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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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I agree. His stats are ridiculously bad. That's probably why it started to go this way. I do see a silver lining in his character though, Could be really fun to write. Then again, I couldn't get past his stats...


If he has the overness, then he's got at least some usefulness. Keep using him to elevate guys you care about.


He's like the Runaway Train of PSW.

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If he has the overness, then he's got at least some usefulness. Keep using him to elevate guys you care about.


He's like the Runaway Train of PSW.


I could see that. Then again, Runaway Train has his draw as his menace stats are good. He plays a perfect Big Heavyweight Heel.


Wolverine, on the other hand, has been mostly competing in "dark matches" to work with some of the younger talent. He's been good in that position but it's hard to pay him 1,000+ a month when he's not really contributing greatly.

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If he has the overness, then he's got at least some usefulness. Keep using him to elevate guys you care about.


He's like the Runaway Train of PSW.

Runaway Train is way better than the Wolverine. His Rumble, Entertainment, Performance, and Physical skills are in the range of C's... Woleverine? E to D.

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The Day After "Xmas Xtreme"

... The Fallout... Again ...


Billy [Russell] isn't happy with me.


It's the kind of truth that could eventually lead toward my inevitable downfall in Pittsburgh. Not because I caused a scenario to unfold but rather because I, once again, didn't favor Mitch's beloved find. Yep, you guessed it... Another PSW Live Event has come and passed and yet another backstage altercation from Billy Russell...


I can sense the overall atmosphere backstage starting to shift. With a track record such as Billy's.... People are starting to talk, plot, and even show signs of delivering their own brand of "Locker Room Justice". A fact that I certainly can't afford...


While PSW is ruled by an obsessive, power hungry, narcissist with a heavy hand... The backstage climate is that of a Harmonious collection of like minded people. Sure, you have your bad apples in the bunch (as any organization can say), however, for the most part, "the boys" are a close-knit group.


That's why Billy's recent actions are starting to wane heavily on the "Locker Room Brass". First it was Braun, then Wolverine, and now Little Bill Lebowski... Three men who are known to have a lot of pull with fellow wrestlers backstage. Another fact that could be damning for Russell as well...


The altercation started off rather innocently as Billy and Bill were ribbing back and forth... Joking with one another, ultimately. However, just like a summer tornado... The light-hearted argument quickly turned into a full-fledged altercation as Billy's comments swiftly turned to personal jabs at the mid 30's Indy-Lifer (Bill). Bill had to be restrained... Other members on the roster were also forced out of the room due to the fact that Billy's ass was about to be handed to him... All for one... One For All. Sounds pretty cliché by now, however, that's how it works in The Steel City.


Trying to convey a fresh new mindset, only a few days out of treatment, this was the LAST THING that I wanted on my plate. I could feel my anxiety levels spiking... My heart pounding... My hands sweating... Here I was, only hours removed from a "safe haven"... Now thrown in the middle of a borderline apocalyptic war between Billy Russell... and the rest of the PSW Roster.


What to do? He's ignored every one of my advances in the past... Practically laughed off my attempts at discipline... Mocking me, in a way, as he knew that Mitch was the actual guy in charge... A figure who had nothing bot absolute love for him. So, this time around, I had to make sure that I hit him harder than before...


I pulled the polarizing figure out into the hallway, trying to calm my nerves as much as possible... Finally, approaching my relationship with Billy from, what I thought was, a Professional Manor. Reminding him that, while we love the industry we are in, this is a JOB... and With that being said, I would be forced to fine him 25% of his gross monthly income for the month of December. Hoping that that would shake his mindset a little... Forcing him into realizing that his ill-mentality was starting to mobilize the rest of the roster against him.


But that's not what came to happen...


"Fine, I'll be more considerate in the future".


His response was forceful and to the point. However, I didn't believe one word what so ever. We've been up and down this road many times before and if it wasn't for Mitch's love of the guy... He would most likely be on a plane back to Japan.


Word started coming through pretty quickly afterward that Billy was not happy with my decision. I knew, right away, that the first person he would speak to following this would be Mitch...


... Great ...

... Welcome home, John? ...


Altercation: Billy Russell and Little Bill Lebowski

Disciplinary Action: Fine of 25% of his gross December Income.

Reaction: Billy is unhappy with my Recent Decisions.



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Late December 2008

... Week One of Sobriety/Week 40 of the same Argument ...


Breathe... 1... 2.. 3...


Breathe... 1... 2.. 3...


Allow your negative thoughts to float away...


Breathe... 1... 2.. 3...



Mental Clarity is the root goal in my recovery. To flow with life rather than to stand against it. To surrender my ill-thoughts to the wind... Allowing my body to become one with my surrounding.


As said, Clarity is my focus... Buddhist teachings is my tool set.


Just a short week removed from a month long addiction treatment program, I now stood in the middle of yet another challenging situation. Previously, the stress from waging a war such at this would have driven me to my vice. The pressures, the plights, the overall grandeur of life would have forced me down the same path I had repeated time and time again since "the injury". however, this time it felt different... This time I had the tools to overcome my steep anxiety levels... In this very instance, I found myself battling my need for a "fix" with the teachings of the WAY.


The first major test had come and passed... Billy [Russell] was unhappy with my decision to call him out, once again, for his locker room dividing ways. He was threatening a "walk out" due to being disrespected... Something eerily close to day sha vu as the very man he drove out of PSW, Alex Braun, had once stated those same sentiments.


Now came phase #2... Speaking with Russell's #1 fan, for whatever reason, PSW Owner... and my boss... Mitch Naess....



"What's this about you fining Billy?"


He responded rather aggressively... Just as I opened the door to his make-shift office in the depths of "The Ministry". I wasn't even given the chance to sit down yet. Instead, Mitch was quite heated over my recent decision to punish Billy [Russell] for his repeated acts of degenerate-like outbursts.


"Thank you, Mitch. It's great to be back..."


I returned with a sarcastic response. No hint of a smile on my face... rather, trying to remind my hell-bent boss that I may not be 100% focused on the task at hand at this very second. Trying to balance my own personal health along with the "health" of the company.


"Don't beat around the bush, John. Why did you fine Billy? An action like that ONLY comes from me. Not from you."


I was thrown back slightly. My physical posturing in the steel chair below me probably gave it away.


"Uh. Mitch? That's my job. To oversee the backstage area. An action like that, I've been told, is part of my Job."


"Not here. Not in my company. An Action like that ALWAYS goes through me first... Got that?"


I swallowed deeply. Nodded my head. Tried to calm my nerves at this point as an all out verbal war wasn't needed. I liked my job with PSW even though it was most likely detrimental to my overall personal health. Scratch that, Mitch was most likely detrimental to my overall personal health.


"Now, We've got Billy talking about walking out on the company. [shakes his head] All because of your actions... All because you couldn't let the situation slide..."


I couldn't sit back and allow Mitch to go off like this... He's never around backstage during most of our events. Instead, he's always on the other side of the curtain receiving bullet points from some of his most trusted workers (Not me, I Guess). He had no idea what the locker room area was starting to slip into.


"Mitch. With all do respect..."


Any sentence that starts like this never ends up well... However, my 28 days in rehab opened my eyes to the "real world" before me. I was allowing myself to become a victim in Pittsburgh... And self-described Victim's tend to put themselves in terrible situations.


"Mitch. With all do respect... You don't know what it's like backstage."


I could see Mitch's nostrils starting to flare ever so slightly... I knew he was on the verge of freaking out... Therefore, I knew it was the best time to go ahead with this argument. It's now or never...


"The 'boys' are really starting to dislike Billy. He's alienated himself with, pretty much, the entire roster to date. Hell, if I didn't remove him from the situation this past Saturday... There's a good chance that it would have ended up in a hospital visit from Billy. His personality is pushing people away and his constant need to start trouble is generating a lot of heat... I'm not lying to you. Dan [Lead Belly] alone was on the verge of laying a serious beating after what he said to Bill [Lebowski]. The guy needed a 'kick in the butt' somehow... or else... I'm afraid he may have been seriously hurt. Something you, he, and I don't want."


Mitch, sitting back in his chair, slowly folds his arms... Peering deep into my eyes with a confidence that will not break. Believe me, I've tried.


"People aren't happy that he went over John [Martin]. Even John himself wasn't happy with the decision and tried to sway the outcome, however, even he knew that it was sealed. When you push someone like Billy to the moon... You're going to piss off a lot of people internally. You can't be blind toward someone causing the trouble and expect everyone else to fall in line."


Mitch, still in the same position, slowly begins to speak.


"You think with your heart too much, John. It's not that easy when you're on 'this side of the curtain'. You're still new to this game. If you want to survive on this side... Then you have to start thinking with your head... Instead of your heart."


And then his final statement would absolutely floor me. Something I knew was always there, however, didn't believe I would actually hear coming out of his mouth.


"If we lose Billy... I'm holding you accountable."


That's it. He didn't listen to a word that I said... Instead, he probably had his own response conjured up in his mind far before my little rant was spewed forth.




No word from Mitch.


"Come on..."


Still no word from the silent statue seated before me.


"If Billy walks... It's his own damn fault."


With that, our conversation had come to a close. Despite my new mindset toward life... The same outcome was seeming to come forth. Mitch and I were on a crash course toward something big here in the future... Me being fired? Possibly... All I knew was that I had become the "voice" of the PSW locker room area... Standing up for 'the boys'. Where as Mitch was practically turning a blind eye to the overall health of his company... Instead, forcibly shoving certain superstars down our throats hoping that something would stick...


... that he could ultimately say that HE was the reason why PSW succeeded... And no one else ...





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Some friendly advice. You are so freaking screwed if Billy is unhappy. Happened to me with Eddie and I swear he had a streak of 5 weeks of pissing people off before I fired him. Thankfully he doesn't hate me so I could re-hire him, but still, welcome to hell.


Though it makes for good writing so there is that.

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Some friendly advice. You are so freaking screwed if Billy is unhappy. Happened to me with Eddie and I swear he had a streak of 5 weeks of pissing people off before I fired him. Thankfully he doesn't hate me so I could re-hire him, but still, welcome to hell.


Though it makes for good writing so there is that.


Yea, I'm expecting for the "sh*t to hit the fan" pretty soon. Then again, he's been causing trouble backstage at every event since he was signed pretty much. So, what's the difference really in that regard? hah. He's been a b*tch to deal with (as no one else on the roster has done anything at all), however, storyline wise.. He's beloved by Mitch Naess since he was one of the first "BIG" signings that Mitch brought into the fold after adapting to a new/improved product focus. So, in a way, Russell is a physical manifestation of Naess's new approach... If Russell fails... In turn, the product fails. Not really but in his mind that's how it works out.


I don't know if it's just me wanting to make things hard on myself, or whatever, but I actually relish in this kind of stuff. Why? Because it fleshes out my diary more... And gives me occurrences that can help define the Cornellverse as it's run within "my world". So, needless to say, when stuff like this comes to pass... yea, it sucks from an in-game perspective... BUT... I'm loving it from a writer's perspective! :)

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Runaway Train is way better than the Wolverine. His Rumble, Entertainment, Performance, and Physical skills are in the range of C's... Woleverine? E to D.


Agreed. Wolverine's stats are just... so... so... bad. Train comes across like a legit threat versus Wolverine. Then again, I spose if I were able to get past his inability and just go off of his character then I could have found a way to enjoy booking him.


I would LOVE to pull someone like Runaway Train into PSW as I'm a huge Train fan. He gets beat up on quite a beat as people think he isn't really usable... But... He serves as a GREAT menacing big man.


Sadly, without a TV deal... Realistically (in-game situations aside) he would never sign with a company like PSW as he would have no coverage what-so-ever.


I absolutely LOVE the idea of streaming PSW via the internet versus a tradtional TV station, however, it would help out a lot when it came to trying to build my popularity levels... Potentially getting to cult and being able to sign bigger name superstars in the end.


Then again... once again... That's how it is to run with a company like PSW. It's romantic because you're the ultimate underdog but that same position tends to hinder a lot.

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Agreed. Wolverine's stats are just... so... so... bad. Train comes across like a legit threat versus Wolverine. Then again, I spose if I were able to get past his inability and just go off of his character then I could have found a way to enjoy booking him.


I would LOVE to pull someone like Runaway Train into PSW as I'm a huge Train fan. He gets beat up on quite a beat as people think he isn't really usable... But... He serves as a GREAT menacing big man.


With the Wolverine situation, he should've stayed being a road agent instead of coming back to competition.


With pulling a Runaway Train into the PSW, I'll be suggesting The Tower Of London himself *Drumroll* Danny Paterson. If you want more of over the top main eventer I suggest The Big Problem.

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With the Wolverine situation, he should've stayed being a road agent instead of coming back to competition.


With pulling a Runaway Train into the PSW, I'll be suggesting The Tower Of London himself *Drumroll* Danny Paterson. If you want more of over the top main eventer I suggest The Big Problem.


I agree about he should have stayed a Road Agent. His skill set wasn't enough to really warrant a sense of a push with me. Sure, he had popularity on his side, however, that was his only plus.


As always, someone you don't want to push who has good overness ends up giving away his overness to others by getting beat ever so often. ha.ele


Believe me, I tried to think of a storyline... a push... something for Wolverine. But it never came to me.


EDIT: As for Danny Patterson, I like the guy.. A lot actually. The only problem is that I already have a string of Big Guys in the company right now (KILLER Colossus, Acedia, Kanishoki, etc.). So to add another would seem a little overkill and would probably hurt the "ooh.. ahhh.. Look at him, He's huge!" pretty quickly. ha.


Billy Russell's not that big of a signing. He's not even that good.


Bryan Holmes? He's a big signing. Billy Russell? Not so much. Raul Hughes? That's a big signing.


Like to rain on parade's much? ;) ha. jk.


Russell was the first signing under the slightly adjusted PSW product. In a way, he was the "test rat" for Naess's new approach. So, while he may not be Bryan Holmes... He was a big time signing, at the time, as he displayed a change in focus by the company. Not going after the same dead-beat hardcore wrestlers and trying to bring in some more skilled fighters. That's the reason why I label him as a big signing as he was the first step in a new direction.

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He's not really that more skilled than most hardcore wrestlers... in fact, Billy Russell's stats look pretty bad.


Here's another question though. How did you end up getting Bryan Holmes and Billy Russell, anyway? Something is going in Japan.


I like Billy Russell and I think it was a great signing Eisen sucks that it is going down the drain but makes the game and ya diary fun.


Second part to amp question is sorta a question in a question and sorry to use ya diary as a forum to ask said question.


PGHW do this time and time again... they call up Stone Yoshikawa or Eien Miyamoto (game is not up if eithers name is spelled wrong sue me) and the first person they fire is Bryan Holmes. Almost everytime. I have signed Bryan Holmes in every fed from NOTB to NY to CZ cause Pride finds him a surplus to requirements. WHY? There has to be something in the game that has Pride get rid of Bryan all the time. Anyone have any idea why?

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I like Billy Russell and I think it was a great signing Eisen sucks that it is going down the drain but makes the game and ya diary fun.


Second part to amp question is sorta a question in a question and sorry to use ya diary as a forum to ask said question.


PGHW do this time and time again... they call up Stone Yoshikawa or Eien Miyamoto (game is not up if eithers name is spelled wrong sue me) and the first person they fire is Bryan Holmes. Almost everytime. I have signed Bryan Holmes in every fed from NOTB to NY to CZ cause Pride finds him a surplus to requirements. WHY? There has to be something in the game that has Pride get rid of Bryan all the time. Anyone have any idea why?


I was going to say something like this. Even though I only seem to use him in '97 games, he is usually somehow always out of a job in the default data. Though I was no idea why.

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I like Billy Russell and I think it was a great signing Eisen sucks that it is going down the drain but makes the game and ya diary fun.


Second part to amp question is sorta a question in a question and sorry to use ya diary as a forum to ask said question.


PGHW do this time and time again... they call up Stone Yoshikawa or Eien Miyamoto (game is not up if eithers name is spelled wrong sue me) and the first person they fire is Bryan Holmes. Almost everytime. I have signed Bryan Holmes in every fed from NOTB to NY to CZ cause Pride finds him a surplus to requirements. WHY? There has to be something in the game that has Pride get rid of Bryan all the time. Anyone have any idea why?


Perhaps because he's not loyal to PGHW? Other Gaijin like Bryan Vessey and Joshua Taylor are loyal, and therefore won't leave when their contracts come up. Holmes will. That was how I landed him with the SWF. He wasn't released - he just had his contract come up.

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He's not really that more skilled than most hardcore wrestlers... in fact, Billy Russell's stats look pretty bad.


Here's another question though. How did you end up getting Bryan Holmes and Billy Russell, anyway? Something is going in Japan.


Sure, his stats aren't amazing but that's where the focus of my diary comes into play. When I constructed this diary I wanted it to be an even toss up between actual in-ring skills as well as the realistic "backstage scenarios" that begin to play (ie: power plays, personalities, etc.). That way the diary didn't act in a vacuum, but rather, worked within what could be seen as possible outcomes in a "real world".


Russell isn't amazing from a stats standpoint... However, he's good enough. Plus, his story is what made him highly coveted more than anything else (ie: Naess bringing in a new view of "Hardcore" Wrestling). He was a former MMA fighter who could bring "realism" to his product, and in turn, he was a great signing as he helped PSW, and Mitch Naess, to turn a page in PSW History. Will he ever become PSW Champion? who knows... (Especially how things are laying out "in-game" wise right now). However, he was a vital part of a transition.


Plus, his silent MMA-like fighter persona was something that was intriguing to me, personally, as a writer/booker.


Hope that clears up why he was a "Big Signing" in my eyes for the diary.


As for Japan, Russell wasn't under a written contract with INSPIRE so he was easy to grab. Holmes was let go by PGHW, then later picked back up again and then released again, however, there was a window of time that allowed me to swoop in and bring him onto the roster with a lengthy contract. He's now working for me and INSPIRE as well.


I like Billy Russell and I think it was a great signing Eisen sucks that it is going down the drain but makes the game and ya diary fun.


Second part to amp question is sorta a question in a question and sorry to use ya diary as a forum to ask said question.


PGHW do this time and time again... they call up Stone Yoshikawa or Eien Miyamoto (game is not up if eithers name is spelled wrong sue me) and the first person they fire is Bryan Holmes. Almost everytime. I have signed Bryan Holmes in every fed from NOTB to NY to CZ cause Pride finds him a surplus to requirements. WHY? There has to be something in the game that has Pride get rid of Bryan all the time. Anyone have any idea why?


From an in-game standpoint, It sucks to see things unfold the way that they are, however, as a writer... It's been a lot of fun to delve into the "personality of PSW". Hopefully giving it some life rather than just being a wrestling company where you don't know what's happening behind the scenes (as sometimes the biggest things happen behind the curtain).


There are still a few catches that may save the Russell/Greed/Naess situation... But... Only time will tell. :D


As for why Holmes is always released... I'm not really sure to be honest? This is the first time I've had the ability to sign the guy so I guess im the wrong guy to talk to on that matter.


Perhaps because he's not loyal to PGHW? Other Gaijin like Bryan Vessey and Joshua Taylor are loyal, and therefore won't leave when their contracts come up. Holmes will. That was how I landed him with the SWF. He wasn't released - he just had his contract come up.


Same here.

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He hasn't retired yet in my game, but I do notice he does retire early in the game a lot. On top of that, before he retires, I notice he rehires Eisaku Hoshino a lot. After he retires, it becomes a succession battle between Nobuatsu Tatsuko and Eisaku Hoshino.


If Nobuatsu Tatsuko wins, Eisaku Hoshino leaves (or gets fired again), and his protege Tetsunori Yasuda leaves with him most of time.


If Eisaku Hoshino wins, Nobuatsu Tatsuko leaves (or gets fired), with PRIDE Koiso following him out most of the time, with Bussho Makiguchi following out PRIDE out most of the time.

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Early January 2009

... A New Year, A New Attitude? ...


"Well Son, there in-lies yer conundrum... Behind the curtain isn't your typical ballyhoo parade. Ya' see there... there is more you have to juggle. Varying personalities, power-hungry mentalities, that's just how it climbs, boy. Yuse can't step behind the curtain with the same approach that you carried on the other side. It, uh, It, uh... It 'aint goin' do yuse too good."


"[Mitch Naess] sounds like a grubby brother but he does have one thing right, Johnie. You can't think wit' yer heart... Hell, boy, yuse can ask its advice on the matter... but... in the end, it's yer head that yuse gotta follow. The heart is for love... The head is for business."




- Professor Nero, RIPW Owner and Operator


He was right. In the back of my mind I knew that Mitch was correct in his decree that I should follow my head more so than my heart. Sadly, my own stubbornness was the reason I couldn't accept the notion right off the bat. Mitch had been tough with me since day one... Testing my sanity, shortening my sleep, forcing me to step out of my comfort zone. While, at first, it seemed like he was doing everything but helping me in my transition (both as a headbooker and as a recovering addict), I now have come to realize that, in some weird way, the dreaded Owner was finding a way to subconsciously push me.


Forcing me to new heights... Quickening up the learning curve... Ultimately, making me a better "suit" (Backstage Official). I fought the notion for quite some time... Again, Questioning my sanity as I tried to find a silver lining within' Naess's, borderline, psychotic rants. When push came to shove though... Underneath it all... His PSW-slanted OCD was the most important tool in my ever-evolving development.


How did I come to this point of understanding? Simply... A short conversation with my mentor, and Father-like Figure, Professor Nero. I didn't trust Mitch... I trust Nero. Why? Because while Nero also possesses the same demanding , accountability-based, approach to wrestling knowledge.... He did it in a way where you WANTED to strive for yourself and ultimately for him.


Mitch.... Not so much.


I'm not sure if it was the fact I was still quite vulnerable following my recent stint in rehab... That it was the Gospel of Nero... or the realization that if I continue down this path I may lose my job... However, after speaking with a man I held in such high regard and hearing his viewpoint on the situation... It all came together... Like a perfect storm in a way.


Much like the Buddhist teachings I began to indulge in... I must find a way to flow with the current of life instead of standing on selfish ground... Something that would only end in my own personal demise.


... I had to try to find a way to smooth over the situation with Billy ...

... Re-patch my working relationship with Mitch ...

... A difficult feat seeing how both have developed a waning level of respect for me ...



<hr color="red">NEXT: THE CARD FOR OUR FIRST 2009 EVENT!

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I want to point out that, although I don't completely agree with Nero, Mitch is being hypocritical. Thinking with his head? Ha! Does he know that, Mitch, himself isn't thinking clearly? He's the one thinking with his heart. Greed is the one thinking with his head.
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I want to point out that, although I don't completely agree with Nero, Mitch is being hypocritical. Thinking with his head? Ha! Does he know that, Mitch, himself isn't thinking clearly? He's the one thinking with his heart. Greed is the one thinking with his head.






Mitch, in his best form, typically is a hypocrite in this diary. His decree of telling John to think with his head is more a coded way of saying... "Listen to what I have to say... Don't allow your own personal bias to get in the way... Because, ultimately, it comes down to what I want versus what you think is needed." So, it's covered up to look as a great, helpful tool, however, in reality, it's Mitch's way of hinting to John to "fall in line or else".


Mitch, much like Jerry Jones with the Cowboys, is a hands-on owner. He will listen to others about issues but will ultimately come to his own conclusion (sometimes even before you can finish). That's just how he is (in this diary anyway).


So, John (not picking up on the hint really) and Nero (not really knowing Mitch outside of what John has told him in private conversations) believe that he is trying to steer John in the right direction with tough love... When, in reality, that's not always the case...



*** Potential Spoiler ***






As we will see later on down the road.... ;)

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hell f'n yes, eisen-verse. bad ass.


theres so much depth to your diary that its like reading a real life situation. I feel as if I know john greed by this point. plus i love the fact that nero is your voice of reason. its cool to see him having a great siderole in a diary [especially since you dont work for him but theres a relationship there].


cant wait to see what happens at the start of 09.


congrats on 10,000 views too.

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hell f'n yes, eisen-verse. bad ass.


theres so much depth to your diary that its like reading a real life situation. I feel as if I know john greed by this point. plus i love the fact that nero is your voice of reason. its cool to see him having a great siderole in a diary [especially since you dont work for him but theres a relationship there].


cant wait to see what happens at the start of 09.


congrats on 10,000 views too.


It's a really cool thing to see the total views go up over 10,000. My X-WA diary just hit that point before It came to it's close... So, it's nice to know that I've come to that point and still have a lot in mind for what's coming next.


Plus, It took me to around 500 posts to get to 10,000 with my X-WA diary... Where as, This diary has 100 posts less and got to that point. A small little tidbit of info, however, an awesome scenario. Reinforces the fact that I made the right choice by leaving that diary behind to move forward with this one.


As for the depth of the diary. I'm really trying to convey two stories... What takes place in the ring from a creative standpoint... And... The "Evolution of John Greed". That way, things all seem to come together well.


Great to know that you're a fan!



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