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UK Combat - First England, then the World

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First England, then the World..........Via Texas!


I sat in my office crunching numbers for March and dreading having to talk to Lance Decker…..Amazingly, as if summoned form a lamp, Lance suddenly burst into my office, with a Japanese gentleman……


Lance: “Howdy sport, this here’s Eisaku Higashikuni, he’s agreed to a buyout and will be taking control of UKC as of April 1st, now I won’t bore with the details, but the companies debt is absolved or resolved or whatever them legal types put in there and there is some other good news I’ll share with y’all in a shake of a Lambs tail.”


I sat once again speechless, it was great news that just as we were on the verge of gaining ground again I would be free of debt, but I had never met a more spontaneous person in my life, I knew better, but it was like everything did was on a whim.


Me: “Well…..blimey, I don’t quite know what to say Lance…I mean thank you, I suppose and good luck in the future……..I was hoping we would be in this together for a long time, but I understand.”


Lance: (Laughing) That’s one of those small details son, we will be in this together for a long time. Eisaku of Suzuki or whatever won’t be hiring you. Wanted to, but I told him you hate Japanese people, probably wouldn’t work, so he gave you this severance package…”


Me: “What the bloody hell? You’re out of your mind, Mr. Higashikuni, I have a great deal of respect for the Japanese, Mr. Decker is not telling the truth..”


Lance: “Son….Hold yer tongue dammit, he understands less English than a stuffed raccoon with it’s ears glued shut. And wouldn’t you know it, I left his interpreter at the Hotel…”


Me: (Now fuming) Well we will be getting in the Car and going straight to the Hotel to sort this out.”


Lance: “Sorry, he made it clear you were not to address him, and that he wanted you gone immediately, came himself to see you out. See the Japanese are big on respect and...well he found is rude you would say that.”


I looked at Higashikuni, who was now staring sternly at me….as our eyes met he grunted something in Japanese and motioned me towards the door….


Lance: “Ah hell, ya done pissed him off now son and he’s got two big goons in the Car, we better go before it gets messy!”


Lance turned to leave and I ran after him, almost wanting to punch him….he got to his car and jumped in…


Lance: “Well come on, I am sure y’all want to know the meaning of this…”


Me: “I actually want to know how I can get away with murdering you…”


Lance: “Son, remember last time you got all riled up and never let me give you my plan…We wasted some good months there.”


Me: “To hell with your plans now, how about telling me before you do something what you are planning.”


Lance: “Not always time fer that, sometimes ya just need to strike while the irons hot or someone else brands yer Bull. Now listen, you have a great mind for the business and I saw that. Problem is son, England cant’ support two big time MMA outfits right now and I wasn’t about to wallow like this fer another year or two. Hell, if I want an expensive hobby I’d rather have it be in my own back yard.”


Me: “Again, you’re losing me.”


Lance: “Well, Texas is bigger than England and we don’t got no MMA outfits, so I figured, why not unload this damn thing and start from scratch where we are the only game in town.”


Me: “But why do I have to lose my job with UKC.”


Lance: “Cuz I want ya with me son, boy you are thicker in the head than a cows hide with calluses.”


Me: “But I don’t want to move to Texas, I heard they don’t even like Brits there.”


Lance: “Now hell son, who told y’all that? Now, we don’t like that Ozzy Osborne fella, threw him right out of the state. Ya know that Sonofabitch took a piss on the Alamo?? He’s lucky he wasn’t strung up right there. Y’all will be fine, just say you like the Dallas Cowboys and don’t piss on anything!”


Me: “But I still don’t want to leave England.”


Lance: “Well, if you want to achieve that goal of yers by putting that McCallum fella out of business it’s the only way…”


Lance went on to explain his visions, including bringing true fighting back into the sport. “Texans are tough” he stated “they don’t want no sissy fightin!!” He then talked about how he had researched the roots of MMA and wanted to go back to the old school. Three 10 minute rounds, fight to the finish or it was a draw. Championships would be three 15 minute rounds, same damn rules. He was also bringing back knees and kicks to a grounded opponents as well as stomps. “Hell Son, it’ll all be legal, everything but Eye poking, fishhooks and bitin!”


Other quirks would be only three weight classes – Lightweight, (130 – 170 lbs) Middleweight (171 – 200 lbs) and Heavyweight. (201 – 280 lbs) Then finally, the name of his new creation? Pit fighter Pro, old School indeed! His signing rules were minimum signing bonus, only exclusive contract for top young fighters and mostly Heavyweights and a few Middleweights to start. We would worry about the Lightweight division as we grew.


I realized then that he had been planning this probably since the day he reopened UKC….A bit shrewder than I gave him credit for because he recouped all his losses, plus made a 50,000 profit on the sale. This would be our initial stake, so if it failed we broke even, then I could go back and sell Fish and Chips…..What is it with everyone tying me to Fish and Chips? If we were less than 20,000 in debt by years end, he would sink another 50,000 in of his own money, because he felt we would be growing by then. He made a lot of good points and given the alternatives, I really had no choice but to follow him, even if I would probably hate him for quite a while. I opened the severance envelope and noted it contained 15,000 dollars.


Lance: “Not bad eh, y’all didn’t invest a damn penny and made a 15000% profit, enjoy it. We leave tomorrow for Texas, dress for warm weather…and bring some damn sun block; ya look like that powder fella!!


I slept that night in fits and starts, how the hell did I end up here……I gave up asking as the only thing I knew was that my journey was now….First England, then the world…..by way of Texas

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I am slowly settling into my new abode in Texas, though being in a whole state of people that talk like Lance Decker can get a little mind numbing :)


I work to fill the roster through April and May in preparation for a July 1st debut. I am able to get some of my old UKC fighters that Higashikuni has cast off, though the ones I wanted most, Sylvester Collins (resigned by UKC) and Renato (let go and signed by GAMMA) I miss out on. I am especially upset about Renato since I had a chance.


The Initial Roster is mostly Heavyweights as Decker requested, with some decent young Middleweights and just a few Lightweights (going against my orders here, but oh well) The good thing about starting from scratch is that fighters that are known even a little will help bring fans and some of my unknown fighters (Akabaro, Kawano, Satinho) will quickly develop followings.


So...Without Further adieu, the initial Roster for Pit Fighter Pro....Based in the great state of Texas (That's what Decker calls it) is unveiled by Blurcat Magazine.


Pit Fighter Pro Roster - June 2000


Key: Name age (record) Contract type – base pay – matches


Major Stars

Adrian Bradley 25 (5-1) Standard – 800 – 8

Adrian Swall 29 (4-2) Associate – 1200 – 6

Damien Jones 30 (3-2) Standard – 1000 – 6

Jack Cobblepot 38 (38-14-3) Associate – 6500 – 5

Keaton Spratt 27 (4-9) Associate – 400 – 8

Mason Archer 23 (0-0) Exclusive – 1400 – 6

Taye Burnett 22 (0-2) Associate – 400 - 8


Secondary Stars




Bob Dozier 32 (8-14) Associate – 600 – 7

Bretn Baroni 20 (4-1) Satandard – 800 – 8

Brian Barnes 33 (12-11) Associate – 800 - 6

Eien Kawano 26 (5-1) Exclusive – 2500 – 8

Guy Broom 26 (0-1) Associate – 400 – 6

Jutaro Honma 25 (3-0) Exclusive – 1200 – 6

Libor Pudil 22 (0-0) Exclusive – 600 – 8

Mallory Bertrand 20 (4-0) Standard – 800 - 8

Murilo Satinho 21 (2-0) Exclusive – 1200 – 8

Nate MacReary 24 (3-0) Exclusive – 1400 – 8



Major Stars

Billy Russell 26 (3-1) Exclusive – 1000 – 8

Greg Atteveld 43 (37-17) Associate – 1200 – 6

Holden Strant 27 (2-5) Associate – 1000 – 8

Hunter Scribbins 24 (2-1) Standard – 800 - 6

Mac Fuller 36 (29-8) Associate – 5000 – 8

Marlon John 23 (2-0) Exclusive – 1000 – 8


Secondary Stars




Danny Akabaro 19 (2-0) Exclusive – 1000 – 8

Folee Caffatere 30 (3-2) Associate – 800 – 8

Joseph King 30 (4-12) Associate – 400 – 8

Priti Manek 25(2-4) Associate – 600 - 8



Major Stars

Bosco Curbeam 23 (2-0) Exclusive – 1200 – 8

Marcus Speed 26 (3-2) Associate – 800 - 8


Secondary Stars




Erico Gill 33 (16-11) Associate – 800 – 6

Roy Arnett 24 (1-0) Associate – 600 - 6


Good Job I Love reading this :). I hope you makes some money qiuck i don't want this to end and I hope one day BCF will be your feeder company :p



Thanks Zach, glad you are enjoying it


I hope I make some Money too, I am running out of storylines for second and third chances, LOL. I am trying to make it hard, but can't find that balance, I think I have it now though.

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Two good fights up top and I am counting on them to get people talking. God knows Decker didn't do much advertising and in fact had several of the Fighters out tacking up flyers for our debut card!! For hells sake man, at least but one small radio spot of something! The HW Title fight should go to Kawano IMO. "The Bird Man" is an imposing force, but has only fought on small independent shows in Texas and is nowhere near Kawano in terms of caliber of competition. If I was a betting man I would say 4-1 Kawano takes the title, any takers?


In addition to the excitement of our first card, Blurcat is reporting the BCF is operating in the red. I have mixed feelings about that as it would serve McCallum right to go under, but I would have loved to have been the one that forced him under....stay tuned for developments on this situation.



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PFP 1 – Red, White and Bruised




HW – Libor Pudil (0-0-1) and Brent Baroni (4-1-1) Fight to a 3 rd draw

Rating: Decent


HW – Guy Broom (1-1) defeats Bob Dozier (8-15) by TKO in 4:06 of round 2

Rating: Great


Main Card


HW – Jutaro Honma (4-0) defeats Taye Burnett (0-3) by submission in 7:19 of rd 3

Honma dominates in the first round, grounding Burnett and rocking him with several big shots from mount. Round 2 and 3 slow considerably until Homna gets Burnett’s back and sinks a rear naked choke for the win.

Rating: Average


HW – Mason Archer (1-0) defeats Keaton Spratt (4-10) by TKO in 1:55 of rd 1

Archer lives up to his nickname as the merchant of menace, charging from the corner throwing kicks and punches, backing Spratt into the cage. From here Archer gets the takedown and destroys Spratt with vicious blows from guard.

Rating: Great


HW – Murilo Satinho (3-0) defeats Mallory Bertrand (4-1) by TKO in 1:54 of rd 1

Bertrand came in with a wild reputation as an exciting brawler, but Satinho never gave the Frenchman the opportunity to get off, grounding him easily less than a minute in. Once down, Satinho worked methodically to pass guard and then rained punch after punch down leaving Bertrand senseless.

Rating: Great


Main Event – PFP Heavyweight Title

HW – Eien Kawano (6-1) defeats Adrian Bradley (5-2) by submission in 5:30 of rd 1

Bradley is a specimen, but it is Kawano that demonstrates technical superiority. Choosing smartly to get Bradley down as quick as possible to avoid his power, Kawano tries to pound him out, but Bradley proves too strong, holding Kawano’s arms at length. Capitalizing on this opportunity, Kawano promptly takes an extended arm and traps Bradley in an Armbar, getting the submission and becoming the inaugural PFP HW Champion!

Rating: Great


Attendance: 206 – Gate $3,090 – Show Rating: Fantastic


Thoughts: I have to say I am pleasantly surprised by the turnout, because we had zero popularity and very little name recognition. Kawano is back to his old self and I am hoping both he and Satinho stay on track for a superfight down the road, possibly after 2 more fights each. After all expenses I am projecting to still be 14-16 thousand in the black by the end of July. I have a card next month and hopefully can get another 50-75 people out.


Long term I will have cards in October and November and nothing in either September or December. The main goal at this point is to get to January less than 20,000 in the red so I can get that 50,000 infusion, which will keep us going until we start breaking even. I take some time to get around a dozen offers out to Lightweights and a couple more to some Middleweights. Once this sorts out I will stand pat for the most part, only signing fighters I have shortlisted for the rest of the year. I will continue to hold off on using the higher paid fighters if possible until November or January to insure I don't go under because if it happens again, I am done with MMA as a business venture.

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PFP – Quick Strikes


PFP Rankings August 1st, 2000 (© = Champion)

[b]Heavyweight[/b]			[b]Middleweight[/b]			[b]Lightweight[/b]
1- Murilo Satinho 3-0		Mac Fuller 29-8			Erico Gil 16-11
2- Jack Cobblepot 38-14-3	Greg Atteveld 37-17		Bosco Curbeam 2-0
3- Eien Kawano 6-1 ©		Billy Russell 3-1		Ray Eton 8-3
4- Jutaro Honma 4-0 		Danny Akabaro 2-0		Evan Pizzaro 2-0 
5- Nate MacReary 3-0		Marlon John 2-0			Marcus Speed 3-2
6- Mallory Bertrand 4-1		Holden Strant 2-5		Houston George 2-0
7- Adrian Swall 4-2		Folee Caffatere 3-2		Beau LuPone 1-1 
8- Brent Baroni 4-1-1		Ronnie Allen Teller 3-1		Roy Arnett 1-0
9- Adrian Bradley 5-2		Barrett Fforde 2-4		Ryder Myllart 0-1
10- Brian Barnes 12-11		Hunter Scribbins 2-1		Ashton Andrews 3-9


MMA News


Pit Fighter Pro


May - July Results: May (- 6,793) June (- 6,893) July (-19,772) (Overall balance: 16,800)


I will be on pace to make it to January without folding if I can just get through September on the positive side. Easier said than done, but I will hire nobody that month and pray our merchandise sales go up by 2,000 (currently doing over 3,000 per month) Our first card cost me 15,605 in prize money and I will try and cut that by 2,000 on the August show, dropping a preliminary match if need be. I have got to get to January!!



These signings pretty much round out our roster for the rest of the year.

LW – Evan Pizarro 20 (2-0) Exclusive – 1000 – 8

LW – Chuck Brown 22 (0-0) Standard – 600 – 6

LW – Houston George 24 (2-0) Associate – 800 – 8

LW – Ryder Myllart 23 (0-1) Associate – 400 – 6

LW – Nathan Chambers 23 (0-0) Associate – 400 – 7

LW – Barrett Fforde 30 (2-4) Associate – 800 – 6

LW – Ray Eton 28 (8-3) Associate – 800 – 8

MW – Ronnie Teller 23 (3-1) Exclusive – 1000 – 6

LW – Ashton Andrews 27 (3-9) Associate – 400 – 7

LW – Beau LuPone 22 (1-1) Associate – 600 – 7


The crown jewel of this group is Pizarro, who could be a champ in my lightweight division. Houston George is decent, but not well rounded enough to be a top guy in the division. I did well with both Salaries and signing bonuses with this set and you can bet some of them will be appearing ASAP.









HW – Mason Archer – Ribs – 2 months (This shouldn’t really hurt him or us as I can use him in October)


News of the World


May through July notable fights

Alpha – 1 – Tadamasa Yamada beat Sho Kitabatake by submission in 4:16 of rd 3 to retain the Alpha-1 LHW Title (Attendance was 14,170 for a gate of $850,200 as well as 121,746 PPV buys for revenue of $486,984, I can only dream)


GAMMA 56 – James Foster beat Raul Hughes by TKO in 3:45 of rd 1 to retain the GAMMA HW Title (Highly anticipated rematch, drew 15,707 fans for a gate of $1,178,025 and 517,894 PPV buys for revenue of $2,071,576. The undercard saw Anthony LeToussier KO Lawrence Herringbone in 0:47 of round 2 in the fight of the night)


GAMMA TV – Sean Morrison beat Benny Danare by TKO in 2:50 of rd 1 to retain the GAMMA 1 LW Title (After some weak cards in recent months GAMMA comes back strong this quarter)


SIGMA – Aleksei Chekhov beat Hyun-Shik Lim by TKO in 5:59 of rd 2 to win the SIGMA LHW Title


KDM FC 21 – Sukarno beat Lucas Mueller by TKO in 1:57 of rd 1 to retain the KDM FC LW Title (Mueller had no business in the ring with him.)


GAMMA 57 – Bill Cumming beat Christian Mountfield by submission in 3:22 of rd 1 to win the GAMMA LHW Title (Notable only because Cumming is no longer an elite fighter, definitely an upset)


UKC 13 – Bussho Maruyama beats Washichi Kobayashi by submission in 4:24 of rd 4 to win the UKC WW Title (The first UKC show since the buyout, I am happy for the “Nurse Shark” well deserved. The undercard had a great LHW matchup as Affonso Villar beat Neville Granville by TKO in 2:56 of rd 1. I would not have made this match so soon, but it was a barnburner.)


XCC – Manuel Silva beat Martin Markovic by TKO in 1:57 of rd 3 to retain the XCC LW Title (One more fighter closer to being a free agent for the phenom)


GAMMA 58 – Julio Regueiro beat Darin Blood by submission in 4:27 of rd 4 to retain the GAMMA WW Title (Another quality show from GAMMA with 21,505 in attendance. Total revenue between Gate and PPV was over 8 million!!!)


UKC 14 – Atsutane Akera beat Patrick Thomas by submission in 3:53 of rd 5 to win the UKC MW Title (Another of my favorites from UKC “The Surgeon” wins his first pro title. In the Co-Main Sylvester Collins took out Eddie Whelan by TKO in 1:12 of rd 1 to become UKC HW Champion as well. A good show I must say, that only drew 346. The MMA market is not looking strong in England)


Major Promotion Rankings


2- Alpha-1


4- Kadena De Mano

5- British Cage Fighting

6- WEFF (Womens)

7- XCC

8- UKC

9- Mountain States Xtreme

10- Pit Fighter Pro


No changes here with the exception of PFP debuting at the bottom  GAMMA really sealed the top spot with some outstanding cards the last 3 months.


Top 10 Pound for Pound in the World (Last quarters rating in parenthesis)

1 (2): HW – James Foster 36-4-1 (GAMMA)

2 (1): HW – Hassan Fezzik 28-0 (Alpha-1)

3 (7): MW – Matthew Dean 35-5 (GAMMA)

4 (3): LHW – Tadamasa Yamada 25-1 (Alpha-1)

5 (UR): MW – Buddy Garner 16-0 (GAMMA)

6 (UR): WW – Julio Regueiro 18-0-1 (GAMMA)

7 (4): HW – Lefter Oktay 18-0 (SIGMA)

8 (6): MW – Neil Napier 17-1 (GAMMA)

9 (5): LW – Sean Morrison 28-3 (GAMMA)

10 (8): LW – Fiyero Lermontov 12-0 (SIGMA)


Dropped out: Heiji Endo, Roberto Aldez


Foster rides his big win over Hughes into the top spot and the clamor has begun for a Super-fight between him and Fezzik. GAMMA dominates the overall rankings with 6 of the 10 spots, which I guess is why they are #1



No retirements the last 3 months


Legal Blotter

HW – Kevin Portman of SIGMA tests positive for a banned substance and is gone for 12 months.


Note: If there is anything else anyone would like to see here or if you want status on a specific fighter just let know and I will include it.

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After our first card it is apparent that Satinho will soon be the face of Pit Fighter Pro - MMA. He is a monster and the fans have taken to him in a big was as he is already a main eventer and our leading seller of merchandise. I am now shooting for a title fight with Kawano in the spring, assuming Satinho keeps destroying people and Kawano gets by the crafty veteran Jack Cobblepot at PFP 3 in October.


I am also excited to see how Pizzarro handles his first real test in his fight with Eton, a very capable standup fighter, on this card. Still in the black, hopefully we remain there at months end. If we do, I can say with certainty Decker will extend the 50,000 as promised.



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PFP 2 – Lone Star Showdown




MW – Hunter Scribbins (3-1) beat Joseph King (4-13) by submission in 0:51 of rd 1

Rating: Great


LW – Roy Arnett (1-0-1) and Marcus Speed (3-2-1) fight to a 3 rd draw

Rating: Decent


Main Card


MW – Danny Akabaro (2-0-1) and Folee Caffatere (3-2-1) fight to a 3 rd draw

Caffatere has been working his grappling skills and it shows as he matches Akabaro move for move on the ground sweeping him several times and nearly pounding him out as the fight comes to an end. A surprising draw.

Rating: Good


MW – Billy Russell (4-1) defeats Priti Manek (2-5) by submission in 8:19 of rd 1

Russell coming in at a career high 198 lbs looked smooth and after some initial difficulty got Manek down, where he unleashed an effective number of strikes. Manek gave up his back trying to escape and fell to a rear naked choke.

Rating: Great


LW – Evan Pizarro (2-0-1) and Ray Eton (8-3-1) fight to a 3 rd draw

I am not at all happy with this fight as Eton looks only to survive and initiates very little offense. Pizzarro tries, but Eton is content to defend takedowns and clinch. Finally fed up, Pizzarro unleashes some big shots in the 3rd round and drops Eton, but is too tired to finish him. The crowd lets Eton hear it afterwards.

Rating: Poor


Main Event

HW – Murilo Satinho (4-0) defeats Adrian Swall (4-3) by TKO in 3:17 of rd 1

Satinho outweighs Swall by over 30 pounds and once he corners him it is only a matter of time as “Grande Urso” ragdolls Swall to the mat. Once there he works into full mount and unleashes some horrific elbows that put Swall on dream street and force the stoppage. A good way to end the card.

Rating: Great


Attendance: 242 – Gate $3,630 – Show Rating: Excellent


Thoughts: Satinho is becoming a star and the only thing bad about that is it will be tough to keep him, but I have another 2 years to worry about that. We grew from the first card and that is all I want, 30 - 50 more people each show to start, then 75 - 100 and we will be fine.


One thing that was a fear of mine under Deckers preferred "fight to the finish" rules came to fruition tonight as Eton stunk it up. He couldn't have cared less about winning, just surviving and getting his damn check. I call Decker after the show and tell him I really don't like this possible precedent. He promises to look at it "closer than a Fox in a Chicken suit" (WTF?) and get back to me.

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Kawano will be making the first defense of his Heavyweight Title against the cagey veteran Jack Cobblepot, in what will be an expensive card (due to Cobblepots salary)


A win here would really get Kawano over and make a matchup with Satinho in the spring a huge fight between two of the top young heavyweights in the game. The undercard is not extremely strong, so I really need the main eventers to perform. a concern since Cobblepot is 38 and probably not anywhere near ready to fight for 45 minutes, if it goes that far.



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PFP 3 – Total Chaos




LW – Chuck Brown (0-0-1) and Ryder Myllart (0-1-1) fight to a 3 rd draw

Rating: Good


HW – Guy Broom (2-1) defeats Mason Archer (1-1) by TKO in 6:29 of rd 1

Rating: Good


Main Card


HW – Damien Jones (3-2-1) and Mallory Bertrand (4-1-1) fight to a 3 rd draw

Second draw of the card of 3 fights, but in this both fighters went all out. Jones grounded Bertrand in round 1 and the Frenchman weathered a hellacious assault, fighting back over the final 2 to make it an even, exciting bout.

Rating: Good


LW – Bosco Curbeam (2-0-1) and Beau LuPone (1-1-1) fight to a 3 rd draw

LuPone, “The Prince of Darkness” is more like the Prince of Dancers as he fights Curbeam like an MMA version of Chris Byrd. Curbeam forces the action, but is unable to corner LuPone, who rides out the draw.

Rating: Average


HW – Nate MacReary (4-0) defeats Adrian Bradley (5-3) by TKO in 2:45 of rd 1

No drudgery in this one as the beastly MacReary charges straight into Bradley, taking him down and opening a cut under his eye with numerous Elbows. Transitioning to full mount MacReary proceeds to put Bradley to sleep.

Rating: Fantastic


Main Event – PFP Heavyweight Title

HW – *Eien Kawano (7-1) defeats Jack Cobblepot (38-15-3) by submission in 4:25pm of rd 1

Kawano came in charged up, due in part to questions from some that he would have trouble dealing with Cobblepots experience. After some initial feeling out, Kawano shot on the veteran taking Cobblepot to the mat and scoring several wicked shots from guard. As Kawano worked to get mount, Cobblepot rolled giving up his back and after landing several hard Elbows, Kawano flattened the challenger and secured a rear naked choke to retain the Title.

Rating: Great


Attendance: 236 – Gate $3,540 – Show Rating: Fantastic


Thoughts: Lance Decker is in attendance and when two of the first three fights go the distance and end in a draw I shoot him a glance and he has a disappointed look on his face. Granted, both fights were good and that is the problem...there deserved to be a winner, still the crowd stayed with us. The Curbeam fight was completely different as again, fighting an opponent that was trying not to get knocked out or stopped did nothing but make a good fighter in Curbeam look bad. This time when I looked at Lance he looked furious.


Fortunately the final two fights brought the crowd back and salvaged the card as MacReary put on an absolute brutal display and our Heavyweight Champion was technically solid, putting on a great display against a battle tested veteran.


As Decker leaves he pauses briefly....."Son, I really like those two big kids that finished the night, pulled our asses out of the Campfire. Now that freak with the eye makeup...(LuPone) What the hell, how many shots of rot gut had you polished off when y'all hired him?? We'll talk about things Monday, stop on by....I do think we have a good thing going here though."


I liked hearing that, but any words out of Lance Deckers mouth often didn't match his thoughts 30 minutes after they were spoken.....I was just going to have to wait and see what Monday would bring.

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Another meeting with Lance




It was always an adeventure to see Lance Decker.....because meeting with him was like sticking your hand into a magicians hat and hoping you grabbed a Rabbit and not an Alligator. He got straight to the point as usual.


Lance: "Ya know son, I think I see your point on not having judges, that fight with the transvestite or whatever ya call 'em.."


Me: "Lance that is just part of LuPone's schtick as "The Prince of Darkness" he makes himeself up to look evil.."


Lance: "Hell, he makes himself up to look like a damn voodoo hooker and besides all that, I've always said if ya dress like a girl, ya fight like a girl!"


Me: (I wondered if Lance had ever said that as I tried to think of a conversation you could just casually fit that random phrase into....hmmmm, I call BS) "Look Lance, what he looks like really isn't the issue, the issue is we need to give fighters an incentive to fight....a draw doesn't hurt them and it doesn't quench the audiences desire to see a winner and that's what we want here.....winners"


Lance: "Ya know, for as much as ya aggravate me sometimes I do think ya mean that.......And you are sure that's what the fans really want?"


Me: "Lance, just check out some of these posts from the Blurcat message boards"


I threw a few messages I had printed on the desk for his perusal...


posts: 36

Man, I can't believe my boy Pizzarro got robbed, all that 
F*****g sissy Eton did was dance like Girl with crotch rot.  
They better change the damn rules or they will lose their fighters 
and fans....All that work Pizzman did for a draw!!  Total Bulls**t!!!




Posts: 4

What do you expect, the company is owned by a Texan and you know 
how they like marrying their relatives.  A draw is like kissing 
your sister so Decker gets to relive that fantasy three or four 
times a night at one of their cards.  He actually probably likes 
the fantasy better than the real thing because I am sure his sister 
weighs 300 pounds and smells like a septic tank.


Lance: "What the hell, did ya read what this Momma Pimp wrote??? Get me his phone number and address, I think I'm going to give that fella a little dose of polite pills....and what the hell kind of name is Momma Pimp."


Me: "It's actually M M A Pimp Lance and it's not his real name, it's what is called a screen name. And I don't have his address, that's why some people talk the way they do, you would never know them from Adam."


Heres another


Posts: 117

Man Pit Fighter Pro is getting on my nerves!!!  Watching two fighters 
go at it for 30 minutes and then not even having a decision is like 
dreaming about Shania Twain every night, getting her down to her bra 
and panties then waking up to your dog licking your face.  I drove three 
hours cause they are closest company to me and I get draws??  Get 
us some damn judges you cheap bastards and give us a winner!!


Lance: "Well, at least this fella has good taste in women and music, hell have you seen that there video of Shania where she..."


Me: "Lance! We really need to talk about this.....Look I have a bunch more, not to mention several calls complaining. These are the people we are going to grow with, we can't wank them off."


Lance: "Ah hell, I guess yer right, change the dang rules!! Three judges and there will be a decision. Now before you go theres one more thing.


Me: "And that is???"


Lance: "I like your moxy, so instead of another 50,000 in January, I am giving you 50,000 now, the money is already in the bank.....BUT don't you spend a red cent on anything fancy. same rules fer fighters, no bonus over 400 dollars to sign and all salaries over $2,000 get my approval first. Then, once we get our first card with 500 fans ya get another 50,000 and finally, when you get us a dang TV deal, ya get a final 50,000. Thats 200,000 dollars total son. If ya can't make it work with that yer more worthless than a damn steak in a vegetarian's icebox!!"


Me: "That is bloody fabulous Lance!!! And completely fair, you just wait and see, we'll have 500 people by the end of spring and by on TV by the end of 2001, then it's just making our first million!!"


Lance: "Son, I am all fer being a team, but when yer talking about money, use the word mine.....cuz that's whose money it is...mine."


Me: "Right, got carried away I did, thanks Lance, you won't regret it."


Just as I reached the door....his voice bellowed out one more time..


Lance: "And one more thing Ace.....You find me that damn Momma Pimp, he ain't talking about my sister like that and just think he's gonna strut around without his damn legs gettin broke!"


Me: "I will do my best to track him down sir."


As pulled away in my Car I couldn't help but beam at my good fortune. Fifty grand and I was getting judges. I also made a note to sign on to Blurcat when I got back to my apartment and delete my MMAPIMP account from their message board. Though I doubted it was possible he would find out who it was, it was apparent that Lance had a way of getting things done, so this Momma Pimp was taking no chances. ;)

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Normally it would be all about the hardest working man in PFP, Murilo Satinho back on action again as he and Kawano continue on a collision course. However, news out of England is that BCF filed for reorganization in October. The arrangement would restructure their debt to allow them to stay in operation, but until they were reformed sometime in November, their fighters would be able to field offers from other promotions. Even under the arrangement allowing them to keep operating, I still believe it is a matter of time before they fold for good, as McCallum could potentially have to rebuild his whole roster with very limited funds. On top of this their are also rumors that UKC is in financial trouble as well. MMA in the UK looks to be in serious trouble at this point.


November will be an interesting month indeed!



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PFP 4 – Last Stand




HW – Ryuji Ganaha (1-0-1) and Taye Burnett (0-3-1) fight to a 3 rd draw

Rating: Average


MW – Marlon John (3-0) defeats Holden Strant (2-6) by TKO in 1:13 of rd 1

Rating: Great


Main Card


HW – Jutaro Honma (5-0) defeats Brian Barnes (12-12) by submission in 8:32 of rd 1

Barnes probed early with strikes and clinches; before Honma finally got the opening he wanted and scored the takedown. Barnes did a good job defending two submission attempts before an Americana finished him off late.

Rating: Average


LW – Evan Pizzarro (3-0-1) defeats Marcus Speed (3-3-1) by TKO in 4:31 of rd 1

Not wanting another debacle like his last fight against LuPone, Pizzarro let his hands go early in this one after being unable to secure a take down and caught Speed with several heavy shots against the cage to get the TKO.

Rating: Average


MW – Billy Russell (5-1) defeats Hunter Scribbins (3-2) by submission in 8:49 of rd 1

A great matchup on paper between two talented submission artists and it did not disappoint. Scribbins used the cage effectively to control Russell early, but Russell soon turned the tide. Some great counter wrestling followed on the ground, as Scribbins, in guard defended a Guillotine well, only to be swept and tapped out via Arm Bar.

Rating: Good


Main Event – Heavyweight Contenders

HW – Murilo Satinho (5-0) defeats Brent Baroni (4-2-1) by TKO in 2:35 of rd 1

The Man child Satinho came roaring from his corner as he usually does, unleashing a torrent of punches that forced Baroni to cover up. From here he took Baroni down and was able to work his way to full mount after landing some elbows from side control. Once mounted Baroni was done as Satinho tattooed him with heavy leather forcing the referee to jump in and stop the carnage. Grande Urso marches on!

Rating: Fantastic


Attendance: 291 – Gate $4,365 – Show Rating: Fantastic


Thoughts: A nice little attendance spike in our first card since the implementation of the "Eton" rule and wouldn't you know it. The first fight goes to the judges and is scored a draw!!! The undercard was a little dull, but the fights on top insured the show finished on a high note in what is our biggest gate to date in PFP. Satinho is getting over huge and the fans were in a frenzy watching his demolition of Baroni. Right now the three big boys in the HW division are him, Kawano and Honma, who is not as flashy as the other two, but very effective.


Quick Hits:

Huge news from the UK as McCallum loses control of BCF to Bungle Bhave, one of his creditors, in reorganization proceedings. Bhave then brings in Lulu Baker as president, but with limited resources, barely any fighters left and even less experience in MMA I don't see this ending well for Bhave.


In even bigger news, my beloved UKC finally goes under and this time it is for good. It was basically a case of the two English promotions destroying each other with over spending and under interest by the public. The upside for me though is that several fighters I covet are finally available including.....

Sylvester Collins


Atsutane Akera

Nick Detroit

and my old buddy

Jim Carpenter


I promptly send offers to them all, as well as several others, including a soon to be free Lefter Oktay! I know I have no chance at him and can't afford him, but I offer him to make people think we are bigger ballers than we are. If he does negotiate with us I will drop out of the bidding early and let him go back to SIGMA, who surprisingly is the only other company courting him right now.



In addition to these offers, I also take advantage of BCF's reorganization proceedings to sign the following Fighters in November.

HW - Rav Kapur 27 (11-1) Exclusive - 3250 - 6

LW - Chad Zoff 20 (1-0) Exclusive - 1000 - 8

HW - Percy Catcher 28 (14-3) Associate - 2000 - 6 (Percy then turns around a week later and signs an exclusive with Alpha-1 and gives notice to leave at the end of November, WTF? I pull him from his scheduled fight and tell him to hit the road.

MW - Conor Houghton 28 (2-6) Associate - 600 - 6

LW - Tim Oldacres 24 (0-1) Exclusive - 800 - 7

MW - Davis Spyrou 29 (19-7) Associate - 1600 - 6


Lance was not happy with Kapur's salary and told me no, which I expected, which is why I had the contract signed already. Needless to say he was pissed but Kapur is a huge addition!

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Pit Fighter Pro - Quarterly Update


PFP Rankings January 1st, 2001 (© = Champion)

[b]Heavyweight[/b]			[b]Middleweight[/b]			[b]Lightweight[/b]
1- Sylvester Collins 8-0	Mac Fuller 29-9			Evan Pizzaro 3-0-1
2- Rav Kapur 11-1		Davis Spyrou 19-7		Erico Gil 16-11
3- Murilo Satinho 5-0		Vagner 16-6-1			Bosco Curbeam 2-0-1
4- Eien Kawano 7-1 ©  		Thomas Smith 12-3		Bret Clement 5-2 
5- Jutaro Honma 5-0		Greg Atteveld 37-17		Ray Eton 8-3-1
6- Nate MacReary 4-0		Billy Russell 5-1		Houston George 2-0
7- Jack Cobblepot 38-15-3	Nick Detroit 5-1		Chad Zoff 1-0 
8- Wilson Franklyn 5-1		Marlon John 3-0			Marcus Speed 3-3-1
9- Barry Strachan 25-19		Danny Akabaro 2-0-1		Roy Arnett 1-0
10- Mallory Bertrand 4-1-1	Folee Caffatere 3-2-1		Beau LuPone 1-1-1



4th Quarter Results: October (- 27,096) November (- 13,808) December (-1,471) (Overall balance: 8,536)

The 50,000 dollar infusion came in real handy as we would be in deep red overall otherwise. I again gambled with some of our signings, banking on the increase in overall talent level will get us to 500 fans, the benchmark for our final 50,000 investment, that much quicker. I dare say our Heavyweight division is now more talented than any promotions, with the exception of GAMMA and Alpha-1. In December we would have actually turned our first profit if I hadn’t brought in any new fighters.



(December only)

MW – Felix Mattherson Jr 24 (0-0) Associate – 400 – 5

LW – Bret Clement 25 (5-2) Associate – 800 – 5

HW – Wilson Franklyn 27 (5-1) Standard – 1800 – 6

MW – Nick Detroit 28 (5-1) Exclusive – 1000 – 6

LW – Grant Capelli 23 (0-3) Associate – 400 – 7

HW – Sylvester Collins 26 (8-0) Exclusive – 3500 – 8

MW – Vagner 32 (16-6-1) Associate – 1200 – 6

MW – Wayne McKellen 27 (5-5) Associate – 800 – 6


Some big names and though I have said it before, I will definitely have to stand pat for a while now. I lost out on bids for Jim Carpenter and Atsutane Akera, two guys I wanted badly, but I am happy overall. The Lightweight division is still real thin, but the big boys can carry the company at this point. Speaking of big boys, as expected Lefter Oktay laughed at me when I tried to negotiate and let me know we could not afford him, so don’t bother.






I don't really count Percy Catcher, since he didn't even stay around long enough for a Beer, let along a fight.



LW – Evan Pizzarro – Ankle – 3 months. He is scheduled to fight in April and should be 100%


Blurcat Quarterly – MMA News


October through December notable fights

GAMMA 61 – James Foster beat Russell McPhee by TKO in 0:49 of rd 1 to retain the GAMMA HW Title (Short work for one of the 2 best Heavyweights in the world)


Alpha -1 – Heiji Endo beat Leyoshi Yama****a by UD in 6 rds to retain the Alpha-1 MW Title (Ranked as a very poor match due to lack of action, these two styles did not mesh at all)


KDM FC 26 – Li-Kong Ho defeats Tomohiro Takeuchi by submission in 4:57 of rd 2 to retain the KDM FC FW Title (Ho is simply dominant and it will be interesting to see if a financially strapped KDM FC can keep him)


SIGMA – Fernando Amaro beat Henning Olsen by submission in 6:16 of rd 1 to retain the SIGMA MW Title


UKC 17 – Going out in a blaze of glory, the floundering UKC gives their fans a triple header of Title Matches

Sylvester Collins defeats Jesse Singh by TKO in 2:43 of rd 1 to retain the UKC HW Title

Atsutane Akera defeats Pierre Ouellet by submission on 2:03 of rd 1 to retain the UKC MW Title

Neville Granville defeats Inejiro Chiba by KO in 2:45 of rd 2 to win the UKC LHW Title

(Sadly only 328 fans show up for a gate of just $6,560)


MSX 18 – Sutton Ripley defeats Mac Fuller by UD in 5 rds to win the MSX MW Title (Our top ranked MW loses his MSX title, doesn’t make us look stronger if he wins our down the road)


SIGMA – Lefter Oktay defeats Armen Sarkisian by UD in 5 rds to retain the SIGMA HW Title (Oktay fears Satinho )


XCC – Phillip Ziskie defeats Lars Bohlin by TKO in 2:32 of rd 2 to retain the XCC FW Title (Ziskie is another I would like to lure to PFP, the guy is a machine)


Alpha-1 – Carlos da Guia defeats Joe Hinchcliffe by submission in 3:54 of rd 1 to retain the Alpha-1 WW Title (Dropping a bit on PPV buys with 72,265 for $288.660 in revenue, gate was 7,520 for $376,000)


GAMMA 63 – Anthony LeToussier defeats Bill Cumming by KO in 1:14 of rd 2 to retain the GAMMA LHW Title (Cummings Cinderella story is short lived as LeToussier crushes the Wild one. Between the gate and PPV GAMMA pulled in almost 4 million dollars)


Breaking Ground

IFL (Intercontinental Fight League) based in New York City opens for business November 1st 2000. With a fairly strong backing and a $500,000 bankroll the IFL will should be a force on the East Coast


KOTR (Kings of the Ring) based in California announce plans to open on January 1st, 2001. Also bankrolled with $500,000 KOTR will provide some stiff competition for XCC also based in California.


Board the Windows

UKC (United Kingdom Combat) declared bankruptcy in November 2000 as previously mentioned.


Despite UKC closing and both BCF and KDM FC in financial straights two new companies join the fray and will compete to start in the American market, which has arguably the strongest MMA fan base at this time. GAMMA will be fine, but they have deeper pockets than us, MSX and XCC, which means salaries will be driven up as competition increases. I will be very selective in bidding wars from here on and look to sign young guys or fighters nobody else wants.


Major Promotion Rankings


2- Alpha-1


4- Kadena De Mano

5- Kings of the Ring

6- BCF

7- XCC

8- WEFF (Womens Extreme Fighting Federation)

9- Mountain States Xtreme

10- Pit Fighter Pro

11- IFL


Some minor shuffling, with KOTR debuting surprisingly high, which is based mostly on their backers and influence.


Top 10 Pound for Pound in the World (Last quarters rating in parenthesis)

1 (2): HW – Hassan Fezzik 29-0 (Alpha-1)

2 (1): HW – James Foster 37-4-1 (GAMMA)

3 (3): MW – Matthew Dean 35-5 (GAMMA)

4 (4): LHW – Tadamasa Yamada 25-1 (Alpha-1)

5 (5): MW – Buddy Garner 16-0 (GAMMA)

6 (6): WW – Julio Regueiro 18-0-1 (GAMMA)

7 (7): HW – Lefter Oktay 19-0 (SIGMA)

8 (UR): FW – Li-Kong Ho 23-0 (KDM FC)

9 (8): MW – Neil Napier 18-1 (GAMMA)

10 (UR): LW – Lubos Plasil 11-0 (GAMMA)


Dropped out: Sean Morrison, Fiyero Lermontov


A flip flop on top as is bound to happen with the two baddest men on the planet, but not much change elsewhere. Li-Kong Ho makes his long overdue debut in the top ten P4P rankings.



Gunnar Nilsson – 39 yrs old (43-13) Alpha-1

Joel Adams – 39 yrs old (18-19) Alpha-1

Graham Goodbody – 39 yrs old (23-13) GAMMA (UKC HW Champion 03/99 to 05/99 0 defenses)


One of my first signings, the big Welshman, who was the very first UKC HW Champion, hangs the gloves up. Limited skills, but big, strong and always dangerous. I always liked Goodbody.


Legal Blotter

Clean sheet



Alpha-1 signs a PPV deal with Emperor Choice

GAMMA signs a PPV deal with Vista (Now seen via PPV on 4 continents)


Year end Awards 2000

Fighter of the Year – Joaquim Fontes (4-0 for the year in GAMMA)

Female Fighter of the year – Yuya Shimizu (This family can all fight)

Rookie of the year – Bill Brown (Good choice)

Rise of the year – Joshua Hope

Fall of the year – Toson Ono

Promotion of the year – PFP (I am shocked at the honor, a big upset for the upstarts!)

Team of the year – American Cage Fighters

Show of the year – Alpha-1: Fezzik vs Arai – January 2000

Fight of the year – Carter Potter vs Steve Mason (Alpha-1, March 2000)

Worst fight of the year – Sinali Shomen vs Naohiro Suzuki (Independent show, June 2000)

Knockout of the year – Anthony LeToussier vs Lawrence Herringbone (GAMMA, May 2000)

Submission of the year – Julio Regueiro vs Darin Blood (GAMMA, June 2000)

Main event of the year – Carter Potter vs Steve Mason (Alpha-1, March 2000)

Upset of the year – Gyokusho Fujimoto defeats Harry Milne (Alpha-1, February 2000)

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I have to admit I am excited about our first card or the year, not only because we will crown a Middleweight Champion, but because I am anxious to see if our surprising win as promotion of the year for 2000 will translate into some additional fans, which in turn gets us closer to that final 50,000 dollar installment from big Lance, which inturn should insure our survival.


Obviously all those thoughts are under ideal circumstances and which the arrival of KOTR and IFL on the American MMA scene it will be hard to keep it ideal. One thing I do know is that the winner of our co-main event will be in line for a shot at Kawano if he gets past his next challenger, who will be announced at this show. If Satinho beats the veteran he will get a well deserved rest, as his fight schedule has been jammed since PFP opened. But then again, it's not like his fights are dragging on for 20-30 minutes either, so he should be fine.



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PFP 5 – Duel in the Desert




MW – Folee Caffatere (4-2-1) defeats Joseph King (4-14) by KO in 3:07 of rd 1

Rating: Good


HW – Bob Dozier (9-15) defeats Keaton Spratt (4-11) by TKO in 0:41 of rd 3

Rating: Good


Main Card


LW – Houston George (3-0) defeats Erico Gil (16-12) by submission in 4:10 of rd 1

“Furious” George goes right for the takedown and we spend the entire match on the ground. After passing guard, George stuns Gil with a series of blows and then traps his dazed opponent in an Armbar securing the win.

Rating: Good


MW – Danny Akabaro (3-0-1) defeats Barrett Fforde (2-5) by TKO in 1:43 of rd 1

The pretty boy put on a beautiful exhibition of ground and pound, taking Fforde to the ground with little trouble. Once there Akabaro unloaded bomb after bomb, bouncing Fforde’s head off the mat forcing the stoppage.

Rating: Great


HW – Murilo Satinho (6-0) defeats Barry Strachan (25-20) by TKO in 1:43 of rd 1

Satinho liked Akabaro’s performance so much he gave the crowd an exact duplicate, completely overpowering the veteran Strachan, who many thought would test “Grande Urso.” Satinho continued cutting his bloody swathe through the Heavyweight division striking out Strachan with a horrific series of blows from the mount that had Strachan on dream street by the time the Referee pulled Satinho off.

Rating: Great


Main Event – PFP Middleweight Championship

MW – Thomas Smith (13-3) defeats Greg Atteveld (37-18) by TKO in 9:12 of rd 1

An excellent match while it lasted, that was underappreciated by the fans. Smith scored a quick takedown, but made no process and nearly got caught in a Kimura. After Atteveld got back to his feet, Smith took him down again and both men traded submission attempts to no avail. As the round wore on, conditioning became a factor as Atteveld began to tire, allowing Smith to take his back and score the stoppage with a series of elbows to become the inaugural PFP Middleweight Champion!!

Rating: Good


Attendance: 294 – Gate $4,410 – Show Rating: Excellent


Thoughts: I was hoping for a bigger increase in attendance than 3! Still on the bright side, this rates as the best overall show of my career according to the pundits at Blurcat and we continue to see boosts in name recognition for our promotion. I am now 6K + in the hole though so it will be a race against Bankruptcy to get to 500 attendance and get that final investment.


Satinho continues to impress, walking through everyone I put in front of him. His next fight will be for the HW title against the winner of the Eien Kawano/Rav Kapur fight, which was announced during intermission to the delight of the fans. Atteveld fought hard in his losing effort to Smith, but hs is just too old and not in shape to go as hard as the young guys. Smith could reign at MW for while as I don't see any of the young guys ready and you never know what you will get from Mac Fuller, who will probably be his first challenger.

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Thanks Romy, are we we going to pull you away from Title Bout for some MMA time? :)


Yeah, I'm actually a couple of years into a SIGMA game right now. Considering I'm probably the biggest MMA fan over in the basement of course I'm going to jump on this game. I didn't recognize your screenname over here or I would how been in on this thread from the start.

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Yeah, I'm actually a couple of years into a SIGMA game right now. Considering I'm probably the biggest MMA fan over in the basement of course I'm going to jump on this game. I didn't recognize your screenname over here or I would how been in on this thread from the start.


LOL, yeah for some reason that is the only board I don't use this screen name on. I am working to get RCB 2K7 restarted in the basment, but I will admit a big reason why that is going slower than it could be going is because I can't put this game down!

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A good card to follow up our best show ever with Kawano defending the Heavyweight strap. For the winner of this fight a June date with Murilo Satinho awaits. "Big Mac" MacReary can interject himself into the title picture as well with a decisive win over Cobblepot and if our HW division wasn't already loaded enough we confirm with Blurcat that we have just signed...................


Renato! The Brazilian powerhouse has seen some of his shine wear off after joining Alpha-1 following up a debut win with back to back losses to Khru Duanjan and Hiro Arai. Still at 26 years old and with a record of 7-3 he is far from washed up and I believe he can still be a force. One good aspect of his two bout losing streak is it gets him in a bit cheaper as I sign him to a Standard deal worth $1600 per fight for 8 fights.



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LOL, yeah for some reason that is the only board I don't use this screen name on. I am working to get RCB 2K7 restarted in the basment, but I will admit a big reason why that is going slower than it could be going is because I can't put this game down!


I can't wait for the RCB to get going again so that Kid Gavilan can finally smack around Pryor and Cuevas. Probably for the best that you take it nice and slow on rebuilding the database so that you don't risk burning yourself out on it.

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PFP 6 – Crimson Carnival




LW – Nathan Chambers (1-0) defeats Tim Oldacres (0-2) by KO in 5:54 of rd 2

Rating: Fantastic


LW – Chad Zoff (2-0) defeats Ryder Myllart (0-2-1) by submission in 6:07 of rd 1

Rating: Great


Main Card


LW – Bosco Curbeam (3-0-1) defeats Ashton Andrews (3-10) by TKO in 1:44 of rd 1

A definite “light” workload for Curbeam, who stuffed Andrews attempts at a takedown, then completed a trip takedown and put Andrews away from side control with a series of hammer fists.

Rating: Great


MW – Davis Spyrou (20-7) defeats Ronnie Teller (3-2) by TKO in 1:34 of rd 1

Making his PFP debut, Spyrou served notice that he will be a force in the Middleweight division. The newcomer caught Teller early with a dazzling combination dropping him on his, before diving in to finish the execution.

Rating: Great


HW – Nate MacReary (5-0) defeats Jack Cobblepot (38-16-3) by TKO in 5:12 of rd 1

A true crossroads fight for Cobblepot who is on the fast track to becoming a rung on the ladder for the PFP’s young heavyweights. Early it looked as though the savvy vet would make it a fight as he out grappled MacReary relying on technique and experience. As the round wore on MacReary’s youth began to assert itself and he finally put Cobblepot on his back. Once past guard “Big Mac” unleashed the beast and battered Cobblepot senseless

Rating: Good


Main Event – PFP Heavyweight Championship

HW – Rav Kapur (12-1) defeats Eien Kawano (7-2)* by TKO in 8:18 of rd 1

The Beast of Birmingham, known more for his kickboxing skills, unveiled a new dimension tonight and in doing so threw a Monkey Wrench into the Kawano/Satinho super fight plans. Showing an excellent sprawl, Kapur frustrated Kawano early and gained the advantage on the ground through a front face lock. From here Kawano demonstrated superb defense, eventually prompting the referee to stand the fighters up. A sudden flurry from Kapur then dropped Kawano and diving into side control began to pummel the defenseless Champion, lifting the PFP HW Title and setting up a fight against Murilo Satinho in late spring/early summer.

Rating: Good


Attendance: 207 – Gate $3,105 – Show Rating: Poor


Thoughts: Not at all what I had hoped for. Both the Main and Co-Main were regarded as great choices in pre-fight feedback, but we lost almost 90 in attendance! I think it is due to the fact that Kapur was not that well known outside of England, but he whould be now. After Kapur was awarded the PFP Title, Murilo Satinho entered the cage and told the crowd he was looking forward to testing his skills against the the new Champion. I then came out and announced that the Fight will take place in May and to "Tell all your friends, because this one will be a bloody war!!!"


I really wanted to wait until June, but the poor numbers on this card force me to due some rebooking as I move the Thomas Smith/Vagner Middleweight Title fight up to the April card, along with a soon to be announced fight for the vacant PFP LW Title.

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2001 1st Quarter Summary


Pit Fighter Pro - Quarterly Update


PFP Rankings April 1st, 2001 (© = Champion)

[b]Heavyweight[/b]			[b]Middleweight[/b]			[b]Lightweight[/b]
1- Rav Kapur 12-1 ©		Mac Fuller 29-9			Luiz Machado 26-9-2
2- Sylvester Collins 8-0	Davis Spyrou 20-7		Houston George 3-0
3- Murilo Satinho 6-0		Thomas Smith 13-3 ©		Evan Pizzarro 3-0-1
4- Nate MacReary 5-0		Vagner 16-6-1			Zachary Gilbert 13-10
5- Renato 7-3			Billy Russell 5-1		Bosco Curbeam 3-0
6- Eien Kawano 7-2		Greg Atteveld 37-18		Chad Zoff 2-0
7- Jutaro Honma 5-0		Nick Detroit 5-1		Corey Summers 4-0 
8- Wilson Franklyn 5-1		Marlon John 3-0			Erico Gill 16-12
9- Jack Cobblepot 38-16-3	Danny Akabaro 3-0-1		Bret Clement 5-2 
10- Mallory Bertrand 4-1-1	Folee Caffatere 4-2-1		Ray Eton 8-3-1



1st Quarter Results: January (- 15,887) February (- 27,888) March (- 102) (Overall balance: - 34,691)

Well we follow our worst month ever with our best, only losing 102 dollars in March, I am now thinking about going to Bi-Monthly shows to decrease the Money loss, since we can make at least break even now on merchandise sales. The only thing I worry about it losing momentum. I have to do something to get 500 asses in the seats or I am going to be on more crap than a Hog at a sewage plant as Lance would say….Ok, maybe he wouldn’t say that but it sounded good.



1st Quarter

LW – Corey Summers 22 (4-0) Associate – 600 – 7

HW – Renato 26 (7-3) Standard – 1600 – 8 (He also went out and signed an Associate deal with SIGMA)

LW – Zachary Gilbert 29 (13-10) Associate – 1400 – 6 (Competent Veteran, will be good for my young LW’s)

LW – Luiz Machado 32 (26-9-2) Exclusive – 2000 – 6 (Yeah he is over 30 but still a bargain for his skill level)


Obviously I have wanted Renato back since the UKC days, it is just a shame he was pretty much jobbed out in Alpha-1. I will need to work on rebuilding his confidence as he has lost 3 of his last 4. Machado is a great pickup as far as I am concerned as I am concerned. He is a solid Jiu Jitsu guy and has fought some of the best, including XCC FW Champion Philip Ziskie, one of the best small men on the World.






HW Barry Strachan 35 (25-20) signs an exclusive deal with KOTR (Fought only once for us)



None – Beyond minor bumps and bruises


Blurcat Quarterly – MMA News


October through December notable fights

Alpha-1 – Tadamasa Yamada beat Alekos Karabatsos by submission in 7:57 of rd 1 to retain the Alpha-1 LHW Title


GAMMA 64 – James Foster beat Tim Boyer by TKO in 1:57 of rd 2 to retain the GAMMA HW Title (The public clamor for a Foster / Hassan match grows louder by the day. This is one match that somehow has to happen at some point. It would be the biggest fight on MMA history)


GAMMA 65 – JJ Reid defeats Buddy Garner by UD in 5 rounds to win the GAMMA MW Title (A shocker as Garner was favored but was outhustled by a hungrier fighter. This one begs for a rematch)


KDM FC – Mikio Inouye beat Fujimaro Hidaka by TKO in 1:25 of rd 3 to win the KDM FC LW Title (Another new Champion crowned)


Alpha-1 – Hassan Fezzik defeats Khru Duangjan by submission in 3:48 of rd 1 to retain the Alpha-1 HW Title (Not much to say here, Fezzik is the man)


IFL: Impending Doom – Ikku Funaki defeats Peter Bracewell by KO in 2:36 of rd 2 to win the IFL WW Title (The very first card for the fledgling New York promotion)


GAMMA 66 – Julio Regueiro defeats Simon Vine by submission in 0:35 of rd 4 to retain the GAMMA WW Title (GAMMA just cranks out big fights, 4.5 million on revenue on this card)


Breaking Ground

No new Promotions this Quarter


Board the Windows

No promotions close, though BCF and us are in trouble.


Major Promotion Rankings


2- Alpha-1

3- Kadena De Mano


5- Kings of the Ring

6- WEFF (Women’s)

7- XCC

8- BCF

9- Mountain States Xtreme

10- Pit Fighter Pro

11- IFL


KDM FC, despite some money issues passes SIGMA for third, while WEFF and BCF swap spots. BCF is on the edge of the cliff.


Top 10 Pound for Pound in the World (Last quarters ranking in parenthesis)

1 (2): HW – James Foster 38-4-1 (GAMMA)

2 (1): HW – Hassan Fezzik 30-0 (Alpha-1)

3 (9): MW – Neil Napier 19-1 (GAMMA)

4 (4): LHW – Tadamasa Yamada 26-1 (Alpha-1)

5 (6): WW – Julio Regueiro 19-0-1 (GAMMA)

6 (7): HW – Lefter Oktay 19-0 (SIGMA)

7 (8): FW – Li-Kong Ho 23-0 (KDM FC)

8 (3): MW – Matthew Dean 35-6 (GAMMA)

9 (10): LW – Lubos Plasil 11-0 (GAMMA)

10 (UR) Aleksander Ivanov 9-0 (SIGMA, Alpha-1)


Dropped out: Buddy Garner


Buddy Garner’s upset loss cost him his #5 in the world P4P slot, while Foster and Fezzik continue to swap the top spots.



Mark Cohen – 38 yrs old (36-11-1) GAMMA – A pioneer of MMA, who calls it quits after 3 straight losses. He is the first selection to the newly formed MMA Hall of Fame.

Indriyanto Setyo Nugroho – 39 yrs old (22-20-5) Independent

Peter Bracewell – 39 yrs old (21-12) IFL (retires after a poor showing in his debut with the new promotion)

Stan Blackheath – 39 yrs old (20-13) MSX (4 losses in a row send him packing)


Cohen is well respected throughout the MMA world and though the game has caught up with him over the years, he is a big reason MMA is where it is.


Legal Blotter

Not a peep



GAMMA adds to the dynasty signing a PPV deal with Euronet

KDM FC extend their Television show on Net-A

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Another Meeting with Lance




Sitting in the office pouring over marketing reports and advertising trends for possible sponsors I was surprised by none other than Mr. Decker himself…


Lance: “Well howdy son, y’all figuring out ways to make some money there?”


Me: “Actually I was……Just going over some trends and projections. You know I am thinking about going to shows every other month, because we are pretty much breaking even during months we don’t have a show.”


Lance: “I saw that son, only lost $102 buckeroos in March.”


Me: “Yeah, it’s a start, I want to start showing profits at least every other month so we can hold off the creditors. I am also thinking about going to only 3 fights on the main card for a bit as well.”


Lance: “Well son, I’ve been doing some thinking my damn self and I think its high time we fit you with the Lords Neck Tie.”


Me: “What?”


Lance: “Back in the day son, the 1800’s to be exact; the big industry here in Texas was raising Cattle. Now I reckon that then, like now, when some good honest folks figure out a way to make some money, ya get a whole gaggle of folks that figure out a dishonest way to get their filthy hands on it. Now, there wasn’t enough law to cover a lot of the State at the time and some of these fella’s were slipperier than a Weasel in a bucket of Lard. So folks became their own law. When a Cattle Rustler was caught red handed and there was two or more folks who could vouch fer the stinkin thief….well, it meant that fella was gonna get strung up.”


Me: “Fascinating stuff Lance, so you’re going to hang me?”


Lance: “Now dang gummit son, let me finish. Now fer these god fearing, law abiding folks there was a problem. If they didn’t catch the culprit red handed, they just couldn’t go all hog wild stringing people up. So a preacher, name of Phineas T Thatcher came up with an idea of his own. He reckoned when you suspected someone of stealing yer Cattle, but couldn’t catch them in the act, you could simply put the matter in the hands of the good Lord. So they’d take a fence post and drive it into the ground under a hangin Tree. Then the men folk would take the suspected Cattle thief and put a rope around his neck, then string him up right over the fence post so he could stand on it. Now I reckon it’s no easy chore standing on the skinny fence post all night without slipping, but they figured that’s were the Lord would come in. If he gave the suspected thief the strength to last the night and not fall off the post they figured he was innocent and made him a free man. Now….on the other hand, if he fell off the post and hung himself during the night they figured he was guilty and the Lord had done his work, and that’s where the name Lords Neck Tie came from.”


Me: “Right, simply brilliant Lance, but what does that have to do with making Money?”


Lance: “Well, like I said, I think it’s high time ya got yer own Lords Neck Tie.”


Me: “Lance, I’m not standing on a fence post all night.”


Lance: “Woooeee, do y’all go to school there in England? Yer fence post is the Cage and yer Rope is made outta Dollar bills…..50 thousand of them.”


Me: “Right, how daft of me not to figure that out. Now please explain.”


Lance: “Holy one legged Roosters son! I committed to one last 50,000 dollar payment when ya reached 500 people at a show. Well, since I have it committed I figured, why the hell not use it now. We are almost to the point of making a small profit when we ain’t got a fight card, so if ya cut a fight like ya said and we can get some people coming in, the money will get us through the rough period. Then it’s up to you to stay on yer damn post or fall off. Just know this son. This is the last money I put in before I start making some….So keep yer balance, cause I reckon that Neck Tie don’t feel too good when it gets tight.”


Me: “Lance….I really appreciate this, but why couldn’t you just walk in and say, hey, lets put that last 50,000 into the company now since we are at a critical point and it can be just what we need to keep us afloat.”


Lance: (Laughing) “Now why the hell would I do that son…If I hadn’t a told ya about the Lords Neck Tie, who else would of?”


With that Lance strode from the office, while I sat staring into space wondering how many people now had no reason to live after Lance had spilled the beans on the Lords Neck Tie to me before they had a chance to…..Blimey!

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