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The Motor City Insider

MCW: What What WHAT!?!?!? Results

Thursday, Week 3, July 2016


Hey there everyone, I'm Mark Smart, and I'm bringing you the results for MCW's first show in months, straight from War Memorial Auditorium, in front of a capacity crowd of 1,999 fans! The fans were treated to some exclusive action that won't be found on the DVD, as The Texas Wranglers beat Underworld Connection and Joe/Campbell, and Dean Waldorf defeated young Felix Harding on the preshow. What you'll see starts here, with


Riley McManus vs Crazy Blue vs Nelson Callum for the MCW Eurocontinental title

McManus looked great out there, fending off the high-flying Callum and the heavy hitting Blue Man, ending the match with a Spider Clutch on Blue after tossing Callum from the ring. D-, and Riley keeps his title safe for now





"Entertaining" Garry Green, Black Bolt, and Warren Technique vs Buck Enterprises

Bolt and Technique were out first, followed by their eccentric partner, Garry Green, and his lovable sidekick, Bubbles. out next, however, came the formidable grouping known as Buck Enterprises with Ms. Buck. The faces did their best to fight off the group, but the power of DaLay and technique of Johnson and Thompson proved to be too much, as a DaLay Full Nelson, Johnson German Suplex, and Thompson Cutter left Black Bolt blacked out in the middle of the ring. Even though the bad guys remained fairly dominant, Green still came out of the match looking good, using Bubbles' hijinx on the outside as a distraction to get some decent offense in on the hired hands. Buck Enterprises win, E





Buck Enterprises is taking over MCW!

Now that it was safe to say the massacre in the ring was over, Ms. Buck entered with a microphone. She looked at the beaten bodies of the men at her feet and smirked.


"Mr. Sawyer, I made you an offer. I was willing to make this easy for you," she stated. "But you had to go and be stubborn. You had to go and make this hard for both of us. Now you've seen what I brought to the table, the most dominant group of men this company has ever seen, and I'm going to be honest, I'm not too impressed with the talent that you put up against us. At this point, I'm just not too sure you can even do anything to keep us from taking this company right out of your hands. What you see before you is Buck Enterprises..."


Joss Thompson snatched the microphone from her hands. "And we're taking over," he said as Ms. Buck looked at him, mouth agape. D-, decent promo, I'd say!





...For His Lady

The Express made their entrance next, with the lovely Dharma Gregg hanging on the arm of Jack Avalon. Avalon grabbed a mic as he climbed in the ring.


"Now, I know what all ya'll are thinking out there: how could I bring a lovely lady like this out here to be exposed to a couple of face-painted fruity boys?" Avalon asked. "And I'll tell ya, I told her to stay backstage, that I'd be back to give her some lovin' when I was done beatin' on some boys out here, but she insisted that she come out tonight, and who am I to deny such a beauty of anything? So tonight, baby doll, I'm devoting this win to you!"


Gregg bounced with joy and gave Jack a bear hug that Bruce the Giant would be proud of, and Babyface just stood to the side shaking his head. E+





The Express vs The Haunting for the MCW Tag Team Championship

The Haunting are cashing in on their title shot, and rushed to the ring to meet the Express head-on. Their usual approach of beating their opponents into submission appeared to be working, too, as the early going saw them isolate Babyface McQueen, and it looked like he was almost done before he got the hot tag to Avalon, who proceeded to clean house. But as soon as McQueen and Avalon set up Mercier for the Express Train, Dharma Gregg jumped up on the apron and requested a kiss from Avalon, who, not one to displease the ladies, complied. Mercier saw an opportunity here, and went for a roll-up, but Avalon countered it into a pin of his own to get the win. As he and McQueen celebrated, Gregg had a disappointed look on her face while giving Avalon a celebratory hug. The Express retain, D





Kid Fantastic vs Flash Savage for the MCW All Star Championship

Kid Fantastic, the daredevil from the west coast, made his debut here, and he clearly had pressure on him, fighting for a title in his very first match. His high flying style put a lot of pressure on Savage as well, who wasn't used to fighting a wrestler with as much energy as the new comer. Being a veteran proved to help Savage in the end, however, as he had time to develop a close-knit partnership with Oscar Golden, who came in and smacked Fantastic with a huge lariat while Savage distracted the ref, allowing the Flashy One to get the pin. Savage retains, E+





CLM vs Jake Idol

The next match saw "Hollywood" Jake Idol taking on California Love Machine, in a battle of the Southwest. Idol and CLM are both coming off of losses, but Idol has been on a hot streak, performance-wise, having stepped up his game majorly in the past few weeks. This proved to be pivotal here, as that drive helped him push through CLM, who couldn't seem to stop the Hollywood star. The fact that Idol cheated his way through the match didn't seem to help CLM, either. Idol takes the V, D+





Garcia's got a plan for Hellion

Backstage, and Adrian Garcia is standing alongside Hellion, who's looking as monstrous as ever.


"Do you see this man?" Garcia asked, motioning to Hellion. "This man is a star, the brightest shining one in this entire company. But for some reason, a shroud has been pulled over him, dimming the light that a supernova such as himself should exude. I've had a long time to think about this, and I believe I came up with a solution. Something that will pull the American Hellspawn into the light that he deserves. You're all going to see soon enough, and believe me, you're gonna need sunglasses when you look in that ring." D+





Wolf-Rayne are pissed

Wolfsbaine and Greg Rayne are out for the tag match, but they've got something to say first.


"The last time you saw me, I was laying in the ring with a broken arm," Rayne said. "Marc Speed had to try and end my career to take my title. I've been through a tougher rehab than anyone could even imagine to get back here, and Speed won't even sign the rematch contract! Instead, he's taking the coward's way out, and avoiding me by going on this "International Title Tour" of his. I'm here to tell you Speed, that I'm coming for you. You threatened my livelihood, and I'm not going to take that lightly."


"And now, we're here to **** **** up!" Wolfsbaine added in.


"Whoa, whoa, Logan, let's try and keep this a family show!"


"Sorry, bro, I just get kind of excited sometimes," Wolfsbaine apologized.


"Just save it for the ring. Now, uh, give me your mic..." Rayne replied, as Nick Booth's music hit. D-





Greg Rayne and Wolfsbaine vs Nick Booth and Tully Angeles

The heels were fairly dominant in the early going, pounding on the good guys and targeting Rayne's arm for a bit, until Wolfsbaine got a little bit of adrenaline going and started slamming bodies all around. He nailed Angeles with a Pumphandle Slam and then tagged in Rayne, who leaped off the top and engulfed Angeles with a frogsplash. After the match, the two men celebrated, and Rayne made a title belt motion around his waste, and said that he was coming for Marc Speed. However, when Wolfsbaine slapped him on his shoulder, he smarted a bit, showing that it wasn't yet fully healed. D+





Lee Rivera vs ACID II

The mysterious ACID II is making his debut against one of MCW's most decorated stars, former two time tag team champion, two time All Star champion, Global champion, and Crippler Invitational cup holder, Lee Rivera. The two flashy stars clashed in a battle of speed, and ACID showed off some maneuvers never before seen in MCW. The two used springboards, running dives, and some very unorthodox takedowns in their attempt to win, but in the end it seemed like the Crippler Invitational cup holder proved to be too much for the toxic mask, as the match ended with a frustrated ACID low-blowing Rivera and skulking off to the back. Rivera wins by DQ, C-





Kashmir Singh vs Marc Speed for the MCW World Heavyweight Championship

Kashmir Singh makes his return to MCW in a highly publicized match, taking on Marc Speed in a match that will transform the Motor City Global championship into a true World Heavyweight Championship. The two men went to town on each other, with neither man really showing any advantage. Speed would repeatedly take control of the encounter, only to have Singh wrest it away from him, powering out of submissions and fighting back with an explosive offense. It looked like Singh could win the match at one point, setting Speed up for a Bollywood Bomber after accidentally bumping the ref, when the American Hellspawn, Hellion, hit the ring with force. Hellion grabbed Singh off of the top turnbuckle, and destroyed him with a Devolution Bomb before rolling out of the ring, allowing Speed to get the pin and win. Speed wins, C





The Brightest Stars

After the match, Hellion continued his assault on Singh. Adrian Garcia walked out onto the ramp with a smug grin on his face, applauding the work he saw before him.


"I've got to tell you, even I didn't think it would turn out this well," he said. "The stars in the ring right now are so bright, Singh can't even open his eyes!"


Hellion and Speed lifted the head of Singh, revealing him to be unconscious.


"What you see before you is a constellation, and I'm the anchor. I now advise the two most powerful men in this company! There's not a man in the back that can even come close to taking down these two larger than life supernovas. Now that I'm advising Marc Speed as well as Hellion, I might as well run this company!" Garcia looked out at the crowd, beaming from ear to ear.


"Hold on, just for a minute," interrupted Speed. "I'm not interested in taking over the company. If I was, I would have joined up with Haley Buck and her jackasses. All I want is to keep this title around my waste."


"Oh, you will," said Garcia. "Trust me, you will." And with that, Garcia smiled wider than ever at his new prospect.





Final Thoughts

What an awesome way to kick off a tour! In the end, I would give MCW a C- for this show. Not only did they put on some great matches, they've set a great starting point for a couple of storylines.


Singh is going to have a lot of momentum following an awesome match like that, which is something the company needs pretty badly.


The international stars that are being planned on bringing in should also help build some much needed overness for the more permanent wrestlers in the company.


MCW needs to find more angles to work based around the skills of their workers, like they do with Hellion. Some of the guys, ***coughRobDaLaycough*** can't get by just standing there and looking tough. They aren't over enough yet. Let him be menacing, like a bodyguard should be.


Looks like two heel factions are developing. I'm smelling some trouble for the good guys of MCW! But with Hellion effectively acting as Marc Speed's muscle now, where does that leave Nick Booth, who was left alone tagging with Tully Angeles in a losing effort tonight?





MCW On Edge

Team Justice(Black Bolt and Kid Fantastic) vs Buck Enterprises(Rob DaLay and Jared Johnson)

Garry Green vs Jackpot Jordan

Joe/Campbell vs Underworld Connection

Riley McManus vs Dean Waldorf for the MCW Eurocontinental Championship

Wolfsbaine vs Joss Thompson

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The Motor City Insider

MCW On Edge Results

Tuesday, Week 4, July 2016


Hey there all you Motor City Maniacs! I'm Mark Smart, reporting in on the latest show of MCW's On Edge Tour. This week, we checked into the Rainbow Bar & Grill in Orlando, Florida. In front of a rowdy crowd of, err...12 people, the men of MCW tour down the house, and put on a great show.


To kick off the show, Ms. Buck led Rob DaLay and Jared Johnson into battle against Black Bolt and newcomer Kid Fantastic. The high flying super heroes duo, calling themselves Team Justice, tried to use their speed to overcome the hostile Buck Enterprises, but they looked outclassed from the start, and Black Bolt fell to a Double J MDK Bomb. E-


Garry Green's out next with Bubbles, who looks happy to be backing up her client. Green dances his way down the ramp with the cheeky chimp, and grabs a mic when he gets to the ring. After scoping out the crowd, he finds a plump gal in the front, well, only row, and starts to hit on her, at one point offering her a banana. No way faster to a big gal's heart than a delicious treat, I always say. When it looks like he might be getting somewhere, Jackpot Jordan's music hits, interrupting the good time at ringside. Jordan was looking to replicate his partner's singles success here, but it just wasn't to be, as Green finished the match in comedic fashion, pulling Jordan's trousers down and rolling him up for the V. E+


Cut to the backstage area, and Adrian Garcia is standing alongside Hellion and reighning World Heavyweight Champion Marc Speed.


"I understand that some of you out there are wondering just what happened in last week's main event match," began Garcia. "Since most of you are too dumb to figure it out on your own, I'll keep it simple: I was protecting my business interests. You see, I approached Marc Speed after the Crippler Invitational, and I offered him a place in my organization."

"That's right," Speed said. "And I took him up on that offer. He told me that I would get rich, that I would blow up and become a star, but I don't care about that. All I care about is keeping this title-" Speed patted the belt around his waist-"And by aligning myself with him I'm guaranteed to never lose this belt. Before, I didn't think I could lose to anyone. Now, I know I can't. Not with someone like him backing me up," Speed finished, motioning to a snarling Hellion.

"And let me tell you, when you have two stars as bright as these men, you only attract more. Get you're glasses ready, people, because soon, we're going to be brighter than the sun."


Wow, if people thought Speed was going to be hard to beat before, he's going to be impossible to topple with that behemoth guarding him! We cut back to the ring now with tag team action in store, as Joe/Campbell take on Underworld Connection. The match was back and forth for the most part, with Regular Joe dropping Antonio del Vicci with a Joe and Behold for the win. E


The next match saw Riley McManus defending his Eurocontinental title against Dean Waldorf. The two technicians put on a wrestling clinic, going hold for hold until McManus finally locked in the Spider Clutch to pick up the win against Waldorf and keep his title. E+


Ms. Buck is back on the scene, this time with the takeover artist, Joss Thompson. This match was to be the first real test for Buck Enterprises, as Thompson took on young powerhouse Wolfsbaine. I guess you can't really take over a company if you only fight on the undercard. Both men tore into each other from the beginning, Wolfsbaine using throws and submissions to wear down the quicker Thompson, who relied on speedy strikes and a bit of unfair offense to try and control the pace of the match. In the end, it was Thompson who came out on top, finishing off the promising young star with a Clean Cutter. D


Final Thoughts

A decent show, I'd say. The Floridians weren't real familiar with the product or the wrestlers, but MCW still managed to put on a good show, earning a D- rating from me.


After seeing what happened last week, I'd definitely be scared of Marc Speed and Hellion if I were on the roster. Hell, I'm not on the roster, and I'm scared!


I'm not exactly sure, but I believe I saw the...pretty lady from the front row pass a phone number to Garry Green. Will Bubbles mind sharing the attentions of the entertaining one?


Buck Enterprises continues with their hostile takeover. Rob DaLay and Jared Johnson, picked up a win, no matter how ugly it was, and Joss Thompson defeated Wolfsbaine to lend some credibility to the group.


On a side note, MCW has contracted luchadors Felipe Caballero and El Luchador Originale. Look for them to debut soon!




MCW On Edge

Crazy Blue and Felix Harding vs Rob DaLay and Jared Johnson

The Express vs Underworld Connection for the MCW tag team championships

"Entertaining" Garry Green vs ACID II

Riley McManus vs El Luchador Originale for the MCW Eurocontinental Championship

Kid Fantastic vs Jake Idol

Kashmir Singh and CLM vs Marc Speed and Hellion


Send in your predictions for the next show now!




OOC: I decided to drop the backstage segments. I'm going to stick to the internet report format for now. Once I started it, I started to enjoy writing as Mark Smart. Anyone have any preferences?

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The Motor City Insider

MCW On Edge Results

Tuesday, Week 1, August 2016


Hey everyone! I'm your favorite wrestling insider, Mark Smart! MCW stayed down in Florida this week, running a second show in the Rainbow Bar & Grill. I asked everyone to raise their hands so I could account for them, and the fan base grew this week! Looks like the word around town's been spreading, because 16 people showed up to watch the action this week!


The show kicked off as Buck Enterprises made their way to the ring, a microphone in Ms. Buck's hand. Ms. Buck looked as smug as ever as she stepped through the ropes.


"Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Sawyer..." she began. "You should have taken us seriously. You thought you were safe, that we would be content destroying your scraps, but last week Joss Thompson proved that Buck Enterprises is capable of beating anyone in your company."


DaLay and Johnson nodded as Thompson took the mic. "You know, they always said I wasn't good enough to make it America. That I had to run away to another country and fool them into thinking I was good. Well, I didn't have to fool anyone over there, and I'm not going to fool anyone here. I'm going to take this company, and I'm going to push it to the top."


"That's right," Ms. Buck interrupted. "Because we're Buck Enterprises, and we're--"


"Taking over," Thompson finished.


Thompson and Ms. Buck exited the ring, leaving DaLay and Johnson to get ready for their opponents, Australians Crazy Blue and Felix Harding. The two young Aussies put up a fight in the beginning of the match, but once DaLay got his hands on Harding, he was able to plant the young competitor into the ground with a powerbomb to get the win. E-


The tag team action continued, as The Express defended their titles against Underworld Connection. The criminal duo revealed before the match that despite losing last, they had "procured" a contract giving them a title shot. They had the champions on the ropes at multiple points in the match, using Jack Avalon's habit of paying a bit too much attention to Dharma Gregg against him. The finish came when a breeze appeared to knock down Gregg, which prompted Avalon to check on her, leaving Babyface McQueen alone in the ring with Underworld. It wasn't the criminal's lucky day, however, as McQueen was able to toss Brady Prince from the ring and finish off Antonio del Vicci with a Dizzy Lariat. D


ACID II came out next, followed by Garry Green and Bubbles, who looked genuinely scared of the masked man. Green tried to console the chimp, at one point pulling a banana from his trunks and offering it to her, but she was having none of it, and returned to the backstage area on Green's request. Green's usual tactics faking out his opponent with tricks and jokes had no effect on ACID, so he resorted to the more traditional "punch the guy in the face" tactics, but ACID proved to be too quick and technically sound, as he took the brawler down and used old fashioned wrestling, before finishing him off with an Acid Drip. E


El Luchador Originale came out next with a picture of Riley McManus. The portrait was soon ripped into one thousand pieces by the luchador, prompting the packed bar to boo the masked man. McManus followed him to the ring, and the two put on an entertaining match, with Originale using quickness and speed to try and capture McManus' title, and Riley slowing hmi down with holds and throws. The match end saw McManus transition directly from a German suplex to the Spider Clutch to get the win. D-


Jake Idol and Kid Fantastic made their way to the ring for match. Idol controlled the match for the most part, which saw him stuffing the wannabe superhero's every attempt at building momentum. The finish saw Idol roll out of the way of a Fantastic 450 to secure the win. E


Adrian Garcia led Hellion and Marc Speed to the ring, set do tag team battle with Kashmir Singh and CLM. The match remained fairly even, as Singh and CLM were familiar enough with Marc Speed to not fall into any of his traps, leaving Hellion as the deciding factor in the match. Eventually, the American Hellspawn was able to grab hold of CLM and deliver a devastating Devolution Bomb to get the win. D-


Final Thoughts

You know, I'm not too sure that Floridians like the MCW product. I would have given this show a higher score, but with the crowd reactions facotred in, I'd say it's a D- at best.


Wow, Garry Green and ACID II worked horribly together. I guess Bubbles has some precognitive abilities and was trying to warn Green, huh?


Either Dharma Gregg's really needy, or something's up with her. This reporter's expecting McQueen to get tired of her antics soon enough!


Adrian Garcia put up an open contract to face Marc Speed next week for the championship. Is anyone backstage brave enough to run the risk known as Hellion for a chance at championship gold?


Until next week, I'm Mark Smart, everyone's favorite smark, and I've got some tapes to watch! Good night everyone!



MCW On Edge

"Entertaining" Garry Greenwith Bubbles vs El Luchador Originale

CLM vs Joss Thompson

The Express vs The Haunting for the MCW Tag Team Championship

Nelson Callum vs Flash Savage for the MCW All Star Championship

Lee Rivera and Greg Rayne vs ACID II and Nick Booth

Marc Speed vs ??? for the MCW World Heavyweight Championship

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The Motor City Insider

MCW On Edge Results

Tuesday, Week 2, August 2016


MCW is coming from the Simmons Center in Reno, Nevada, this week, and a grand total of 47 fans showed up to view the next chapter in MCW history!


"Entertaining" Garry Green with Bubbles kicked off the show in a neat little match with veteran El Luchador Originale. The luchador put up a decent enough fight in this one, but the unpredictable style of Green was eventually enough to get the win for the newcomer. Post-match, Green brought Bubbles into the ring and the two proceeded to dance in celebration. D


CLM was looking to make up for his loss last week against Hellion and Marc Speed in this next match against Joss Thompson. At times, it looked like the California Lover had the match in his hands, but Thompson proved to be extremely tough to bring down. Having a man the size of Rob DaLay at ringside certainly didn't help his cause, either. In the end Thompson landed a Clean Cutter to put CLM down. After the match, the rest of Buck Enterprises joined him in the ring to celebrate. D-


We cut to the backstage area now, where The Canadian Blondes are conversing with American blonde, Nelson Callum.

"Make it easy on yourself, and just do it," Flash Savage said.


"We Canadians are loyal people, and we will remember this," Oscar Golden added.


"Look, that's I appreciate you offering me a favor and all, but that's not gonna cut it," Callum replied. "There's no way in hell I'm laying down for you. This is a chance to win a title, after all."


"I'm only gonna ask you one more time--" Savage said.


"Forget it," interrupted Golden. "We gave him a warning. He's made his bed, and now he has to sleep in it. Let's go, eh?"

The Canadian Blondes began walking off and Callum waved after them. "See you boys in the ring. I'm gonna enjoy this!" he shouted after them, shaking his head.


The next match scheduled was The Express vs The Haunting in yet another match for the tag team championships. Prior to the start of the match, however, Jack Avalon grabbed a mic and turned towards Dharma Gregg.


"Dharma, baby," he said, "I know we ain't been together that long, but there's something about you. You make me wanna do some pretty damn crazy things, and tonight, I'mma gonna be doin' another one of 'em."


Babyface McQueen stood to the side, staring at the ground and shaking his head, while Gregg stared at Avalon, puzzled. "McQueen, hand it here," Avalon said, turning to McQueen, who handed him a small box. Turning back to his lady, Avalon dropped to one knee. "Dharma, will you be my bride?" he asked, opening the box to reveal a huge diamond ring. "It was my Grammy's," he added.


"Uhmm," Dharma managed to get out, an astonished look on her face. "Uhh, can, can I, can I think about for a while?"


Avalon stopped for a minute, before recovering. "Sure baby, take your time."


"Hey, buddy," McQueen interrupted, patting Avalon on the shoulder. "We got a match to wrestle."


"Well hell, I almost forgot!" Avalon shouted, getting excited once more. "Let's whip some ass!"


The match itself was a little better than the standard brawl these two teams had put on before, with some interesting new double team moves coming from The Haunting. The end saw Dharma Gregg interfere once more, when she got on the apron to give Avalon an extended kiss, leaving Babyface to fight off the bad guys all on his lonesome. He managed, however, and finished Marc Mercier with a DDT. When Avalon went to celebrate with his partner, the younger champion angrily left the ring and walked up the ramp. D+


The match between Nelson Callum and Flash Savage for his All Star championship was next, and the conversation between the two men earlier seemed to have sparked a fire beneath Callum, who never seemed to let up on the Canadian Blonde. Even interference from Oscar Golden wasn't enough to stop him, and he dominated the entire match until the end, where he locked in the Honey Trap submission to force Savage to tap out and give up his title. E+


Crippler Invitational winner Lee Rivera was absent last week, but made up for it when he teamed up with Greg Rayne to battle Nick Booth and ACID II. The match was fairly even throughout, but Rivera began to develop a definite edge toward the end, a fact that upset ACID II so much that he up and left, leaving Nick Booth to fend for himself against the talented faces. The end saw Rivera land a devastating Senton Bomb on Booth to get the win. D+


Marc Speed and Adrian Garcia awaited the arrival of their mystery opponent, when a familiar wolf's howl was heard throughout the building, and Wolfsbaine was revealed to be the challenger! Speed accepted the challenge heartily, and the two squared off in a great match. The much stronger Wolfsbaine was proving to be a challenge for Speed, who was having trouble working any submissions into the match without having Baine power out of them. Eventually, Speed turned his focus to the arm of the powerhouse, effectively cutting his power in half. The end saw Speed sit down and lock in the Straddle Arm Breaker to force Wolfsbaine to tap, not wanting to suffer the same fate as Greg Rayne. C-


After the match, Speed continued his assault, accompanied by the rampaging hellspawn, Hellion. Enter Kashmir Singh for the save, wielding a steel chair, and swinging wildly. All 47 folks in the audience were actually on their feet at this point, cheering on Kashmir Singh, who was now checking on Wolfsbaine as Speed, Hellion, and Adrian Garcia backed up the ramp.


Final Notes

I'd give this show a solid C-. Solid matches all around with a good main event to top off the show.


The Callum/Savage match was disappointing considering the two are both decent talents and don't have any bad chemistry together. The title change is going to work out better for both of them I think, so I guess it's better this way.


That's it for MCW this week! I'm Mark Smart, your number one smark, and I'll be back bringing you more MCW action next week!



MCW On Edge

Riley McManus vs Antonio del Vicci

Joe/Campbell vs Buck Enterprises(DaLay and Johnson) vs The Texas Wranglers in a #1 contender match

Nelson Callum vs Marc Marcier for the MCW Eurocontinental championship

Greg Rayne vs Tully Angeles

Kashmir Singh vs Hellion

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The Motor City Insider

MCW On Edge Results

Tuesday, Week 3, August 2016


MCW is back in the mid-south, and the fans were lining up to see the last show before Showdown in Chinatown. The Colorado Springs bar was packed with 158 fans eager to see the action of the night start, and they got what the wanted with a championship bout.


Riley McManus vs Antonio del Vicci for the MCW Eurocontinental Championship

McManus brought the fire early in this match, overwhelming Antonio with some crisp, old school technical wrestling. Antonio, however, while not technically gifted, would punch his way out of many of McManus' submissions. In the end, it just wasn't enough, and McManus scored the win with a Spider Clutch. E+





Buck Enterprises Make an Official Challenge

Before McManus could leave the ring, Buck Enterprises made their way out onto the ramp.


"Good show, Mr. McManus, good show," Ms. Buck commented. "You left my associates and me very impressed."

"What's your point, Buck?" Riley questioned, looking very suspicious of the conniving woman on the ramp.


"It's simple, really," Ms. Buck answered. "I'm challenging you to a match at Showdown in Chinatown, with that shiny golden belt of yours on the line."


Riley stared her down. "And just who's challenging me?"


Ms. Buck giggled. "Why, Mr. McManus, it's a surprise! Isn't it exciting?"


Riley looked at the potential challengers: The powerhouse DaLay, the technician Johnson, and the always dangerous Thompson. He paused for a moment. "You're on." D-





New Number One Contenders

Next up was some tag team action, which saw Joe/Campbell, The Texas Wranglers, and and DaLay and Johnson tearing into each other for a shot at the tag team champions. The match was fairly even, but came to an abrupt end when The Texas Wranglers leveled Regular Joe with a Lasso Lariat to get the win. E





The Express is Gonna Keep on Rolling

The Express are standing backstage, sans Dharma Gregg, shown watching The Wranglers celebrate their win on a monitor.


"Just another couple of challengers," McQueen commented. "Ain't nothing we can't handle."


"That's right, brother," Avalon said. "We've been through every team in this company once, twice, three times, four. We done proved we can't be beat."


"Ain't it the truth brother-man," McQueen said.


"And now, with my baby Dharma on our side, ain't no way in hell anyone's gonna beat us."


"Look, I've been meaning to speak with over that little matter..." McQueen said.

"Hey brother, it's gonna have to wait, I gotta meet Dharma for a little get-together. She might have an answer tonight!" Avalon excitedly proclaimed, before rushing off, leaving McQueen alone, shaking his head at his partner. D-





Callum's First Defense

Nelson Callum met his first challenge in the form of Marc Mercier head-on, using his ever-increasing areal skills to keep the heavy-hitter off balance. Callum eventually ended the match with a devastating top-rope knee drop. E+





Greg Rayne is Back in Singles Competition

...against power house Tully Angelus. The man with the messiah complex battered the former champion for the better pert of the match, but the resilient Rayne was able to fight back, and after climbing to the top, hit a Rayne of Terror splash for the win. D+





For the Save!

Post-match, an angry Angelus took it upon himself to exact revenge on Rayne, beating the former champ to a pulp before setting him up for The Prophecy. When he did, however, Wolfsbaine hit the ring, chasing the muscle man up the ramp to save his sometimes partner Rayne, who looked seriously injured. E+





A New Stipulation

Kashmir Singh is out next, and it looks as though he has something to say. "The last time I had a title match, I believe it ended a bit unfairly, wouldn't you say?" The crowd cheered in agreement. "That's why I have a bit of a proposal for Adrian Garcia tonight."


Garcia walked onto the ramp with Hellion, looking as scary as ever. "I'm listening," he said.


"Good to see you, Adrian," Singh said. "I was just thinking that we could add an extra little stipulation to my match tonight with you scary-looking friend. If I can beat him, then what do you say you give me another title shot against Marc Speed? You do control all of his contracts, do you not?"


"I do. I like this idea, but let's make it a little more interesting. You have to beat Hellion in under 10 minutes to get your shot."


"That sounds wonderful! You're in for a great show tonight!"





Showbiz in Hell

That's what I would describe this match as, one that saw Kashmir Singh get whipped from ring post to ring post for the better part of ten minutes. To all the fans in attendance, myself included, it looked as if Singh wouldn't be getting his desired match, as Hellion smothered him in offense from the start of the match. However, with 45 seconds left in the match, Singh pulled a Bollywood Super Kick out of no where to pick up the shocking win, and securing himself a match with the champion at Showdown in Chinatown! At ringside, Adrian Garcia looked livid at Hellion for blowing the match. E+





Final Thoughts

Most definitely not one of MCW's better shows, but it did secure some matches for Showdown in Chinatown, so I wouldn't call it a complete failure. Still, I'm only going to give it a D-, as the midcard wasn't that great, and the main event bombed pretty badly.


Hellion proved tonight why he needs to be surrounded by more talented people such Adrian Garcia and Marc Speed. He's not near as bad as some of the big guys that are coming out nowadays, but he's most certainly no Scythe, a man I wish MCW would bring back someday.


Who's gonna be the mystery man to face Riley McManus? My money's on Jared Johnson, as his technical style means that he's going to have the most knowledge of how to counteract the champion.


MCW Showdown in Chinatown

Nelson Callum vs Oscar Golden for the MCW All Star Championship

Joe Campbell vs Buck Enterprises(??? & ???)

Riley McManus vs Buck Enterprises(???) for the MCW Eurocontinental Championship

Wolfsbaine vs Tully Angeles

Amazing Firefly vs ACID II

The Express vs The Texas Wranglers for the MCW Tag Team Championship

Lee Rivera vs Nick Booth

Kashmir Singh vs Marc Speed for the MCW World Heavyweight Championship

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I had to go out on a surprise training mission for a few weeks. Fun stuff...


The Motor City Insider

MCW Showdown in Chinatown

Thursday, Week 3, August 2016


Welcome to another edition of the Motor City Insider! I'm Mark Smart, bringing you the results of the big show, the Showdown in Chinatown, live from War Memorial Auditorium! Nearly 2,000 fans lined up to watch see the action, as the best and brightest of MCW went to war in this fitting setting.


Nelson Callum vs Oscar Golden for the MCW All Star Championship

The show kicked off hot with a match between new champion Callum and Golden, who's tag partner Flash Savage was the man Callum stole the title from. The Canadian looked good here, but Callum looked even better, forcing Golden to submit to a Honey Trap. Callum retains, D





Buck Enterprises is looking for gold

Ms. Buck led her troops to the ring, a sour look on her face. "Tonight, I was hoping to walk out of this God awful arena with three of those tacky, gold-plated belts," she said. "Instead, I'm having to settle for one. It seems only one of my employees was competent enough to secure himself a title match. Luckily," she continued, a smug look returning to her face, "I already know that Mr. Thompson here is going to defeat that bottom feeder McManus. For now, I'm going to give you all a pre-show, and you can watch Mr. DaLay and Mr. Johnson dominate in the ring."





Joe/Campbell vs Buck Enterprises

Regular Joe and Ash Campbell started this match enthusiastically, using some pretty innovative double team maneuvers to keep the less experienced team of DaLay and Johnson off-balance. For a while, it worked out excellent, until Ash Campbell was unlucky enough to get caught with a viscous spinebuster from DaLay, who then took control of the match. Still, even with such a power advantage, the match end came after DaLay delivered a low blow to Regular Joe behind the referees back, allowing Johnson to get the pin. Buck Enterprises win, E+





Riley McManus vs Joss Thompson for the Eurocontinental Championship

The main event in Ms. Buck's eye was next, as Joss Thompson and Riley McManus locked up. The match itself was a fairly even technical battle between the two men for the first few minutes, until Thompson decided that he was better off slugging it out with McManus. The strategy worked, too, as McManus seemed completely thrown off of his game, and Thompson was able to finish him with a Clean Cutter. Thompson wins the title, D-





Wolfsbaine vs Tully Angelus

Up next was yet another meeting between Woflsbaine and Angelus, who seem to have something of a rivalry going as of late. The match was one of power, with each man impressing as they were able to toss the other about the ring, seemingly effortlessly when they gained control of the match. It was Wolfsbaine who was finally able to capitalize when he got control, however, and won the match after a viscous looking German suplex. Wolfsbaine wins, D+





Amazing Fire Fly vs ACID II

Fire Fly makes his return in a match against MCW's newest masked man, ACID II. The luchador and the toxic man put on an exciting, high-flying match, and the crowd, not used to that type of match in MCW, ate it up. It might be a while before they see one again, too, as ACID hit Fly so hard with his Acid Drip, he may very well have ended up back in Mexico. ACID II wins, C-





The Express vs The Texas Wranglers for the MCW Tag Team Championship

The Wranglers were out first, looking ecstatic to be in their first tag team title match, followed by the champions, with a mean-looking Dharma Gregg. The match started off hot, with some nice back and forth brawling between DDD and Babyface McQueen. It quickly got dirty, however, when Bradley Blaze decided the turnbuckle would be better off without it's usual padding on it. After a few smashes into it behind the referees back , McQueen was bleeding fairly well. After an enzigiri to Blaze, however, he got the tag to Jack Avalon, who went to town on the Texans. Following a referee knockdown, however, Dharma Gregg managed to sneak her way into the ring, and, surprisingly, delivered a low blow to Jack Avalon! Following this, Blaze lifted him up and nailed the Texas Star as the referee recovered, just in time to make the cover, winning the championship! The Texas Wranglers win the tag titles, D





Dharma Gregg explains...kinda

"You made it hard, Avalon," Gregg said, standing over the bodies of the former tag team champs. "I didn't want to have to hurt you, but you made it too hard. Get the chairs, boys," she told the Wranglers, who slid out of the ring to retrieve them. "All you had to do was lose the titles, I was just here to help you along. But no matter what I did, you wouldn't lose." The Wranglers were back now, chairs in hand.


"Go to town, boys," she said, as the Wranglers did just that, beating on the former champs. "I bet you're wanting to know why I did this, huh? Well, it's nothing personal, I don't do personal. No, this is just business. I was hired to make you lose those tag titles, and that was it. My job's done after tonight. Now, my employer can come in and do with you as he pleases. You see, he knew that as long as you had those titles, you wouldn't get too involved in your own, personal interests. You care too much about your partner's livelihood, about holding up your end in your partnership. And you know it's true." She stopped and stared at the bloody bodies of Avalon and McQueen, as DDD and Blaze grinned at their handiwork.


"But now," she continued, "You're free to pursue your own interests, which you will. Believe me, he won't let you ignore him any longer." She stopped and looked down at her hand. "Oh, and here's you "Grand Mammy's" ring," she said, removing the ring and throwing it on the ground. "It's a little too cheap for my tastes."





Lee Rivera vs Nick Booth

It looked like it was going to be hard to follow up that shocking turn of events, but Rivera and Booth gave it a real good shot. Booth came out fists-a-blazin', taking the early lead in the match. Rivera, in stark contrast to the heavy-handedness, brick wall approach of Booth, fought back with his usual fluidity, throwing the hard-headed Booth off balance, and got the win following a senton bomb. Rivera wins, D+





Kashmir Singh vs Marc Speed for the MCW Heavyweight Championship

And now for the main event of the night, Kashmir Singh vs Marc Speed. These two tore into each other from the start, and the match quickly deteriorated into a bloody brawl, which comes as a surprise from the usually graceful Singh and the stoic submission artist Speed. Maybe being in close proximity to Hellion lately gave them a bit more spitfire tonight? Singh's last encounter with the monster only a few days earlier began to show in this match, as Speed began to tear the already-worn down Singh. Singh managed to fight back however, but after hitting a Bombay Kick on Speed, Hellion began making his way down the to the ring. As the referee turned his attention to getting the monster away from the ring, another hugely muscled man snuck in the back way, spun Singh around, and nailed a Prophecy! It's Tully Angelus! Tully Angelus just attacked Singh! Marc Speed, seeing this, crawled over locked on the Straddle Armbar, forcing Singh to tap out, and lose the match! Marc Speed retains, C+





Hell on Earth

Following the match, Adrian Garcia, Hellion, and Angelus joined Speed in the ring to celebrate.


"Ladies and gentleman," Garcia started, "What you see before you is the brightest collection of stars this company has ever seen! Hell, when we just had Marc Speed and Hellion, we were shining brighter than anyone else around here. But now, now that we've added the god of the sun and the ocean, Tully Angelus, no one can even hope to touch us!"


"That's right, Adrian," Angelus said. "I once pressed the sun-star into the sky, and I thought that to be my greatest feat. But now, oh now! Now, I lift this grouping of stars to new heights! Higher than the mighty Mt. Olympus itself! And I might add, lifting one of Hellion's impressive girth is no easy feat, eh good friend?" he asked, elbowing Hellion in the side. Hellion only snarled. "Er, nevertheless, I am here with these men to bring my word to the ears of everyone, and what better way than to be with the strongest men in the collective world, under or above!"


"Get your sunglasses ready, folks. You're going to need them the next time we're in town!" Garcia concluded.


Speed, as usual, remained silent through all of this.





Final Thoughts

What a main event! Probably the second best match in MCW history(behind only Jay Chord vs Amazing Fire Fly, in this humble reporter's opinion), and it led to the show getting a solid C- from me.


Despite what Garcia's group says, Singh is going to be a star in this company, and I think he could definitely wear the gold someday.


A lot of iffy finishes this show, which is a bad sign. That said, it did show that Buck Enterprises can be challenged by the MCW-employed, and it allowed Gregg to finally cost The Express their titles, which I think we can all say we saw coming. Where it goes from here, however, who knows? She's apparently through messing Avalon.





MCW On Edge

Tuesday, Week 4, August 2016

Warren Technique vs Joss Thompson for the Eurocontinental Championship

Joe/Campbell vs The Canadian Blondes

Rich and Famous vs The Texas Wranglers

Lee Rivera vs El Luchador Originale

Foreign Star vs Marc Speed for the MCW Heavyweight Championship

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The Motor City Insider

MCW On Edge Results

Tuesday, Week 4, August 2016


Welcome to the Motor City Insider! I'm Mark Smart, your guide into the world of the Motor City! Tonight I bring you the fall out of MCW's Showdown in Chinatown. I've just got word that fan favorites The Express and Kashmir Singh will not be in action tonight, as they're still nursing the wounds they received last Thursday. The good news, though, is that three championships will be defended tonight! Marc Speed is going to be facing a mysterious, unknown foreign star, The Texas Wranglers are going to be defending against the Rich and Famous, and the show's starting off with new Eurocontinental champion Joss Thompson defending against Warren Technique!


Joss Thompson vs Warren Technique for the MCW Eurocontinental Championship

As technically sound as Technique's name implies he should be, Thompson just wrestled circles around him. Technique got a little offense in the beginning, but once Thompson took over, he wouldn't let go. He finished the match off with a Clean Cutter. If I were part of MCW management, I'd definitely be worried about Buck Enterprises. With Thompson as a weapon, they're definitely going to be a force to be reckoned with. Thompson wins, E+





Joe/Campbell Take on a Couple of Canadian Dogs

Not that all Canadian's are dogs. Oscar Golden and Flash Savage just tend to be a couple of no good, dastardly individuals who happen to be Canadian. On their way to the ring, Regular Joe and Ash Campbell jawed to the cameras about Rob DaLay and Jared Johnson the entire way down the ramp. The match itself was fairly standard fair, with some nice teamwork shown from both sides. In the end, it was Joe and Ash who continued to look strong, finishing off Flash Savage with a double spinebuster. Joe/Campbell win, D-





Feeling Bad...for Rich and Famous

The tag title match was next, and Rich and Famous came out first, ready to take it to the new champions. That is, until the Wranglers came out right behind them, and put the boots to them prior to the match starting. The boos from the crowd rained down on the cowboys, who proceeded to the ring to begin the match.





Going for the Gold!

Surprisingly(to me at least), Jackpot and Idol made it to the ring, as banged up as they were, and they actually competed. Sure, they got beat on for the most part, but quick spurts of offense from the challengers left the Wranglers rocked as some points. Eventually, the pre-match beating proved to be too much, and Jackpot Jordan fell to a Peacemaker from DDD. DDD and Bradley Blaze retain, D-





The Original Bad Guy

El Luchador Originale came out to a chorus of boos, in stark contrast to the cheers that Lee Rivera received upon entering the arena. This looked to anger the rudo a bit, who rushed at Rivera, only to get hit with a crisp looking arm drag. Rivera controlled the match for the most part, until ACID II made his presence known, watching the match from the ramp. This clearly distracted Rivera, who let Originale sneak up behind him and hit a nice looking neckbreaker. The Rudo looked to be on his way to winning the match following this, but a flash rollup from Rivera ended his hopes of winning. Rivera Wins, D-





The Quiet One

Post match, Rivera addressed the mysterious man watching his match.


"What do you want?" Rivera asked him. "You want me to whip your ass again? I did it a month ago, and I'll do it again if I have to!"


ACID II, just stared down at Rivera. "Say something, dammit!" exclaimed Rivera. "What do you want!"

ACID, not seeming to hear him, just walked backstage.





The Mystery Man is Revealed

Marc Speed and Adrian Garcia made their way to the ring, flanked by the two muscle bound men, Hellion and Tully Angelus.


"I scoured the wrestling world to try and find as bright a star as Marc Speed, and I tell you all, it was hard," Garcia started. "I had to look outside of the US to do it. Hell, I had to look outside of the continent! Even then, I still think the man I found is just a candle compared to the fluorescent bulb that is Marc Speed!" The crowd groaned at the metaphor, causing Garcia to frown a bit. "Nevertheless, I introduce you to the man from the Orient, Dynamite Narahashi!"





Dynamite Goes for the Gold in His North American Debut!

These two put on a closely contested match, that saw Dynamite living up to his name with his explosive attacks, and Speed doing his best to keep Narahashi on the ground as much as possible. Speed eventually was able to lock in the straddle armbreaker to secure the win for himself. Speed retains, D





Final Thoughts

Alright, let's get down to it. I'm going to give this show a D. Sure, the matches weren't all that great, but the angles went over really well with the fans, which I give MCW props for.


In hindsight, Narahashi was probably not the best man to play the mysterious foreigner role. As talented as he is, he's not well known at all outside of his native Japan, so next time, I suggest bringing in someone a little more famous.


Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol are faces now. Wow. In the eight years they've been with MCW, they've always been heels. Despite the crowds sympathy towards them tonight, it might take me a little time to adjust to them being faces.


Don't expect to see The Express or Kashmir Singh back next week, either. Singh's still at home in India, so it might take him a week or two to get ready to come back to America, and The Express aren't even allowed to come to the shows right now after the beating they took. They will be back, though, and when they are, expect to find out who Dharma Gregg's mysterious employer is!


Until next week, I'm Mark Smart, and I'm leaving with the card for the very next On Edge show!




MCW On Edge

Wolfsbaine vs Dean Waldorf

The Fighting Aussies(Crazy Blue and Felix Harding) vs The Texas Wranglers

Ash Campbell vs Jared Johnson

Lee Rivera vs Nick Booth...again

And Greg Rayne will be in action!




OOC: Enjoying the diary? I know I've got some readers out there, just like to hear what you're enjoying about it and not enjoying about it. Just to help out on the writing a bit!

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