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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup 10 Aftershock

Wednesday Week 3, March 2008

Pengrowth Place (The Prairies) – 1,761


The show starts and unannounced and even before the first match can have a chance to get underway Jeremy Stone is seen coming out though the entrance ramp with a microphone in hand. He makes his way towards the ring, gets in through the middle and top ropes and extends the microphone to his mouth to speak.


Jeremy Stone: “Dark Angel I am going to make this short and sweet I want your title and I want it now, if you don’t accept my challenge tonight then your just denying the inevitable."


Just then Dark Angel’s music hits and out comes the NOTBPW Canadian Heavyweight Champion still in his street clothes.


Dark Angel: “Jeremy Stone you want another shot at my title do you, well I will grant you a championship opportunity tonight however it won’t be a singles match its going to be a fatal four way elimination match. Involving yours truly, you, your tag team partner Dan Stone Jr., and the former NOTBPW Canadian Heavyweight Champion and someone with whom I am very familiar with Johnny Bloodstone. You know Johnny Bloodstone and me have a past with each other I am not going to deny that, and neither is he. However he has just as much dislike for you as I do, so between the four of us let the best man win. Hell you might even have to turn on your own tag team partner and brother if you want to win this match. That’s all I have to say see you tonight.”


With that said Dark Angel’s music hits as Jeremy Stone is left speechless in the ring.


Segment Rating: C+


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment.




Match 1

Owen Love vs. Tim Westybrook


Tim Westybrook defeated Owen Love in 18:16 by pinfall with a TNT Whirlwind.


Road Agent Notes

The match was too long given who was involved. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Match Rating: C-


Match 2

Melody Cuthill vs. Emma Bitch ©

NOTBPW Women’s Championship Match


Emma Bitch defeated Melody Cuthill in 9:39 by pinfall with The Payback.

Emma Bitch makes defense number 4 of her NOTBPW Women’s title.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match Rating: D-


Match 3

The McWade Brothers (Dallas and Dean McWade) vs. John Maverick and R.K. Hayes


The McWade Brothers defeated John Maverick and R.K. Hayes in 17:49 when Dallas McWade defeated R.K. Hayes by pinfall with a Murder On the Mountain.


Road Agent Notes

Dallas McWade was visibly tiring toward the end. Dean McWade was really off his game tonight. R.K. Hayes seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of John Maverick stood out as being good. R.K. Hayes is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: D+


Main Event Match 4

Jeremy Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dan Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel ©

NOTBPW Canadian Heavyweight Championship Match


Dark Angel defeated Jeremy Stone, Johnny Bloodstone and Dan Stone Jr. in 27:34; the order of elimination was Johnny Bloodstone first, then Jeremy Stone, and finally Dan Stone Jr. Dark Angel makes defense number 8 of his NOTBPW Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B


Show Rating: B-

Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.




NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North Of the Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Pengrowth Place, and drew 1,761 fans. The feedback from viewers has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


Style Change

Melody Cuthill has decided to change her style, she is now classified as a super junior

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The Kaladaro Kolumn #4


First of all I would like to apologize for not writing a kolumn in a while, but lets get started because we have a lot to go over.


Since the last kolumn we have had numerous shows. First we had the show that ended the month of February. First off to start that show John Maverick put in a great showing when he defeated both of the McWade brothers in a handicap match. In the main event of that evening you all witnessed as yours truly stepped into the ring to do battle with Johnny Bloodstone. I ended up on the losing end but what a tenacious effort Johnny Bloodstone put in as he beat me in the main event of that evening.


To start off the month of March we saw things heat up on Championship Wrestling as Dark Angel came out to the ring and called out his adversary Jeremy Stone in order to question on him on his actions. Later that evening we saw Jeremy Stone step into the ring to go one on one with Dark Angel where Dark Angel prevailed once again and made his fifth title defense a successful one. During the second week of March we saw the show start with Dark Angel issuing a warning of sorts towards Jeremy Stone saying that he made a big mistake by attacking him and that he was going to make sure that Jeremy Stone’s life was miserable from that moment on.


In the main event on that same night I stepped into the ring with Dark Angel and he got the better of me to make his sixth successful title defense of the NOTBPW Canadian Championship. That was the final show leading into the NOTBPW Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup. On the memorial cup we had many things happen as for starters John Maverick came out to the ring to make himself known and also to challenge the champion Dark Angel. We saw women’s action as Emma Bitch made a successful third defense of her NOTBPW Women’s Championship. Match two was for the Ed Henson memorial tag team cup itself as three teams were pitted against each other to vie for the title these teams were; The Can-Am Blondes, The McWade Brothers, and the Stone Siblings. The Stone Siblings made it seem easy as they took home the cup. Also in our co main event of that evening former NOTBPW Canadian Champion Johnny Bloodstone took on myself and while he managed to defeat me I hold no grudges towards him. In our main event of that evening everyone watched on as Dark Angel made a successful defense number seven of this title this time against opponent John Maverick. Dark Angel is proven to be a great champion and one that will be hard to defeat.


Finally in our most recent show we saw Jeremy Stone come out to the ring and demand a title opportunity against Dark Angel it was quickly accepted but he wouldn’t be the only one in the match with Dark Angel more on that later. That show also saw Emma Bitch defeat former women’s champion Melody Cuthill and make her fourth successful title defense of the women’s championship. In the main event it was a fatal four way elimination match involving current champion Dark Angel, Jeremy Stone, former NOTBPW Canadian Champion Johnny Bloodstone, and Jeremy Stone’s own tag team partner Dan Stone Jr. and it was an epic contest. However in the end as expected Dark Angel came out on top once again making defense number eight of his championship it would seem that there is no stopping Dark Angel at least not any time soon.


That’s all for the Kolumn this week join us again next week for another enthralling edition of the Kaladaro Kolumn till then I am Chris Kaladaro. Be sure to join us live this week as NOTBPW Championship Wrestling emanates live from Smallwood Field located in the Maritimes Canada. This show promises to be one that you can’t miss until then this has been Chris Kaladaro.


Note: The next edition of Championship Wrestling will be posted as soon as possible

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 4, March 2008

Smallwood Field (The Maritimes) – 2,000


To start the show current reigning and defending NOTBPW Canadian Heavyweight Champion makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp with a microphone in hand.


Dark Angel: “I am going to make this as short as I possibly can, last week I faced three men in a fatal four way match for my title that is on my shoulder. However Jeremy Stone wants a singles match for the NOTBPW Canadian Championship and I am just out here to say that I accept.”


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment.


Segment Rating: C+


Match 1

John Maverick vs. Dallas McWade


Dallas McWade defeated John Maverick in 15:51 by pinfall with a Murder On the Mountain.


Road Agent Notes

Dallas McWade was exhausted by the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Match Rating: C-


Match 2

Chris Kaladaro vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Jeremy Stone defeated Chris Kaladaro and Johnny Bloodstone in 27:57 when Jeremy Stone defeated Johnny Bloodstone by submission with a Stone Hold.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Technical skills.


Match Rating: B


Main Event Match 3

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel ©

NOTBPW Canadian Heavyweight Championship Match


Dark Angel defeated Dan Stone Jr. in 27:38 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. Dark Angel makes defense number 9 of his NOTBPW Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B


At the end of the show Jeremy Stone is shown backstage in his locker room when Victoria Stone approaches him for an interview.


Victoria Stone: “Jeremy I was wondering if I could get a quick word with you now that we know that Dark Angel has accepted your request for a singles match in the near future. What are your thoughts on this?”


Jeremy Stone: “Well Victoria I will do exactly what I said I was going to do last week and that is take the Canadian Title away from Dark Angel. Dark Angel has done nothing but tarnish the image of the title he holds ever since he won it and I plan on fixing that and ridding NOTBPW of Dark Angel for good. That is all I have to say get that camera out of my face.”


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.


Segment Rating: B


With that said the camera fades to black and the copyright information is rolled as NOTBPW Championship Wrestling goes off the air for this week.


Overall Show Rating: B-Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.




NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Smallwood Field, and drew 2,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


Sean McFly has returned from injury, he will likely see action as soon as possible as likely as the next show. Be sure and not miss the return of this great NOTBPW superstar who will make a great addition to the NOTBPW Roster.


OOC: The Next show will likely be posted as soon as Friday!

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 1, April 2008

Molson Palais des Sports (Quebec) – 4,422


The show starts off with a huge fireworks display, as we are welcomed into the Molson Palais Des Sports Arena in Quebec Canada for tonight’s edition of Championship Wrestling the camera’s pan all over the arena to get a glimpse of all the fans in attendance for the evenings action.


The Familiar music of the NOTBPW Canadian Champion hits as the current Champion Dark Angel makes his way out to the ring with a microphone in hand. Who knows what he will say this week as he is kicking off Championship Wrestling by blessing the fans in the arena with his attendance. Dark Angel gets by the ring and sets the championship belt down in the ring he then gets on the apron and enters the ring though the top and middle ropes. He quickly grabs his belt off of the mat before going to the center of the ring while his music slowly fades out.


Dark Angel: “Well lets see it seems like I am in a bit of a dilemma because I have beaten everyone on the roster that Chris Kaladaro and the other morons running North Of The Border Pro Wrestling have thrown at me. It would seem like I have done it all and that there is nothing left to do so now NOTBPW has a complacent champion way to go guys.

With that said Dark Angel tucks the microphone under his arm and claps his hands together in an effort to show NOTBPW that he is being a bit sarcastic. He claps his hands together twice and then some unfamiliar music begins playing in the arena as Dark Angel stops clapping and looks both shocked and confused all at the same time.


The music goes for about a minute before Sean McFly shows up at the top of the entrance ramp to a large amount of cheers from the fans in attendance here tonight. His music cuts out and Sean McFly who has a microphone begins to speak.


Sean McFly: “Well, it’s been three long months since anyone has seen me around here and boy it’s good to be back.


.:Fans Cheer:.


Sean McFly: “You know I have been sitting at home for the last three months and saw that Chris Kaladaro came in and took over, that I didn’t have a problem with because I thought what a great positive new direction NOTBPW was set to go in. The company started under Kaladaro’s reign with a great champion and someone whom I respect Johnny Bloodstone, however a few short weeks later some idiot named Dark Angel won the title and I was disgusted.”


.:The Fans cheer again in approval of what Sean McFly has just said:.


Sean McFly: “Then I began to think that is fine because he is only a temporary champion who is holding that belt until I get back. That is exactly what you were meant to be for this company, you see because as soon as I got into the building tonight I wasted no time in going to Kaladaro’s office and demanding a title match against you in the main event tonight.”


.:With that announcement the fans begin to cheer loudly:.


Tom Townsend: “Man it’s deafening in here I can’t even hear myself think.”


Sean McFly: “Kaladaro pondered the idea and quickly signed the match for tonight so it will be Dark Angel versus yours truly Sean McFly in this evening’s main event.”


Dark Angel looks irate in the ring before he starts to speak


Dark Angel: “What the hell you didn’t even earn it what makes you think I will defend the belt against you tonight I am not even ready for you.”


Sean McFly: “That’s to bad because you see the match has already been made official and it will happen here tonight whether you like it or not. So get your gear on because I plan on taking that title from you here tonight. See you later chump.


With that said Sean McFly leaves the entrance ramp so he is out of view from Dark Angel and the fans in the arena. Dark Angel has been rendered speechless as he doesn’t know what to say about these shocking developments.


---Commercial Break---


Tom Townsend: “Welcome back ladies and gentleman to Championship Wrestling we are in the first week of April and what a way to start off the show and the month with the return of Sean McFly.”


Tommy London: “What the hell are you talking about Townsend this is a travesty of justice against our champion Dark Angel as he isn’t even prepared to wrestle McFly here tonight.”


Tom Townsend: “Well regardless the match is signed and it will happen in our main event here tonight. Enough of us though let’s send it down to ringside for our first match of the evening.


Segment Rating: C


Match 1

Emma Bitch © vs. Stephanie Hazel

NOTBPW Women’s Championship Match


Emma Bitch defeated Stephanie Hazel in 9:50 by pinfall with The Payback. Emma Bitch makes defense number 5 of her NOTBPW Women’s title.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match Rating: E+


After the conclusion of the first match the camera’s cut to the backstage area showing Dark Angel with his belt walking with a purpose, he storms into the office of the head booker Chris Kaladaro.


Dark Angel: “Chris Kaladaro what in the hell do you think you are doing this is completely unfair why should I have to face McFly here tonight he hasn't even earned a title shot.”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well you see Angel I like to shake things up and with the three months that McFly hasn’t been around I figured what a better way to bring him back then to have him in our main event here tonight.”


Dark Angel: “Whatever that is fine, you know I can’t disagree with your decision to make the match but the fact that the title is on the line is a huge problem with me and I demand you do something about it.


Chris Kaladaro: “Like what make it a non-title match?”


Dark Angel: “Well that would help.”


Chris Kaladaro: “Dark Angel read my lips the answer is NO! The match will happen as scheduled for the title whether you like it or not so I suggest you get the hell out of here and go get ready because you will need to be as ready as you possibly can for Sean McFly here tonight.”


With that said Dark Angel has nothing to say he just turns around and storms out of Kaladaro’s office and down the hallway in a rage.


Match 2

Jeremy Stone vs. Dan Stone Jr.

Respect Match


Jeremy Stone defeated Dan Stone Jr. in 27:43 by submission with a Stone Hold.


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this match. This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B-


Main Event

Match 3

Sean McFly vs. Dark Angel ©

NOTBPW Canadian Heavyweight Championship Match


Dark Angel defeated Sean McFly in 28:28 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. Dark Angel makes defense number 10 of his NOTBPW Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B


Show Rating: C+




NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North Of The Border Championship Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Molson Palais des Sports, and drew 4,422 fans. The feedback from viewers has been great; it has drawn a lot of praise.


Incident Report


Craig Prince was the focal point of a backstage incident when a mean-spirited prank he pulled on Tom Townsend nearly led to a fight breaking out. As his employer, you now have to chose how to deal with Craig Prince.

Action Taken: Fatherly Approach

Response: Craig Prince, “It was just a prank it was no big deal.”


The next edition of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling is set to take place in six days time, don't miss the show as it is the last one before NOTBPW's April Pay Per View titled NOTBPW Super Slam which takes place on Saturday of Week 2.


Note: The next edition of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling which will be the last show going into Super Slam will be posted sometime this weekend!

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2, April 2008

Abbotsford Recreational Complex (British Columbia) – 2,000


Match 1

Champagne Lover vs. Jason O’Conner


Jason O'Conner defeated Champagne Lover in 13:07 by submission with a Stretch Plum.


Road Agent Notes

The crowd was totally turned off by having a match between jobbers on the show. The match needed to be a lot shorter given who was involved. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Rating: F+


Match 2

Jeremy Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone vs. Chris Kaladaro


Jeremy Stone defeated Johnny Bloodstone and Chris Kaladaro in 28:23 when Jeremy Stone defeated Johnny Bloodstone by submission with a Stone Hold.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Technical skills.


Match Rating: B


Match 3

Sean McFly vs. Dan Stone Jr.


Sean McFly defeated Dan Stone Jr. in 27:43 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.


Match Rating: C+


To close the show Dark Angel attacks Jeremy Stone in the ring, and knocks him down and out. Dark Angel pulls a ladder out from under the ring, and slides it in. He uses it to batter Jeremy Stone even more, and ends by setting it up and posing on it, above the downed body of Jeremy Stone.


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.


Segment Rating: B+


Overall Show Rating: C+

Notes: You used Champagne Lover far too much on this show


NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Abbotsford Recreation Complex, and drew 2,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


NOTBPW will present Super Slam in only two days time don't miss the action live this Saturday on Pay Per View. We now know whom the champions will be going in to Super Slam but the question is will the same champions be able to call themselves champion after the night is over.


OOC: NOTBPW Super Slam will be posted as soon as possible!

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NOTBPW Super Slam

Saturday Week 2, April 2008

St. Crispin’s Ballpark (The Maritimes) – 5,973 Live on Pay Per View


A video plays hyping Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel.


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.


Segment Rating: B+


Match 1

John Maverick vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Johnny Bloodstone defeated John Maverick in 16:10 by submission with a Bloodstone Mutilation.


Road Agent Notes

John Maverick is improving in Flying skills.


Match Rating: C+


Match 2

Melody Cuthill vs. Emma Bitch ©

NOTBPW Women’s Championship Match


Melody Cuthill defeated Emma Bitch in 9:46 by pinfall with a Melody Maker. Melody Cuthill wins the NOTBPW Women’s title.


Road Agent Notes

Emma Bitch seemed off her game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match Rating: D-


Match 3

The Kelowna Playas (Craig Green and Gregg Boone) vs. The McWade Brothers (Dean and Dallas)


The McWade Brothers defeated The Kelowna Playaz in 17:33 when Dallas McWade defeated Craig Green by pinfall with a Murder On the Mountain.


Road Agent Notes

Gregg Boone seemed off his game tonight. Dallas McWade was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Match Rating: D


Match 4

Champagne Lover vs. Harrison Hash


Champagne Lover defeated Harrison Hash in 9:39 by pinfall with a Champagne Sunrise.


Road Agent Notes

The match was too long given who was involved. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match Rating: D-


Match 5

Chris Kaladaro vs. The Natural vs. R.K. Hayes


Chris Kaladaro defeated The Natural and R.K. Hayes in 15:51 when Chris Kaladaro defeated R.K. Hayes by pinfall.


Road Agent Notes

The Natural was really off his game tonight. R.K. Hayes was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Technical skills. The Natural is improving in Rumble skills. R.K. Hayes is improving in Flying skills. R.K. Hayes is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: C-


Match 6

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Sean McFly


Sean McFly defeated Dan Stone Jr. in 28:01 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.


Road Agent Notes

There are no specific comments to be made about this match.


Match Rating: C+


Just as the main event of the evening is set to get underway the challenger for tonight’s NOTBPW Canadian Championship Match Jeremy Stone makes his way out to the ring. He gets down towards the ringside area and gets into the ring though the top and middle ropes. He then goes to a corner and asks the ring announcer for a microphone, the announcer brings him one and Jeremy Stone begins to speak.


Jeremy Stone: “Cut My Music.”


The music is cut in the arena at the request of the challenger for the Canadian Championship Jeremy Stone.


Jeremy Stone: “You know before we went on the air here tonight I promised my brother Dan Stone Jr. and my dad Dan Stone himself that I would do whatever it took to come out on top here tonight. Not only will I defeat Dark Angel to become the new Canadian Champion, but also I will restore the dignity to the title that it has lost since Dark Angel won the belt. That’s all I have to say Dark Angel get your ass out here I don’t have all day.”


Main Event: Match 7

Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel ©

NOTBPW Canadian Heavyweight Championship Match


Jeremy Stone defeated Dark Angel in 27:34 by submission with a Stone Hold. Jeremy Stone wins the NOTBPW Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this match. This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B


Overall Rating: B-

Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.




NOTBPW Super Slam Report


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Super Slam last night in St. Crispin’s Ballpark, and drew 5,973 fans. The feedback has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


Incident Report


Craig Prince was the focal point of a backstage incident when a mean-spirited prank he pulled on John Maverick nearly led to a fight breaking out. As his employer, you now have to choose how to deal with Craig Prince.

Decision: Fatherly Approach

Response: Craig Prince “It was just a prank it was no big deal.”


OOC: The Next edition of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling which will include the fallout after NOTBPW Super Slam will be posted either on Sunday or late Saturday Night.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3, April 2008

Varsity Arena (Ontario) – 2,000


Jeremy Stone comes down to the ring, which has been set up for a celebration. He shows off his new title for the crowd, enjoying the moment.


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.


Segment Rating: B


Match 1

Emma Bitch vs. Grace Harper vs. Melody Cuthill ©

NOTBPW Women’s Championship Match


Melody Cuthill defeated Emma Bitch and Grace Harper in 10:12 when Melody Cuthill defeated Emma Bitch by pinfall with a Melody Maker. Melody Cuthill makes defense number 1 of her NOTBPW Women’s title.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Melody Cuthill is improving in Rumble skills.


Match Rating: D-


Match 2

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone vs. Dark Angel


Dark Angel defeated Dan Stone Jr. and Johnny Bloodstone in 27:48 when Dark Angel defeated Johnny Bloodstone by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B-


Match 3

Jeremy Stone vs. Sean McFly


Jeremy Stone defeated Sean McFly in 28:19 by submission with a Stone Hold. Jeremy Stone makes defense number 1 of his NOTBPW Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd. Sean McFly is improving in Technical skills.


Match Rating: B


At the end of the show Dark Angel found and attacked Jeremy Stone backstage, he left Jeremy Stone down and out as NOTBPW Championship Wrestling went off the air for this week.


Road Agent Notes

This Segment lifted the crowd


Segment Rating: B+


Overall Rating: B

Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.




NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Varsity Arena, and drew 2,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been excellent; it seems they really struck gold with this show.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling has started contract negotiations with John Maverick in an effort to renew his contract.


Be sure to not miss the next edition of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling as this edition will close out April of 2008. Be sure and make it down to the arena and if you can't then check us out on live on CBN.


OOC: The last Edition of Championship Wrestling for the month of April will be posted tomorow or Tuesday.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 4, April 2008

Quebec City Arena (Quebec) – 2,000


To start the show Jeremy Stone is backstage with Chris Kaladaro. He asks to be given a chance to wrestle Dark Angel in a singles match next week, and Chris Kaladaro accepts the request.


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment.


Segment Rating: C+


Match 1

Chris Kaladaro vs. Dark Angel


Dark Angel defeated Chris Kaladaro in 27:44 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Technical skills. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: C


Match 2

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Sean McFly


Dan Stone Jr. defeated Sean McFly in 22:37 by submission with a Stone Ankle Stretch.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B-


Main Event Match 3

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Jeremy Stone ©

NOTBPW Canadian Heavyweight Championship Match


Jeremy Stone defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 22:39 by submission with a Stone Hold. Jeremy Stone makes defense number 2 of his NOTBPW Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

As the fourth time this match-up has been done recently, it needed to be better. This match lifted the crowd. Johnny Bloodstone is improving in Technical skills.

Match Rating: B-


Dark Angel is backstage with Chris Kaladaro. He asks to be given a chance to wrestle Jeremy Stone in a singles match next week, and Chris Kaladaro accepts the request.


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment.


Overall Rating: C+


NOTBPW Have sent a request to CBN to renew the contract for Championship Wrestling.


NOTBPW have renewed the contract of John Maverick for another year.


OOC: The next edition of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling will be posted with in the next few days.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Pick Your Poison

Wednesday Week 1, May 2008

Waterloo University Arena (Ontario) – 4,580


To start off the show I stand alone by Jackal begins to blare over the sound system in the arena as non other than the head booker and the man in charge of NOTBPW Chris Kaladaro begins making his way to the ring. Chris gets towards the ring and gets in via the top and middle ropes, he has a microphone in hand and looks as if he is about to speak just when the music cuts out.


Chris Kaladaro: “Hello and welcome to a very special edition of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling I am the man in charge Chris Kaladaro here with some very interesting news. You see both Dark Angel and Jeremy Stone have had a great rivalry in the past weeks and now Jeremy Stone is the NOTBPW Canadian Champion. These two men will once again do battle this time at our next pay per view, however I am out here to address something. You see if you all would pull out your programs you will notice that not only is this event called Championship Wrestling, but this edition is very important because both Jeremy Stone and Dark Angel will be able to pick each other’s opponents for their matches here tonight. Jeremy Stone will pick Dark Angel’s opponent, and Dark Angel will pick Jeremy Stone’s opponent so with out any further hesitation I am going to get out of this ring and let the first match take place here tonight.”


I stand alone by Jackal plays over the sound system once again as Chris Kaladaro gives the microphone back to the ring announcer before leaving the ring to go back to his office.


A video plays hyping the Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel. Feud.


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Rating: B+


Match 1

Chris Kaladaro vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Johnny Bloodstone defeated Chris Kaladaro in 18:14 by submission with a Bloodstone Mutilation.


Road Agent Notes

Johnny Bloodstone was really off his game tonight. Chris Kaladaro and Johnny Bloodstone don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Technical skills.

Match Rating: C+


Before the next match which happens to be Dark Angel’s match gets underway NOTBPW Canadian Champion Jeremy Stone makes his way out onto the entrance ramp with a microphone in his left hand and the NOTBPW Championship over his right shoulder.


Jeremy Stone: “Ladies and gentleman the next match will be Dark Angel’s match in the pick your poison series here tonight. Let me introduce you all to the man who I have personally chosen to be Dark Angel’s opponent in his match here tonight, Sean McFly.


Just then Sean McFly’s music starts to play and he comes out and acknowledges Jeremy Stone before heading to the ring to do battle with Dark Angel


Match 2

Pick Your Poison Match 1

Dark Angel vs. Sean McFly


Dark Angel defeated Sean McFly in 27:45 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B


Before the next match just as Jeremy Stone came out to announce the opponent of Dark Angel, Dark Angel has stayed in the ring to announce whom he has selected to face Jeremy Stone here tonight. Dark Angel gets out of the ring and goes over to the announce table to make his announcement.


Dark Angel: “Ladies and gentleman the opponent for Jeremy Stone here tonight will be non other than his tag team partner and his own flesh and blood, Dan Stone Jr.


Just then Dan Stone JR’s music hits and out comes the tag team partner and brother of Jeremy Stone Dan Stone Jr.


Match 3

Pick Your Poison Match 2

Jeremy Stone vs. Dan Stone Jr.


Jeremy Stone defeated Dan Stone Jr. in 27:55 by submission with a Stone Hold.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B


Overall Show Rating: B

Comments: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Waterloo University Arena, and drew 4,580 fans. The feedback from viewers has been excellent, it seems they really struck gold with this show.


Incident Report


Craig Prince was the focal point of a backstage incident when he started spreading rumors about Clarence Garcia, almost leading to a fist fight between the two. As his employer, you now have to choose how to deal with Craig Prince.

Decision: Fatherly Approach

Response: Craig Prince, “Understood”


The request to renew the contract for Championship Wrestling has been denied by CBN as they feel that our style no longer suits their image.


As a result NOTBPW have sent out requests to numerous television networks in an effort to bring Championship Wrestling to another network.


NOTBPW have started contract negotiations with Tamara McFly who is the younger sister of current NOTBPW Superstar Sean McFly.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2, May 2008

Molson Palais des Sports (Quebec) – 4,233


To start the show Dark Angel had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Jeremy Stone that will take place in a couple of weeks time.


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B-


Match 1

Dark Angel vs. John Maverick


Dark Angel defeated John Maverick in 7:51 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell.


Road Agent Notes

Dark Angel and John Maverick don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. John Maverick is improving in Rumble skills.


Match Rating: C-


Match 2

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Sean McFly


Sean McFly defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 28:25 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B


Match 3

Chris Kaladaro vs. Jeremy Stone

Non Title Match


Jeremy Stone defeated Chris Kaladaro in 27:49 by submission with a Stone Hold.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Technical skills.


Match Rating: B


To end the night Jeremy Stone had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Dark Angel that will take place in a couple weeks time.


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B-


Overall Show Rating: B-

Notes: There are no specific comments to be made about this show.


NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North Of The Border Championship Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Molson Palais des Sports, and drew 4,233 fans. The feedback from viewers has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


In other news North Of The Border Pro Wrestling will hold NOTBPW Grappling Glory which will take place in two days time. It will also feature the final match in the feud between current NOTBPW Canadian Champion Jeremy Stone and challenger Dark Angel.


OOC: NOTBPW Grappling Glory will be posted as soon as I run it in my game.

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NOTBPW Grappling Glory

Saturday Week 2, May 2008

Ottawa Rams Stadium (Ontario) – 10,000


To start the show a video is played to hype the final match between Jeremy Stone and Dark Angel that will take place here tonight.


Road Agent Notes

The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.


Rating: B


Match 1

Emma Bitch vs. Grace Harper vs. Stephanie Hazel vs. Melody Cuthill ©

NOTBPW Women’s Championship Match


Melody Cuthill defeated Emma Bitch, Grace Harper and Stephanie Hazel in 9:43when Melody Cuthill defeated Emma Bitch by pinfall with a Melody Maker. Melody Cuthill makes defence number 2 of her NOTBPW Womens title.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match Rating: D-


Match 2

The McWade Brothers (Dean and Dallas) vs. The Can Am Blondes (Owen Love and The Natural)


The McWade Brothers defeated The Can-Am Blondes in 15:49 when Dean McWade defeated Owen Love by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat.


Road Agent Notes

Dallas McWade was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Dallas McWade is improving in Performance skills. The Natural is improving in Rumble skills.


Match Rating: C


Match 3

R.K. Hayes vs. John Maverick


R.K. Hayes defeated John Maverick in 14:46 by pinfall with a Homicide Bomb.


Road Agent Notes

R.K. Hayes and John Maverick don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. R.K. Hayes is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: D+


Match 4

Chris Kaladaro vs. Dan Stone Jr.


Dan Stone Jr. defeated Chris Kaladaro in 27:35 by submission with a Stone Ankle Stretch.


Road Agent Notes

Chris Kaladaro and Dan Stone Jr. don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Technical skills.


Match Rating: C+


Match 5

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Sean McFly


Sean McFly defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 27:43 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.


Road Agent Notes

Johnny Bloodstone seemed off his game tonight. This match lifted the crowd. Johnny Bloodstone is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: B-


Match 6

Dark Angel vs. Jeremy Stone ©

NOTBPW Canadian Championship Match


Dark Angel defeated Jeremy Stone in 30:00 by three falls to none. Dark Angel wins the NOTBPW Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

This was the worst of the recent matches between these competitors and that only served to magnify its flaws. As the fourth time this match-up has been done recently, it needed to be much better. The Jeremy Stone vs. Dark Angel storyline has ended with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match Rating: D-


Overall Show Rating: D+

Notes: I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall




NOTBPW Grappling Glory Report


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Grappling Glory last night in Ottawa Rams Stadium, and drew 10,000 fans. The feedback has been decent although hardly spectacular.


Incident Report


Clarence Garcia was the focal point of a backstage incident when a mean-spirited prank he pulled on Dean McWade nearly led to a fight breaking out. As his employer, you now have to choose how to deal with Clarence Garcia.

Decision: Slap on the Wrist

Response: Clarence Garcia, “I’ll try not to let it happen again.”


Tamara McFly has been signed to a nine month Pay Per Appearance Contract.


The next show will be posted shortly.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3, May 2008

Waterloo University Arena (Ontario) – 4,504


Match 1

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Dan Stone Jr. defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 27:56 by submission with a Stone Ankle Stretch.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B


Match 2

Chris Kaladaro vs. Jeremy Stone


Jeremy Stone defeated Chris Kaladaro in 27:38 by submission with a Stone Hold.


Road Agent Notes

Chris Kaladaro is improving in Technical skills.


Match Rating: B-


Match 3

Dark Angel © vs. Sean McFly

NOTBPW Canadian Championship Match


Dark Angel defeated Sean McFly in 28:12 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. Dark Angel makes defense number 1 of his NOTBPW Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

The Dark Angel vs. Sean McFly storyline has been moved forward one stage with this match. This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B


Overall show rating: B

Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North of the Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Waterloo University Arena, and drew 4,504 fans. The feedback from viewers has been excellent. It seems they really struck gold with this show.


Incident report


Craig Prince was the focal point of a backstage incident when he started spreading rumors about Tommy London, almost leading to a fist fight between the two. As his employer, you now have to choose how to deal with Craig Prince.

Decision: Slap on the Wrist

Response: Craig Prince, “I’ll try and not let it happen again.”




Special Report


The Natural has signed a contract with Rhode Island Pro Wrestling, which is the development territory for Supreme Wrestling Federation. As a result his contract will expire in seven days, we here at NOTBPW wish The Natural the best of luck in his future endeavors.


NOTBPW Championship Wrestling will be having its final show on CBN next week.


OOC: The Final edition of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling on CBN will be posted on Monday at the latest.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 4, May 2008

Waterloo University Arena (Ontario) – 4,635


Match 1

Tamara McFly vs. Melody Cuthill ©

NOTBPW Women’s Championship Match


Melody Cuthill defeated Tamara McFly in 9:46 by pinfall with a Melody Maker. Melody Cuthill makes defense number 3 of her NOTBPW Women’s title.


Road Agent Notes

Melody Cuthill and Tamara McFly don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Tamara McFly is improving in Technical skills. Tamara McFly is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: D-


Match 2

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone


Jeremy Stone defeated Dan Stone Jr. in 10:39 by submission with a Stone Hold.


Road Agent Notes

This was the worst of the recent matches between these competitors and that only served to magnify its flaws. As the fourth time this match-up has been done recently, it needed to be a lot better to hold the crowd's attention. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match Rating: D-


Match 3

Sean McFly vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Sean McFly defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 27:39 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B-


Match 4

Chris Kaladaro vs. Dark Angel ©

NOTBPW Canadian Championship Match


Dark Angel defeated Chris Kaladaro in 27:49 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. Dark Angel makes defense number 2 of his NOTBPW Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Technical skills.


Match Rating: C


At the end of the night and as the main event is over, and Dark Angel is celebrating. Sean McFly walks over and offers his hand as a sign of respect, and the two competitors shake hands.


Road Agent Notes

The Dark Angel vs. Sean McFly storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment.


Segment Rating: B-


Overall Show Rating: C




NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Waterloo University Arena, and drew 4,635 fans. The feedback from viewers has been that the show was good, although some found it underwhelming.


The contract of Craig Green has been renewed for another year.

The Contract of Jason O’Conner has been renewed for another year.


NOTBPW have sent a negotiation request to Canadian 1 Choice to keep carrying their pay per views.


Also the next event scheduled to take place for NOTBPW is Jeopardy in June which will take place in eleven days time.


Incident Report

Omar Brown was involved in an incident with the police last night and ended up spending the night in a jail cell. As his employer, you now have to choose how to deal with this situation.

Decision: Fine

Result: He storms out.


NOTBPW have secured a six-month Pay Per View contract with Canada 1-Choice.


NOTBPW have renewed the contract of Johnny Bloodstone for another year.


OOC: this was the final show on CBN, I will be doing one more pay per view titled Jeopardy in June and then will be moving to weekly pay per views on Wednesday Nights.

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NOTBPW Jeopardy in June

Saturday Week 2, June 2008

Quebec Stade Uniprix (Quebec) – 10,000


Match 1

Melody Cuthill © vs. Tamara McFly

NOTBPW Women’s Championship Match


Tamara McFly defeated Melody Cuthill in 9:58 by pinfall with a McFly Roll. Tamara McFly wins the NOTBPW Women’s title.


Road Agent Notes

Melody Cuthill and Tamara McFly don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match Rating: E+


Match 2

Lord James King vs. Owen Love


Owen Love defeated Lord James King in 15:42 by pinfall with a Love Gun.


Road Agent Notes

The match was too long given who was involved. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Owen Love looked good out there.


Match Rating: D+


Match 3

John Maverick vs. Omar Brown


John Maverick defeated Omar Brown in 15:38 by submission with a Deadly Silence.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Match Rating: C


Match 4

The Kelowna Playaz (Craig Green vs. Gregg Boone) vs. The McWade Brothers (Dean and Dallas McWade)


The McWade Brothers defeated The Kelowna Playaz in 15:59 when Dean McWade defeated Craig Green by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat.


Road Agent Notes

Dallas McWade was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Craig Green is improving in Rumble skills. Gregg Boone is improving in Rumble skills. Gregg Boone is improving in Technical skills. Dean McWade is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: D


Match 5

Chris Kaladaro vs. R.K. Hayes


Chris Kaladaro defeated R.K. Hayes in 15:39 by pinfall.


Road Agent Notes

R.K. Hayes was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. Chris Kaladaro looked good out there.


Match Rating: C-


Match 6

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Jeremy Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Dan Stone Jr. defeated Jeremy Stone and Johnny Bloodstone in 27:34 by submission with a Stone Ankle Stretch.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B


Match 7

Dark Angel © vs. Sean McFly

NOTBPW Canadian Heavyweight Championship Match


Sean McFly defeated Dark Angel in 27:48 by disqualification.


Road Agent Notes

The finish to the match didn't go down well at all, the fans hated it. This was the worst of the recent matches between these competitors and that only served to magnify its flaws. As the fourth time this match-up has been done recently, it needed to be a lot better to hold the crowd's attention. The Dark Angel vs. Sean McFly storyline has been moved forward one stage with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match Rating: E


As the show went off the air Sean McFly attacked Dark Angel backstage, and left him down and out.

Rating: B-


Show Rating: D-

Notes: I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.


NOTBPW Jeopardy in June Report


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Jeopardy in June last night in Quebec Stade Uniprix, and drew 10,000 fans. The feedback was that the show was disappointing



Incident Report


Craig Prince was the focal point of a backstage incident when he started spreading rumors about Matthew White, almost leading to a fist fight between the two. As his employer, you now have to choose how to deal with Craig Prince.

Decision: Fatherly Approach

Response: Craig Prince, “Understood.”


NOTBPW Press Release


Since NOTBPW was not able to renew their contract with CBN, they have since decided to hold weekly Pay Per views every Wednesday.


OOC: I simulated though the month of July because I accidentally set the promotion to a touring schedule and you can only change it every 1st of the month. However I will be resuming in the month of August with weekly pay per views held on Wednesday titled Championship Wrestling.


OOC: The next show will be posted tomorow.

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As I am trying to do a NOTB game, it has definately been a challenge. I decided that my focus was that we were going to be more risky and take the NOTB to TCW/SWF status. While it's clicking, the only things I have working are Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel, Bloodstone vs. Jeremy Stone, and RK Hayes vs. Westybrook. I wanted to break up the Blondes because I see The Natural as being a Shawn Michaels type and Owen Love being a singles star. Definately a challenge as the roster is loaded with heels. I'm not big on the Tag teams either, as the Kelowna team blows in my game and the McWades want huge pushes. I like where you're going with one, looking forward to more.


Mr. E

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Yeah it definately is hard to run a game with NOTBPW as I have figured out with this Dynasty. I am doing the same trying to take NOTBPW to the status of SWF and TCW hence the name Journey to the top. The Natural is definately a future star but be careful because he will eventually be signed to SWF as he was with my game. Thanks for the comments Mr. E and I hope that you will be reading as I continue with this Dynasty.



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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 1, August 2008 Live on Pay Per View

Ottawa Rams Stadium (Ontario) – 10,000


To start the show Sean McFly comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interrupted by Jeremy Stone. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before agreeing to face each other later on in a singles match.


Road Agent Notes

This segment lifted the crowd.


Segment Rating: B-


Match 1

The McWade Brothers (Dean and Dallas) vs. R.K. Hayes and John Maverick


The McWade Brothers defeated R.K. Hayes and John Maverick in 15:51 when Dean McWade defeated R.K. Hayes by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat.


Road Agent Notes

Dallas McWade was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. R.K. Hayes is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: C-


Match 2

Emma Bitch vs. Tamara McFly ©

NOTBPW Women’s Championship Match


Tamara McFly defeated Emma Bitch in 8:27 by pinfall with a McFly Roll.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Emma Bitch is improving in Technical skills.


Match Rating: D-


Match 3

Harrison Hash vs. Omar Brown

Harrison Hash defeated Omar Brown in 12:09 by submission with a Montreal Deep Sleeper.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Match Rating: D


Match 4

Owen Love vs. Tim Westybrook


Owen Love defeated Tim Westybrook in 15:57 by pinfall with a Love Gun.


Road Agent Notes

The match was too long given who was involved. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Tim Westybrook is improving in Rumble skills.


Match Rating: C-


Match 5

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Dan Stone Jr. defeated Dark Angel and Johnny Bloodstone in 27:55 when Dan Stone JR defeated Dark Angel by submission with a Stone Ankle Stretch.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd. Johnny Bloodstone is improving in Rumble skills.


Match Rating: B


Match 6

Sean McFly vs. Jeremy Stone


Sean McFly defeated Jeremy Stone in 27:56 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B-


Just as the show is about to go off the air a camera cuts backstage and sees Dark Angel attacking Sean McFly backstage, Dark Angel leaves him down and out as the show goes off the air.


Road Agent Notes

This segment lifted the crowd.


Segment Rating: B


Overall Show Rating: B-

Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.




NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Ottawa Rams Stadium, and drew 10,000 fans. The feedback has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise


OOC: The next edition of The Kaladaro Kolumn will be posted as soon as I write it. The Next edition of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling live on Pay Per View will be posted soon!

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The Kaladaro Kolumn #5


Alright let me first start off by saying that a lot of things have transpired since the last edition of the Kaladaro Kolumn so I have a lot to review so lets get started.


The first show after my last edition of the Kaladaro Kolumn was March’s week 4 edition of Championship Wrestling. At the start of that show we saw Dark Angel come out to accept the challenge made by Jeremy Stone on the show prior to this one. We saw two big matches on this show as yours truly Chris Kaladaro took on both Jeremy Stone and Johnny Bloodstone in a triple threat match. Jeremy Stone ended up with the victory, which gave him more momentum for his rivalry with Dark Angel. The main event of that show saw Dark Angel defend the NOTBPW Canadian Championship against Dan Stone Jr. Dark Angel was successful in that defense and that marked the ninth consecutive title defense for Angel.


To start off the month of April Dark Angel made his way out to the ring and ranted about how he has defeated everyone on the NOTBPW roster that was until Sean McFly made an unsuspecting return to NOTBPW. A match was then signed between the two for later that night and on that occasion Dark Angel was able to defeat the returning Sean McFly in order to make defense number ten of his coveted Canadian championship.


In April week two’s show I faced off once again against Jeremy Stone and Johnny Bloodstone in a triple threat match and Jeremy Stone came out the victor on that occasion. Then in the main event Sean McFly faced off against Dan Stone Jr. Sean McFly was able to pull out the victory, then to end that night if it wasn’t already crazy enough fans saw as Dark Angel attacked Jeremy Stone backstage.


NOTBPW Super Slam was the next show to take place; to start things off Melody Cuthill defeated Emma Bitch to win the NOTBPW Women’s Championship for the second time. Also on that show Dan Stone Jr. faced off against Sean McFly and Sean McFly was able to get the win after twenty-eight minutes of solid wrestling action. In the main event of that show Jeremy Stone once again faced Dark Angel for the NOTBPW Canadian Championship and this time Jeremy Stone was able to win the NOTBPW Canadian Heavyweight Championship.


In week three of April there was two big matches as Dan Stone Jr. faced off against both Johnny Bloodstone and Dark Angel and Dark Angel was able to pull out the victory in a match that was a great effort by all men involved. In the main event fans watched on as Sean McFly stepped into the ring to do battle with Jeremy Stone and on this occasion Jeremy Stone pulled out the victory and made a successful defense number 1 of the NOTBPW Canadian Championship.


In Week four of April as the show went on the air we saw Jeremy Stone come into my office and demand a match with Dark Angel next week. I thought it was a good idea so I decided to sign the match and I will be talking about that match a little later. In the first match of that evening I stepped into the ring to do battle with former Canadian Champion Dark Angel he was able to beat me and start climbing up the Championship ladder once again. The second match of the evening saw Dan Stone Jr. face off against Sean McFly and Dan Stone Jr. was able to pull out the victory via the stone ankle stretch. The main event saw current Canadian Champion Jeremy Stone face former NOTBPW Canadian Champion Johnny Bloodstone. Jeremy Stone was able to defeat Johnny Bloodstone and make defense number three of his championship.


That brings us to week one of May which presented a special edition of NOTBPW Championship Wrestling dubbed Pick Your poison where Jeremy Stone and Dark Angel would be able to pick each others opponents for the evening. In match one of this show I faced Johnny Bloodstone and was defeated by Bloodstone via the Bloodstone Mutilation. The next match was the first match in the pick your poison that evening as Jeremy Stone picked Sean McFly to do battle with Dark Angel. Dark Angel despite not knowing who his opponent was until it was announced was able to defeat McFly via the Decent into hell. Immediately following the first pick your poison match we had the second as Jeremy Stone was set to do battle it was revealed that he would have to do battle against his own brother Dan Stone Jr. Jeremy Stone was able to get the victory but it wasn’t easy as Dan Stone Jr. proved to be a very formidable opponent for Jeremy.


In week two of May Dark Angel defeated John Maverick to start off the show. Johnny Bloodstone faced off against Sean McFly and Sean McFly was able to get the victory, then in the main event I faced off against Jeremy Stone in a non-title match. Jeremy Stone was able to get the best of me and win the match.


The next event to take place was NOTBPW Grappling Glory, to start the show we had a four way women’s match for the NOTBPW Women’s Championship. The participants in this match were Emma Bitch, Grace Harper, Stephanie Hazel, and of course the NOTBPW Women’s Champion Melody Cuthill. Melody Cuthill was able to get the win but it wasn’t easy, as she didn’t just have one woman to contend with in this match. Next we had the first of three big matches that evening as I did battle once again with Dan Stone Jr. Dan was able to defeat me but it wasn’t easy. Also on that show Sean McFly faced Johnny Bloodstone and was able to get the duke via the Delorean Driver in the main event of that evening Dark Angel once again did battle with Jeremy Stone. This match would be the deciding match in their feud and Dark Angel was able to get the victory and once again become the NOTBPW Canadian Champion.


The fallout after Grappling Glory was huge and was the topic of the Week 3, May 2008 show to start the show Dan Stone Jr. faced off against Johnny Bloodstone and was able to defeat Bloodstone with the Stone Ankle Stretch. In match two I faced off against former NOTBPW Canadian Champion Jeremy Stone and was defeated by submission with the stone hold. In the main event Dark Angel faced Sean McFly for the NOTBPW Canadian Championship and was able to retain his title making defense number one of his newly won championship belt.


Week four of May saw two big shows first it was week four’s edition of Championship Wrestling, to start the show the newly signed Tamara McFly who is the sister of Sean McFly faced Melody Cuthill for the Women’s Championship. She wasn’t able to win but for her first match to be a women’s championship match should be considered a victory in its own right. Dan Stone Jr. once again faced Jeremy Stone and Jeremy Stone was able to get the victory. In match three Sean McFly faced Johnny Bloodstone and was able to defeat Bloodstone just before the thirty-minute mark. The main event saw Dark Angel face off against yours truly and Dark Angel defeated me and made defense number 2 of his championship. After this week NOTBPW Championship Wrestling was no longer on CBN and was moving to weekly pay per view format but not before Jeopardy in June.


Next there was NOTBPW Jeopardy in June to start off the show Melody Cuthill once again did battle against Tamara McFly. This time out the outcome was different, as Tamara McFly was able to win the match and the NOTBPW Women’s Championship. Match six of that evening saw a triple threat match as Dan Stone Jr. faced off against Jeremy Stone and Johnny Bloodstone and was able to defeat both men. Then in the main event Dark Angel faced Sean McFly and defeated him via disqualification to retain his Canadian Championship.


The first pay per view edition of Championship Wrestling was huge to start the night Tamara McFly faced Emma Bitch and was able to successfully defend her women’s title. There was a triple threat match involving Dan Stone Jr., Dark Angel, and Johnny Bloodstone that saw Dan Stone Jr. get the victory in the match. In the main event of that evening Sean McFly faced Jeremy Stone and Sean McFly was able to get the win. However as the show went off the air Sean McFly was brutally attacked by Dark Angel.


Well fans that does it for this weeks edition of the Kaladaro Kolumn hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. For now I am Chris Kaladaro and this has been your Kolumn.


The next edition of Championship Wrestling live on Pay Per View will be posted within the next few days.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2, August 2008 Live on Pay Per View

Quebec Stade Uniprix (Quebec) – 10,000


Match 1

Chris Kaladaro vs. Dallas McWade

Chris Kaladaro defeated Dallas McWade in 28:28 by pinfall.


Road Agent Notes

Dallas McWade was exhausted by the end. Chris Kaladaro and Dallas McWade don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Chris Kaladaro stood out as being good.


Match Rating: C-


Match 2

Sean McFly vs. Jeremy Stone


Sean McFly defeated Jeremy Stone in 28:29 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B-


Match 3

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Dan Stone Jr. defeated Johnny Bloodstone in 27:36 by submission with a Stone Ankle Stretch.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B


An Angle featuring Sean McFly and Dark Angel


Dark Angel is in the ring, about to compete. Before the match starts, Sean McFly comes down to the ringside area, apparently scouting his future opponent. Dark Angel does not look happy about it, and appears somewhat distracted too.

Segment Rating: B-


Match 4

Dean McWade vs. Dark Angel ©


Dark Angel defeated Dean McWade in 28:08 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. Dark Angel makes defense number 3 of his NOTBPW Canadian title


Road Agent Notes

Dean McWade was visibly tiring toward the end. Dark Angel and Dean McWade don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Match Rating: C-


Show Rating: C-

Notes: The lack of matches on offer irritated the crowd, I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.




NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Quebec Stade Uniprix, and drew 10,000 fans. The feedback has been decent, although hardly spectacular.


OOC: The next show will be posted within the next few days.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3, August 2008 Live on Pay Per View

Ottawa Rams Stadium (Ontario) – 10,000


Match 1

The Kelowna Playaz (Craig Green and Gregg Boone) vs. The McWade Brothers (Dean and Dallas)


The McWade Brothers defeated The Kelowna Playaz in 15:54 when Dean McWade defeated Craig Green by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat.


Road Agent Notes

Dallas McWade was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Dean McWade looked good out there.

Match Rating: D+


Match 2

Melody Cuthill vs. Tamara McFly ©

NOTBPW Women’s Championship Match


Tamara McFly defeated Melody Cuthill in 9:36 by pinfall with a McFly Roll. Tamara McFly makes defense number 1 of her NOTBPW Women’s title.


Road Agent Notes

Melody Cuthill and Tamara McFly don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.

Match Rating: E+


Match 3

John Maverick vs. Owen Love


Owen Love defeated John Maverick in 17:43 by pinfall with a Love Gun.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match.

Match Rating: C-


Match 4

Jeremy Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Johnny Bloodstone defeated Jeremy Stone in 28:05 by submission with a Bloodstone Mutilation.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.

Match Rating: B


Match 5

Sean McFly vs. Chris Kaladaro


Sean McFly defeated Chris Kaladaro in 27:54 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.


Road Agent Notes

Sean McFly seemed off his game tonight. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Technical skills.

Match Rating: B-


Main Event Match 6

Dan Stone Jr. vs. Dark Angel ©

NOTBPW Canadian Championship Match


Dark Angel defeated Dan Stone Jr. in 27:47 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell. Dark Angel makes defense number 4 of his NOTBPW Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd.

Match Rating: B


As the show went off the air for the evening Dan Stone Jr. rushed the ring and attacked Dark Angel leaving him down and out.


Road Agent Notes

This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B


Show Rating: B

Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.




Last Nights NOTBPW Championship Wrestling


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Ottawa Rams Stadium, and drew 10,000 fans. The feedback has been excellent, it seems they really struck gold with this show.


OOC: August Week 4's show will be posted tomorow.

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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

Wednesday Week 4, August 2008 Live on Pay Per View

Quebec Stade Uniprix (Quebec) – 10,000


To start the show off for the evening Sean McFly makes his way down towards the ring with a microphone in hand. He announces that he has decided to give himself a challenge tonight, and if he cannot win the match in under 5 minutes he’ll admit defeat. He introduces Dark Angel as his opponent.


Segment Rating: B-


Match 1

Emma Bitch vs. Tamara McFly ©

NOTBPW Women’s Championship Match


Tamara McFly defeated Emma Bitch in 11:43 by pinfall with a McFly Roll. Tamara McFly makes defense number 2 of her NOTBPW Women’s title.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.

Match Rating: D-


Match 2

Craig Green vs. Dallas McWade

Dallas McWade defeated Craig Green in 15:55 by pinfall with a Murder On the Mountain.


Road Agent Notes

Dallas McWade seemed off his game tonight. Dallas McWade was exhausted by the end. Craig Green and Dallas McWade just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.

Match Rating: E


Match 3

Gregg Boone vs. Dean McWade


Dean McWade defeated Gregg Boone in 15:51 by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat.


Road Agent Notes

Dean McWade was visibly tiring toward the end. Gregg Boone seemed off his game tonight. Gregg Boone was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Match Rating: D


Match 4

Jeremy Stone vs. Johnny Bloodstone vs. John Maverick


Johnny Bloodstone defeated Jeremy Stone and John Maverick in 27:32 when Johnny Bloodstone defeated John Maverick by submission with a Bloodstone Mutilation.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd

Match Rating: B


Match 5

Dark Angel vs. Dan Stone Jr.


Dark Angel defeated Dan Stone Jr. in 27:46 by pinfall with a Descent Into Hell.

Match Rating: C


Main Event Match 6

Sean McFly vs. Chris Kaladaro


Sean McFly defeated Chris Kaladaro in 27:59 by pinfall with a Delorean Driver.


Road Agent Notes

This match lifted the crowd. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Technical skills.

Match Rating: B-


Overall Show Rating: B-




NOTBPW Championship Wrestling Report


North Of The Border Pro Wrestling held NOTBPW Championship Wrestling last night in Quebec Stade Uniprix, and drew 10,000 fans. The feedback has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


The first show of September 2008 will be posted soon!

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TBH, i think you should post the cards so we can predict because it's not really attracting you any more readers, because the writing is solid, but offering predictions bring in so many more people to read, it's nice seeing another NOTBPW dynasty so we can compare notes on what works and what doesn't
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Thanks for the reply Sean, I will indeed take your suggestion and post the main matches on the next card so that people can predict who the winners will be. Also I like the idea on comparing notes, if you would like you can always PM me with things and I will do the same.



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NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

September Week 2 Preview


Hello ladies and gentleman and most importantly Wrestling fans, this is Craig Prince here to give you a preview of some of the matches that will take place on the next edition of Championship Wrestling. First off in a tag team match we will see the unlikely paring of Chris Kaladaro and Sean McFly as they take on the McWades. Who will come out on top during this match, will Kaladaro and McFly come out with the victory or will the McWades prove that being brothers is an asset when it comes to tag team wrestling.


Also in action you will see Johnny Bloodstone take on Dan Stone Jr. will Dan stone prevail or will Johnny Bloodstone win and get what many would consider an upset over Dan Stone Jr.


In the main event of the evening it has been confirmed that we will see Dark Angel defend his NOTBPW Canadian Championship against a guy whom he has had a history with as of late Jeremy Stone. All that and much more as NOTBPW Championship Wrestling will emanate live from the Quebec Stade Uniprix in Montreal Quebec Canada. Don’t miss NOTBPW Championship Wrestling live on pay per view.


OOC: Predictions are welcome!

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