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NOTBPW : Set in Stone

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Saturday, Week 2, March 2008

Quebec State Uniprix - 9,764 In Attendance





Tom Townsend - Tommy London

Tommy London : This is a Huge Night Canada !

Tom Townsend : Sure Is Tommy, The Finals, DaLay & Maverick, The Blondes, The DeColts, and who could forget our beloved Stone Brothers.

Tommy London : And Melody Cuthill defends against one of the best women in the world of wrestling, Wanda Fish.

Tom Townsend : I'm Tingling Tommy ! Let's Get Started !


[Dark Match]


Emma Bitch vs April Appleseed


Emma Bitch had trouble handling, well, a tough customer in April Appleseed. Appleseed pretty much dominated the less experienced Emma. She Finished the match fairly quickly at 8:50 with a submission. April is setting herself up for another rise up the women's division, and perhaps a shot at Melody Cuthill's Title.


April Appleseed wins @ 8:50 with a Submission

Grade : E+



Lord James King vs Primus Allen


Primus Allen was putting forth an assault, that would've destroyed anybody else, however, in NOTBPW, the contenders are much harder to beat, as James King surprised the crowd in attendance, and took out the big man and ended his night with a King Maker, but not before Primus shocked him with an uppercut from Hell that collapsed King and nearly put him unconscious. But King pushed forward with a warrior spirit that rivaled any man, and got the King Maker, ending the night of the young man.


Lord James King wins @ 7:45 with a King Maker

Grade : D+


Tommy London : Alright, the first Semi-Final. DaLay & Maverick vs The Blondes

Tom Townsend : Oooh ! This Is Going To Be Good !

Tommy London : Alright, so for this tournament, I prepared a little scouting report. DaLay is probably the strongest guy in NOTBPW at this point, and Maverick has excellent submissions. The Blondes, are well-rounded though, so it should be tight.



DaLay & Maverick vs The Can-Am Blondes


DaLay & Maverick and The Blondes, put on a good display of talent and strength. Maverick nearly caught Owen Love with some good submission attempts. But, nothing connected clearly, as Owen was able to get up and avoid the submissions. The match, continued on at a frantic pace, that most people could not have followed, but they kept going, until at one point, it seemed like a done deal, as Owen Love was down on the ground, obviously injured, and DaLay was doing a great job of stopping The Natural, but John Maverick just couldn't get the pin. Owen managed, somehow, on his own to kick out of the pin. Owen got up, but soon found himself in one of DaLay's Arms, with his partner, on the other side. DaLay, shot a double suplex, throwing both men out of the ring. Maverick and DaLay, sensing blood, jumped out of the ring, and attempted a double frogsplash, both of which missed. Both men found themselves just like the Blondes. Out of it. The Referee started counting, and at some point, he noticed that both teams weren't getting up. After the Ten Count, the match was declared a draw, with no team moving on, and that the DeColt-Stone Match would decide the new champs and tournament winners.


Match is Declared a Draw @ 17:50 when a Double Count-Out was declared.

Grade : B+


Tommy London & Tom Townsend : Oh. My. God.

Sean McFly : Does this mean...

Tom Townsend & Tommy London : Yup.

Tommy London : DeColts & *Gulp* Stones, Facing off for the championships

Tom Townsend : Uhh, Tommy, Look Behind You.

Tommy London : Sean McFly, You're Back ! Looking Better than ever might I add, You're presenting the trophies and belts tonight I imagine ?

Sean McFly : Yup, and if it's to those damn DeColts, I'll have a target come April.



Dark Angel vs The McWade Brothers


Dark Angel was jumping around for the whole match, avoiding any of the slugging blows that would've knocked anybody slower unconscious. But, that wasn't the case with Dark Angel. The McWades finally figured out a strategy that would end the Angel's Night, as one of the McWades positioned himself, to catch Dark Angel when he avoided a blow. Dean threw a shot, and just as planned, Dark jumped towards Dallas, who caught him, and put him in a Full Nelson, allowing Dean to throw punches at will, obviously hurting the Man from Britain. Angel finally escaped, but was caught again, and this time, finished off. Dallas Pinned him with a Murder on the Mountain, and ended the match, proving once again, that 2 On 1, is a lot tougher than it looks.


The McWade Brothers win @ 17:53 with a Murder on the Mountain

Grade : C



Steve & Alex DeColt and The Stone Siblings

Hype Video


Alex DeColt : They're Not Going to Stop Us, Dan Stone Jr beat me before, but now me and my brother, we're unstoppable...


The DeColt Driver is highlighted. Along with their wins in CGC


Dan Stone Jr. : If I was able to beat Alex DeColt, I'm Sure Jeremy is able to beat Steve...


The Stone's Multiple wins in NOTBPW, the Stone Throw and The Stone Ankle Stretch


Steve DeColt : It's going to be a cakewalk. I'm going to bring a new belt back to British Columbia...


Steve DeColt's Murderous slams are highlighted


Jeremy Stone : I've been a multiple champ here in NOTBPW, and there's no way, I repeat, No Way, I'm losing to a DeColt. No Way...


The Stone Throw is shown a couple more times, before the video fades to 4 things, the Championship Belts, and the Ed Henson Trophies...


Grade : B



Tim Westybrook vs R.K. Hayes


Tim Westybrook was dominant for the vast majority of the fight, but when R.K. Hayes finally started to take control, it was hard to stop him. Tim got a hold of R.K. and threatened him with a dangerous suplex, but R.K. squirmed out of it, and took Tim down, where he used some powerful Ground and Pound to soften the so called "Iron Man" up. After the Ground and Pound, R.K. put Tim onto the ropes, and landed a vicious drop kick, before hitting the Homicide Bomb, and ended the match.


R.K. Hayes wins @ 18:09 with a Homicide Bomb

Grade : C




Melody Cuthill © vs Wanda Fish

NOTBPW Women's Championship


Melody Cuthill had some trouble handling Wanda Fish this time, as Wanda put Melody on the ropes for a long amount of time. Obviously tiring her out, as Melody was stuck on the ropes, being pushed around in every direction and every way that Wanda wanted. But when Melody started pushing back, Wanda was regretting not finishing it when she had the chance. Melody, However, did not make the same mistake, as she quickly got a hold on tot he Melody Maker, and finished Wanda, marking her 7th official title defense.


Melody Cuthill wins @ 9:52 with a Melody Maker

Grade : C-


Sean McFly, Tom Townsend & Tommy London : This is It.

Tommy London : The Biggest Moment, in NOTBPW Tag Team History.

Tom Townsend : Who Is Going to take it. The Stones or the DeColts ?

Sean McFly : Well, statistically, they're both pretty even, but in terms of popularity, the Stones are much more popular here than the DeColts, so that could be the boost they need. Other than that, pretty even, so let's get it started.





Steve & Alex DeColt vs The Stone Siblings

Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup Final

NOTBPW Tag Team Championship


The DeColts had an easy time getting used to the chorus of boos that was given to them, as the hometown heroes, the Stones, were just living it up. The DeColts caught them off guard though, and took Dan out together. Jeremy came to the rescue of his younger brother though, and took out Steve DeColt. This gave Dan some time to recuperate, and gave Steve some time as well, as Alex and Jeremy went face to face trying to gain the upper hand. Dan managed to pull himself up to his feet, and got a hold of Steve DeColt, and started jockeying for position, and Steve managed to lock on to a head lock, and slammed Dan on his face while holding it. Dan got up, with the help of Jeremy, who had just laid out Alex, who was looking out of it at for the time being. Steve continued to battle it out with the Stones, but the Stones were taking over the battle. But just when it looked like the Stones had the DeColts beat, Alex pulled himself up and got atop the highest rope, before hitting a brutal moonsault, that laid out the two stones. At this point in the match, all four men were down for the count. Up until, Alex, managed to power his way to his feet, before helping his brother Steve up to his feet, and both men hit the DeColt Stampede, and ended the match, in a climactic way at 28:07


Steve & Alex DeColt win @ 28:07 when Steve DeColt pinned Dan Stone Jr.

Grade : A*




After the Match, Steve and Alex stood up, above their fallen enemies, and got on the top ropes, celebrating their victory over the opposing forces of Canada, in the Stones. Sean McFly and NOTBPW Head Booker Scott Ripley entered the ring, and reluctantly gave the Trophies, along with the Tag Team belts to the DeColts, who hoisted them above their heads, and bathed in the glory of winning two titles, in one night. Sean McFly, had a bitter look on his face, and his eyes showed that he was preparing a vengeance for his fallen comrades, and the DeColts were too caught up in the moment to notice. Sean glanced at Dan Stone, and Scott Ripley, before taking a look down at his friends. They knew what was up. But, with Sean injured, and the Stones down, it would have to wait. They knew, eventually, it was to go down, and when it did, it wouldn't be pretty. And with that, the show faded to black, with The DeColts, hoisting the belts above their head...


Grade : B+



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Alright, Thought I would let you guys know...


I'll be on vacation until the 18th, and I thought that, rather than leaving this to sink to the bottom without reason, making it seem like I'm no longer around, wouldn't necessarily be alright. I'll still be online on a daily basis (So Long as I can get Internet as I usually do.)


I'll still be posting Random Thought Segments, a long with some random news such as Interview Segments and stuff like that, just to make sure it doesn't sink to the bottom. Providing I have the time, as I'll be spending time with my niece and nephew, and If they saw me on the computer all day, well, you get the picture :p


However, that's not the only reason. I've been using my Desktop for TEW, and I don't feel it necessary to transfer my game, as The Desktop runs much more smoothly with TEW, than my Vista Laptop. I do have the demo on my laptop, which will allow me to keep my characterizations of the people in NOTBPW, so I can still do interviews and stuff like that.


Due to this, I've decided to do an honorary Creative Staff Meeting. The 3 most consistent/top predicting contestants (Most Predictions/Most Correct) The three that are picked, I'll be in contact with, for some ideas for the diary, and perhaps even some booking. This will allow me to think over what I plan on doing with this diary, and give me a resting period. I'm so glad I decided to start writing this, it's really allowed me to focus on something and keep me occupied. So thank you to everybody that's come along with me (Odd Line, I Know :D) and hope you guys continue following this diary and helping me continue :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

<p>Alright, so Good News, I get back on Monday round 8:30 PM, so I should be able to post an update by Tuesday Morning</p><p> </p><p>

I'd like to thank the Creative Team who has helped with some great ideas for the promotion's future, and i guarantee you this diary is far from over, and that this little break has really done good for me, and I think it'll help me make this diary better than it is !</p>

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Golden Boys Cause Riots in the Maritimes


After Smash hit ratings for NOTBPW's most recent event, and Tag Team Tournament, the Ed Henson Memorial Championship, the fans had some interesting things to say. But this was not due to the fact that the Pay-Per-View was top-notch, but because of the Tag-Team Winners and Tournament Winners. Alex and Steve DeColt, from the other Canadian promotion (CGC), shocked the whole crowd in attendance, beating 3 teams. This visibly upset Not Only the runners-up, but Dan Stone, Sean McFly and Victoria Stone, as well as the two announcers, Tom Townsend and Tommy London. Unfortunately, these weren't the only two Golden Boys at the show. Dan DaLay, the Giant, got his NOTBPW career to a big start, assaulting the Stones in the Ring at a February Championship Wrestling Show, along with his team mate John Maverick, who came into the ring wearing some weird hoods, assaulting the Hometown Heroes, and leaving them down and out. This past month, the Boys have been dominating their opponents, and continuing the road to a potential title, but when DaLay and Maverick were Counted Out, in a Draw against the Can-Am Blondes, the Final got that much more heated, as it was the DeColts vs The Stones, in a match that was supposed to decide the final. However, the DeColts had the perfect Game-Plan, beating the Stones in a tight match-up, and let everybody know that they were the top of the heap. But now, after causing riots, they're causing some more, as DaLay, and the DeColts have handed in a resignation letter from the Loan contract, and not wanting to come back for a couple months. This leaves NOTBPW in an odd situation, as they no longer have any Tag Champions, so a planned 3 Team Tornado match-up will decide the new tag-champions. The Stones, The McWades and the Blondes will compete to see who will be the new Tag Champions. That's all for now, tune in for more info on the next episode of Championship Wrestling.

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Alright, it's with a lot of thought, that I've decided to end this diary. Since my vacation, I've just been unable to get back into my game, and I don't think I will If I continue running this diary. I do have another thought in mind, which I've already begun writing, and am almost prepared to post. Although I'm very upset that I have to end this here, I'm happy that I'm able to explore a new option, and try to start anew, because I've got a couple new ideas that I probably wouldn't of been able to showcase with NOTBPW. I hope that the people who followed me here will follow me in my next diary.
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