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Dedication: Midwest Championship Wrestling

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They say that to receive the opportunity to accomplish your biggest dream you must encounter great disappointment and heart ache. Nobody knows that more than me right now. A year and a half ago I lost both of my parents in an unfortunate car crash. As an only child, I was left wondering what I would do. I took a few months off from working the independents to deal with the devastation, but I knew I had to get back into it. Sitting at my parents' house with nothing on my mind was eating away at me. I found myself breaking down into tears nearly every day as the reality of being an orphan kept sinking in.


Unlike a lot of parents out there, mine supported the fact that I was a wrestler. I grew up watching it with my dad, as we both held an interest. As I became older and the thought of actually becoming a professional wrestler started to seem more and more real. My grades weren't horrible in high school, but they weren't going to get me into Stanford either. On the day of my high school graduation I broke the news to my parents that I was going to become a wrestler. My mother wasn't as supportive as my father was, but she still trusted my decision. My dad however was secretly ecstatic about my decision. He even gave me the money to attend training. It was a hard six months, but I made it and debuted on the independent scene.


I worked locally for my first six months, but it turns out I was a natural inside the ring. My skills developed quickly and I moved on to bigger promotions. I wrestled for MAW, NYCW, CZCW and I even made an appearance on the pre-show to an episode of TCW Total Wrestling. After two years of being in the business I made the trip home for the fourth of July and spent some time with my family and friends. At one point my dad and I had been left alone in the backyard, each with a beer in our hands and started talking about wrestling. It was there that the idea was first put into my head. My dad was nearing retirement from Caterpillar. At sixty years old with forty two years of service there, he was set to get a nice retirement package. But he knew just as well as I that he wouldn’t be able to sit around at home.


That’s when he mentioned it. At first I thought he was joking when he said he wanted to open his own promotion. It was a cool thought but I figured it was just his goofy antics at play. It took ten minutes to finally realize that he was serious. He wanted to see what he got out of his retirement first, but knew he was going to run at least one show for the hell of it. We talked about this idea for hours until I finally had to leave to make a booking the next day.


That was the last time I saw my parents. Two weeks later, having not had the chance to come home again, they were killed in a freak accident on their way home from my dad’s retirement party.


It took the year and a half for everything to get sorted out with the will, but in the end I got the pay out from the life insurance and what my father had coming from his retirement. In all it totaled $250,000. I knew that this money needed to be invested for my own retirement so I started looking for the right place to do so. I was working normally three nights a week and was known on the internet as an “Independent Star.” I was making good money, enough to support myself. I had my parents’ house that I had inherited which was paid off due to a clause in the loan papers. My car had a similar deal as my credit wasn’t good enough to get my own loan at 20. My dad co-signed for me and a clause was in the loan for immediate payoff if either of my parents were killed in any sort of accident.


I was lying on the couch one Monday taking a nap when I dreamt of that Fourth of July conversation. The dream was vivid enough I felt as though I was reliving it in person. When I woke up and remembered my dad’s hopes, I knew what I had to do. I was going to start my own wrestling company. I had a lot of connections after being on the indy circuit for four years and started making some calls. These calls were just to see if I was out of my mind. Could I actually get people to work for me? That answer was yes. A lot of the guys I had wrestled before were just always looking for places to work and loved the idea of helping out a friend.


So it was settled. I was going to fulfill my father’s wish. I felt as though I had what it took to run a show smoothly. I had always been complemented on my booking mind, so I was hoping I could translate coming up with match finishes into full-fledged storylines. That night as I sat on my couch with a pen and a notebook I started scribbling ideas into it. Everything from title names to the name of the promotion to my first storyline ideas. I used the rest of the night to continue in this manner, making a list of everything I was going to need to get this program running. I went to work getting all my ducks in a row the next day.


I woke at sunrise the next day, feeling refreshed and ready to accomplish a lot that day. The first things I finalized were the name of the promotion and its titles. I’ve never lived anywhere but a small farming town in Northern Illinois. A town of less than a thousand people an hour and a half south of Chicago is where I called home. I know how big wrestling is in my area and saw no need to take my company anywhere else. The area had all I needed; my home, plenty of places within driving distance to run shows and great fans to come out and support us. So I named the company Midwest Championship Wrestling. I knew to start off we wouldn’t need much in the way of titles so I created two of them. I found a company that made belts and ordered up the MCW Heavyweight Title and the MCW Commonwealth Title for our midcard talent.


I happened to be out running some personal errands in the town ten miles north of me when I noticed a building that used to house a ATV/Motorcycle dealer had gone vacant when the company folded. Having been there with a friend once before I vaguely remembered the inside as being spacious and having plenty of head room. So I called up the number on the reality sign and set up a viewing that day. This building had office space, plenty of room in the main area to put a ring and house more than a thousand fans if needed and great acoustics. I knew this was going to be the home of MCW.


So after paying for the copyrights, trademarks, my belts, the down payment on the building, an audio system, the ring and everything else needed to run a wrestling show I was left with $100,000. So I started to put out calls to confirm talent for my roster. It was now Sunday of the second week in January and I wanted to hold my first show, Dawnings before the end of the month. All I could do now was wait for calls back and pray this thing worked out for the memory of my father.


My name is AJ Sage and I’m opening my own wrestling promotion.

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My Monday was busy. I was woken at 8:30 by my cell phone and it wouldn’t sit quiet for more than ten minutes all day. I came to verbal agreements with a lot of workers ranging from wrestlers to my commentary team. One thing I knew, while not having much money to play with, was that I would need some bigger independent names to help bring fans in and get to know us. That’s why I agreed to rather large Pay per Appearance deals with Fumihiro Ota and Steve Flash. Here’s a list of the roster I had organized when the day came to a close.


Blue denotes Face

Red denotes Heel


Main Eventer

AJ Sage (Face)

Fumihiro Ota (Heel)

Steve Flash (Face)


Upper Midcarders

Frankie Perez (Face)

Roderick Remus (Heel)

Sam Pratt (Face)


Brendan Idol (Face)

Cameron Vessey (Heel)

Insane Machine (Heel)

Jacob Jett (Face)

Mainstream Hernandez (Face)

Snap Dragon (Heel)

Lower Midcarders

Kashmir Singh (Heel)

Tigre Salvaje Jr. (Heel)

Zeus Maxmillion (Heel)


Davis Wayne Newton (Face)

Frankie Dee (Heel)


Enhancement Talent

Cal Sanders (Face)


Other Talent

Bret Graveson – Referee

Doc Messing – Color Commentator

Marty Papin – Announcer

Reese Paige – Road Agent


I had a few more phone calls that hadn’t been returned yet, but I felt confident that I could start advertising some matches and appearances. So I went to work with the hopes of having something ready to be posted on our message boards the next day.

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MCW Dawnings

Live from the MCW Arena in the Midwest Region

Saturday Week 3, January 2008

Doors Open: 6:30 PM

Bell Time: 7:30 PM

Main Event – Four Corner Survival

Steve Flash vs. AJ Sage vs. Ultimate Phoenix vs. Fumihiro Ota

All four of these men are looking for the big win in the first ever main event in MCW history. All four are independent stars that have what it takes, but who will come out on top?


Sam Pratt vs. Insane Machine


Also scheduled to appear

- Frankie Perez

- Mainstream Hernandez

- Jacob Jett

- Snap Dragon

- Roderick Remus

And more!


Plus MCW Owner AJ Sage is expected to make announcements concerning the MCW Heavyweight and Commonwealth Titles.

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OOC notes


First off, thank you Eisen-Verse for your comments. Next, while in game I am set as being based out of the Midwest, I kind of screwed up. Growing up in Illinois, I always knew this area as the Midwest, so I made the mistake of calling Illinois the Midwest. I'm going to run with this though. Finally, so nobody is confused when I post my first show, I am going a bit more in-depth this time around and am posting match write-ups with the results. Detail will be based on the push of the workers in the match. My Main Eventers and Upper Midcarders will have more detail than lowercard matches.


Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. Show should be up in a couple of hours.

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OOC Note:


Guys, sorry for the lack of show. I'm a volunteer firefighter and we've ran a bunch of calls the last couple of days. Between that and work, I haven't been able to edit what I had to my liking. I had the show ready to go up in an old format, but was in the middle of making it a bit better of a read. Hopefully by tomorrow afternoon the show and some other stuff will be up.

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Presented by Midwest Championship Wrestling

Saturday, Week 3 January 2008

Live from the MCW Arena in the Midwest Region

Attendance: 1011


The show kicks off with MCW owner AJ Sage making his way to ringside with a microphone in his hands. The crowd applauds for the familiar face from around the independents and the boss waits for them to quiet before he speaks.


“First and foremost I want to thank all of you for coming out and spending your hard earned money with us on this Saturday evening. Just going over the numbers of paid attendance before I left the table to get ready, we had somewhere around 850, so this is just phenomenal. I’d like to welcome all of you to the debut show of Midwest Championship Wrestling and invite you back here one month from tonight when we hold Night of Champions. The show will feature an eight man one night tournament to crown the first ever MCW Heavyweight Champion. Featured in that tournament will be myself, AJ Sage, the NYCW star Steve Flash, Frankie Perez and Insane Machine. The other four participants will be named as the month goes on. Also on that show will be a six man mini-tournament to crown the MCW Commonwealth Champion. That format is a little wacky so allow me to explain it for you guys. There will be two triple threat matches. The man that is pinned or submitted in those matches will be eliminated and the other two will go on to a four corner survival match later that night with the title on the line. Tonight we’ve got a great card set up for you guys tonight with eight big matches. So sit back and enjoy yourself, I don’t want to put you guys to sleep so lets get into some wrestling!”


The crowd received this well enough. I’m very excited about our attendance tonight and hope the show is good enough to keep bringing them in.

“Animal I Have Become” by Three Days Grace hits the system and the crowd buzzes a little bit as they await the first MCW match in history. They remain unsure how to react for a few moments until Frankie Perez busts through the curtain to a very nice response. He makes his way to ringside, slapping hands with fans as he does. Once in the ring he hops onto the second rope and lets out a loud “Come on!” The crowd reacts to him as he hops from the ropes and his music fades.


“Millionaire” by Queens of the Stone Age fills the air next, bringing another hush over the crowd. The music kicks up about twenty seconds in and Roderick Remus pushes through the curtain with a smirk on his face. He quickly begins walking towards the ring and lifts his hand up to give a young fan a high five, but retracts at the last second, flipping him off. This brings a chorus of boos from the crowd as he slides under the bottom rope and flashes the universal hand gesture for “Up Yours” as his music fades.


The crowd immediately begins clapping after the bell and the two competitors circled each other a few times before coming together in a collar and elbow tie up. Roderick gets the early advantage with a headlock. Frankie backs him into the ropes and the fast paced action begins. Hip tosses and arm drags are exchanged, each man having an answer for the other’s previous offense. This fast paced office continues right into a stand-off that the crowd applauds. Frankie and Roderick get right back to it with Roderick gaining the advantage again. This time, Frankie was able to counter out of everything his opponent could through at him. In frustration, Roderick takes Frankie over with a snapmare and fires a Dragon Kick to the back of Perez. This lights the fire underneath Frankie as he gets right to his feet and answers right back with a snapmare/dragon kick combination of his own. This was the turning point in the match as Frankie took control with his stiff kicks and strikes. Roderick put up a good fight, kicking out of some very impressive high impact moves, but once Frankie locked in the P-Clutch, he was forced to tap out.


Frankie Perez defeated Roderick Remus at 15:24 by submission with a P-Clutch.


Not horrible here, but Roderick was off of his game tonight and it hurt the match a bit. I took a risk giving the kid a chance, I hope it pays off.

“Personal Jesus” by Johnny Cash hits the system as Zeus Maxmillion struts his way from the back. His body language alone brings a loud round of jeers from the crowd, much to his pleasure. He climbs into the ring as his music fades and is replaced by “Wildside” by Motley Crew. Quickly the very serious Frankie Dee pushes through the curtain and makes his way to the ring. As he enters the ring and glares at Zeus Maxmillion his music fades. Soon the system plays “Save Yourself” by Stabbing Westward. Trent Shaffer comes from the back with a real ****y demeanor to him. He makes his way to the ring, jawing with the fans.


This match had some solid back and forth action. Frankie Dee utilizes his martial arts while Trent Shaffer used his striking and Zeus doing the same. Lots of believable near falls with Frankie Dee almost getting a pinfall after a reverse brainbuster on Trent Shaffer. Zeus locked in the Olympian Clutch Frankie, but Trent recovered and took him out with an enziguri before planting Frankie with the Heart Burn for the pinfall.


Trent Shaffer defeated Zeus Maxmillion and Frankie Dee in 6:14 when he pinned Frankie Dee after a Heart Burn.


Better than I expected. Trent Shaffer is a dark horse for future success and he looked good out there tonight. Zeus showed some improvement in his performance as well.


“Turn Me On Mr. Deadman” by The Union Underground hits the system and the crowd awaits the entrance of the next match. Marc Speed pushes through the curtain for his MCW debut as the crowd boos his ****y attitude. His music fades and is replaced with “Move” by Thousand Foot Krutch. Davis Wayne Newton blasts through the curtain bringing cheers from the crowd as he runs along ringside, high fiving them.


Davis Wayne Newton took a few minutes to figure out a way to get passed Marc Speed’s MMA style of fighting. After figuring him out Davis was able to mount some offense and a comeback, but it was too little to late as Marc Speed locked in a Cross Arm Breaker and got the submission victory.


Marc Speed defeated Davis Wayne Newton at 6:57 by submission with a Cross Arm Breaker.


A solid match here that showed exactly what these two guys can do. Marc Speed showed some good improvement in his striking abilities.

“Freak On A Leash” by Korn comes across the system. They remain quiet as a shrouded figure pushes through the corner through thick smoke forming at the top of the aisleway. As he slowly makes his way to the ring, he lifts his head and throws the hood back, revealing himself as Snap Dragon. The crowd lets out a mixed reaction as he enters the ring and his music fades. It is replaced by the opening chords to “Scotty Doesn’t Know” by Lustra, bringing an energetic boost to the crowd. Jacob Jett runs from the back and blots for the ring, slapping hands with the fans as he does. He makes two trips around the ring before sliding in under the bottom rope and springing to a standing position on the second rope.


Some good back and forth action early here as they trade nearfalls with numerous unique pinning combinations. Eventually Snap Dragon breaks out with the advantage and begins laying into Jett. At about five minutes in Snap Dragon plants Jett with a Tornado DDT for a believable nearfall. Following the DDT, Dragon goes up top, but misses a frog splash attempt, allowing Jett to take control of the match. At eight minutes in, Jett mounts some solid offense and plants Dragon with a Scoop-Slam Driver before climbing to the top. He looks for the Emergency Landing, but Snap Dragon is able to get his knees up and avoid the move. Dragon pops to his feet and gets right back on Jett, nailing the Dragon’s Breath for the three count.


Snap Dragon defeated Jacob Jett by pinfall in 9:37 following a Dragon’s Breath.


These two men have solid chemistry together, knowing where each other would be at any given time. It’s a good thing to find and a pairing I’m going to have to remember.


“Tunak Tunak Tun” by Daler Mendi hits the system and the fans begin gawking at the awkward music. Soon enough the fabulous persona of Kashmir Singh pushes through the curtain to the upbeat tempo of Middle Eastern rap. He continues his trek to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope as his music fades. “Image of the Invisible” by Thrice hits the system and the crowd lets out a nice reaction as “The Ultimate Underdog” Brendan Idol pushes through the curtain.


This one starts out with a little bit of tomfoolery by Kashmir Singh as he plays up his fabulous heel gimmick by sending Idol into the ropes and throwing up his hands to stop him. Once Idol comes to rest, Singh throws his hands into the air and yells “Yes!” Finally after a few rounds of this Brendan ignores the request to stop and levels Kashmir with a clothesline. He isn’t in control for long as Singh uses some more tomfoolery to get back in the driver seat. He holds control, getting a few nearfalls before his issue of letting us know how good he is allows Idol to roll him up for the pinfall.


Brendan Idol defeated Kashmir Singh by pinfall in 6:57.


Brendan was really off tonight. I’ve seen him work before and he was off bad. Even while not being at his best, I saw vast improvement in a few different areas.


“Whatever” by Godsmack hits the system and Cameron Vessey pushes through the curtain clad in Affliction gear. He throws his arms into the air and taunts the crowd as he makes his way towards the ring. As he slides in under the bottom rope and hops onto the second turnbuckle, his music fades. A hush falls over the arena as the opening chords to “Debonair” by Dope fills the air. They wait to react, finally cheering as Mainstream Hernandez pushes through the curtain and comes to the ring. He slaps hands with fans on his way down and makes one lap around the ring, slowly walking and greeting the fans. His music fades as he slides into the ring and gets ready for his match.


Some good fun to start off as Cameron Vessey tries to gain the upper hand with a lot of fancy holds, but Mainstream Hernandez is able to easily escape them all and flash a smile to his opponent. Things get serious around the five minute mark though as Cameron Vessey allows his frustration turn into a mean streak. He begins laying into Hernandez with stiff strikes and kicks. As the match closes in on nine minutes, Mainstream is able to hit a few high impact moves for nearfalls, but when he goes to the top for a high risk move, Cameron Vessey simply pushes him off his perch, causing him to drop to the outside and collide with the guardrail. Mainstream Hernandez was unable to get back in the ring before the count of ten.


Cameron Vessey defeated Mainstream Hernandez by count out in 10:44.


These were two of the guys I had enjoyed working with the most with my days on the independents and made sure to bring them in. Right off the bat they give me a good showing and entertain the crowd.


“We Like The Party” by The Venga boys hits the system, bringing a rather enthusiastic reaction from the crowd. Soon enough, Sam Pratt pushes through the curtain with a lot of energy. He makes his way to the ring and slides in as his music fades and is replaced with “Got The Life” by Korn. Mario Heroic pushes through the curtain and quickly makes his way to the ring to a warm reception. Next, “Middle of Nowhere” by The Blank Theory fills the air as Insane Machine pushes through the curtain. He slowly walks to the ring, staring at his opponents in the ring. He climbs in and his music fades.


Sam Pratt and Mario Heroic took the liberty of teaming up to take out the bigger man, but their team offense only matches up for a few minutes as Machine is able to overcome the both of them. He begins taking on each man one at a time. At around the ten minute mark, Sam and Mario are able to get it together again and hit a tremendous powerbomb, flying double knee move. Even with both men in on the pin, the seemingly superhuman strength of the lightweight Insane Machine allows him to kick out. At around fifteen minutes, Insane Machine begins to use his quickness and agility to send Sam to the outside. With Pratt out of the question, Machine is able to nearly decapitate Mario Heroic with the Termination Kick and get the pinfall.


Insane Machine defeated Mario Heroic and Sam Pratt in 17:06 when he pinned Mario Heroic following a Termination Kick.


A fantastic semi-main event here. These three guys busted their butts to put on a good show and they did that.


“Out of My Way” by Seether hits the system and Fumihiro Ota makes his way to the ring to a chorus of boos. He quickly enters the ring and yells a few things in Japanese as his music fades. “Injection” by Rise Against fills the air and Ultimate Phoenix pushes through the curtain. The crowd reacts wildly for him as he makes his way to the ring. As he climbs into the ring, the air goes quiet for a moment until “Breathe Into Me” by RED plays and MCW Owner AJ Sage makes his way out through the curtain. He yells to the crowd, trying to get them pumped up as he high fives fans on his way to the ring. He makes a lap around the ring and climbs onto the apron as his music fades. The air is silent as the final participant is eagerly anticipated. Finally “Sweet Child of Mine” by Guns n Roses plays and the crowd lets out a loud reaction as Steve Flash pushes through the curtain, ready to get to work. He slowly walks to the ring, looking at each of his opponents in the ring. Steve approaches the ring and slowly begins to climb up onto the apron as his music fades and the official ring introductions begin.


This match was contested under elimination and tag rules. AJ Sage and Ultimate Phoenix are in the ring to get this one under way as the bell rings. They circle one another and come together into a collar and elbow tie up. AJ Sage spins out with a hammerlock, gaining the early advantage. The two trade wristlocks and hammerlocks for a few minutes before the action picks up. The two begin getting fast paced, using their agility to put on a show in the ring. Arm drags and hip tosses are traded until they finally go for dropkicks at the same time and we end up at a standoff five minutes in. The crowd applauds their efforts as Sage tags in Steve Flash and Phoenix tags in Fumihiro Ota. Their exchange is a little different as Ota uses underhanded tactics to gain the advantage. He holds the advantage until near the ten minute mark when Steve Flash is able to string together a little bit of offense to break free and tag Sage back into the match. AJ rushes right in and begins taking it to Ota. AJ attempts a back-suplex type maneuver, but Ota flips out of it and spins the MCW Owner around before planting him with a DDT. Ota plays to the crowd, allowing Sage to tag out to Ultimate Phoenix. Phoenix rushes Ota and strings together a lot of high impact moves, seemingly setting him up for the Phoenix Firebird Splash. Sage slowly climbs to his feet in the corner as Phoenix perches himself on the top rope and leaps for his finisher. Ota lifts his knees, causing Phoenix to crash stomach first and roll back onto his feet, but right into the waiting clutches of AJ Sage. Sage takes him up and over, dumping him on his head with a Half Nelson Half Dragon Suplex. Sage scrambles over and covers, getting the pinfall. ULTIMATE PHOENIX HAS BEEN ELIMINATED AT 13:04. Ota gets to his feet and immediately begins taking it to the MCW Owner, gaining numerous nearfalls after high impact moves. Sage is able to escape the onslaught by tagging Steve Flash into the match. Flash and Ota exchange high impact moves. Ota lifts Flash onto his shoulders in an electric chair position, but Flash is able to lean back and snap Ota over with a reverse hurrincanrana that dumps him on his head. He lands so high on his head and neck that he rolls back to his feet, allowing AJ Sage to run and leapfrog over him. Sage slams on the brakes and turns, nearly decapitating Ota with the Brake Check Lariat. Sage covers and gets a count of three. FUMIHIRO OTA HAS BEEN ELIMINATED AT 16:33. The fans applaud as Steve Flash and AJ Sage turn and come face to face in the center of the ring. Sage takes the advantage and looks to have the match won after dumping Flash onto his head with a Backdrop Driver, but Flash kicks out for the believable nearfall. Sage calls for his Burning Hammer finisher, but Flash wiggles down the back of his opponent. As Sage turns around Flash catches him with a boot to the stomach and plants him with the Flash Bang. Flash covers and gets the three count for the victory.

Steve Flash defeated Fumihiro Ota, AJ Sage and Ultimate Phoenix in 18:41. The order of elimination was Ultimate Phoenix, Fumihiro Ota and finally AJ Sage.


Well, Ota’s stamina doesn’t allow him to go in a match this long and it hurt things just a bit. On a good note both he and Ultimate Phoenix showed improvement in numerous areas.


Overall Rating: D

I’m happy with this as our first show out. In my eyes some people went home happy and some went home disappointed, but I’m going to work hard to make sure everyone gets sent home happy in the future.

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As January transitioned to February, we didn’t have any contract issues to deal with. I did get a bunch of working agreements set in place with promotions from around the world which should help us to survive. Other than that we had nothing, so here are my notes from around the wrestling scene for the month of January.

Recent News

- Both GCG and WLW rose to be classified as a Cult Promotion.

- Harley Neil was brought in to become the head booker of ROF.

- SWF and USPW signed PPV deals with United Kingdom Choice and Public Access Select respectively.

Signings and Departures

- SWF expanded their roster this month by signing Chris Caulfield, James Prudence, Steven Parker and Darryl Devine.

- Jacob Jett signed with CGC.

- Puerto Rican Power signed with USPW.

- Carl Batch signed with PSW.

- Jungle Jack and Rhino Umaga signed with CZCW.

- Whippy the Clown signed with 4C.

Recent Title Changes

- Plague ended Flying Jimmy Foxx’s five month reign as CZCW Xtreme Champion.

- Erik Strong won the 2008 Rip Chord Invitational.

- The Natural and Owen Love became the NOTBPW Tag Team Champions by defeating Craig Greene and Gregg Boone.

- Teddy Powell defeated the departing Steven Parker to capture the PSW National Championship.

- Cheetah Boy defeated Nevada Nuclear, who was called up to SWF, for the RIPW Championship.

- Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling defeated The Amazing Bumfholes for the SWF Tag Team Titles.

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On the third of the month I invited Bret Graveson and Reese Paige over for the first of what would be monthly creative meetings. I felt their input would be good to have and wanted to include them. So as our meeting kicked off on the office area of the MCW Arena I touched upon the state of the economy and business. The economy was in pretty bad shape, nearly rock bottom but was showing slight signs of recovery. The wrestling business on the other hand was sitting at an average popularity or interest level. It also looked to be on the rise. That was good for us. Next I reported that we were being classified as a Regional promotion on the internet, getting us involved in Regional Battles. We were involved in eight during January, finishing at a high of second and a low of third. Being our first show out, I was happy with that performance. Next I wanted to just give them an overview on our financial performance, which surprised me a lot. A lot of local businesses and even a few national companies gave us sponsorship money totaling around $40,000. Using nearly every one of our available workers we spent $20,000 in wages and my payment on the building was a staggering $8,500. After all the numbers were crunched we ended up making almost $22,000. A good performance for our first month of operation. Next we transitioned into talks of where we were headed with our storylines. Being just starting off, we had all the freedom in the world to do what we wanted. First and foremost we had to discuss the title tournaments coming up in three weeks at Night of Champions. It was time we chose a figurehead for the company. We did a lot of deliberation about it and finally settled on a man we knew would draw crowds and start the company out right. So we put together some tentative feuds to test out at Night of Champions and called it a night. I stayed late drawing up the flier for the event and sent it off to our graphics company to be printed out.


Night of Champions

Presented by Midwest Championship Wrestling

Live from the MCW Arena in the Midwest Region

Saturday Week 3, February 2008

Doors Open: 6:00 PM

Bell Time: 7:00 PM


MCW Heavyweight Title Tournament First Round Matches featuring:


Steve Flash vs. Insane Machine

Frankie Perez vs. Fumihiro Ota

AJ Sage vs. Roderick Remus

Mario Heroic vs. Ultimate Phoenix


The Triple Threat Qualifying Matches for the MCW Commonwealth Title

The man who is pinned or made to submit is eliminated and the two remaining competitors move to a four way match later in the night for the title.


Jacob Jett vs. Snap Dragon vs. Frankie Dee

Brendan Idol vs. Trent Shaffer vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr

Special Attraction Match

Sam Pratt vs. Cameron Vessey


Also scheduled to appear:

Mainstream Hernandez

Davis Wayne Newton

Marc Speed and more!


Steve Flash vs. Insane Machine

Frankie Perez vs. Fumihiro Ota

AJ Sage vs. Roderick Remus

Mario Heroic vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Jacob Jett vs. Snap Dragon vs. Frankie Dee

Brendan Idol vs. Trent Shaffer vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr

Sam Pratt vs. Cameron Vessey

Who will capture the MCW Heavyweight Title?

Who will win the MCW Commonwealth Championship?

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*sigh* Bad news to anyone who was following this. I'm writing this from my sister's lap top. Mine crashed while having TEW open and it seems as though my file for this dynasty was corrupted. I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull the plug on this dynasty. I might come back with another, but I'm not sure. I was really hyped to get the files from my recently retired desktop so I could continue with this game, so it pains me for this to happen.



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