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Stomps? Soccer kicks?

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ive played every fight so far with stomps and knees to the head on the ground legal, and ive never seen anyone even attempt them. is this a bug, or are they just really rare in the game? cause iirc, soccer kicks used to be a fairly common finish in pride. come to mention it, are soccer kicks even in the game? i was assuming they'd just been lumped with stomps for rule purposes, but since i haven't seen any...
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I'm not sure if this is a factor at all... but where are you holding events? All regulated states in America do not allow stomps, kicks or knees to the head of a grounded opponent.


i know thats true in reality, but are you sure its the case in game? im pretty sure that in-game "Regulated" just means they hand out suspensions.

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  • 1 year later...

Was there ever a statement made one way or the other with regards to regulation removing certain rules? Also I am having a problem with seeing stomps and soccer kicks, they should be a reasonably common method of finishing a fighter who is knocked down and rocked, but they are a rarity, even fighting in unregulated Japan.


The times I have seen them, it's been jumping stomps to a downed but aware opponent.

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