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<p>Slamfest preview</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><strong>Matchs announced for the next Sunday Slamfest</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>Revenge matchup</em></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> : "World Traveller" Walleye Conklin vs "The Last Viking" Hagar Erikson</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Rocky Streets vs Ace McQueen</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Joey Flame vs Black Jack</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

</span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>SWF United States title</em></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> : RJ Danzig (ch) vs Sid Streets</span></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MrOnu" data-cite="MrOnu" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22971" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><strong>Matchs announced for the next Sunday Slamfest</strong></span><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>Revenge matchup</em></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> : "World Traveller" Walleye Conklin vs </span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>"The Last Viking" Hagar Erikson</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>It wouldn't make sense if the much older Conklin would win.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Rocky Streets</strong></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> vs Ace McQueen</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Joey Flame vs </span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Black Jack</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>I think you're just going to make Flame's jobbers to the bigger guys, which is always sad.</em></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>SWF United States title</em></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> : RJ Danzig (ch) vs </span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Sid Streets</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>Let's go for an upset here.</em></span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Keep on going with this diary!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Phantom Stranger" data-cite="Phantom Stranger" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22971" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Any chance of seeing Brick Fantana come in at some point?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Fantana is not on the radar for the moment. With his current popularity, he would barely make it in the shows, but I recognize he's made for SWF. I went against hiring a lot of people for the first month to make sure I didn't screw up the finances. Being at Cult without the possibility of running PPVs can be dangerous.</p>
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<p>Just catching up with my reading on this one, MrOnu. Good stuff so far. I'm hoping that you'll teach me all about the '75 database through this diary! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

"World Traveller" Walleye Conklin vs <strong>"The Last Viking" Hagar Erikson</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rocky Streets</strong> vs Ace McQueen</p><p>

Joey Flame vs <strong>Black Jack</strong></p><p>

SWF United States title : <strong>RJ Danzig </strong>(ch) vs Sid Streets</p>

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<p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>Revenge matchup</em></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> : "World Traveller" Walleye Conklin vs "</span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>The Last Viking" Hagar Erikson</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

</span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong> Rocky Streets </strong></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">vs Ace McQueen</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Joey Flame vs </span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>Black Jack</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

</span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><em>SWF United States title</em></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> : </span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><strong>RJ Danzig</strong></span><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> (ch) vs Sid Streets</span></p>

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Even though I haven't played the 75 Database...I may be tempted to give it a whizz sometime. This diary is very well written so far and has certainly piqued my interest, in a Cornellverse time period I currently know very little about.


When I get more familiar with who is who, I'll join in with predictions but right now I'm just saying that I am reading this as an intrigued observer. Keep this quality up and you'll be a surefire candidate for next months' rookie of the month award.

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Thanks for the good words Marcel and Tiger. Getting some publicity out for this mod is one my secondary goal. Mr T and his crew did a tremendous job with this mod again this year and I believe the word must be spread. Slowly, one brick at a time, I'm trying to give a few hindsights on the game world.
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Holy crap... I just found this dynasty and it's amazing. Does my hard work proud to see this, you're writing everybody perfectly! I'm a big fan of the format and love that you're throwing in those trivial tidbits I feel make all the difference in an immersive universe... Can't wait for the next installment.
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Sunday Slamfest - Sept 75 3rd Week



Sunday Slamfest

5000 people in the Huntsville Fairground, South East area


{As the show opens, the reigning World Heavyweight champion is already in the ring. Micky Starr paces around the ring while talking...}


Starr : In a couple of weeks, there’s a big event in our sight called Golden Dreams. I’m usually not the one telling you hit the road and buy a ticket to attend it, but you might not want to miss this one. Earlier today, it has been confirmed that I will defend this title against Hagar Erikson in a rematch from the Challenge.{Cheers can be heard from the crowd as many people want to see that match} I’m sure Ares will come out here eventually and tell you that Erikson had me beaten, but I escaped on a technicality at the Challenge. Truth is I won the match while Hagar couldn’t get the job done within the rules and please don’t believe anything else.


So coming Golden Dreams, I’m eager to get in the ring with Erikson again to prove him once again that he can’t beat me… Just like last week! Erikson and his partner couldn’t buy a victory against Rick and me and to make matters worse for them, they showed to the world how the Titan’s can’t work together as a tight unit. With that knowledge, I do not fear for any interference at Golden Dreams, the Titans will once again run to their own demise in they try anything. Erikson, you can’t beat me in the ring, you can’t beat me with help from your friends. At Golden Dreams, history will repeat itself and I will still be the world heavyweight champion.


{Strong words from the champion to open the show, but it’s already time for some in-ring action!}

Rating : A



SWF United States Title :

RJ Danzig (ch) vs Sid Streets


These two put out a surprisingly good match probably helped by the fact that Danzig trained Streets only a few years ago. They played that story very well with nice sleek counter-wrestling. Streets smiled at his former mentor after each blocked or dodged move which infuriated Danzig. Probably tired of not getting the job done, the champion took the quick way out of the match after a Powerslam and used the rope for leverage to get a three count.


Danzig quickly rolled out of the ring to grab his title. After Sid failed to argue with the referee, he turned back to Danzig who motions how superior he is and how his former trainee will never touch his title.


Winner and still champion : RJ Danzig

Ratings : B- for the match, C for the post-match taunt


{Rocky Streets is walking backstage asking people if they saw Powerhouse Patterson somewhere. After a few people directed him to a room, he finally founds him.}


Rocky : Hey Patterson! I need to talk to you.


{A visibly annoyed Patterson doesn’t answer, he simply stands there dressing down the elder Streets with a killer gaze.}


Rocky : Are you proud of yourself Andre ?


{Patterson looks pissed off now by Rocky’s presence, especially after been called out by his first name, a rare occurrence.}


Rocky : Granted you were pissed off you didn’t win the title, but you didn’t have to treat my son like you did. Winning the match was more than enough. Picking on a weaker opponent and playing with it was not necessary.


{Seeing that Patterson hasn’t said a word so far, Rocky pushes him. Patterson’s back bounces against the wall, but he doesn’t seem to really mind.}


Rocky : Not gonna say a word, huh ? Not even going to try to defend yourself ?


{Patterson lets out a long sigh before answering back.}


Patterson : Your kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time, that’s all. Now get out my way!


{Patterson shoves Rocky Streets aside and walks away not before Streets drops one last comment.}


Rocky : You know what, Patterson ? Micky Starr was right about you…


{As the camera cuts back elsewhere, we just have enough time to see Patterson kicking a garbage can away out of frustration.}

Rating : B+


{We’re now heading for Richard Eisen’s office as the Blazin Flames just entered the room.}


Joey : I think we’re overdue for a title shot. We’ve beaten all the other teams in the last few months.


Eisen : What makes you think it would be a good business decision ? I mean, it could be argued that you’ve beaten weak competition only.


Teddy : Don’t play us again Eisen. You’ve been keeping us away from the champions on purpose.


Eisen : That’s a strong accusation. You have proofs to back that up ? No ? I thought so…


Teddy : We deserve this title shot more than any other team. I’m sure the champions wouldn’t happy to learn they are paper champions, thanks to you.


Eisen : You’re starting to get on my nerves… You know what ? I’ll give you a real chance to earn this title shot. If one of you can beat Black Jack in single action, you get a title shot at Golden Dreams.


Joey : Deal.


{As the Blazin’Flames heads to the door, Eisen drops a little precision…}


: Eisen : Oh, did I mention that your match is next ?

Rating : C-



Joey Flame (w/ Teddy Flame) vs Black Jack (w/Ace McQueen & Ares)


Joey Flame took on this challenge as his brother watched from the outside. No one seemed ready for this match, but Black Jack was showing a lot of confidence going in this match and took the early advantage. Joey used his speed to get back in the match and it became an even contest. After a devastating Tilt-a-Whirl-Slam, Black Jack looked in control and lifted his opponent for a Suplex, but Joey sledded in his back and pulled him in rollup position. A three count took Ace and Ares by surprise and they couldn’t do anything to prevent the title defense to happen at Golden Dreams.


Winner by pinfall : Joey Flame

Rating : C+


{Dixie Diamond is standing in the backstage interview area with Tyson Lang.}


Dixie : I’m standing now by the King of the Ring, Tyson Lang. Tyson, last week, you beat…


{Before Dixie Diamond could finish her first question, she has to dodge away as Frank Rock bulldozes Tyson Lang from behind. Rock grabs Lang and rams his head in the wall as Coach Pangrazzio is on his heels shouting instructions. Lang tries to fight back, but he’s a bit dizzy and he’s easily blocked by Rock who hits him with several punches. Rock plants him to the ground a Headbutt then the Coach calls for a strategic retreat as officials are rushing the scene.}

Rating : C-



Rocky Streets vs Ace McQueen (w/ Ares)


Streets and McQueen had a good short contest as Ares was constantly yelling at Ace to show the Flames how good he is. No one could hit his signature move by the 7th minute and it got the crowd really into it. They went crazy when Powerhouse Patterson ran from the back and blindsided Rocky with Clothesline behind the head. The referee called for the bell, Ace McQueen was not happy and was tempted to go for Patterson, but Ares convinced him it was not his fight.


Winner by DQ : Rocky Streets

Rating : B-


{Rocky makes it slowly to his feet only to eat a Big Boot on the nose. Patterson puts Rocky’s head between his legs… Powerbomb ! Patterson is one hell of an angry man and stomps Rocky to vent some frustration. Dusty Streets is running from the back a chair in had and rolls in the ring. Before he could do any damage, Patterson throws his dad at him and exits the ring. Dusty helps his father to his feet as the latter asks for a mic.}


Rocky : Enough of it Patterson! At Golden Dreams, I want you in that ring and I’ll give you another lecture about respect!


{Patterson motions that he accepts the match and walks away.}


Ratings : B for the attack and save; B for the accepted challenge.


{Once again, we go back in Richard Eisen’s office. This time, Black Jack is with the boss.}


Black Jack : I wasn’t prepared, call this match off with the Flames.


Eisen : I gave the Flames my word, Jack, and I intend to keep it. To be honest, I though you would beat him easily.


Black Jack : In normal circumstances, I would have, but this time around, I was forced to play a hand I didn’t like.


Ares Aegaleus (entering the office) : There you are !


Eisen : I’m sorry Jack, I’m a man of my words and the match is still on. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a business to run…


Ares : Come on Jack, we’ll figure something out with Ace.


{Black Jack is clearly not happy but still answer to his leader. As both men leave the room, we can hear a woman screaming a bit further down the hall… The cameraman runs toward the screams to find a terrified Babette screaming for help as Baron Von Rambis and Hagar Erikson are brutally attacking Rick Rumble. They not holding any punches and Rumble are already bleeding from the forehead. They use his head as a battering ram through crates, garbage cans and walls with chops, punches and headbutts in between! They lift Rumble over their head… oh my god! They threw him right onto a pile of tables ! Some of them break under the impact, but the lower section doesn’t even bend. Rick Rumble looks to be completely out ! Ares finally arrives on the scene..}


Ares : Great work Titans ! Now, let’s head to the ring.


{The Titans exits by one way while officials, Micky Starr and the Flames come by the other. We cut to the ring as Babette is crying over her boyfriend.}


Ratings : C for the Eisen’s office part, C+ for the attack



“World Traveler” Walleye Conklin vs “The Last Viking” Hagar Erikson (w/ Ares)


Maybe what just happened to Rick Rumble lit a new fire in Conklin, but he came off with a great start pushing Erikson in every direction and giving him a technical lesson. Erikson slowly found a few openings and soon the match was rather even. Conklin thought he had Erikson beaten at the 10th minute mark as he locked him in a Fujiara Armbar for several seconds in the middle of the ring, but the Last Viking refused to give up. Erikson finally reached the rope to break the move. Conklin went straight back to the arm, but Erikson quickly grabbed the rope to prevent any more damage. As the referee asked Conklin to back away, Erikson knocked him to the ground with a kidney punch and locked in the Iceland Stretch, but his arm lacked some strength and Conklin got enough room to get to the bottom rope quickly. Both men locked up in the middle of the ring, Conklin got a knee in the guts of Erikson and threw him in the ropes, he went for a Clothesline, but Erikson dodged under it to counter with a Neckbreaker. The Viking jumped on the opportunity to hit the Viking Back Snapper and once again defeated the World Traveler with a three count.


Winner by pinfall : Hagar Erikson

Rating : B-


{We have just enough air time to head to the parking lot as Babette is climbing in an ambulance. Rick Rumble is being stretched out the building !}

Rating C+



TV Ratings : 1.65


Confirmed Matchups for Golden Dreams :


SWF World Heavyweight Title : "Mighty" Micky Starr (ch) vs "The Last Viking" Hagar Erikson

Rocky Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson

SWF World Tag Team Titles : Deadly Gamble (ch) vs Blazin' Flames



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Matchs announced for the next Sunday Slamfest


Non-Title: "Mighty" Micky Starr vs Baron Von Rambis

Teddy Flame vs Ace McQueen

Dusty Streets vs Frank Rock

The Mustache Dream Team (Selleck & Morris) vs American Made (Haggans & Enforcer)

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Sunday Slamfest - Sept 75 4th Week



Sunday Slamfest

4123 people in the Gorski Ballroom, South West area


http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/bobjohnson75.JPG & http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/chaimsilverman75.JPG

Original commentary by Bob Johnson & Chaim Silverman


{The face of Supreme and current world heavyweight champion makes his way to the ring as the opening theme is not yet finished. He’s walking a fast pace and seems angry.}


Starr : Last week, my friend Rick Rumble was viciously attacked by the Titans and can’t be here unfortunately tonight.


{Starr takes a deep breath to calm himself while the crowd stars a “Get well Rick” chant.}


Starr : Oh don’t worry, he’ll be back. He’s one of the toughest guy I know. Last week’s attack went overboard and was uncalled for. You do not try to injure a man like that for no reason ! All Rick has ever done was to side with me to even the odds ! I’m not the one usually calling for revenge, but this time, I’m making it personal. At Warrior’s Pride, I’m going to put Erikson out and tonight, I will take care of Von Rambis. It’s time for time to face the consequences of their horrible acts!


{The champion is interrupted by the arrival of Ares Aegaleus, flanked by Von Rambis and Erikson. They stay under the Supreme Screen.}


Ares : Face the consequences ? That’s all you found to intimidate us ? You’re laughable Starr ! Facing the consequences is all what we’re asking for ! If we have to put in an ambulance every one of your friends to make you realize your efforts fighting us are worthless, we’ll do it !


Starr : I dare you !


Ares : Don’t tempt me Micky… Your time is over Starr and it’s about time you realize it. You can’t stop my monster team and if the great Micky Starr can’t do it, who else is going to do it ? I’m telling you, no one! We could finish you tonight, but it’s not going to happen.


Starr : You’ll never put me out Ares! I’ll beat every one of your boys one by one and will put you into full retirement!


Ares : Keep on dreamin’, your fall is just going to be bigger! As I was saying, we won’t finish you tonight. I won’t you to suffer a long, painful and slow downfall. The Baron will wear you down tonight and at Golden Dreams, Hagar will take your title. And if you’re still standing, I’ll send the dogs at you !


{Ares puts the mic away with confidence and walks to the back with his teammates.}

Rating : B+



Dusty Streets vs Frank Rock (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)


A rather average match, but it’s kinda expected from Rock; he’s still a work in progress in the ring. In addition to that, it looks like Rock and Coach are not on the same page. At least this week, Dusty is not overpowered by his opponent and can have some offense. His quickness puts Rock in danger every now and then, but it wasn’t enough to get a three count. Before Rock could hit any big moves, Tyson Lang rushed from the back and went straight at him with a flurry of punches causing the DQ.


Winner by DQ : Frank Rock

Rating : D


{Lang has some rage in him and relentlessly goes after Rock with punches, chops and kicks. The former football player catches a break with a thumb in the eye and starts mounting a comeback. Officials are rushing from the back, Richard Eisen on their heels. It takes a few minutes for the officials to separate both men.}


Eisen : Enough of this ! I’m not interested of finding whose fault it is, there’s bad blood, it’s clear. So let’s make it official, at Golden Dreams, it’s going to be Tyson Lang against Frank Rock !


{As Eisen returns to the back, Lang and Rock are taunting each other about the upcoming match.}

Rating : C


{In the backstage area, Teddy and Joey Flame are in their locker room wondering how their friend Rick is doing tonight. The tag team champions enter the scene and quickly the Flames are in defensive stance…}


Ace McQueen : Hold on, we’re not here to fight.


Joey : Excellent, I wouldn’t to hurt you before our title match!


Black Jack : Speaking of this, it’s not going to happen.


Teddy : Look, Joey won last week, Eisen promised us a title shot and we’re getting it.


Black Jack : We never agreed to those rules, therefore, there’s no title shot for you. You don’t change the rules when the card have been handed like Eisen did on us last week.


Joey : You’re just afraid of us!


Ace : Kid, we’ve beaten you before and would do it again at Golden Dreams. Our belts won’t be on the line, that’s all.


{Deadly Gamble heads to the door but they stop when they hear a new proposal…}


Joey : How about a little wager on this ?


{Joey looks at his brother clearly not knowing where this is heading.}


Black Jack : Go ahead, it might be interesting.


Joey : An all or nothing bet. Tonight, Teddy gets in the ring with you McQueen. My brother wins, we get out title shot at Golden Dreams. McQueen wins, the match is completely off.


{Jack and Ace take a moment to consider the offer in private while Joey tries to calm down his brother who’s clearly not happy with this proposal.}


Ace : You got a deal! Don’t complain at Eisen again after I’ve beat you tonight


{Teddy and McQueen have a short stare down before the champions leave the Flames’ locker room. }


Teddy : Why did you have to do that ? We had a title shot! They can’t go against Eisen’s word!


Joey : We had to do something or they would have found a way to call the match off completely !


{Teddy and Joey are still arguing when the camera switches to the backstage interview area. Dixie Diamond is standing there with the Mustache Dream Team.}


Dixie : Tonight marks the in-ring debut of the two men standing by me, Burt Selleck and Wade Morris, the Mustache Dream Team. Gentlemen, I…


Burt : You can call me Burt, honey.


Dixie : Well, Burt, I understand you have been quite successfully teaming with your friend here present, Wade, for quite some time.


Wade : So, what’s a fine lady like you plans for later tonight ?


Dixie : Well, I will probably… Wait! I’m the one suppose to ask questions here!


Burt : And you could ask me all the questions you want on the pillow, honey


Dixie : What ?!?


Wade : Let’s not get ahead of ourselves Burt. The lady is not quite used to be near two handsome men like us.


Burt : There’s only one way to fix that Wade…


Burt and Wade : with some dancing !


Wade : Jake, hit the music!


{It only takes a few seconds for Get down tonight to be heard and the Mustache Dream Team starts dancing around Dixie Diamond. Our interviewer doesn’t know how to react as Selleck and Morris try to get her to dance with them. As she’s considering a few moves, the Mustache’s theme hits the PR and they have to leave for their match.}


Ratings : C+ for the Gamble/Flames part, D for the Mustaches “interview”



The Mustache Dream Team (Selleck & Morris) vs American Made (Haggans & McBride) (w/Coach Pangrazzio)


This one was a solid short television match to introduce Selleck and Morris as more than a comedy act; they are a solid and an experienced tag team. McBride made a single mistake by taunting one too many time Morris which gave him enough time to dive for tag. Selleck came in and cleared the ring, finishing McBride with a bridged German Suplex to get a three count.


Mitch Haggans was not happy about it and leveled Selleck with a kick to the head as he was getting up. Morris rushed to help his partner, but McBride forced him in a corner with a Shoulder Tackle. American Made knocked the head of their opponents together, then drove them to the mat with parallel Leg Sweep. Coach Pangrazzio yelled it was enough and the All-Star Team quit the ring.


Winners by pinfall : Mustache Dream Team

Ratings : C- for the match, D for the revenge attack



Teddy Flame (w/ Joey) vs Ace McQueen (w/ Black Jack & Ares)


Teddy tried to end the match quickly with a couple of rollups in the first few minutes, it was clearly not enough to get the job done. Ace slowed down the pace with some good technical wrestling, but couldn’t get the job done, Teddy is more than a speedy wrestler, he’s a good technician too. Black Jack tried to help his partner by tripping Teddy in the ropes, but Joey wasn’t going to say still and watch; he charged Black Jack and the two men brawled around the ring all the way to the backstage area. McQueen got distracted by this scuffle, missed a running Clothesline… and fell to the Feel the Burn (Jumping Tornado DDT) ! Teddy got a three count to secure the title shot for their team.


Winner by pinfall : Teddy Flame

Rating : C+


{Bob Johnson directs the fans in attendance to the big screen. He sat with Rick Rumble earlier this week for an interview. Rumble and Johnson are sitting in a living room, probably Rumble’s one. Rumble’s shoulder is strapped and he’s sporting a neck brace.}


Johnson : Thank you Rick for welcoming us in your home.


Rumble : Babette wasn’t so found about it, but I think it’s the right thing to do.


Johnson : My first question is really simple : how do you feel now ?


Rumble : My body’s hurting, ya know. Shoulder is swollen, I can’t move my neck as much as I’d like.


Johnson : Your morale seems to be good though.


Rumble : I try to stay positive. Nothing is career-ending, all I need is some rest. My girlfriend is taking good care of me, maybe too much, if you want to know…


Babette (off screen) : Hey I heard that !


Johnson : I understand the doctors forced you to take this week off, but when do you think the Supreme Fans will be able to see you again in action ?


Rumble : Doctors are saying I need a few weeks off, but they’re not in my boots. Pain has never stopped me and it will never do. When you have to run the farm even while sick or injured so you can eat, you learn to ignore pain. In fact, I’ve already asked Eisen to set up a match at Golden Dream between me and Baron.


Johnson : You think you’ll be ready to wrestler by then ?


Rumble : It doesn’t matter if I’m ready or not, Von Rambis needs to pay for what he did to me. I know Micky will take care of Erikson, maybe I’ll even add a few strikes myself later, but at Golden Dreams, I’m taking care of Von Rambis! He attacked me like an animal and I’ll answer back like one!


Johnson : Thank you for your time Rick. I sure believe our fans wish you get well soon and can be ready for Golden Dream.

Rating : C-


{Powerhouse Patterson is standing alone in the backstage interview zone, once again in a foul mood.}


Patterson : I told you, Rocky, that your kid was at the wrong place at the wrong time. It was nothing personal against him. Now, you want to be the good daddy and care for you child, that’s okay with me, but you made one single mistake. By doubting my pride like you did, you pushed this banal argument into a personal affair. Micky Starr is a liar and manipulator, but that doesn’t work me. You want to side with him and pretend I’m such a bad guy ? Fine, now you’re gonna be my venting valve. I hold back against your kid, I had nothing against him and look at what I did. Imagine now what I’m going to do to you if I really mean to hurt someone…


{Patterson cracks his neck before leaving the area.}

Rating : B



“Mighty” Micky Starr vs Baron Von Rambis (w/ Ares)


An excellent television main event concluded this week’s episode. Micky Starr was on fire and didn’t hold back anything at Von Rambis while the Baron was his usual self, ruthless and brutal. In fact, maybe because the title wasn’t at stake, Baron was taking more time to break holds or contact when the referee asked for it while Starr took more risks than usual. Ares tried to interfere in the match, but got punched right on the nose by Starr for his audacity. Von Rambis went for his Beheader Clothesline, but Micky Starr miraculously kicked out at two and three-quarters. Erikson came to the ringside area only to witness his comrade fall to the Starr Treatment. He rushed the ring to break the pinfall thus causing the DQ.


Erikson hit a Big Boot on Starr who fell face first face on the mat. As instructed by Ares, Erikson slowly raised Starr on his feet for his Viking Back Snapper, but Starr blocked the move ! He was clipped in the knees by Ares though… Erikson and Ares stomped Starr who still managed to roll out of the ring. Seeing that Von Rambis was rising himself to his feet, Starr escaped by the crowd and lived to fight another day.


Winner by DQ : Micky Starr

Ratings : B for the match, B- for the failed beatdown.



TV Ratings : 1.66




OCC : Sorry for the delay, I had one hell of a busy week and didn't want to rush the show.

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Matchs announced for the next Sunday Slamfest


Rocky & Sid Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson & RJ Danzig

Burt Selleck vs Iron Mike Milligan (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)

"Babyface" Dave Kelso vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr

"World Travaler" Walleye Conklin vs Mitch Haggans (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)


And we're still waiting for a perfect score on the predictions by the way. :p

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Rocky & Sid Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson & RJ Danzig

Burt Selleck vs Iron Mike Milligan (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)

"Babyface" Dave Kelso vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr

"World Travaler" Walleye Conklin vs Mitch Haggans (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)



It's a big night for Coach and Co.! Love reading this, it's one of my favorites and I'm glad somebody is doing SWF from '75.

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Starting to catch up on this and some of my other favorites that I've fallen behind on, and really enjoying what I've read so far.


Much like TK wrote above, it really does make one want to take the '75 mod for a testdrive, which is quite the compliment.


Great job, Onu.



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Rocky & Sid Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson & RJ Danzig

Burt Selleck vs Iron Mike Milligan (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)

"Babyface" Dave Kelso vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr

"World Travaler" Walleye Conklin vs Mitch Haggans (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)

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t's a big night for Coach and Co.! Love reading this, it's one of my favorites and I'm glad somebody is doing SWF from '75.


Yeah, it kinda just happened...lol Must have been their turn to wrestle. Thanks for chiming in!


Starting to catch up on this and some of my other favorites that I've fallen behind on, and really enjoying what I've read so far.


Much like TK wrote above, it really does make one want to take the '75 mod for a testdrive, which is quite the compliment.


Great job, Onu.




At least, I'm slow writer, so everyone can catch up fairly quick. Thanks for your support !

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Sunday Slamfest - Oct 75 1st Week



Sunday Slamfest

2000 people in the Ricardo Montenez Ballroom, Puerto Rico area


http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/bobjohnson75.JPG & http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/chaimsilverman75.JPG

Original commentary by Bob Johnson & Chaim Silverman


{Opening credits are in; we go straight to the backstage interview area where Dixie Diamond is waiting for us.}


Dixie : Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another edition of Sunday Slamfest ! One of your favorite wrestlers can’t be here unfortunately here tonight. Rest assure fans, he has a very good reason as you’ll see in this video.


{Strangely enough, the video contains boxing footage. Not any kind of boxing though, it’s Ali vs Frazier, a bout that happened only two days ago in Manilla! The camera slowly switch focus to the crowd, there’s a couple of celebrities in attendance.. And there’s Tyson Lang ! He’s cheering like a little kid while the action is still raging in the ring. Back to Dixie Diamond.}


Dixie : As you can see, Tyson Lang couldn’t miss this heavy anticipated boxing match. He’s now still flying his way back to America and…


A familiar voice : HEY !


{Coach Pangrazzio enters the scene whistling in the ears of Dixie. He’s flanked by the Mitch Haggans. }


Coach : Enough of this crap ! Tyson Lang flew away in fear of us ! He’s not here tonight because he’s afraid he couldn’t make it in one piece to Golden Dreams. That’s a good reflex you know, it could have really happened this way. It’s only a matter of time though as Rock will crush this punk in just a couple of days. By the way Lang, you just proved me right : your wrestling is an act, you’re more interested in boxing than anything else ! After Rock dismantles you at Golden Dreams, it will be good riddance ! Let’s go Mitch, your match is next.


Ratings : A for Lang’s video, C- for Pangrazzio’s interruption



“World Traveler” Walleye Conklin vs Mitch Haggans (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)


Maybe it’s not our fans preferred style of wrestling, but these two put on an interesting technical bout. Conklin was looking to bounce back after a series of losses against Erikson and he did eventually win this match with his Down Under Driver (Brainbuster), but he had to work hard. Haggans proved to be a surprisingly good and resilient opponent.


Winner by pinfall : Walleye Conklin

Rating : C


{The world heavyweight champion Micky Starr is in his locker room watching the show on a monitor. Rick Rumble, still wearing a neck brace, comes in and shakes hand with his friend.}


Starr : Good to see you here tonight Rick.


Rumble : I just couldn’t sit back home much longer, ya know.


Starr : How’s your neck ? And your shoulder ?


Rumble : Please, don’t worry my friend, my girl is already doing at great job at it…


Starr : Don’t be silly Rick, she loves you more than anything, and she wants the best for you.


Rumble : Oh, I know; I just wish I could convince her I’ll be allright. Enough with the small talks, I came here to thank you for taking my side last week and putting a mud stomp in Baron.


Starr : Anytime for you my friend ! Besides that, it was a good sparing for Golden Dreams. I think it got under Erikson and Ares’ skins.


Rumble : I gotta keep runnin’, I don’t want to let my baby alone for too long with the Titans lurking around.


{Rumble leaves the room as we transition back to Bob and Chaim.}


Johnson : Also upcoming at Golden Dreams, a championship match between Deadly Gamble and the Blazin’ Flames.


Chaim : The Flames whined to get this opportunity and I hope it won’t become a habit out of our performers. The last thing we need, besides another dull Micky Starr’s promo, is more whiners.


Johnson : On the other hand Chaim, they deserve this opportunity. The champion have been dodging the Flames since they won the belt back in July.


Chaim : It was merely off pity for them as they will crush them at Golden Dreams.


Johnson : Well, so far, Teddy and Joey impressed everyone with a pair of solid victories over the champions in single matchups.


Chaim : You said it best : single action !


Johnson : If you’re the Mid-South area next Thursday, you don’t want to miss Golden Dreams!


Ratings : B+ for the Starr/Rumble part, C- for the tag team championship hype



“Babyface” Dave Kelso vs Richie Pangrazzio Jr (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)


An average midcard match between these two as Kelso is still trying to find his feet in the promotion. Richie was able to block a Vertical Suplex attempt by Kelso and it proved to be the turning point as a few moments later, he used his father distraction to low blow Kelso. Richie hit the Swing for the Fences (Front Russian Legsweep) to get the victory.


Winner by pinfall : Richie Pangrazzio

Rating : C


{Back in the backstage interview zone with Dixie Diamond and Rick Rumble.}


Dixie : Rick Rumble, in five days, you have a match with Baron Von Rambis, but one has to wonder if it’s a good idea.


Rumble : You should not be worried about me, I’ll be fine, you should be worried by what I am going to do to Von Rambis. You can’t injure a guy and expect to get away with it, ya know! Baron, at Golden Dreams, I’m going to get even with you. You will realize it takes me much more than you did to keep me on the sidelines. I don’t live to injure you, no, I’m not an animal like you, but I’ll make damn sure you can’t get your nose in my buddy Micky’s business later that night ! You messed with the wrong guy Von Rambis, I’ll..


{Rumble’s face shows some pain as he probably let himself go overboard with the emotion. He rubs his neck around the brace trying to shake it off, but soon enough Babette grabs him by the ear and takes him away, telling him once again he should have stayed home tonight.}

Rating : C+



Burt Selleck vs Iron Mike Milligan (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)


The fans were into this match, but their support went downhill with the ending. Iron Mike sent Selleck outside the ring with a hard Clothesline and while the referee was preventing him to get outside, Mitch Haggans ran in and leveled Selleck with a Thrust Kick. An head shot to the ring post later, Haggans rolled him back in, Milligan hit the K.O. Combo (series of punches ending with a right uppercut to the jaw) to win the match.


Haggans rolls in the ring and he’s soon joined by Enforcer McBride. The three members of the All-Star are putting the boots in Selleck. Wade Morris runs in to save his partner, but they are still outnumbered. A few seconds later, Dave Kelso also runs from the back and joins the fight. Things even out a bit, it gives Selleck a breather to gather some energy to fight back and finally the faces clear the ring ! Richie Pangrazzio is now standing by the Coach shaking his head in disbelief as the Coach calls for a retreat.


Winner by pinfall : Iron Mike

Ratings : C- for the match, D+ for the post-match attack and save


{Ares Aegaleus makes his way to the ring, flanked by Baron Von Rambis and Hagar Erikson. A simple dreadful look towards Bob Johnson is enough to get him a mic. }


Ares : In five days, this promotion will be changed forever. First, my friend here, Baron Von Rambis, will finish his demolition of Rick Rumble. You can call him an animal all you want Rick, I don’t find it insulting at all. Von Rambis is more than 250 pounds of pure strength and there’s only one thing in his mind : destruction. If that qualifies him as animal, fine, but he’s damn effective one ! We know you’re more hurt than you want us to believe, you’ll be an easy prey for the Baron. Just like a shark, he smelled blood and now he wants more ! I hope your girl is a certified nurse, ‘cause you’ll need it after Golden Dreams !


When it’s done, this man, Hagar Erikson will take care of Micky Starr. He already beat you once Micky, even if no one wants to acknowledge it, so..


{Erikson holds down Ares’ mic for a moment. The two men exchange a few words, then, even if he doesn’t seem to agree, Ares lets Erikson do the talking.}


Erikson : I’ve proved my worth as warrior many times in this land and from where I come, it usually grants you access to the most precious rewards. For too long, I’ve been denied my rights by you, Micky Starr. At our last encounter, you fought well, but you should have not won.. I had this battle won, but the Thor put another rock in my way in the form of this blind referee.


It won’t happen again. This time, I made the proper ceremonies to honor my ancestors. They will give me the strength, the speed and the vitality needed to triumph. Soon, my name will be chanted around this land by the bards and Micky Starr will become merely a weak memory !


{Erikson gives the mic back to his manager. For once, Ares is not sure how to react and simply signals it’s time to leave.}

Rating : C+



Rocky & Sid Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson & RJ Danzig


I was rather surprised with this one. I mean, my last tag match with four main eventers, two of them having A* experience together, only got a B-… For two guys that probably don’t like each other, Patterson and Danzig worked rather well as a unit, and they had to ! Rocky Streets and his youngest son are used to work together and it enhanced the overall quality of this match. The Streets Family won the match after sending Patterson out of the ring with a Slingshot Clotheslines (Rocky threw Sid over his head in a slingshot-like move). A Backbreaker/Leg Drop combo was enough to put Danzig out.


Patterson was not very pleased with the outcome though. He grabbed a chair and ran back to the ring. He tried to take a swing at Rocky, but Sid dropkicked the chair out of his hands. Rocky hit Patterson with a Clothesline and both men went over the top rope. While they were brawling around the ring and in crowd, Danzig sneaked behind Sid and snatched him a wicked looking Fujiara Armbar as the show went off air.


Winners by pinfall : Rocky & Sid

Ratings : B for the match, C+ for the post-match brawl



TV Ratings : 1.63



And maybe a short word from Tim Carlton if I can fix this damn idea I have...

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Golden Dreams 1975


SWF World Heavyweight title : "Migthy" Micky Starr (ch) vs "The Last Viking" Hagar Erikson (w/ Ares)

Rick Rumble (w/ Babette) vs Baron Von Rambis (w/Ares)

Rocky Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson

SWF United States title : RJ Danzig (ch) vs Sid Streets

SWF Tag Team Titles : Deadly Gamble (ch) vs Blazin' Flames

"King of the Ring" Tyson Lang vs Frank Rock (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)

The Mustache Dream Team & Babyface Dave Kelso vs The All-Star Team (Haggans, Enforcer McBride, Iron Mike Milligan) (w/Coach Pangrazzio)

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SWF World Heavyweight title : "Migthy" Micky Starr (ch) vs "The Last Viking" Hagar Erikson (w/ Ares)

Rick Rumble (w/ Babette) vs Baron Von Rambis (w/Ares)

Rocky Streets vs Powerhouse Patterson

SWF United States title : RJ Danzig (ch) vs Sid Streets

SWF Tag Team Titles : Deadly Gamble (ch) vs Blazin' Flames

"King of the Ring" Tyson Lang vs Frank Rock (w/ Coach Pangrazzio)

The Mustache Dream Team & Babyface Dave Kelso vs The All-Star Team (Haggans, Enforcer McBride, Iron Mike Milligan) (w/Coach Pangrazzio)

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There's still a good 24h even a bit more to add any comment or predictions. I like to be at least two shows ahead in the game, but I got delayed. I had some really nice ideas, but all those damn TWL guys don't want to jump ship and had to figure a plan B.
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