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TNA- The Invasion

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Live from the Coleman Coliseum


MT: Hey everybody and welcome to Sacrifice, live from the Coleman Coliseum. We have a huge show in store for you tonight, isn’t that right Don.


DW: That’s right mike we have the X division Title, Tag Team titles, and the World Heavyweight Championship on the line tonight.


MT: Don as you mentioned we have a big World title match tonight, it will be Sting V. Stone Cold V. Mick Foley V. Jeff Jarrett.


DW: But that’s later right now we go an X division Championship match


Match 1: Eric Young V. Suicide

A good match that last a long time great back and forth that ended when suicide defeated Eric Young with a quick roll up. (D-)


MT: That was a great match but Suicide Sneaked passed Eric Young.


DW: I’ve had it with Suicide.


MT: What are you going to do?


DW: I will show you on Impact Tomorrow.



Match 2: Abyss V. Rhino

A back and forth classic Tables match with Rhino winning with a Gore through the table. ( C+)


MT : Looks like Rhino got his revenge tonight.


DW: If that’s what you call it, the match shouldn’t have been made in the first place.

Match 3: Booker T V. AJ Styles

A good match that AJ Styles won with a Styles Clash. (B)



Match 4: Kurt Angle V. Bobby Lashley

A great match that Bobby Lashley dominated most of the match but he missed a clothesline Kurt hit him with an Angle Slam for the Win (B+)


DW: WOW Mike that was an awesome match.


MT: Yes it was Kurt showed good hart in that win.


Match 5 Samoa Joe V. Scott Steiner Street Fight.

A good match that ended when Scott Hit Joe with a Steiner Flat liner on a chair. (B)


MT: That was a Brutal match Don.


DW: Sure was and the MEM wins again, but that one wasn’t easy.


Match 6: Beer Money V. Team 3d for the Tag Team titles

A good slow paced brawl that Beer Money won. (C+)



Main Event: Sting V. Stone Cold V. Mick Foley V. Jeff Jarrett.

A legendary match that ended when sting made Mick Foley Tap with a Scorpion Death Lock. ( B)


MT: We have a new World heavyweight Champion Don.


DW: Yea and look at this


The camera cuts to the ring and shows Stone Cold and Sting shaking hands.


MT: That’s good sportsmanship.


Sting turns to leave the ring Austin pulls him and then stunners him show goes off the air.



Final Show C+

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I'm sorry, but you need to learn to structure your posts better and spell-check everything. It comes off as very mediocre without these things. It's almost like you're trying to emulate Destiny, but with worse grammar.


Now calm down at least he attempts to listen to advice unlike some people...(points to self) and others.


EDIT:Also jwt13 do you possibly want me to hook up with a friend of mine on these boards he can definitley improve your errors and help your writting.

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MT: Hey everybody and welcome to Sacrifice, live from the Coleman Coliseum. We have a huge show in store for you tonight, isn’t that right Don.


DW: That’s right Mike we have the X division Title, Tag Team titles, and the World Heavyweight Championship on the line tonight.


MT: Don as you mentioned we have a big World title match tonight, it will be Sting taking on Stone Cold,Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett.


DW: But that’s later right now we have an X division Championship match lets get to the action


Match 1: Eric Young V. Suicide

A good match that lasts a long time great back and forth that ended when Suicide defeated Eric Young with a quick roll up. (D-)


MT: That was a great match but Suicide Sneaked passed Eric Young.


DW: I’ve had it with Suicide.


MT: What are you going to do?


DW: I will show you on Impact Tomorrow.


Tables Match

Match 2: Abyss V. Rhino

A back and forth classic Tables match with Rhino winning with a Gore through the table. ( C+)


MT : Looks like Rhino got his revenge tonight.


DW: If that’s what you call it, the match shouldn’t have been made in the first place.



Match 3: Booker T V. AJ Styles

A good match that AJ Styles won. (B)



Match 4: Kurt Angle V. Bobby Lashley

A great match that Bobby Lashley Dominated most of the match but he missed a clothesline Kurt hit him with an Angle Slam for the Win (B+)


DW: Wow, Mike that was an awesome match.


MT: Yes it was Kurt showed good heart in that win.


Match 5 Samoa Joe V. Scott Steiner Street Fight.

A good match that ended when Scott hit Joe with a Steiner Flatliner on a chair. (B)


MT: That was a brutal match Don.


DW: Sure was and the MEM wins again, but that one wasn’t easy.


Match 6: Beer Money V. Team 3d for the Tag Team titles

A good slow paced brawl that Beer Money won. (C+)



Main Event: Sting V. Stone Cold V. Mick Foley V. Jeff Jarrett.

A legendary match that ended when sting made Mick Foley Tap with a Scorpion Death Lock. ( B)


MT: We have a new World heavyweight Champion Don.


DW: Yea and look at this


The camera cuts to the ring and shows Stone Cold and Sting shaking hands.


MT: That’s good sportsmanship.


Sting turns to leave the ring Austin pulls him and then stunners him show goes off the air.


The bolded parts are your mistakes if improved you can become a good writer.

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TNA Impact Week 3 card


Sheik Abdul Bashir V. Consequences Creed


The Amazing Red and Suicide V. The Motor City Machine Guns


Dr. Stevie V. AJ Styles non title


Samoa Joe V. Booker T


Bobby Lashley and Team 3d V. Sting, Angle, and Steiner



Quick Picks

Bashir V. Creed

Red and Suicide V. Sabin and Shelly

Dr. Stevie V. Styles

Joe V. Booker

Lashley and Team 3d V. Sting, Angle, and Steiner

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TNA Impact Week 3


A video of Stone Cold stunning Sting at Sacrifice opens the broadcast.


MT: Welcome everybody to TNA Impact, it’s the night after Sacrifice and there is sure to be fireworks after what happened with Sting and Stone Cold last night Don.


DW: That’s right Mike, Sting can not be happy. Matt Morgan doesn’t look to happy either as he comes down to the ring.


Matt Morgan brings a chair into the ring and sits down the lights dim


MM: I set an open challenge last week to anyone back there in the locker room, and guess what no body steps up. You no why I’m that good, no one can beat me I’m to…..


A Video Plays with the words “The Master piece is coming to TNA”


MM: Wow, I’m so scared he cant even show his face. But I’ll tell you something I challenge this guy when he comes. ( D+)


Match 1: Consequences Creed V. Sheik Abdul Bashir

The match was pretty bad they just didn’t click Bashir gets the win (E+)


Match 2: Amazingly Suicidal V. Motor City Machineguns

A good fast paced match that Alexs Shell won when he pinned Red. (C+)


MT: That was a good match right there Don…Don


Don West sneaks behind Suicide and hits him with the X division Championship and then tries to unmask him but Amazing Red stops him.


DW: I told you I was sick of him Mike and look what I did I laid his ass out.






Match 2: Dr. Stevie V. AJ Styles non title

A good match that AJ won with the Styles Clash (B)


MT: That was a good match with AJ showing he has the skill to beat Dr. Stevie



Match 3: Samoa Joe V. Booker T

A close match that lasted about 20 minutes. Joe got mad and cracked Booker with a chair and that ended the match. (B)


MT: Joe lost his cool there Don.


DW: Yea, he was about to lose but couldn’t take it.


Main Event: Bobby Lashley and Team 3D V. Sting, Angle, and Steiner

A good match back and fourth mostly Sting made Brother D von tap with a Scorpion Death Lock. (C+)


After the match Sting grabs a mic


S: Stone Cold I had a lot of respect for you before last night, but what I don’t understand is why you did it. So next week I won’t to hear why?


Show goes off the air


Finial Rating C+

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Deezy asked me to take a look and you have good ideas. but man you stuff is rough!!!


it's not just the spelling it's also the grammar, it's really hard to get into reading something when the flow breaks due to some really rough grammatical structure and out right errors.


I think you are prewriting in word, (or another text editor, as your © matches are coming up as the corporate symbol) I suggest you use the spelling and grammar check, then reread the show at least twice before posting.


keep up the good work.

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Deezy asked me to take a look and you have good ideas. but man you stuff is rough!!!


it's not just the spelling it's also the grammar, it's really hard to get into reading something when the flow breaks due to some really rough grammatical structure and out right errors.


I think you are prewriting in word, (or another text editor, as your © matches are coming up as the corporate symbol) I suggest you use the spelling and grammar check, then reread the show at least twice before posting.


keep up the good work.


Definitley listen to mistaken sentinments he one of better writers around also look at these dynasties ECW Worldwide,WWE:The Next Generation and WCW 1998:The Prequel to the death of WCW.

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Hey I know Mattitude means well, but if you are enjoying this diary, you really should not quite it to start another.


you should go back through and edit it (several times if necessary) to bring it to a quality you are happy with. Just make sure all future updates have already been edited.


now if your just not happy with where this is going, then by all means make the jump, but from the first couple posts I take it this is not your first diary. It is really hard to recover from a reputation that you start and abandon diaries rapidly. (1, 2, even 4 not so bad over say two or three months, 16 in two, well as mat found out kind sets a tone for your future readers)


thats just my two cents

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Hey I know Mattitude means well, but if you are enjoying this diary, you really should not quite it to start another.


you should go back through and edit it (several times if necessary) to bring it to a quality you are happy with. Just make sure all future updates have already been edited.


now if your just not happy with where this is going, then by all means make the jump, but from the first couple posts I take it this is not your first diary. It is really hard to recover from a reputation that you start and abandon diaries rapidly. (1, 2, ever 4 not so bad over say two or three months, 16 in two well as mat)


thats just my two cents

Ok I am having fun with it so i will start going back and editing everything. Thanks.

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TNA Impact Week 1 May 2009


MT: Welcome to TNA Impact I’m Mike Tenay here with Don West, and Don tonight the question everyone is asking is "what is the whole reason for Mick Foley declaring war on WWE?"


DW: That’s right Mike. But one things for sure is, we will find out tonight. because Mick Foley is scheduled to be here Live!



Match 1: X Division Championship Match

Eric Young V. Suicide

A good match with Eric Young leading the first few minutes of the match, but Suicide came alive with his unorthodox style and pinned Young with a Wave of the Future. Suicide made defense number 1 of the X division Championship. ©


MT: What a match! Eric young put up a good fight ,but Suicide was just to good for him.


DW: I’m telling you Mike there something up with this Suicide character and I don’t like It.


MT: Whatever Don. After the break we will hear from Mick Foley live on Impact.




MT: Welcome back lets go to the ring were Mick Foley is ready to talk.


MF: Well I’m sure all of you have herd by now that I have shaken up the wrestling world forever. I have declared war on the WWE and this is no joke. I know all of you are asking why, well I have a very good reason why. You see ever since I left WWE I’ve been asked why did you sign with the second best, why would you turn down millions of dollars to go to the second best, well this is why…Vince McMahon is an *******. He thinks he’s god, well guess what Vince your not and we will show you, TNA will show you. We plan to make you pay for every soul you have taken. We will take you down, we will start with a little surprise for you next Monday on RAW.



MATCH 2: Tag Team Championship match

Beer Money V. Team 3d ©

A good match with Beer Money winning by an 8 second ride after a chair shot while the ref was distracted (C+)


MT: What a cheap way to win the tittles.


DW: What are you talking about I didn’t see anything wrong with that.


MT: OK Don, Matt Morgan has a match next.




Match 3:

Matt Morgan V. Sal

A bad match with Sal performing poorly and getting tired shortly after the match started. Matt Morgan won with an F-5 (D)


Match 4:

Bobby Lashley V. AJ Styles

A very good match that was really back and fourth early. But Bobby Lashley won with a Spear out of no where on AJ. (B)


MT: What a match! can you believe Bobby Lashley was victorious in his first match here in TNA? and against the likes of AJ Styles no less.


DW: I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot of this guy in the months to come.


MT: I agree.


Match 5:

Consequences Creed V. Homicide

An up beat match with a lot of high risk moves. Homicide won with a Cop Killer (D)


MT: Don I think we just saw the future of the X division in that match


DW: Suicide better watch out, we have some young bloods who want a chance in the X division.




Main Event:

Kurt Angle V. Daniels

A great match that could have gone either way until MEM interfered and causing a distraction, allowing Kurt to lock in the Ankle Lock forcing Daniels to tapp out. (A)


After the match the beat on Daniels began as the Main Event Mafia beat him down, but AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Jeff Jarrett came out and the Mafia ran as the show went off the air.


ok, so I am not going to claim to have fixed every error. But I did endeavor to make it more readalbe. as well I have a few general suggestions.


1)formating, keep it the same.

(A) ( A ) (a) all look different pick one and stick with it.

make sure your commercials are either all indented or all right aligned.

2) tense is key. I myself struggle with this and is probably one of the things I should have learned better back in grad school. write in the present or past, but when editing decide which you want to use and make sure everything agrees.

3) make sure your wording flows especially in the dialouge, say it out loud and see if it sound natural

4) if some thing is a question, don't be afraid to use a question mark, and if some one is quoting some one else don't be afraid of " "'s


I hope this is good information, and I hope it helps.


If there is any thing I can do to help just ask, there are alot of people here who have a lot of good information, and they are more than willing to share, as long as you show you are willing to listen and improve.


Best of Luck on your edits



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ok, so I am not going to claim to have fixed every error. But I did endeavor to make it more readalbe. as well I have a few general suggestions.


1)formating, keep it the same.

(A) ( A ) (a) all look different pick one and stick with it.

make sure your commercials are either all indented or all right aligned.

2) tense is key. I myself struggle with this and is probably one of the things I should have learned better back in grad school. write in the present or past, but when editing decide which you want to use and make sure everything agrees.

3) make sure your wording flows especially in the dialouge, say it out loud and see if it sound natural

4) if some thing is a question, don't be afraid to use a question mark, and if some one is quoting some one else don't be afraid of " "'s


I hope this is good information, and I hope it helps.


If there is any thing I can do to help just ask, there are alot of people here who have a lot of good information, and they are more than willing to share, as long as you show you are willing to listen and improve.


Best of Luck on your edits



Thank you alot. I'm more than happy to take advice from anybody and work on it thank you.

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TNA Impact card for week 4


Chris Sabin V. Homicide for #1 contender for the X division title

A match to be #1 contender should be a fast paced high flying match


Dr. Stevie V. Rhino

A throwback to the old ECW days with this one. I think Stevie is going to have a tough test with Rhino


Amazing Red V. Alex Shelly

Alex Shelly has Don West in his Corner and Amazing Red has Suicide in his, should be interesting


AJ Styles ( C ) V. Daniels

Two good friends find them selves in a tough situation. But both promise there best matches. For the TNA Legends Championship.


Kurt Angle V. Samoa Joe

Joe says he is going to take Kurt out and get revenge from a few months ago when MEM attacked him.


Team 3D V. The British Invasion

Team 3D feels the British Invasion is “A group of young punks and need to be put in place.” Non Title



Quick Picks

Sabin V. Homicide

Stevie V. Rhino

Red V. Shelly

Angle V. Joe

Team 3D V. The Invasion

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TNA Impact week 4


The show opens with Mick Foley standing in the ring wearing a new WWE Fears TNA T shirt, and has something to say.


MF: Welcome to TNA, I would like to say a few things before we get started tonight. The things have been pretty slow between WWE and TNA but that’s about to pick up. To my understanding Vince still don’t view us as a threat, but he’s sadly mistaking. The WWE has a Pay Per View in a few weeks and this will be one to watch because we will have some guest there to show Vince were very serious about this. That’s all I have to say good night folks and enjoy the show. ( C )


MT: Welcome to TNA and Don those were some strong words from Mick.


DW: Yea Mike, TNA is looking to become Number one in the wrestling world and we are not scared of WWE.


MT: Speaking of number one, we will name the number one contender for the X division title with this next match.


Match 1: Homicide V. Chris Sabin

A good match Chris Sabin put up a good fight but at the end Homicide pulled through with a win. (B)


MT: What a match Don and now Homicide is the number one contender for the X division title.


DW: Well maybe he can beat that Scum Bag Suicide.


Match 2: Dr. Stevie V. Rhino

A good physical brawl, that Rhino won with a Gore. ( C )


MT: Dr. Stevie can’t buy a win lately Don.


DW: You can tell he’s getting frustrated Mike, he wants to win bad. But I got to go I will be back soon.


MT: But wait, were you going.


DW: Backstage to talk to the man I’m managing later tonight.


Match 3: Team 3D V. The British Invasion

Team 3D won this match easy. I think they taught them a lesson the wont forget. (D+)



Match 4: Amazing Red V. Alex Shelly

A match that was good with high flying action but unfortunately ended when Don West knocked Red off the top rope costing him the match. ( C )


After the match Suicide who was in the corner of Red got his revenge on Don West beating the crap out of him.


MT: Well folks I don’t think Don West will be joining me for the rest of the night but the show must go on as they say.


MT: We have J.B standing with Stone Cold back stage.


JB: Thanks Mike I’m here with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Steve the question everyone has is why did you turn your back on Sting?

SS: I don’t ever remember saying I was his friend. The reason I did it is simple I want the TNA Championship.


JB: But why did you do it that way?


SS: Because I’m Stone Cold Steve Austin Damn it and I do what ever the hell I want and when I want, and that’s the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so. This interview is now over. ( C )


Match: 5: Samoa Joe V. Kurt Angle

Joe came off strong and as a good brawler but still didn’t have enough to beat Angle. (B+)


MT: That was a great match but we still have are main event up next with AJ Styles V. Daniels for the TNA Legends title.



Main Event: AJ Styles © V. Daniels

A good match match that lifted the crowd with AJ Styles retaining the Legends title (B)


Daniels raised Styles hand and they celebrated and the show goes off the air.


Final Show B-

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This is really encouraging - just be 100% sure on getting:


were/we're/where and they're/their/there correct, as well as there/their. I know plenty of adults that can't, but it's just a small detail that can often throw off your success!


Keep it up!

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Great read. I've done many and haven't stuck. it isn't easy, but glad not only you are, but it's a fun realistic read.


Good read and good to see you are sticking with it and improving. But sry I won't be reading regularly as Stone Cold in TNA or wrestling at all isn't realistic imho and I do 1 diary per company and atm Togg's TNA has my preference.

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This is really encouraging - just be 100% sure on getting:


were/we're/where and they're/their/there correct, as well as there/their. I know plenty of adults that can't, but it's just a small detail that can often throw off your success!


Keep it up!


I've got to agree with Rathy on this one keep working because the last show was your best.


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We hear that next week on impact will be the debut of Chris Masters. There is reports from backstage sources that he will confront Matt Morgan.


Tune in to Impact next Monday to find out.


The ratings for TNA the last three weeks have been

Week 2: 1.18

Week 3: 1.24

Week 4: 1.21

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Welcome to the first ever TNA Stars Of The Future blog this is were we tell who are new signings are so here they are.


Afa Jr.

Josh Raymond


Lince Dorado


The on that think is going to make the most impact in the future will be Amasis he has all of the ability and potinal to carry the company later on in his career.

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