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TCW-SWF2K9 At it again

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You really don't see a difference then you sir... Well you sir are a moron. *leaves diary*



Oh and good job making Tornado look like ****.. -_-



What is the differnence? and yeah so what? I gave TT a squash Because he had a minor injury

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Well you made him look like crap. Now no one can take him as a serious competitor.


And it's like someone else said, one is in the topic, one isn't. One is shown to the reader, the other I have to click on to look at. Sure it doesn't seem like a big deal. And your second JK post, yes. That's what we meant by placing images in the post. No one wants to click a link to an image.


No one.

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Well you made him look like crap. Now no one can take him as a serious competitor.


And it's like someone else said, one is in the topic, one isn't. One is shown to the reader, the other I have to click on to look at. Sure it doesn't seem like a big deal. And your second JK post, yes. That's what we meant by placing images in the post. No one wants to click a link to an image.


No one.


there might be something wrong with mine then because they look exactly the same, but if it's differnt for you then fine, I'll do that for you guys.

and Spoiler:I will give Troy a few squashes to make him a serious threat.


EDIT: Does anyone have a review for my show? Advice? or praise (probably not)

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I will say I liked the Frehley promo, that was solid. The rest has room for improvement.


You're definitly a better writer then ADeezy, but there's still a way to go. Just stick to it, don't feel obligated to explain every single booking decision. Part of the fun for a reader is the suspense


"what will he do next"


If you push someone's favorite character in the mud for a good reason, then "show, don't tell" by continuing the story and drawing us in.

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I actually personally dislike Tornado. Just seems unreasonable to job him out with one punch.


As for the show, I'll agree with prague, the Frehley promo was good. I did like that. And the booking wasn't bad, I didn't like how drawn out the matches were though nor did I like the format. Everything is really out of whack and really tight and closed. No space to give the reader a quick breather between stuff.


Edit: By drawn out I mean how it was written. Not the matches being too long or anything. Just made everything seem more important than it was, considering it's just TV.

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I actually personally dislike Tornado. Just seems unreasonable to job him out with one punch.


As for the show, I'll agree with prague, the Frehley promo was good. I did like that. And the booking wasn't bad, I didn't like how drawn out the matches were though nor did I like the format. Everything is really out of whack and really tight and closed. No space to give the reader a quick breather between stuff.


Edit: By drawn out I mean how it was written. Not the matches being too long or anything. Just made everything seem more important than it was, considering it's just TV.


That long write up was a pain in the a*s, I think I may only write the last 2 mins of each match, apart from PPV

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Wow... the show was quite good, will have to re watch when I'm not high... Speaking of being high, Remmy was offered a contact, he will be in soon.


*Remmy comes in the room*


Avatar: DUDE, I aint seen you in AGES my brother

Remmy: DUDE, I thought you went buisnessman?

Avatar: DUDE, I was Fakin' get the job, can't be high. that's what my moma said

Remmy: DUDE, Your Moma broke that rule every day.

Avatar: DUDE, remeber the old days?

Remmy: DUDE we were Blazin' that Sh*t up every day!

Avatar: Alright DUDE 1,500 a month for 24 months!

Remmy: What!? DUDE you are high! 2,000 a month for 18



*Remmy Leaves*


6 hours later


I think I have lost my high...ness.... I need to get Umaga in... wait... how much did I give Remmy, all I remeber is his giving me some GOOOOOOOOOD Sh*t...


*in comes Rhino Umaga*


Rhino: Hi

Avatar: Hello.




Rhino: Thanks

Avatar: See you on TCW

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That long write up was a pain in the a*s, I think I may only write the last 2 mins of each match, apart from PPV


I didn't see a long write up in any match. Seriously. Stop doing these diaries if you aren't going to even commit and/or work for the diary. This will be my last post in this thread, I can't be arsed to help and aid you in doing a diary as it seems pointless.

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Yeah it wasn't long. It was just drawn out in my opinion. A good write up to me for a TV show is something like this


The Alpha Norwegian in training shocked Matravers with his impressive level of speed, something few men his size possess. Combined with the infamous size of the Johansson men, Hercules found himself able to get close enough to Adam to repeatedly utilize his fast power to pitch the smaller Englishman around the ring with some old fashioned throws. His own offense proving ineffective (thanks to that other Johansson attribute, no-selling), Matravers devised a new plan. After being gutwrenched across the ring by Hercules, Matravers waited for him to charge forward… and athletically threw a kick up over his head and into Johansson’s groin, rolling him up into a pin as he slouched forward in agony to outright steal yet another win.


Adam Matravers defeated Hercules Johansson in 5:48 by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. Adam Matravers makes defence number 13 of his EWA European title.


That's from Comradebot's EWA diary. It isn't too long, but not too short either. It's a good length for a tv match and it doesn't have like nearfalls that look like yours which, I've personally never liked on tv shows especially since you had it in what looked like nearly every match.

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I didn't see a long write up in any match. Seriously. Stop doing these diaries if you aren't going to even commit and/or work for the diary. This will be my last post in this thread, I can't be arsed to help and aid you in doing a diary as it seems pointless.



Ok... I said I didn't want to do them as long as I did, I never said I wouldn't work or commit myself. But if you don't want to try, then that's fine. I don't give a d*mn

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