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WWF 1991: What The World Is Watching

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if I can make one suggestion... All but your opening match had interference or a distraction, I understand that you're trying to advance your storylines and build heat going towards Royal Rumble, but all of the interference isn't necessary, especially in a match like Warrior vs Hercules.... just my observation, I'm enjoying what you have going on so far, just a bit much on the interferences
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You're right lol I didnt even realize there was that much. Funny you mention Warrior vs Hercules because even if the Warrior flat out squashed him back then, Roma prolly woulda still tried to interfere (Though he would have gotten squashed too).


But thanks for pointing that out. Too much interference is never a good thing. I'll be sure to keep a closer eye on that in the future.

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Funny you mention Warrior vs Hercules because even if the Warrior flat out squashed him back then, Roma prolly woulda still tried to interfere (Though he would have gotten squashed too).


That's true, I didn't think about the heelery of Power & Glory back in that time... God how awesome of a team were they? (The only time I actually liked Paul Roma)


Looking forward to the rest of the Rumble build up and the Royal Rumble itself!

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Really enjoying the premise so far - I've been inspired to start over on my own 1991 mod game.


Would you have any strong objections if I published my own diary game? It could help us to collectively raise our game with a little friendly competition from each other (and help us see what does and doesn't work for the other guy before embarking on expensive mistakes...)


My idea is going down a fairly different route from yours and certainly wouldn't infringe on your vision.



Sorry I'm new around here and not sure of the etiquite - if this is deemed appropriate behaviour or not - if I'm out of line then let me know and I'll not go further with it!




PS. Regardless, keep up the good work, it's a great read.

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WWF News (Thursday, January 1991 Week Two)


- The Honky Tonk Man has been signed to a two-year written contract extension.


- Jake Roberts has been identified as a steroid user by the WWF drug testing policy. Rumors report that after New Head-Booker Nick Cavalera gave him a "slap on the wrist" so to speak, to which Roberts reportedly rolled his eyes and walked right out.

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WWF SuperStars Preview

Saturday, January 1991

Week Two




This Week On SuperStars . . . .




- In a Royal Rumble Steel Cage Match Preview, we will see one half of The Rockers taking on one half of The Orient Express, when Marty Jannetty sets foot in the ring to go one-on-one with Pat Tanaka.


- We will hear from The Undertaker and his brand new manager Paul Bearer, and rumor has it they have some choice words for Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka.


- Then, in a HUGE six-man tag team match, we will see Jake "The Snake" Roberts teaming up with "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes and The Big Bossman, as they go toe-to-toe with the team of Rick "The Model" Martel, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase and the reigning WWF InterContinental Champion himself, Mr. Perfect.


- And, in yet another HUGE tag team affair, we will see "The Natural Disaster" Earthquake and "Canadian Strongman" Dino Bravo take on The British Bulldog and "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan in a no disqualification match, which promises to be a good ol' fashioned slugfest.


- Plus, WWF President Jack Tunney has yet another MAJOR Announcement to make in regards to this years Royal Rumble Match.


All this and much, much more this week on WWF SuperStars.




Quick Picks:


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Owen Hart vs Buddy Rose


Marty Jannetty vs Pat Tanaka


Six-Man Tag Team Match:

Jake Roberts, Dusty Rhodes & The Big Bossman vs Mr. Perfect, Ted DiBiase & Rick Martel


No Disqualification Match:

Earthquake & Dino Bravo vs The British Bulldog & Hulk Hogan

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Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Owen Hart vs Buddy Rose

As much as I loved Buddy Rose in the AWA, he was nothing more than a jobber in the WWF


Marty Jannetty vs Pat Tanaka

Gotta have the Express look a little strong going in to the cage


Six-Man Tag Team Match:

Jake Roberts, Dusty Rhodes & The Big Bossman vs Mr. Perfect, Ted DiBiase & Rick Martel

Nobody beats Mr. Perfect... NOBODY


No Disqualification Match:

Earthquake & Dino Bravo vs The British Bulldog & Hulk Hogan

Hogan' creative control will get in the way here

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Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Owen Hart vs Buddy Rose


Marty Jannetty vs Pat Tanaka


Six-Man Tag Team Match:

Jake Roberts, Dusty Rhodes & The Big Bossman vs Mr. Perfect, Ted DiBiase & Rick Martel


No Disqualification Match:

Earthquake & Dino Bravo vs The British Bulldog & Hulk Hogan


=( Poor Dino.

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Saturday, January 1991 Week Two

Pre-Taped from Capitol Music Hall in Wheeling, West Virginia

1,000 in Attendance


Announcers: Vince McMahon & "Rowdy" Roddy Piper


Show Rating: C-


**** The feeling amongst the crowd is that the promotion is lacking any really hot storylines to follow ****





Pre Show


Eddie Guerrero defeated Chris Benoit in 6:40 by pinfall with a Frogsplash.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Match Rating: C-





Salvatore Sincere defeated Salvatore Bellomo in 4:32 by pinfall with a Top Rope Elbow.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Salvatore Bellomo is improving in Rumble skills. Salvatore Sincere is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: E+





Televised Broadcast


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match

Owen Hart defeated "Playboy" Buddy Rose in 5:24 by pinfall with The Rocket Launcher.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Buddy Rose is improving in Rumble skills. Buddy Rose is improving in Flying skills.


Match Rating: D





Sean Mooney is live from the WWF Event Center, where he talks about all the recent happenings in the promotion. His main focus however, is on the WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match that will be taking place at the Royal Rumble later on this month between The Ultimate Warrior and Sgt. Slaughter, both of whom we hear from shortly thereafter.


The Warrior vs Slaughter storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: D- Ok, this is the last time you'll see this happen lol.





The Ultimate Warrior cuts a pre-taped backstage promo, aimed at Sgt. Slaughter and their upcoming match at the Royal Rumble.


The Warrior vs Slaughter storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B+




Sgt. Slaughter (along with General Adnan and Col. Mustafa) cuts a pre-taped backstage promo, aimed at The Ultimate Warrior and their upcoming match at the Royal Rumble. They also of course, proceed to trash the United States.


General Adnan helped Slaughter during this segment. The Warrior vs Slaughter storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B+






Marty Jannetty defeated Pat Tanaka in 6:40 by pinfall with a school-boy roll-up following botched interference by Mr Fuji.


Marty Jannetty was really off his game tonight. Mr Fuji did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Rockers vs Orient Express storyline has continued with this match.


Match Rating: D





Following the match, the three-on-one assault ensues with Pat Tanaka, Kato & Mr. Fuji all putting the boots to Marty Jannetty as he attempts to fight them off. Shawn Michaels comes running in for the save, but is slowed down significantly when Kato lashes him across the back with Mr. Fuji's cane, leaving both men down and out.


Kato and Mr Fuji have pretty good chemistry. The Rockers vs Orient Express storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: D





Multiple promos are shown, highlighting a few Royal Rumble participants. They each cut a quick promo on the match itself, and the WWF Title.


In this segemnt, we heard from:


The Hart Foundation

"The Macho King" Randy Savage

The Legion Of Doom

Rhythm & Blues

Demolition (who are facing The Bushwhackers on PrimeTime this coming Wednesday in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match)

Tito Santana

The Nasty Boys

And The Texas Tornado


Jimmy Hart helped Honky during this segment. Jimmy Hart helped Knobbs during this segment. Brian Knobbs and Jimmy Hart have great chemistry. Mr Fuji helped Crush during this segment. The Demolition vs The Legion Of Doom storyline has continued with this segment. The Hart Foundation vs Nasty Boys storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C+





Raymond Rougeau conducts a backstage interview with Mr. Perfect, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase & Rick "The Model" Martel about their upcoming six-man tag match with Jake "The Snake" Roberts, "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes & The Big Bossman.


The Roberts vs Martel storyline has continued with this segment. The DiBiase vs Dusty storyline has continued with this segment. The Perfect vs Bossman storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B-





Mr. Perfect, Ted DiBiase & Rick Martel defeated Jake Roberts, Dusty Rhodes & The Big Bossman in 4:39 when The Big Bossman was disqualified after attacking Mr. Perfect with his nightstick.


The performance of Mr Perfect stood out as being good. Ted DiBiase looked good out there. The Roberts vs Martel storyline has continued with this match. The DiBiase vs Dusty storyline has continued with this match. The Perfect vs Bossman storyline has continued with this match. This match lifted the crowd. Mr Perfect is improving in Performance skills. Ted DiBiase is improving in Rumble skills. Ted DiBiase is improving in Technical skills. Ted DiBiase is improving in Performance skills. Jake Roberts is improving in Technical skills.


Match Rating: B-





The Undertaker (along with Paul Bearer) cuts a promo from a graveyard. They let Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka know that the day of reckoning is upon us.


Paul Bearer helped Undertaker during this segment. The Undertaker and Paul Bearer have excellent chemistry together. The Taker vs Snuka storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B-





WWF President Jack Tunney is seen in his office. He lets the world know that in this years Royal Rumble Match, Andre The Giant will be making his WWF in-ring return.


Segment Rating: B-





Mene Gene conducts a backstage interview with The British Bulldog & Hulk Hogan about their upcoming No Holds Barred Match with Earthquake & Dino Bravo. During this interview, we also see Hogan apologizing to his longtime friend, Tugboat yet agan for costing him his spot in the Rumble. He pleads for Tugboat to return his calls.


The Bulldog vs Bravo storyline has continued with this segment. The Earthquake vs Hogan storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: B+





No Holds Barred Match

The British Bulldog & Hulk Hogan defeated Earthquake & Dino Bravo in 9:31 when Hulk Hogan defeated Dino Bravo by pinfall with a Big Boot and Leg Drop.


Earthquake was really off his game tonight. Jimmy Hart did some good work at ringside. Dino Bravo was really off his game tonight. The British Bulldog seemed off his game tonight. The British Bulldog and Hulk Hogan don't work well as a team, their timing is all over the place. The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Hulk Hogan came out of the match looking good. The Bulldog vs Bravo storyline has continued with this match. The Earthquake vs Hogan storyline has continued with this match. Earthquake is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: C





The British Bulldog & Hulk Hogan celebrate their victory, as Earthquake & Dino Bravo backtrack their way up the aisle, trash-talking their hated rivals.


Segment Rating: B+





Comments: Dont know why I'm still getting the hot storylines message. Every televised segment besides the Royal Rumble Qualifying Match involved at least one (and they're all going up in grade). Anyway...we got alot of big happenings this coming week, including the Madison Square Garden live event. Oh and a big thanks to all who have been reading. :D

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WWF News (Sunday, January 1991 Week Two)


- Jake Roberts has once again been identified as a steroid user by the WWF drug testing policy. Rumors report that being this is Roberts' second offense in a week, New Head-Booker Nick Cavalera read him a "riot act" so to speak, to which Roberts reportedly stated that he understands and he will never let it happen again.

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WWF Wrestling Challenge Preview

Tuesday, January 1991

Week Three



- We will hear from both "The Canadian Strongman" Dino Bravo and The British Bulldog. Rumor has it that Bravo has yet another competition-like challenge for his arch nemesis.


- Also, as we heard on PrimeTime, The Rockers have accepted the challenge of the WWF's high-flying newcomers Owen Hart & Shane Douglas.


- Plus, Demolition will be squaring off against The Hart Foundation for the WWF World Tag Team Titles later on this week in Madison Square Garden. But how do The Legion Of Doom feel about that? Tune in, as we'll hear from both teams.


All this and much, much more this week on WWF Wrestling Challenge.





Quick Picks:


Haku & The Barbarian vs The Bushwhackers


The Rockers vs Owen Hart & Shane Douglas

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Haku & The Barbarian vs The Bushwhackers

Haku is useless, but The Barbarian is a pretty good pseudo-monster, to feed to the big guns. The Bushwhackers don't have a lot of redeaming value.


The Rockers vs Owen Hart & Shane Douglas

It always pains me to predict against a Hart (especially little Owen), but The Rockers are a team that can carry the tag division, once Bret inevitably leaves the Hart Foundation. Fun fact: In my new 1991 game (soon to be a diary), Marty Jannetty is on my Next Big Things list. I did NOT see that coming.

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Haku & The Barbarian vs The Bushwhackers

Haku is useless, but The Barbarian is a pretty good pseudo-monster, to feed to the big guns. The Bushwhackers don't have a lot of redeaming value.


The Rockers vs Owen Hart & Shane Douglas

It always pains me to predict against a Hart (especially little Owen), but The Rockers are a team that can carry the tag division, once Bret inevitably leaves the Hart Foundation. Fun fact: In my new 1991 game (soon to be a diary), Marty Jannetty is on my Next Big Things list. I did NOT see that coming.


Jannetty had some good potential back then imo. I dont think Shawn was light years ahead of him at this point, like most people seem to. His biggest problem was that he wasnt up to par behind the stick, where Shawns always been one of the best in the business.


But that my friend, is a sign from the Gods: Push Jannetty!

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Tuesday, January 1991 Week Three

Pre-Taped from the Dunn Recreation Center in Elizabeth, New Jersey

2,000 in Attendance


Announcers: Sean Mooney & Lord Alfred Hayes


Show Rating: D+


**** The feeling amongst the crowd is that the promotion is lacking any really hot storylines to follow ****





Pre Show


The Texas Tornado defeated Boris Zhukov in 3:11 by pinfall with The Tornado Punch.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Boris Zhukov is improving in Technical skills. Boris Zhukov is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: D+





Skinner defeated Max Moon in 2:31 by submission with a Full Nelson.


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Match Rating: D-





Televised Broadcast


Haku & The Barbarian defeated The Bushwhackers in 3:47 when The Barbarian defeated Luke by pinfall with a Cresant Kick. During the match, we had Demolition take a stroll down to ringside, perhaps just innocently scouting their PrimeTime opponents. This distracted Luke for a moment too long, and it cost his team the match.


The Barbarian seemed off his game tonight. Luke was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Demolition vs The Legion Of Doom storyline has continued with this match. Butch is improving in Rumble skills. Luke is improving in Rumble skills. Luke is improving in Performance skills.


Match Rating: D





Following the match, just as Demolition were back-tracking up the aisle, The Legion Of Doom come charging out from behind the curtain. They begin hammering away at both Crush & Smash, before tossing them into the ring. After an irish-whip, into a double clothesline that sends Smash flying, they deliver The Doomsday Device to Crush. Shortly thereafter, they call for a mic.


The Demolition vs The Legion Of Doom storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C+





The Legion Of Doom state that if they wanna play dirty, then "we" can play dirty as well. They then proceed to challenge the winners of the Demolition / Hart Foundation match, for the WWF World Tag Team Titles.


The Demolition vs The Legion Of Doom storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C+





Dino Bravo (along with Jimmy Hart) makes his way down to ringside and issues a challenge for The British Bulldog to face him in an arm-wrestling contest on PrimeTime. Before long, the Bulldog makes his way out from behind the curtain with a microphone and simply says....


"You're On"


Jimmy Hart helped Bravo during this segment. The Bulldog vs Bravo storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: C+





A vignette is shown. It doesnt reveal much, but leaves us with a few off-handed messages, such as....


"Justice WILL Prevail" And "One Strike, You're Out"


Segment Rating: C





Vince McMahon conducts a backstage interview with Owen Hart & Shane Douglas, where they say tonight, their time to shine has finally arrived. After taunting The Rockers a bit (but in a respectful kind of way), they go on to state that from this moment forth, they are to be referred to as Midnight Thunder.


The Rockers vs Orient Express storyline has continued with this segment.


Segment Rating: D-





The Rockers defeated Midnight Thunder in 9:42 when Shawn Michaels defeated Owen Hart by pinfall, following The Double Flying Fist Drop.


The great performance of Shawn Michaels really stood out. The Rockers vs Orient Express storyline has continued with this match. Shawn Michaels is improving in Rumble skills.


Match Rating: C





Following the match, The Rockers and Midnight Thunder proceed to shake hands with one another. The Rockers then raise their opponents' hands, obviously stating that if nothing else, Midnight Thunder are not to be taken lightly.


Segment Rating: D-





Comments: This was an oddly booked card due to the fact that I have a bunch of people who are (or were) unhappy. Like Skinner, Boris Zhukov, Haku & The Barbarian and the Bushwhackers. There are still a few more, and likely with a roster like this there always will be. Still getting the storylines message too, which I cant comprehend. lol whatever, as long as you guys are enjoying it.

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WWF PrimeTime Wrestling Preview

Wednesday, January 1991

Week Two




This Week On PrimeTime . . . .




- WWF President Jack Tunney has confirmed that at the Royal Rumble, we will see "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase take on "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes in a Loser Leaves Town Match. Whereas the loser must leave the World Wrestling Federation forever. Mr. Tunney has also stated that should one of them lose the match, but have a valid spot in the Rumble...he will be replaced accordingly. We will hear from both men on PrimeTime this week.


- Speaking of Dusty Rhodes and the Royal Rumble, he will have his work cut out for him this week when he faces The Undertaker in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match.


- Also, Brother Love will have a very special guest this week. He's a newcomer to town, and he's a no-nonsense superstar who plans to rise straight to the top. He goes by the name of Steve Austin.


- "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan will be in the house, and you can bet your bottom dollar he'll be tryin' to find Tugboat. But will he even be in attendance? And how much is this REALLY distracting Hogan, going into his huge tag match with The Ultimate Warrior against Earthquake and Sgt. Slaughter later on this week?


- The Ultimate Warrior puts his WWF World HeavyWeight Title on the line against current WWF InterContinental Champion, Mr. Perfect.


- Plus, the arm-wrestling contest between The British Bulldog and "Canadian Strongman" Dino Bravo.


All this and much, much more this week on WWF PrimeTime Wrestling.





Quick Picks:


WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

The Brooklyn Brawler & Big Bully Busick vs The Hart Foundation ©


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Demolition vs The Bushwhackers


Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

The Undertaker vs "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes


WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match:

Mr. Perfect vs The Ultimate Warrior ©

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WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

The Brooklyn Brawler & Big Bully Busick vs The Hart Foundation ©


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Demolition vs The Bushwhackers


Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

The Undertaker vs "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes


WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match:

Mr. Perfect vs The Ultimate Warrior ©

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WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

The Brooklyn Brawler & Big Bully Busick vs The Hart Foundation ©

What a delightful squash. I'm seeing a new geographically-based team in the works. The Brooklyn Brawler & The West Virginia Warthog.


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Demolition vs The Bushwhackers

You can't stop the power of Demolition.


Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts

How in the heck did you sign Liger? He doesn't negotiate with anyone. Anyway, The Snake takes the cake.


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

The Undertaker vs "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes

Dusty doesn't have many friends in the WWF locker room, and a whole lot of enemies. He's saying bye bye, at the Rumble.


WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match:

Mr. Perfect vs The Ultimate Warrior ©

I would love to see a time-limit draw. That would make my day.

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WWF World Tag Team Title Match:

The Brooklyn Brawler & Big Bully Busick vs The Hart Foundation ©

A squash if nothing else.


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

Demolition vs The Bushwhackers

Man, I can't go against Demolition! They were the greatest heel team in WWF at that time. (Power & Glory #2!)


Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Yea... Liger? Really? Roberts with victory.


Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:

The Undertaker vs "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes

I actually see Rhodes winning this by count-out or dq which makes Tunney having to replace him in the Rumble.


WWF World HeavyWeight Title Match:

Mr. Perfect vs The Ultimate Warrior ©

Be great if it was the other way around with Perfect picking up the victory and the title.

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<p>Hey guys. My laptop once again crashed, and upon my tech friend repairing it for me this time....well....its not gonna happen.</p><p> </p><p>

I still have my regular computer, but everything was on my laptop. The TEW game, my iTunes (with over 2400 songs on it), etc. I'm sending it in to HP for repair. If I have to purchase a new one completely, everything will be gone <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Therefore, this diary might be on hold for a bit.</p><p> </p><p>

But not to worry, I'm either gonna bring this one back stronger than ever or I may start a whole new one. Basically.... I want you guys to vote on it.</p><p> </p><p>

Quick Picks: (LoL)</p><p> </p><p>

WWF 1991 - What The World Is Watching (Continue this one)</p><p>

WcW 1991 - The Beginning</p><p>

WWF 1996 - The New Generation</p><p>

WcW 1998 - The Rise To Supremacy (Though I'm not too sure anyone will EVER touch Tristam...I just loved this era)</p><p>

WWF 2002 - The Draft</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Be sure to vote if you read this diary because <strong>YOU</strong> are making the call.</p><p> </p><p>

Thanks for all your support guys.</p>

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