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SWF: One a Day

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And now for something completely different...


Hello, I'm Astil, and this is my One a Day SWF Dynasty.


What that means is that each day that goes by, I'll be playing a day as the Good Ol' Supreme Wrestling Federation. I'm sure more than a few of you saw a Dynasty by Astil and said "Again?". I have started quiet a few since I joined here, and they all fizzle out very quickly. The real issue is I want to write fantastic stories, but do not have the time. My hope is with the One a Day idea, I can still play and write, but at a deliberatly slow pace.


Meaning this one may stick (how many times have I said that before).


Also, I intend to do my best to post daily with this. Sometimes news in TEW may be slow, and I may just talk about my life. If this turns you off from my dynasty ... well, I warn you now.


And with that, lets get this show on the road!


Monday, Week 1, January 2008


Zack Danielson


Well, it's all come down to this. I worked my way up, saw Good Ol' Sam leave, and became Head Assistant to Mr. Micheals. When Mr. Micheals retired from the book to focus on family, Mr. Eisen turned to me.


I, of course, turned him down.


I wasn't stupid. I saw what the job did to two legends of the sport. No, I was content playing number two to the top dog; head assistant to whoever was next.


Mr. Eisen doesn't take rejection too kindly though, just ask his first wife. Apparently in my contract it says that I am to do the job that I am assigned or be fired without compensation. Also, Eisen threatened a blacklist, which I don't think is feasible seeing as he is the most hated figure around, but he threatened it all the same. He told me I could take the job of SWF Head Booker or be fired from all of wrestling.


I swear I thought it was an angle, and just like in the angles, what Mr. Eisen wants, Mr. Eisen gets.


So, now, as of the new year, I'm the SWF Head Booker.


I started the day walking the hallways of SWF Headquarters in Boston. I was in a bad mood, cussing myself out for backing down and taking the job. Then I saw him.


"Hey, pipsqueak, you think your top dog now?"


Maybe it was the years of him calling me pipsqueak. Maybe it was the fact that he's the one who injured my legs to begin with. Maybe it was the fact that he's a talentless sack of garbage.


Whatever it was, I snapped.


"Damn strait I'm top dog now. Scott, you're fired for disobeying company drug standards and being a danger in the ring."


He looked pointedly at my leg.


"You think you can ****ing fire me because I ****ing injured your ****ing leg!?! That's bull****! It's your fault you couldn't take a ****ing bump. Screw you, this is complete BS!"


"gentlemen, escort Mr. Sinclair out of the building, and you,"


I looked at my assistant/apprentice, Emma Chase.


"Tell Richard I fired Big Smack Scott"


She winced but left as three security guards walked a screaming Scott away from me.


"I'll ****ing kill you Danielson! I'll finish the job!"


I walked away smiling. Maybe taking this job wasn't so bad.


At least I could try to make Eisen regret it.




Yeah I drug tested Big Smack Scott just to fire him. It's story relative and I just don't like him. I called up all my devo talent to fill in the roster, and started putting out some feelers to see who'll come join the SWF. Should have a couple of fun storylines coming up.


Creative meeting - Hidden Gems says Joey Poison could be a very useful member of the SWF. Maybe someday.


I know it's short notice, but here's the plan for SWF Supreme TV tommorrow.


Two on Three Handicap Match

Rich Money and Remo vs. The Amazing Bumfholes and Robbie Retro


Xtreme Tag Team Match for #1 Contender to the Tag Team Championship

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant vs. Joe Sexy and Kurt LaMaree


Tag Match

High Concept vs. Vengeance and Runaway Train


Four on Four Main Eventers Tag Match

Christian Faith, Enygma, Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Eric Eisen, Brandon James, Squeeky McClean and Frederique Garcia

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Two on Three Handicap Match

Rich Money and Remo vs. The Amazing Bumfholes and Robbie Retro


Xtreme Tag Team Match for #1 Contender to the Tag Team Championship

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant vs. Joe Sexy and Kurt LaMaree


Tag Match

High Concept vs. Vengeance and Runaway Train


Four on Four Main Eventers Tag Match

Christian Faith, Enygma, Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Eric Eisen, Brandon James, Squeeky McClean and Frederique Garcia

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Always good to see another SWF dynasty. :)



Two on Three Handicap Match

Rich Money and Remo vs. The Amazing Bumfholes and Robbie Retro - The Almighty Dollar are MONEY, baby!


Xtreme Tag Team Match for #1 Contender to the Tag Team Championship

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant vs. Joe Sexy and Kurt LaMaree - Hmm, weird teams, but Laramee needs SOMEONE with BSS gone, I suppose. Big Valiant mark so they take it.


Tag Match

High Concept vs. Vengeance and Runaway Train - I love High Concept, but this screams SQUASH.


Four on Four Main Eventers Tag Match

Christian Faith, Enygma, Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Eric Eisen, Brandon James, Squeeky McClean and Frederique Garcia - One of these things just doesn't belong - FAG is a major weak link here. Enygma to get the pinfall to try and sort out his momentum problems.

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Two on Three Handicap Match

Rich Money and Remo vs. The Amazing Bumfholes and Robbie Retro


It could be two on five and I would still pick the Dollar.


Xtreme Tag Team Match for #1 Contender to the Tag Team Championship

Jack Giedroyc and Valiant vs. Joe Sexy and Kurt LaMaree


Sexy and Laramee doesn't sound like a very good team, and I picked heels in two other matches.


Tag Match

High Concept vs. Vengeance and Runaway Train


What's the weight difference here? 300 pounds? More? Not to mention it's two main event monsters vs a comedy midcard tag team.


Four on Four Main Eventers Tag Match

Christian Faith, Enygma, Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley vs. Eric Eisen, Brandon James, Squeeky McClean and Frederique Garcia


Since when do Squeeky and FAG get to call themselves "main eventers"? I'd expect one of them to take the fall.

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The show opens with the normal video opening of Saliva's Ladies and Gentlemen. It then transfers to a video showing some early highlights of Jack Bruce's career. It shows Bruce winning the title


off of Runaway Train, and his recent defenses.


The crowd is still fairly hot when the the camera pans over them, and finally down to Richard Eisen, standing alone in the ring.


Eisen: Welcome, welcome. 2008 is here ... and it is the Year of the Eisen's ... again! Tonight we have ourselves a fine Main Event, with team Two Faces vs. Team Eisen. Now, when my boy and his team wins tonight, I have added an additional stipulation. When Team Eisen wins, my boy Eric Eisen will face Jack Bruce at When Hell Freezes Over for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship!


Micheals: My word, Ana, what a blockbuster way to start Supreme TV!


Garcia: It sure is. Eisen v. Bruce at Hell Freezes Over.


Micheals: Well they have to win first!


Garcia: You heard the boss, they will win.


Almighty Dollar vs. The Amazing Bumfholes and Robbie Retro

- Randy and Zimmy use quick tags to wear down Remo early.


- Randy goes to the top rope, but Remo meets him there and suplexes him off.


- Remo drags randy to his corner and demands someone else tags in.


- Without quick tags, Retro falls quickly to Remo's attack.


- Remo lacsidasically tags in Money, allow Zimmy to tag in.


- Money dominates Zimmy, ending the match with a Dollars From Heaven.


Almighty Dollar defeats The Amazing Bumfholes and Robbie Retro


Backstage, Kurt Lamaree is walking backstage, looking annoyed. He walks by Jack Giedroyc, who is in the old Scott-Lamaree locker room. Giedroyc walks out and Lamaree snorts.


Lamaree: You didn't earn a locker room that nice. You should be in a broom closet.


Giedroyc: Excuse me? I'm not the one who had a partner quit on him.


Lamaree is steamed.


Lamaree: Oh, I got a new partner. You'll see soon.


Giedroyc: Yes, we -




Micheals: Those two will be on opposite sides later in an Extreme Tag Team match.


Garcia: I don't understand the fascination with "extreme" DaVE failed. Extreme wrestling failed.


Enforcer Roberts vs. Lobster Warrior


- Enforcer starts strong, getting some huge hits in on Lobster.


- Lobster looks like he's wobbling and shaky, and Roberts moves in slow and ****y.


- Lobster gets the Lobster Trap applied. He was playing possum.


- Roberts reaches a ring rope.


- Lobster works over the legs of Roberts slowly.


- In the middle of the ring Lobster applies another Lobster Trap, and Roberts taps.


Lobster Warrior over Enforcer Roberts


Jack Giedroyc and Valiant vs. Joe Sexy and Kurt Lamaree


- Valiant and Sexy start, with neither getting a clear edge.


- Valiant misses a Patriot Missle, and Sexy uses the opportunity to tag in a fresh Lamaree.


- Lamaree dominates Valiant for a few minutes, before Valiant breaks free and tags in Giedroyc.


- Giedroyc doesn't go into the ring, but instead grabs as many weapons as he can and throws them in.


- Lamaree sets up a table in his corner.


- Giedroyc slaps his hand on Valiant's shoulder, whispers something to him, and points to the ring "That's extreme".


- Lamaree pulls him into the ring, and Kurt and Sexy beat down on Giedroyc.


- Giedroyc hits a vicious DDT onto a chair to Sexy after stunning Kurt with a hard jab. Kurt rebounds with a big Switchblade Powerslam.


- Out of nowhere, Valiant hits a Patriot Missile (spear) on Lamaree through the table set up in the corner.


- V-Split! That's it!


Jack Giedroyc and Valiant defeated Joe Sexy and Kurt Lamaree



High Concept vs. Runaway Train and Vengeance


- Quick squash match.


- Train and Vengeance work really well together


- The end comes when Vengeance hits a Skull Krusher on an already limp Elmo Benson.


Runaway Train and Vengeance defeated High Concept


Micheals: What monsters! Who can beat this team?


Garcia: I don't think anyone can Peter...what's this!


Micheal: It's Angry Gilmore, and he's attacking Vengeance.


Garcia: Help your partner, Train!


Micheal: No help is coming, and Gilmore is standing over a defeated Vengeance!


Brandon James, Eric Eisen, Frederique Antonio Garcia and Squeeky McClean vs. Christian Faith, Enygma, Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley


- McClean and Frehely to start, with Frehley getting an early advantage.


- McClean and Eisen use quick tags to put down Frehely, and keep his away from his corner.


- Garcia tags in and beats him around a bit, before yelling "FABulous" and going for the cover.


- He gets a two count before getting kicked in the head by Enygma.


- Frehley rises and tags in Enygma.


- Enygma starts going to town on Garcia. He hits the Enygma Variation, but is attacked by McClean before he can cover.


- McClean is forced out of the ring, but not before Garcia tags in James.


- James demolishes Enygma, but while playing to the crowd, Enygma is able to tag in Jack Bruce.


- Bruce and Brandon go back and forth for many minutes of exciting action.


- Brandon manages to tag in Eisen, but Bruce s now hot.


- Bruce hits a New York Minute on Eisen, but when he turns around is hit by a running big boot.


- Christian Faith rolls the body of Eisen over Bruce and the referee counts the cover.


Brandon James, Eric Eisen, Fredique Antonio Garcia and Squeeky McClean vs. Christian Faith, Enygma, Jack Bruce and Steve Frehley


To end to show, the camera zooms in on the ring, where Richard Eisen, Eric Eisen, Brandon James, Squeeky McClean and Garcia are celebrating. In the corner, looking stoic is Christian Faith.

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Thursday, Week 1, January 2008


Zack Danielson


Well the show wasn't bad, but wasn't great. TCW beat us with a 'B' show according to totalextremewrestling.com. Rahn and RDJ beat Cornell and Keith in there Main Event.


I stayed home Wednesday and watch the CZCW Revolution 2008, which was a decent show. Not really our type of wrestling here at SWF. Totalextremewrestling.com gave it a 'C' overall.


After I watched USPW American Wrestling and there 'C+' show. Valentine and Justice beat Bruce and Caulfield in a B- main event. Much talk about the mainevent of USPW being as good as SWF, but I let it roll of my shoulder.


Mr. Eisen not so much, but I was able to call him down.


Slightly. He wasn't so sure of my hiring of Java, but I told him he was a pet project of mine.


I sent 5 of our younger workers back down, with our newest hirings.




Missed a post yesterday. Hopefully I can add pictures into the writeup tonight.


I would like some comments on the style, please. :cool:

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