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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan


This one should be for the record books. Can't wait to see how the rahab will help/hurt Greed when he gets out.



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The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

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Mr. Morgan attempts to reclaim the PSW Championship


NEWS: Main Event Stipulation named for "Xmas Xtreme"!

1st week of December 2008


This month, December 2008, we will all witness PART II of Bryan Holmes vs. Mr. Morgan as the former PSW Champion, Mr. Morgan, attempts to reclaim the pedestal he once stood upon. Since losing the PSW Championship to Bryan Holmes in October 2008 (at PSW "End of Days") Morgan has had his sights on the very man who "cheated him" out of his Title reign... His former Tag Partner, and ally, Teddy Powell. Sadly, the UK-born fighter has YET to truly get his hands on the slimy, manipulative, "cheat-to-prosper", Powell.... However, is given a second chance at reclaiming the top prize in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.


Knowing that they have met once before, as stated, Mitch Naess has come forward to announce that the Main Event @ "Xmas Xtreme" will now be under a new stipulation. With the obvious technical ability that both men possesses, Mr. Naess has declared their match-up to now be a Submission Match.


In any other company, A Submission match would literally follow the rules to a "T" with the only real change being a submission marking the ending. However, with PSW, that's not quite the case. Yes, the victor is determined based upon who can submit the other... however, the match will STILL be held under NO RULE SET. PSW Official, R.M. Stones, as always, will be present ONLY to declare the winner of the match & not govern the situation (as you would find in other companies). Instead, we will all bare witness to a truly brutal altercation.... An all-out battle that can ONLY end in a "Tap or Snap" approach.


In the end, Can Mr. Morgan overcome the odds and reclaim the PSW Championship (A title he held for 5 months previously in 2008)? Or Will Bryan Holmes continue to prove his dominance over the PSW Landscape by defeating YET ANOTHER former PSW Champion?


Only time will tell.... Make sure to visit PSW.com on the 3rd Saturday of December 2008 to find out as ALL OF OUR EVENTS are broadcasted live via webcam.


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"Xmas Xtreme" Quick Picks


The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

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Early December 2008

... Conversation with Mitch ...



"How are things in there?"


"Comforting, Mitch. Thank you."


The scenario I found myself in was FAR from comfortable, in reality, however, it was the fact that I knew I was seeking help that ultimately delivered that sense of calm.


Mitch cleared his throat and instantly moved on, as if the situation at hand was uncomfortable for him to speak about.... That in a way Mitch's mind only runs on one thing.... PSW. All life realities are something to be forgotten about and are rather brought into conversations for awkward precursors to his actual intentions.


"Good. So, John... Xmas Xtreme is only a few weeks away. I went ahead and instructed Dean (Waldorf) to update the website with the new stipulation for the Main Event."


Since my absence, Dean Waldorf had taken over the duties of editing/further developing the PSW website. In a company like ours, We can't afford true webmasters... Therefore, like most smaller based companies, We turn to our work staff to keep the organization afloat.


A submission match is pure genius, John. This is the kind of match that those on the indy scene have been dreaming for for years... Holmes... Morgan... Former DaVE stand-outs competing in a legit submission match-up. Great stuff."


I almost fell off of my chair. Was this a moment where Mitch was actually praising something I've done? I couldn't help but chuckle slightly as I pulled the phone away from my mouth to mask it all.


"Thanks, Mitch. I feel as if..."


However, that moment of "greatness" would fall by the wayside (like many before) as Mitch completely ignores my advance... Instead, cutting me off half way through my return sentence... Instead, spewing for everything that's on his mind. Almost as if he had to do so before everything just disappeared from his thought process.


"What I'm wondering... though."


Sh*t... Now what?


"I want Billy to go over on Johnny"


I almost dropped the phone... Are you serious? Is what I wanted to say... Johnny was one of our biggest stars, however, Mitch had some weird attraction to Billy Russell.


"Uh. Mitch. I don't know if that would be a great idea."




He came back somewhat annoyed.


"First, Johnny is one of our biggest babyface competitors. You have him lose to someone like Russell... That could eventually hurt his standing with the company."


"Johnny will get over it. If he knows what's best for him."


HOLY SH*T... Are you kidding me? I felt my stress levels rising again... something that is not needed at this point in my treatment. So, i tried my best to slow the situation.


"Johnny is a very proud man. He's not use to doing the 'job' Mitch. I know that he's probably smart enough to realize that we need to develop new stars but Billy is already 34 himself. How does that help us?"


"It just does. Okay John? [Laughs] Billy is a big time star all over this planet. People know his name outside of the Tri-State area. Hell, if he rises to fame we could pull some of the Japanese viewers to start watching our show via the website. Our numbers go up.... We get our TV deal."


I didn't want to tell him that Japan's numbers wouldn't really help us score a TV deal here in the states but... I knew that no matter what I said... He already had this all permanently stuck in his head.


"Mitch. At least talk to Johnny about it first.... Don't do this again."


"Do what?"


"What you did to Alex. You can't just run all of your big names out of the company and hope that you're going to survive. Our jobs rely on people like Johnny Martin."


"I did nothing to Alex. Lets get that straight. Secondly, Johnny will understand."


"Will you at least talk to him?"


"We'll see... I'm a busy man."


I wanted to reach through the phone and choke Mitch... Force him to realize that he's going down a very destructive path with PSW. However, I was, in a sense, on "compound arrest". Not really... but theoretically I was.


"Just give it some thought, Mitch. Think it over for a bit..."


I knew there was nothing I could ultimately do. Sure, I was head of creative... but he was the boss. He trumps me ten times over.


"Yea... Yea... I'll do that."


I didn't believe a word that he had just said. The way in which he spoke said it all. Are we on a crash course toward another major fallout? Will Mitch have Johnny 'do the job' in favor of the 34 year old former MMA Star, Billy Russell?


... Too much F*cking stress if you ask me ...


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"Xmas Xtreme" Quick Picks


The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan


Diary Note: I know this MAY end up as a spoiler, however, the backstage storyline is important to portraying the real relationship between Mr. Naess and John Greed. Their ability, or in most cases inability, to work together is a major part of going ahead in this diary. The choices, and actions, that continue to develop between these two will make for a big moment in 2009.
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Love what youve done with the whole billy russell, john greed, and mitch naess scenario. its been going on for quite some time now and it seems to build into a larger situation with every new situation. seems very realistic as to what a headbooker would have to deal with as owner's tend to have their favorites (like triple H and Vince mcmahon).


Itll be interesting to see what ends up happening. will he job? wont he? love where youre going with this.


all we can hope is that john will stand up to mitch again at some point. then again im sure thats about to happen at some point anyways.


keep writing!

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Love what youve done with the whole billy russell, john greed, and mitch naess scenario. its been going on for quite some time now and it seems to build into a larger situation with every new situation. seems very realistic as to what a headbooker would have to deal with as owner's tend to have their favorites (like triple H and Vince mcmahon).


Itll be interesting to see what ends up happening. will he job? wont he? love where youre going with this.


all we can hope is that john will stand up to mitch again at some point. then again im sure thats about to happen at some point anyways.


keep writing!


Thanks, CZCW.


It's been a lot of fun to develop the internal argument between John Greed and Mitch Naess. No matter what John really wants to do... Ultimately he's at liberty to what Mitch's vision is. You can try to divert his focus and possibly change a thing or two, however, Mitch is a very hands on owner in my diary. He saw DaVE crumble and he's obsessed with the notion that it could potentially happen to his own company. Funnily enough, His blindness for certain superstars (pushing Russell, shoving Alex by the wayside as being expendable) is ultimately what could ruin the company as some of the big names decide to walk due to his booking practices. But.... I guess you'll have to wait and see how that unfolds. ;)


As for every scenario between the two escalating... I've really tried to keep a realistic tone to how things would unfold. I've mapped out where this is all going over the next 6 months into 2009 and it's shaping up to be a crazy "real world" situation (Real world in the sense that it's not part of the in-ring action or production). Fusing that along with what's coming up storyline wise, I'm hoping that my PSW Diary will stay interesting to those who are checking it out!




Diary Note:I have two tests next week as part of my summer course in stats. ugh. So, needless to say, "Xmas Xtreme" may take a little while to be written up. I'm sure i'll have some downtime between studying and work over the next week but just wanted to let those looking to read the show that it may be a number of days before the results are finally up.


In that time period, There are some short posts that I plan on putting up as there are a few storyline PSW.com write-ups that will help with promoting the show.


Thanks to those who voted for me this month in the DOTM. It was great to see the turnout!



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Using the basis of your diary, when I do mine, I can give reasons why there is only a one or two DAVE holdovers (and small ones, at that).


Go ahead!


Mitch's personality in this diary would def. drive away a lot of the former DaVE workers (at least the ones who had market value and could sign with SWF and TCW). Those who are left over (Braun, Martin, Morgan, The Wolverine... ie.. The "Old guys") are forced to go with what's available which is Mitch. I could see Mitch, in this case (using the personality I have for him), offering all three of these guys "Main Event" roles... Only to do what he's done to them thus far... Pretty much forcing them out of the company as they are no longer needed. Sucks them in... Pushes them out. ha


I'm interested in seeing a diary from you at some point here. I'll keep my eyes glued for when it shows up.

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This is a spoiler, but in my diary, even Alex Braun, JD Morgan, and Johnny Martin aren't in PSW. Johnny Martin's not so old (except for his injuries) to make it in the big two. If manages to not to injure himself, he could still be a reasonable midcarder in the big two. As for JD Morgan, maybe it's time for him to head North... As for Braun, as he said himself, "!@#$ you", except this time, it's to Mitch Naess. :)


Here's another issue, though... Naess is WRONG they aren't needed. If these three are gone, who does he have left that can actually have a good match? Bryan Holmes? That guy must be on TCW's radar and NOTBPW's radar if or when they get bigger. Larry Wood? I can see the same thing happening to him. If banks on Russell, he's only messing with himself. Billy is only about 5 years younger than Johnny Martin, and although he's in better shape, his career can (though not likely) come to close earlier than expected (what if Billy Russell wants to return MMA?)

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This is a spoiler, but in my diary, even Alex Braun, JD Morgan, and Johnny Martin aren't in PSW. Johnny Martin's not so old (except for his injuries) to make it in the big two. If manages to not to injure himself, he could still be a reasonable midcarder in the big two. As for JD Morgan, maybe it's time for him to head North... As for Braun, as he said himself, "!@#$ you", except this time, it's to Mitch Naess. :)


Sounds like you've got a great idea going forward. I'm looking forward to the read!

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I like the way of Naess being someone obsess to someone's failure. Now I wonder how should I use him in my diary as a protege to Vibert.


Great read and with Mitch Naess's personality, I'll try things out on my diary.


Thanks Mystery! Good to see a new reader coming in and leaving some feedback.


If you need any help when it comes to the whole diary thing then just PM me and we can talk it through. Even just to have another voice available to throw things off of. I do the same with with a few writer's on the boards.



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Thanks Mystery! Good to see a new reader coming in and leaving some feedback.


If you need any help when it comes to the whole diary thing then just PM me and we can talk it through. Even just to have another voice available to throw things off of. I do the same with with a few writer's on the boards.




Thanks for the offer. Un/Fortunately, my diary is on the freeware tew 2005.:)


Anyways, I love how your way of this diary goes. It focuses on Greed's life and PSW.

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Thanks for the offer. Un/Fortunately, my diary is on the freeware tew 2005.:)


Anyways, I love how your way of this diary goes. It focuses on Greed's life and PSW.


Gotta love freeware. ha. I thought about redownloading the game and giving it a go. I remember having a lot of fun with it.


Thanks for the diary comment as well. I wanted to do something different than my previous X-WA diary and thus the whole dual story was developed. This way it gives the story (both in front of and behind the curtain) more depth.

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Blood will spill... Lives will never be the same...


NEWS: "Steel Purgatory" Explained.

1st Week of December 2008


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling's December Live Event, "Xmas Xtreme", is cluttered with iconic bouts from Holmes vs. Morgan, Martin vs. Russell, Powell vs. Allen, however, the match generating the largest collection of buzz on the internet is that of the "Steel Purgatory" Match.


An extremely brutal match, "Steel Purgatory", is considered to be, not only, a threat to one's career but their life as well. The reason? After you read how the match plays out, You'll certainly have a better understanding as to why many are highly anticipating one of the most deadly matches in US Pro Wrestling History.


The Cage Itself is:

* Wrapped in threads of barbed wire. While it's impossible, financially, to have the entire thing wrapped... Every foot downward (from the top) has a strain of barbed wire coiled within the steel fencing... Making any cage wall throws into a potentially deadly scenario.

* Littered with weapons. Anything from steel chairs, a few tables, and even a ladder are present at the opening of the match. These weapons are to be used through out the entire match. Things such as: Stop Signs, Kendo Sticks, and baseball bats will also be thrown around the ring. Needless to say, there really isn't a lot of open canvas at the start of the match as there are weapons present everywhere.

* Governed by NO RULES. PSW official, R.M. Stones, won't actually be in the ring... But rather, will be standing outside the cage in which to administer a three count.


Match Rules:

* You can ONLY win by pinfall or submission.

* The last man standing wins.

* There are no DQ's... No Stoppages... No KO's.

* If one is somehow able to escape the barbed wire cage (most likely tearing up their bodies in the process) they are still legal in the match and can then take the affair around the ringside area. Leaving the cage does not mean you've won.


As you can see, "Steel Purgatory" could potentially take the career's of anyone involved. So, needless to say, PSW is having to move forward with the notion that one, or all, of their superstars enlisted in this match MAY NEVER return to the squared circle following the match. With that being said, the magnitude of a match like this has sent shockwaves through out the wrestling industry... Challenging others to take notice.


<hr color="black">

"Xmas Xtreme" Quick Picks


The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

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Here's another issue, though... Naess is WRONG they aren't needed. If these three are gone, who does he have left that can actually have a good match? Bryan Holmes? That guy must be on TCW's radar and NOTBPW's radar if or when they get bigger. Larry Wood? I can see the same thing happening to him. If banks on Russell, he's only messing with himself. Billy is only about 5 years younger than Johnny Martin, and although he's in better shape, his career can (though not likely) come to close earlier than expected (what if Billy Russell wants to return MMA?)


Missed this earlier Amp. I agree full heartingly that Naess is wrong in thinking that those guys aren't needed. That's the struggle between Greed and Naess. John is looking at things from a realistic standpoint, with some bias, while Mitch Naess "Believes" that he has PSW's best interest at heart, however, is drifting more and more toward being power hungry for the sake of controlling the promotion (see Jerry Jones with the Dallas Cowboys).


I've made decisions in the game that are things that I wouldn't normally do. Mostly because I sit back and think about what Mitch would do... So, then making me have to work within the confines of an owner who is extremely hands on. Actually, as said above, Jerry Jones has been kind of a major influence on my persona of Naess as both THINK they know what's best for the team/promotion.. However, end up alienating their organization even more.


So, Braun's release... Wasn't really "my idea" as I would have loved to use him in a non-wrestling role. However, at the time, it made more sense to have Mitch overstep Greed and just fire him off the bat... only days from retirement.


So, yea... Mitch is wrong about all of these guys. haha. However, that's how "he rolls".

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|| The Undefeated MMA Expert vs. The Man who held the PSW Championship for almost a year ||


Johnny Martin has fallen on tough times as of late. At the beginning of 2008, The 39 year old veteran was in the middle of a PSW Championship reign that started previously in October of 2007. Everything looked to be "in his corner" as the glorified Champion would continue to hold onto said Championship up until June of 2008 when he eventually lost the title to the likes of Mr. Morgan.


Now, a staggering six months removed from his Championship reign, Martin is practically fighting for relevancy as the former Champion steps into the ring with the undefeated Billy Russell.


Russell, 6-0 since joining Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling in June of 2008, has been on a fast track toward the upper echelon of the PSW roster. The only knock on the former MMA star is that he hasn't been victorious over any "big name" supestars... This is where Johnny Martin comes into the fold.


Can Billy Russell continue his path of perfection or will the grizzled veteran, and former dominating PSW Champion, find a way to restore his name within the walls of "The Ministry"?


Tune in via PSW.com 2 weeks from now as we all bare witness to Russell vs. Martin.


<hr color="black">

"Xmas Xtreme" Quick Picks


The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ?????

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

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NEWS: Bryan Holmes's backstage rise with PSW.

3rd Week of December 2008




Bryan Holmes = Backstage Powerhouse


PSW Champion, Bryan Holmes, has seen his stock within Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling rise as of late. It's one thing that the international veteran has put forth a slew of "Classic bouts" since joining PSW back in June of 2008, however, it's his backstage persona that's creating quite a stir as of late.


We, here at TotalExtremeWrestling.com, have recently uncovered that Holmes's current deal with the Pittsburgh based promotion grants him full creative control rights. With that being said, Holmes is heavily leaned upon by PSW Officials to accept or veto upcoming matches, storylines, and misc. opportunities. In a sense, Bryan firmly holds the key as it pertains to his PSW career.


As of late, however, with John Greed currently on a brief hiatus while completing a 28 day rehab stint, Bryan Holmes has seen his stock rise even higher as the former DaVE stand-out has quickly asserted his influence on the locker room area. So much so that many are questioning whether or not Greed will even have a job with PSW following his rehabilitation.


In the last 6 months Holmes has been known to "road agent" most matches, bringing a strong understanding of the sport itself to the PSW roster, and has been very influential on the direction of the company from a creative standpoint. While headbooker, John Greed, and PSW Champion, Bryan Holmes, have not had a history of arguments over creative decisions... We have heard from some select, and UN-named, figures on the PSW roster who have said that they have a strong working relationship... however, with time.. It looks as if Bryan is gaining more and more confidence that he can dictate certain orders.


With this being said, Many are wondering what will happen once John Greed returns from his stint in rehab. Without anyone questioning Bryan Holmes's rise within PSW is there a chance that John may be fazed out of PSW's plans?


We'll keep a closer eye on this situation as it continues to develop.


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Diary Note: I started the write-up for "Xmas Xtreme" today, however, I don't expect to see a final product ready to go until tuesday or wednesday. So far though it's looking really good.


As for this post, with all posts done through TotalExtremeWrestling.com, it was all brought together to continue the "backstage story" of PSW as a whole. Bryan Holmes does have creative control, and in a way, there are some scenarios that will arise over 2009 that needed this as a precursor. Not saying anything bad.... Just good background knowledge to have (Just as PWInsider.com will give you information on stuff like this).

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The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals" w/ Nicole Kiss

Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Wooton Fitzpaine vs. ????? - Isn't Wooton in The Good Ole' Boys? Did I miss something...

Johnny Martin vs. Billy Russell

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen - please.

Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

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+ Streaming LIVE via PSW.com +

"The Ministry" Event Center

PSW Event #10





The PSW Tag Champions, "The Dirty White Boys"

... Calling out "The Man" ...


["Xmas Xtreme" opens in a dramatic fashion as the PSW Tag Champions, "The Dirty White Boys" are seen roaring down the entrance isle on their rusted, yet classic, steel hog's, on their way to the ringside area. Following a lengthy intro filled with chugging a few beers with various members of the first row, talking a few girls into exposing themselves, and revving the engines of their motorcycles to a deafening pitch... The current PSW Champions, and by-far most dominant tag team on the entire PSW roster, "The Dirty White Boys" quickly get to the matter at hand. Grabbing a nearby microphone, Lead Belly opens the show officially with a promo centered on THE man in PSW (at this point)... Delivered in his signature raspy voice.]


Lead Belly: Well F*ck.... You'd think Elvis just walked into this sh*t-hole...


[The crowd erupts.]


Lead Belly: You all know Me and Greaser here... We aren't much about words... We're more about "talking" with our fists. [Crowd pop's] But there's one glaring issue that we have with PSW at this point. Who the F*ck brought in all of these Pansie b*tches in the door?


[Lead Belly points back to the "Backstage Curtain"... Implying certain "boys in the back".]


Lead Belly: F*cking... Billy Russell... Teddy Powell... And the biggest Pansie b*tch of them all.... Bryan Holmes.


[The crowd boo's like crazy at the sound of Holmes's name.]


Lead Belly: You're F*cking right on that one. [Nods his head in approval] How the hell did a metro-looking, arm-bar using, no good F*cker walk away with THE top prize in Pittsburgh? [shakes his head] The last time I checked this place wasn't no wrestling clinic... PSW is the land of the extreme... The Home of the Violent.


[The pro-hardcore fan base quickly fills "The Ministry" with a loud roar following Belly's comments.]


Lead Belly: Now I know you're too chicken-sh*t to get your ass down here... Holmes... But we've got a message for ya. We're going to restore this place into what it's really about... Blood, Sex, and Violence... [Crowd pop's] And if for some reason you're able to last through Morgan tonight... We'll be waiting for you.... In this same god-damn ring.... NEXT MONTH!


[The crowd, once again, erupts like crazy as Lead Belly closes his promo with one final statement.]


Lead Belly: Let this be a lesson to you all.... [Pauses] We're 'bout to tear the sh*t out of this place and if you have a problem with that then we'll see to it... Me and Greaser here... We'll personally remove you from the PSW roster the only way we know how..... F*cking you UP!


[With that, Lead Belly slowly drops the mic at his side... Once again celebrating with the crowd before leaving the ringside area just as they came in.]


Grade: C-


Doc Messing: Now That's what I'm F*CKING talking about!

Mitch Naess: Riled up by the DWB again, I see?

Doc Messing: F*ck you, Mitch! F*ck yea... I'm F*cking hyped!

Mitch Naess: What was that?

Doc Messing: Errr... I don't remember?

Mitch Naess: I think you said "F" me...

Doc Messing: Uh... did I? Hmmm... Don't remember that one. Sorry.



"The Good Ole' Boys" vs. "The Ring Generals"


The country-bumpkin'-like "Good Ole' Boys" were originally a team that Mitch Naess thought would resonate with the local PSW crowd. Not so much because of their "back home" ways but rather because they are an unadulterated hardcore tandem. With little ability to ACTUALLY wrestle, It looked like a match made in heaven originally for PSW. However, that brief honeymoon has come to a crashing halt as the extremely vocal "Ministry" crowd absolutely ripped into the young bumpkin' team. With little or no support for a babyface team, The opening match seemed a little awkward as the fans at ringside were more likely to cheer Nicole Kiss as she continued to strip down to her bra and panties on the outside of the ring. The reason for doing so? Distracting the "Good Ole' Boys" to the point where Marv Slater was able to pin Wooton Fitzpaine following a snap DDT on the unsuspecting competitor.


In the end, It was easy to see that Nicole's provocative dance, fused with the fact that she was wearing little to nothing at the end of it, was the driving force in helping "The Ring Generals" come away with the standard three count from PSW Official, R.M. Stones.


"The Ring Generals" defeat "The Good Ole' Boys" in 10:24 following a Snap DDT from Marv Slater on Wooton Fitzpaine.

Grade: D-


Mitch Naess: I guess it doesn't really matter how you pick up the win...

Doc Messing: What a Sl*t...

Mitch Naess: One could say that... however... She gets the job done from a manager's standpoint. This was a big victory for the upswinging "Generals".

Doc Messing: Yea... Whatever.


Mystery Superstar

... PSW Debut ...


[There seems to be a lull in the action as the fans await for the next segment to commence. A few short seconds pass as a short lead in for a debuting superstar's entrance theme is heard over the low-grade "Ministry" Sound System. As the somewhat confusing intro bounces off the walls of the former house of worship, now gritty and broken down wrestling establishment, the overly dedicated PSW fanbase quickly looks to the black curtains before them... Wondering if they can catch a glimpse of the new addition to the PSW roster.]


... Mua ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

... The Madman cometh ...


[With that, a "garden variety" rock theme begins to tear through the "Ministry" as 520 people turn in anticipation of who they believe is the PSW newcomer. Within a matter of a few seconds their first inclination would prove to be true as the former TCW International Champion, and 2 time TCW Hardcore Champion, Madman Boone makes his PSW debut!]



Madman Boone

... Debut ...


[With his extensive history of a "devil-may-care" attitude toward competing in the ring... It seems absolutely fitting to have a man of his stature join in on the fun in Pittsburgh. Needless to say, the crowd was in full-force as they celebrated the dawn of a new stage in Boone's illustrious career.]


[The often mentally imbalanced brawler makes his way out of the back, throughly enjoying the crowd's response, as he climbs into the ring and shakes every ring rope before him... Gyrating like he was having an epileptic seizure in the process. Overall, bringing his typical "pure insanity" personality to Pittsburgh.]


[in the end, the message was conveyed loud and clear.... The great hardcore icon, Madman Boone, has finally found a home within the confines of "The Ministry".]


Grade: C-


Doc Messing: The Madman has FINALLY found a home in Pittsburgh!

Mitch Naess: I thought I'd never see the day! After years of tearing up the "Total Landscape".... The hardcore Icon has found a new home... Here.... In PSW!

Doc Messing: I can't wait to see what he's able to accomplish... Then again, He's got one hell of a test before him with the "Steel Purgatory Match" only a few seconds away....

Mitch Naess: Yea, With a match like this there's a good chance that, sadly, this could not only be his first night on the job but also his last...

Doc Messing: I don't know Mitch... I'd put my money on Boone anyday in this situation.




Frankie Future vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly vs. Madman Boone vs. Wooton Fitzpaine

["Steel Purgatory Match"]


One word could best describe this match and that would be: Bloodshed.


In one of the most grotesque matches in PSW history, The small (budget-like) steel cell was lowered from the ceiling of the "Ministry" and clasped over the ring as various weapons were thrown about within its walls. The buzz surrounding the match was almost entirely upon the debut of Madman Boone to PSW as this would mark his very first match with the company... Sadly, the match that was about to take place could potentially be his LAST as well as the violent nature of "Steel Purgatory" is one that could change ones life forever... Destroying all that it leaves in its wake.


The match itself was, as said above, rather violent as every single weapon within the cage was used. Everything from a slew of steel chairs, barbed wire rapped 2x4, a pair of golf clubs, Stop sign, a link of chains, thumbtacks, nails, and yes... Even a bag full of glass. Needless to say, each and every wrestler who competed in this match was a bloody mess within the first 5 minutes. It was so bad at one point that the image of a small shard of glass sticking out of Madman Boone's forehead was enough to turn the stomachs of some of those live in attendance. Matching that with the fact that the cage itself was wrapped in small strings of barbed wire... And you literally saw each competitor lose a substantial amount of blood.


The cage wall, wrapped in barbed wire as said, was used most often by the Burned Behemoth, KILLER Colossus, as he used his overwhelming strength to force practically everyone up against the cage wall at some point. One of his throws sent Wooton Fitzpaine face first into the cage wall in a dart-like throw... Slicing the front of his face up pretty badly upon impact and forcing Wooton to fall victim to a standard three count from R.M. Stones (Who stood on the outside of the cell) as Frankie Future picked up the quick pinfall.


Frankie was the next to fall victim to a three count following, yet another, powerhouse move from KILLER Colossus... As the monster himself was able to powerbomb the heavyweight brawler onto a pile of tacks... Forcing Future to cringe in absolute pain. With his life hanging in the balance, Frankie decided to stay down for the three count... Finally rolling out of the ring and being attended to by area paramedics as they removed a dozen tacks from the back of Future's head alone.


Then it was four...


Madman Boone pulled the shocking moment of the night when he pinned KILLER Colossus following a 3 on 1 beat down from "The Dirty White Boys" and the debuting Madman. At first, KILLER was able to fend them all off... However, with time... Even a monster would fall to the fact of numbers. Boone, using a chain-link rope, wrapped the links around KILLER's throat... Pulling him down to the mat with a sickening Russian Leg sweep onto a collection of Steel Chairs. KILLER, unable to move it seemed, was forced out of the cell....


However... not for long...


Boone was focused on going toe-to-toe with "The Dirty White Boys" (a feat that's hard even for someone of his stature)... When KILLER Colossus forced his way back into the cage by ripping the cell door off of its hinges. After throwing the large door to the side... KILLER stormed into the ring... Absolutely destroying Madman Boone with a running big boot that sent the Hardcore Icon into a flipping fit... Finally landing in a heap on a collection of weapons in the middle of the ring. Following a animalistic roar, Colossus would exit the ringside area while Grease Hogg picked up the HUGE pinfall over the debuting Madman Boone.


That left two.... "The Dirty White Boys"...


It would mark the first time that these two were to square off against one another... Something that sent the PSW crowd into an absolute frenzy! The action was rather brutal, even for being tag partners, as both men fought "tooth-and-nail" to the very end. Weapons were not pulled away... Instead, it looked as if both embraced the fact that they were taking part in something legendary for the company... Using every last weapon in the ring to potentially destroy their own tag partner... Ultimately putting aside the fact that they were Tag Champions in which to decide who the REAL Hardcore Presence was in PSW today.


As both Hogg and Belly fought back and forth... The match would finally come to a close as Lead Belly caught his partner, Grease Hogg, with a BIG TIME spinebuster into a pile of nails inches from one of the turnbuckle corners. Hogg, yelling out in pain, tries to get back up to his feet... However, Belly finishes him off with a Big Boot of his own... Slamming an unconscious Grease Hogg back down to the heap of nails below... Picking up a standard three count from R.M. Stones in the process. A fact that would declare Lead Belly as the FIRST EVER victor within "Steel Purgatory".


Lead Belly defeats Frankie Future, KILLER Colossus, Grease Hogg, Madman Boone and Wooton Fitzpaine in 14:42 via a running big boot on Grease Hogg.

Grade: C-


Mitch Neass: Go ahead Doc...

Doc Messing: HO...LY..... SH*T!

Mitch Naess: [Laughs] That marks one of the most brutal matches I've ever seen in my years in Pro Wrestling.

Doc Messing: I can't believe it all came together like that... God! I hope Grease Hogg is okay... Do you think Lead Belly may have hurt his own partner?

Mitch Naess: There's a chance of it but both looked as if they were focused on the win. If I know them, as I do, both will celebrate with a round of beers backstage... That is after they remove all of those nails out of Grease Hogg's back.

Doc Messing: GOOD... GOD!



Harry Allen

... Backstage Argument ...


[Harry Allen, watching live footage on his laptop backstage, just witnessed, as we did, that Lead Belly came away as the victorious figure in the first ever PSW "Steel Purgatory" Match. After a brief nod of his head in approval followed by a quite muttering of "That's how you get it done" heard coming from under his breath, Allen slowly pushes himself up off of the steel chair he was previously seated on. The relative newcomer to Pittsburgh turns to exit the Locker Room Area (Former Church Basement) when all of a sudden he stops dead in his tracks. Allen's demeanor switches from that of admiration for what Lead Belly had just accomplished to a look of a sheer "Alpha Dog"-like persona.]


[Why? As the low-quality webcamera slowly pans outward we now see PSW National Champion, Teddy Powell standing a foot or two from his challenger, Harry Allen.]



Teddy Powell

... The Instigator ...


[Powell, holding an arrogant smirk upon his face, looks down at the National Championship (Laying over his right shoulder) and then back up at Allen... As if to say "See this? This is mine". Allen, not budging at all, stands back in silence... Awaiting Teddy Powell's reason for barging in on him.]


Teddy Powell: Harry... Harry... Harry...


[Powell shakes his head and smirks confidently]


Teddy Powell: I know the feeling that's running through your veins right now... That drive to prove yourself to the masses. [Powell sigh's] When DaVE crashed and burned I was expecting a phone call from one of the "Big Three"... Knowing that they could certainly benefit from a talent such as mine. [Powell's demeanor turns a little more agitated] But that phone call never came... I waited day in and day out for them to rescue me from this sh*t-hole... And yet... I never heard a word from any of them. Even after... [Powell says he next name in absolute disgust]... My former Tag Partner... Sammy Bach was picked up by your former employer.. I thought this was my "ticket out". But.... Again.... It was not.


[Powell's arrogant smirk is no longer seen on his face... Now replaced by an agitated snarl]


Teddy Powell: You see, Like you, I know what it's like to be thrown by the wayside... Forgotten about... Left for dead. The only difference between you and I? I didn't b*tch about it. Boo... Hoo... Cornell couldn't find any "work for you"... F*ck that, Harry. I Never even made it to the show..... [snarl] So, to be honest, I'm a little sick and tired of your p*ssy b*tchin'... Thinking that anyone gives a damn about your so called "Fallout with TCW".


Harry Allen: My b*tching? Listen to yourself, Teddy... "Ohhh... I never got my shot... blah blah blah"... Do you think any of us care that you "Never got your shot"? That Sammy was more talented than you and HE ended up as the coveted jewel in your little indy tag team? [shakes his head] No. To be honest, Powell... You couldn't have cut it in TCW anyways. [smirks] But that's not here or there... We aren't in TCW, are we? This battle is going to take place right here.... In the middle of the "Steel City"... The place in which I will once again regain my form by defeating YOU for the PSW National Championship. [steps closer to Powell] It may only be my second match here but the truth of the matter is this... I'm coming for you and your title... And tonight... I'm going to give you a little more to b*tch about as you'll not only be "stuck" here with the rest of us... But you'll also be labeled as a FORMER Champion.


[Powell, becoming riled up over Allen's forceful response looks as if he is about to pounce, however, allows a calmer head to prevail... Instead, laughing off Allen's threat... And leaving him with one final message.]


Teddy Powell: Think what you will, Harry... but it 'aint going to happen... not tonight... not ever. [Confident Smirk grows even more so] Oh yea, and I almost forgot... Tonight... I've got a BIG surprise for you! Just you wait and see...


[Powell begins to laugh once again as he slowly starts to back peddle out of the room.... A movement that is suddenly halted as Powell seems to run into someone standing behind him. The low quality webcamera pans out once again to an even larger frame as we now see that former PSW Champion, and former member of the "Untouchables", Mr. Morgan is blocking Powell's departure.]



Mr. Morgan

... Not So Fast, Teddy ...[/b]


[Allen begins to laugh as Powell slowly spins around to see Mr. Morgan standing inches from him. Powell, knowing that Morgan has a giant bone to pick with him, slowly backs away from Morgan only to end up closer to Allen... Which, in turn, has him move in another direction away from both. Morgan, without even saying a word stairs down his former tag partner (The man who cost him the PSW Championship) and leaves him with one final message of his own.]


Mr. Morgan: I have business to attend to tonight... but soon enough... I'm coming for my vengeance... And when I do... You won't even have a career left to whine about.


[Powell, looking as if he is going to respond, steps toward Morgan and then swiftly moves past him... Exiting the room.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: This is what happens when you constantly burn your bridges Powell... You end up with half of the roster looking at you as an enemy.

Mitch Naess: Good point. Teddy is an extremely polarizing figure in PSW and as you can see... It looks as if his recent actions may finally come back to haunt him.

Doc Messing: IF... and that's a big IF... Teddy can get through Harry Allen tonight... There's a good chance that Mr. Morgan may end up finishing the job at a later date! I can't wait for that one!



Billy Russell vs. Johnny Martin


There was a strong undercurrent of anxiety filling the "Ministry" as this match came together. There had been a lot of rumors circulating around both competitors over the last few months from various Pro Wrestling news sites and it was this background knowledge that only added to the intensity within the ropes. Russell, known for his overly stiff striking offense, took a strong early lead as he came out of the gate, like always, in a blaze of fury. With that being said, however, Johnny Martin was never truly "out of it" from the beginning as it always seemed like he was one big move away from regaining control.


That big move came toward the end of the match as Johnny Martin was able to block a standing suplex attempt from Russell... Instead, landing a quick uppercut to the jaw of Russell.. Flinging a wad of his spit high into the air. As Russell came back to rebound, Martin took firm control of the match with an array of irish whips all around the ringside area. Breaking the former MMA superstar down with nothing short of a reckless offensive style.


In the end, Johnny Martin placed Russell on the top rope... A sight not often seen from Martin as he typically isn't known for any sort of top rope maneuvers. As Martin went on top as well... Attempting a superplex... The crowd lifted with anticipation.


He lifted Russell....


Russell put all of his weight on his heels and sat back down on the top rope.


Martin tried for it again...


Russell pushed Martin backwards and landed a top rope DDT!


Upon impact, Russell quickly regained dominance over Martin by landing a flurry of knee strikes to the semi-conscious head of the former PSW Champion. It only took a few, well positioned, shots to finally put the middleweight out-cold. Giving Russell the ability to roll him over onto his back and pick up a SHOCKING three count from PSW Official, R.M. Stones.


Billy Russell defeats Johnny Martin in 13:55 via a Grounded Knee Flurry.

Grade: D


Doc Messing: HOLY SH*T... RUSSELL WON!

Mitch Naess: What a fighter.... What a match!

Doc Messing: I can't believe it, Mitch.... Billy Russell just defeated a former PSW Champion! What does this mean for his future in PSW? More importantly, in a way, what does this mean for Johnny Martin's career here in PSW?

Mitch Naess: I'm not really sure Doc... All I know is that here, tonight, at "Xmas Xtreme"... We witnessed an amazing upset at the hands of Billy Russell. This guy is certainly going places within PSW.



KILLER Colossus and John Greed

... The Burned Behemoth enraged ...


[We cut backstage to see KILLER Colossus storming his way through a small white hallway filled with foundation cracks from everywhich way. John Greed, Colossus's unsung leader, attempts to calm down the burned behemoth... however, to no avail. Various PSW officials dart past the towering 7 foot monster as he stomps his way aggressively through the hall... Looking as if he was a rabid animal recently released from his cage.]



Lazy Joe

... Innocent Victim ...


[Just then Lazy Joe, attempting to walk past Colossus and Greed, is grabbed by his throat and lifted high into the air by a livid KILLER. Joe, struggling to break himself free, desperately tries to break the standing chokehold... but the big man's overpowering strength is far too much for him. As the unsuspecting victim begins to lose consciousness, still being held off of his feet, KILLER Colossus is now seen throwing him square up against the wall. The impact made such a sickening thud that even John Greed turned away.... Wincing upon the sound.]


[With the eyes of a predator, KILLER Colossus continues to lay into the semi-conscious Lazy Joe with a string of big-time right hands... Rattling the backstage hallway of "The Ministry" with a loud, lion-like, roar.... A warrior's cry that could be heard all the way into the ringside area.]


Grade: C-


Doc Messing: Good God...

Mitch Naess: This just goes to show you... KILLER Colossus's dominance over PSW, as of late, has less to do with a win/loss record and more to do with the level of violence he's bestowed upon our events.

Doc Messing: I'm pretty sure that we may have seen the end of Lazy Joe's career in Pro Wrestling... Did you see the way his head slammed up against the wall? He could have some permanent mental damage after that one.

Mitch Naess: With an impact like that.... It's quite possible.



Killer Colossus w/ John Greed vs. Lazy Joe


This wasn't so much a match as it was an all-out beating from KILLER Colossus. Lazy Joe, not seen much these days in PSW due to the fans hatred of him, literally looked as if he was on the verge of death as an enraged Colossus literally mowed him over. The overall carnage of the affair was seen all throughout the white walls of the backstage area as Joe's blood is seen smeared over almost every inch of it. In a way, as the match grew to a close, Doc Messing was heard pleading with KILLER Colossus to just "End it" rather than having to watch Joe succumb to his injuries. Doc's plea, from the commentary desk, was answered shortly after as KC ended his vicious assault with a sickening RUNNING BIG BOOT... Trapping Joe's head between the end of KILLER's ginormous boot and the wall. A few seconds later, KILLER steps on Joe's chest as PSW Official, R.M. Stones is seen running onto the scene to finish the heinous attack.


KILLER Colossus defeats Lazy Joe in 5:13 via a Running Big Boot.

Grade: D-


Doc Messing: Do you think Joe still has a pulse after that one? Jesus...

Mitch Naess: There's a good chance that this may have been the last time we'll ever see Lazy Joe anywhere near a wrestling ring...

Doc Messing: Probably for his own good...



KILLER Colossus

... The Victor ...


[The towering KILLER Colossus stands over his latest victim, Lazy Joe, displaying a demonic facial expression as resident official, R.M.Stones, looks to potentially raise his hand as the victor. Well, that "good idea" lasted only for a few seconds as R.M. grew closer... Only to be scared off by a quick snap of Colossus's head... And a loud, once again predatory, type roar.]


[This sequence is broken rather quickly though as the recent debuting superstar, and the man who actually defeated KILLER Colossus in the "Steel Purgatory Match"... Only to have Colossus then cost him the win in that very match, Madman Boone rushes onto the scene with nothing short of evil intentions in mind.]



Madman Boone

... Post-Match Attack ...


[The beloved hardcore Icon makes quick work of the situation... Landing a string of hard right hands followed by a trash can strike to the forehead of the oversized monster. While the attack looked to be pretty one sided from the start... That would slowly subside as well as KILLER Colossus quickly regains his composure and the two embark in a wild backstage brawl where both men are seen as equals. Back and forth... Back and Forth... Until the two men stumble through a thick grey door leading to the outside. That very door, slamming hard as it comes to a close, marks the divider in this situation as one could conceive that the two continued their assault outside.]


[A few short seconds later, the door opens back up once again as Madman Boone staggers his way through the doorframe... Obviously feeling the effects of a brawl such as this. All seemed to be coming to a close... When all of a sudden Colossus's monstrous hand appears on screen once again... Grabbing Boone's head from behind and pulling him back into the dark midnight air.]


[From there, we lose coverage of the chaotic brawl...]


Grade: D


Mitch Naess: There's a bitter hatred brewing in PSW it seems... These two can't keep themselves away from eachother.

Doc Messing: Sadly for Madman, We've seen what KILLER Colossus can do to others in his way... This may not be the best choice of adversary... Even for someone of Boone's stature.

Mitch Naess: I guess we'll have to wait and see... Madman has held his own thus far... Then again, So did Alex Braun for quite some time until KILLER finally "did him in"...



Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

[PSW National Championship Match]


It was easy to see, right off the bat, that Harry Allen is fastly becoming the most popular superstar in all of PSW. Some internet wrestling sites have already dubbed him as the #1 "Franchise Figure" on the entire PSW roster, a fact that doesn't seem to phase the jaded TCW outcast, something that seems to be resonating within the walls of "The Ministry". There was air of "change" in the air as many believed that this would mark the night that Teddy Powell finally lost the PSW National Championship after 8 months of calling the title belt his own. Did that come to pass? Just may have...


The match itself was a pure high speed chase in a way as both men pushed the tempo of the match toward a chaotic pace. Both known for their average flying/flashy skill set, Harry and Teddy put forth a standard cruiserweight-like bout. The most shocking thing about it all, from an in-ring perspective, was the fact that Harry Allen seemed to own Teddy in every way. No matter what the PSW National Champion was able to do... Harry was able to match it... and then some. At one point, Harry scored a dramatic 2 1/2 count following a top rope missile drop kick strike that carried a heavier sense of impact due to the fact that Powell was holding a steel chair in his hands at the POI. With the development of Allen as a true contender to the title... It looked as if it was only a matter of a few seconds before Allen would dethrone Powell from his "National Pedistal"...




That was until we saw HIM... Debut...




The Grand Kanishoki bursted through the black curtain on his way to the ring... No one knowing what was about to happen. The one thing we did know for sure is that the massive giant before us was a towering force to be reckoned with. Allen, knowing that he had nothing to do with Kan making his debut, quickly tries to leap over the top rope to connect with the ascending big man... However, Kanishoki catches him in mid air following his top rope plancha... Instead, Slamming him into the steel guardrail in one swift throw. Allen's body bends awkwardly as Kanishoki pulls him back into the ring... Whipping him into the corner turnbuckle and pancaking him in the process.


Harry Allen, only seconds away from winning the National Championship most likely, was now in a world of hurt as he slowed staggered out of the corner... Only to be met with Powell's signature "Motion Censor" (leaping superkick). It was just too much for Harry... He was not able to break the 3 count that came next.


Teddy Powell retains the PSW National Championship in 15:05 via a Motion Censor.

Grade: D-


Doc Messing: F*cking-A.... Teddy Powell retains...

Mitch Naess: I, for one, thought that Allen had this one in the bag toward the end of the match...

Doc Messing: If it wasn't for that fat lard Harry Allen would be the new National Champion! God Damnit!!

Mitch Naess: I wonder though... Did he join on behalf of Teddy or was it just by random circumstance that this was the match he came out during? Does he have some sort of hatred with Allen previously?

Doc Messing: My guess is... This is just another trick pulled by Teddy Powell... the consummate schemer.



The Grand Kanishoki and Harry Allen

... Post Match Attack ...


[it felt like Harry Allen was forced to climb mount everest as the off-beat charismatic lightweight attempted to keep his attacker, The Grand Kanishoki, at bay. A quick jab here, a standing side-kick there.... Even a flipping closeline off of the ropes... Nothing seemed to really "get the job done" as the massive frame of Kanishoki repelled every source of impact. Instead, as Harry quickly lept back to his feet following his aerial closeline... Kan was waiting for him. Grabbing the 31 year old flier by the throat and flinging him clear across the ring in one, ring shaking, throw.]


[Allen is slow to get up following the impact of Kan's throw, however, he is able to make it back to his feet shortly before The Grand Kanishoki is able to freely step across the ring in his direction. Allen, once again trying to keep his attacker at bay, desperately throws a few more punches... This time connecting straight with Kan's jaw. However, once again, Allen's soft-like strikes don't do much to slow down the monster before him as the debuting, Grand Kanishoki, once again grabs Allen by the throat (This time with both hands)... Throwing him, once again, across the ring like a rag doll in one major swoop.]


[This time, landing awkwardly on the back of his head as his body folds up over the top of him, Allen is unable to spring back to his feet... Giving the slow moving giant, Kan, the ability to ascend upon the situation for one last time... Lifting Allen off of the mat and driving him viciously back down to the canvas below with a BIG TIME Standing Crucifix Powerbomb. Allen, being thrown down with all of Kan's immense force, folds up once again on the canvas... However, this time it looks as if the relative newcomer to PSW looks to be out cold following the dreaded impact upon the canvas.]


[With Harry Allen laying motionless on the canvas below... Teddy Powell quickly slides back into the ring, celebrating the whole time as if he had just floored Allen himself. Equip with an arrogant smile from ear to ear, Powell quickly congratulates his new-found friend, Kan, by patting him on his massive shoulder. The crowd, boo'ing like crazy as they are overly pro-Allen, watches on as Teddy Powell climbs the nearest turnbuckle... Flinging the PSW National Championship high into the air with his right hand... All the while yelling out.]


Teddy Powell: You wanna F*ck with me? Huh? [Laughs] Well, I'm your F*cking PSW National Champion.... Don't you EVER forget that!


[Meanwhile, The Grand Kanishoki is seen still standing over his fallen victim... Looking out onto the crowd as he now extends both of his tree-trunk like arms out to the side... And like a bear... Loudly roars toward the heavens. All in all, It's easy to see that Teddy Powell has just delivered something BIG to PSW... The Grand Kanishoki.]


Grade: D


Mitch Naess: It looks as if Teddy Powell has a new partner in crime now that he and Mr. Morgan are no longer working together.

Doc Messing: And what a partner... Good God. [Laughs] He practically tore Harry Allen's head off for a second there.

Mitch Naess: It's going to be tough to pry the National Championship away from Teddy Powell now.... I'm guessing this monster is here to stay.

Doc Messing: Yea, I can't stand that little runk (Teddy Powell)... Honestly, I absolutely hate the guy. However, you can't argue with his choice of a new bodyguard in a way. [Laughs] To be honest, I don't think anyone on the roster can stand up to this guy.



Johnny Martin

... Exits the "Ministry" Early ...


[We cut backstage at this point to see former PSW Champion, Johnny Martin, exiting the "Ministry" Event Center through a pair of run-down, heavily tagged, grey doors. Without even a hint of looking back, Martin quickly shoves the nearby door open with his right hand... Pulling his black wrestling bag through the doorframe in his left. While little is known as to why Johnny is leaving the event early... There's a greater sense of "Oh Sh*t" forming within the Locker Room Area (Former Church Basement) as their former Champion of almost a year has seemingly walked out on a PSW event following a highly publicized loss to former MMA, and international, superstar... Billy Russell.]


Grade: D


Doc Messing: Uh....

Mitch Naess: It seems that Johnny Martin has left "The Ministry"...

[brief Silence

Doc Messing: Should someone go and try to catch up with him?

Mitch Naess: No... Doc. Let him go...

[silence again]



Bryan Holmes © vs. Mr. Morgan

[PSW Championship Match]

[PSW Submission Match]


This was not your typical Submission Match to say the least. In other companies, This would follow a standard back and forth technical affair where the most violent interaction would be one trying to break another's submission hold. While that may work for other, more PG-13 friendly, promotions... That certainly was not going to cut it in the "Steel City". Sure, it wasn't as much of a hardcore match as other bouts on the card tonight, as both men are known more for their actual wrestling abilities versus knowing how to wield a weapon, however, both men used the backdrop of "No Rules outside of needing win by Submission" to heart.


Knowing that there was no DQ, as in all PSW matches, there was no use of a rope break what so ever. Instead, both competitors used the ringside area as their own personal playground... Bending, and almost breaking, various limbs of their opponent in hopes of walking out tonight with the "Crown Jewel" of the PSW, The PSW Championship. At one point, this notion was brought to light in an innovative manor as Mr. Morgan used a nearby steel guadrail as an aide in his attempt at a Dragon Sleeper. Holmes's back, draped across the steel gaudrail, forced pressure on the Champ's back as Morgan continued to lean down farther and farther... Synching in the sleeper hold, however, also using the gaudrail as a weapon of sorts... Jamming the cold steel into the upper back of the struggling Holmes. While this hold wouldn't get the job done (as Bryan Holmes was able to break free somehow), it would act as a precursor to the rest of the match as it was obvious to see that Bryan Holmes was having a slight issue with the range of motion of his back.


With Holmes's back in jeopardy, Mr. Morgan continues his assault by landing a string of snap suplexes on the outside of the ring... With each and every landing it looked as if Holmes was feeling the affects of a shifted disk or two. The sickening thud with each suplex leaves Bryan desperately trying to pull himself away from the action but not having the strength to do so. It was almost shocking to see someone actually giving it to the, normally, dominating Champion. However, what else do you expect from the former Champ himself? Mr. Morgan is not a "walk in the park" kind of contender... Especially in a match like this one.


The momentum would stay firmly in Mr. Morgan's corner for quite some time until the ultimate shifting moment transpired. Morgan, attempting to execute a belly-to-back suplex, lost control of Holmes in mid-air... Giving the PSW Champion the ability to twist his body slightly... Landing on top of Morgan as both hit the canvas in a thunderous blow. With all of his body weight now on top of his contender, Holmes quickly makes work... Locking in a high arm-bar over the top of Morgan's head... Pulling back as hard as he can as it looks like Holmes may snap Morgan's arm in the process. It looked rather awkward as Morgan's arm continued to bend more and more... Until Morgan was able to break the hold with an eye poke with his other free hand. Typically a heel move.. yes.. However, we're not to far removed from a babyface turn from the former Champ... Plus, it may have been the only thing he could do at the time to save his arm.


In the end, it all came down to one defining sequence. Morgan and Holmes were both wrestling for control of eachother... Rolling around, attempting a submission hold here and there however having it broke by the other, ultimately they wrestled at a stalemate. That was until Mr. Morgan landed a hard elbow to the small of Holmes's back... Forcing him to yelp out in pain. Holmes let go of Morgan and gripped at his back, meanwhile, The former Champ was now in the process of locking in a frontface submission hold...








Bryan Holmes finds a way to slip out of the submission hold.


With both men still on the canvas, Bryan Holmes quickly moves in for the kill as Mr. Morgan attempts to re-lock in the very hold he once held. However, it was too late for the former "Untouchable" as the PSW Champion, Bryan Holmes, once again proves why he is THE man in PSW... Rolling over behind Morgan and locking in a rear-naked choke hold. With his legs now wrapped around Morgan's body... It was too much for Morgan... He fought... He fought even more... But gave up with a slow tap on the canvas below.


Bryan Holmes retains the PSW Championship in 22:18 via a rear-naked chokehold.

Grade: C



Mitch Naess: Bryan Holmes proves, once again, why he's the PSW Champion... Pulling out, yet another, huge victory to retain his Championship!

Doc Messing: God, I hate the guy... But... damn... What a competitor.

Mitch Naess: My thoughts exactly. [Pauses] Thank you for your support in 2008 ladies and gentelemen... We're coming back even stronger next month as PSW breaks into 2009!






<hr color="black">Overall Show Grade: C-

Popularity Increased!

Attendance: 520<hr color="black">

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Wow that card was great! The Lead Belly promo alone made it great! I did not think anybody could give that much life to Lead Belly!:D I loved the match write ups as well. This card had a very good old ECW tone to it.


Maybe if you do a gimmick where Lazy Joe is addicted to sleeping pills that will get him over.

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