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Suggested Reading: Montreal Screwjob, The

WWF Survivor Series - November 9, 1997

WCW Monday Nitro - November 10, 1997

WCW Monday Nitro - November 17, 1997

WCW World War III - November 23, 1997

WCW Monday Nitro - November 24, 1997


The Montreal Screwjob. Whether it could have been avoided or not is an entirely different issue for an entirely different time. What it resulted in was a deep hatred between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon that would last for many years to come. In the aftermath, several WWF wrestlers asked for their releases, or bought out their contracts. Jumping with Bret to WCW were Davey Boy Smith, AKA the British Bulldog, Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart, and Rick Rude who was only on a pay-per-appearance contract, signed with WCW in protest.


But this is not about the Montreal Screwjob. These events take place the month after the Montreal Screwjob and on, chronicling the details of World Championship Wrestling and the soon to arrive Bret Hart. Eric Bischoff has claimed Bret Hart to be a new nWo member, something yet to be proven either false or guilty. At WCW's last pay-per-view event, World War III, Scott Hall was the last surviving man of a three ring, 60 man battle royal, earning him a title shot down the road. Of course this may cause conflict with the current World Heavyweight Champion, Hollywood Hogan, Hall's nWo stablemate.


WCW is fast approaching Starrcade '97, their premier, and final event for the year. Looking to go out with a bang and start 1998 on a high note, WCW will have to pull together what at the moment, besides Hollywood Hogan versus Sting for the World Heavyweight Championship, is a rather dull and bare card.


The Montreal Screwjob brought Bret to WCW. The question is, now that Bret has been screwed, what is to stop the 'wildcard' from screwing over others? Where do Hart's allegiances lie? Who will be the first WCW victim of the Sharpshooter? Only time will tell.


























Alex Wright

Barry Darsow

Bill Goldberg

Billy Kidman

Bobby Eaton

Booker T

Brad Armstrong

Bret Hart

Brian Knobbs

Buff Bagwell

Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Chris Benoit

Chris Jericho

Curt Hennig

Dave Taylor

Davey Boy Smith

Dean Malenko

Diamond Dallas Page

Disco Inferno

Eddie Guerrero

El Dandy

Fit Finlay



Hiroyoshi Tenzan

Hollywood Hogan

Hugh Morrus

Jerry Saggs

Jim Duggan

Jim Neidhart

Johnny Grunge

Johnny Swinger

Juventud Guerrera

Kenny Kaos

Kevin Nash


La Parka

Lex Luger


Louie Spicolli

Masahiro Chono


Michael Wallstreet


Norman Smiley

Prince Iaukea


Randy Savage


Ray Traylor

Rey Mysterio Jr.

Ric Flair

Rick Steiner


Robbie Rage

Rocco Rock

Roddy Piper


Scott Armstrong

Scott Hall

Scott Norton

Scott Steiner

Sick Boy

Silver King

Steve Armstrong

Steve McMichael

Steven Regal

Stevie Ray


Super Calo

The Barbarian

The Cat

The Giant

The Renegade

Ultimo Dragon

Villano V



Yuji Nagata

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Milford, PA

Monday, Week 1, December 1997


Dark Match: Yuji Nagata defeated Norman Smiley in 3:54 via submission (Nagatalock). D+


1. Yes or No?


Monday Nitro is on the air after a brief video highlighting the events of World War III, that saw Scott Hall earn himself a WCW World Heavyweight Title shot, and last week's Monday Nitro. Larry Zbyszko is in the ring, ready to announce something important according to tonight's announce team of Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan. Before Larry can speak however, the music of the nWo hits and Eric Bischoff makes his way to the ring.


Eric Bischoff: Now, now, Larry, wait up just a second.


The crowd immediately begins to jeer Bischoff.


Eric Bischoff: Correct me if I'm wrong but I'd guess you're out here to challenge me to a match, right?


Zbyszko nods in affirmation.


Eric Bischoff: Well I hate to break it to ya, Zbyszko, but I am not, nor have I ever been a wrestler. So the answer is a plain and simple no.


The crowd begins to boo even louder.


Eric Bischoff: However... At StarrCade, how about we make things interesting?


Larry Zbyszko: What do you have in mind?


Bischoff climbs into the ring and comes face to face with Zbyszko.


Eric Bischoff: You find a guy. I find a guy. They fight at StarrCade. If your guy wins, he gets a shot at the title and you get a shot at me. If my guy wins, Nitro is nWo property.


The crowd cheers at this idea.


Larry Zbyszko: I'll have to think about it, Bischoff.


Bischoff shakes his head.


Eric Bischoff: No, no, no, Zbyszko. I'm a busy guy, I got other things to do. You tell me yes or no right now.


Zbyszko paces around the ring, deep in thought.


Eric Bischoff: Yes or no, Zbyszko? Yes or no?


Zbyszko walks back towards Bischoff, going nose to nose with him.


Larry Zbyszko: You're on, Bischoff.


The crowd cheers as the announcers let us know we are going to a commercial, fading out to the image of Eric Bischoff's smug face. B+


2. Dean Malenko versus Rey Mysterio Jr.


WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero replaces Mike Tenay in the commentary booth for this match, and as we return from commercial he is already runnning his mouth about both competitors. Rey Mysterio Jr. is already in the ring and Dean Malenko is just climbing through the ropes. Both men get a good reception from the crowd and they shake hands before the referee calls for the bell to get this match underway. Both men really gave this match their all and wasted little time in going all out. The fine display of lucha libre versus brilliant technical ability brought the crowd to their feet with dueling chants for Malenko and Mysterio echoing throughout the arena.


Guerrero is not happy when he is informed by Tony Schiavone that this match is to decide who the number one contender to his Cruiserweight Title is and Guerrero leaves the commentary booth to go ringside. Mysterio is distracted by the appearance of Guerrero at ringside and Malenko is able to take advantage with a take down followed by an armbar. Guerrero gets up on the ring apron which causes Malenko to release the hold and confront him. Guerrero spits in Malenko's face, causing the Iceman to retaliate by nailling Guerrero with a hard right hand before suplexing him over the rope and into the ring.


With all three men back at their feet Malenko and Mysterio look at each other before turning their attention to Guerrero. Both men charge at Guerrero who manages to duck underneath their attempted attacks. Guerrero spins back around and nails Malenko with the Cruiserweight title before doing the same to Mysterio. The referee quickly calls for the bell to end the match as Guerrero ****ily leaves the ring, satisfied with his downed competition. C


Result: Draw due to interference (5:52)


3. Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) versus The Faces of Fear (Meng and The Barbarian)


Mike Tenay is back in the booth and he reminds us of last week where Booker T picked up the surprise win over Meng as the two brother combination of the Harlem Heat make their way to the ring. We then see some footage of after the match as Booker T falls victim to the deadly Tongan Death Grip by Meng. Stevie Ray tries to make the save by hitting Meng with a steel chair but gets laid out by the Barbarian for his troubles.


Back in the ring Booker and Stevie Ray are on the turnbuckles pointing out to the crowd as the music of the Faces of Fear hits and the two big men make their way to the ring. They waste little time in getting to the ring and drag Harlem Heat down from their respective turnbuckles and begin to beat on them. After some begging from the referee, Meng finally leaves the ring after throwing Stevie Ray out and allows the referee to get the match underway.


As The Barbarian and Meng keep Booker T isolated in their corner the camera focuses on Raven's Flock in the front row. Raven has Kidman by the hair, talking into his ear. After letting him go, Kidman jumps over the railling and begins to circle the ring.


Meng is the legal man and crotches Booker T on the top rope, shaking it up and down to inflict more pain in Booker's sensitive region, before grabbing him by the throat and chokeslamming him to the ground. Meng makes the pin and gets a long two count before Stevie Ray breaks it up with a stern boot to the head of Meng that seems to rattle the big Tongan. Meng climbed to his feet and stared a hole through Stevie Ray before charging at him. Stevie ducked the clothesline attempt, running off the ropes and hitting one of his own, not rattling Meng. He attempted another, still no affect. He attempted once more, finally causing Meng to stagger slightly before Booker was able to follow it up with a side kick that saw the big man knocked down to the ground. Booker covered and got a close two count before tagging out to Stevie Ray. Stevie was quick to go on the offensive but was quickly caught by a reinvigorated Meng who locked him in the Tongan Death Grip before tagging in the Barbarian, holding Stevie in the Death Grip whilst Barbarian charged and hit the Kick of Fear. Meng rushed to the corner and knocked Booker off the apron before Barbarian made the cover and got the three count on Stevie Ray. After watching the match take place, Kidman quickly returns to his seat in the front row with the rest of the Flock, leaving the announce team to wonder what he was doing.


The Faces of Fear don't even bother celebrating before making their way to the back as we go to commercial.C


Result: The Faces of Fear via pinfall (Barbarian p. Stevie Ray) (6:33)


4. A Giant of a Problem


Back from commercial break and to the sound of the nWo theme we see 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash, Buff Bagwell, Scott Hall and Konnan ****ily strut out to the ring. Bagwell talks trash to a fan at ringside before the nWo make their slow entrance to the ring as Tony Schiavone tells us that Nash apparently has a message for The Giant.


Kevin Nash: Giant, get out here.


The Giant's music hits and he makes his way to the ring... with backup! WCW World Tag Team Champions Scott and Rick Steiner who according to Tony are in action with Konnan and Bagwell tonight, and Lex Luger who unlike his WCW allies is in street clothes. The commentators comment on The Giant's cunning in bringing out some allies, especially with his injured hand at the moment, further exacerbated by Kevin Nash's attack on it with a baseball bat last week.


Kevin Nash: When'd you turn into a chicken, big guy?


The Giant says nothing, continueing to stand at the entranceway with his backup.


Kevin Nash: I can tell you want a piece of me, don't you? Well big guy, it goes a little somethin' like this... No chance.


Nash struts around the ring as Bagwell, Konnan and Hall laugh and talk amongst themselves.


The Giant: Well, Nash, as usual it turns out you're wrong. DILLON!


And with that the chairman of the WCW executive committee, James J. Dillon makes his way out and stands next to The Giant, microphone in hand.


James J. Dillon: Nash! You versus The Giant! It has been approved by the executive committee, it has been signed by ME personally, and it has been scheduled for Starrcade!


The crowd goes wild as Bagwell, Konnan and Hall react angrily to the announcement. Nash, however, just stands leant over the ring ropes, with a cunning grin on his face.


Kevin Nash: Starrcade, Dillon? Sure thing.


Nash drops his microphone and converses with his fellow nWo members whilst Dillon and The Giant look somewhat confused at Nash's reaction as we once again go to a commercial break. A


5. WCW World Television Title Match - Saturn © versus 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho


Back from the break and the young up and coming cruiserweight star 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho is slapping the hands of fans at ringside as he awaits his shot at Flock member Saturn's World Television title. Jericho gets a little to close to the Flock's seats and is hit with a hard shot from Saturn who quickly jumps the rail throws the belt into the ring for the referee and starts clubbing away at Jericho before rolling him in. The referee officially gets the match underway. Saturn shows great prowess in the ring with various holds keeping Jericho's quick, acrobatic style grounded. Mike Tenay talks about Saturn, noting that he is an accomplished street fighter that Raven enlisted into The Flock. Jericho attempts an early come back but is dragged down by his hair before Saturn attempts to lock in the Rings of Saturn. Jericho manages to slip up and bounces off the ropes with a flying forearm. Jericho runs and springboards off the ropes before hitting Saturn with a dropkick as he gets to his feet. Jericho attempts to lock in the Walls of Jericho, a move that, according to Mike Tenay is one of the most excrutiating moves the back can fall victim to, but Saturn's strength allows him to roll through, sending Jericho to the mat flat on his face before Saturn pounces and locks in the Rings of Saturn, causing Jericho to quickly submit, allowing Saturn to retain the title. Saturn quickly grabs the title off of the referee and leaves the ring before hopping the rail and once again taking his seat next to Raven. D+


Result: Perry Saturn via submission (5:55)


6. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage w/Elizabeth versus Juventud Guerrera


Macho Man enters as Jericho leaves, quickly followed by Juvi. The match is an absolute squash. Juvi quickly gets in some fast offense early on before being grounded by a clothesline. Macho dominates Juvi with a bodyslam, some stiff punches and a piledriver, before finally ending it with the Diving Elbow Drop from the top rope for the three count. C+


Result: Randy Savage via pinfall (3:14)


7. Insult to Injury


Savage throws the referee out of the ring and calls Elizabeth in before nailing Juvi with a sickening piledriver, following it up with not one, not two, but THREE diving elbow drops from the top rope. Macho Man gets in the camera and shouts about the nWo being THE way of life before grabbing a can of spray paint from Elizabeth and painting Juventud Guerrera's back with the three letters - nWo as we go to commercial. B-


8. All the Confidence in the World


On the entranceway WCW announcer 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is stood with an announcement to make.


Gene Okerlund: Ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time is tonight's challenger for Curt Hennig's WCW United States Title... Diamond Dallas Page!


DDP's music hits and the man from New Jersey makes his way out, pointing to the WCW Nitro shirt he's wearing.


Gene Okerlund: I can't help but notice, DDP, that you were pointing to your shirt?


DDP: Yeah, you're right 'Mean' Gene. Wanna know why? 'Cause this program that we're on right now is WCW Monday Nitro. It ain't nWo Monday Nitro, it is WCW.


Gene Okerlund: Do you have any words for the nWo, specifically your opponent tonight Curt Hennig?


DDP: Make no mistake, 'Mean' Gene, Hennig is a helluva competitor, whether he's cheatin' or not, but to be honest with ya, I don't really give a damn whether he cheats or not. It don't matter if he swings at me with a chair, 'cause I'm gonna duck it, spin around and hit him with the Diamond Cutter. It don't matter if he swings at me with brass knucks, 'cause I'll duck 'em, spin around and hit the Diamond Cutter. It don't matter if he throws powder in my eyes, 'cause I'll take the pain like a man, feel my way to him and hit him with the Diamond Cutter.


Gene Okerlund: You're quite confident, DDP.


DDP: You're right, Gene, I got all the confidence in the world, but why wouldn't I? I'm pumped, I'm excited. And you know why, Gene?


Gene Okerlund: Why's that, DDP?


DDP: 'Cause Diamond Dallas Page is walkin' outta Milford, Pennysylvania tonight as the WCW, not nWo, but WCW United States Heavyweight Champion... BANG!


DDP's signature taunt ends the segment as 'Mean' Gene wishes him luck and the camera focus switches back to the ring where we see Kidman of The Flock standing in the ring. B+


9. Crippled With Frustration


The music of 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit hits and he makes his way out to the ring, microphone in hand. He stops near the ring and turns his sights off of Kidman and towards Raven.


Chris Benoit: Stop ducking me. I don't care if I have to break this guy's neck tonight, then break that guys neck, then the big guy over there's neck, I don't care. You're going to get into the ring with me, and when you do, I'll make you tap.


Benoit throws the microphone down, throws his leather vest off and dashes forwards before sliding in the ring. B-


10. Kidman versus 'The Crippler' Chris Benoit


Benoit nails Kidman with a clothesline to start the match before tieing him up with just a few of the many holds taught to him at the Hart Family Dungeon. The commentators discuss DDP's impressive courage to stand up to the nWo with no backing before comparing him with Benoit, who is fighting on his own against Raven's rag tag Flock, whom they note have all jumped the rail and are now surrounding the ring for this match. Kidman shows some nice quick moves including a bulldog that sees Benoit get busted up, however it is all in vain when Benoit eventually folds him up like an accordian with a German suplex, before trapping him in the Crippler Crossface. Kidman musters just enough strength to tap out as the referee calls for the bell. C


Result: Chris Benoit via submission (3:25)


11. A Dangerous Flock


As soon as the bell goes Sick Boy, Riggs, Saturn, Hammer, and the as of yet unnamed blonde haired member of the Flock slide into the ring and begin to attack Benoit. Benoit manages to toss Riggs and Sick Boy from the ring and takes the fight to Hammer, but eventually Raven slides in the ring and with the assistance of Hammer and Saturn manages to hit Benoit with the DDT, before instructing Saturn to lock in the Rings of Saturn on Benoit, which he does. Benoit eventually passes out from the pain as The Flock go back to their place at ringside. Medics from the back come out and begin to load Benoit onto a stretcher to carry him to the back as the announcers condemn The Flock's actions and we take a commercial break. C


12. Whatcha Gonna Do, Sting?


The nWo are out once again, this time the group of Hollywood Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Buff Bagwell and Rick Rude are standing in the ring. Tony Schiavone hypes the upcoming cruiserweight match between Ultimo Dragon and Psychosis and attempts to go to tell us about another match before being interupted by Hulk Hogan, who talks over the top of the crowd's chants for Sting.


Hollywood Hogan: You punks can chant for Sting all you want but it won't make a difference cause we all know that at Starrcade I'm comin' away with the title, once again!


The crowd's chants for Sting get even louder.


Hollywood Hogan: I'm gonna let ya in on a little secret, Sting, like all of the wrestlers in the back, would be NOTHING without me. Just remember that, Sting, and all of you in the back, and all of you suck up fans. You come out here and cheer, "Sting! Sting! Sting!"


The chants of Sting are now deafening, Hogan is struggling to talk over the top.


Hollywood Hogan: GET A FREAKIN' GRIP! Remember not that long ago you chanted, "Hogan! Hogan! Hogan!" Now ya don't. And why? 'Cause for once I looked out for myself instead of someone else! So Sting, at Starrcade, whatcha gonna do when Hollywood Hogan and the new World order take you the hell out!?!?


The nWo music hits once more and they leave the ring whilst the announcers take their time to hype up Starrcade before the music of Psychosis hits and the lucha libre star makes his way to the ring. A


13. Psychosis versus Ultimo Dragon


Ultimo Dragon makes his way to the ring and Mike Tenay lists his various accomplishments throughout the world. The ref calls for the bell and the two competitors circle the ring, both men waiting for the other to make the first move. The impressive cruiserweight action takes second place to the feud development from the commentators who talk about the various problems that the nWo have been causing, and talking about the fight that people like The Giant, Diamond Dallas Page and Sting. Psychosis and Ultimo Dragon trade offense back and forth in the ring with both men showing some impressive moves including a picture perfect springboard moonsault. The match is eventually wrapped up with Ultimo Dragon hitting Psychosis with a Dragon suplex for the pinfall, much to the delight of the crowd. Tony and Mike let us know that Scott Hall is in action next against Ray Traylor as we go to commercial. C+


Result: Ultimo Dragon via pinfall (5:56)


14. Hey Yo!


When we come back Scott Hall is standing in the ring, devoid of any of his fellow nWo members and he is ready to talk.


Scott Hall: HEY YO!


The crowd reacts with a mixture of cheers and jeers.


Scott Hall: Did ya hear?


The crowd has no idea what he's talking about and react with dead silence.


Scott Hall: Scott Hall, da bad guy, chico, he won at World War III. He earned himself a World title shot.


The crowd again is split between cheers and boos.


Scott Hall: But see, Scott Hall, da bad guy, a lotta people say he can't win without da big guy Kevin Nash to help him out.


More of the crowd cheers this time.


Scott Hall: But I tell you, chico, if some how, some way, Hollywood, the jefe, loses to that girly, make up wearin' Sting at Starrcade... Scott Hall, da bad guy... he'll cash in his shot, chico, and da big guy Kevin Nash, and the rest of the nWo, they'll stay away.


The crowd goes wild at the thought of Hall fighting a fair fight against Sting.


Scott Hall: And-


The music of Ray Traylor hits and the big man makes a charge for the ring, infuriating The Bad Guy. B+


15. Scott Hall versus Ray Traylor


Traylor rolls in the ring and Scott Hall is fuming. He barely has time to stand up before Scott Hall begins to viciously attack him. Like a violent mugging, Hall doesn't even bother with any holds or takedowns, he just focuses his energy on swinging haymakers, several of which catch Traylor in the face, causing him to become busted open. Hall whips Traylor into the corner and begins to drive his shoulder into Traylor's midsection repeatedly. Tony Schiavone hypes the upcoming match between the World Tag Team champions, the Steiners, and Buff Bagwell and Konnan. Hall hits Traylor with a fallaway slam and gets a two count. With both men at their feet Traylor begins throwing punches just to save him self but Scott Hall catches him with a few jabs followed by a BIG discuss punch. Hall signals for the end and brings Traylor up to his feet and putting Traylor out of his misery with the Outsider's Edge and a cover for the three count. B-


Result: Scott Hall via pinfall (3:54)


16. The Pride of WCW


The Steiner Brothers, Scott and Rick and standing by with 'Mean' Gene Okerlund in the backstage area.


Gene Okerlund: Ladies and gentlemen, YOUR World Tag Team Champions, Scott and Rick, the Steiner Brothers! Now, Scott, Rick, in just a few short moments you take on the nWo team of Buff Bagwell and Konnan, what are your thoughts on the competitors?


Scott Steiner: Well it goes a little somethin' like this 'Mean' Gene. Bagwell and Konnan are a couple a' punks! They think they got a shot at takin' me and Rick out and they think that the nWo have a chance of takin' WCW over! They ain't got a snowflake's chance in hell at takin' out the World Tag Team Champions, tell 'em, Rick!


Rick Steiner: WOOF WOOF GENE! You had sure as hell believe that me and Scott are ready to take these two nWo punks out tonight. The nWo has been nothin' but a pain in the ass to the entire WCW for as long as they've been around. Me and Scott are fighting champions, Gene, we'll take on any of them!


Scott Steiner: That's right! Bagwell and Konnan, Hall and Nash, Hogan and Savage, Bischoff and Rude for all we care! The nWo is going DOWN and the Steiners, the pride of WCW, are gonna be the cause!


Rick Steiner: WOOF WOOF WOOF!


The Steiners abruptly walk away from Okerlund and Tony let's us know that they are on their way to the ring as we go to commercial. B-


17. WCW World Tag Team Champions The Steiner Brothers (Scott and Rick) versus Buff Bagwell and Konnan


Back from commercial and the Steiner Brothers are each on opposite turnbuckles, showing off their World Tag Team Title belts to the crowd to massive cheers. Before too long the music of the nWo hits and Buff Bagwell and Konnan make their way to the ring. Buff gets right up into the camera and talks about how he is Buff, tough and the stuff before they finally get to the ring.


Neither nWo member seem to keen to start the match, but the 'honor' is given to Konnan who reluctantly starts the match with a collar and elbow tie up with Scott Steiner. Steiner easily overpowers Konnan and sends him crashing to the mat. Steiner yells at Konnan to get up. The two fight around the ring with Scott holding the clear advantage until Konnan resorts to what Mike Tenay calls, dastardly tactics, by suckering Scott into a low blow. Konnan tags in Bagwell who manages to isolate Scott with some hard kicks to the midsection, a couple of shots to the back of Steiner's neck, followed up by a swinging neckbreaker.


Bagwell takes the time to pose to the crowd, getting them to look at his body, before tagging out to Konnan who runs in and takes advantage of the downed opponent with series of stomps. Konnan waits for Steiner to get to his feet, charges at him and attempts a clothesline, but Steiner ducks under it. Scott attempts a kick but Konnan catches his foot, spins him around, hits him with a kick to the gut of his own and nails him with a DDT. Konnan tags back out to Bagwell. Bagwell brings Steiner to his feet and whips him against the ropes before hitting a powerslam. The tactics of the nWo continue for some time as Konna and Bagwell dominate Scott Steiner, with his brother Rick absolutely livid on the outside of the ring. The nWo team take their time in working over Scott's neck, but seem to spend just as much time inflicting pain on Scott as they do showing off to the crowd, especially Bagwell.


Konnan in the ring now and he attempts to pick Steiner up off of the ground but is rolled into an inside cradle for a two count. Both men at their feet and Konnan is shocked. He charges with a clothesline but Scott ducks underneath and throws himself towards...


Rick Steiner tagged in! Rick clotheslines Konnan! Bagwell in the ring, he charges Rick and is met with a headbutt followed by a belly to belly suplex for his troubles! Konnan back up, he swings at Rick who ducks it and hits a beautiful German suplex. Rick covers, one, two, broken up by the fist of Buff Bagwell. Rick gives it his all against Konnan and Bagwell whilst Scott recovers on the outside. Rick takes a lot of punishment but dishes out his fair share, too, culminating with a diving bulldog on Konnan. Rick is fatigued, though, and tags out to Scott who rushes into the ring and takes out Bagwell from the ring apron. Scott turns his attention back to Konnan, brings his to his feet, lifts him up and hits the Steiner Screwdriver! Scott pins, one...two...three! The Steiner's pick up the win! Scott and Rick celebrate together in the ring with the tag belts as Konnan and Bagwell make their way backstage. B


Result: The Steiners via Pinfall (Scott p. Konnan) (7:48)


18. Starrcade - It Will End


We see a quick video hyping up Starrcade - specifically the match between Sting and Hollywood Hogan. We see many instances of the nWo assaulting WCW wrestlers, spray painting people, attacking fake Sting dolls, and making fun of Sting. We then see some images of Sting up alone in the rafters with his baseball bat in hand and pacing around. The video ends quickly with the words "Starrcade - It Will End - Hollywood Hogan v Sting" and we go to commercial, preparing for the main event! A


19. WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match - Curt Hennig © w/Rick Rude versus Diamond Dallas Page


Back from commercial and Diamond Dallas Page is slapping the hands of the fans at ringside. He notices a younger fan and takes off the WCW Monday Nitro t-shirt he is wearing and gives it to the kid, who gives DDP a high five for his troubles. The nWo music hits and the current WCW United States Heavyweight Champion makes his way out. Curt Hennig is only accompanied by one nWo associate tonight, Rick Rude and he has a look of extreme confidence on his face. When finally in the ring Hennig hesitates a little before handing the belt over to the referee who holds it up to the crowd to signify that the title is on the line tonight. The crowd starts to cheer as the main event of the evening is about to get underway and the referee calls for the bell.


Collar and elbow tie up, Hennig pushes Page against the ropes, Irish whips him and flips him over on his return with a hip toss. Both men back up to the tie up, Page pushes Hennig up against the ropes, whips him and sends him tumbling over with a back body drop. Both men at their feet. Hennig takes the advantage with a few chops to the chest of Page and backs him into a corner before beginning to work over the body. The commentators comment on how they've never seen Diamond Dallas Page so focused, so intent, so ready to take himself to the next level and take out the nWo. Mike Tenay says that after speaking to Page backstage today he got the feeling that it very well could be Page, not Sting, but Page who saves WCW. Back to the action and Page has reversed Hennig's assault of him in the corner and is delivering a few chops of his own to the chest of Hennig, which is now lit up bright red. Rick Rude is up on the apron telling the ref to get Page out of the corner, and the ref does so, forcing a clean break.


Page moves in on Hennig but is met with a quick thumb to the eye that sends page staggering around the ring, and allowing Hennig hit him with an atomic drop, followed up with a snapmare. Hennig sits Page up and kicks him right in the middle of the spine before covering for a two count. Hennig sits Page up again and this time bounces off the ropes before hitting Page with his flip over neck snap, covering once more for a two count. Mike Tenay comments on how Hennig is the real technician of the nWo and how he can really pick apart the body. Heenan says that may have been true, but according to Bischoff's comments in weeks previous, Bret Hart is now the nWo technician.


Hennig has the figure four leglock locked in on Page but with a few painful grunts and wriggling, Page manages to clutch at the bottom rope. With both men at their feet, Page hits a swinging neckbreaker out of nowhere. DDP brings Hennig to his feet and with a look of both determination and exhaustion on his face, hits a forceful Russian leg sweep which gets him a long two count. The focus of the camera leaves the ring for a moment as we look towards the entrance ramp to see Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Buff Bagwell and Konnan on their way to ringside. The nWo surrounds the ring and Hogan chats with Rude at ringside.


Back in the ring Page is fully aware of the nWo's presence and continues to put the stomps to Curt Hennig's head and body, whilst glancing around at the nWo, making sure he isn't on the verge of being blindsided. Page eats a haymaker from Hennig as he gets to his feet and Hennig quickly darts forward, catching the staggering DDP ready for the Hennig-Plex. Hennig has Page's leg hooked... Page kicks his hand away, spins around and... DIAMOND CUTTER! Schiavone goes nuts on commentary, saying we have a new champion... one...two...THR-HOGAN DROPS THE LEG OVER THE BACK OF PAGE'S HEAD! The ref calls for the bell, Hennig is disqualified as the commentators scream over their headsets at the unfairness of it all. The rest of the nWo are in the ring now... DDP eats some punches from Konnan and Bagwell, before suffering a big boot from Kevin Nash, followed up with an Outsider's Edge by Scott Hall! DDP looks completely out of it in the middle of the ring as Rick Rude picks him up. He tosses him over to Curt Hennig who gets him ready and... HENNIG-PLEX! Hennig covers DDP and the entire nWo drop to the mat to count the pinfall. Hennig retains his title via DQ! B+


Result: Diamond Dallas Page via disqualification (8:37)


20. This Can Happen To You


Hogan wastes little time in getting himself a microphone much to the annoyance of the crowd who are booing and throwing rubbish at the nWo.


Hollywood Hogan: STINGER! Sting, brother... Lemme ask ya somethin', brother...


Hogan has trouble talking over the boos, so he resorts to yelling at the top of his lungs.




The nWo music hits as Hogan throws down the microphone and the show fades to black. B+


Final Rating: B-

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WCW News & Notes

By 'Dangerous' Danny Thomas


WCW kicked off December with a total annihilation of WCW warrior Diamond Dallas Page by the New World Order and we still have no sighting of the Eric Bischoff promised Bret Hart. Is he coming or not? We'll save that for another time because right now it is time for this week's Dangerous Dotpoints!


• WCW management are reportedly not happy about the WCW Television Title match between Saturn and Jericho. After seeing a lackluster performance from both men, a longer term program between the two has apparently been nixed and it appears as though the obviously incredibly talented Jericho is once again left high and dry without a program. When will WCW learn that this guy is pure money, have they not heard his reactions?


• The Hall/Traylor match at Nitro was originally supposed to open the show and be Hall/Alex Wright. Das Wunderkid missed his flight however which has reportedly resulted with him in the doghouse with management.


• Rick Steiner is not happy. He recently got into a backstage confrontation with Raven (I thought the Flock didn't hang out there?) and was extremely unhappy when Raven went unpunished by management. What this means for the World Tag Team Champions, we will have to wait and see.


• Please, please, please, don't let this report be true. Buff Bagwell is now in the top nWo group, replacing Syxx, who apparently only has a couple months left on his contract, which coincidentally is how much longer he will be on the shelf.


• Ultimo Dragon's Nitro match is his last for a while as the Japanese star is going back to his homeland to scout for talent on behalf of WCW. They sure seem serious up beefing up the cruiserweight division.


• The recently rumoured 'Strongman' division very well could be a real thing. WCW recently put pen to paper on a contract for former WWF big man Bam Bam Bigelow.


• Also some tremendous news for Hogan fans everywhere! His even less talented nephew Horace now has a WCW contract.


• We're not 100% sure on the details but we do know that WCW has signed some lesser known independent wrestlers recently. With the ever persistent rumours of a Thursday Nitro soon, it looks as though WCW may be bringing in some younger wrestlers to do the jobs instead of the older, less talented folk. (Barry Darsow)


• One final point. WCW, please, for my sake. Get ol' Davy Jones off my TV. Yes, I'm talking about 'Ol' One Eye' Scotty Riggs. He sucks. Cut your losses and move on. Actually that brings me to the REAL final point.


• The blonde haired guy hanging with The Flock, the new one that looks kinda like Billy Idol, has apparently worked under the name Skank, so... let's hope he comes up with something more catchy.


Catch you guys next time!

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VERY cool show. And I love the "News & Notes". Hopefully not everything you say is true, simply because it would be more fun to see the News & Notes writer be continually miffed by the booking (at least in some aspects).
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WCW Monday Nitro

Monday, Week 2, December 1997


Dark Match: Buff Bagwell defeated Glacier in 3:37 via pinfall (Blockbuster). C-


1. My Name is James J. Dillon and I Still Have Some Power!


We are welcomed to WCW Monday Nitro by the announce team of Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Bobby Heenan. Nitro wastes little time in kicking off with the Chairman of the WCW Executive Committee, James J. Dillon standing in the middle of the ring.


J.J. Dillon: Last week the nWo inflicted severe punishment on Diamond Dallas Page. I know this because I came out after Nitro went off air and had to help the EMTs load Dallas onto the stretcher! I know this because Dallas can't even be here tonight 'cause he's hurting so much! And what for!? So Page can't take Hennig's title! So Page can't stick it to the nWo! Well I tell you what, this message goes right back to the New World Order in the back.


J.J. begins to get louder and louder, yelling into the microphone.


J.J. Dillon: MY NAME IS JAMES J. DILLON AND I STILL HAVE SOME POWER! And I have had enough of you! Scott Hall! You hit the Outsider's Edge on Page!? YOU GOT LEX LUGER TONIGHT BUD! Randy Savage! You spraypainted that poor little Guerrera!? YOU GOT A BIG SURPRISE IN THE MAIN EVENT MACHO MAN! And Hennig, you little rotten cheat! GET OUT HERE AND BRING THAT DAMN TITLE!


As J.J. paces around the ring to gather himself it only takes a few moments for Curt Hennig and Rick Rude make their way out to the ring. The nWo members don't take long to climb into the ring and they both yell at Dillon to tell them what the he wants. B+


2. A Return!


J.J. Dillon: Bischoff runs his mouth about Bret Hart being nWo every week, well I tell ya what, I don't care! 'Cause someone else "jumped ship" as well, and Hennig, your title is on the line against him RIGHT NOW! Davey! Get out here!


A rocky tune with a certain British theme to it hits and the one and only British Bulldog makes his way down to the ring to a great ovation. Davey Boy slaps the hands of the fans at ringside before rolling into the ring, shaking hands with Dillon and getting ready for the match. Rude drops down to the outside and, seemingly out of nowhere, a referee has taken the belt off of Curt Hennig, who is in awe at what is happening, and shows it to the crowd, signalling a title match. B


3. WCW United States Heavyweight Championship Match - Curt Hennig © w/Rick Rude versus The British Bulldog


Davey Boy wastes no time and charges Hennig with a shoulder block as the announcers cannot get over the shocking return of the British Bulldog. The commentators also note that Rick Rude has oddly dissappeared from ringside just as the Bulldog whips Hennig over with an arm drag followed up by wrenching the arm of Hennig. Curt manages to fight to his feet and forces Bulldog to let go after a few chops. Hennig quickly takes advantage with a snapmare, following it up with his trademark flipover neck snap. Hennig covers the Bulldog for two before the Bulldog kicks out with such force that Hennig flies off of him.


Rick Rude has returned to ringside with Buff Bagwell at his side. Both men in the ring are at their feet and Davey Boy Smith drops Hennig's throat across the tope rope. Hennig staggers back and Davey Boy lifts him up in preparation for the running powerslam. The British Bulldog starts his run and... Hennig slips out the back! Bulldog hits the turnbuckle, staggers back and Hennig disguises a low blow with in a schoolboy rollup and gets the pinfall with a handful of tights to retain! B


Result: Curt Hennig via pinfall (5:49)


4. A Not So Warm Welcome


As soon as the bell rings Rude and Bagwell are in the ring and stomping away at the British Bulldog. Hennig joins in the fun, however they quickly bail from the ring when a bulky individual charges the ring with a steel chair. The nWo makes their retreat to the back as Jim Neidhart helps the British Bulldog up to his feet. They hug and The Anvil raises Bulldog's hand as we go to commercial. B-


5. Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) versus Masahiro Chono and Hiroyoshi Tenzan


Back from commercial and the nWo Japan team of Masahiro Chono and Hiroyoshi Tenzan are in the ring and ready for a fight. Harlem Heat are already on their way to the ring, slapping the hands of the fans at ringside. Stevie Ray has a heavily bandaged right knee and Mike Tenay notes that Chono and Tenzan seem to be discussing the apparent injury amongst themselves.


The match gets underway with Booker T and Chono starting out the match. The crowd is really behind Harlem Heat and Booker is feeling it as he charges Chono and takes him down to the mat with an American football style tackle. Booker locks in a side headlock on Chono, who fights to his feet and manages to counter it into a back suplex. Chono brings Booker up and hits him wit a couple of chops but all this does is energize Booker who fights back with a few chops of his own, followed by an Irish whip and a BIG back body drop that sends Chono rolling into his corner and tagging out to Tenzan.


Booker tags out to Stevie Ray and the big man comes in and clotheslines Hiroyoshi Tenzan out of his boots. Stevie Ray picks Tenzan up and locks in a bearhug. Mike Tenay comments on the strength of the six foot four inch near three hundred pounder just before Stevie Ray drove Tenzan down into the mat with authority. Stevie covers for a two count. Both men back at their feet and Stevie Ray whips Tenzan against the ropes. Tenzan comes back and dives down, catching Stevie Ray's injured knee very awkwardly, and bringing the big man down.


Tenzan gets to his feet and sees Stevie Ray clutching at his injured knee and begins to stomp away at it. Tenzan begins to repeatedly drive his knee into the back of Stevie Ray's knee. Tenzan pulls Stevie Ray by the knee over to his corner and tags in Masahiro Chono, who leaps in and lands with a knee drop on Stevie Ray's knee. Chono picks Stevie Ray up, whips him against the ropes and hits a big Samoan drop. Chono covers, one, two...thr-Booker T breaks it up! Booker picks Chono up and hits him with a big kick to the head before knocking Tenzan off the apron, dragging Stevie over to the corner and tagging himself in.


Booker rushes over to Chono and whips him against the ropes and... 110th Street Slam! Booker covers as the crowd goes nuts..one...two..THR-TENZAN BREAKS IT UP! Tenzan quickly bails to the outside ring apron as Booker picks Chono up again and whips him off the ropes once more. Booker tries for a clothesline, ducked, Chono rolls through to the corner and tags in Tenzan before leaving the ring to take a breather.


Tenzan in and he rushes at Booker who gives him a quick kick to the gut. Booker bounces off the ropes and hits a picture perfect Axe kick! Booker covers, one, two three, this one is over. C


Result: Harlem Heat via pinfall (Booker T p. Tenzan) (7:24)



6. WCW World Television Title Match - Saturn © versus Doug Williams


After some brief highlights of the match we return to see a newcomer to World Championship Wrestling, a young man wearing Union Jack emblazoned tights. Mike Tenay informs us that this is up and coming wrestler Doug Williams who hails from Reading, England. 'Iron' Mike tells us that Doug is an expert technical wrestler who won the British Judo Championship in his weight class for 1992. Seemingly out of nowhere, Saturn has entered the ring, and whilst Williams was waving to the crowd Saturn has taken advantage of the situation and hits Williams with a Tiger suplex.


Saturn grounds the young Brit and goes for the Rings of Saturn very early on but Williams manages to wriggle out of it each time. As Saturn puts Williams through the paces the commentators discuss the odd entity that sits at ringside every night, The Flock. Mike Tenay says that his attempts to talk to Raven have been met with no enthusiasm. He says that it seems like Raven doesn't care about anything, which makes him wonder why Raven has an interest in Chris Benoit at the moment.


Back to the action and the blue chipper Williams has hit Saturn with a nice series of European uppercuts before following it up with a double underhook suplex. Williams brings Saturn to his feet and this time hits him with a Northern Lights suplex as the commentators compliment his technical proficiency. Williams brings Saturn up for yet another suplex, this time of the vertical variety, but Saturn manages to counter it into one of his. Saturn follows that up with a double underhook powerbomb that sees Williams land dangerously on his neck. Saturn quickly jumps on the opportunity and locks in the Rings of Saturn, forcing the young Brit to quickly tap out before we head to commercial. C


Result: Saturn via submission (4:13)


7. I Found A Guy


When we return WCW President Eric Bischoff is in the ring and judging by the smile on his face, he could not be happier. Tony Schiavone says he never likes to see Bisch with that smile on his face and wonders what he could be up to.


Eric Bischoff: Zbyszko, you'll never guess what. Remember last week how we came to an agreement about Starrcade? And how we agreed that I'd find a guy, and you'd find a guy, and then we'd have them fight it out at Starrcade? Well guess what? I found a guy! So no doubt you may want to re-think your choice of El Dandy, or-or Norman Smiley, 'cause this guy is just a bit... bigger than them.


The music of the nWo hits and walking out to the ring to stand by Bischoff as his pick is none other than 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash. Nash receives some cheers mixed in with the boos unlike Bischoff who is being pelted with rubbish. Nash gets in the ring and grabs the microphone off of Bischoff.


Kevin Nash: See, what I figured was that at Starrcade, the big dumb Giant won't be able to compete because of his poor little smashed up hand, so I signed up for this match instead. And-


The music of the largest man in WCW, The Giant hits and the massive man makes his way out to the entrance ramp.


The Giant: Nash, why don't you just shut the hell up. 'Cause I'm gonna be fine for Starrcade. And I don't care if you sign up for this match, 'cause I'm still gonna chokeslam you through the ring. And if you don't believe me, find Zbyszko, 'cause from this point on, I'm his man.


The crowd goes wild as we apparently have Nash versus The Giant confirmed for Starrcade. Nash and Bischoff look quite displeased with the announcement but they have little time to think about it as the music of Goldberg hits and the man who is ten wins and zero losses makes his way out to the ring, breathing fireworks. B+


8. Goldberg (10-0) versus Alex Wright


Before too long Goldberg is in the ring and his opponent Alex Wright has walked out to the ring. Wright doesn't appear to be his usual confident self tonight and with good cause. This won is over in 91 seconds and most of that is Alex Wright dodging Goldberg's attacks. Eventually Goldberg spears Alex Wright, follows it up with the Jackhammer, pins and gets the win. He taunts to end the match. C+


Result: Goldberg via pinfall (1:31)


9. How's Your Head, Chrome Dome?


Goldberg is celebrating in ring when he is attacked by Steve McMichael. Mongo manages to dodge a charge from Goldberg and clobbers him over the back of the head with a lead pipe. Goldberg goes crashing down to the mat, limp and lifeless. McMichael quickly jumps out of the ring and grabs a microphone.


Steve McMichael: How's your head, chrome dome? Haha! See ya at Starrcade, baldie.


Mongo makes his way to the back as we cut to... B-


10. A Lesson, Esse


'Mean' Gene Okerlund is at the entranceway with WCW Cruiserweight Champion Eddie Guerrero and his nephew Chavo Guerrero Jr.


Gene Okerlund: Eddie Guerrero, last week you interuptted a match between 'The Iceman' Dean Malenko and Rey Mysterio Jr. to decide who would take on you for your Cruiserweight title.


Eddie Guerrero: Ya see 'Mean' Gene, esse, I don't which of those guys I face, homes. I really don't care. What have they ever done to deserve a shot at my title, homes?


Gene Okerlund: Well one of them would have won a number one contenders match...


Eddie Guerrero: I don't care, esse! I'll take both of them on, I just don't care. And right now, me and Chavo are gonna teach those guys how the Guerreros fight, homes!


Gene Okerlund: Well I don't quite agree with your logic, but good luck in your match.


Eddie and Chavo walk off to make their way to the ring as we go to commercial. D


11. Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero Jr. versus Dean Malenko and Rey Mysterio Jr.


We join the match in progress with Dean Malenko clutching at the throat of Chavo Guerrero Jr. with a Dragon sleeper. Chavo manages to grasp the ropes, however, and the referee breaks the hold. Dean whips Chavo against the ropes and hits him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Dean covers for two but Eddie breaks up the pin. Malenko tags out to Rey Mysterio Jr. Mysterio Jr. quickly leaps into the ring and charges at Chavo, taking him down with a headscissors takedown. Both men back to their feet, Mysterio Jr. goes for a kick, Chavo catches the foot... Enzuigiri! Rey covers, one...two...Eddie again breaks it up.


Rey tags back out to Dean. Dean quickly nails a picture perfect brainbuster on Chavo. Mike Tenay tells us that Dean Malenko is one of the best technical wrestlers, not just in WCW, but in the world. He then tells us that Rey Mysterio Jr. is one of the best high flying wrestler in the world. He says that Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero Jr. are part of the famous New Mexico wrestling family, The Guerreros.


Back to the action and Rey Mysterio Jr. is back in the action, hitting Chavo with a missile dropkick off of the top rope. Rey covers for one...two-and Eddie again breaks it up. After some more dancing around with Chavo being the only Guerrero in the match, he finally finds himself in the position to make the tag and his uncle Eddie ****ily jumps in the ring.


Eddie meets in the centre of the ring with Mysterio Jr. and hits him with a couple of European uppercuts, followed by a snapmare. Guerrero kicks Eddie right in the middle of the back before strutting around the ring. He rather ****ily hits Mysterio Jr. with a German suplex. Eddie struts over to Dean Malenko's position on the ring apron and pokes him in the eye, forcing the referee to hold Malenko back, whilst Eddie runs back to Mysterio and blatantly chokes him.


Guerrero whips Mysterio Jr. off of the ropes and hits him with a back body drop that gets MASSIVE air...except Mysterio Jr. manages to over rotate and lands on his feet! Mysterio Jr. springboards off of the ropes and hits Guerrero with a dropkick as he turns around and makes the tag to Dean Malenko.


The crowd goes wild as Malenko gets in the ring. Eddie gets up and turns around to see an angry Malenko walking towards him. Eddie goes pale and begs Malenko off, calling for a timeout. Malenko continues slowly walking towards Guerrero with determination in his eyes. Malenko grabs Guerrero by the hair and pulls him up, close to his body, but as he does Guerrero kicks him right between the legs. Eddie quickly bails from the ring, tagging out to Chavo on his way.


Chavo Guerrero enters the ring now as Eddie decides enough is enough and starts to leave ringside, and Chavo only has time to get in a few stomps before Malenko recovers from the low blow from Eddie, gets to his feet and hits Chavo with a double underhook powerbomb! Malenko keeps his grasp on Chavo's legs and transitions into the Cloverleaf! Chavo taps out almost instantly. C


Result: Dean Malenko and Rey Mysterio Jr. via submission (Dean submits Chavo) (8:25)


12. Ouch...


We are sent to a video that was, according to Tony Schiavone, recorded a few days ago at Diamond Dallas Page's house. DDP is sat on a couch with several bandages on his face and arms and WCW's 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is sat across from him on a lounge chair.


Gene Okerlund: Diamond Dallas Page, we are here today to talk to you about the events that occurred on Monday Nitro, when the New World Order attacked you, during your chance to win the United States Heavyweight Title off of Curt Hennig, causing him to become disqualified. And the events that occurred after the match were... shocking to say the least.


DDP: Gene, what the nWo did to me was what they've done to a bunch of other guys. It ain't anything new, is it, Gene? I mean we see the nWo... Hogan, Hall, Nash, all of 'em... out there everywhere, running their mouths... cheating... spraypainting people... Somebody has to stick up for WCW... That's all I tried to do, Gene. I know I'm beat up pretty bad right now, but I guarantee you that when I return I'm gonna be at the top of my game, and I'm going to take the United States title from Hennig. And I tell ya another thing, 'Mean' Gene... It's gonna be at Starrcade. Hear that, Hennig? I'm gettin' Dillon on the phone and gettin' the match signed for Starrcade. I'll hit the Diamond Cutter on you again... and this time I'll take the title.


DDP smiles into the camera as we fade back out to the ring. B+


13. Chris Benoit versus Lodi


Chris Benoit has made his way out to the ring and again has to face off against a member of The Flock. This time he faces the newest member of the Flock who finally has a name, Lodi. The match is the generic Chris Benoit versus Flock member squash and Lodi barely shows off any offence, basically acting as a ragdoll for Benoit to execute his text book suplexes on. The match is wrapped up with Benoit locks in the Crippler Crossface for the submission victory. C+


Result: Chris Benoit via submission (2:55)


14. Crippling Aggression


After the match is over Benoit continues to wrench away at Lodi with the Crossface. The Flock stay seated in the front row until finally Lodi seemingly passes out from the pain. At that moment Hammer, Sick Boy and Riggs hop the rail and drag Benoit off of Lodi. Benoit manages to fend them all off, sending them tumbling around the ring with German suplexes. After leaving four members of The Flock down and out, Benoit points at Raven before bringing his thumb slowly across his throat, signalling that Raven will not be able to duck Benoit for much longer as we head to commercial. D+


15. The One and Only


When we return from commercial a very familiar tune has started to ring out through the arena PA. The entire crowd simultaneously lets out a giant, "Woooooo!" as the one, the only, 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair makes a surprise appearance, walking down the entrance ramp. Flair takes his time in coming to the ring, doing his signature strut along the entrance ramp, and letting out his fair share of "woos". When he finally gets to the ring he wastes no time in asking for a microphone from the ringside timekeeper.


Ric Flair: Wooooooooooooooooooo!!


The crowd give him one back.


Ric Flair: 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair has somethin' to say to YOU!... nWo!


The crowd cheer.


Ric Flair: I'm sick of it! Every week, same old thing, you attack this person, you attack that person, but it's still the same old thing. Hogan... You're still the punk you always were. Nash and Hall... You're still the same immature guys you always were... And Hennig! Hennig I used to like you a long time ago, not anymore. What have you done for this company that makes you think you have the right to choose whether it lives or dies? What have you done? NOTHIN'! YOU AIN'T DONE NOTHIN' BUT RUN YOUR MOUTH AND BE A PUNK! And last week, what did you do last week? Set up Diamond Dallas Page, one of the top stars in WCW, woooo!! And what are ya gonna do when he comes back at Starrcade? Instead of comin' out and shakin' in your boots like you should be, you'll come out with that ****y little smile 'cause you know that your buddies will be there to take Page out again, and again, and AGAIN! Well Curt Hennig, have I got news for you! Next week, woooooo! Boy you forgot that ol' 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair, woooo! He's still got friends in WCW, bud! J.J. Dillon for one. So 'The Nature Boy' walked into his ol' pal J.J.'s office and said J.J., remember back in the day when the Horsemen ran this place, wooooooooo! A punk like Hennig, the punk that turned on the Horsemen not that long ago, the-the SNAKE! We used to take snakes and cut their damn heads off! So I said J.J., I said gimme a chance to do that to Hennig, even up the odds for Diamond Dallas Page, and he said, "Ric, whaddaya have in mind?" What do I have in mind? WOOOOOOO! YOU AND ME HENNIG, WOOOOO! NEXT WEEK IN A GODDAMN CAGE!


The crowd goes wild at this.


Ric Flair: Curt Hennig you're gonna have to walk that aisle, 'cause Hennig, to be the man you think you are, you gotta beat THE man! Woooooooo!


Flair throws down his microphone as his music hits and the crowd go wild at the thought of Hennig being trapped in a cage with The Nature Boy. B+


16. The Steiner Brothers (Scott and Rick) versus The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge)


As the Steiners head out to the ring with their World Tag Team Championship belts, slapping the hands of the fans at ringside, and shaking the hand of Ric Flair, Tony Schiavone lets us know that the remaining matches for tonight are this match up, and two more matches that were announced by J.J. Dillon at the top of the show, Lex Luger versus Scott Hall, and Randy Savage versus an unknown wrestler. The commentators speculate on whom it could be with Tony thinking it will be Goldberg, Mike Tenay thinking it will be Sting, and Bobby Heenan wondering whether it'll be a screwjob and it'll be Bret Hart.


Before too long the Steiner's opponents, Public Enemy make their way out and they practically sprint to the ring. The match gets started with Rick Steiner and Johnny Grunge in the ring. Rick and Johnny exchange some devastating punches with Grunge getting the early upper hand. Grunge and Rocco trade tags to keep Rick away from his brother. The Public Enemy show off the usual sloppy, stiff offense they've been using lately. Rick fights back against The Public Enemy and hits a nasty powerslam, giving him the opportunity to tag out to Scott Steiner.


Scott runs in the ring and hits Johnny Grunge with a devastating exploder suplex just as he gets to his feet. Steiner drops the elbow across the sternum of Grunge, and once more just for good measure. He continues his assault on Grunge with a nasty looking Steiner-Line. The Steiners keep the upper hand for the rest of the match, dominating both Grunge and Rock. With Rick Steiner and Rocco Rock in the ring, Rick wraps the match up with a diving bulldog that busts Rocco Rock open, whilst Scott Steiner keeps Johnny Grunge from interfering in the pin. As the match wraps up and the Steiners celebrate we are told by Tony Schiavone that he has been informed that the nWo are on their way to the ring and we will be right back after the commercial break. B-


Result: The Steiner Brothers via pinfall (Rick p. Rock) (5:36)


17. A Quick Word From the nWo


Back from the ad break and we are greeted by the image of the nWo making their entrance. The trio of Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, the 'founding fathers' of the New World Order, as Mike Tenay puts it. Hogan takes him time coming to the ring as he talks trash to some fans at ringside, stealing a Sting sign off of one fan and ripping it up. Eventually, the nWo are in the middle of the ring.


Kevin Nash: We came out here 'cause we got a little message for a couple of people. Their names are The Giant and Sting.


The crowd cheer for the fan favourites.


Kevin Nash: I just wanted to say to the overgrown SOB, that you can come to Starrcade if you really want, but I don't think it'd be the best choice for you if ya did. See, the way I see it is, you're a pretty big guy... and I know that... but I'm no cruiserweight, either. If you think I'm not gonna be able to get you up, well then you're wrong. And if you think that your chokeslamming hand is gonna be better by Starrcade... so be it, I'll just break it again when it comes time for the match... You can be Zbyszko lackey if you want, I don't really care, 'cause when it comes down to it, when the bell has been rung at the end of our match... Well, the next night everybody at home will be watching nWo Monday Nitro.


Nash hands the microphone off to Scott Hall.


Scott Hall: Hey yo.


The standard 'hey yo pop' follows.


Scott Hall: Lemme ask ya somethin'... What the hell is that old fossil Ric Flair doin' here tonight, chico?


Hogan steps in and grabs the microphone off of Hall.


Hollywood Hogan: We're not here for that right now, brother, keep your mind on your match with Luger.


The crowd begins to chant Sting to taunt Hogan.


Hollywood Hogan: Stop shoutin' that loser's name! We're out here to say somethin' to you... J.J. Dillon. The next time you come out and do what you did tonight to the New World Order, brother... Well, brother... Whatcha gonna do when Hollywood Hogan drops the leg across your fifty-five year old throat?


The crowd boos as Hogan throws down the microphone. He and Nash leave the ring. They don't leave the ringside area, however, and set themselves up on some seats near the ring. A


18. Scott Hall versus Lex Luger


The music of Lex Luger hits and the master of the Torture Rack made his way out to the ring, looking quite agitated at the nWo presence at ringside. Lex wastes little time in getting in the ring and the referee rings the bell as soon as he is standing.


Hall and Luger tie up with Luger getting the advantage, pushing Hall against the ropes. Luger whips Hall against the ropes and drops him to the ground with a stiff clothesline. Hall is back up...and back down after a bodyslam. Luger hits him with an elbow drop. Both men are at their feet and Luger continues his assault of Hall with a neckbreaker. Mike Tenay really puts over how strong Lex is, talking about various accomplishments, and how he could easily win professional weightlifting competitions.


Back to the action and Hall has manage to get a breather by locking Luger into a sleeperhold. The rest for The Bad Guy doesn't last long, however, as Lex drops down to the ground, jarring Scott Hall's jaw. With both men back at their feet they begin to trade punches and chops. Hall manages to get the advantage after a belly to back suplex. Hall follows it up with a bulldog before taking another breather by locking Luger in an abdominal stretch for a few moments.


By this time the Nash and Hogan at ringside have been joined by Buff Bagwell and Randy Savage who have also set themselves up on chairs beside them. The nWo are teasing some fans at ringside and are being hit with rubbish from some fans. Back in the ring Scott Hall tosses Luger back over himself with a fallaway slam which gets Hall a long two count.


The two battle it out for a while long, both men trying to use their respective finishers. Luger manages to back body drop Hall before he can lift him up for the Outsider's Edge, and Hall manages to avoid the Torture Rack on numerous occasions.


Luger eventually ends up with the advantage after a piledriver. He takes his time to stomp away at Scott Hall's back, weakening it up even more. He brings Hall to his feet and lifts him up, securing him in the Torture Rack. Hall screams out in pain, but the torture doesn't last long until the nWo slide into the ring and attack Luger, forcing the DQ. The attack is rather short, lasting only long enough for Hogan to clock Luger with a big chairshot. We go to a commercial as the Hogan, Nash, Hall and Bagwell leave Savage alone in the ring and head to the back, as medical personel come out to help Luger. B


Result: Lex Luger via DQ (7:51)


19. Now You Listen Here, Macho Man...


We are back from commercial and the entire crowd are on their feet going wild as a very familiar sound rings out around the arena. It is the sound of bagpipes and that can mean only one thing... 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper! Piper comes out to a standing ovation wearing his trademark kilt and leather jacket. Microphone in hand, he wastes no time in getting to the ring, going nose to nose with Randy Savage.


Roddy Piper: Do you know who I am?


Savage backs away, looking slightly confused.


Roddy Piper: What are ya deaf? Do you know who I am?


Savage, annoyed, nods his head in affirmation.


Roddy Piper: Good. So the ass kickin' you're about to get ain't gonna be anythin' new to ya, then, huh?


Savage paces around the ring, getting angrier by the second.


Roddy Piper: You an' your buddies go 'round all night just pickin' fights with whoever you want, huh? See ol' Hot Rod was sittin' at home when he got the call from J.J. Dillon to come bacb to WCW and kick the Macho Man's ass on Monday Nitro... An' I said, "Well J.J. I was plannin' a fishing trip that day, but if I get to kick the ass of that punk then I'll sure as hell be there with bells on."


The crowd start a rather loud 'Hot Rod' chant.


Roddy Piper: Y'see, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper was sittin' at home, enjoyin' himself watchin' the show from the comfort of his favourite chair when J.J. calls up and says, "Hot Rod, we gotta problem with the damn New World Order, an' they're takin' out people left and right. But you Hot Rod, you got the balls to stand up to these punks!"


Savage takes off his sunglasses and starts to get ready for his match, eager to get his hands on Roddy.


Roddy Piper: An' ol' J.J. was right, Macho Man. You are nothin' but a PUNK!


Roddy suddenly gets the match underway by hitting Macho Man over the head with the microphone, before tossing it out of the ring. B+


20. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage versus 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper


Roddy grabs Macho by the hair and begins to wail on him with punch after punch after punch, finally finishing it up with a BIG windup before hitting Macho with a devastating blow that sends him to the mat. Piper throws his jacket and kilt off. Macho is back to his feet and is met with a quick thumb to the eye by Piper. Piper whips Macho off of the ropes and hits him with a hip toss.


The commentators discuss the surprise opponent for Macho, with Heenan claiming he knew it would be Piper. They talked about how Piper is definately someone who would not back down from any fight the nWo gave him. Piper is absolutely unloading on Randy Savage with rights and lefts, sending the Macho Man staggering into the corner. The referee is forced to step in and get Piper out of the corner which gives Macho Man the opportunity to quickly poke Piper in the eye and gain the upperhand. Macho jumps on the opportunity and hits Piper with a bodyslam, following it up with a knee drop. Macho begins to work Piper over with chops, elbow strikes and punches as the camera pans to the entranceway, where we see Miss Elizabeth make her way to ringside to stand by her man.


Savage with an atomic drop on Piper with Piper rolling to the outside. Savage follows him out and slams him, face first into the guardrail. Roddy is bleeding from the mouth from the attack. Savage picks Piper up and this time drops him sternum first across the guardrail, causing Hot Rod to cry out in pain. Piper is backed up against the guardrail tryin to regain his composure when Savage charges in with a shoulder block...Piper ducks out of the way and Savage goes shoulder first into the railling! Miss Elizabeth is over trying to help Savage regain his composure but Piper makes her move aside. Piper begins to slug away at Savage some more with some really stiff jabs, following it up with a mean right hook. Piper with a kick to the gut of Savage and it looks as though he's setting him up for a piledriver on the outside! The referee is getting in there trying to break it up but Piper pushes him away. Piper has him up-no he doesn't. He tries again... to no avail. One last time and he has him up... Savage's legs are flailling in the air as Piper holds him, ready to bring him crashing down head first onto the hard concrete floor outside... but Savage fights out and manages to back body drop Piper onto the unforgiving floor!


Savage picks Piper up and rolls him into the ring, following him in straight afterwards. Savage has Piper up and goes for a piledriver of his own...it connects! With Piper down and out in the middle of the ring Savage points to the top turnbuckle. He slowly makes his ascent and positions himself ready for the infamous Macho elbow drop... His plans may be dashed, however, as Piper is back to his feet! Piper charges the turnbuckle, climbing up half way and unloading on Savage with punch after punch after punch! Macho Man is rocked... Piper is setting him up for a belly to belly suplex and... ELIZABETH SPRAYED HIM IN THE EYES!


Piper falls down from the turnbuckle, staggering around the ring clutching at his face as Macho Man leaps off and nails him right across the top of the head with a double axe handle smash! Piper is down and out! Macho positions Piper in the middle of the ring and once again climbs to the top turnbuckle, ****ily poses to the crowd, leaps off and hits the Macho elbow drop! Macho covers...one...two...three, Macho steals the victory.


After the match Macho and Elizabeth celebrate in the ring as Elizabeth shows off what she sprayed Piper in the face with - the black spraypaint. The camera zooms in on the prone body of 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper and we can see his face blackened from the paint. Macho and Elizabeth decide to add insult to injury by spraypainting 'nWo' on Piper's chest and stomach as Nitro goes off the air! B


Result: Randy Savage via pinfall (8:58)


Final Rating: B+

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WCW News & Notes

By 'Dangerous' Danny Thomas


So a couple of matches for Starrcade announced, we still have no idea if Bret Hart will be there for sure or not, but asking my magic 8 ball and all signs point to yes.


• Davey Boy Smith AKA The British Bulldog and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart debuted at Nitro... so it is a pretty safe bet they wouldn't be there if Bret wasn't coming.


• Ric Flair made an appearance at Monday Nitro and is apparently going to be at the show next week taking on Curt Hennig even though a very reliable source told me he was taking the rest of the year off.


• So, luckily, Skank ended up using the name Lodi. Get it? Lodi. Idol. Billy Idol. That's who he looks like, see. Hi-larious.


• WCW have signed another lucha libre star. This time his name is El Hijo del Lizmark (Son of Lizmark). El Hijo del Lizmark is the legitimate son of the original Lizmark and is apparently an up and coming lucha libre star. From what I can gather (my Spanish isn't too good, so the interview I read didn't help me a great deal) Lizmark will be appearing in WCW every now and then, as his main job is for Asistencia Asesoría y Administración in Mexico, whom WCW have a working relationship with.


• There are rumours of another re-formation of the Four Horsemen, but at the same time there are rumours of Flair taking time off and Mongo leaving, so... take that for what you will.


• A reader asked me about Stevie Ray's apparent injury from Nitro, with his knee heavily taped. In response to John of Atlanta, I have absolutely no idea if this is a work or legit. Discussion on the web going around is that one of the Heat could join the nWo, but personally I don't see it, their reactions are far too good right now.


• Roddy Piper made a return and thankfully it isn't to battle Hogan this time. It appears as though he'll take on Savage, but after losing to him already, and copping the spraypaint in the eyes, who knows? The rumour mill (which I may note is running overtime at the moment) has it that the Starrcade confronation between Piper and Savage may be in some kind of tag match.


• No news, just something I'd like to note. There's been a lot of short reigns with the TV title, so I'm kinda surprised Saturn still has the belt. The former three-time ECW Tag Team Champion has been putting on some really consistent matches lately. He's obviously the most talented from Raven's Flock, so hopefully he can break away sometime soon and shine on his own. He's obviously capable of it, unlike Scotty Riggs who needs to go away forever.


Until next time, this is 'Dangerous' Danny signing off!

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