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TWL: The Journey Begins

Guest cmdrsam

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Guest cmdrsam

March is done and over with. Overall thought it was decent. Last year I had a B rated show. But it killed my momentum on a lot of workers here. I learned from that mistake a vowed it would not happen again. So far its been a long road back for many workers to get the big mo back. But it is finally happening.



We were rated #2 in the Mid-Atlantic area. To me thats not bad considering I have had 1 show there. Financially speaking we lost money but not a critical loss. It was a planned loss. Of course it didn't help when I spent 150 grand on our new play toy the Texastron.



Everybody in the company believes in working hard. They play hard as well. I always wanted to know how much booze Rip would go thru. The money spent could probably increase the gross national product by a full percentage on a 3rd world country.



Decided to have a chat with Mr. Deacon on the possibility of renewing his contract. He told me his time here in Texas has been great and he has learned a lot while he was here. But he feels alittle unappreciated. Rip is getting his push, Nero, and Bowman as well. I told this was not the case and I wanted him to be very much back in the mix but after running as champion for two years it might be better for him to chase the title for awhile. He agreed but still felt like he was getting lost in the shuffle. Perhaps it was time for him to hit the national scene.



I told him the door would always be open here in Texas as he was a great worker and was always helpful with the new guys. But I told him to think about this. We are on the verge ourself s of something big. If he could just renew for a shorter length and see if we don't reach a level where he felt it would be better to stay than to go else where. Just think about, don't answer me today. He agreed he would and thanked me for showing interest.

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Guest cmdrsam

I should have the next card up probably tomorrow night. If not it will be up this week end. Just wanted to see since I have a few shows posted to give you a sense on how I am booking. Thought I would do a prediction post.




TWL Presents Monday Night Lights.


Mean Mark Green VS Gabriel Peterson

Alex Pierce VS Dennis McCloud

Trailer Park Kid VS The Knight Rider

Floyd Bowman VS Pat Deacon

Jason Jackson VS Larry Vessey

Charlie Homicide VS The Shaman

Austin McCoy VS Proffesor Nero (Texas Death Match)

???? VS ????

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Mean Mark Green VS Gabriel Peterson

Alex Pierce VS Dennis McCloud

Trailer Park Kid VS The Knight Rider

Floyd Bowman VS Pat Deacon

Jason Jackson VS Larry Vessey

Charlie Homicide VS The Shaman

Austin McCoy VS Proffesor Nero (Texas Death Match)

???? VS ????

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Guest cmdrsam

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TWL Monday Night Lights.

Monday wk 2, April 1976

West Texas Coliseum

Attendance: 2,000




Pat Deacon comes out and makes his way to the announce table. Kurt Berkley stands up and they proceed to talk about the current event revolving around Deacon, Bowman, and Kenzo Isozaki. Deacon responds again that he is willing to take them both on. WG Reginald tries to talk Pat out of this decision, but Pat's mind is made up. Berkley announces that Deacon will indeed get his wish. He will face Bowman first later tonight. But not only that he will face Kenzo Isozaki tonight as well. OH MY GAWD, LOOK OUT! Kenzo Isozaki snuck up on Pat and Thrust Kicks him to the back of the head. But before anymore damage can be done WG Reginald stands guard over Pat with a chair preventing Kenzo from doing anything more.

Rated: C-




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Gabriel Peterson......................................................Mean Mark Green


Peterson gets on the mic and tells Green to get his ass down here. I want to kick your ass again yells Peterson. Green comes running down and the two immediately start with fisticuffs. Green starts to get the upper hand and gets in a series of chops to Peterson, Green runs off the ropes but runs into a big boot. Peterson takes over on offense with a series of open handed upper cuts. A back elbow by Peterson picks up a two count.


Snap mare by Peterson sets up a drop kick to Green in the sitting position. Peterson grabs a side headlock. Green fights out of that with a chop. Peterson misses a clothesline allowing Green to hit an inverted atomic drop. Peterson comes back with another open handed upper cut. Clothesline in the corner connects for two. Peterson continues to stomp away at Green. Peterson hits a big boot which gets a two count.


Green blocks a backdrop attempt with a kick and follows up with a flying forearm. Green starts to fire up, but walks into a Bermuda Triangle attempt. Green counters that into a crossface. Peterson powers out of that with a side suplex picking up a two count. Peterson hits a flying clothesline off the top and calls for the Bermuda Triangle again. Green counters again sending Peterson into the buckle. Shawn hits savat kick out of nowhere to stun Peterson. Green picks up Peterson for the Outlaw Driver. And its over, 1,2,,3.


Mean Mark Green defeated Gabriel Peterson in 9:53 by pinfall with an Outlaw Driver.

Rated: B




Professor Nero: McCoy, tonight I will lead you to the valley of death. Tonight its me and you in a Texas Death match. In case you don't know what a Texas Death match is. Here are the rules. THERE ARE NO RULES. Thats like telling a kid in the candy store to grab as much as he can. Class will be out for you McCoy.

Rated: C




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Alex Pierce..............................................................Dennis McCloud


Dennis goes for a slam which Alex counters and hits and dropkick sending Dennis to the floor. Dennis rolls back in and delivers a huge clothesline to take control. Dennis charges to the corner but runs into the boots of Alex. Dennis catches Alex's boot on a second attempt and slams Alex into the mat. That gets two. Dennis goes with a half nelson slam to set up a head butt getting a two count. Alex counters a choke into a face buster. A charge attempt by Dennis is met with a kick from Alex. A high crossbody from Alex off the top is followed up with a clothesline. Double legdrop from Alex picks up a two count. A Piercing Wound from Alex puts Dennis away.


Alex Pierce defeated Dennis McCloud in 8:30 by pinfall with a Piercing Wound.

Rated: D+




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The Knight Rider...................................................The Trailer Park Kid


Knight Rider pounds down The Kid in the corner and hits a shoulder block. A stomp to the hands of The Kid set up a powerbomb attempt. Kid reverses that into a backslide into a quick pin attempt. But Rider kicks out. Rider bails to the floor. The Kid dives over the top onto Knight Rider. Both are outside the ring and Rider takes over with a whip into the steel steps.


Rider rolls Kid into the ring. Rider slugs away at The Kid in the corner. Rider charges but runs into a kick. Kid goes to the top and dives but is caught by Rider into a fall away slam. That picks up a two count. Rider gets an abdominal stretch. The Kid slugs his way out of that with shots to the knee. A sunset flip attempt by The Kid is blocked but he tries the roll up instead getting two. He runs into a big clothesline from Rider, but that also only gets a two count. Rider drops a plethora of elbows onto The Kid for another two count. Rider sends The Kid for a whip but Kid slides underneath and dropkicks the knee, and then delivers one to the head. That picks up a two count. Rider fires Kid outside the ring and follows him to the floor.


Rider drives Kid into the apron and slides back inside. A count out is teased but Kid gets in just before the ten count. Back inside Rider hits a trio of short clotheslines but again that only gets two. Rider puts Kid in a torture rack. Kid is able to fight out of that, but he runs into a sleeper hold. Kid counters that with a chinbuster and then grabs a sleeper of his own. Rider powers Kid into the corner to break that but a charge attempt results in a drop toehold into the turnbuckle. Kid comes in with a seated senton. Hurracanrana from Kid is followed up by a bulldog getting two. Kid hits the ropes but runs into a big boot from Rider. Again that only gets two.


Kid boots Rider in the face and tries a crossbody but gets caught. Rider goes for a fall away slam out of the ring, but Kid reverses into a DDT. Cover by The Kid gets a two count. The Kid with a dropkick into the ropes. Here comes Gabriel Peterson down to ringside that distracts Kid. But here comes Mean Mark Green as well as they start to pummel one another again. Kid was still distracted as Rider gets to his feet. Rider spins around Rey goes for the 619, but The Kid and kicks him in the gut. He locks on the Eagle's Wings to force Kid to tap.


The Night Rider defeated Trailer Park Kid in 8:05 by submission with an Eagle's Wings.

Rated: C




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Floyd "F-Bomb" Bowman..............................................Pat Deacon with WG Reginald


Match starts out with Bowman laying into Deacon and Deacon is being punished throughout the first part of the match. Bowman continues to get heat from the fans, hard clothesline that nearly knocks out Deacon, yet he kicks out. Deacon is then thrown out to the floor, as Bowman taunts the crowd with a few one finger salutes. Bowman slams the head of Deacon into the steel steps. Deacon though gets in a punch and now Bowman is tasting steel. With the crowd behind Pat, he starts pumping up, but Bowman out of nowhere nails the a clothesline! 1-2-and no, Deacon kicks out at the nick of time.


Deacon ducks a clothesline and nails Bowman with a spinebuster. A elbow drop connects. Deacon on the top turnbuckle, goes for the elbow, but misses and now Bowman now is on the attack again and is all over Deacon. Bowman connects a bulldog and covers, Deacon is able to kick out. Deacon now, trying to get back into it, nails a hard shoulder thrust on Bowman. The crowd now is going nuts. Deacon goes for the Deacon Driver, but Bowman blocks it, and Deacon is down again. Roll up by Bowman, 1-2-and Deacon again kicks out.


Irish whip into the ropes and a clothesline by both men, send them both down, and this can be the turning point of the match. The fans behind Deacon, and Bowman trying to dig deep down, makes it to his feet first and vertical suplexes Deacon, and goes for the cover. Another two count. Deacon now goes crazy and starts unleashing punches on Bowman. He whips Bowman into the ropes and nearly decapitates Bowman with a clothesline. Pat sets up Bowman for the Deacon Driver and this one is in the books.


Pat Deacon defeated Floyd Bowman in 8:03 with a Deacon Driver.

Rated: D+?????????




A video plays on the Texastron showing some of the highlights from a few weeks back from Chief Two Eagles and Rip Chord's match. It featured mostly Chief Two Eagles and his times where he was on offense. But also showed Rip purposely getting disqualified to retain his title.

Rated: C+




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Jason Jackson.........................................................Larry Vessey


Larry throws Jason into the corner, who then stumbles out, but falls horizontally. Larry runs over to the ropes and executes a Elbow Drop. He then drags Jason out into the center of the ring and covers him, but only gets a 2-count. He waits for Jackson to get up before giving him a clothesline/legsweep combo. He pins him again, but it wasn't enough. Larry starts to stomp on Jackson, until the ref tells him to stop. He backs up while talking trash to the ref, and doesn't see Jackson come at him with a forearm. Jackson gets on the offensive, delivering shot after shot, then whips Larry into the ropes and hits a dropkick. They both get up, and Jackson tries a kick to the midsection. His foot gets caught, and Larry gives him a ****y grin. Jackson replies with a smile of his own and kicks Larry with the other foot. Jackson locks on an Eagle Claw to pick up the win.


Jason Jackson defeated Larry Vessey in 5:11 by submission with an Eagle Claw.

Rated: E+




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Charlie Homicide.....................................................The Shaman


The two lock up in the middle of the ring, until The Shaman gets the upper hand by bringing Charlie to his knees. He comes back up, and pushes Shaman off into the ropes. Charlie misses with a clothesline, bounces off again, and this time hits Charlie on the second attempt. Charlie gets up, and Shaman hammers him with a couple fists, before Charlie retaliates with some punches of his own. Shaman catches one of Charlie's fist, then the other, and pushes down on Charlie's hands, bringing him down. Charlie makes his way to his feet. He forces Shaman to release him with a kick to the midsection, and goes off the ropes into a crossbody, but gets caught by the larger man. Shaman slams Charlie's side by dropping him on his knee, then goes for a cover. He gets a 1-count and allows Charlie to get back on his feet before Shaman grabs his arm and torques it into an armlock. Shaman throws Charlie into the ropes and stops him with a back body drop. He pulls Homicide up by the hair, then delivers a vertical suplex. Shaman signals for the Peyote Plunge and delivers it. He goes for the cover, 1... 2... 3! It's over.


The Shaman defeated Charlie Homicide in 5:07 by pinfall with a Peyote Plunge.

Rated: C-




Austin McCoy: That yellow bellied coward has been running them flabby lips of his again. That no good egg sucking cuss is really starting to get under my skin. You say class will be in Nero, I say I'm closing down the whole damn school. Your tenure is up Professor.

Rated: C+






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Austin McCoy..........................................................Professor Nero


The two go for a quick tie up but at the last second Nero slaps McCoy. Nero quickly ducks under the ring, and McCoy follows him out. The two take a lap around the ring, until Nero hits a clothesline at a corner. He climbs into the ring and the ref begins to count out McCoy. He reaches to 3 when McCoy reenters the ring, only to get stomped by Nero. He climbs onto the apron, where Nero goes for a boot to the face, but McCoy dodges, and Nero gets caught in the ropes, screaming in pain. McCoy trips him up and pulls him out, then whips him into the steel steps.


McCoy starts to dominate with blows to the ribs of Nero. Nero counters with a rake to the eyes, blinding McCoy, then slams his head into the turnbuckle repeatedly. McCoy, dazed, then walks into Nero's arms for a fallaway slam. Nero covers him and gets a 2-count. He covers him again, for another 2-count. Nero picks McCoy up and applies a headlock, but McCoy battles out with elbows to the gut of Nero. McCoy dashes into the ropes, but runs into Nero's shoulder. Nero goes into the ropes, hops over McCoy, but this time, it's he who runs into a spinning heel kick from McCoy. Austin runs over to the ropes, and hits a knee drop, receiving a loud pop from the crowd. He pins him, but almost gets a 3-count. He goes for another knee drop, but Nero rolls out of the ring, and McCoy lands on his hands and feet. Nero climbs onto the apron, but McCoy nails a clothesline, sending him into the guardrail.


After bashing each other outside of the ring, they both find each other back in the ring. Nero puts McCoy into a headlock, and the crowd starts yelling for McCoy. Austin frees himself, slams a fist into Nero's face. Nero shakes it off, and grabs McCoys legs, attempting the Decent Into Madness, but McCoy scrambles into the ropes, forcing him to break the hold. Nero misses a clothesline and gets nailed with a standing dropkick by McCoy. Austin climbs to the top turnbuckle as Nero recovers, and hits a Axhandle to a loud pop and a near fall. Nero looks shaken up as he gets to his feet. McCoy goes for a Oklahoma Slams. Timberwolf comes out with a chair and drills McCoy in the back with it. Both Nero and Timberwolf take turns on stomping McCoy. Nero then looks on a Descent Into Madness. After being in the hold for a bit, the ref checks on McCoy. He picks up McCoys hand once and it drops. Twice, and it drops again. Three times, this one is over. McCoy did not give up but he is unconscience from the pain.


Professor Nero defeated Austin McCoy in 11:47 by submission with a Descent Into Madness.

Rated: D-



Rip Chord comes out from backstage. He asks for a minute of Kurt Berkley's time. Kurt tells Rip he has a lot of guts to show his face after getting disqualified a few weeks ago. TWL Management will come up with a response to this somehow. Rip says he knows he is in the wrong. And he wants to make it right. Rip wants another shot at Chief Two Eagles to show how dominate he is as Texas Champion. And he will even put the Texas Championship on the line to get the match. Kurt agrees but with one stipulation. If Rip gets himself disqualified or gets counted out. He will lose the title. Rip starts to disagree but reluctantly accepts the match.

Rated: C+




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Pat Deacon /W WG Reginald.............................................Kenzo Isozaki


Huge Pat Deacon chant to start. Deacon hits a shoulder block early. Crowd is solidly behind Deacon. Deacon grabs a headlock and takes Kenzo to the mat. Kenzo counters with a headscissors and moves to a headlock of his own. Kenzo hits a knee to mid section and follows that up with a snap mare. A dropkick to the back of Deacon’s head gets two. Deacon regains control with a some fists and a clothesline. Vertical suplex by Deacon gets a two count. Kenzo hits a springboard crossbody out of the corner and follows that up with some martial arts kick sending Deacon to the mat. Big chorus of boos for that. Deacon is heavily dazed from the kick as the ref checks on him.

Kenzo hits a modified tarantula in the corner. Deacon catches Kenzo with a kick on the way back in taking control. Gutwrench suplex gets a two count for Deacon. Half Nelson sleeper from Deacon is locked in but Kenzo is able to power out of that with a headbutt. Deacon comes back with a knee to the mid section and a kick to the back. Deacon places Kenzo on the top rope and goes for a super plex. Kenzo fights him off and sends him crashing back to the mat. Flying crossbody from Kenzo gets a two count.

Spinning heel kick from Kenzo sends Deacon to the corner. Kenzo runs into a boot from Deacon on a charge, Deacon hits a powerslam out of the corner for two. Deacon hits a running bulldog after a counter sequence. Deacon signals for the Deacon Driver, but Kenzo catches him with a savat kick.

Kenzo hits a high knee in the corner and goes for a bulldog. Deacon pushes him into the corner but runs into a spinning kick to the back of the head. Kenzo goes for a springboard from the outside but Deacon catchess Kenzo and lands a powerslam. DEACON DRIVER! To a THUNDEROUS pop.


Pat Deacon defeated Kenzo Isozaki in 10:29 by pinfall with a Deacon Driver.

Rated: C+




Pat Deacon is celebrating his win. He says Rip Chord, Your next. With that Floyd Bowman comes down and starts wailing away on Deacon. Deacon begins a comeback and now has Floyd in trouble. Kenzo catches his breath and starts beating down on Deacon as well. The numbers game have caught up to Pat. WG Reginald tries to stop the carnage but he is quickly thrown out of the ring. Bowman goes out and grabs a chair. He sets it up with Deacon's head is underneath the chair. Kenzo climbs up to the top turnbuckle and does a leg drop onto the chair. My Gawd we need help down here. Bowman grabs the chair and delivers a massive shot to the back of Deacon's head. Chief Two Eagles leads the charge of several officials and other wrestlers to the ring. Bowman and Kenzo beat feet to get out of the ring.

Rated: C-

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Guest cmdrsam
Mean Mark Green VS Gabriel Peterson

Alex Pierce VS Dennis McCloud

Trailer Park Kid VS The Knight Rider

Floyd Bowman VS Pat Deacon

Jason Jackson VS Larry Vessey

Charlie Homicide VS The Shaman

Austin McCoy VS Proffesor Nero (Texas Death Match)

???? VS ????



No fooling you sir. Your on top if it. Congrats and the check is in the mail.:p


Kinda toned down the promo's on this one. Felt it was better to have more detail on the matches. But have no fear. Promos will return in the future. Was very dissapointed in the Bowman/ Deacon match. Got the dreaded no chem note. O well. Hope you all still enjoyed the action non the less.

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Guest cmdrsam

After the card there was a get together in the backstage area. Rip decided it would be party time. Everybody seemed to get along real well. But when all of a sudden there was broken glass. We all turned our heads and saw The Shaman and Larry Vessey getting into it. Both were yelling at each other and trying to hot one another. A few workers finally got in between the two and managed to get them separated.


ME: Larry, Ive tried reaching to you. Ive tried talking with you. Ive tried.....


Larry: It's not my fault. This idiot said....


Me: I don't give a crap Larry. Your attitude stinks. You think your the greatest thing since sliced bread. I'm tired of it. Get your crap gathered, take your ass out of the building and go to hell. Then tomorrow be in Houston at the office. We have some papers to sign. Party is over folks go home.


A collective groan went thru the room. A smattering of Thanks Larry could be heard. Shaman tried to intervene and said he wasn't trying to get the kid fired. I told Shaman this has been in the making for some time now. Don't sweat it and help clean up if you would please.

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Guest cmdrsam
Not dead boys and girls. To be honest I just dont like how I have the card written yet. No matter how I try to word it things dont sound right. So I'm gonna clear my head for a few days and toy around with some front page football. I'm thinking sunday hopefully. To give you a hint. It's my best rated show yet.:D
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