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After what transpired on Night 2, here is the updated card for Night 3


Semi Finals






Winner of Semi Final #1 Vs Winner Semi Final #2


Other Matches



Also announced following Night 2 are:

Eddie Kingston Vs Nick Cage

Delirious Vs Sami Callihan

Super Smash Bros Vs The Order Of The Neo Solar Temple


Make sure to join us once again tomorrow for live coverage of the final night of the 2009 King Of Trios

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<p>Sorry about the delay in updating... had a few problems with health etc (earache as per usual) and started a new job position recently, which is very tiring atm and involves an 80mile round trip every day for the next few weeks....</p><p> </p><p>

So hopefully should have something up a.s.a.p</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...





King Of Trios: Night 3 Live Results


Welcome back once again to Chikarafans as we bring you live coverage of Night 3 of the King Of Trios 2009, coming to you live from The Arena in Philly.


As happened last night, we've yet again been given special access backstage earlier in the day with the guys from SmartMarkVideo, so again we will have a rough coverage of the match promos that would be on the DVD before the matches.


Its the Final countdown!


Attendance is yet again good, majority of the seats sold tonight.


Louden Noxious is yet again out to welcome us to Night 3 and serenades us with a song about the King Of Trios Final.




(Note: All Promo's take place backstage in front of the CHIKARA banner)

Akuma, Chuck Taylor and Icarus of F.I.S.T are all in front of the banner backstage

Chuck Taylor Well, its night three of the King Of Trios and F.I.S.T will tonight show we are the dominant team of trio's in Chikara

IcarusThats indeed correct, you see we've allready beaten two teams and we've only got two more to go untill we take what is rightfully ours.

Chuck TaylorAnd first of all, we're against the team from Egypt, The Osirian Portal.. But really it doesnt matter who we're against, what matters is that tonight our destiny will be fullfilled and we will be crowned the 2009 King Of Trio's



Louden Noxious is in ring to introduce the first match of tonight.

It is the first Semi Final match and comprises of Team F.I.S.T, who are Akuma, Chuck Taylor and Icarus.

They will be taking on Amasis, Ophidian and Escorpian Egipcio of The Osirian Portal


Match #1


Semi Final #1

Osirian Portal (Amasis, Ophidian, Escorpian Egipcio)


F.I.S.T (Akuma, Chuck Taylor, Icarus)

*Icarus and Ophidian start the match with some chain-wrestling, both then making tags with Ophidian and Chuck carrying the proceedings

*Akuma had some very stiff kicks onto all members of the Portal

*Escorpian still doesnt look as good as the other two members, with Amasis and Ophidian doing most of the work

*Last few moments of the match included an all out brawl by all six men, inside and outside the ring

* Chuck Taylor scored the pinfall on Amasis after an Omega Driver to pick up the win at 10:32



We dont need you

After the match, Amasis and Ophidian are talking together outside the ring.

Escorpian approaches them, but they both ignore him and walk off to the backstage area


Louden Noxious is out again to introduce our next match, which is the second semi final match.

Out first are Sabian,.Ruckus and Joker of BLK Out.

Their opponents tonight are Mike Quackenbush, Jorge Rivera and Bryan Danielson who make up the Submission Masters


Match #2


Semi Final #2

BLK Out (Sabian, Joker, Ruckus)


Submission Masters (Mike Quackenbush, Bryan Danielson, Jorge Rivera)

*Good start to the match, with both teams making quick tags so all combinations of opponents had a fair go at each other

*Both teams looked amazing tonight, the crowd split on who to cheer more for

*Alot of reverals and counters from all three members of the Submission Masters, cutting down any offense that BLK Out attempt

*Ruckus and Joker take out Danielson to the outside of the ring, pelting him with stiff punches and kicks

*Sabian quickly disposes of Quackenbush, sending him flying over the top rope and awquardly landing on his ankle

*Sabian delivered a Black Jesus Stomp on Jorge Rivera, then getting the pinfall on him at 12:48 to send BLK Out to the Finals



Thank You!

After the match, Jorge helps Quackenbush out to the back, leaving Bryan Danielson in the ring to receive a standing ovation from the crowd.

Alot of "Please come back" chants for Danielson, very much appreciated by the crowd.



Eddie Kingston is backstage before his match with Nick Cage

Eddie Kingston Well, well, well... Nick Cage... Last night you decided for some unknown reason to get some sort of revenge after your team were eliminated from the tournament.

Unfortunately for you, I took a great deal of offense to that.

You see, Joker and I go way back, hes like a brother to me. And when you decided to hit him with a chair last night, well I just couldnt stand there and do nothing about it.

Though that is nothing.... nothing, compared to what I shall do to you tonight.

Nick Cage, I will make you sorry that you ever tried to mess with my "family"


Louden Noxious is again in ring to introduce the next match

First out, from CZW is Nick Cage.

His opponent tonight, the "King", Eddie Kingston


Match #3


Eddie Kingston


Nick Cage

*Alot of brawling and stiff shots from both men, looking alot more like a CZW match than a CHIKARA match

*Even though hes aligned as a Rudo, Eddie had the support of the crowd throughout the match

*Quite a few near-falls near the end, with both men getting frustrated they couldnt get the win

*Eddie won the match at 14:23 via pinfall after the Royal Flush DDT

WINNER: Eddie Kingston


Louden Noxious is yet again in ring to introduce the fourth match for tonight.

Out first, Crossbone and Ultramantis Black who form The Order Of The Neo Solar Temple.

And their opponents, from the Mushroom Kingdom, Player Uno and Player Dos, The Super Smash Brothers.


Match #4


Super Smash Bros (Player Uno & Player Dos)


The Order Of The Neo Solar Temple (Ultramantis Black & Crossbones

* Dos and Mantis started the match off, Dos with his pace and high-flying moves quickly overpowered Mantis

*Crossbones played the usual "big man" role tonight, which he does well. Using some awesome looking kicks to the head of Uno and Dos

*Uno busted out the usual "video-game" moves, much to the delight of the audience, especially the Ryuken and Bison "Head-stomp"

* The Friggin Sweet Driver delivered by Crossbones at 10:21 gave him the pinfall over Player Dos

WINNERS: The Order Of The Neo Solar Temple


Once again, we have Louden Noxious in-ring to introduce the next match.

First out tonight is "The New Horror" Sami Callihan.

And his opponent, Delirious.


Match #5




Sami Callihan

*Some good comedy spots at the start, with Delirious rambling like a madman, only to be slapped by Callihan and telling him "NO!, Bad Delirious"

*Delirious as usual had the crowd very much behind him

*Sami did look very good tonight, near enough matching Delirious hold for hold, with alot or counters and reversals happening

* Sami Callihan was pinned by Delirious after the Chemical Imbalance #2 at 13:23

WINNER: Delirious



Louden Noxious and Leonard F. Chikarason are both in the ring.

Chikarason explains the rules for the next match, the 12 Team Elimination Tag Gauntlet.

Two teams start, once one is eliminated, they will be replaced by another team, this continues untill no teams are left and the last team remaining are declared the winners.

The winning team will also get an important three points to use to face the current Campeones de Parejas at any time, however as like normal CHIKARA rules, if that team lose a tag match before cashing in their title shot, they lose that privelage.


Match #6


12 Team Elimination Tag Gauntlet

a) Brodie Lee & Grizzly Redwood Vs Shane Matthews & Jagged

*Grizz done his usual "big man" spots, hilariously with Shane Matthews overselling them

*Brodie won the round, after hitting Jagged with a Big Boot for the pinfall


b)Brodie Lee & Grizzly Redwood Vs Shark Boy & Hydra

*Huge ovation for Shark Boy, who really played up to the crowd.

*Hydra managed to tap out Grizzly Redwood with the Hydra-lock


c)Shark Boy & Hydra Vs Mitch Ryder & Buck Hawke

*Pretty quick round, with Ryder and Hawke not getting much offense in

*The Dead Sea Drop from Shark Boy onto Buck Hawke put them into the next round


d)Shark Boy & Hydra Vs Necro Butcher & Brain Damage

*Hilarious start to the match, with Necro and Brain Damage majorly overselling anything from Hydra

*Crowd very much behind Necro tonight, cheering most of his offense

*Necro sent his team to the next round, after straight-punching Shark Boy in the face


e)Necro Butcher & Brain Damage Vs Sexxxy Eddy & Pinkie Sanchez

*CZW chants to start off the fifth round of the match

*Pinkie trying to get Brain Damage to break dance, instead gets a punch in the face for his troubles

*Package Piledriver from Necro onto Eddy decides this round.


f)Necro Butcher & Brain Damage Vs Fire Ant & Soldier Ant

*Crowd slightly split between the two teams, Colony getting the early adavantage due to their pace

*However, the match was quickly over, with Brain Damage pinning Soldier Ant after a brutal clothesline


g)Necro Butcher & Brain Damage Vs Stevie Richards & Blue Meanie

*Holy Crap! We get "Dancing Stevie" tonight! Pure awesomeness!

*Meanie got a good offense going on Necro, untill Brain Damage stormed the ring to break it up

*A brutal punch from Necro to the head of Stevie Richards caused the ref to stop the round due to Stevie being knocked out


h)Necro Butcher & Brain Damage Vs Vin Gerard & Colin Delaney

*Major heel heat for Gerard & Delaney, crowd love to hate these guys

*Brain Damage looked to be tiring during this round.

*Delaney got the pinfall after a Springboard Back Elbow onto Brain Damage


i)Vin Gerard & Colin Delaney Vs Sara Del Ray & Bobby Dempsey

*Huge chants of "Bobby Dempsey" from the Philly crowd

*Sara went on a major offense against Delaney, getting a huge response from the audience

*Gerard picked up the pin, after a Standing Shooting Star Press onto Dempsey

j)Vin Gerard & Colin Delaney Vs Lince Dorado & Helios

*Very quick round, with Doardo & Helios doing alot of legit double teaming on Gerard

*Helios grabbed the pinfall on Gerard with a schoolboy roll-up


k)Lince Dorado & Helios Vs Hallowicked & Frightmare

*Frightmare looked very good in this round, alot of fast action between him and Helios

*Hallowicked also looked good as usual, slightly overpowering Lince

*Sky Is Falling from Helios onto Frightmare settled the final round


WINNERS: Lince Dorado & Helios


Louden Noxious is out to introduce the Finals of the 2009 King Of Trio's Tournament.

First out, Sabian, Joker and Ruckus of BLK Out.

Their opponents, Team F.I.S.T comprising of Akuma, Icarus and Chuck Taylor


Match #7



F.I.S.T (Akuma, Chuck Taylor, Icarus)


BLK Out (Sabian, Joker, Ruckus)

*Some brwaling between all six men started off this match, untill Bryce Remsberg managed to restore some order

*Sabian looked very good during this match, impressing quite a few members of the crowd

*Alot of near-falls and last second saves from both teams in the later stages of the match

*Eventually the match was decided, with Ruckus hitting The Hate Crime on Icarus to score the victory at 15:46




Quick Results

F.I.S.T def Osirian Portal

BLK Out def Submission Masters

Eddie Kingston def Nick Cage

Neo Solar Temple def Super Smash Bros

Delirious def Sami Callihan

Lince Dorado & Helios won a 12 Team Gauntlet

BLK Out def F.I.S.T

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March 2009

Week 4


What a weekend the past one has been, with my debut booking gig and what an amazing weekend it was if I do say so myself.


Ive seen some good reviews coming from various websites and fans who attended the three day event, which Im very pleased with as alot of hard work went into making this years King Of Trio's the best one so far.


A few weeks off now untill the next two CHIKARA events at the end of April, Behind The 8Ball and Bobliographon taking part on the third Saturday and Sunday of April.


No matches have been announced yet or even booked for those two shows, but I do have a few things in mind, so hopefully everything will go according to plan.


And finally, thank you to all the fans who made this weekend an amazing start for myself and also to those wrestlers who were making their debut or long awaited return to CHIKARA.

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April Shows Update


After the King Of Trios this past weekend, and what an amazing weekend it was, we have news of two matches signed for the next weekend of wrestling in CHIKARA at the later part of April.




On the Saturday will be the Behind The 8Ball show and the first match announced is a big one.


After their defeat at the hands of The Submission Masters during the 2nd night of the King Of Trios tournament, The UnStable are sure to be looking for revenge.


Earlier this week, Colin Delaney stormed into the offices of Leonard F. Chikarason demanding a match against one of the members of The Submission Masters and, maybe unluckily for him, he was given a match against Bryan Danielson.

Will "The Big Leage Star" be able to overcome "The American Dragon"?







On the Sunday we have the Bobliographon, the first match announced will have the reigning Campeones de Parejas, The Osirian Portal, defending their titles against the winners of the Tag Gauntlet at the King Of Trios, Lince Dorado and Helios.

As per CHIKARA rules, this match will be contested in a Best Of 3 Falls match.


The Osirian Portal have been very succesful in defences since capturing the gold late last year, but with Helios being a former Young Lions Cup holder is it time for him and Lince to capture their first title together?





Stay tuned to CHIKARAfans as we shall be bringing you more updates in the upcoming weeks to these two shows

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April Shows Update


With the two shows in April just over three weeks away, there has been some more additions to the weekend.




In addition to the match between Bryan Danielson and Colin Delaney, there has been another two matches added to the show.



The first match added, puts two of the younger stars of CHIKARA's roster against each other in one-on-one action, as Alex Payne takes on Buck Hawke.

Both men will be looking for the win and to highten their profile within the CHIKARA roster.



The second match see's two wrestlers who teamed together in the recent Tag Gauntlet join together again.

After alot of interest shown in the team in the CHIKARA forum, Leonard F. Chikarason decided to give the fans what they wanted.

We will once again see Hydra and Shark Boy team up together, this time to take on Hydra's ex-stable mates, Ultramantis Black and Crossbone of The Order Of The Neo Solar Temple.





With the Campeonetos de Parejas on the line as The Osirian Portal defend against Helios and Lince Dorado, two more matches have also been added to the Sunday show.



In the first match announced, CHIKARA's own Tim Donst will take on "The New Horror" Sami Callihan.

Will all of Donst's skill and amateur background be enough to cope with the unorthadox style of Callihan?

This match will certainly be one not to missed.



After making his long awaited return to the CHIKARA ring at King Of Trios, we are pleased to announce that El Generico will once again be at a CHIKARA show as he takes on Brodie Lee.

With both men's teams losing early at the tournament, we are certain both will be looking for a win during this match.



Stay tuned to ChikaraFans for more updates in the upcoming weeks

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April Shows Update


Welcome back to CHIKARAfans, where we have another update on Behind The 8Ball and The Bobliographon.

Both events will be taking place in just over three weeks time and are shaping up to be "must-see" shows.






Eddie Kingston is a man of insecurity.

Kingston spent the vast majority of 2007 looking to disprove the critics who claimed that Hallowicked was the best wrestler to come out of the Wrestle Factory.

Now Claudio Castagnoli who has gotten under the skin of the King.

Claudio has bested Kingston in their prior two singles encounters, once in 2007 at "Best Imitation of Myself", and another in late 2008 at "Armdrags to Riches".

For the third consecutive calendar year, Eddie and Claudio will meet one on one.

Eddie refuses to lose to Claudio once more, but history shows that Claudio has Eddie's number.







A very interesting match to say the least, as CHIKARA play host to an Inter-gender Tag Match.

On one side, we will see the quick fan favourite Shark Boy teaming up with Shark Girl, who is making her debut in CHIKARA and will be a much needed addition to the womens division.

On the other side, teaming up for the first time, will see Larry Sweeney team up with Daizee Haze.

With neither side tagging together before, who will the odds be in favour of?

Some say the "Sharks" have the advantage and could possibly be an early favourite, but dont underestimate the skill of Daizee Haze and the mind of Sweeney.

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