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1999: Rise Of The Renegades

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Quick Predictions


ECW World Heavyweight Title: © "The Human Suplex Machine" Taz vs. Mike Awesome


ECW World Tag Team Titles: © Tommy Dreamer and Raven vs. Steve Corino and Jack Victory


Dream Partner Tag Team Match: "Mr. Pay Per View" Rob Van Dam and "The New F'N Show" Jerry Lynn vs. The Impact Players


"The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. "The Insane Luchador" Super Crazy


Balls Mahoney vs. Steven Regal


Axl Rotten vs. "The Rookie Monster" Rhino


Nova and Chris Chetti vs. "Dastardly" Danny Doring and Roadkill


Tracy Smothers vs. Little Guido




Will There Be Any Debuts? Yes


Will There Be Any Returns? Yes


Will Any Titles Change Hands? Yes


Will There Be Any Bonus Matches? Yes


I would love to see Regal join Corino! 2 guys trying to bring good wrestling back to ECW!

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-Dark Match: Kid Kash defeated CW Anderson


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ECW Anarchy Rulz Results


The show opens up with a big wide shor of the sold out Odeum Expo Center with the crowd in midst of a particularly loud "ECDub" chant. Joey Styles welcomes us to the only PPV where anything goes, where anything can happen, where Anarchy Rulz. Styles introduces himself, when from the back we hear Well....well.....well....




To the ring walks, "The man who just last night split your 42 year old mother and screwed her like a pair of 21 year old twins" "the man whose wit is more tongue in cheek than a lesbian orgy, Joel ‘The man whose phone number is on your girlfriend’s speed-dial, because she loves the way I sixty-nine her’ Gertner”. Gertner gets a huge pop as he informs Styles it is only fitting that since he carries him on ECW on TNN, he should carry him on PPV where he won't get bleeped and edited. Suddenly, over the house mic, we hear "EXCUSE ME". The crowd is dumbfounded as a somewhat familar face enters the ring.




The former Jackyl enters the ring as a confused Styles and Gertner wonder what he's doing in ECW. He smiles as he's taken the mic and reveals his name to be Cyrus and he is a representative of TNN and a "office consultant". He claims tonight TNN has asked him to be host of Anarchy Rulz for the betterment of the office. Gertner and Styles look confused as Cyrus smiles and waves to the crowd, who totally hate him. Gertner takes the mic and claims he wasn't informed of this. Cyrus informs him that he wasn't because it was from above his head as "ths boss" (pointing to the back) said it be so. A confused Gertner looks dejected and simply leaves the ring, as the arrogant Cyrus continues to wave to the crowd as he and Joey walk to the announcing position.


Suddenly "Simon Says" by Drain STH hits and out walks Simon Diamond and his bodyguard Dick Hertz make their way to the ring. Simon has a problem, which is why he wasn't booked on PPV despite his wining record. Suddenly "Money Power Respect" by Lil Kim hits and out walks Jazz, who enters the ring and claims Simon bitches too mutch and tonight she'll shut him up. Jazz kicks Simon in the gut and nails the Jazz Stinger on Diamond. But almost as soon as this happens, Hertz picks up Jazz and nails a Northern Lights Driver, dubbed the Penile Implant. "Highway To Hell" hits and out comes Spike Dudley who promply nails The Acid Drop on Hertz and scores a quick 3 count, as Spike celebrated, Simon blindsided him

and out match was on.



Simon Diamond vs. "Little" Spike Dudley


Nice little impromptu opener. Alot of heat on Simon here as he dominated Spike early on in the contest. Styles and Cyrus hyped Simon's background as a baseball player at Virgina Commonwealth and his overall athletic ability. Match ends with Simon nailing a slingshot suplex and then calling for the Simonizer. Simon lifts up Spike for a suplex but Spike turns it into a small package for the quick win. A pissed off Simon is consoled by Dick as Spike exits the ring.


Quick Impact Players promo, where the duo claim tonight they will defeat the so called Dream Team of RVD and Jerry Lynn and they promise that tonight they will definetly make an Impact. Down ringside we go for our next contest.



Little Guido vs. Tracy Smothers


Nice battle here in a match dubbed the battle of the FBI. Tracy entered to "Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound" by Hank Williams Jr. decked out in his full confederate regalia, along with Tommy Rich. Guido was accompanied by the 600 pound monster who devistated Rich and Smothers. We've learned his name is Sal E. Graziano. Match wise it started off as a southern type brawl with alot of strikes by Smothers. However, Guido's fantastic technical background quickly gave him an advantage here. Match ends with Rich getting on the ring apron to distract Guido, but was quickly thrown off and smashed into the ring post by Sal. Smothers, as this happened, measured Guido for a superkick but Guido quickly ducked out of the way and nailed him with The Kiss Of Death. Guido then locked Smothers in the Sicilian Crab for the submission win. Following the match, Rich came back into the ring and quickly was taken out, which led to Sal hitting 2 more big splashes onto Smothers and Rich. Guido then brought out the old "Big Don" flag, which he layed over the fallen bodies of Smothers and Rich.


Hype central for future ECW shows and tapings, along with hype for their next PPV November To Remember from Buffalo, NY. Back down to ringside we go for our next bout.



"The Rookie Monster" Rhino vs. Axl Rotten


I'm not sure if you would call this a match honestly. Rotten entered to a mild reaction. Rhino was accompanied by Steve Corino and Jack Victory, wearing Green Bay Packers jerseys. Corino put Rhino over as undefeated and a man who could kick everyone in Chicago's ass, etc. Rotten goes to attempt to defend Chicago against Corino but is promptly jumped by Rhino, who nails Rotten with a series of suplexes and slams. Rhino then brought in a table, set it up in the corner and then GORED Rotten through it for the quick win. Styles and Cyrus put over Rhino as a monster and how quickly he took out Rotten.


Mike Awesome and Jeff Jones promo, where Jones is doing the full judge gimmick where he claims tonight Taz will be found guilty of being an inferior champion and his sentence will being to take The Awesome Bomb. Awesome then claims he's going to powerbomb Taz "through the ****in' floor".



"Dastardly" Danny Doring and Roadkill vs. Nova and Chris Chetti


A very solid tag team contest between two of the best young teams in the business. Doring and Roadkill were accompanied by Miss Congeniality, who was wondefully greated by "She's a crack whore" and "She's got herpes" chants. Match wise was a very crisp back and forth contest between the 2 teams, almost at Fantastics/Midnights levels of athlesticism. Everyone was able to hit their signature moves, which is rare espically with the amount Nova alone has. Match ends with Doring and Roadkill landing the Leaping Lancaster Lariat Of Lust on Chetti, sending him to the outside where Miss Congeniality attacks him. In runs in Nova who goes all fighting spirit on Doring and Roadkill. Chetti finally rises up and grabs Congeniality as she was gonna slap him and procedes to plant a big kiss on her. Doring sees Chetti mackin on his girl and leaps to the outside as the 2 began a full on brawl. Meanwhile, Roadkill backdrops Nova and procedes to raise him up for a powerbomb but Nova crotches him and procedes to nail him with Nova-cain for the win. Chetti and Doring are seperated as a pissed Doring is screaming at Chetti, who backs off to his partner with a huge **** eating grin on his face, as COngeniality looks both pissed and intrigued at Chetti.


Video documenting the debut and such of Steven Regal and his "crusade" against extreme.



Steven Regal vs. Balls Mahoney


Regal enters to alot of legit heel heat here, unlike Balls. Match wise it was rather interesting as Balls, a former amatuer wrestler himself went legit toe to toe with Regal when it came to the technical wrestling. After a particularly impressive Greco Roman exchange, Regal got visiably mad and began to brawl with Balls, where he surprisingly fared rather well. However Balls then got his signature chair and then nailed Regal with the Nutcracker Suite, which should have won him the match right there, but he was measuring Regal for a chair shot. Regal stands up and rolls out of the way and kicks Balls in, ironically, the balls. Regal then grabs the chair and SMASHES it over the head of Balls, busting him wide open. Regal then locks him in the Regal Stretch as a look of insanity is apparent on Regal's face as Balls taps out. Regal won't let go of the lock until several referees pry him off of Balls. As this is done, the look of insanity is washed from Regal's face into a look of victory and happiness. Cyrus loves it, but Styles really wonders about Regal's sanity.


Tommy Dreamer promo with Franchine. Dreamer looks like **** and goes on to say how he had never won a title in ECW and how whenever he would win that title, he wanted to do it his own way, the right way. And goes off on how Raven took it from him. He puts over his longtime feud with Raven and how much he hates him and that now he's doesnt just have to worry about Corino and Victory, whom he badmouths, but now also Raven. Dreamer said he thought his life would begin when he won a title, but now it's ending.



Super Crazy vs. "The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri


Another excelent contest between these two. Tajiri entered to alot of heel heat due to his alingment with Steve Corino and his posse. The match starts out very back and forth, but Tajiri eventually takes an advantage after a berrade of stiff kicks of Crazy's head. Tajiri hit an amazing super dragon suplex and quickly locked Crazy in the Tarantula. Tajiri then locked Crazy in a dragon sleeper but Crazy got to the ropes and was released where he then hit a series of dropkicks which thusly changed the course of the match. Strong comeback by Crazy, enough to go for the Trifecta Moonsault but when he went to hit the third, Tajiri rose up quickly and misted Crazy and kicked him down into the tree of woe where Tajiri hit a solid dropkick to Crazy's face and then quickly nailed him with the vicious Kick Of Death to Crazy's head, a sound you could hear in the rafters. Tajiri has a look of just evil on his face as he leaves the ring, after decimating Crazy as Styles puts over this rivaly.


Hype central again, plugging events, tapings and N2R. RVD and Jerry Lynn promo. Lynn starts it off talking about how he doesn't respect the Players for what they do and how they've never paid their dues to get respect and how he'll beat some into them tonight. RVD cut in and did his typical high as a kite, I'm the Whole ****in Show, it doesn't matter who I'm facing because I'm gonna win, etc.



The Impact Players vs. "Mr. Pay Per View" Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn


A tremendous contest here. The Players, along with Dawn Marie & Jason got a huge heel reaction, while RVD alone garned the face pop of the night. Lynn and Storm started out very evenly until Van Dam and Lynn got a quick advantage a did a series of quick tags. However quickly enough, Credible got an upper hand on Lynn and the Players began to take it to Lynn and the duo quickly used their experience to devistate Lynn. Storm and Credible worked over Lynn's injured ribs and knee. Storm attempted a Dragon Screw but Lynn telegraphed it with an enzuguri. Lynn makes to hot tag to RVD who clears the ring and hits an amazing pescado on both to the outside of the ring. Storm and Van Dam back in the are going at it, when Credible jumps Van Dam and the 2 on 1 continues as Lynn recoops. The Players then attempt a double superkick on RVD who does a split to duck it, as Lynn throws a chair at Storm as a 4 man brawl starts in the ring. Credible and Storm both nail simultanious superkicks and both get chairs as Lynn and RVD rise. However the Players don't see RVD and Lynn hitting simultanious Van Daminators on their foes. RVD climbs the ropes and nails the 5 Star Frog Splash on Credible as Lynn simultaniously nails Lynn with the Cradle Piledriver for a double pin. RVD does his signature pose as Lynn winces in pain from the ribs. Lynn and RVD shake hands, as the perenial foes have seemingly setteled their differences but Styles hypes that their professional rivalry is still there. We go to a hype video for Taz/Awesome



Main Event for ECW World Heavyweigh Title:

© "The Human Suplex Machine" Taz vs. Mike Awesome


A very stiff contest here. The crowd was totally behind Taz, unlike Awesome and Jones who were totally ****ted on by the crowd. Taz early on kept Awesome low to the ground, hitting him with several double leg takedowns and crossface punches. However quickly enough Awesome gained the upper hand on Taz with his massive strength. Awesome connect with a particularly painfull overhead exploder suplex, as Jeff Jones set up a table on the outside of the ring. Awesome then hit a huge Awesome Bomb on Taz to the outside of the ring and through the table. Styles and Cyrus ponder if Taz is out as Awesome drags him back into the ring. Awesome then scales the ropes and goes for a huge Frog Splash but Taz moves out of the way. Taz then hits a series of suplexs on Awesome and a big Brooklyn Boot. However Jeff Jones is now on the ring apron and Taz throws him into the ring and nails a TBone Tazplex and locks the Tazmission on Jones. Awesome gets up and nails Taz with a huge Uranage. Awesome calls for the end and goes for a Super Awesome Bomb off the top rope. However Taz crotches Awesome and nails a Head and Arm Tazplex off the top rope. Taz then locks Awesome in th Tazmission and within seconds, Awesome is choked out as Taz retains his title. Styles claims we just say a huge battle and the biggest test for Taz's title reign. Taz stands over the fallen Awesome and Jones as he raises his title.




Main Event for ECW World Tag Team Titles:

© Tommy Dreamer and Raven vs. Steve Corino and Jack Victory


Corino and Victory enter to a huge heel reaction from earlier. Dreamer and Francine are out first to a solid reaction. Raven's music hits and nothing. Dreamer, sensing what has happen, tells referee John FInnegan to ring the bell. Dreamer makes a b line for Corino and begins to brawl with Corino and Victory but soon enough the 2 begin to take it Dreamer. Corino and Victory take turns attacking and beating down Dreamer. Corino attempts a superkick but Dreamer blocks and nails a stunner, Dreamer goes to his corner and tags in....Francine? Francine walks in and goes face to face with a laughing Corino who's mocking Francine, who then kicks him in the balls and nails him with a DDT. Victory runs in to break up the pin but Dreamer cuts him off, as Dreamer now is back in the match. Dreamer nails Victory with a DDT but can't pin him. Corino and Victory again get an upper hand, nailing Dreamer with a spike piledriver, and the duo seemingly have the match in the bag, when from the crowd runs in Raven, who lands 2 Evenflows on Corino and Victory. Raven then drapes Dreamer over Corino for the win. Raven smirks as Dreamer rises and the 2 go face to face in the ring. When suddenly.....THE IMPACT PLAYERS run into the ring and attack Dreamer. Credible nails Dreamer in the head with his singapore cane several times, bloodying him as Storm puts the boots to him. Raven looks at the Players and does his crucifix pose, when as he turns away, Credible turns Raven around and BLASTS him in the face with the cane and a vicious caning starts for Raven now. Francine now enters the ring but is immeditly nailed in the back of the head by Dawn Marie, and walks right into a stiff cane shot to the face by Credible. The Players pick up the ECW Tag Titles and pose over their fallen foes. The crowd is in uproars as the champs AND FRANCINE have been caned severly by The Impact Players. Cyrus notes that they did make that impact they spoke of earlier in the show. The show ends with Storm and Credible stealing the ECW World Tag Team Titles and posing with them by the entrance way as Dreamer slowly rises to see what has happened to Francine and the anger quickly entering his face.




Quick Results


"Little" Spike Dudley defeated Simon Diamond


Little Guido defeated Tracy Smothers


"The Rookie Monster" Rhino defeated Axl Rotten


Nova and Chris Chetti defeated "Dastardly" Danny Doring and Roadkill


Steven Regal defeated Balls Mahoney


"The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Super Crazy


"Mr. Pay Per View" Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn defeated The Impact Players


ECW World Heavyweight Title:© "The Human Suplex Machine" Taz defeated Mike Awesome


ECW World Tag Team Titles:Tommy Dreamer and Raven defeated Steve Corino and Jack Victory

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Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Weekly Newsletter: ECW News and Notes

Week Four: September 1999


-The early buy rates for "Anarchy Rulz" definetly show a bump of buys from the TNN show, amping it up to a 0.25, which is now tied for the second biggest buy in the company's history. This is suprising as literly most of the show was booked 2 weeks before the show.


-As for ECW on TNN, we're hearing there is trouble in paradise already between TNN and Paul Heyman. Heyman is said not to be happy with TNN's censoring of language (Gertner) and the fact the show is being only promotoed as a part of the "Friday Night Thrill Zone". The show did get another 1.3 rating and continues to be the highest rated show on the network.


-We've learned that the original plan for the Taz/Mike Awesome match for Anarchy Rulz was for Masato Tanaka to run in and make it a three way dance, and thusly progressing to a Tanaka/Awesome feud. However on Friday's FMW show in Yamagaci, Japan, Tanaka tore his ACL during a match against Mr. Pogo and will be out for upwards of 6 months. So we shall see where the booking for Taz and Awesome go from here.


-Big news out of Anarchy Rulz was the firing of Axl Rotten during the PPV. Rotten apparently got into a huge argument with Paul Heyman following his match with Rhino over how his role with the company has diminshed in recent months, recently jobbing to Rhino and Steven Regal on TV/PPV and barley being used at recent house shows. We've been told Heyman simply said "Don't like it? Leave." We've been hearing that Rotten has been overhyping his role with the company for several months, ailienating him from much of the roster.


-We've also learned that following Anarchy Rulz, that Tracy Smothers and Tommy Rich gave in their notice and will no longer be used.


-Some potentially huge ECW Business news, ECW are reportdly in negociations with Acclaim Entertainment for a potential ECW Video Game. Acclaim recently lost the WWF liscence to Japan's THQ.


-For those wondering, Don Callis, the former Jackyl in WWF now Cyrus, is now full time ECW, with his character seemingly a take off against the TNN network.


-Hardcore TV was a highlight show this week.

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