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WWF 1991: What The World Is Watching

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WWF SuperStars Preview

Saturday, January 1991

Week One



- Power & Glory will square off against the Legion Of Doom in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match, with the winning team advancing.


- Plus, in a battle of the Goliaths, Tugboat goes one-on-one with "The Natural Disaster" Earthquake in yet another Royal Rumble Qualifyer.


- Also, we will hear from The Rockers, as they have informed WWF President Jack Tunney that they have something they wanna get off their chest.


- And, WWF President Jack Tunney has a HUGE announcement to make, in regards to the WWF InterContinental Title and who EXACTLY is the Number One Contender.



All this and much, much more this week on WWF SuperStars.





Quick Picks:


The UnderTaker vs "The Young Stallion" Jim Powers


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Power & Glory vs The Legion Of Doom


The Texas Tornado vs "Canadian Strongman" Dino Bravo


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Tugboat vs Earthquake

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Quick Picks:


The UnderTaker vs "The Young Stallion" Jim Powers

That has squash written all over it


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Power & Glory vs The Legion Of Doom

You seem pretty high on Power and Glory, but its LOD!!!


The Texas Tornado vs "Canadian Strongman" Dino Bravo


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Tugboat vs Earthquake

This one was a toss up, I say the ring gives before there is a finish

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Quick Picks:


The UnderTaker vs "The Young Stallion" Jim Powers


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Power & Glory vs The Legion Of Doom

Demolition will cost them the match!


The Texas Tornado vs "Canadian Strongman" Dino Bravo



Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Tugboat vs Earthquake



Dino you didn't have a good segment with The Bulldog and Hogan but after you get done with Davey boy you can move on to the Hulkster! Just keep improving!

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Quick Picks:


The UnderTaker vs "The Young Stallion" Jim Powers

That has squash written all over it


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Power & Glory vs The Legion Of Doom

You seem pretty high on Power and Glory, but its LOD!!!


The Texas Tornado vs "Canadian Strongman" Dino Bravo


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Tugboat vs Earthquake

This one was a toss up, I say the ring gives before there is a finish


Hey buddy, I just wanna say thanks for supporting me here so far. I used to read your WWF 1992 diary before I was a member on here, and it was very good. I especially loved the board meetings and what not, it made that diary quite unique. I really hope you re-vive it someday.

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To the few of you supporting me here, the same goes for you. Thanks a lot. Its pretty inspiring when you have readers lol. Oh, and I'll say it again. I wanna know what YOU GUYS wanna see! Feel free to send me a PM as well, if you have an idea. I'm very open to suggestion, and wanna make this the best possible diary I can.


Hey Hogan, watch out for Dino!! Hahahahaha I love it.

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Hey buddy, I just wanna say thanks for supporting me here so far. I used to read your WWF 1992 diary before I was a member on here, and it was very good. I especially loved the board meetings and what not, it made that diary quite unique. I really hope you re-vive it someday.


Thanks man that really means a lot to me. You are doing a bang up job on this one. As for me starting another one someday...Well never say say ;) For me CVerse is a lot easier to get into just because people don't already have a predetermined disposistion for a certain character before you take over. It makes things a lot easier as a writer. But this was a really fun time in wrestling, especially for WWF and the possibilites on where to go are really endless.

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WWF News (Saturday, January 1991 Week One)


- Reports indicate that Lord Alfred Hayes will be retiring from the business at this months end. The World Wrestling Federation have reported that Hayes will be calling both this months Madison Square Garden show and this years Royal Rumble (with the Rumble being his final broadcast). It is being rumored that Bobby "The Brain" Heenan will be taking his place alongside Sean Mooney on WWF Wrestling Challenge, following the Rumble.


- Dean Malenko has been signed to a written contract.


- Jerry Lawler was contacted this week about a possible contract with the World Wrestling Federation. Early reports are stating that Lawler was only willing to come work for a written deal. But due to the working agreement between the WWF and the USWA, it wasnt at all possible for the World Wrestling Federation to make that happen. So negotiations hit a stale-mate.


- Mike Graham has been signed to a pay-per-appearance deal.

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Try to get it up before the results post!


The UnderTaker vs "The Young Stallion" Jim Powers


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Power & Glory vs The Legion Of Doom


The Texas Tornado vs "Canadian Strongman" Dino Bravo


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Tugboat vs Earthquake

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Saturday, January 1991 Week One

Pre-Taped from the Joyce Center Rink in South Bend, Indiana

2,000 in Attendance


Announcers: Vince McMahon & "Rowdy" Roddy Piper


Show Rating: D-


**** The feeling amongst the crowd is that the promotion is lacking any really hot storylines to follow ****





Pre Show


Haku & The Barbarian defeated Duane Gill & John Bradley in 3:37 when Haku defeated Duane Gill by pinfall with a Cresant Kick.


Haku seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Duane Gill is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: E





"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes defeated Steven Regal in 4:37 by pinfall with a Bionic Elbow.


The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Tony Garea didn't do well as the road agent, as the match was badly put together. Dusty Rhodes is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: C-





Televised Broadcast


The show opens with The Rockers making their way down to ringside. They grab a mic and claim this ongoing battle with The Orient Express has to come to an end. Shawn Michaels then goes on to lay out a challenge for The Royal Rumble. He says The Rockers want The Orient Express inside of a fifteen foot high steel cage! From there, The Orient Express (along with Mr. Fuji) make their way down to ringside and accept the challenge.


The Rockers vs Orient Express storyline has continued with this segment. Marty Jannetty is learning to show more charisma. Marty Jannetty is developing better performance skills. Pat Tanaka is developing better performance skills. Kato is developing better performance skills.


Segment Rating: D





The Undertaker defeated "The Young Stallion" Jim Powers in 3:59 by pinfall with The Tombstone Piledriver.


The Undertaker and Brother Love have excellent chemistry together. Jim Powers has now switched to an Old School Face gimmick. He hadn't been off-screen long enough, and that hurt the change. It has gotten an initial C rating. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The great performance of The Undertaker really stood out. Jim Powers is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: C-





Sean Mooney conducts a backstage interview with Jake "The Snake" Roberts, who launches a verbal threat at Rick "The Model" Martel.


The Roberts vs Martel storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: D-





Lord Alfred Hayes conducts a backstage interview with The Legion Of Doom, who talk about how they're gonna finish Power & Glory tonight once and for all. They also warn Demolition to keep their noses out of their business.


The Demolition vs The Legion Of Doom storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B-





Royal Rumble Qualifying Match

The Legion Of Doom defeated Power & Glory in 7:47 when Hawk defeated Paul Roma by pinfall following The Doomsday Device.


Slick did some good work at ringside. Hercules and Slick have absolutely zero chemistry together. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Animal shone in this match. Hawk looked good out there. The Demolition vs The Legion Of Doom storyline has continued with this match. Hercules is improving in Rumble skills. Hercules is improving in Performance skills. Animal is improving in Performance skills. Hawk is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: C+





A Video Package is shown, highlighting the history of events between Earthquake and Hulk Hogan, dating back to last year. However, it specifically highlights Earthquake's sudden attack on Hogan this past week on PrimeTime.


The Earthquake vs Hogan storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B+





"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan cuts a pre-taped backstage promo on Earthquake, and also mentions that he will be the special guest commentator for his match with Tugboat tonight.


The Earthquake vs Hogan storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B+





We cut backstage, where we see "The Macho King" Randy Savage talking to his valet, "Sensational" Queen Sherri. Savage mentions that WWF President Jack Tunney should spend less time worrying about the InterContinental Title and more time worrying about giving him what he wants. A World HeavyWeight Title shot.


Segment Rating: B+





A Video Package is shown, highlighting the weight-lifting contest that took place this past week on PrimeTime between The British Bulldog and Dino Bravo.


The Bulldog vs Bravo storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C





The Texas Tornado defeated "Canadian Strongman" Dino Bravo in 4:43 by pinfall after a distraction from The British Bulldog and The Tornado Punch.


Jimmy Hart did some good work at ringside. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Tony Garea didn't do well as the road agent, as the match was badly put together. The Bulldog vs Bravo storyline has continued with this match.


Match Rating: D+





The Hart Foundation cut a pre-taped backstage promo on The Nasty Boys, stating that they're gonna teach them the wrestling lesson of their lives at the Royal Rumble and that "these titles" are going nowhere.


The Hart Foundation vs Nasty Boys storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C





WWF President Jack Tunney is seen in his office. After stating that this has taken a lot of time, effort and thought, he announces The Big Bossman as the Number One Contender for the WWF InterContinental Title. He also states that being the Bossman has been named the Number One Contender, he's also been entered into this years Royal Rumble Match.


Segment Rating: C





"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase (along with Virgil) cuts a pre-taped backstage promo on both Dusty & Dustin Rhodes. They lay out a challenge for the two of them, to a tag team match.


The DiBiase vs Dusty storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B





Royal Rumble Qualifying Match

Earthquake defeated Tugboat in 6:59 by pinfall with The Earthquake Splash following botched interference by Hulk Hogan. With the referee knocked out, Hogan (who was doing guest commentary for the match, and was previously provoked by Earthquake) attempted to hit Earthquake with a chair, but instead hit his friend Tugboat and cost him the match.


Tugboat was visibly tiring toward the end. Jimmy Hart did some good work at ringside. The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Earthquake vs Hogan storyline has continued with this match. Tugboat is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: D





Comments: Hmm, I thought for a B-show this was actually a semi-strong card. I'm a tad bit disappointed with the Jake Roberts promo as he was always great behind the mic. His feud with Martel was also red-hot at the time. Had higher hopes on the main event as well. lol Taker vs JIM POWERS got a higher match rating lol.

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WWF News (Sunday, January 1991 Week One)


- Barry Horowitz has been signed to a written contract.


- Billy Graham has been signed to a written contract.


- Jaques Rougeau has been signed to a written contract.


- Marty Jannetty has been identified as a steroid user by the WWF drug testing policy. Rumors report that New Head-Booker Nick Cavalera sent him off with a stern warning, to which Jannetty sat there in silence and perhaps did not take this whole thing all that seriously.


- The British Bulldog has been identified as a steroid user by the WWF drug testing policy. Rumors report that Nick Cavalera sent him off with a stern warning, to which the Bulldog stated that he'll try harder to stay clean in the future.

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WWF Wrestling Challenge Preview

Tuesday, January 1991

Week Two



- We will hear from both the WWF InterContinental Champion, Mr. Perfect and the Brand New Number One Contender for his title, The Big Bossman.


- Plus, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan will go one-on-one with "The Iraqi Turncoat" Sgt. Slaughter.


- Also, rumors are surfacing that Dusty & Dustin Rhodes will be in the house. Will they have an answer for Ted DiBiase? Tune in to find out.


All this and much, much more this week on WWF Wrestling Challenge.





Quick Picks:


The Orient Express vs Owen Hart & Shane Douglas


"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs Sgt. Slaughter





Comments: For the record, Wrestling Challenge is only a half hour show and I can only fit two matches. So I figured I'd give a few people some time who havent had a TV Match as of yet. Which is probably what this will be used for in the future because its so hard to book a B-show. So you may get a great match from time to time, even on Challenge.

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Sunday, January 1991 Week Four

Live, only on Pay Per View





WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match:

Sgt. Slaughter. vs The Ultimate Warrior ©



WWF InterContinental Title Match:

The Big Bossman vs Mr. Perfect ©



WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

The Nasty Boys vs The Hart Foundation ©



The Undertaker vs Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka



Tag Team Steel Cage Match:

The first team to have BOTH members escape the cage, or score a pinfall will be victorious.

The Rockers vs The Orient Express




The winner will go on to WrestleMania VII and face the WWF World HeavyWeight Champion.


1. "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan

2. "The Macho King" Randy Savage

3. "The Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich

4. Col. Mustafa

5. Tito Santana

6. Mr. Perfect

7. Bret "The Hitman" Hart

8. Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart

9. The Honky Tonk Man

10. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine

11. Brian Knobbs

12. Jerry Saggs

13. The Big Bossman

14. Animal

15. Hawk

16. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase

17. Jake "The Snake" Roberts

18. Earthquake



Only 12 More To Go!

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WWF News (Tuesday, January 1991 Week Two)


- Rumor has it that La Parka was contacted by the World Wrestling Federation this week about a possible contract to come work for the company. But upon signing with CMLL, he presumably shot down negotiations before they even began.


- Jushin 'Thunder' Liger has been signed to a written contract.


- Tom Brandi has been signed to a written contract.

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Tuesday, January 1991 Week Two

Pre-Taped from the CSU Field House in Charleston, South Carolina

1,000 in Attendance


Announcers: Sean Mooney & Lord Alfred Hayes


Show Rating: D+


**** The feeling amongst the crowd is that the promotion is lacking any really hot storylines to follow ****





Pre Show


Rhythm N' Blues defeated Jim Powers & Jim Brunzell in 5:35 when Greg Valentine defeated Jim Brunzell by submission with a Figure Four Leglock after interference from Jimmy Hart. During the match we also had Jimmy Hart distract Jim Powers.


Jimmy Hart did some good work at ringside. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Honky Tonk Man stood out as being good. Greg Valentine came out of the match looking good. Honky Tonk Man is improving in Rumble skills.


Match Rating: C-





The Warlord defeated Mike Graham in 2:31 by submission with a Full Nelson.


The Warlord was really off his game tonight. Slick did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. The Warlord is improving in Performance skills. Mike Graham is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: E





Televised Broadcast


The Orient Express defeated Owen Hart & Shane Douglas in 5:34 when Owen & Shane were disqualified, because The Rockers ran in and attacked The Orient Express.


Mr Fuji did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Rockers vs Orient Express storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Pat Tanaka is improving in Performance skills. Kato is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: D-





Following the match, Mr. Fuji signals towards the back and almost immediately, Demolition come charging out, attacking The Rockers alongside The Orient Express. Before long however, The Legion Of Doom come running down and clear the ring, making the save for The Rockers.


The Demolition vs The Legion Of Doom storyline has continued with this segment. The Rockers vs Orient Express storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C





Mene Gene conducts a backstage interview with WWF InterContinental Champion, Mr. Perfect (along with his manager The Coach). He goes on to state that it doesnt matter if its The Big Bossman, or anyone else in the World Wrestling Federation. Nobody can touch him because he's absolutely perfect.


The Perfect vs Bossman storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B-





Gorilla Monsoon conducts a backstage interview with The Big Bossman. He talks about how justice will be served at the Royal Rumble and warns Mr. Perfect that when its all said and done, that title will no longer be wrapped around his waist.


The Perfect vs Bossman storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C





Dusty & Dustin Rhodes cut a backstage promo on Ted DiBiase & Virgil accepting their challenge. But Dusty says why wait till the Rumble? Lets do it in The Garden baby.


The DiBiase vs Dusty storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C





Sgt. Slaughter defeated "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan in 6:35 by submission with a Cobra Clutch. During the match we also saw Col. Mustafa run in and attack Duggan, and General Adnan also attack Duggan.


Sgt. Slaughter was visibly tiring toward the end. General Adnan did some good work at ringside. Jim Duggan and Sgt. Slaughter don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout.


Match Rating: C+





Following the match, before any kind of post-match beatdown or anything of the sort can take place, The Ultimate Warrior makes his way out to the ramp. He then simply points at Sgt. Slaughter and signals for the Gorilla Press as the show goes off the air.


The Warrior vs Slaughter storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B+

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WWF News (Wednesday, January 1991 Week Two)


- Percy Pringle III has been signed to a written contract.


- The Ultimate Warrior has been identified as a steroid user by the WWF drug testing policy. Rumors report that after New Head-Booker Nick Cavalera sat him down and gave him a fatherly type approach about it, The Warrior simply said "Yeah, whatever" and walked out.

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WWF PrimeTime Wrestling Preview

Wednesday, January 1991

Week Two



This Week On PrimeTime . . . .


- Brother Love has a HUGE announcement to make in regards to his client, The Undertaker. And, he has a very special guest set to join him this week on the Brother Love Show.


- Speaking of The Undertaker, he will be in action this week as well when he goes one-on-one with The British Bulldog.


- Ted DiBiase has confirmed that he and Virgil will be squaring off against Dusty & Dustin Rhodes in a tag team match at Madison Square Garden later this month. But, rumor has it he has a plan to up the ante just a bit. If this is true, what is it that DiBiase has in mind? And will he let us know this coming week on PrimeTime?


- "The Macho King" Randy Savage has been running around week after week talkin' about how WWF President Jack Tunney needs to step up to the plate and give him what he rightfully deserves, a World HeavyWeight Title shot. And though Tunney might not have done so this week, that doesnt mean Savage wont have his work cut out for him when he steps into the ring with one half of the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions, Bret "The Hitman" Hart.


- Hulk Hogan made an attempt to extract some revenge on Earthquake for attacking him from behind last week on PrimeTime. In turn, his friend Tugboat got caught in the crossfire and ended up losing his Royal Rumble Qualifying Match. All three men WILL be in the building this week.


- Plus, The Ultimate Warrior puts the WWF World HeavyWeight Title on the line against The Mighty Hercules.


All this and much, much more this week on WWF PrimeTime Wrestling.





Quick Picks:


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Rick "The Model" Martel vs Saba Simba


Eight Man Tag Team Match:

The Rockers & The Legion Of Doom vs The Orient Express & Demolition


The Undertaker vs The British Bulldog


Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs "The Macho King" Randy Savage


WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match:

Hercules vs The Ultimate Warrior ©

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WWF News (Wednesday, January 1991 Week Two)


- Percy Pringle III has been signed to a written contract.


- The Ultimate Warrior has been identified as a steroid user by the WWF drug testing policy. Rumors report that after New Head-Booker Nick Cavalera sat him down and gave him a fatherly type approach about it, The Warrior simply said "Yeah, whatever" and walked out.


Looks like 'Taker is going to be getting a "Bearer".


Your write ups are really good. Keep up the work!

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Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Rick "The Model" Martel vs Saba Simba


Eight Man Tag Team Match:

The Rockers & The Legion Of Doom vs The Orient Express & Demolition


The Undertaker vs The British Bulldog


Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs "The Macho King" Randy Savage


WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match:

Hercules vs The Ultimate Warrior (c)



Thats a really solid card man, cant wait for the rumble

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Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Rick "The Model" Martel vs Saba Simba


Eight Man Tag Team Match:

The Rockers & The Legion Of Doom vs The Orient Express & Demolition


The Undertaker vs The British Bulldog


Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs "The Macho King" Randy Savage


WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match:

Hercules vs The Ultimate Warrior ©


I like The Warrior but lets go Herc!! Choke him out with your chain! End his career for ever! Hopefuly Dino runs into help and Hogan makes the save, setting up a HUGEEEEE tag team main event in the near future!

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Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Rick "The Model" Martel vs Saba Simba

I know Martel going to win, but I actually pushed Atlas as Saba Simba by teaming him with a young Tatanka. Crazy tag team.


Eight Man Tag Team Match:

The Rockers & The Legion Of Doom vs The Orient Express & Demolition

Demolition all the way.


The Undertaker vs The British Bulldog


Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs "The Macho King" Randy Savage


WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match:

Hercules vs The Ultimate Warrior ©




As for the kyky, it'd be cool for ppv and Saturday Night Main Events, but some of the picture will probably be hard to find. If you can't find some pictures for the jobbers of those days like Roulette or something just sign younger guys with horrible gimmicks and push them as the jobbers like Justin Credible as Aldo or Al Snow as Leif Cassidy or 1-2-3 Kid.

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Wednesday, January 1991 Week Two

Pre-Taped from the Dover Alumni Stadium in Dover, Delaware

7,381 in Attendance


Announcers: Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Vince McMahon


Show Rating: C


**** The feeling amongst the crowd is that the promotion is lacking any really hot storylines to follow ****





Pre Show


Jim Powers & Jim Brunzell defeated The Brooklyn Brawler & Big Bully Busick in 6:15 when Jim Powers defeated The Brooklyn Brawler by pinfall with a Powerslam, following botched interference by Harvey Wippleman.


Harvey Wippleman did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match Rating: D-





Steve Austin defeated Mike Graham in 4:47 by pinfall with a Piledriver.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Steve Austin is improving in Flying skills. Mike Graham is improving in Technical skills.


Match Rating: E+





Televised Broadcast


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match

Rick "The Model" Martel defeated Saba Simba in 4:57 by submission with a Boston Crab.


Saba Simba was really off his game tonight. Rick Martel and Saba Simba just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Saba Simba is improving in Rumble skills. Saba Simba is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: D+





Following the match, Jake "The Snake" Roberts sneaks up behind Rick Martel, coming through the crowd, and drills him with a DDT.


The Roberts vs Martel storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C-





The Brother Love Show is our next segment. Brother Love introduces us to his client, The Undertaker, who comes out and joins him on the set. He then goes on to state that he's far too busy spreading love to each and every one of "you people" to give The Undertaker the managerial duties, and loooooovvveee that he deserves. From there, he introduces us to the man who will be taking over from here, Paul Bearer. After a short promo, and a few choice words for The British Bulldog, Paul Bearer holds up a golden urn, to which The Undertaker seems to respond to.


Segment Rating: D




Sean Mooney is backstage with "The Millon Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase (along with Virgil), who launches a verbal attack at both Dusty & Dustin Rhodes. DiBiase claims that maybe its time Dusty consider retirement at his age, and challenges him to a one-on-one match at The Royal Rumble, promising to put an end to him (and his career) for good.


The DiBiase vs Dusty storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B





The Rockers & The Legion Of Doom defeated The Orient Express & Demolition in 7:56 when Shawn Michaels defeated Crush by pinfall with an Inside Cradle following botched interference by Mr Fuji.


Mr Fuji did some good work at ringside. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Shawn Michaels stood out as being good. The great performance of Animal really stood out. Hawk looked good out there. The Rockers vs Orient Express storyline has continued with this match. The Demolition vs The Legion Of Doom storyline has continued with this match. Crush is improving in Rumble skills. Smash is improving in Rumble skills. Smash is improving in Technical skills. Smash is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: C-





Lord Alfred Hayes is backstage with Owen Hart & Shane Douglas, the young tag team who made their professional wrestling television debut this week on WWF Wrestling Challenge. They proceed to lay out a challenge for The Rockers, whom they blame for their disqualification loss to The Orient Express just last night. As this interview is in progress, The Rockers walk up to the set and accept the challenge. Shawn Michaels mentions that they're in the big leagues now, and we'll see if they got what it takes to hang. To which Owen Hart responds that yes, we will see. Lord Alfred Hayes plugs the fact that this match will be taking place next week, on WWF Wrestling Challenge.


The Rockers vs Orient Express storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: D-





Match Announcement: Demolition vs The Hart Foundation for the WWF World Tag Team Titles at this months Madison Square Garden show.


The Demolition vs The Legion Of Doom storyline has continued with this segment. The Hart Foundation vs Nasty Boys storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C-





Match Announcement: "The Macho King" Randy Savage vs "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan at this months Madison Square Garden show.


Segment Rating: B+





WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match

The Ultimate Warrior © defeated Hercules in 4:44 by pinfall with the Gorilla Press / Big Splash combonation, following botched interference by Paul Roma.


The Ultimate Warrior makes Defense Number 1 of his WWF World HeavyWeight title.


Slick did some good work at ringside. Hercules and Slick have absolutely zero chemistry together. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Ultimate Warrior is improving in Rumble skills. The Ultimate Warrior is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: C-





Following the match, Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa & General Adnan hit the ring and begin putting the boots to The Ultimate Warror. After busting his head open with the bottom-handle end of the Iraqi flag, Sgt. Slaughter slaps on The Cobra Clutch. Then, after about a moment or so, The Texas Tornado comes charging down to ringside to make the save, but all three men flee the scene before he can get his hands on any of them.


The Warrior vs Slaughter storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C-





Raymond Rougeau conducts a backstage, pre-match interview with Bret Hart about his upcoming match with Randy Savage.


Segment Rating: B-





Mene Gene conducts a backstage, pre-match interview with Randy Savage (along with Queen Sherri) about his upcoming match with Bret Hart.


Segment Rating: B





"The Macho King" Randy Savage defeated Bret "The Hitman" Hart in 14:51 by pinfall with The Macho Elbow. During the match, we also saw The Nasty Boys run in and attack Bret Hart, while the referee was knocked out.


The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. The Hart Foundation vs Nasty Boys storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd. Bret Hart is improving in Flying skills. Randy Savage is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: B





"The Immortal Hulk Hogan" makes his was down to ringside and grabs a mic. He publically apologizes to his friend, Tugboat for accidentally hitting him with a chair last week. He even goes as far as offering Tugboat HIS spot in this years Royal Rumble Match. Before long however, Earthquake (with his manager Jimmy Hart), makes his way out from behind the curtain, alongside Dino Bravo. They enter the ring, and after a war of words, Hogan says he wants the two of them in a handicapped match right here, right now. Just then, the music of The British Bulldog blares throughout the arena, as he makes his way down to ringside. He mentions that he has a match with The Undertaker up next, and tells Hogan if he waits until SuperStars, he's got himself a partner.


Jimmy Hart helped Earthquake during this segment. Jimmy Hart helped Bravo during this segment. Hulk Hogan came out of this looking excellent. Dino Bravo looked dreadful in this segment. The Bulldog vs Bravo storyline has continued with this segment. The Earthquake vs Hogan storyline has continued with this segment. The British Bulldog is developing better performance skills. Earthquake is developing better performance skills. Dino Bravo is developing better performance skills.


Segment Rating: C





The Undertaker defeated The British Bulldog in 10:58 by pinfall with The Tombstone, after a distraction from Dino Bravo. As Bravo had the referee distracted, The Undertaker waffled The British Bulldog with Paul Bearers urn. This set 'em up for both The Chokeslam, and The Tombstone.


The British Bulldog was really off his game tonight. There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little. The Bulldog vs Bravo storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd.


Match Rating: B





Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka hits the ring and goes right after The Undertaker like a rabid dog. After a few reverse chops to the chest and a standing dropkick, he sends The Undertaker flying backwards, over the top rope and onto the arena floor. The Undertaker lands on his feet and attempts to climb back in the ring, but is ultimately held back by his brand new manager, Paul Bearer... and will have to live to fight another day.


The Taker vs Snuka storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C







R.I.P. Michael

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