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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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F-cking awesome show man. I really like what youre doing with killer colossus and madman boone. sucks though that their match ratings are quite low. I'm sure it kills some happiness when you see it not turn out as great. either way it was a great show. Looking forward to seeing who will compete against Holmes next month and also where mitch naess is going from here.


Secondly I love the fact that billy russell ends up getting hurt by bryan after leaving psw. :p almost as if you told holmes to go out there and do it for the team while in japan. lol.

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F-cking awesome show man. I really like what youre doing with killer colossus and madman boone. sucks though that their match ratings are quite low. I'm sure it kills some happiness when you see it not turn out as great. either way it was a great show. Looking forward to seeing who will compete against Holmes next month and also where mitch naess is going from here.


Secondly I love the fact that billy russell ends up getting hurt by bryan after leaving psw. :p almost as if you told holmes to go out there and do it for the team while in japan. lol.


It's felt like somewhat of a let down to see Boone and Colossus only pulling in the "D" range for match outcomes. Then again, that's the best thing about this game... Just as a real headbooker would have to do, When you see that oen of your storylines isn't going over as well as you'd like (they are doing alright in the storyline segments but not so much in matches) then you have to find ways to best utilize what you have. So, with that being said, It's forcing me back to the drawing board... Trying to conjure up a way to keep their feud fresh and interesting, however, also making sure that they don't end up pulling down overall show grades with their lack of great matches.


With Russell's shot being a "one and done" (due to the fact that he wouldn't resign) it opens up a lot of new possibilities for next month's main event. I have a few ideas in mind at this point... Just need to see which one of them is most interesting and appealing to write.

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Maybe it is time for Silent Bob's eh I mean Grease Hog's spot in the sun.


haha, Good play. That's an option at this point... Especially with "The Dirty White Boys" hovering around the main event scene/being part of the biggest storyline in the company.


Greaser ends up being the silent one as Lead has more entertainment skills. Plus, Greaser just isn't a man about words... ha.

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Late February 2009

... Heated Exchange ...



"This is all your fault."


Mitch proclaimed with a stern gesture directed squarely at me. I leaned ever-so-slightly backward into a $2 wicker chair that I'm sure Mitch found by the side of the road. You see, with someone like Mitch... He always has to be the most prominent figure in the room. How better to do so than to shove the person across from you into a slightly broken, previously used, chair. It just reeked of a subconscious mind game built upon power.


"You forced Billy to leave."


"With all due respect, Mitch, Billy kinda forced himself out the door."


"That's ridiculous. You had it out for him... Verbally attacked him in front of the locker room... Even fined him. All for what? To throw around some sense of power backstage? This is un-called for. Now, We're left without one of our biggest superstars. All because of YOU."


I had to hold back my true feelings on the situation. Doing my best to relay a positive vibe... Knowing that my own sanity relied upon it.


"Honestly, Mitch..."


"I don't want to hear your bull-sh*t, John. Your behavior backstage has become increasingly polarizing... Hell, your most recent 'relapse' was nothing more than a sign of your weakness."


I began to grind my teeth.


"Creatively you work masters.... As a backstage manager you've done nothing but destroy our company from the inside-out. You promised Billy a title run and then you didn't follow through. You spewed forth lies in which to manipulate both Billy and myself..."


Yes, there was a title reign promised to Billy, however, it wasn't done by me. I suppose you can guess who that may have been.


"You f*cked up. F*cked up big. Then again, it seems like your life has been a never-ending process of falling short. Can't cut it in the states... You go to Mexico. Can't cut it in Mexico you come back to the states... Then, you work a stiff match with a guy who doesn't know the first thing about psychology and you wind up getting yourself injured... Finally, coming here... With nothing but a chip on your shoulder... And then you fail time and time again. What's next? Another mental breakdown? Another relapse? If something goes wrong are you going to lock yourself in the bathroom here and down a bottle of pills? This is just f*cking ridiculous... I can't continue to...."



I found myself in a complete state of reaction... Lost within my own thoughts of retribution. With nothing less than bitter rage brewing through out my veins... My body finally acted upon the very thing I've been wanting to do for 6 months now... The very thing that would eventually lead to a potential release... But the VERY THING... That I wouldn't take back to this day...














... I punched Mitch Naess right across the jaw ...





<hr color="black">NEXT: The Fallout...

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You know... here's my quesiton. Why don't you have John Greed throw these accusations back at Mitch? And second, Billy isn't even that big. You got Madman Boone, Larry Wood, and Bryan Holmes. BRYAN HOLMES. Billy Russell doesn't hold a candle to either. Hell, even Lead Belly and Grease Hogg are bigger stars now. Actually have some nice matches (above D+), something that Billy has never been able to do.
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You know... here's my quesiton. Why don't you have John Greed throw these accusations back at Mitch?.


It would be easy for John to call Mitch out on all of his problematic viewpoints, however, there are a few reasons for why he doesn't.


1) It's Mitch's company and, in a way, John is lucky enough to have a job like this. A former Wrestler with no prior booking duties, He isn't really all that qualified. So, in a sense, he knows that he's a "pet project" to Mitch. Something that, even though he can't stand Mitch, he has to go along with as long as he wants to be the headbooker of PSW.


2) He already feels inadequate emotionally as he's vulnerable following a strong addiction littered with relapses. Again, he knows that Mitch has been gracious enough to keep him on board despite of all of his personal demons... Even hired him in spite of it. So, in a sense, to step out and call Mitch out on his problems would, once again, pose his inevitable firing.


3) John's trying to lead a positive life following the life a full-blown addict. using Buddhist principles to allow life to move through him instead of being a beacon of problems.


And second, Billy isn't even that big. You got Madman Boone, Larry Wood, and Bryan Holmes. BRYAN HOLMES. Billy Russell doesn't hold a candle to either. Hell, even Lead Belly and Grease Hogg are bigger stars now. Actually have some nice matches (above D+), something that Billy has never been able to do.


Yes, all of those wrestlers are bigger and better off for PSW. But, here in lies what's been talking about on behalf of the Russell/Naess combination, Billy Russell isn't the best at what he does (as Holmes is)... and He isn't the most popular wrestler either. however, like John Greed, he was a "pet project" for Mitch Naess. A person that he was planning on banking his new style of "hardcore" upon. So, in that sense, he was super important to Mitch. If Billy didn't succeed than Mitch, his biggest fear is to fail much like DaVE did, would feel like PSW's new vision wouldn't succeed.

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Pfft.... I don't know about Greed, but losing Billy Russell hardly counts as a real loss. There wasn't much to bank on, in terms of skills.


As for the Buddist principles... I can understand that. Not exactly pragmatic, but I can understand (I studied some philosophy). However, if it was me, clocking the boss seems more negative ;).


Also, as a side, I know a lot people have "thin skins", but Mitch seriously needs some "Straight Talk".

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As for the Buddist principles... I can understand that. Not exactly pragmatic, but I can understand (I studied some philosophy). However, if it was me, clocking the boss seems more negative ;). ".


Very true, ha. However, John strikes me as the typical transitional philosophist. He wants to lead a calm life... Wants to stray from negativity... but... The more he tries to push his default emotions aside... They build up until he finally just "snaps" (like with Mitch) and ends up taking out his frustration in a physical manor.


Being a former Pro Wrestler, He still has that aggression trait within him.

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NEWS: PSW Altercation between John Greed and Mitch Naess; Potential Charges Pending.

4th Week of February 2009




|| An argument turned physical ||


The constant soap opera that is Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling took, yet another, shocking twist of events as a physical altercation developed between acting Headbooker, John Greed, and company owner, and former "voice of DaVE", Mitch Naess.


The incident was reported by local law enforcement to have taken place 3 days ago as John Greed met with Naess for a short meeting. While information is still somewhat sketchy, This is what was gathered from Pittsburgh PD as it pertains to the situation at hand:


"An incident took place 3 days ago between local wrestling promoter, Mitch Naess, and an employee of his. As we know, right now, there was a short meeting held between the two men in question which ultimately lead to the employee striking Mr. Naess across the face. Medical attention was not needed, however, obvious bruising did take place. At this point, We are gathering as much information as possible with potential criminal charges being levied."


As you can see, The often rocky relationship between Greed and Naess has fallen to a whole new level as, now, Greed may be in legal trouble over said incident. Chances are, It will all come down to whether or not Mitch will press charges once all the information comes forth.


More to come...

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I always wondered what would cause Mr SWF to do a diary based on PSW...but this is good stuff...first chance reading and I am impressed.


SWF has always been a love of mine as most of my personal games, in the past, have always been with Eisen's company. I even attempted a short-lived SWF diary a ways back but I found myself un-happy with the results and really didn't know what I wanted to do. The characters came across somewhat dull, and others commented on such, so it eventually lead to only one show and then I was done.


PSW has been different as it allows me to revive my love for ECW (while also presenting a slightly different product). If the company was purely "garbage wrestling" then I wouldn't really be able to keep up with it... but... PSW feels much like ECW did back in the day as it's all inclusive. Anyone can succeed.


Great to know that you're enjoying the diary thus far, though! :)


Great work on the altercation.


Thanks, Pate!


There's more coming over the next few days... Some more news stories, Greed talking from his perspective, some potential legal issues, internal company issues, etc. So, this is only the tip of the iceberg!

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Well, since almost any person can succeed, have you ever thought about North Carolina's greatest prospect (besides myself) Jared Johnson? BTW, kudos of knocking the crap out of Mitch. I would've used a chair or a barbwire bat but that is me.


Can't say I know who Jared Johnson is? I've looked through out the database but can't seem to find anything? Does he wrestle under another name?


As for Mitch finally getting his... I chair would have been a useful tool... Then again, with 6 months of pent up rage... Greed's fist probably would land just as hard. ha.

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NEWS: Is John Greed out of Control?

4th Week of February 2009




|| What will become of John Greed? ||


Several rumors floating around Pittsburgh these days are stating that PSW Headbooker, John Greed, may be spiraling out of control on a personal level. Several sources close to the embattled wrestling figure have cited recent "behavioral shifts" as an explanation for Greed's actions this week (A physical altercation that may bring on criminal charges for John). With that being said, however, there are others who are relaying an entirely different story... Conveying that John's recent outburst was brought on by extreme levels of stress following the loss of Billy Russell and the highly publicized falling out between Billy, Mitch, and himself.


Either way, John Greed now stands in a state of purgatory as his job, freedom, and criminal record may be locked in a downward spiral.


Without an official word from Mr. Naess, We are unaware of Greed's current status with PSW. His contract is not set to run up until this time next year, however, many believe that John's recent outburst may cost him his position within the company (if not a few months of his life as he could potentially spend time in Prison following a court date).


It should be noted, as well, that John Greed has suffered from a debilitating addiction to Pain Killers since November of 2007. John, a recovering addict by his own definition, has completed 2 different stints in Rehab for said addiction and has recently been reported as being in "good spirits".


All in all, There is a very concerning hush coming from Pittsburgh these days... What will become of John Greed? Has he swerved out of control? Did a potential relapse lead to his violent outburst?


More information to come...

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Early March 2009

... The Media's Target ...


... Out of Control... Reckloose... Addict... Crazed, Power-hungry, deviant... Criminal...


These are the words that best define me at the moment. Well, not so much me really, but rather how the Media has depicted my life ever since my "falling out" with Mitch. Was I in the wrong for striking another human being? Certainly. Did I allow my emotions to get the best of me? Absolutely. Am I the "monster" they are presenting me to be? God No.


My societal norm Filter has come and gone far too long ago. It's now a small speck of sand hundreds of miles away... Toppled over by millions of pieces, just like it, limiting my ability to withold strong emotions... The inability to TRULY control my semi-aggressive nature. While it may seem borderline "cool", I mean who doesn't want to be seen as "loose cannon" even if ever so slightly, I'm now reaping the consequences of my actions. Jail Time? Maybe. However, not very long probably. Loss of my job with PSW? Almost a certainty unless Mitch, somehow, conjures up some reason to keep me on staff. Either way, I find myself a victim of my own impulses.


So, What's next? Back to Mexico? Living on cents per day... Sleeping in the backseat of an, old, rusted out el camino? God, I wouldn't wish those days on even my biggest of enemies.


How about begging Mr. Nero for a job? Slightly better pay than Mexico, however, I doubt that the "suits" in the Land of Supreme would ever let me come back in the door. Not that I did anything wrong while working for them, actually the contrary, however, I was "old news" to them at this point. Even with Nero's pull... I would probably end up having my requests ignored.


Beg Mitch for forgiveness? [Laughs] I'm far past that point by now. Even if he did find it within him to allow this all to pass... The bruised jaw that he currently possesses would be a constant reminder of what took place. No.... It looks like, once again, I find myself in a state of in-between...


... Where to go from here? ...



<hr color="black">NEXT: The Plot Thickens... and then some...

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NEWS: Mitch Naess will NOT press charges.

1st Week of March 2009




|| Shocking Move by Mitch Naess... John Greed off the hook Legally? ||


In what seems like an exert from your favorite daytime soap opera, Mitch Naess has finally addressed the public as it pertains to being assaulted by John Greed only a few weeks ago. It appears that the PSW Owner will NOT be pressing charges and, seemingly, will allow the legal process to halt completely.


Little is known as to why Mr. Naess has suspended any sort of legal action against John Greed, however, it seems that Greed can breathe a sigh of relief today as the districts case relied heavily upon Naess's decision.


There is no word, also, whether or not Greed will continue to work within PSW in any capacity.


With that being said, This is the message that was sent to us by Mitch's personal lawyer regarding the situation.


"We believe that it is in the best interest of our client, and his company as a whole, to move forward without any sort of legal action. Mr. Naess would rather focus his time, efforts, and financial capital toward the development of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling; rather than seeking a court date and potential ramifications for Mr. Greed's actions."


Rumors circulating around Pittsburgh were painting a completely different picture as of late as most believed Mitch Naess would continue with legal actions against John Greed, however, it seems that there has been a change of heart in some matter. Have the two come to terms on some sort of out-of-court deal? Not much is known at this time.


More information to come...




<hr color="black">NEXT: United THEY Stand...

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