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HIW: A Real World Uprising

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The card for HIW Summer Bash has been announced today. The confirmed matches for the event are as follows:


HIW Championship Match




Justin Credible w/ Tammy Lynn Sytch vs. Colt Cabana


Last month saw Colt Cabana get past both Elijah Burke AND Bryan Danielson to earn himself a shot at the HIW Championship at Summer Bash. He showed a real mean streak, and will be looking to use this new found aggression against the champ. But it won't just be Justin Credible he has to worry about,as he will also have to keep an eye on Credible's new associate, Tammy Lynn Sytch. How will her presence affect the match? It's sure to be a great bout, but will Cabana be able to overcome the odds and take the HIW Championship from Credible?


HIW Tag Team Title Match




Brent Albright and Doug Williams vs The Urban Tribe


Albright and Williams face their toughest test to date when they step in the ring with B-Boy and Dan Maff, The Urban Tribe. The Tribe are coming off of a big win last month in the six man tag match, in which they completely dominated their opponents. But they may not have such an easy task against the dominant Tag Team Champions. After a convincing Title defense against Kaz Hayashi and Elix Skipper, it will be hard to dispute that Williams and Albright are the best tag team in the company. But which team will walk away with the title. And what role, if any, will Eddie Kingston play?




Austin Aries vs Bryan Danielson


HIW have taken advantage of their working agreement with Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, and have been able to sign Austin Aries for one night only. And he is sure to tear the house down when he takes on 'American Dragon' Bryan Danielson. These two are certainly no strangers to each other, having fought around the globe against each other. Danielson has agreed to stay away from the match between Justin Credible and Colt Cabana as a sign of respect toward Cabana, which will certainly be for the best as he will have to be fully focused against the dangerous Aries. Definitely one to watch.




Elijah Burke vs Nick Dinsmore


Nick Dinsmore has one month to wait before his Semi Final International Title Tournament match. But in the meantime, he goes one-on-one with Elijah Burke. Burke is yet to gain a victory in HIW, but has shown a very nasty streak, proving he is willing to do anything to gain a victory. But Dinsmore will be looking to gain some momentum going into his Semi Final match at 'All or Nothing' in September. Two men with something to prove, but only one can walk away the victor.



Round 1 of the HIW International Title Tournament


Match 3


Chris Kanyon vs Jimmy Rave


After failing to capture the Tag Team Titles at Uprising, the Nu Skool Soldiers get a chance to capture gold again, as Jimmy Rave enters the International Title race, facing of against 'The Innovator of Offense' Chris Kanyon. Kanyon has proven he can hang with the younger generation when he cleanly defeated Chris Hero at 'Uprising'. However it will be interesting to see how well his knee holds up after Hero viciously attacked Kanyon's leg with a lead pipe last month. Will he be at 100% for this match? As for Rave, he will be sure to take advantage of Kanyon's injury. Plus with his partner, Sterling James Keenan, by his side, the odds are certainly against Kanyon.



Match 4


BJ Whitmer vs Eddie Kingston


The final First round match sees BJ Whitmer take on 'The Last of a Dying Breed' Eddie Kingston. Corino's worst nightmare came true when Kingston's name was drawn for this tournament, as Kingston has stated on many occasions that he wants to kill the company from the inside out. And what better way than to win the International Title (as well as the Tag Team Titles if his partners in crime, B-Boy and Dan Maff, get the victory over the Tag Champions). But getting past BJ Whitmer will not be an easy task. BJ picked up a victory last month, and will be looking to continue his run against Kingston. Not an easy task for either man, but one of them will make it to the Semi Finals next month.


Quick Picks


HIW Championship:

Justin Credible vs Colt Cabana


HIW Tag Team Titles:

Brent Albright and Doug Williams vs The Urban Tribe


Austin Aries vs Bryan Danielson


Elijah Burke vs Nick Dinsmore


Round 1 of the HIW International Title Tournament:


Match 3

Chris Kanyon vs Jimmy Rave


Match 4

BJ Whitmer vs Eddie Kingston

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HIW Championship:

Justin Credible vs Colt Cabana

-Much as I dislike Credible, and like Cabana...a title feud between Credible and Danielson seems inevitable.


HIW Tag Team Titles:

Brent Albright and Doug Williams vs The Urban Tribe

-Too soon for Albright & Williams to drop the titles.


Austin Aries vs Bryan Danielson

-Danielson wins what could be MOTN.


Elijah Burke vs Nick Dinsmore


Round 1 of the HIW International Title Tournament:


Match 3

Chris Kanyon vs Jimmy Rave


Match 4

BJ Whitmer vs Eddie Kingston

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Quick Picks


HIW Championship:

Justin Credible vs Colt Cabana


HIW Tag Team Titles:

Brent Albright and Doug Williams vs The Urban Tribe

-As early as it is, I like The Urban Tribe...so i'll take them


Austin Aries vs Bryan Danielson

-Hard to bet against the cover boy.


Elijah Burke vs Nick Dinsmore


Round 1 of the HIW International Title Tournament:


Match 3

Chris Kanyon vs Jimmy Rave

-After all who better than Kanyon???


Match 4

BJ Whitmer vs Eddie Kingston

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HIW Presents: Summer Bash 2009

Live from The Venue (Mid South)

Sunday, Week 3, August 2009

(Available on DVD from http://www.hiw-wrestling.com)


HIW Tag Team Titles




Brent Albright and Doug Williams vs. The Urban Tribe


The show opened with the tag team title match. This bout was a hard hitting affair, with Williams and Albright really taking it to The Tribe. Dan Maff’s brute strength really troubled the champs in the early stages of the match, showing just why The Urban Tribe are such a dominant and threatening force in HIW. During the contest, B-Boy almost picked up the shock victory after lifting Albright up and delivering the Delikado. Douglas was able to make the save however, keeping the match alive. Douglas set his sights on Maff, sending him over the ropes with a huge clothesline, following him to the outside. This left B-Boy in the ring with Brent Albright, who delivered a brutal T-Bone Suplex and followed it up by locking in The Sharpshooter in the centre of the ring. B-Boy, was ready to tap, when Albright’s head met the boot of Sterling James Keenan, causing the disqualification.


Winners by DQ and STILL Tag Team Champions: BRENT ALBRIGHT AND DOUG WILLIAMS (D)


Keenan was soon followed by Jimmy Rave, who dragged Williams into the ring and began the beatdown on him. Dan Maff had to be dragged to the backstage area by B-Boy, as Maff was clearly upset at not walking out of The Venue with the Tag Team belts. The beating by The Nu Skool Soldiers continued, with both Albright and Williams unable to stand. Just when it seemed the NSS were ready to put the final nail in the coffin of the tag champs, the lights in the arena went out. The crowd was buzzing, wondering what the hell was going on. Suddenly, an eerie purple light was shining on the ring, showing Williams and Albright out on the canvas, with no Rave or SJK in sight. Suddenly, another purple light shone onto the entrance to reveal a familiar face. It was none other than...



James Mitchell! He was soon joined by two masked figures.



Mitchell was laughing hysterically before pointing towards the ring, at which point his two clients charged the ring, and began to finish off the job that the NSS had started. After a few minutes, Mitchell finally called them off, leaving the champs lying in their own blood.




Elijah Burke vs. Nick Dinsmore


These two men had plenty to prove going into this match, and were both determined to walk out the victor. Dinsmore once again proved that his goofball days were behind him, surprising Burke with a series of Suplex’s and submission manoeuvres, keeping Elijah down on the mat. Not to be outdone, Burke also displayed some great mat work, almost getting a victory over Dinsmore by locking him in a Single-Leg Boston Crab. The finish came when Dinsmore managed to lock Burke in a Triangle Choke. Burke, who was still on his feet, managed to grab hold of the ref and throw him down on top of Dinsmore before crawling out of the ring to safety. Dinsmore got into an argument with the official, wrongly believing that the referee had clumsily fell onto Dinsmore. Nick pushed the ref into the turnbuckle, knocking him to the ground. With the referee dazed in the corner, this gave Burke the perfect opportunity to enter the ring and nail Dinsmore with a steel chair before throwing him to the corner and nailing the Elijah Express. Burke finally gained his first victory in HIW after pinning Dinsmore’s shoulders to the mat for the win.




Before the next match even began, Eddie Kingston walked past the ring and directly towards HIW Owner Steve Corino. It was hard to hear what was being said, but Corino had to be physically held back by his broadcast partner Dave Prazak. Kingston was still giving him verbal abuse even as his opponent, BJ Whitmer, was making his way to the ring.


Round 1 of the HIW International Title Tournament


Match 3


BJ Whitmer vs. Eddie Kingston


After failing to capture the Tag Team titles earlier in the night, The Tribe were looking to make a statement. And Eddie Kingston sure made a statement, dominating for most of the match. He delivered a number of stiff kicks and chops to Whitmer, even delivering a series of headbutts that busted BJ’s eyebrow. That’s not to say Whitmer got no offence in at all, hitting a devastating backbreaker and even hitting Kingston with a sick Fisherman’s Buster. But in the end, Kingston showed just how dangerous he can be inside the ring, finishing BJ with the Backfist to the Future and advancing to the Semi Finals.





Round 1 of the HIW International Title Tournament


Match 4


Chris Kanyon vs. Jimmy Rave


Jimmy Rave was all smiles going into this match after the damage he and his partner did to the Tag Team Champions. Kanyon came into this match with his knee taped up, obviously not fully recovered from the beatdown he received at the hands of Chris Hero last month. And Rave exploited that, immediately going for the knee of Kanyon. In fact, the first 10 minutes of the match were completely dominated by Rave, who kept ‘The Innovator of Offence’ on the mat with some excruciating leg locks, even locking in an STF and Figure Four, hoping that the veteran would tap. But Kanyon was a lot tougher than Rave gave him credit for, fighting his way back to his feet and dropping him with a snap Suplex followed by a knee to the face, which certainly wasn’t the smartest move. Just when it seemed Kanyon was on his way to the victory, Sterling James Keenan once again made his way to the ring, climbing the apron in order to distract the ref. Kanyon was not going to be distracted however, knocking SJK off the apron. This gave Rave the chance to roll Kanyon up for the pin. Kanyon somehow managed to kick out however, and ended the match by delivering the Flatliner.




After a hard fought victory, Kanyon celebrated in the ring, soaking up the applause from the fans in The Venue. As he left the ring and approached the Entrance curtain, a figure appeared and kicked him directly in the knee. That figure was none other than Chris Hero, who continued to kick at the leg of Kanyon. He then placed a chair on the leg of the fallen Kanyon, but before he was able to shatter his leg completely, officials and road agents managed to drag Hero away to the back.




Austin Aries vs. Bryan Danielson.


The fans were on the edge of their seats before the match even began in anticipation for what was about to take place. Both Aries and Danielson stood in the centre of the ring, staring each other down. Finally, Danielson extended his hand to Aries, which Aries shook, getting a round of applause from the fans. The bell finally rang, and both competitors slugged it out. For almost 30 minutes these two men went at it tooth and nail, throwing everything they had at one another. Danielson attempted to keep Aries grounded, but Austin was having none of it, quickly getting back to his feet at every opportunity and using his speed to his advantage. Danielson hit a big German Suplex on Aries, but Aries seemed to pop up out of it instantly and land a sick dropkick to the back of Bryan’s head. Aries lifted Danielson up and landed another dropkick, sending Danielson to the outside. As Danielson rose to his feet, he was nailed by Aries, who flew through the air with a Springboard Shooting Star Press to the outside. Danielson also took to the air during the match, landing two baseball slides before diving through the ropes towards Aries. But Aries was smart enough to side step an incoming Danielson, sending him into the guard rail. The pace of the match slowed down at this point, with Aries rolling Danielson into the ring and nailing several kicks and chops, wearing ‘The American Dragon’ down. Aries almost ended the match after nailing a Crucifix Driver on Danielson, but he was too close to the ropes, allowing Danielson to get his foot on them and break the count. Several Pendulum Elbows by Aries also managed to keep Danielson down, but not for the three count like he was hoping for. The end of the match saw Aries miss the 450 Splash from the top, which Danielson immediately took advantage of, locking in the Cattle Mutilation. Aries somehow managed to escape the hold and landed a series of knee strikes to the head of Danielson before attempting to lock on the Horns of Aries. Danielson was able to evade the hold and hooked Aries before delivering his vicious elbows to Aries before once again locking in the Cattle Mutilation. This time it was enough to end the match, forcing Austin to tap out.




After struggling to his feet, Aries extends his hand to Danielson as a sign of respect. Both men shake hands and celebrate for the fans together, showing the respect that both men have for each other.



HIW Championship




Justin Credible w/ Tammy Lynn Sytch vs. Colt Cabana


The main event of the evening saw Colt Cabana get his shot at the HIW Championship. Cabana, once again, showed quite an aggressive streak, hitting right hand after left hand after clothesline after Suplex. After a Bionic Elbow by Cabana, Credible decided to head to the outside in the hopes of regaining his composure. Cabana would not let him rest however, following him to the outside and nailing a hard Spinebuster on the outside. It was at this point that Tammy decided to step in, getting between Cabana and Credible. Colt was clearly not going to get into it with Sytch and re-entered the ring.


Once Credible entered the ring, he was able to mount a comeback, deciding to beat his opponent down with hard kicks to the head and neck of Cabana, followed by multiple neckbreakers. It was obvious Credible was trying to wear down a certain body part. If Credible was able to hit the That’s Incredible, there would certainly be no way for Colt to kick out with an injured neck. But Cabana was able to fight his way back into the match, nailing a headbutt between the legs, sending Justin crashing down to his knees. From here, Colt lifted Credible up and nailed a Cradle DDT, a move he calls the Cabanarama, but only managed a two count. Sytch decided now was a good time to enter the ring, bringing the Singapore Cane with her. She swung the cane at Cabana, but The Coltster saw it coming and grabbed the cane before pushing Sytch down to the ground. As the official tried to get Sytch out of the ring, Credible grabbed the cane from the mat and nailed Cabana between the eyes with it. With Tammy now out of the ring, the ref was able to make the count. Unfortunately for Credible, he could only manage a two count. Credible was livid.


Credible was not going to take any more chances, and signalled for the That’s Incredible. Cabana however slipped out of the manoeuvre and hit a Russian Leg Sweep. He followed this by locking in The Canadian Bacon Leaf, an Inverted version of the Cloverleaf. Credible was in an enormous amount of pain, and unfortunately for him he was nowhere near the ropes. Credibles title reign looked to be coming to an end, when Tammy once again climbed onto the apron. This once again distracted the official, and caused Cabana to break the hold and confront her. But he failed to notice Elijah Burke come out to ringside and once again hand Credible his trusty Singapore Cane, which he once again put to good use, nailing Cabana twice before drilling him with the That’s Incredible and cheating his way to another successful title defence. Cabana has been screwed out of the title by Elijah Burke.


Winner and STILL HIW Champion: JUSTIN CREDIBLE ©





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'The Truth' by James Harding


Well, it's been another eventful month in the world of wrestling. And today I have the task of bringing you my views on HIW's latest showcase, Summer Bash. So, without further ado, let's get to it.


~I was pleasantly surprised to see James Mitchell turn up at Summer Bash. Mitchell is, in my eyes, the best manager in wrestling today. It has always amazed me how he has never been offered a job by Vince and Company, as he has the look AND the Mic skills to hook the audience. However, I was somewhat puzzled by the men who accompanied him. For those who have never seen these two men before, they are none other than Frightmare and Hallowicked, two men who have worked some of the major Indies in the country, including CHIKARA and ROH. They are very talented, no doubt about it. But I was expecting somebody a bit more 'high profile' to join with him. But Mitchell makes the best out of anything he is handed, and hopefully he can make these two youngsters a viable threat for the Tag Team Titles. As for the Tag Team Title match itself, it was average at best. Dan Maff was the one who looked off his game in this contest, which is a shame considering how well he has preformed in the past few months. The attack by The Nu Skool Soldiers suggests that they will be continuing their feud, despite the addition of Hallowicked and Frightmare.


~Another average match on the show, this time between Elijah Burke and Nick Dinsmore. These two just didn't seem to click at all, which is a shame as both have the potential to be major players for HIW. I did however enjoy the finish, with Burke once again using the steel chair to his advantage. I still believe Burke is a future Champion, but his performances will need to improve drastically.


~I like Eddie Kingston. I really do. His 'feud' with Steve Corino has been quite enjoyable so far, and The Urban Tribe are doing a fine job in HIW. But this match certainly didn't showcase Kingston's talents. Another average match, but Kingston goes through to the semi finals none the less.


~Chris Hero managed to liven up a fairly dissatisfied crowd after another lackluster match between Chris Kanyon and Jimmy Rave. I stand by my statement that Hero is the future of HIW. And this feud with Kanyon is going from strength to strength. But I believe that this should be Kanyon's last dance. He is clearly not the wrestler he once was. So I think he should put Hero over somewhere down the line before bowing out gracefully. He's been a great competitor, but it's time to give it up in my opinion.


~What can I say about Austin Aries vs Bryan Danielson? They put on the match of the night, as I knew they would. If this is what we can expect with the talent trades with PWG, then I think a lot of fans will be extremely excited. Maybe Corino and his boys should sign More people like Aries on a permanent basis and get rid of some of the more 'mature' athletes on the roster.


~ The title match was a close second in the 'Match of the Night' competition. Cabana has really impressed me lately with this new mean streak of his. He is still a comedian at heart, no doubt (and we love him for it), but he has showed a completely different side to his character, which I like. I was surprised to see Elijah Burke cost Cabana the victory, but I guess it does make sense after the confrontations these two have had since Uprising in June. Credible is doing a decent job as the cheating champion. And with Tammy by his side, I can see his title reign lasting for some time. Which is a damn travesty of justice. Have I ever mentioned the fact that I'm a Danielson mark?


So, a fairly average show that was saved by two great matches towards the end. It's gonna take some time, but the company seem to be heading in the right direction.



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WWE signs several top names, Former 'Tough Enough' Winner returns, HIW News, more...


~WWE have signed several names from the independent scene to the company. Former WWE Superstars Paul London and Val Venis have both been sent to development in FCW. What is surprising is that WWE have managed to hire Jimmy Jacobs. However, Jacobs has been signed to the main roster with immediate effect, leading many to believe that the creative team have big plans for Jacobs.


~With Kung Fu Naki's contract coming up for renewal, it is believed that WWE will not be signing him to a new contract, and he will be free to leave when it expires at the end of the month


~Former WWE Tough Enough winner Daniel Puder has returned to the world of professional wrestling after working in various MMA companies around the United States. Rumor has it that TNA could possibly be interested in bringing him in to capitalize on the much publicized feud with Kurt Angle. However, TNA would not confirm these rumors.


~In some rather sad news, it appears that Nick Dinsmore has tested positive for hard drug use. HIW Owner Steve Corino and his head booker have apparently read him the riot act. Dinsmore apparently took the public ear bashing quite badly, apologizing to Corino and declaring that it wouldn't happen again. The general feeling in the locker room is he will not be punished as of now, but a further violation may cause Corino and company to take action.


~Speaking of HIW, it appears that starting in September (following their August show 'All or Nothing') HIW will now be holding TWO shows per month, in response to the great attendance figures they have been getting since the opening of the company back in June. As for 'All or Nothing', the card will be announced later on today.

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The card for HIW's August show 'All or Nothing' has been announced. The show will be held at The Great Plains Coliseum (Mid South)



Bryan Danielson and Colt Cabana vs Elijah Burke and Justin Credible


Since the doors of HIW opened, these 4 men have been battling it out in the hopes of claiming the HIW Championship. And at All or Nothing, they will collide once again. Only this time it will be in tag team action, as Bryan Danielson and Colt Cabana face off against Elijah Burke and Justin Credible. There is so much bad blood in this match that there really is no telling who is going to walk away with the victory


HIW Tag Team Title Match




Brent Albright and Doug Williams vs The Nu Skool Soldiers


This is another feud that has been brewing since 'Uprising' in June. Two fresh new teams looking to make an impact. Albright and Williams managed just that, walking away as the first ever HIW Tag Team Champions. But The Nu Skool has been a constant pain in the backside for the champs. Now is their chance to shut them up. Will Albright and Williams retain? Or will The NSS take the gold? And what role will James Mitchell and his clients play in all this?


Semi-Final of The HIW International Title Tournament


Match 1


Chris Hero vs Nick Dinsmore


The first Semi-Final match sees Chris Hero and Nick Dinsmore collide. After the loss to Elijah Burke last month. It would seem Dinsmore may have lost his focus. But, as he has stated before, Nick Dinsmore is determined to make an impact in HIW. And what better way to do that than by defeating one of HIW's fastest rising stars. However, Hero is not a man you can take lightly. Just Ask Chris Kanyon


Semi-Final of The HIW International Title Tournament


Match 2


Chris Kanyon vs Eddie Kingston


Speaking of Kanyon, he will have his hands full in the second Semi-Final match, going head to head with 'The Last of a Dying Breed' Eddie Kingston. Kingston has been on a crusade to destroy HIW from the inside, and has taken every opportunity to trash talk HIW Owner Steve Corino. But he is going to have to be fully focused if he wants to reach the Finals of the tournament. Kanyon is certainly a man on the edge after being repeatedly attacked by Chris Hero. He may not be 100%, but he cannot be counted out of this one. And then...


HIW International Title Tournament FINAL




Chris Hero or Nick Dinsmore vs Chris Kanyon or Eddie Kingston


The Finals! The winners of the Semi-Finals will meet in the Main Event later in the night to determine the first HIW International Champion. All four men will be hungry for the gold, but only one will reign supreme.





Elix Skipper vs Petey Williams


After coming so close to defeating Justin Credible for the HIW Championship at 'Apocalypse', things seemed to have slowed down for Petey Williams. So he will be looking to get his name back out there when he takes on Elix Skipper. Two great high fliers who will surely have a tremendous match.


Quick Picks


Bryan Danielson and Colt Cabana vs Elijah Burke and Justin Credible


HIW Tag Team Championship:

Brent Albright and Doug Williams vs The Nu Skool Soldiers


HIW International Title Semi-Final:


Match 1

Chris Hero vs Nick Dinsmore


Match 2

Chris Kanyon vs Eddie Kingston


HIW International Title FINALS:

Chris Hero or Nick Dinsmore vs Chris Kanyon or Eddie Kingston


Elix Skipper vs Petey Williams

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Bryan Danielson and Colt Cabana vs Elijah Burke and Justin Credible

-Danielson beats Credible and establishes himself as the top contender.


HIW Tag Team Championship:

Brent Albright and Doug Williams vs The Nu Skool Soldiers


HIW International Title Semi-Final:


Match 1

Chris Hero vs Nick Dinsmore


Match 2

Chris Kanyon vs Eddie Kingston


HIW International Title FINALS:

Chris Hero or Nick Dinsmore vs Chris Kanyon or Eddie Kingston


Elix Skipper vs Petey Williams

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