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Insane Pro Wrestling: Indy renewed

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Finally! The game was over. The Giants had beaten the royals and I just called the third strike. Tomorrow was payday and then the planning was on. I have been saying that I would be in the Pro Wrestling business. I have been training and now that I get a pay day from my umpiring job, it is time!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

As I am walking towards my Car, I pull out my phone and dial a number. The phone rings a couple times and I hear a voice on the other line.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

"Hello, Mr. Quackenbush? My name is..."</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

And so it begins!</p>

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(Hey guys, sorry this has come so late after the OP. It seems i started this diary at the worst possible time. Right before final exams and right after finals I had to travel to Chicago for the Team Handball National tournament. Anyway, I hope to be more regular.)




(P.S. does anyone know where the Real world Location mod is?)




"Hello Mr. Quackenbush, my name is Nick Clements and I called you a week ago about possibly working my event in Minnesota in 2 months time."



"Ahh yes Mr. Clements, how are you this evening?"


"Very well sir, how are you?"



"I am doing well. Now, about your show? Who are you bringing in for the event?"



"I wanted to talk to you about that actually! First off, we are having you face Arik Cannon; with Northstar Express taking on a tag team to be named at a later date. Actually, i more called you to ask a favor.







"I was wondering if you could supply me with a few numbers? More specifically, I was hoping you could give me the number to Dragon-Gate and to 1PW in the UK. They have some talents that could be used for the Heavyweight title tournament.



"I can supply those numbers for you, but may I ask, what talents you were hoping to get into contact with?"



"Well, I was looking at Dragon Kid and Naruki Doi from Dragon Gate. I might look for Pac and Johnny Saint?



"Well, those are good names, but i dont think Johnny Saint wants to travel outside of the UK. But I will give you those numbers. Let me email you so i can find them."


Okay, that is fine. Thank you Mike.

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(One Week Later)





*Ring* *Ring






Nick? It's Lenny Lane, here!



Oh, Mr. Lane. Thank you for calling, can I count you in for next saturday?



Yes, Nick. You can count me in for the show. Now about this show. Are planning on continuing it past this one show?


I hope to, yes. I won't lie, if I could make this the greatest wrestling promotion within 50 years, I will be ecstatic. However, I just want this promotion to be something that will be here for years to come.



Well, then that is awesome news. What is it that you are going to bring with this promotion?



Hmmm, I haven't really thought about it. I will let you know later. How about this, I will have that answer for you and your opponent for you tomorrow.


Okay. I will talk to you later.




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TO: Lenny@LennyLane.com

FROM: Admin@IPWrestling.com




Dear Mr. Lane,




This email is to tell you about the product and the show that will be happening on May 27th. We want to emphasize three things. The Traditional, Pure, and Daredevil parts of Pro Wrestling. We also want to showcase the Lucha Libre and Hardcore sides of Pro Wrestling. Also, to go with your usual gimmick, Women will be worked into the men's side of the roster, no women's division.



Now for the show:



Opening will be the first Tag match in history with



Northstar Express vs. Phi Delta Slam

Texas Tornado rules



Mike Quackenbush vs. Benjamin Sailor


Lenny Lane vs. Adam Flash


Acid II vs. Arik Cannon




P.S. We have our first non-wrestler hired. We have hired Gabe Sapolsky as our announcer/color commentator.

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IPW: Gen-X

American Legion

Saturday, Week 3, May

Attendance: 10
















Winners: Phi Delta Slam via Kappa Gamma Slamma

Grade: E

Notes: Tilly and Sassi were very exhausted at the end of the match. This is very sad news, as I wanted PDS to corner the tag team division.





No Pic Available









Winner: Mike Quackenbush via Quacken Driver 2.0

Grade: D-

Notes: Can anyone cut a pic of Ben Sailor for me? I am a victim of random momentum. Quack is in line for the first opportunity at my Main Event Title.















Winner: Adam Flash via Chair shot to the head after ref bump.

Grade: E-

Notes: Lenny Lane was exhausted at the end of this match; that coupled with the fans crapping on the finish did not help.
















Winner: Arik Cannon

Grade: D

Notes: Yes, I know I stole a pic from the C-Verse. I put this as the main event to try and bring Arik to a full fledge ME before i take my full role as an on camera personality.






Arik is celebrating in the ring and all ten people are standing giving him a standing ovation. Arik asks announcer Gabe for a microphone. Gabe hands him a very old looking microphone.



"I just wanted to say that I am going to kick some (mic goes dead). What the (mic goes dead again). Gabe, what in the world is this microphone. It's a piece of (mic goes dead for the third time. Arik throws it down in disgust. He starts yelling for the whole room to hear.) I am gonna rule this (Lights go out) Promotion?





(A Projector starts flickering and shuts off)



(Then a song starts to raise from the sound system and the projector turns on again and the lamp begins to turn on.)































<object width="320" height="265"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKHjceVjfps&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKHjceVjfps&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="320" height="265"></embed></object>





Dragon Kid walks through the makeshift Curtain. And points towards the ring at Arik, who is standing in the ring, left in shock.








Grade: E

Notes: A way to introduce Dragon Kid. Fans pooped on the angle.





Notes: A good first show. Will help our popularity.



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