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MMA Tycoon


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I knew I'd gotten LA from somewhere... are the admin moving guys to Montreal for us then? If so then Just Binky wouldn't mind being relocated so as not to end up needing to be fired in order to actually be able to get a fight. I can't afford to fly him all the way to Canada! :p


Yes, after I sent the e-mail about EWB being created for us members of GDS and EWB to fight one another and what not he sent the e-mail back saying he would move all of our fighters to Montreal.


So now for future fighters just remember to make their base in Montreal. Normally this would have costed our fighters thousands, but he's being nice and moving us all. I sent him a list of all the fighter ID's, but we have to wait for QFC's to finish before he can move them.

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Chandler O'Reily v Tyrone Jackson

Chandler O'Reily: After I knock out that punk ass Tyrone Jackson next week on the 6th, I am declaring it here in EWB as "Omega Time". With that said I don't think Jackson will be spending much time on his fight and I don't plan to play around with him on the ground. He knows that I am a former collegiate boxer and can knock out men 2x my size. When I beat Jackson and make my professional debut you will all recognize that you are watching the foundation of the “Omega Legacy”!!!

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Yes, after I sent the e-mail about EWB being created for us members of GDS and EWB to fight one another and what not he sent the e-mail back saying he would move all of our fighters to Montreal.


So now for future fighters just remember to make their base in Montreal. Normally this would have costed our fighters thousands, but he's being nice and moving us all. I sent him a list of all the fighter ID's, but we have to wait for QFC's to finish before he can move them.


Awesome... I won't mention it over there in case we can get away with it but do you know how that'll effect our training/gym membership? I spent money already and would hate to have to spend more... but if I have to then I suppose I'll have to. :)

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You spend your gym money weekly so either way you have to spend more. Make sure you are only training part time so youre guy gets $200 a work for working, if you train full time youre guy gets no income and you only start with $500 I believe? so that won't last long. You don't have to do this but I figured this is how new players are supposed to start their training then once you get bigger contracts they can train full time.
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Yeah, if I end up moving I'll likely knock those guys down a peg or two. If you're with a relatively cheap gym and depending on injuries you should be able to fight once a week or at least once every 2. Even using the QFC you should be able to build up some money and raise your hype level far enough to get a better contract... hopefully. :)


At the very least I'm just going to build up as much cash as possible in order to pay for a fighter to go through a quality gym and use some supplements. Once I've got a great fighter I should be able to milk him for more money and then start another one.


Was about to ask for a contract for Derek Blackley but just got my best offer yet. 300 per fight for 3 fights, 100 win bonus and a 400 signing bonus. Awesomeness. :D

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Hey I just signed up for this. Would there be any room for my fighter to join your promotion. He is a Heavyweight called Tom Salerno.


I'm pretty sure Biggz still needs more people, when you make someone make sure he is based in Montreal since that's where the promotion is located and you dont have to pay for travel costs since thats the only thing location plays a role in. You can also join my gym The Animal Cage (plug) as its only $100 a week and has proficient trainers, in a week or two I'll be able to get strong ones in each category for us.

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I'm pretty sure Biggz still needs more people, when you make someone make sure he is based in Montreal since that's where the promotion is located and you dont have to pay for travel costs since thats the only thing location plays a role in. You can also join my gym The Animal Cage (plug) as its only $100 a week and has proficient trainers, in a week or two I'll be able to get strong ones in each category for us.


How is your Gym doing in drawing in cash? How profitable is it for you? I only ask cause if you figure $100 a week from each of our guys you must be pushing 7,000+ or so right now and with others from other organizations you must be doing pretty good.


Can you run a gym and a org?

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Yeah you can run a gym and an org (I think) you just have to take out loan money and pay it back "x" amount a week cuz if youre in bankrupt too long you lose your VIP account.


As far as Gym finances, current coach wages are $3,200 and it cost $6,420 to sign them, then so far I have only spent around $40 on gym upkeep but it goes by how many training sessions are being used so I have this week budgeted at $250 (dont know if thats too high or low) then gym fees are bringing in $6,200 so overall for this week I am losing $3,471.


Next week I'll hopefully make $3,000 so the week after I can start my plan of hiring a strong coach in specialized category while weaning out the beginning coaches. Signing the coaches is the costly part since the base salaries dont go up too much by skill its the signing costs, and I didnt want to spend all of my loan in the beginning in case I couldnt pay it off (as they suggest you do) but since other people besides the EWB'ers have signed up I'm hoping I can turn it into a strong quality gym in just over a month or so real time? (hopefully :-P)


edit: I will also most likely lower the gym costs to $85 next week after I pay off these original coaches and make sure I will be paying off the bank loan regularly

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If it's the signing fees that are the big kicker you'd probably be better off hiring 1 really good coach (specialising in one area) every couple of weeks rather than a couple of average coaches. It might mean you won't have a coach for every aspect of training for a little while BUT you will have some top quality trainers and so people training will perform significantly better.


Of course, I don't know the exact numbers but I think that's what I'd do if I had the chance. :)

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Unfortunately thats not how the coaches work, for example a lot of striking stuff requires the coach to have both boxing and MT, so just hiring a boxing coach doesnt do a whole lot.


BIG NEWS THOUGH! I have sacked the two coaches we had and signed two exceptional coaches (their skills are 120 out of 150) making them some of the best in Canada. The schedules are the same but I think you have to set your training schedules again (sorry but these guys are awesome!) I wont turn a profit for awhile ($16,000 in the hole now) but the coaches are now the best you can get in Canada since some gyms may have a great BJJ guy, but he has no wrestling, so alot of the training aspects you can choose from aren't effective.


edit: I said it on the gym post but since our gym guys are BJJ/Wrestling and Boxing/MT, I didnt hire a guy specifically in conditioning, all these means is if you want to up your guys conditioning choose cardio since the only benefit of having a conditioning coach is youre able to do circuit training, but like it says as well since I dont need to upgrade these coaches anymore, at first opportunity I'll get an exceptional conditioning coach


Another edit :p I should point out that high coaching levels go exceptional, sensational, then elite. So while I personally think exceptional doesn't sound as good as some of the lower levels it is, the only gym that is now better is Canadian Top Team who has a lot of Elite coaches (some only specialize in one area though which i explained earlier) they also cost $299 a week

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I can join to the promotion too. My fighter is:


Patrik "All Out" Rooney [ 8916 ]


That 8916 stands for the ID doesn't it?


Yup, did you create your guy in Montreal so you do not have to travel to Biggz promotion? Otherwise you have to pay travel costs

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So now weight divisions under that??


My guy weights in at 132 pounds.


Your guy can probably still fight at 155 he will just be a lighter fighter which has its pro's and cons, its also important to note that the green weight means what your guy weighed in at, once the fight is booked im assuming they go back to their natural full weight

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