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i thought i might add a small australian fed as the data seems to need one or two


here is my idea for the logo of Aussie Wrestling Compnay




Sounds good. :)


Whenever you've completed your fed just ask whoever currently has the data to send it you when they're done.


I'm gonna sleep now. :D

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Do you have specific stats or do you want me to add them to the data and generate stats? :)


I've got the stats/personalities/etc, I figured I'd just wait until I had everything finished to add to the database and send that over.


The company I had in mind was going to be Breakdown Wrestling and the original plan was to locate it in the Great Lakes and have it be located in Wisconsin, but if any location needs promotions, it can be moved.

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I've got the stats/personalities/etc, I figured I'd just wait until I had everything finished to add to the database and send that over.


The company I had in mind was going to be Breakdown Wrestling and the original plan was to locate it in the Great Lakes and have it be located in Wisconsin, but if any location needs promotions, it can be moved.


Put it wherever you like. :)


I'm rendering whenever I take a study break, so expect some renders around 1 am (finals are next week so I'll be up the next 6 hours, at least).


I'm not really happy with the stache' on Carl Brezhnev so I'll probably re-do him, although perhaps not tonight.


Re-doing quite a few renders with new more high resolution textures and also pumping out some new ones. I should be finished with all the females tonight. :)

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About a dozen male renders left to finish that I'll post ASAP.


This post covers all of the rest of the females currently in the game. ^_^


Some of these are just re-done renders. I still want to touch up Mary Beth Dee's render looks grainy to me and there is something off about Genesis, but that should be it with the females. :)


The new names are females that are either future workers or PUSA additions.


I deleted Maria Finlay (a worker I made) from the data I have and assigned her render to Payton Briggs.


Angelina Croft:



Big Bertha:



Elizabeth Knightley:



Farrah Jones:



Hot Holly:



Jenna Pappas:



Julie Hewitt:



Kate Lily:



Katrina Jones:



Lacy Salinger:



Rachel Boggs:



Rachel Boggs (2):



Rachel Boggs (3):



Rachel Boggs (4):



Rachel Boggs (5):



Rachel Boggs (6):



Rachel Roberts:



Rachel Roberts (2):



Scarlett Boleyn:



Tori Blue:



Lady Typhoon:


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I'm not really happy with the stache' on Carl Brezhnev so I'll probably re-do him, although perhaps not tonight.


Not happy with the stache'? How could you not be happy with it? That is quality facial hair right there.:D That is right up there with Burt Reynolds, Tom Selleck, and John Holmes!:D

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BHK if you like the stache' I like it. ^_^


I have 6 more male renders I've completed the prep work for but I'm tired of rendering so I'll do them later this week. ^_^


Mostly some re-dos but I have some new guys here in Dillon Strom and Randy Barnett. ^_^


Randy Barnett:



Dillon Strom:



Mark Sullivan:



Leonardo Dawson:



Patrick Booth:



Orlando Turner:


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Going through the render folder for the first time I'm happy with almost every single one. ^_^ Mary Beth is too grainy, Paul O'Connor too small, Juan Wayne's lighting might be off etc. but it's smaller stuff. ^_^




The pic folder is here. Please go through and make comments on renders I could improve. Thanks. :D


Note to self:


Your renders are trending bigger. Re-size the renders you did today by -5%.

Never mind, variation throughout. Just continue rendering and when you finish all renders move Daz to work rig, load and save a maser file M3/V4 an identical distance from the camera and re-light/render all saved renders from that distance. You're rendering each file from a slightly different camera and getting different distances. Surface brightness/shaders also need to be re-adjusted depending on mats as skin color is varying wildly. See Sebs work for an example of reasonable skin tone variation.

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Profile of S.E.X



Name: Sports Entertainment Xtreme

Short Name: S.E.X


Size: Cult



Most women only promotions are either strictly for show or try to be too much like the typical male dominated wrestling promotions. S.E.X tries to strike a balance between the two. It features some of the best legit athletes and women wrestlers from all over the world. Yet it will also blend that with the T&A and risqué storylines, angles and matches. Can it be pulled off successfully? Well so far after 3 years S.E.X has been off to a great start. Sports Entertainment Xtreme was created when owner Veronica Coley originally was set up to purchase (PUSA) or Pretty United States Athletes but was out bid by SAW and Hugh Trump on the last day of negotiations. Vowing revenge Coley opened S.E.X some say as a direct competitor to PUSA, while Veronica insist the two can coexist as she's not trying to compete for the same audience as Trump.


Opened: April 2007

Location: Southwest

Prestige (%): 40%

Finances: 5,000,000

Drug Policy: None

Regular or Touring: Regular



Owner: Veronica Coley

Head Booker:

Founder: Veronica Coley


Play-by-play Announcer: Penny Brown

Color Commentator: Jack Jones


S.E.X Tag Team Champion: Silver & Gold

S.E.X Hardcore Champion: "Viking Vixen" Heather Trotter

S.E.X Diamonds Champion: "The Socialite" Tammy Stone

S.E.X World Champion: "Superfly" Susan Davis

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A few bios for Sports Entertainment Xtreme. Some of these are bios of the character they portray in ring, and others are the real person, some are a blend.



Veronica Coley

Veronica Coley is a multi-millionaire who could easily afford to make S.E.X a worldwide phenomenon. But she's being smart and starting small putting her money into top notch female talent both inring and entertainers. This is really only a project for her that she's not certain will prove to be profitable. Why she's incorporating a element of hardcore is anybody's guess, but Veronica always has something up her sleeve. She wants this to be as glitzy and glamorous as it is potentially violent and bloody.



Amanda Knight


"AK-47" whose real name is Amanda Knight, is potentially the type of wrestler than can carry a promotion, not just a women’s division, not a women’s only promotion, but any promotion. Supermodel looks, amazing on the mic, and talented between the ropes. Amanda grew up around the industry and was trained in part by her uncle "Kingsize" Sammy Knight. Her ring style is fast-paced and exciting who can pretty much do it all and is adaptable to a wide array of opponents as you'd expect from somebody trained by a legendary wrestler like "Kingsize", she also has very sound basics. Recently she has been part of a tag team with Amanda Kauffman under the names "AK-AK" or "Amanda Amanda".


"The Debutante" Alexis Gold


Famous before wrestling the uber sexy Alexis Gold stars in her own reality TV show "The Gold Standard". Wanting to be a wrestler since she was 12 her father a wealthy movie producer and director paid for top notch personal training from some of the industry greats when she turned 16. Alexis debuted at 20 as a face, her quick wit and snappy on-liners made her a hit with the fans. Her career catapulted into the stratosphere however when she turned heel and teamed with Ashley Silver forming Silver and Gold. As a heel Alexis Gold is full of herself. However, there is a fine line between walkin' the walk and talkin' the talk and she delves between both extremes; she can back up her words inside the squared circle and can mix it up with any opponent. Alexis isn't above blatantly cheating or becoming a sadistic bitch if the situation calls for it. She's just as comfortable at the announcer's table as she is in the ring. Alexis is a member of the stable High Society.



"Hollywood" Ashley Silver


Simply put, Ashley Silver is one of the best women heels in the business very self-centered to the point of obsession. She always is focusing on her looks, if she's wearing the right fashion and how much she weights. To anyone & everyone she's spiteful, bitchy, and just plain rude. Coming from a modeling background has left her very tactless to the point of just plain mean. Drawing from her past experiences in life, Silver fails to see the value in victories made through hard fought matches. If she could, she'd cheat just about every time to win. Because to her winning isn't what's important, it's looking damn good during the celebration. In her mind the perfect match is where she comes out to the ring only to be celebrated as the winner. To have her blood spilled at all causes her to immediately freak out and/or have a hard time recovering afterwards. Ashley Silver teams with Alexis Gold to form the tag team Silver & Gold. They are both members of the High Society stable.





The mysterious Sylhouette is a very beautiful Asian American woman in her mid 20s. She often dresses in a lot of revealing black and red outfits. Sylhouette is a brilliant masked high flier and martial artist best known for her run as one of CWA's most popular wrestlers. Sylhouette was trained by ring veteran Sandy Knoxville some would say she was even Knoxville's protégé'. While eternally grateful for all Knoxville taught her their relationship is best described as strained currently. While in CWA when asked if Sylhouette was ready to step into the role as the top face of the women's division, Knoxville informed Buddy Howard she wasn't ready yet the result being Sandy Knoxville being thrust into that role. After CWA closed in summer 2006, Sylhouette disgusted with American backstage politics and all the CWA scandals decided to try something different that would be a fresh start and she accepted a long-standing offer to wrestle in Japan. When she returned to America on 2009 something had changed, she was darker, colder and compassionless.




Gemini (real name Ko'no Kanee) A Japanese female who was raised in America since the age of two the only connection to she has to her Japanese heritage is her name. The mysterious Gemini is a light-footed multi-faceted talent who in the ring is able to do a little bit of everything but generally not greater at one particular skill than another. However place a microphone in her hands and it's clear where her best talent lays. Gemini definitely has the 'gift of the gab' she was quoted on her website as saying "there's one thing worse than people talking about you, that's people not talking about you." So Gemini makes sure at the end of every show, when people leave the arena they are talking about her. Whether it's something she said or something spectacular she did in the ring. She teams with Scorpio as The Zodiacs, they've been Known to laced many of their interviews with references to ancient Greek mythology.





Scorpio reputed to be one of the strongest women in wrestling; she also may very well be the smartest as well. Intense in the ring, a physical wrestler who can grapple up close and use her power to throw smaller wrestlers around, her punching and brawling is what she does best. As a solo wrestler Scorpio has experienced a lot of success out of the country, in Mexico, Japan and Australia. She was the winner of the inaugural S.E.X Queen of the Deathmatch tournament. Scorpio along with Gemini team as The Zodiacs, they've been Known to laced many of their interviews with references to ancient Greek mythology.



Barbwire Bitch


"Barbwire Bitch" began her professional wrestling career in 2000 as a valet on the east coast and southern independent circuits, where she was known under her real name Dallas Green. She trained in several dojos to improve her wrestling abilities and after only a short while was really beginning to impress everyone from New Jersey to Georgia before signing with Rising Sun in Japan in June 2002. In 2004 she signed with C.W.A where she gained national attention as the "Hardcore Queen" Dallas Green. Eventually she found her way into S.E.X after only a few appearances, she joined with Psycho Bitch and formed the tag team Bitches With Attitude (B.W.A)





It was believed that no woman wrestler could ever successfully pull off the deadman/woman gimmick until Requiem. Appearance alone is enough to send chills through out the arena, jet black skin, grey eyes, long white hair, standing every bit of 6'4" and pushing 260 pounds with a bodybuilder's physique. When she mysteriously debuted in S.E.X at their Night of the Damned event attacking and power bombed the super over fan favorite "AK-47" Amanda Knight through a 10 foot scaffold Requiem was on her way to becoming one of the greatest monster heels of all time. A menacing juggernaut but limited skill wise to power based suplexes, power bombs, superior strength, forearms, closed fist strikes and martial art accurate kicks.


No one knows the story behind Requiem or where she comes from. It's rumored she is the wrestler formerly named She-Hulk of the CWA repackaged. She-Hulk was just as tall only weighed 30 pounds less and was very raw, she also was the only female among the "Steroid Ten".



"America's Sweetheart" Jennifer Tronson


"America's Sweetheart" Jennifer Tronson is the daughter of wrestling legend Terry Tronson and is also talented within the ropes herself. Many only think of CWA's "Statutory Rape" storyline when Tronson's name is mentioned. It was a highly risky storyline where Tronson at the time only 15 was sleeping with Buddy Howard, in order to secure her dad a title shot. The angle featured underage Jennifer in bra and panties on live TV on several occasions. The censors and mainstream media went crazy when the storyline climaxed by having Howard give her to Juggernaut as a gift for his services. Since then she has proved in other promotions especially S.E.X that she can really step up to the plate and deliver. Jennifer got rave reviews for her Pure Rules match with the Redneck Princess at "Violent By Choice, Naughty By Design" as she showed everyone that she inherited much of her father's talent.



Triple X


Triple X, a masked American female wrestler with a knock out body started wrestling in the Midwest independent circuit, she was making a name for herself but the larger promotions weren't calling and SAW wasn't sending any scouts to a junior high school gym in Nebraska. On the verge of being evicted from her apartment and giving up her dream of being a wrestler she was finally discovered by a booker who wanted her for a new promotion only he wasn’t interested in her Torture Rack Finisher, but her other "rack". She joined a nude women's wrestling promotion because it was a paying job. After two years of wrestling naked she tried to catch on with several promotions. No one took her seriously because of her nude background or they felt the fans wouldn't buy her beating "legit" wrestlers. Finally she donned the mask changed her name to Triple X to keep her identity and past hidden and went to the one place that would hire anyone questionable past or not, Buddy Howard's Outlaw Wrestling. After a hot start in Outlaw she signed on with S.E.X




November "The World Most Dangerous Woman" is a highly vilotile young competitor from Staten Island, NY. A world class MMA fighter with a background in Boxing, Muay Thai, and Russian Sambo, she also has a black belt in karate and uses all of those skills in her in-ring attacks as she blends punishing strikes with powerful throws and takedowns. November is primarily known for being a striker but she also has a well developed love for taking the fight to the ground.


"Superfly" Susan Davis


At 24, "Superfly" Susan Davis was one of the original 6 women brought into CWA to be the initial line up for it's Diva's Division. She has a great look, fine skills, and is fantastic on the microphone. Davis was in CWA for it's entire run, always popular with the fans but she never got to hold the womens title. Since CWA's closing she has done a lot of indy promotions everywhere she could.



"The Socialite" Tammy Stone


"The Socialite" Tammy Stone is like the absolute most important person in the world. Everything she ever wanted she has and everybody should give in to her every whim. In reality, The Socialite is a prissy, spoiled, stuck up little... well you get the hint. Tammy Stone wants the world handed to her on a silver platter, preferably with little sparkles added to it to make it really pretty and she wants it right now. She can't believe she's actually in a place like S.E.X when she should be in a larger company showing everybody how absolutely fantastic she is but since she's here she may as well start educating everybody about who the most perfect and beautiful woman around really is. After all, she's, like, the best ever - you can just ask her! She is also the third member of the all female stable High Society.

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After some technical difficulty I've sent the update data to Kobe. I've added 2 promotion and 108 workers, 52 male and 56 females. I also added several tag teams, relationshios, title histories, etc..


I still have at least one promotion to add and about 35-40 more workers.

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could someone send me or post here a recent version of the data please...i pm'ed fullhouse a couple of days ago but still waiting ...


paulskin, I'll send it to you Sunday. I'm going to make some updates myself and then get it to you. I have a final at 8:30 (45 minutes from now) that's 3 hours. I'll do that, go drink at the bars with some friends to celebrate and then get to work on the data around 6 or 7 pm. If I'm hammered then sometime tomorrow. ^_^


Spending some time with friends and my LTR this weekend but I'll work on the data intermittently and will be done by Saturday. ^_^


Lots of new renders that need to be done. Guess I'll get to work. :)

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paulskin, I'll send it to you Sunday. I'm going to make some updates myself and then get it to you. I have a final at 8:30 (45 minutes from now) that's 3 hours. I'll do that, go drink at the bars with some friends to celebrate and then get to work on the data around 6 or 7 pm. If I'm hammered then sometime tomorrow. ^_^


Spending some time with friends and my LTR this weekend but I'll work on the data intermittently and will be done by Saturday. ^_^


Lots of new renders that need to be done. Guess I'll get to work. :)


thats cool i look forward to adding my fed

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Observations about the data so far.


* Popularity seems pretty balanced:


There are only 3 workers in the data with a popularity above B in the US, 7 in Canada (6 if you cut out the duplicate workers), 1 in Mexico, 4 in the UK minus duplicates, and 2 in Europe. Japan and Australia have none that aren't duplicates. Considering promotion sizes and the workers submitted so far, those are good numbers. ^_^


*Brawling/Aerial/Hardcore seem fine.


* Sex Appeal is trending way too high.


CornellVerse workers with a B+ or better in sex appeal:

54/1339 (4%)


Communityverse workers with a B+ or better in sex appeal:

71/437 (16%)


The percentage was always going to be a little bit higher because we didn't cap males at C+ like the default database, the data has more women than men than the CVerse %wise and because I made a promotion with a development territory based on the premise of sex appeal, but even with my promotion skewing the number up it shouldn't be higher than 10% of total workers now and 7-8% of total workers once the database is finished. Cutting my workers out entirely, the database isn't even where it should be, with 43/437 workers at B+ or higher sex appeal (10%). And when I give SAW/PUSA a normal distribution of 4% the number is 59/437 % (13.5%) which is more than 3 times the Cverse average. With Communityverse workers with B+ sex appeal already nearly 20 over the cverse with only a third of the workers, it's a disturbing trend. Basically, we'll have to lower some of these ratings across the board. The degree to which we have to lower them is contingent on what people do with future submissions.


Star Quality has the same issue as sex appeal.



122/1339 (9%)



71/437 (16%)


It's just as pronounced because it's 13% even removing SAW/PUSA workers. Which is worse because SAW/PUSA don't over represent the B+ or higher pool as much as they did with sex appeal (+3% as opposed to +6% amongst workers in our database) That means everyone is rating their workers star quality way too high, on average. I'd venture to guess that ratings in the C- to B range have a similar trend.



Eventually some of us will come together and balance the data, but to avoid making as much work for ourselves later (and having to change workers stats from what people have envisioned) let's be mindful of the workers already submitted and the skills they have when developing our promotions.


*Performance skills are good.


*Entertainment is trending too high in some places. Acting is fine, but people are giving their workers mic skills that are too good, on average. I wanted to say charisma might be too high, but considering what has submitted thus far and their promotion sizes I'd say it's probably fine.





25/437 (6%)


charisma (6%)




16/437 (4%)




mic: 31/1339 (2%)

charisma: 49/1339 (4%)

acting: 34/1339 (3%)


So basically, future submissions try to keep mic/sex appeal/acting around B. The less balancing that needs to be done at the end, the better. ^_^


I didn't look at physical skills quite yet. I'm assuming they're overrepresented as well since mods tend to overrated in looks skills, physical skills, popularity and certain performance skills as a general rule but I dunno. :)




In the CVerse, taking out outlier regional BSC (13 workers with a B+ or higher sex appeal in a promotion based on it) there is an average of 1 worker with a B+ or higher sex appeal per promotion. Including it we are at 1.5 or so. Without doing the math, I'm assuming that since star quality has a little over twice as many workers with B+ that 2.5 workers per promotion with B+ or better SQ is a good rule of thumb.


I'm tired of math now and buzzed (and about to go get drunk) now that I'm done with finals so I'll just leave it at that. :)

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Well like I said in regards to any data that I put in, feel free to balance my workers as you see fit. All of my stats are pretty much placeholder stats anyway and I always thought that they would be changed as more data was added.


The only thing that I ask is that my popularity stats are not changed to much. Because the people with the higher popularity are supposed to be where they are. I mean if we have a shift in levels of popularity (such as a Regional wrestler can only be a this level say 60% pop.) then I will say change it, I just still want the most popular people to stay where they are.

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Well like I said in regards to any data that I put in, feel free to balance my workers as you see fit. All of my stats are pretty much placeholder stats anyway and I always thought that they would be changed as more data was added.


The only thing that I ask is that my popularity stats are not changed to much. Because the people with the higher popularity are supposed to be where they are. I mean if we have a shift in levels of popularity (such as a Regional wrestler can only be a this level say 60% pop.) then I will say change it, I just still want the most popular people to stay where they are.


You watch Lost? Awesome. I gave up on that show a year ago though. ^_^


I'll hold off on editing any stats until we stop taking submissions. Right now there's no way to say that the data isn't fine as is. Heck, if we end up around 2000 workers with only a 5% increase in the trouble stats we'd be a bit under-represented in those stats, so you never know... it just depends on what kinds of promotions we get. Honestly, since this is a community project whatever direction it goes in is fine. My thought process is just that for the mod to be fun ideally we want to have a myriad of different promotion types full of workers with unique skill sets. :)


I'm just citing some trends I'm noticing so future contributors can keep them in mind. As more and more people submit we will have less use for certain types of workers as they become over-represented.


Popularity is fine though. I'm surprised at how good everyone has been with it since that's normally a trouble stat. :o

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Observations about the data so far.


* Popularity seems pretty balanced:


There are only 3 workers in the data with a popularity above B in the US, 7 in Canada (6 if you cut out the duplicate workers), 1 in Mexico, 4 in the UK minus duplicates, and 2 in Europe. Japan and Australia have none that aren't duplicates. Considering promotion sizes and the workers submitted so far, those are good numbers. ^_^


This is a question I had for a while now regarding popularity but never got around to asking. What was US-A before they dropped to regional? National? International? Global? If I remember correctly they were National, I think.


Anyway, if that's the case and the US has no promotions larger than Cult at the mod's start. Then shouldnt there be alot of popluar wrestlers that are unemployed? Either between B to B+ and if they were superstars in US-A perhaps even an A or two?


My point is if US-A was the top dog on the American scene for so long. When it dropped on Bloody Sunday. Then some of the wrestlers they kept should possibly be more popular that what a typical wrestler for a regional promotion would be? After all the promotion fell to regional size not their wrestlers popularity. Unless the US-A only kept cheap workers who were only as popular as your typical regional worker, which would mean they kept no one more over than what? Mid-card?


So where did all those Upper-Mid Card and Main Eventers go? I can buy some leaving the country, but if they were National Stars in the US, then they wont be as popular overseas. So the more likely scenario is there should be alot of popular free agents in the game and a few regional promotions and the cult promotions should have 1 or 2 guys on it's roster that are in reality too popular for that promotions size.

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US-A was National at the time that they fell.


Yeah some of the US-A people were kept by the federation (those that are still under contract with the promotion due to the fact that their contract is either about to end or they are to expensive to buy out).


Some went to TWA and EWO (that is the storyline for the American Elite angle). And the rest have not been created yet.:D


When I had the data I focused mainly on filling up my many promotions, I just felt the free agents could wait until later.


Like I have said, if anybody wants to add the former US-A backstory into their wrestlers bios by all means do so. If you want I can look through the data and list all of the US-A wrestlers that were on the roster when it crashed.

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