognize this man as a talent worthy of challenging me proves that Mr. Darling needs to take over more in the matters of the APW because the board of directors and you fans are morons. Smithson, get your ass out here already!"




APW Australian Championship

Swoop McCarthy © vs. Boo Smithson

Swoop McCarthy without his sunglasses is a Swoop McCarthy who is off his not focused. Keep that note. He missed a few cues but the fact he was fighting Smithson and the fact Swoop is still one of the hottest properties in APW made this match good. A [surprisingly] nice technical match, the two really came out and made the bar higher for the following match.


The two chain wrestled a hell of a match that saw control back and forth. One spot that had the crowd cheering wildly saw Smithson lock in a Texas Cloverleaf. Smithson had it in the middle of the ring and McCarthy was struggling to get to the ropes as the crowd continued to scream "Tap Out! Tap Out! Tap Out!" Sweat was dripping down McCarthy's face and just as it looked like Smithson would win, McCarthy FINALLY made it to the ropes among boos.


McCarthy looked drained however but Smithson, believed he had won. As he celebrated, this gave enough time for McCarthy to regain his strength and the two turned it from a technical match into a brawl and this was one place where Smithson did NOT excel in as McCarthy began to control the match, all while limping from the cloverleaf. Despite the advantage, McCarthy's distantness AND limp gave Smithson the hole he was able to grab and he managed to get Swoop in a slingshot position. However Swoop used the leverage to knock back Smithson into the ropes and on the way back, Swoop who was on his feet hit the returning Smithson with the Powerslam for the Academic Pinfall and Swoop's fourth win and successful defense of the year making him the obvious favorite for the Continental Cup.

Winner Swoop McCarthy [C-]




Steel Cage Match - APW Commonwealth Championship Match

Harry Simonson © vs. Lanny Williams w/Max Forbes

Main Event Time. The crowd's pumped. The fighters are pumped. Virgil Mann, our referee, is pumped. The announcers are pumped. I was TOO pumped for this match so I gave it to Markus Rush and even he was pumped. The first ever Steel Cage match in APW nothing could go wrong as the cage was being set up [by myself, Rush and the ring guys]. We made sure it was secure as Bryson explained the rules of a steel cage match. Only one way to win, over the top and out. The crowd was going nuts and began to boo with venom as Lanny Williams and Max Forbes came out. Forbes looked nervous but Williams was all business as he got into the ring. Forbes nervously touched the cage door and went towards his client's corner as the music of Harry "Hitman" Simonson hit. Bryson and Mucciolo reminded our DVD viewers that this would be the last time Simonson and Williams fought for the APW Commonwealth Belt and reminded us it was also the first ever APW Steel Cage match.


The Hitman came out with the belt and looked confident sporting a new beard and some sunglasses. He stopped short of the ring to toss his sunglasses into the crowd before pointing to Forbes and winking. Forbes just glared at the champion as he stepped into the ring and handing his belt to Virgil Mann. Mann proceeded to leave the ring and lock the cage up as the bell rang.


The two men circled each other and felt each other and the idea of a fifteen foot high cage around them. Neither man wanted to give the other an opening before finally locking up. A headlock by Williams started the match off and it wasn't long before the two continued what they were so good at, chain wrestling. The two exchanged moves until finally Williams started the "dirty" play by bringing the cage into play. Using the standard dirty grinding trick, Williams managed to bust Simonson open doing this and this would be enough motivation for Simonson as he saw his own blood and literally snapped.


He began slowly to control the match but then was wailing on Williams, using the cage as a partner. After using Williams like a lawn dart and busting Williams opened, Simonson locked in his Coral Crab in the middle of the ring. The crowd was going nuts, Max Forbes was panicking and Simonson was on the verge of snapping Williams' spine. Blood was staining the mat and Williams was turning limp. Finally Simonson let go and looked down at his fallen foe before finally deciding to climb the cage for the win and the end of our best show, so far

Winner Harry Simonson [C+]


Overall C


Great show. Great great great great show. The crowd loved it. The folks in the back loved it. While my buddy Baz was pissed off about losing another match, everyone else seemed happy about the show. Oh and Dingo Devine got a raise during contract negotiations... How the hell did he manage that?


The Continental Cup - 2008

The Continental Cup Finals

APW Commonwealth Championship - Harry Simonson vs. ???

Blake Belushi vs. Swoop McCarthy

Debonair David Peterson vs. Rick Stantz

Dingo Devine vs. Nathan McKenzie

Trehawke Phillips vs. Vance Sturt

Team TRH and Big Daddy Horne vs. Crime Wave and ???

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