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Ability to hire worker with standard contract

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My understanding (and experience from my games with the demo) was and is that you can negotiate with people under Standard contracts at any time. That's pretty much the point of it being a Standard contract and not an Exclusive one.


I'm pretty sure you can't sign someone under Standard contract with somebody else to an Exclusive contract, but signing them to Associate contracts is not a problem. I've signed a lot of people under SIGMA Standard contracts with XCC, for example.

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You actually couldn't negotiate with someone on a standard contract a few days ago, but it was fixed so that you are able to now.


Guaranteed doesn't mean they have to actually fight that many times for the company. The fighters just get payed for left over guaranteed fights once the contract date expires. But I wonder what happens if they get hired away on another standard or exclusive contract?

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From the help files, something that EVERYONE should be reading


Exclusive: These contracts mean that the character cannot work for anyone else or walk out on the company. The advantage is that the company does not have to worry about the character working elsewhere, the disadvantage is that the pay will usually need to be higher than the other types.


Standard: This contract means that the character cannot walk out on the company until the deal is complete, but can work elsewhere – albeit only on an Associate deal. The advantages are that the company knows the fighter will not walk out on the deal and also does not have to pay as much as it would for an Exclusive deal, but the disadvantage is that the character may work for other companies and so be unavailable sometimes.


Associate: This is the weakest type of contract; either the company or character can end it at any point without any problems. The advantage is that it is the cheapest type of contract, but the disadvantage is that it offers little in the way of security.

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From the help files, something that EVERYONE should be reading


You keep saying this and it is really starting to annoy me.


Distribution is another story. When you want to distribute a document to a group of people, you cannot assume that those people do own the same software as you, and even if they do, you cannot assume that they do have the same version. Sending them a document in a proprietary format actually means that you want them to buy the same software as you did to be able to read your document.


Fortunately, there are other means to distribute a document: you can use standard formats. For example, the HTML format has been standardized by the W3 consortium. It is possible to write a software that understands this format on any platform.


Another simple format is the plain text format: when a document contains text only, bells and whistles are not necessary and do not make the content any clearer. Moreover, you can be sure that your readers will actually be able to read this format, as long as you use a common character set.


--credit Samuel Tardieu

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You quote that like it's the answer to everything! Two points:


1 - Most people didn't read the help files even when it was written in HTML and had an in-game link to launch it.


2 - A large proportion of people don't even read the help explanations that are written ON THE SCREEN ITSELF.


As a side note, annoying as being asked to read the help file may be, it's nowhere near as annoying as being on this side of things and getting the same questions repeated over and over again, believe me!

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You quote that like it's the answer to everything! Two points:


1 - Most people didn't read the help files even when it was written in HTML and had an in-game link to launch it.


2 - A large proportion of people don't even read the help explanations that are written ON THE SCREEN ITSELF.


Those people can't be helped!


As a note for atleast my own personal preference I would prefer if future help files were put back into HTML format. I do not own Word and really don't want open office taking up my disk space either. I will make the sacrifice this time around, but will most likely get it off my hard drive as soon as I have the game figured out. Of course this is just one guys own preference, if the vast majority are using word then I guess there isn't a problem here.

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Dubb, *.Doc files are easily read by free, open-source, non-proprietary software available for opretty much every major operating system. Your point is null and void.


I'm not going to argue this point any further. I would have prefered the help file to be in a format that does not require me or any other customers to go out of our way to download any software to read it. There are standard formats that would have accomplished that. My point is not null and void. Bottom line if I want to read the help file I have to download another program. As I said I would like to ask that future help files are put into more standard formats.

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It's actually possible to open up the help files in Notepad too, I think most comps come with that. It'll give you a bunch of weird characters to start with and you'll lose all the formatting but all the text will show up in there still. Just in case anyone is really desperate to be different. :)
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