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TNA- The Invasion

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In May 2009 TNA started the next Monday night wars and this is the story of how it began.


It was the first Impact of May when Mick Foley came out and told everyone he was sick of being Second best in the wrestling world, and that he was going to declare war on WWE and it was going to start immediately.


The next Monday on RAW WWE didn’t say anything about this until Three guys came out the crowed and grabbed a mic said the invasion has began and attacked The King an Jim Ross:eek:

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TNA has started the war and is moving TNA Impact to Monday nights at 9:00 PM. Mick Foley has said he will go more in depth on his decision on this weeks Impact live Monday on Spike TV

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TNA Impact May Week 1 card


X division Championship Match

Suicide© V. Eric Young


Tag Team Championship

Beer Money inc. V. Team 3d©


Matt Morgan V. Sal (from MEM security)


AJ Styles V. Bobby Lashley


Consequences Creed V. Homicide


Main Event: Kurt Angle V. Daniels


Predictions are welcome.

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Suicide© V. Eric Young


Tag Team Championship

Beer Money inc. V. Team 3d© On Free tv?


Matt Morgan V. Sal (from MEM security)


AJ Styles V. Bobby Lashley Draw


Consequences Creed V. Homicide


Main Event: Kurt Angle V. Daniels


More backstory would be nice btw.

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TNA Impact Week 1 May 2009


MT: Welcome to TNA Impact I’m Mike Tenay here with Don West, and Don the question everyone has this week is what the whole reason is for Mick Foley declared war on WWE.


DW: That’s right Mike. But one things for sure is we will find out tonight because Mick Foley will be here live tonight.



Match 1: X Division Championship Match

Eric Young V. Suicide

A good match with Eric Young leading the first few minutes of the match but then suicide began to come alive with his unorthodox style and pinned Young with a Wave of the Future. Suicide makes defense number 1 of the X division Championship. ( C )


MT: What a match Eric young put up a good fight but Suicide was to good.


DW: I’m telling you Mike there something up with this Suicide character and I don’t like It.


MT: Whatever Don. After the break we will hear from Mick Foley live on Impact.




MT: Welcome back lets go to the ring were Mick Foley is ready to talk.


MF: Well I’m sure all of you have herd by now that I have shaken up the wrestling world forever I have declared war on the WWE and this is no joke. I know all of you are asking why , well I have a very good reason why. You see ever since I left WWE I’ve been asked why did you sign with the second best, why would you turn down millions of dollars to go to the second best well this is why…Vince McMahon is an *******. He thinks he’s god well guess what Vince your not and we will show you, TNA will show you. We plan to make you pay for every soul you have taken. We will take you down, we will start with a little surprise for you next Monday on RAW.



MATCH 2 Tag Team Championship match

Beer Money V. Team 3d ©

A good match with Beer Money winning by an 8 second ride after a chair shot with the ref being distracted (C+)


MT: What a cheap way to win the tittles.


DW: What are you talking about I didn’t see anything wrong with that.


MT: OK Don, Matt Morgan has a match next.



Match 3:

Matt Morgan V. Sal

A bad match with Sal performing poorly and getting tired shortly after the match started. Matt Morgan won with an F-5 (d)


Match 4

Bobby Lashley V. AJ Styles

A very good match witch was really back and fourth early. But Bobby Lashley won with a Spear out of no where on AJ. (B)


MT: Bobby Lashley Victorious in his first match in TNA against AJ Styles in a very good match.


DW: I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot of this guy in the months to come.


MT: I agree.


Match 4:

Consequences Creed V. Homicide

An up beat match with a lot of high risk moves. Homicide wins with a Cop Killer ( D )


MT: Don I think we have saw the future of the X division tonight in that match


DW: Suicide better watch out we have some young bloods who want a chance in the X division.



Main Event:

Kurt Angle V. Daniels

A great match that could have gone either way until MEM interfered and causes a distraction for Kurt to lock in the Ankle Lock and Daniels Tapped out. ( A )


After the match the beat on Daniels begins as the Main Event Mafia Beats him down but AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett come out and the Mafia runs and the show goes off the air.

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Wrestling News


During Friday night Smackdown the lights went out and on the jumbo screen came up





Vince is said to be pissed about this and is ready for action.

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Hey I'll just ask a question does this dynasty only involve TNA because here is a couple of questions to help you

1.Use spaces between people talking

2.Use pictures it makes people visualize who wrestling(go to Photobucket they have plenty of TNA pics)

3.Editing(spelling and grammar) you made a few stupid ones so I'm asking you to edit your writting before you post.


Hopefully these help you out and one final tip don't burn out.

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TNA Impact week 2 card


Abyss V. Rhino


Kurt Angle and Booker T V. Bobby Lashley and AJ Styles


Angelina Love V. Awesome Kong non title


3 Matches for Sacrifice reveled


Suicide V. Tajiri non title


Sting V. A mystery opponent

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MT: Welcome to TNA Impact live from the Allen Arena in Nashville, TN. We have a good show for you tonight.


DW: That’s right, and it’s all headlined by Sting V. An unknown opponent who Mick Foley has selected .


MT: I’ve heard it was a WWE Legend.


MT: But that’s later we have a knockouts match next



Match 1: Angelina Love V. Awesome Kong

A surprisingly good match that Love won with a distraction from Cute Kip ( C )


MT: Well that doesn’t surprise me any


DW: Yea knew she would win to.


MT: Not that but that they cheated.


The camera cuts to Mick Foley’s office as he is on the phone with some one


MF: I Glad we could do business, and I like your plan for Tuesday on ECW, Its going to shock the world Ha-Ha.




Match 3: Rhino V. Abyss

A good match that went back and fourth but ended in a DQ when Abyss lost it and put Rhino through a Table with tacks on it. ( C+ )

After the match Jeff Jarrett came out and said that was unacceptable and there will be a No DQ match at Sacrifice.


MT: What an announcement Don and we have


DW: Wait Mike I’m hearing that we have a situation backstage


Backstage we see Samoa Joe Attacking Scott Steiner. He has him handcuffed to a pole and is hitting if everything in site. ( B ) Match added to Sacrifice.


Match 4 Suicide V. Tajiri

A good match with a up tempo pace. Suicide wins when Tajiri Missies the Buzz Saw Kick and suicide hit him with a

Wave of the Future.



Match 5: Kurt Angle and Booker T V. AJ Styles and Bobby Lashley

A very good match with Kurt making Styles tap out (b)


Main Event: Sting V. ???

Sting enters the ring and wait’s the crowd goes quit and then the sound of glass breaking the crowd goes crazy.







Sting V. Stone cold

A very good match Austin had some ring rust but he still won ( C+)


Finial rating C-

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Come on bro your doing good but there are some glaring spelling mistakes


MT:I’ve herd it was a WWE Legend.


What herd a buffalo

heard that is the one you want



is this supposed to be business or bossy



I assume you mean Samoa



I assume Suicide



means glass


If you want me to check your shows just drop me a PM.

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TNA sacriface Final Card


Samoa Joe V. Scott Steiner in a Street Fight


Beer Money © V. Team 3d for the TNA tag titles


Eric Young V. Suicide© for the X divison title


Bobby Lashley V. Kurt Angle


Mick Foley© V. Sting V. Jeff Jarrett V. Stone Cold Steve Austin for the World Heavyweight title


Abyss V. Rhino in a No DQ match


AJ Styles© V. Booker T for the Legends title


Quick picks

Joe V. Steiner

Beer Money inc. V. Team 3d

Eric Young V. Suicide

Bobby Lashley V. Angle

Foley V. Sting V. Jarrett V. Austin

Abyss V. Rhino

AJ Styles V. Booker T

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