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NWA: South Eastern Pro Wrestling - The FlairVerse

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The FlairVerse



The National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) is the largest governing body for a group of independent professional wrestling promotions and sanctions various NWA championships in the United States. - Credit to Wikipedia.


We all know the story about how Vince McMahon toppled the wrestling world with his creation WrestleMania. But what if it didn't work out as planned?


Welcome to The FlairVerse............

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Sarcasm" data-cite="Sarcasm" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22459" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://www.corpuschristidaily.com/images/national%20wrestling%20ass1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Impact;"><strong><span style="color:#00BFFF;"><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The FlairVerse</span></span></span></strong></span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) is the largest governing body for a group of independent professional wrestling promotions and sanctions various NWA championships in the United States. - Credit to Wikipedia.</p><p> </p><p> We all know the story about how Vince McMahon toppled the wrestling world with his creation WrestleMania. But what if it didn't work out as planned? </p><p> </p><p> Welcome to The FlairVerse............</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sound interesting </p><p> </p><p> what the Flairverse?</p>
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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The 1980's</span></strong></p><p>

The 1980's was a time of change for the NWA. Their fiercest rival, the World Wrestling Federation were stealing talent such as Rowdy Piper, Randy Savage, and Hulk Hogan. The NWA couldn't keep up with the WWF's cutting edge new product. It was flashier and had a big time aura around it and Vince McMahon wanted to capitalize on the success. Vince McMahon had a goal and it was to make the World Wrestling Federation national.</p><p> </p><p>

Vince McMahon had a vision for a Super Bowl like extravaganza for wrestling. His vision, WrestleMania. Super Cards at this time weren't uncoommon as the NWA held Starcade every year and even Vince McMahon Sr. ran super cards out of the Shea Stadium. McMahon wanted to keep up with the pop culture and even spent loads of money on celebrities such as Mr. T and Cyndi Lauper.</p><p>

The elder McMahon warned his son of faliure. "Vinny, what are you doing? You'll wind up in the bottom of the river!" However Vince McMahon did not listen and as a result, WrestleMaina was a colossial failure and by the end of 1985 shut down it's doors. Hulk Hogan, the company's biggest star left for Hollywood and didn't return back to the buisness until the late 90's</p><p> </p><p>

The NWA saw this as an opportunity and some of the territories were upgraded with loads of new and retruning stars to the NWA. Many terrirtories were able to attract TV deals o the company. The first being MACW. MACW landed a Saturday Night deal with WTBS to air MACW Showdown from 7:00pm - 8:00pm. This was a blessing as they were able to showcase there top draws including "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, who was the most popular babyface in the buisness at that time, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, and Lex Luger. However in 1988, Jim Crockett Jr. announced that he sold his company, MACW, to Ted Turner. Turner renamed MACW to South Eastern Pro Wrestling or SEW for short and relocated the company to Atlanta, Georiga. There he would buy out many promotions that were failing or losing money (i.e WCCW, CWF, SCW). He also signed stars that previously worked for the WWF such as Randy Savage and Ricky /Steamboat and The Von Erichs from the defunct WCCW. By the end of the decade SEW looked to be the most dominate NWA promotion ever.</p><p> </p><p>

OCC - The FlairVerse is a scenerio I created. It's kinda like the my own spin to it. Hope you guys enjoy.</p>

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The 1990's Part I:


The 1990's was a time of controversy and violence. The decade started off with the rising star, Sting captured the SEW Global Heavyweight Championship for the first time dethroning the 1st champion Ric Flair. Flair however was still the NWA World Champion and was scheduled to drop the title against one of Canada's biggest stars, Davey Boy Smith during a tour of Canada. The night before the show however Davey Boy Smith was intoxicated and confronted Flair which led to a fist fight in a club in Montreal. Flair then refused to drop the title to Davey or ever work in the same company as Smith. The NWA Board couldn't do anything about it because of a Creative Control clause in Flair's contract. Thus leading to a canceling in the show which caused a riot. This made the NWA banned from performing in Canada and Ric Flair public enemy #1 in Canada, although the Sport Administration of Canada allowed Canadian Stampede Wrestling to continue to be a territory of the NWA.


But that wouldn't be the last of the controversy of 1990. Vincent K. McMahon, who five years ago left the buisness after the World Wrestling Federation ran out off buisness, opened up a new company called All-Star Wrestling Entertainment. He would sign various superstars including, Ray "The Big Bossman" Traylor, Sgt. Slaughter, "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, The Rockers, Davey Boy Smith (Who would be renamed "The British Bulldog") and Jim "The Ultimate Warrior" Helwig. The Ultimate Warrior was a controversal signing because he had a reputation of being an ******* everywhere he went. But good old Vinny Mac didn't care because he saw Helwig as the next mega sta and centered the company around The Warrior who became the first AWE Heavyweight Champion, beating Ted DiBiase in the championship match. McMahon would also secure a TV Deal three months later with the USA Network to air All-Star Mondays from 9:00pm to 10:00pm.


The AWA was changing up it's style too. Verge Gange sold his company to his son Gerg Gange in a chance to turn the failing company around. Greg decided to tsake a trip to Mexico where he was introduced to the Lucha Libre style of wrestling. Greg took this idea and shift it's product to a more fast pace style. "Luchamerica" was the name it was refered as introduced many new stars such as Jerry Lynn, The Lightning Kid, Robbie V, Sabu, Jean Paul Levesque, and Lord Steven Regal. It also had a working agreement pact with NWA: Canadian Stampede Wrestling that would have stars like Wild Pegasus and Brian Pillman show up on AWA TV. It also had the drawers like Ravishing Rick Rude, Jake The Snake Roberts, and Larry Zybzko(sp?). But it's main star was "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig. The main star and poser boy of the AWA, he was every thing that Greg wanted in a champion. However the success would be delayed as in 1992 -1993 AWE went on a signing spree, taking some of AWA's top talent including Jean Paul Levesque, Steven Regal and The Lightning Kid. Jake Roberts would leave the AWA due to drug problems and Rick Rude was injured leaving the AWA in a bad spot.


Smokey Mountain Wrestling was formed by James E. Cornette in 1992 and has been the hotbed for wrestling. Located in Memphis Cornette would be owner along with Jerry Jarrett and Jerry "The King" Lawler. It had the reputation of being the place where future champions would be noticed. Future world champions such as "Stunning" Steve Austin, Jeff Jarrett, Shawn Micheals, Cactus Jack Manson, and "Lion Heart" Chris Jericho to name a few, would make there mark on Memphis before getting signed by one of the bigger territories.


By 1994 things were starting to change. Bret Hart, a two time NWA World Heavyweight Champion and five time NWA Tag Team Champion, would shock the wrestling world by signing a written deal with the AWE. Bret addressed this in an interview when he said quote "I know it's suprising, but at this point of my career, I feel like I have accomplished every thing I could in CSW. I was reluctant at first but my family supported me every step of the way, so I took the opportunity." The AWE hyped Bret Hart by giving him the nickname "The Best In The World". The AWE also had, argueably the greatest heel in the history of the AWE, Ted DiBiase dethrone Sgt. Slaughter for the AWE World Champion and started a long 7 month reign with the title. But DiBiase's spot as the #1 heel in the AWE was slowly fading thanks to the rise of "HBK" Shawn Micheals. Micheal was part of the most popular tag team in AWE history, The Rockers. They were the first AWE Tag Team Champions and continue teaming together until 1992 when Micheals turned his back on Jannetty, costing the the Tag Team Champions. He would go on to feud with Jannetty for the AWE All-Star Championship which would see both of them trade it back and forth until Micheals ended the fued in the first ever Ladder Match at Suvivor Series. We also got to see The Giant debut and gain huge popularity as this larger than life dude.


Another company opened up it's doors in March of 1994 and that was Eastern Championship Wrestling. Owned by Todd Gordon, the promotion was deemed by wrestling analysist as doomed for failure. The company wasn't doing so well despite having the likes of Shane Douglas, 2 Cold Scorpio, and The Pitbulls. It wasn't until 1996 when Gordon gave the company to Paul Heyman (Who was fired after punching Bischoff in the face.) Heyman decided to give the company a makeover and in July of 1996, launched his first event called An Era Of Violence. The product changed to a more violent adult orinentated show and ushered in a new era. Heyman also brought in the likes of Rey Misterio Jr., Psicosis, and Eddie Guerrero to show case the lucha libre product of wrestling. He also brought in wrestlers from all over the world to South Philly. However, what really put ECW on the map was the Tommy Dreamer vs Raven fued. The fued lasted up until 2000, the longest fued in ECW history. Raven was fired from SEW as Johnny Polo, a flamboyot manager into one of the most complexed characters in wrestling history. Although the fans loved ECW and it's style, the NWA Board did not stating that it showed unnessicary violence and wasn't a "real promotion". They even went so far as to refusing to have ECW apart of Starcade. As a result Heyman fired back in 1997 with an event called F**K The Establishment and produced a main event of ECW Champion Taz facing Shane Douglas in a "Barbwire Brawl Match". This was the straw to break the camels back as the NWA banned ECW from appearing on Starrcade until the ban was removed by new president Andrew M. Robinson.


As half of the decade was over the other half would be the most memorable part of the 1990's would come in the second half.


NWA Champions of 1995:



SEW Global - "Mean" Mark Calloway

SEW North American - Dustin Rhodes

SEW TV - Kevin Sullivan

SEW Tag Team - Lex Luger and Sting

NWA World - "Mean" Mark Calloway



AWA World - "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig

AWA Tag Team - Jerry Lynn and Black Tiger



ECW World- Shane Douglas

ECW TV - 2 Cold Scorpio

ECW Tag Team - The Tazmanian Devil and Wild Pegusas



SMW World - Jerry "The King" Lawler

SMW Tag Team - Rock N' Roll Express



CSW World - "The Black Hart" Owen Hart

CSW Maple Leaf - "Ravishing" Rick Rude

CSW Tag Team - Road Warriors

NWA Junior Heavyweight - Brian Pillman

NWA Tag Team - Road Warriors



LLP Universal - Eddie Gurreruo



AWE World - Shawn Micheals

AWE All-Star - Bret Hart

AWE Tag Team - British Royalty (Jean Paul Levseque and Lord Willam Regal)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 1990's Part II:



The second half of the 90's would start of with a bang as Kevin Sullivan, the head booker of SEW at the time, was removed as head booker and replaced by Eric Bischoff. Under the Bicshoff reign, things started to really change. Bischoff started to sing talent from all over the world to add a sense of legitmacy to his promotion. He also created the SEW Crusierweight Championship and had starts such as "Black Tiger" Eddy Gurreruo, Rey Mysterio, and Lion Heart star in the divison. Bischoff also convinced Ted Turner to host a prime-time, live, 2 hour show on Mondays on the TNT Network. Thus, Monday Night Nitrogen was born. The first episode saw a main event of 'Mean' Mark Calloway dropping the SEW Heavyweight Champion to Sting in a 'Loser Leaves SEW' Match and Calloway would leave for NJPW. Also we saw the debut of 'The Outsider' Scott Hall (Who previously worked for the AWA as 'The Cuban Studd') who cut one of the most infamous promo's in the history of the company. In 1997 Bischoff signed AWE World Champion 'The Heart Break Kid' Shawn Micheals to a written deal. Micheals would come out and throw the title in the garbage on a live episode of Nitrogen and cut a promo about how he isn't an "entertainer" but he is a wrestler. This damaged the image of AWE serverely but SEW got heat from the NWA Board for for using underhanded tactics towards the rival competitor. In November of 1999, Ric Flair left SEW due to creative differences between himself and Eric Bischoff and went to reform MACW. As the decade ends it seems as if SEW is still the undispuetd promotion in the NWA.


SEW World - "The Outsider" Scott Hall

SEW North American - Bill Goldberg

SEW TV - Lex Lugar

SEW Tag Team - Harlem Heat

SEW Cruiserweight - Rey Mysterio



The main story of the AWE around this time was the AWE World Champion at the time, Shawn Micheals would leave the AWE with their title and threw it away. Micheals left because he wanted more money than what McMahon would offer him, plus that HBK's most hated enemy Bret Hart was making more money than him was enough to publicy tarnish the image of the AWE. McMahon responded by blacklisting HBK from ever appearing in the company again. A new version of the AWE World Champion was made and at Superstar Showdown 7, Jean Paul Levesque defeated Bret Hart in the finals to win the title in a result that shocked everyone. Thinks however were starting to look up for the AWE due to 'Stunning' Steve Austin. Austin transformed from a ****y wanna be celebrity to an intense desperate man who would do anything to win the AWE Champion. By Superstar Showdown 8, Austin topped Jean Paul Levesque and The British Bulldog to finally win the title. With the Austin Era in full swing, it seemed as if the AWE was making a comeback but another star would emerge too. In the summer of 1999, Dr. Issac Yankem would re-debut as the masked monster, Doomsday. Managed by Percy Pringle Doomsday was a smashing success and by the the end of 1999 was AWE World Champion. As the decade slowly comes to and end, we wonder, can the AWE finally top SEW?


AWE World - Doomsday (Kane)

AWE All-Star - The 1-2-3 Kid (X-Pac)

AWE Tag Team - Bushwhackers



It seems as if the oldest and most prestigous territory in the NWA is going through a dark period especially when top draws such as Bret Hart and Davey Boy Smith left the company. However some good has come out of iot as Owen Hart was able to break out of the glass ceiling and truely shine as the top heel in the promotion. But there wasn't that babyface to match the supe heel in Owen Hart. That all changed in 1998 when 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper debuted in the company as the face that they needed. CSW also signed 'Ravishing' Rick Rude and Curt Hennig to PPA deals. With the likes of young talent such as Lance Storm, Wild Pegusas, and the CSW Tag Team Champions Sex and Violence (Sexton Copeland and Christian Cage) things might just turn around.


NWA World Heavyweight - Owen Hart

CSW World Heavyweight - 'Loose Cannon' Brian Pillman

CSW Maple Leaf - 'The Wild Pegasus' Chris Benoit

CSW Tag Team - Sex and Violence (Edge and Christian)




Under the guide of Paul Heyman, Eastern Championship Wrestling became the #1 non-national proimotion in the NWA with in a year. Between 1997-2002 ECW had produced some of the best and most memorable matches in the NWA history. ECW was also filled with controversy too. The NWA Board wasn't happy with ECW's style of wrestling and the company was under alot of pressure. But the straw that broke the camel's back however was in May of 1997 when Tommy Dreamer faced Raven at Hardcore Heaven in which Raven won and later would "crucify" Dreamer. The incident would have the NWA board unanimously vote to ban ECW from Starcade and refused to defend the NWA Heavyweight Championship at that territory. Frustrated, Paul Heyman fired back by creating an event in December of 1997 called **** The Establishment with a main event of Taz facing Shane Douglas in a 'Barbwire Brawl'. The ban however would be lifted in 1999 by new president Andrew K. Robinson. Although the decade is over, it seems as if the violence has just started.


ECW World - Raven

ECW TV - Rob Van Dam

ECW Tag Team - The Eliminators

NWA Tag Team - The Dudley Boyz




Smokey Mountain Wrestling has its fair share of controversy too. Started up in 1992 by James E. Cornette, SMW was a cutting edge promotion that wrestling anaylists said would be the top promotion by the end of the decade. Too bad that was a lie. It seemed as if the older SMW got, the older it's product would be. By 1996 people were sick of Jerry Lawler always holding the SMW World title and they were tired of seeing the same old crap as well. But a new star emerged in "The Memphis Hero" Jesse James Armstrong. The charismatic brawler would defeat "The King' for the SMW World Title in June of 1998. We also had stars such as Jeff Jarrett and Brian C. Lawler emerge as top players of SMW. Things are finally looking up in Memphis.


SMW World - Jesse James Armstrong (Road Dogg)

SMW Tag Team - The Royal Lawlers (Brian Lawler and Jerry Lawler)



While other promotions were gaining in popularity and money, AWA was not. by 1996, the AWA was failing miserabley. With their star player Curt Hennig leaving for SEW it seemed as the AWA was lost. As a result in 1998, Greg Gange announed that the AWA would go on a hiatus until their finacial problems were dealt with. The company is still in a hiatus and the question is, can the AWA come back from hiatus?


AWA World- Vacant

AWA Tag Team -Vacant



The Mexican promotion LLP has hosted some of the greatest matches in the NWA. With stars like Eddy Gurreruo, Rey Mysterio Jr., and Konnan, This promotion should definatly shine in the future.


LLP Universal - Konnan

NWA Junior Heavyweight - Psicosis

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The 2000's:



By 2000 no one was as over as The Rock. The second generation superstar turned from a stale, generic, second generation wrestler to a over confident movie star. The Rock, along with Bill Goldberg and Chris Jericho, was the biggest star in SEW and arguebly in the NWA. The Rock would grasp the NWA World Champion in 2001, defating 'The Black Hart' Owen Hart at Starcade 2001 and brought back the title to SEW. SEW was at a talent boom with the growing popularity of Chris Champange, Chris Jericho, Rey Misterio Jr., and Bill Goldberg to name a few. Unfourtunately controversy arose in 2005 when SEW was sued for trafficing steriods in the locker room which to this day is reffered to as the 'Steriod Scandal'. Although Bischoff was found not guilty, it left SEW with a bad reputation and in bad taste with the board of the NWA. Another tragic event was the passing of SEW main eventer, Scott Hall. Hall was scheduled to particpate in July's Scars N' Stripes PPV. He was suspose to fight Samoa Joe to cumilate their fued in a Steel Cage. Hall was no where to be found. However he was found 15 minutes before the show passed out in his hotel. They rused him to the hospital but by then Hall had already passed away. This again damaged the already tarnished image of SEW. However things are seemingly turning around with the likes of MVP, Samoa Joe, and Carlito Colon headlining and the crusierweights turning heads with wrestlers such as The Chad Malenko, (Who is fueding with his kayfabe uncle Dean Malenko.) Christopher Daniels, and Kofi Kingston.


SEW World - 'Cool' Carlito Colon

SEW North American - 'The New Breed' Elijah Burke

SEW TV - 'The Forgotten Son' Eddie Colon

SEW Crusierweight - The Chad Malenko

SEW Tag Team - The Samoan Savages (Ekmo and Kimo)



The #1 territory in the NWA, MACW was formed after a heated arguement with Ric Flair and Eric Bischoff which ending up with Ric Flair leaving. Flair who thought that Bischoff tarnished everything that SEW stood for, decided to open up MACW. But the frequently question was asked. How did Flair have the rights to MACW when Crockett sold it to Ted Turner? Well Ric Flair was Jim Crockett's right hand man. Crockett didn't want the acutal rights to go to Ted Turner because he thought that Turner was going to ruin the legacy of MACW. So he sold the company to Turner but secretly sold the acutal name to Ric Flair which allowed him to open up a company using the MACW name. In May of 2000 MACW hosted their first show back. The event saw the debut of Kurt Angle (A person who Flair tried to convince Bischoff of signing but Bischoff thought that Angle was an over hyped celebrity.) and the return of 'Mean' Mark Calloway to the states. However the suprise of the night would be 'HBK' Shawn Micheals jumping ship from SEW to MACW. MACW would go on to host an alternative to sports entertainmenment. In the years we've seen Kurt Angle go on to be the greatest NWA Heavyweight Champion of the 21st Century, the rise of Randy Orton, the retirement of Ric Flair by Randy Orton, and the rise of 'Hollywood Made' Ken Anderson. Today you can catch MACW Showdown on Thrusday's on ESPN.


MACW World - 'Hollywood Made' Ken Anderson

MACW U.S. - 'Bad Ass' Justin Hawk Bradshaw

MACW Tag Team - Charlotte Most Wanted

NWA World - 'The Legacy' Randy Orton



By 2001 the AWE was in it's hottest period. The AWE started to air more risque angles. This was dubbed the 'Risque Era' with gimmicks suck as Lady Laurer( A woman who would fight men to prove she's more than a women), The Godfatha (A pimp who would sell his 'hoes' to the wrestlers for money and iilegaly gambles backstage.), and Big Baldo (A wanna be hip hop gangster.). In 2003 Bret Hart lost a "Loser Leaves AWE Match' against Doomsday and left the AWE for CSW after his father's death. Also The British Bulldog also retired in 2003 and left for CSW to be the head trainer of The Dungeon. Jean Paul Levesque formed Evolution with Dave Batista, Mark Jindrak and Rene Dupree with Ted DiBiase. The group would dominate until 2004 when Dupree left for CSW. Today the likes of John Cena, Dave Batista, and Sheik Magnus Hassan (Muhammed Hassan) can be seen headlining the company.


AWE World- 'The All-Star Soldier' John Cena

AWE All-Star - 'The Masterpiece' Chris Mordetsky (Chris Masters)

AWE Tag Team - Hollywood Hennigans (John Hennigan and Jeter Hennigan(Johnny Jeter)

AWE Divas- 'Beautiful' Barbie Blank



CSW found new life in the 2000's with 'The Wild Pegasus' Chris Beniot who is one of the greatest NWA Champions of all time. Benoit and Hart started a long rivalry that would span over a year with great matches. Beniot nfinally ended the fued after defeating Hart in a 'Submission Match' for the CSW World. Beniot would drop the title to Pillman. Also in 2003 Bret Hart finally returned to his home by helping Sexton Copeland defeat the crazy Brian Pillman. Sexton Copeland then turned heel in 2005 and by 2006 became one oof the most hated heels on the planet. We are currently seeing a Hart family fued that has spilt the harts into the Black Hart Foundation and The Hart Foundation.


CSW World - 'Canadian Rage' Christian Cage

CSW Maple Leaf - 'The Monster' Bob Sapp

CSW Tag Team - The Black Harts (Teddy Hart and Jack Evans)

NWA Tag Team - The Stampede Bulldogs (Harry Smith and TJ Wilson)



ECW is going through a slump right now with all of its top talent leaving. In 2005 Raven left ECW after a falling out with Paul Heyman. Samoa Joe got signed to a written contract with SEW and Justin Credible wanted to do other things. However, ECW is still able to produce some of the best brawls in the U.S. with names such as Taz, Abyss, Giant Bernard, Tito Ortiz, and Homicide. But they have been challenged for their throne as the undisputed #1 hardcore promotion by NWA: Sin City. Only time will tell if things can change.


ECW World - Giant Bernard

ECW TV - 'Classic' Adam Pearce

ECW Tag Team - Angry Amish Roadkil and Dastardly Danny Doring

ECW FTW - Tito Ortiz



Smokey Mountain Wrestling has also recieved new talent. However they started off with controversy as Jeff Jarrett got into a fight with well known troublemaker Brian Lawler. Jerry would then fire Jarrett and push his soin to the moon. Jarrett said that he would never work in the same territory with Lawler ever. But 'The Memphis Hero' Jesse James Armstrong was the hottest star in the Mid-South territory. Even Jerry Lawler said that there was no one better than 'The Memphis Hero'. Another innovative concept that SMW created was the X-Division. With top X Class wrestlers like 'The Prodigy' Austin Aries, The Amazing Red, and Ultimo Dragon, don't be suprised if SMW continues to grow in popularity.


SMW World - 'The Memphis Hero' Jesse James Armstrong

SMW X Division - 'The Prodigy' Austin Aries

SMW Tag Team - James Gibson and Kid Kash

NWA Junior Heavyweight - 'The Tennessee Pitbull' James Gibson



The AWA was also witness to a rebirth in 2004 as the company was sold to a Minnesota buisnessman named Don Richards who was a fan of the AWA for the 70's and 80's. Richards decided to give the AWA an old school feel with stars such as Steve Corino, Jerry Lynn, Mr Wrestling III, and Charlie Haas. With quality matches from the company, it seems as if the AWA has finally turned around.


AWA World - Steve Corino

AWA Tag Team- The Russian Conrads (Boris Alexiev and Oleg Kolzov)



The absolute #1 promotion in Mexico. During the 2000's it seemed as if 'The Black Tiger' Eddy Gurerruo was the hottest thing in Mexico. His legendary fueds with Rey Misterio Jr. and Konnan were unmatched. Now he's exclusive only to LLP. Along with Mexican superstars such as Konnan, Vampiro, and Mistico and American wrestlers such as Low Ki, Bryan Danielson, and Matt Sydal, things are looking good.


LLP Universal - Mistico

LLP Lucha Libre - Tiger Mask V (TAKA Michinoku)


NWA:Sin City

The newest territory for the NWA, NWA: Sin City is a urban style violent wrestling. Orginally formed by Rob Black before selling the company to Kevin Kleinrock in 2007. The company boast talent such as Ron Killings, Chris Hero, Raven, ICP, and CM Punk and is currently rivaling ECW in popularity. Who will win only time will tell.


NWA:SC World - 'The Straight Edge Saint' CM Punk

NWA:SC Xtreme - New Jack

NWA:SC Tag Team - ICP (Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope)



Golden State Wrestling was the brainchild of 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. This promotion opened up in 1990 as an old school style of wrestling. However due to financial problems the company shut down it's doors by 2001. However, in 2006 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper sold GSW to Super Dragon who opened up the company right in it's old stomping ground. This version of GSW is more of a comedy style which hasn't impressed the board. Can GSW prove that they can host kick ass action?


GSW So Cal Heavyweight - Super Dragon

GSW So Cal Tag - The Major Brothers (Brent and Brian Major)

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Company Information

Name: South Eastern Pro-Wrestling [sEW]

Size: National

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Style: Southern Sports Entertainment


SEW Roster

(Roster subject to change)


Main Eventers


'Cool' Carlito Colon - SEW Heavyweight Champion

'The Samaon Wrecking Machine' Samoa Joe


Booker T

- - - - -

Montel Vontavious Porter

The Rock

'Lion Heart' Chris Jericho

'Iron Man' Brock Lesnar


Upper Midcarders


'Mexican Warrior' Rey Mysterio

'The Phenomenal 1' AJ Styles

Diamond Dallas Page

Ken Shamrock

- - - - -

'The Magnifacent' Chirs Champange

'Studdly' Scott Steiner


'The Alpha Male' Monty Brown




Jushin 'Thunder' Lyger

D'Lo Brown

Bubba Ray Dudley

Devon Dudley

Deuce Shade

Dice Domino

Petey Kidman

Jim Duggan

Ultimo Dragon

'Jamacian Loverboy' Kofi Kingston

'Just' Jay Lethal

- - - - -

'Digusting' Brian Knobs

'Dirty' Jerry Sags

Ekmo - SEW Tag Team Champion

Kimo - SEW Tag Team Champion

Bam Bam Bigelow

Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell

Mr. Germany

Johnny The Bull

'The' Chad Malenko

'The Forgotten Son' Eddie Colon - SEW Television Champion

'Mr. Everything' Billy Gunn

'The New Breed' Elijah Burke - SEW North American Champion

Disco Dynamite


Lower Midcarders


'Bollywood Baby' Sonjay Dutt

Jody Fleisch

Jimmy Yang

- - - - -

Fallen Angel

Vampire Warrior Gangrel

Shawn Davari


Vito The Ram




Lisa Moretti - Kofi Kingston

Torrie Wilson - Petey Kidman

Sharmell Huffman - Booker T

- - - - -

Kevin Sullivan - Ekmo, Kimo, Vampire Warrior Gangrel, and Fallen Angel

Stacy Carter - 'The Magnifacent' Chris Champange

Jake Roberts - Bam Bam Bigelow




Mike Tenay - Play-by-Play Announcer

'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig - Colour Commentator

'Mean' Gene Okerland - Backstage Interviewer

'Easy E' Eric Bischoff - SEW Owner


Tag Teams and Stables

The Dudleys - Bubba Ray Dudley and Devon Dudley

The Samoan Savages - Ekmo and Kimo

The Ram N' Bull Connection - Johnny The Bull and Vito The Ram

The Nasty Boys - Brian Knobs and Jerry Sags

The Un-Touchables - Deuce Shade and Dice Domino


Championships and Champions


SEW Heavyweight Champion - 'Cool' Carlito Colon [Defences: N/A]

SEW North American Champion - 'The New Breed' Elijah Burke [Defences: N/A]

SEW Tag Team Champions - The Samoan Savages [Defences: N/A]

SEW Cruiserweight Champion - 'The' Chad Malenko [Defences: N/A]

SEW Television Champion - 'The Forgetten Son' Eddie Colon [Defences: N/A]

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