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Super Sweet Fun Times

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It was early March 2009 when I first got approached by a man I had watched countless of times in the ring, in training and giving advice to younger workers.

He came across as a complete profressional, someone you would listen to for hours on end and take in all his advice and apply it how you wanted.


You see, for the past year I had been working in the Philly area helping set up shows for very small federations, the ones you would see in town halls and school sports centres.

I'd be there hours before the public came in, putting the ring up then taking tickets and money at the door. I was also the guy sat there with the music system, but more importantly I was the one who decided what matches would go ahead. The majority of the time I just told the guys I would book to decide between theirselves on what to do and who was to come out the victor, but I also had my time to shine when I was asked by certain workers what I thought should happen.


It was one of those times that the man stood in front of me had heard about and he was here now to ask if I was interested in helping out at his company. They were starting to gain more popularity and interest in the rest of the country and also in Canada, the UK and even Japan and some of Europe.


It didnt take me long to make my decision, telling him that I was in.

He shook my hand, looked at me smiling and said "Your time here is definitley gonna be super, sweet and fun... enjoy your stay"

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Acid Jaz

Alex Payne

Cheech Hernandez

Claudio Castagnoli

Create-A-Wrestler / Ultimate Breakfast


El Pantera

Equinox / Jimmy Olsen

Fire Ant







Jorge "Skayde" Rivera

KC "Cloudy" Day

Lince Dorado

Marshe Rockett

Mike Quackenbush

Player Uno

Player Dos

Soldier Ant

Tim Donst

Willie Richardson

Sara Del Rey




Brodie Lee

Buck Hawke

Chuck Taylor

Colin Delaney


Eddie Kingston

El Hijo Del Ice Cream

Escorpion Egipcio

Gran Akuma

Grizzly Redwood


Ice Cream Jr


Larry Sweeney

Mitch Ryder


Shane Matthews


Ultramantis Black

Vin Gerard

Daizee Haze



Bryce Remsburg (Referee)

C-Red (Manager)

Leonard F.Chikarason (Director Of Fun / Commentator)

Louden Noxious (Ring Announcer / Commentator)

Nick Papagiorgio (Interviewer)

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{OOC} If anyone has read my previous WWE Diary I done a few years ago, this will be quite similar in style to it. I dont have time to do big lengthy descriptions of matches and interviews etc, so I'll be sticking to a "bullet-point" style of writing, bringing you the important and interesting aspects of each show.


Also with work being hectic atm, this will be updated as and when... hope you enjoy it :)

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March 2009

Week 1


Settling into the new role given to me at CHIKARA has been quite easy to be honest, many of these guys Ive worked with before in various places.

Ive been given a list of all the guys currently on the "books" and another list of guys that have worked with or would like to work with CHIKARA in the immediate future.

I allready have a few ideas and plans, first one being to hire an extra referee to help out Bryce with those duties.

Second, is that with King Of Trios just under 3 weeks away and currently no teams or matches scheduled, is to make some decisions on that. Hopefully something will be released later this week.


The good thing about working with CHIKARA is that there isnt exactly a "pecking order" with the roster in terms of things like "Main Eventer" "Jobber" etc etc. They like to work with the fact that anyone can take on anyone and all wrestlers have an equal shot to do their thing.


As some of you may know, we only really have one title belt, that being the Campeonatos de Parejas or "Tag Team Titles" for easy speak.

These are currently held by Amasis and Ophidian of The Osirian Portal.

Also, you may or may not know, we work differently from most places on how a title shot is gained.

It works on a "points" system, in that for each match a team wins they gain ONE point, and need THREE points in order to challenge the current title holders. HOWEVER, if a team loses a match, all previous points accumulated are null and void and obviously they start again with zero points.

Finally, all Tag matches take place under "Lucha Libre" rules, in that a "tag" can also be made when a member of a team leaves the ring. But also in matches for the Campeonatos de Parejas, this is held under "2 out of 3" rules.


We also have the Young Lions Cup, which is competed for in a knockout tournament every June.

This Cup is only availible to workers under the age of 25, and any previous holders are exempt from competing in future tournaments for the Cup.

However, the Cup is also treated like a title inbetween tournaments in that it can be won and lost in regular matches if put on the line.

But obviously it is vacated for the tournament to crown a new holder.


Hopefully that explains alot of the things happening here at CHIKARA for those who havent followed us before.


One last thing before I forget, we dont have a proper commentary team, anyone on the roster that wants to have a go is given a chance at doing so, which can make for some awesome commentary.

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With just over 2 weeks to go untill the 2009 King Of Trios in The Arena (former ECW Arena) in Philly, we can now bring you details of the first four teams shceduled to patricipate in the 16 team knock-out tournament.



Osirian Portal: Amasis, Ophidian, Escorpian Egipcio



Incoherence: Hallowicked, Frightmare, Delirious



F.I.S.T: Icarus, Chuck Taylor, Akuma



Deathmatch Kings: DJ Hyde, Brain Damage, Nick Cage


More teams to be announced soon

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Excellent.... I had thought of doing a CHIKARA diary before I started "Back in the Saddle Again", however, I decided to just go with what I'm familiar with, that being Ring of Honor....


Good luck with this, I'll definitely be reading this!

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Another four teams have been named earlier today to compete in this years tournament.

With just over two weeks to go, we are only half way in knowing all the teams taking part.



BLK Out: Ruckus, Joker, Sabian



Team PWG: El Generico, Joey Ryan, PAC



The UnStable: Vin Gerard, Colin Delaney, STIGMA



A Dying Breed: Eddie Kingston, Necro Butcher, Sami Callihan


Again, more teams will be announced soon

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[OOC] Thanks for the responses guys, Ive only been watching CHIKARA since last October when I got hold of last years King Of Trios and I got hooked instantly.

The wrestling is amazingly good and I love their comedy spots and that they dont take theirselves too serious.

Gonna put up the rest of the Trios teams in abit, once Ive made all the graphics :)

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We have yet again another update for the King Of Trios with another four teams announced to take part this year.



Future Is Now: Lince Dorado, Equinox, Helios



Sweet n Sour Inc.: Larry Sweeny, Sara Del Rey, Bobby Dempsey



Submission Masters: Mike Quackenbush, Bryan Danielson, Jorge Rivera



Order Of The Neo Solar Temple: Ultramantis Black, Crossbones, ???


Obviously the third member of the Order will be announced shortly, what could Ultramantis Black have in store for us? Hopefully we shall find out soon.


The final four teams will be announced later today, so stay tuned to CHIKARA Fans for all your news.

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As promised, the final four teams taking part in this years King Of Trios has been announced. And boy was it worth the wait.



8bit Masters: Player Uno, Player Dos, Create-A-Wrestler



Team IWS: Sexxxy Eddy, Shane Matthews, Jagged



Sea Donsters: Hydra, Tim Donst, Shark Boy



The JOB Squad: Al Snow, Stevie Richards, Blue Meanie


And there you have it, all sixteen teams now officially announced.

Soon we shall bring you the brackets of the first round which takes place on Night 1 of King Of Trios 2009.

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March 2009

Week 2


As you may or may have not seen, I have been pretty busy behind the scenes in the last week. The response Ive had from other workers around the country to appear at this years King Of Trios has been quite a surprise. Moreso that Al Snow, Stevie Richards and Blue Meanie have agreed to appear at the tournament, quite a coup for me to get these three guys on the card.


Ive been looking at the teams we have so far, deciding on who to pair up in the first round and come to a decision, which shall be released very soon.

Ive also decided to do a repeat of the 2008 Tournament and hold a Tag Team Gauntlet on the second night. I think about twelve teams should be enough in the Gauntlet and could be interesting to watch, as was last years.


As you may have noticed, some of CHIKARA's roster are absent from the King Of Trio's, but fear not as there are going to be some extra singles and tag matches during the weekend on nights two and three.


Only just over a week to go untill the tournament and there has been quite a lot of interest from the Chikarmy so far, especially with the return to CHIKARA of such workers as El Generico, Necro Butcher and Bobby Dempsey and also the CHIKARA debut of names such as Shark Boy and Sexxxy Eddy.


King Of Trio's is hotting up and I guarantee its a weekend of shows you wont want to miss, so if your in the Philly area next weekend, pop on over and I promise you wont be dissapointed

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Today we can finally reveal the first round matches taking place on night 1 of next weeks tournament.

























So there you have it, the first round matches of this years King Of Trios.

Coming soon in the next few days will be details of matches taking place on night two and three of the weekends schedule

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With the King Of Trios 2009 tournament only a week away, we can now reveal the released schedule for nights two and three of the tournament.

Though we imagine as like the past two years, there will be some extra matches added featuring wrestler from eliminated teams.



Quarter Final #1: Neo Solar Temple / 8bit Masters Vs Osirian Portal / Future Is Now


Quarter Final #2: Deathmatch Kings / Sea Donsters Vs BLK Out / Sweet & Sour Inc


Quarter Final #3: Team PWG / FIST Vs Incoherence / Team IWS


Quarter Final #4: JOB Sqaud / Unstable Vs Submission Masters / Dying Breed



In what is sure to be a grudge match between the two after the events between Claudio and The Fabulous Three (Ryder, Hawke and Sweeny) in late 2008, Claudio will be looking for revenge on the man who burnt him with a fireball.



After the retirement of Worker Ant in February due to the vicious beating he received from F.I.S.T, Soldier Ant and Fire Ant look to continue teaming together as a 2-man Tag to carry on The Colony. In their first match since losing Worker Ant, they take on CHIKARA veterans Los Ice Creams.




Semi Final #1: Winner Quarter Final #1 Vs Winner Quarter Final #3


Semi Final #2: Winner Quarter Final #2 Vs Winner Quarter Final #4


Finals: Winner Semi Final #1 Vs Winner Semi Final #2



In a repeat from last year, the Tag Team Elimination Gauntlet makes its return on Night 3 of this years King Of Trios, with the added bonus of the winning team acquiring an automatic 3 points to use to challenge the current Campeones de Parejas



CHIKARA Fans will be at The Arena all next weekend, and also at the Fan Conclave being held on the Sunday afternoon.

Be sure to tune in as we bring you a live report on the happenings at the King Of Trios 2009.

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March 2009

Week 3


As I write this, the nerves are starting to set in.

You see, this weekend brings to us the King Of Trios tournament, which just so happens to be my debut booking event with CHIKARA.


Interest has been quite high and we've sold out of all our "CHIKARMY" tickets, but will be selling on the door as well.


Im looking forward to it alot, especially as the past two years of the tournament had rave reviews from the wrestling community.


Anyway, I must dash, last minute preperations to do and then the short drive over to The Arena and start to meet the boys.


Remember if your in the Philly area, pop along and see some amazing wrestling this weekend.

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Welcome to the Chikarafans special live coverage of the 2009 King Of Trios.

We are currently at The Arena in Philly and will be bringing you updated coverage as it happens of what transpires here tonight.


Attendance wise, Im impressed as it looks like there isnt much space left in the 2,000 capacity Arena tonight, the entrance ramp looks quite awesome with two big screens in opposite corners of The Arena so everyone can get a good view (not that any of the views are bad here)


And........ It starts!


Louden Noxious comes out to the ring, welcoming us to King Of Trios Night 1 and as per usual sings us a song, this time about the Tournament and how there can be only one... one Trio that is.

Fun Stuff as usual from Louden.


He then introduces the first team to compete tonight. and out come Player Uno, Player Dos and Create-A-Wrestler of the team 8bit Masters.

Out next, is The Order Of The Neo Solar Temple.

Ultramantis Black and Crossbones come out to a decent reception from those in attendance.

However there is no sign of their third member.

Leonard F Chikarason comes out, taking a mic whilst entering the ring.

He asks Ultramantis if his third member is here, Ultramantis replies that he hasnt turned up and he is very dissapointed.

Chikarason says that he has no other option but to draw a random partner for The Order.

Referee Bryce Remsburg brings over a bag full of numbered balls, Chikarason taking one out.

Chikarason: "And their partner..... Dragon Dragon?!"

The crowd cheer, Ultramantis jumps in sheer anger.

Bryce runs to the entrance ramp and out the back, seconds later returning and back to the ring, shouting at Chikarason "Hes not here" to the relief of The Order.

Chikarason draws out another numbered ball: "And their partner... Doink The Clown??!"

An even bigger cheer and some laughs from the crowd as Bryce runs to the back and back to the ring followed by "Hes not here!"

Ultramantis is starting to look agitated, telling Chikarason to hurry up and find him a partner.

Chikarason again draws out another name: "And their partner.... Kamala??!"

Bryce runs to the back, comes out and...

HOLY CRAP!!! Kamala is here!! And comes out with Kim Chee!

Awesome response from the crowd.... just wow!

And now the first match can start.




The Order Of The Neo Solar Temple (Ultramantis Black, Crossbones, Kamala)


8bit Masters (Player Uno, Player Dos, Create-A-Wrestler)

*Crossbones and CAW start the match, with Crossbones taking an early advantage due to his size.

*Player Uno took on Crossbones for a while, sending Crossbones out of the ring after hitting him with a "Ryuken Fireball"

*Ultramantis and Uno then went at it for a while, Uno being slightly overpowered, tagging out to bring in Dos.

*This goes on for a bit, untill Uno makes a pin attempt on Ultramantis, leading to Kamala storming the ring to break it up

*Alot of cheering for Kamala, more so his expressions of confusion when Ultramantis is trying to boss him about.

*8bit Masters seem to gel quite well as a team, using CHIKARA's tag rule very well.

*Match ends after 13:16 when Player Uno pins Kamala after The Game Genie

WINNERS: 8bit Masters





Deathmatch Kings (DJ Hyde, Brain Damage, Nick Cage)


Sea Donsters (Hydra, Tim Donst, Shark Boy)

*Both teams get a good reception from the crowd, with a "Nick F'n Cage" chant at the start of the match

*All members of the Deathmatch Kings sell Hydra's "strength" quite well

*Hydra straight punches Brain Damage, who no-sells it, then punches Hydra straight in the face.

*Shark Boy gets a huge reaction when he enters the match, taking on DJ Hyde

*Donst uses his amateur training to his advantage, but then gets virtually knocked out by Brain Damage

*Nick Cage hits Shark Boy with a Chokebreaker followed by a pin at 15:16 for the victory

WINNERS: Deathmatch Kings





Osirian Portal (Amasis, Ophidian, Escorpian Egipcio)


Future Is Now (Lince Dorado, Equinox, Helios)

*As usual, The Osirian Portal entrance is awesome to watch, so much energy from Amasis and Ohpidian sliding about everywhere

*Helios gets a nice response when he starts the match off with Amasis

*Small amount of boo's from the crowd anytime Equinox gets in the ring, a few calls of "Equinox is a fake" are shouted out

*Escorpian started to look quite tired towards the end of the match

*Lince Dorado submitted to the Ophidian Death Grip at 17:31

WINNERS: The Osirian Portal





BLK Out (Sabian, Joker, Ruckus)


Sweet n Sour Inc (Larry Sweeney, Sara Del Rey, Bobby Dempsey)

* A HUGE "Bobby Dempsey" chant from the Philly crowd as Bobby and Joker start the match

* BLK Out work really well as a unit, making good work on their opponents and the "quick tag" rules

* Sweeney sends Ruckus flying to the outside, then does the "Sweeney Strut" to the approval of the crowd

* Dempsey started to look tired near the end, doing less work in ring

* Sweeney looked impressive tonight, as did Sara. Both looking like theyve done extra training recently

* Sabian wins the match for his team at 20:08 after hitting Dempsey with the BLK Jesus Stomp






Team PWG (El Generico, Joey Ryan, PAC)


F.I.S.T (Icarus, Chuck Taylor, Akuma)

* Alot of the crowd getting into El Generico's entrance, singing along to "Ole"

* Joey Ryan looked decent tonight, pulling out some good high flying moves.

* Unfortunately Chuck Taylor seemed to miss a few spots tonight. Hopefully this is a one-off occurance

* PAC took the pinfall at 22:24 after being hit by Taylor's Omega Driver






JOB Squad (Al Snow, Stevie Richards, Blue Meanie)


The UnStable (Vin Gerard, Colin Delaney, STIGMA)

* A HUGE reception for the JOB Squad, especially for Al Snow. Chants of "Head, Head, Head" at the start of the match.

* Alot of "You got fired" chants aimed at Delaney during the match

* Stevie looked quite good tonight, doing abit of technical wrestling mainly against Gerard and Delaney

* Blue Meanie and STIGMA took care of the brawling, taking it outside the ring a few times.

* Al Snow went to hit Delaney, being held by Richards, with Head. To the surprise of noone, Delaney ducked causing Richards to take the shot.

* Match ended at 20:59 with Gerard pinning Richards

WINNERS: The UnStable





Incoherence (Delirious, Hallowicked, Frightmare)


Team IWS (Sexxxy Eddy, Shane Matthews, Jagged)

* BAH!

* Eddy was his usual hilarious self tonight, his innuendo seeming to confuse Incoherence.

* Delirious seemed abit off his game, with one noticeable botch near the end of the match

* Frightmare seems to be improving with each outing, but still has quite a way to go

* Delirious causes Shane Matthews to tap out to a Cobra Stretch at 21:11

WINNERS: Incoherence





Submission Masters (Mike Quackenbush, Bryan Danielson, Jorge Rivera)


A Dying Breed (Eddie Kingston, Necro Butcher, Sami Callihan)

* Submission Masters got a decent response, especially Danielson

* Necro also got some decent crowd response when he made his entrance to "Free Bird"

* Sami Callihan looked decent tonight when going head-to-head with Quack

* Some brawling to the outside between Necro, Kingston, Quack and Rivera.

* This gave Danielson the chance to put Callihan into the Arms Across America for the win at 22:37

WINNERS: Submission Masters



Quick Results

8bit Masters def The Order Of The Neo Solar Temple

Deathmatch Kings def Sea Donsters

Osirian Portal def The Future Is Now

BLK Out def Sweet n Sour Inc

F.I.S.T def Team PWG

The UnStable def The JOB Squad

Incoherence def Team IWS

Submission Masters def A Dying Breed

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<p><span>http://www.chikarafans.com/banner.gif</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>KING OF TRIOS UPDATE #7</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After what transpired last night, here is the updated card for Night 2:</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/8bit.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/vs.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/osirianportal.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/dmk.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/vs.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/blkout.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/fist.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/vs.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/incoherence.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/unstable.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/vs.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/submission.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/claudiovsmitch.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/colonyice.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Also announced this afternoon on the CHIKARA Myspace, there will be a 20-man Battle Royal taking place as well.</p><p> </p><p>

Again we shall be at The Arena bringing you live coverage, so be sure to check back here later tonight for the Night 2 action.</p>

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<p>Wrong people won <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Except Incoherence. No other 'angles' tho? Interviews? Kamala was a big surprise, sad they didn't win. I thought he would run around the ring knocking out everyone with his stomach.</p>

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Wrong people won :(


Except Incoherence. No other 'angles' tho? Interviews? Kamala was a big surprise, sad they didn't win. I thought he would run around the ring knocking out everyone with his stomach.


Problem with Interviews on CHIKARA is that 99% of them are backstage and only recorded for the DVD releases, so with doing a "live report" from a fans perspective its slightly unrealistic to include them.

However I'll think of something to get around that problem.


Angles, yeah I shouldve included more, even just more little skits like the Kamala entrance just to break things up abit

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King Of Trios: Night 2 Live Results


Welcome back to Chikarafans live coverage of Night 2 of the King Of Trios 2009, coming to you live from The Arena in Philly.


As an extra bonus for us and for you, we had been given special access backstage earlier in the day with the guys from SmartMarkVideo, which ultimately means that we can bring you a rough coverage of the match promos that would be on the DVD before the matches.


It all begins... again!


Attendance looks pretty good again tonight, not many seats left unsold.


Louden Noxious is once again out to welcome us to Night 2, however there is no song from him tonight.


Hydra, Lince Dorado, Helios and The Colony come out with balloons, passing them out to the children in the audience.

Hydra also starts a Mexican Wave that spreads throughout the entire crowd, all good fun.




(Note: All Promo's take place backstage in front of the CHIKARA banner)

Player Uno, Player Dos and Create-A-Wrestler are all in front of the banner ready for their match

Player Uno: Hey, Im Player Uno, this is Player Dos and we're the Super Smash Brothers. Joining us tonight is Create-A-Wrestler and together we form the 8bit Masters. And tonight we take on the Osirian Portal, a group of men from Egypt.

Player Dos: Egypt?

Player Uno: Yes, Egypt

Player Dos: Do they even have wrestling in Egypt?

Player Uno: Um... they must do

Player Dos: I didnt think they did

Create-A-Wrestler: What are they doing here then?

Player Uno: I have no idea, but it doesnt matter as we have better technology then them. And tonight we shall be blessed with the power of the almighty Nintendo to....um... they must have wrestling in Egypt!

Player Dos: No, no, no! I checked Wikipedia

Player Uno: You did? Well it must be true... but anyway, it wont matter as we shall defeat them tonight and we shall advance to night three. Lets go guys



Louden Noxious is in the ring and introduces first, The Osirian Portal who are the venomous Ophidian, the "funky Pharoah" Amasis and Escorpian Egipcio.

Next out, and their opponents, are the 8bit Masters consisting of Create-A-Wrestler and the Super Smash Brothers, Player Uno and Player Dos


Match #1


8bit Masters (Player Uno, Player Dos, Create-A-Wrestler)


Osirian Portal (Amasis, Ophidian, Escorpian Egipcio)

* The fans quickly got behind the 8bit Masters tonight, cheering most things that they done.

* Ophidian looked good out there, especially when paired off against Player Dos who both bought some quick paced and high flying action to the match

* Some nice team work from Amasis and Ophidian gave them the advantage in the mid-stages of the match

* Create-A-Wrestler took on Escorpian most of the time, the two bringing in some brawling to the bout

* Escorpian looked tired near the end of the match, not coming into the ring often and tagging out quick when he did.

* Player Uno with a double Ryuken on Amasis and Ophidian gets a big cheer

* Player Dos taps out to Ophidian's Death Grip at 18:03

WINNERS: Osirian Portal



Once again, Louden Noxious introduces the next match.

First out, representing The Colony, are Fire Ant and Soldier Ant

Their opponents tonight, Ice Cream Jr and El Hijo Del Ice Cream who together make up the team Los Ice Creams!


Match #2


The Colony


Los Ice Creams

* Los Ice Creams havent appeared in CHIKARA for a few months but got a nice reaction from the Philly crowd

* Fire Ant looked good tonight, with some quick paced action, then allowing Soldier Ant in to continue the pace.

* A good fun match, with some added comedy from Los Ice Creams "crying" when hurt

* Ice Cream Jr hit Soldier Ant with the Jack & Jill Hammer at 10:13 to get the pinfall and victory

WINNERS: Los Ice Creams




Backstage this time, are DJ Hyde, Brain Damage and Nick Cage

Nick Cage: Well guys, this is it. This is night two of the King Of Trios and we take on a team we know quite well from back home at CZW, the team known as BLK Out.

DJ Hyde: Havent they had problems in their ranks though?

Nick Cage: Indeed, but you see, we know from previous experience that we're tougher than them, that all three of us can kick their asses all night long if we had to.

DJ Hyde: Exactly, BLK Out, tonight we will prove to you who the dominant force has allways been in CZW... Tell them Brain Damage.

Brain Damage: BLK Out... we shall show you why we are the Deathmatch Kings and why we will be going to night three of the tournament... and NOTHING will stop us.



Out first for the next match, DJ Hyde, Nick Cage and Brain Damage, they make up the team The Deathmatch Kings.

And their opponents tonight, Joker, Sabian and Ruckus... BLK Out!!!


Match #3


Deathmatch Kings (DJ Hyde, Brain Damage, Nick Cage)


BLK Out (Sabian, Joker, Ruckus)

* BLK Out rush the ring and all six men start brawling before the match officially starts.

* Brain Damage and Nick Cage brawl outside the ring with Joker and Ruckus.

* Bryce finally gets some control over the match, with Sabian and DJ Hyde starting things off in the ring.

* Alot of stiff shots from all men tonight, none of them holding anything back.

* Nick Cage nearly knocks out Ruckus with a violent right hook, to then be knocked out the ring by Joker

* BLK Out took the victory at 16:54 when Nick Cage got his team DQ'ed by attacking Joker with a chair in-ring.



After the match, Cage tries to continue his assualt on Joker.

To a big surprise and reaction from the crowd, Eddie Kingston runs out to save his former stable mate.



Once again, Louden Noxious is in ring to introduce the next match of the night.

Out first, The Fabulous Mitch Ryder

And his opponent tonight, Claudio Castagnoli


Match #4


Claudio Castagnoli


Mitch Ryder

* Neither man could take the advantage for long in this match, Mitch usually using classic heel tactics to stop Claudio in his tracks

* Crowd really behind Claudio tonight, who seemed more focus because of the recent happenings with Ryder.

* The Ricola Bomb gave Claudio the pinfall and win at 13:21

WINNER: Claudio Castagnoli




Backstage this time, are Delirious, Hallowicked and Frightmare

Delirious: Oooooooooooh Kingoftriooooos. TonightwetakeonteamFIST ..whichihavenoideawhatthatmeans.

Delirious: Oooooh,HallowickedDeliriousandFrightmaretogetheragain, wewillbeatthosehamandeggersandgotonightthreeofkingoftriiioooos!

Hallowicked: Equipo de puño, vamos a derrotar a todos a una pulpa de esta noche

Delirious: BAH!

(yeah, I havent a clue either)



The next match is another quarter final match, first out tonight Gran Akuma, Icarus and Chuck Taylor, together the form Team F.I.S.T

And their opponents, Delirious, Hallowicked and Frightmare, Incoherence!


Match #5


F.I.S.T (Icarus, Chuck Taylor, Akuma)


Incoherence (Delirious, Hallowicked, Frightmare)

* Frightmare looked really good tonight, the rookie has alot of potential

* Akuma with alot of stiff looking kicks on Delirious, who answers back with some stiff kicks of his own

* Icarus and Hallowicked pulled out a good sequence of holds, counterholds and near pins.

* Crowd really behind Incoherence as usual, Delirious a definite fan favourite.

* Omega Driver by Chuck Taylor on Frightmare gave F.I.S.T the win at 19:43



After the match, Incoherence get a standing ovation from the people in attendance at The Arena



Next up is the "Twenty Man, Over The Top, Battle Royale"

The rules are simple, twenty men start in the ring, you are eliminated from the match by being thrown over the top rope and both feet hitting the floor.


Competing in this match tonight, are as follows..

Bobby Dempsey,

Brodie Lee,



Tim Donst,

Sexxxy Eddie,

Sami Callihan,

Buck Hawke,

Larry Sweeney,

Eddie Kingston,

Joey Ryan,

El Generico,





Shane Matthews,

Pinkie Sanchez,

Grizzly Redwood,

Lince Dorado.

Match #6


* Some quick eliminations in the first few moments of the match, with Grizzly Redwood, PAC and Hydra all leaving pretty quickly.

* Crossbones is eliminated by Tim Donst, Sexxxy Eddie, Eddie Kingston, Jagged, Shane Matthews and Brodie Lee.

* Crowd quite behind El Generico early on in this match

* Sami Callihan single handedly takes out Bobby Dempsey, and is met with a chorus of boo's from the crowd.

* Last four men were Eddie Kingston, Jigsaw, Larry Sweeney and El Generico

* El Generico quickly disposed of Sweeney, with Jigsaw then being tossed over the top by Kingston

* Kingston then quickly pushed El Generico over the top rope to get the win at 20:21

WINNER: Eddie Kingston



Our last quarter final match of the night.

Out first, the team comprising of "Lightning" Mike Quackenbush, Jorge "Skydae" Rivera and "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson.. they are The Submission Masters!

And their opponents, the man known only as STIGMA, former Young Lions Cup holder Vin Gerard and Colin Delaney, The UnStable!!



Match #7


The UnStable (Vin Gerard, Colin Delaney, STIGMA)


Submission Masters (Mike Quackenbush, Bryan Danielson, Jorge Rivera)

* Quite a few "You got fired" chants aimed at Delaney.

* Vin Gerard really plays his heelish ways very well. Using quite a few illegal moves to get an advantage whilst the ref isnt looking.

* Danielson got the crowd really behind him with his abilities and some fast paced moves

* Quack and Rivera worked really well together as always, doing alot of double team moves mainly on Gerard and Delaney

* Vin Gerard tapped out to Danielson's Arms Across America at 20:41

WINNERS: The Submission Masters


After the match, the crowd sang "Na na na na, hey hey, goodbye" to Vin Gerard, who looked incredibly angry.



Quick Results

Osirian Portal def 8bit Masters

Los Ice Creams def The Colony

BLK Out def Deathmatch Kings

Claudio Castagnoli def Mitch Ryder

F.I.S.T def Incoherence

Eddie Kingston won a 20 Man Battle Royale

The Submission Masters def The Unstable

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