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TNA Victory Road Tournament Wednesday week 4


MT: Welcome to this TNA 3 hour special here on Impact.


T: Here tonight we start the tournament to name the number one contender for the World Heavyweghit title at Victory Road in 5 weeks.


DW: Tonight we have all of the first round matchs and next week on Impact we will have the Second round matches so lets get this thing started.


Match 1: Abyss V. Rhino

A good opener to the tournament. Abyss had an off night and Rhino capitalized on it and won with a gore. ( C )


MT: Well Rhino is the first one to advance to the next round.


DW: That was a good way to start of the Tournament.


T: Sure was Don, I think that were in for one hell of a night.


Match 2: Josh Raymond V. Matt Morgan

Matt Morgan wins this one pretty easy Josh Raymond was grounded and had no chance to use his air game. (D )


Match 3: AJ Styles V. Kevin Nash

Styles and Nash don’t click. Styles wins with a Style Clash, Nash really looked bad in this match it might have had something to do with him just coming back from that elbow injury. (C+ )


T: The Frontline looks strong as of late. Daniels should be TNA World champ in my opinion.


MT: That’s what a lot of people are saying, and next week on Impact Don has a sit down interveiw with Daniels.


DW: That’s right Mike, I will find out what he thinks of the screw job part 2.


Match 4: Afa Jr. V. Samoa Joe

A good match that Afa Jr. won because of a distraction from Scott Steiner. After the match Joe and Afa Jr. beat down Steiner.(D+ )


DW: Wow guys I never saw that coming.


T: Well, you can never predict the Mafia Don. You never know what they will do next.


MT: The big story here is Afa Jr. advances to the next round of the tournament.


Match 5: Booker T V. Bobby Lashley

A good back and forth match, Bobby Lashley connected with a few really stiff shots on booker but Booker pulled it out and got the win to advance.(B )


Match 6:Stone Cold V. Dr. Stevie

Dr. Stevie put on a hell of a show put made one mistake and fell a victim to the Stone Cold Stunner. (C-)


Match 7: Brother Ray V. Robert Roode

A good match that Brother Ray won with a Brother Bomb. (C )


MT: Brother Ray had a good showing there and has advanced to next weeks second round.


T: That’s right Mike, and personally I hope he wins he has always wanted to be a World Champion.


Match 8: Jethro Holiday V. James Storm

James Storm looked poor in this match that might be the reason he is always in a tag team. Jethro Holiday

Wins. ( D+ )


DW: Beer Money is having a ruff night tonight with both Robert Roode and James Storm being knockout in the first round.

T: yea it might be why there in the tag division and not singles.


Match 9: Eric Young V. Suicide

Eric young beat Sucicde with a showstopper. (D- )


MT: Eric Young has been bitching about not getting a shot and now he has it.


DW: That’s right Mike I’m sure he’ll make the most of it.


Match 10: Mick Foley V. Jeff Jarrett

A battle between two legends didn’t let down Mick Foley ended up winning with a DDT.


T: Mick Foley has won the match and the right to advance to the next round.

MT: Foley told me earlier that he will show everbody what TNA did at WWE Night of Champions last Sunday.


Match 11: Kiyoshi V. Sheik Abdul Bashir

Kiyoshi won with no problem. (E+ )


Main Event: Daniels V. Kurt Angle

A good back and forth match that Daniels won with a BME. ( B-)


After the match was over the Front Line stood strong in the ring as the show goes off the air.



Final Rating C+

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TNA Impact/ Victory Road Tournament second round July week 1 2009


MT: Welcome to TNA Impact we have the second round of the Victory Road Tournament for yall tonight.


T: That’s right Mike and it will all be headlined by Booker T and Stone Cold Steve Austin.


DW: Yea, and don’t forget about my sit down interview with Daniels to talk about what went down at last Sundays PPV.


MT: And right now Mick Foley is in the ring lets send it down to him.


MF: Welcome to Impact everyone. Last week as Mike told you I have the video fottege of what TNA did at WWE’s last PPV Night of Champions. Jack roll the tape.


A video come up and shows Joe, Morgan, and Jarrett sitting in the stands. At the end of an Edge Cena match all three of them jump out the stands and attack Edge and Cena. Security runs out and tries to stop them put cant. After that Vince comes out with a mic “ What the Hell is going on around here! “ You can read Jarrett’s lips as he says “ It’s the Invasion Vince. “ They finally get enough people out there and the leave the building.


MF: Got to love it don’t you Vince. I guess you still don’t find us a threat? HAHA well enjoy the show folks.


Match 1: Rhino V. Matt Morgan

A good entertaining match that Matt Morgan won with an F5 ©


Match 2: Afa Jr. V. AJ Styles

Afa Jr. had good showing in this one but it wasn’t enough. AJ won with a Styles Clash. ( C- )


MT: We have are first match up for the Semi Finals next week Matt Morgan V. AJ Styles


Match 3: Brother Ray V. Jethro Holiday

A good match that simply came down to experience with Brother Ray pinning Jethro Holiday. (D+ )


MT: He does it again, to me he is the surpise of the Tournament so far.


T: Not to me Mike’ I’ve always knew that Brother Ray had it in him.


DW: He hasn’t won it yet, there’s still two weeks to go. Next is my sit down interview with Daniels.


The Interview comes on.


DW: First of all I would like to thank you for giving me this interview Daniels. My first question is what are your thoughts of what happened last Sunday?


D: Well Don, theirs not much I can say. What happened last Sunday was wrong and I asked Sting if he knew anything about it and he said no. But you know what Don I find that hard to believe that’s why I have to get my Revenge and win this tournament and when the title at Victory Road.


DW: Ok; what is your thoughts on Earl?


D: Well I guess he was told what to do by someone and if that’s the case no hurt feelings but if not I want to know why.


DW: Well Chris I would like to thank you for the time, and good luck with your up coming matches. (C )


Match 4: Mick Foley V. Super Eric ( Eric Young)

Eric with his new gimmick got a good crowed reaction. But still wasn’t enough to beat Foley and Foley advances. (C+ )


T: Eric Young or should I say Super Eric just didn’t have enough in the tank.



Match 5: Daniels V. Kiyoshi

Daniels wins pretty easy. (D+ )


MT: Are main event is up next.


DW: That’s right mike, we have Stone Cold V. Booker T next.


T: And don’t forget that if Stone Cold loses not only is he out of the tournament he’s out of TNA.


MT: What the hell? It’s Joe and Steiner brawling out here in front of us.


Samoa Joe and Scott Steiner come down the ramp beating the hell out of each other. This is problem because of what happened in the first round with Steiner cost him his match. (D )



Main Event: Stone Cold V. Booker T

A great match, Booker and Austin have pretty good chemistry. Stone Cold won with a Stunner. (B )



Final Rating: C+

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TNA Impact week 2 July card


Matt Morgan V. AJ Styles (Semi finals match)

Two Front Line friends battle it out to make it to the triple threat match next week for number one contender.


Samoa Joe V Afa Jr.

Joe asked for a rematch to prove that the first round tournament match was a fluke can he win?


Brother Ray V. Mick Foley (Semi finals match.)

Brother Ray is on a roll can Mick Foley end that?


Beer Money V. Josh Raymond and Abyss non title


Daniels V. Stone Cold (Career threaten semi final match)

The last semi final match and could be stone colds last with TNA if he loses


Sting V. Bobby Lashley

Sting and Bobby Lashley in a non title match should be one of the best matches in TNA history.

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TNA Impact/ Victory Road Semifinals Monday July week 2


MT: Welcome to TNA I’m Mike Tenay along with Don West and Taz and tonight we have the semifinals of the Victory Road Tournament.


T: Yea, and my moneys on Brother Ray Mike.


DW: Don’t get your hopes up Taz, because tonight he goes up against Mick Foley.


Match 1: Josh Raymond and Abyss V. Beer Money inc.

Josh Raymond had an excellent match. Abyss got the win when he put James Storm in a Black Hole Slam. ( C )


MT: That youngster Josh Raymond is something special.


T: And this tag team with Abyss is going to win some gold in the future I guarantee it.


DW: Up next is the rematch Samoa Joe V. Afa Jr.


Match 2: Samoa Joe V. Afa Jr.

Good back and forth, Afa Jr. showed excellent brawling skills. Joe won when he lifted Afa up and hit a Muscle Buster. ( D+ ).


MT: Joe did it this week he beat Afa Jr.


DW: We all saw it Mike no need in pointing out the obvious.


T: Don, do really ever shut up?


MT: Taz, I can tell you that answer. NO!


Match 3 semifinals: AJ styles V. Matt Morgan

Matt Morgan and AJ Styles have great chemistry. AJ put Morgan away with a Styles Clash. After the match they shake hands. ( C+ )


Styles grabs a mic


AJ: You know what Sting? You better enjoy the next two weeks you have with that title. Because at Victory Road someone from the Frontline will win it. ( B-)


Match 4 semifinals: Stone Cold Steve Austin V. Daniels

Austin was off his game tonight. Daniels won win he reversed a Stunner and hit a Spicy Drop. ( B+ )


Daniels is standing in the ring when the lights go out and they come back on and Daniels is laid out in the ring bleeding out of the mouth. AJ and Morgan come running to the ring. He is showed being put in the ambulance. ( C+ )


MT: What the hell just happened here?


T: I don’t know Mike but whoever it was has something against Daniels.


DW: I bet in was that damn Suicide!


MT: And plus Stone Cold has to retire because of losing this match.


Match 5 semifinals: Mick Foley V. Brother Ray

Brother Ray put on a good fight but it wasn’t enough to win. Mick won with a Roll Up Pin. ( C+ )


T: Damn it, he was so close.


MT: Yes he was but he just didn’t have enough.


DW: Up next is the main event.


Main Event: Sting V. Bobby Lashley

Bobby controls the early part of the match but Sting ends up winning when he made Lashley tap. ( B+ )


Finial Show: C+


OOC: I know this wasn’t my best show. I plan on adding pics by next show and get my flow back in this diary.

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TNA Impact/Victory Road Tournament Finals card


Matt Morgan and Samoa Joe V. Booker T and Kevin Nash

MEM V. Frontline in this match. The Frontline has built some momentum lately but Kurt has order Nash and Booker to take out Morgan and Joe.


Angelina Love V. ODB

Love has said some bad things about ODB in the past now ODB gets her chance for payback.


Kurt Angle V. Rhino

Angle has been out shooting a movie lately and feels that he has to pick up the slack of the MEM, but on the other side Rhino feels underrated and looks to prove everyone wrong.


Team 3D V. The Motor City Machineguns

The Guns look to pull the upset in this match and get there name in the TNA Tag Title picture.


AJ Styles V. Mick Foley V. Daniels

This will be the main event of the night. The finals of the Victory Road Tournament, will Daniels be able to compete?


Quick Picks


Morgan/Joe V. Booker/Nash

Love V. ODB

Angle V. Rhino

Team 3D V. Machineguns

Styles V. Foley V. Daniels

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TNA Impact/Victory Road Tournament Finals card


Matt Morgan and Samoa Joe V. Booker T and Kevin Nash

MEM V. Frontline in this match. The Frontline has built some momentum lately but Kurt has order Nash and Booker to take out Morgan and Joe.


Angelina Love V. ODB

Love has said some bad things about ODB in the past now ODB gets her chance for payback.


Kurt Angle V. Rhino

Angle has been out shooting a movie lately and feels that he has to pick up the slack of the MEM, but on the other side Rhino feels underrated and looks to prove everyone wrong.


Team 3D V. The Motor City Machineguns

The Guns look to pull the upset in this match and get there name in the TNA Tag Title picture.


AJ Styles V. Mick Foley V. Daniels

This will be the main event of the night. The finals of the Victory Road Tournament, will Daniels be able to compete?


Quick Picks


Morgan/Joe V. Booker/Nash

Love V. ODB

Angle V. Rhino

Team 3D V. Machineguns

Styles V. Foley V. Daniels


K, I've been reading for awhile, and now I think I need to jump out and say something...


Why would you hold the FINALS at a TNA Impact, you should've planned better and held them at Victory Road. That's the Name of the Tournament you're holding, so why are you letting it pass by, half the game is booking, and if you don't plan ahead properly, you won't be doing very good. Embed Your pictures, it hasn't been said enough I guess, but EMBED. Don't use big pictures that are bigger than 1000 in Height or Width. That's just an accident waiting to happen. Seriously now, do I even bother saying SPELLING. If you misspelled only a couple words every now and then, it'd be fine, but it's constantly happening. I'll stay on board for this last show, but if I'm not seeing anything to improve, I'll be leaving chances are.


Morgan/Joe V. Booker/Nash

Love V. ODB

Angle V. Rhino

Team 3D V. Machineguns

Styles V. Foley V. Daniels

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TNA Impact week 2 July card


Matt Morgan V. AJ Styles (Semi finals match)

Two Front Line friends battle it out to make it to the triple threat match next week for number one contender.


Samoa Joe V Afa Jr.

Joe asked for a rematch to prove that the first round tournament match was a fluke can he win?


Brother Ray V. Mick Foley (Semi finals match.)

Brother Ray is on a roll can Mick Foley end that?


Beer Money V. Josh Raymond and Abyss non title


Daniels V. Stone Cold (Career threaten semi final match)

The last semi final match and could be stone colds last with TNA if he loses


Sting V. Bobby Lashley

Sting and Bobby Lashley in a non title match should be one of the best matches in TNA history.


Another thing, why would you fire Stone Cold ? He's got plenty of star power and is providing good matches, and you're firing him !? Why ? He's a legend by Gawd !

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K, I've been reading for awhile, and now I think I need to jump out and say something...


Why would you hold the FINALS at a TNA Impact, you should've planned better and held them at Victory Road. That's the Name of the Tournament you're holding, so why are you letting it pass by, half the game is booking, and if you don't plan ahead properly, you won't be doing very good. Embed Your pictures, it hasn't been said enough I guess, but EMBED. Don't use big pictures that are bigger than 1000 in Height or Width. That's just an accident waiting to happen. Seriously now, do I even bother saying SPELLING. If you misspelled only a couple words every now and then, it'd be fine, but it's constantly happening. I'll stay on board for this last show, but if I'm not seeing anything to improve, I'll be leaving chances are.


Morgan/Joe V. Booker/Nash

Love V. ODB

Angle V. Rhino

Team 3D V. Machineguns

Styles V. Foley V. Daniels

The winner of the tournament faces Sting at Victory Road for the title.

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