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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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Early March 2009

... 'The Boys Unite behind John Greed ...


"Fine... Fine... Be that way. [His face twisting with rage] Side with a mindless addict... However, I, for one, will NOT ALLOW this company to fail."


+ Mitch Naess after addressing The PSW Locker Room.


The act of Leadership is often the pitfall of most visionaries. Thoughts, emotions, strategies, are all needed in which to succeed, however, the ability to Lead creates the proper tool-set to demand action.


Some are born with leadership abilities.... Others are thrusted into a position of authority during a time of crisis. Either way, it takes a subconscious understanding of empathy, strength, and psychological pull to deliver such a direction.


Mitch Naess, at his best, is a Visionary... A man who reviewed the pitfalls of his previous employer; all with the mindset of moving past his predecessor, Ultimately looking to succeed where others historically failed. Sadly, for Mitch, his inability to empathize... Lack of Understanding others viewpoints... And un-able to capitalize on others strengths... Has ultimately alienated him from the very people he's attempting to Lead.... The PSW Roster.


On the other hand...


John Greed, at his best, is, too, a Visionary... However, has the psychological prowess to understand the culture around his decisions.... The ability to talk straight with others... The sense of mind to stand up for "The little guy" when push comes to shove. For this, John has developed a level of respect from an undercurrent standpoint in the PSW Locker Room. He, the man clouded in controversy as of late, can do what Mitch can't.... That's LEAD his men "into battle".



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... How John Greed's job, and freedom, was saved ...

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Mitch came into the meeting with one goal in mind... To relay his decision to FIRE John Greed from his post as Headbooker effective immediately. Mitch's "pet project" had sadly failed him... Now, it was time to move forward with the notion of promoting Bryan Holmes to the position of NEW Headbooker. In his mind, This was all already an afterthought as Mitch expected smooth sailing from his roster... Misjudging his pull with "the boys"...


With the "Ministry" basement full of the PSW roster from wall to wall... Mitch went forward with his plan. However, things didn't go as he wanted them too.... Upon relaying his decision to promote Byran Holmes, something he hadn't even talked to Bryan about yet but expected he would be happy with, and secondly to FIRE John Greed.... Something special happened...


... Something... Outstanding...


The ENTIRE PSW locker room banded as one... Enacting a plan they had devised... All banning together as ONE to stand-up for John Greed. The thing is... Not only did they stand up for the struggling young man... They left Mitch with this one chilling threat...


If you Fire John Greed... We all Walk... All 33 of us... Bryan Holmes included.


You can imagine the response they received from Mitch. He fought it with every tooth & nail that he had. At first, sliding into a blind rage that came close to, however never really came to, accepting their departures.


Knowing that it would take months, if not years, to hire back a full roster, a move that would almost certainly destroy any chances of PSW ever being able to survive, Mitch knew he was backed into a corner... A situation that would FORCE HIM to re-think his decision (something that HE despised doing).


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So, with that, John Greed's job with Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling was saved... Not by Mitch Naess... but... By every single member of the PSW roster. Bryan Holmes, hearing of his potential shift into an authority position, surprisingly backed away from said position. Instead, joining with his fellow roster-mates... Accepting their decision to stand-up for the rebounding John Greed.


... A moment in Wrestling History that will forever define PSW ...

... The struggle between John Greed and Mitch Naess had come to a fork in the road ...

... With John Greed standing victorious ...

... Due to alliances he didn't even know he had ...

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I have to say, like others, I am absolutely loving this backstage story you have with John Greed. It has kept me hooked to figure out what happened next, and each new step doesn't disappoint. Keep up the good work sir :D

I usually do not care about the avatar or the backstage crap, but this is good. I like the story of John Greed thus far.


Thanks Trekkie and BHK!


From the very first stages of development I wanted to make sure that this diary was something different for me. As a writer, It's a lot of fun to not only deliver storylines, characters, and title matches... but also, The process of John Greed getting clean, dealing with his career-ending injury, becoming a "backstage mind", and the life situations that arrise along the way.


I had this idea for the ultimate Greed/Naess altercation from day one with this diary, however, wanted to wait until 2009 for it all to come together. Giving enough backstory between the two to make it realistic. Now, going forward, there are a lot of twists and turns that will certainly take place behind the scenes.


I don't plan on having as many backstage/John Greed perspective posts as I did between these two shows normally... but, this scenario was unique. This way, going forward, everyone knows both the inside and outside perspective of PSW.


With that being said, The next card for "Underground Execution" is coming in the next day or so. This marks my 13th live event with PSW and exactly a year (in-game) from when I started. It's kind of trippy to be circling back. ha.



**** yeah Byran Holmes!


My thought exactly :)

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Bryan Holmes isn't surprising to me. You DID give him a serious push. He isn't going to take down a person he KNOWS was responsible for his rise. As for Mitch, he needs to know he can't alienate his top stars, the very least. He needs Bryan Holmes more than Holmes needs PSW. He could go back to Japan or Canada, or if SWF or TCW comes calling, he can go there. He's, more so than Billy Russell, doesn't need to be in PSW.
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Bryan Holmes isn't surprising to me. You DID give him a serious push. He isn't going to take down a person he KNOWS was responsible for his rise. As for Mitch, he needs to know he can't alienate his top stars, the very least. He needs Bryan Holmes more than Holmes needs PSW. He could go back to Japan or Canada, or if SWF or TCW comes calling, he can go there. He's, more so than Billy Russell, doesn't need to be in PSW.


Yea, realistically Bryan would be happy with what John's done from a creative stand-point as he's made him the centerpiece of the company from an in-ring perspective. Someone like Holmes would probably expect such a push if he came to a company at the level of a PSW, So in that sense, it may cut into his alleegance to Greed since he may have a... "What else were you going to do? I'm your top star" kind of mentality.


The reason why it's shocking, in a way, though, is because awhile back I posted a news story that Holmes was starting to push his weight around backstage. In a sense, undermining Greed in a way and looking to move on up. So, the fact that he didn't take Mitch's bait (with mitch just expecting that Holmes would jump at the offer when given) could be seen as somewhat of a shock.


There's a chance I could lose Holmes at some point (especially since NOTBPW just grew to "national" status), however, I wouldn't be overly sad to see him go. Yea, he's the focal point of my company and it would CERTAINLY screw me over in a few different ways... BUT... It would force me to step out and book a little more creatively. :)

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Bryan Holmes didn't take the bait (from my perspective) is because he might not want to get tied down to PSW. He's a guy with options, after all. Booking for PSW may not be what he needs. After all, does HE want to deal with Mitch Naess like John Greed? My guess is that Bryan Holmes is that he would have knocked out Mitch Naess sooner than Greed would. ;)


And a "bruised jaw" it will not be, either. ;) It makes me wonder what would have happened if you managed to get someone like Raul Hughes or Tadiyuki Kikkawa, and Mitch pisses them off. ;)

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Bryan Holmes didn't take the bait (from my perspective) is because he might not want to get tied down to PSW. He's a guy with options, after all. Booking for PSW may not be what he needs. After all, does HE want to deal with Mitch Naess like John Greed? My guess is that Bryan Holmes is that he would have knocked out Mitch Naess sooner than Greed would. ;)


Good point with everything there. That's partly the reason why I didn't foresee Holmes really making the jump. Seeing the entire roster rally behind Greed probably made him fall in line even more as he didn't want to be the one person to not cooperate with the quasi-mutiny. Plus, Holmes would be taking Greed's job in the other case... So, Holmes would know that he would not only have Mitch down his throat probably but would also have to help Mitch find a whole new roster... Something that I'm sure he wouldn't want to do.


Plus, as you said, he has options. Options that I hope he doesn't take.. ha.

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It always made me wonder why he gets released. He's not popular in Japan, sure, but he's not the first choice to release. There's others, talent-wise more worthy of being released.


For example, Noriyori Sanda and Ryoma Muruyama... both, while not bad, aren't exactly PGHW's style.

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Screw the whole backstage stuff, I want to know who Acedia is!:D


On a more serious note, I liked that fact that you had the entire roster stand up to him. Not sure if this would happen in real life, let us face facts in any job you are always going to have that kiss ass who will do anything to get ahead at their job. And you provided the perfect chance for someone to do that. Why am I thinking of Lazy Joe when I type this?


And I did not realize that you had that many workers in your company! As always keep up the great work!

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Screw the whole backstage stuff, I want to know who Acedia is!:D


If you really want to know who Acedia is... Then PM me and I'll let you know... :p




On a more serious note, I liked that fact that you had the entire roster stand up to him. Not sure if this would happen in real life, let us face facts in any job you are always going to have that kiss ass who will do anything to get ahead at their job. And you provided the perfect chance for someone to do that. Why am I thinking of Lazy Joe when I type this?!


Very true, In most cases there would be a few detractors would would, in the end, allign themselves with Mitch Naess over all of this. Why? Because he's the ultimate boss. I guess, in this story, there are a few factors that weight into why all of the roster fell behind Greed...


1) If half (or almost all) the roster walked out on the company.. Those "chosen few" that stayed with Mitch would then have to be at the helm as PSW shut down operation for a few months and tried to re-hire a whole new roster. Most likely, Their siding with Mitch would turn out to be a terrible choice as PSW would almost certainly fold (not saying that it won't in this situation either) and then you're out of a job. By siding with Greed, and the rest of the roster, they knew that their jobs would be safe (as Mitch wouldn't fire the entire roster) and that way they could be part of "the boys".


2) PSW's locker room is a very different place then lets say a SWF. It's smaller, in some ways, so it's more close-knit. These guys aren't big time players, So, in my mind, they are more likely to stay after shows and hang out with one another instead of driving off into the night. Therefore, if something like this were planned, then it would most certainly take the entire roster for it to happen. Word would spread... All would be ready to go.


And Lazy Joe may be someone to detract just because he thinks it may be a good career move, however, I'm sure the rest of the roster would end up burying him for his choice. ha.




And I did not realize that you had that many workers in your company! As always keep up the great work!


My original plan was to have as small of a roster as possible... But, I've found a way to find cheap talent that won't mind not really working every single show. Plus, there's a lot that goes on in "Dark Matches" before most shows, That way I can get some people a chance at honing their skills before they make the "main show".


Like ECW did back in the day, New faces tend to shift their way in and out of the company over time. A short stint here, a new face there, however, the "originals" will always be the cornerstone of the company (ie: Frankie Future, Ash Campbell a.k.a. Alastor, Mr. Morgan, Teddy Powell, etc.).

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"Underground Execution"

Saturday, 3rd Week of March 2009

Run-Time: 1 HOUR 30 MINS

PSW Event #13

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KILLER Colossus vs. Primal Rage w/ Acedia


"FCW's" The Sensational Singh and Malietoa vs. Frankie Future and ????????


Lead Belly vs. Grease Hogg

[Winner receives a PSW Championship Title Match that Night!]


Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan OR Harry Allen

["Pick your Poison" - Singles Match]

[PSW National Championship Match]


Bryan Holmes © vs. Lead Belly OR Grease Hogg

[PSW Championship Match]

[Match depends on earlier Hogg/Belly Match]


"Thoughts of Greed":

I honestly didn't expect to be with the company at this point. Following my altercation with Mitch, Being swallowed up by the indy circuit was probably my next choice of action. Well, not really "my choice" but rather what would be bestowed upon me as a sense of Karma for my actions. But somehow, someway, "the boys" found some sort of connection with me. Here I was, someone who should probably be collecting un-employment checks... Now, I'm still standing behind the very make-shift desk that I've created within "The Ministry". Not so much a desk as a couple of crates gathered from a nearby gas station dumpster.


Mitch and I have not spoken, and I don't really expect to do so. With that being said, Gone were the daily 7 AM meetings that Mitch made me suffer through. There was a sense of freedom behind it all... A creative oasis. Something that I cherished deeply as Mitch only seemed to force me away from the creative process... Pulling me out of my "zone" and ultimately shoving me into a state of overwhelming confusion.


It was time to PROVE to those in the back WHY they stood up for me. Taking their careers, and this company all together, to an all new level.


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"Underground Execution" Quick Picks


KILLER Colossus vs. Primal Rage w/ Acedia

"FCW's" The Sensational Singh and Malietoa vs. Frankie Future and ????????

Lead Belly vs. Grease Hogg

Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan OR Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Lead Belly OR Grease Hogg

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"Underground Execution" Quick Picks


KILLER Colossus vs. Primal Rage w/ Acedia - colossus continues his roll.

"FCW's" The Sensational Singh and Malietoa vs. Frankie Future and ???????? - the mystery partner entrigues me.

Lead Belly vs. Grease Hogg - could go either way.

Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen - he's been so close.

Bryan Holmes © vs. Lead Belly - mitch gets involved again somehow.

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NEWS: Mitch Naess signs PPA with NOTBPW.

1st Week of March 2009




Interesting Development


The "Sideshow in the Steel City" looks to be taking a whole new turn as we recently received word that PSW Owner, Mitch Naess, has signed a PPA agreement with the budding NOTBPW promotion.


While the terms were not disclosed, It's widely thought that Naess would fit in as another potential announcer for the Canadian-Powerhouse.


The timing appears to be quite awkward coming off of the recent events in Pittsburgh. Why would Mr. Naess look for employment elsewhere, especially out of the country, when he's attempting to further the development of his own company? Will his role with NOTBPW be a "here and there" situation giving him time to stay in Pittsburgh for the most part? - Or - is the "Hardcore Owner" looking for a back-up plan at this point?


More to come...




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"Underground Execution" Quick Picks


KILLER Colossus vs. Primal Rage w/ Acedia

"FCW's" The Sensational Singh and Malietoa vs. Frankie Future and ????????

Lead Belly vs. Grease Hogg

Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan OR Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Lead Belly OR Grease Hogg

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KILLER Colossus vs. Primal Rage w/ Acedia



"FCW's" The Sensational Singh and Malietoa vs. Frankie Future and ????????

???????? could be anybody, IMO. You have Harry Allen, Malietoa (Rhino Umaga, Bryan Frickin' Holmes. . .wouldn't be too surprised anymore, EV.


Lead Belly vs. Grease Hogg

I think it is his turn to lose to Holmes although I kind of bit my nails about this as it could go either way but I pick Hogg cuz of his finisher's name.


Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan OR Harry Allen

Either opponent, TP's bodyguard will get involved.


Bryan Holmes © vs. Lead Belly OR Grease Hogg

Either of the DWB's are great tag wrestlers, but as singles wrestlers they don't match up too well with Holmes. Mitch might pull another fast one as well.

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KILLER Colossus vs. Primal Rage w/ Acedia


Killer Colossus is just the bad ass of this group so he has to win.


"FCW's" The Sensational Singh and Malietoa vs. Frankie Future and ????????


Even though I love what you are doing with Singh, Frankie Future and whomever will win.


Lead Belly vs. Grease Hogg


Not sure about this one but I will go with Lead Belly.


Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan OR Harry Allen


I will go with Teddy Powell vs Harry Allen and Teddy will once again win.



Bryan Holmes © vs. Lead Belly OR Grease Hogg


Like critical-23 said I can not see either Lead Belly or Grease Hogg beating Bryan Holmes, it just does not make sense.

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"Underground Execution" Quick Picks


KILLER Colossus vs. Primal Rage w/ Acedia

"FCW's" The Sensational Singh and Malietoa vs. Frankie Future and ????????

Lead Belly vs. Grease Hogg

Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan OR Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Lead Belly OR Grease Hogg

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KILLER Colossus vs. Primal Rage w/ Acedia

"FCW's" The Sensational Singh and Malietoa vs. Frankie Future and ????????

Lead Belly vs. Grease Hogg

Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan OR Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Lead Belly OR Grease Hogg


The backstage stuff is great. I can't wait to see where this leads.



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KILLER Colossus vs. Primal Rage w/ Acedia

"FCW's" The Sensational Singh and Malietoa vs. Frankie Future and ????????

Lead Belly vs. Grease Hogg

Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan OR Harry Allen

Bryan Holmes © vs. Lead Belly OR Grease Hogg

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+ Streaming LIVE via PSW.com +

"The Ministry" Event Center

PSW Event #13





Frankie Future

... Hyping his Mystery Partner ...


["Underground Execution" opens with the view of Frankie Future standing inches before a cracked cement wall filled with gang graffiti tags. The low budget web camera, producing a grainy filter, is only a few feet away from the grizzled brawler as the light a top the camera is the only real shed of light piercing through the dark midnight air. Taking no time to wait, Frankie quickly opens the show with a promo set to hype his mystery tag partner for tonight's tag match against FCW's Sensational Singh and PSW's newcomer, and the man who defeated him last month in his debut with the company, Malietoa.]


Frankie Future: You've called this place a dark, dirty, seaspool wrapped in violence... A haven for psychopaths... A place that you couldn't stand to be within when you first came to Pittsburgh a few months back. Funny enough... Though... You can't seem to get enough. [Arrogant Chuckle] The thing is... We ARE exactly how you portray us... We are a haven for the mentally ill.... A seaspool of brutality.... A warzone without any sense of higher law. [smirks] That's just how we like it... And for someone like you... With your beach-blonde hair... Your "pretty boy" smile... You're all that we despise. Just as you hate us for what WE stand for.... We hate YOU for what you are. [Laughs as he rubs his hands together in a "lets go" kind of fashion] The truth of the matter is this, Singh, you can surround yourself with fighters like Malietoa... However, in the end, you're siding with "one of us". You're seeping down to the very level you despise. [Laughs] You don't belong here.... However.... [smirks] My Tag partner does. You see, He may be a mystery right now.... But when the time comes... And those lights in "The Ministry" shine down before our match tonight... You will all, Singh included, find a sense of.... Familiarity to his step... For this man is as much of this company as I am.... In a way, [smirks] He's the true cornerstone of this seaspool.... We call home.


[With that, Frankie Future delivers an arrogant, and somewhat devilish, stint of laughter directed toward Singh himself. Only a short while from the unavailing of his mystery tag partner, Frankie Future looks focused on the task at hand.]


Grade: D-


Doc Messing: I can't wait to see who the hell Future has in his corner tonight. Who do you think it could be?

Remmington Remus: I haven't a clue... Maybe it's someone NEW to the company?

Doc Messing: Could be? Then again, He did say that this person personified PSW to it's core...

Remmington Remus: You don't think it's...

Doc Messing: Nemesis?

Remmington Remus: Could you imagine?

Doc Messing: There's no way it's... well... I guess you never know.



KILLER Colossus vs. Primal Rage w/ Acedia


There was a sense of revenge in the air as Primal Rage looked upon KILLER Colossus, his former ally, from across the ring. His body language became increasingly agitated as the former "Deadly SIN" member started off tonight's opening match with a rage-filled rush of the 7 foot monster. With fists of fury, Rage was actually able to subdue the vicious giant through out the opening seconds of the match. However, after an impressive burst out of the gate, Rage began to loose grip of the situation... His strikes becoming less and less impactful upon KILLER's head... and KILLER Colossus showing signs of, practically, shrugging off Rage's advances.


KILLER Colossus took control of the situation shortly after with a heavy headbutt to Primal Rage. The strike was so severe that it looked as if Rage's nose had been broken as blood quickly rushed to the canvas below. Either broken or not, Rage was in for a wild-beating as KILLER Colossus, like a shark sensing blood, began to mow over his former ally with a string of powerful strikes (ie: Punches, Lariats, and Full Bodied Bear Strikes).


Madman Boone shockingly made his return to PSW only a month after being dropped through a flaming table in which to attack his bitter rival, KILLER Colossus. While his intent was to derail the big man, not really to help Primal Rage win the match, he was only successful for a short while as KILLER Colossus found a way, once again, to overcome his attacker through brute force. In the end, Chokeslamming Boone over the top rope... Down onto the cement floor outside of the squared circle. Boone, landing rather harshly, rolls around in pain... Holding his lower back as there appears to be an injury stemming from his fall.


Meanwhile, Acedia has now climbed into the ring... Staring down KILLER Colossus.... Both towering giants.... It looks as if both men are on the verge of throwing down... When all of a sudden...


Acedia grabs Primal Rage by the throat.... Lifting him high into the air for a double-handed chokeslam!


The crowd is shocked as Acedia, another former member of "The Deadly SIN's", has decided to align himself with KILLER Colossus versus his consummate tag partner, Primal Rage. The two, monstrous freaks, took advantage of the situation... in the end... Executing a Guerrilla Press Slam/Back Breaker combo that looked to literally break Rage's back in half. With a loud gasp following, the crowd watches on as R.M. Stones delivers a standard 3 count in favor of KILLER Colossus.


KILLER Colossus defeats Primal Rage in 7:47 via a Guerrilla Press Slam/Back Breaker combo with Acedia.

Grade: D


Doc Messing: Good... God! Acedia and KILLER Colossus have joined forces....

Remmington Remus: What does this mean for PSW as a whole? These two men are truly unstoppable apart... but together?

Doc Messing: Holy SH*T! [Laughs] It looks like John Greed and Primal Rage were the two men forced out of their former faction... As now... The only two left standing are Acedia and KILLER Colossus.

Remmington Remus: I didn't see this coming... I thought Acedia was firmly in Rage's corner... I mean, They've been tag partners ever since "The Deadly SIN'S" debuted here in PSW!

Doc Messing: Just goes to show you... Here in PSW you must chose your allies wisely.



KILLER Colossus

... Post-Match ...


[KILLER Colossus slowly pulls himself up from his knees using the nearby ring-ropes as a tool in his rise. His body, somewhat stiff from the action that just took place, looks to be battered heavily.. However, the monster doesn't show any facial signs of injury. Instead, the towering behemoth, throws his arms out to his side in a gladiator-like pose... Yelling into the air like a king lion looking to project his dominance verbally.]


[Just then, however, the lights go completely out in "The Ministry". The second the room un-expectingly goes pitch black, The PSW crowd roars with a chaotic, almost anarchy-like, response (almost as if people were looting due to the ability to do so).]


[Just then.... The Lights come back up... And there stands Alastor.]




... Surprising Development ...


[The devilish new persona from Ash Campbell, Alastor, stands a good 5 feet behind the monstrous KILLER Colossus. His head (Alastor) ****ed extremely to the left side, his hands slowly gripping air, and a sadistic (comatose like) smile running across his face. No one knows why he's there.... However, before that very question can cross your mind.... The Lights go back out again.]


[As they come back up, Alastor is gone from the ring.... KILLER Colossus, never knowing that he was even there, continues to roar into the heavens like a determined predator looking to convey his dominance. All the while everyone else is shocked as to what had just happened.... Questioning why Alastor would appear and then disappear, all in a matter of 10 seconds, especially at a time when KILLER Colossus stood in the ring. Is there a connection? Nothing is known.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: What was that all about?

Remmington Remus: I have no idea, Doc. It appears that Alastor made his "Ministry" debut just now... While it only lasted 10 seconds all together... It seems that there's some sort of connection between he and KILLER Colossus.

Doc Messing: Didn't it look like he was about to pounce on the big man? [Laughs] I don't care what kind of NEW personality your carrying... That would be pure suicide.

Remmington Remus: What's not to say he's suicidal? Everything we've seen from him points toward the fact that there's... well.... Just something off about the man.



Frankie Future

... Awaiting his Mystery Partner ...


[Frankie Future stands in the corner of the ring, leaning into the nearest turnbuckle, as an arrogant grin runs across his face.... As if to say... "Just you wait". Meanwhile, FCW's own... Sensational Singh, and his tag partner for tonight, Malietoa, stand in the opposite corner... Singh, looking over at Future with a look of disgust upon his face, meanwhile, Malietoa's head is bent downward slightly... His eyes darting back and forth... And his body shaking with rage (as if he could explode at any second). A few seconds pass as Frankie Future steps out to the middle of the ring and yells to his opponents (not with a mic) as he points to the entrance way.]


Frankie Future: [Laughs] It's time....


[With that... The PSW's homebase for live events went absolutely crazy as.... Johnny Martin's theme music kicks in over the low budget, and all around scratchy, "Ministry" sound system.]



Johnny Martin

... The Return to Pittsburgh ...


[After personally being M.I.A. since December, 3 months ago from today, the former PSW Champion, Johnny Martin, made his shocking return to "The Ministry" with a heavy crowd reaction. The second that he burst through the black entrance curtain, The crowd erupted into a chant of "Welcome Home".... Something that forced a smile upon Martin's face. Meanwhile, in the ring, The Sensational Singh looks to be absolutely floored by Future's partner... Shaking his head, talking to himself, and showing that he's ultimately un-happy with having to step into the ring with Martin. All in all, however, the day had come.... Johnny Martin is BACK in PSW!]


Grade: D



Remmington Remus: I can't believe my eyes.... Where has he been?

Doc Messing: Who Cares? [Laughs] He's here now!

Remmington Remus: The very first PSW Champion, Johnny Martin, has made his triumphant return to Pittsburgh!



The Sensational Singh and Malietoa vs. Frankie Future and Johnny Martin


It's been 3 months since Johnny Martin was seen in a PSW ring... However, Tonight, the beloved veteran made his return in a grand manor. Who better to help Frankie Future stand up to the PSW-hating, FCW Superstar, Sensational Singh than the VERY man who held the PSW Championship for 10 months, and in a way, best defines the company as a whole. The grizzled, blue collar, no-nonsense kind of mentality that Johnny Martin delivers goes hand in hand with the "Steel City" environment that encompasses the region. So, again, who better to stand up to the bleach-blonde, holier than thou persona, such as Singh than "Mr. Steel City Blue Collar" Johnny Martin?


Both Future and Martin toyed with the crowd... Keeping Martin out of the match until halfway through the bout when, by that point, the PSW crowd was high with anticipation. The second the tag was made you would have thought that Martin had won the PSW Championship all over again... A powerful display of respect resonated within the walls of "The Ministry" as Martin slowly adjusted his wrist tape and made quick work of Singh... Beating him senseless in the corner like a boxer looking for a quick KO. With each and every strike the crowd became louder and louder... Yelling out things such as... "Knock out that P*ssy"... or... "Send that F*cker back to Puerto Rico in a body bag!". Needless to say, A PSW event is not a place for anyone to bring their kids.


While the match was widely considered to be a "welcome home" match for Johnny Martin... We can't forget about the amazing performance that Malietoa put forth. Hell, if it wasn't for Malietoa, Sing would have lost the match within the first 3 minutes. It was the Samoan machine that ultimately gave Future, and even Martin at certain points,a run for their money. Almost winning the match for his team, single-handedly, around the 5 minute mark as he spiked Future's head into the canvas with a twisting DDT. The pinfall, while dramatic, was ultimately broken up by Johnny Martin with a steel chair strike to Malietoa's back... A fact that would only enrage the psychotic fighter even more. Like an animal released from his cage, Malietoa forced both Future and Martin to re-work their plans... Taken back by his overall ability.


In the end, however, Malietoa was subdued by a "Frank-N-Hurter" (Stunner) from Frankie Future following a steel chair shot to the head from Johnny Martin. Now, with Malieota out of the picture, Johnny Martin was able to set up, and execute, his signature "Twist on the Rocks" (Twisting Fisherman's Brainbuster) on the smaller Singh... Picking up a big-time "welcome back" victory, all the while, being showered with respect from the vocal "Ministry" crowd.


Johnny Martin and Frankie Future defeat The Sensational Singh and Malietoa in 10:16 when Johnny Martin executed his "Twist on the Rocks" upon The Sensational Singh.

Grade: D-


Doc Messing: F*CK YEA!! JOHNNY IS BACK!! [Laughs]

Remmington Remus: The "Steel City Superior" has FINALLY made his way back to Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling!

Doc Messing: It's been 3 months since we've seen the man... I thought he had quietly retired or something as we haven't seen him since his loss to Billy Russell in December.

Remmington Remus: Maybe he needed time away? Re-fresh his batteries?

Doc Messing: Either way, I don't really care.... [Laughs] Johnny F*cking Martin is BACK in PSW!



"The Dirty White Boys" - Lead Belly and Grease Hogg

... Tension in the Air? ...


[There have been many historic tag team feuds through out the history of Pro Wrestling. In most cases, One turns on the other as they feel that their partner is ultimately "holding them back". However, in these cases, what are they really holding them back from? Being a stand-out singles star? Potentially being the face of a company? In the DWB's current scenario, Either man could certainly use this mindset as a way to catapult their singles career... However, The thought of Lead Belly and Grease Hogg splitting is one that most fans couldn't live with..... Will they have to though? Tension seems to be rising between the two over their upcoming match... A fact that is shown as we cut backstage to see both PSW Tag Team Champions getting ready for their match-up tonight... Awkwardly in the same room. Neither man says a word at first, however, it's implied that both are heavily focused on what's at hand.]


Lead Belly: Just another night on the job Greaser. Nothing different...


[Grease Hogg continues to get ready... Slowly nodding his head as he continues to get ready.]


Lead Belly: Whether it's f*cking up a bunch of p*ssies... or.... It's beatin' the livin' sh*t out of eachother... [smirks] It's what we do best.


[Grease Hogg, slightly smirking, continues to get ready.]


Lead Belly: The thing is, Greaser... I want the PSW Championship. [Nods his head] Mitch would rather see the title on a panzy-ass mutha-F*cker like Bryan. That's fine... I don't really give a sh*t... He's entitled to his own favorites. [Laughs] But Tonight, I'm walking out with the PSW Championship... Despite what Mitch wants... what Holmes wants... or.... [Looks over at Grease Hogg] What you want.


[Grease Hogg slowly looks up at Lead Belly... Their eyes match... A slow awkward silence fills the room.]


Lead Belly: Don't get me wrong. If you win tonight... F*ck... I'll be in your corner ready to beat the livin' sh*t out of whoever I need to to make sure you walk out with the belt. [Pauses] BUT... When push comes to shove... Well... F*ck... I want my F*cking Re-match. Especially with that f*ck-face Mitch not here tonight... I'd love to rub that sh*t in his face each and every f*cking day.


[Grease Hogg, now slowly walking over to Lead Belly, stairs down his fellow Tag Champion for a good 10 seconds before patting Belly on the shoulder...]


Grease Hogg: Get your sh*t in gear, Lead. [smirks] 'Cuz tonight... I'm f*cking you up!


[A statement that would normally push two friends into an all out fight... Instead, has both of them laughing in anticipation for their brutal war tonight. There's no real hatred here... Just two men who love to fight.... Two men with an opportunity.... A chance to via for the PSW Championship... Here... Tonight!]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: How can you not f*cking love that? [Laughs] Getting ready in the same room, talkin' a little sh*t before your match... I can't wait to see these two square off here tonight!

Remmington Remus: No doubt it's going to be one hell of a fight... That's for sure.

Doc Messing: What happens if one of them ends up knocking the other out for any period of time? Would he PSW Tag Championships be stripped on account of not being able to defend them?

Remmington Remus: Seeing how Mitch Naess absolutely hates these guys.... He'd strip the titles from them for lesser reasons.



Grease Hogg vs. Lead Belly

[The Winner Receives as PSW Championship Title Opportunity TONIGHT!]


It looked rather awkward to see the PSW Tag Champions standing on either side of the ring... Staring eachother down... Preparing themselves for battle. In most cases, a bond like Lead Belly and Grease Hogg (considered to be brotherly like), would only turn violent after a couple of drinks... Okay, well, more like a few kegs worth of alcohol. Either way, that's the overall feeling that came to mind... That we were about to watch a drunken, brotherly, bar-room brawl.


With their PSW Tag Championships safely held outside of the ring, Lead Belly and Grease Hogg quickly started things off... Pounding away upon eachother with strikes that would, potentially, knock-out any lesser fighter. Holding nothing back, as it seems, both men layed into eachother with reckless overtones... Both wanting to take on Bryan Holmes... However, only one, actually able to do so.


For those who thought that neither would really get "THAT" into their altercation... You were wrong. dead wrong in a way. There were weapons littered all over the ringside area as both men continued to use them to their advantage. Whether it was Lead Belly slamming Grease Hogg onto a steel chair with a spinebuster... or... It was Grease Hogg repeatedly jamming the bridge of a steel chair into the neck of his own tag partner... Neither was holding anything back.


Sadly, however, the action didn't seem to take with the live PSW crowd. Maybe it was because they were revolting against the idea of these two actually competing against one-another? or it was the simple fact that they found their chemistry, as opponents, to be rather sloppy? Either way, something felt very off about the situation.


To add an extra sense of chaos to the match, "The Ring Generals" were also seen ascending upon the ringside area.... Attacking both PSW Tag Champions during their match (knowing that they had just been through 8 minutes of absolute hell... taking advantage of the situation). While "The Ring Generals" were able to add insult to injury... They were ultimately over-powered by Lead and Greaser as the two opponents joined together for a few seconds to clean house!


With the crowd actually excited for a split second, seeing "The Dirty White Boys" working together, that would all come to a close as Grease Hogg shockingly uses this situation to gain an upper-hand... Executing his signature finisher "The Grease Stain" (Running Spear) on an unsuspecting Lead Belly (just as it looked like he was going to turn and high five his partner). Belly wasn't able to kick out due to taking the brunt of his tag partner's finisher... Ultimately giving Grease Hogg the win!


Grease Hogg defeats Lead Belly in 11:26 via a "Grease Stain".

Grade: D-


Remmington Remus: It looks like we're going to see Grease Hogg and Bryan Holmes for the PSW Championship Tonight! What a match that's going to be...

Doc Messing: You know, Grease Hogg almost always gets over-looked by us all... Lead Belly has stepped into a leadership role between the two of them, in a way, and you never really hear Greaser speak out for any reason. So, for that matter, he's been sadly forgotten... Labeled as only a tag team wrestler. However, Tonight... He showed that he has the competitive streak to really stand out as a singles wrestler!

Remmington Remus: Very true. Hopefully though, for selfish reasons, he doesn't follow up on that.... I love "The Dirty White Boys" as a tag team!

Doc Messing: Can you imagine what will happen to the two of them though if Grease Hogg walks away with the PSW Gold? Will it put a rift between he and Lead Belly?

Remmington Remus: There's always a possibility of that...



"The Ring Generals" and "The Dirty White Boys"

... An Attack from "The Generals" ...


[Grease Hogg, the one in better physical shape of the two "Dirty White Boys", attempts to keep "The Ring Generals" at bay... Wildly throwing punches like a drunken sailor in a bar fight. However, his approach turns out to be nothing more than show as Marv Slater quickly takes control of the situation with a swift kick to Greaser's "Man Region". Greaser, dropping to his knees however still throwing punches, is then laid out by a vicious, over the shoulder, chair shot from Dean Waldorf... A fact that left Grease Hogg motionless on the canvas below. Well, motionless for a split second... Before the PSW Tag Champion slowly tried to pull himself back up to his feet.... Only to be knocked back to the canvas once again by a laughing Waldorf.]


[Lead Belly, barely conscious himself, attempts to defend his tag partner (ultimately trying to save his own hide in the process)... However, just like Greaser, is knocked back to the canvas with a sandwiched chair shots from both Marv and Dean. The sickening thud of two steel chairs striking Lead Belly's head at the same time leaves the PSW crowd desperately crying out for "The Dirty White Boys" to rebound from their attacks. Sadly, though, The DWB never really had a chance in this one...]


[Lead Belly lays motionless... face down on the canvas.... As Dean and Marv quickly set one of the steel chairs up.... Sitting the semi-conscious Greaser in that very chair. With his body hunched over, Grease Hogg attempts to pull himself back up to his feet... But Marv Slater quickly knocks him back down... Just then Dean Waldorf quickly comes back into frame... Slamming the steel chair square across the front of Hogg's face in an upward fashion. Upon impact, Grease Hogg is seen falling out of the chair he's seated on... Motionless himself.... All the while, "The Ring Generals" celebrate their heinous attack by holding up the PSW Tag Championships as if they had just won the titles here and now.]


Grade: D-


Remmington Remus: Oh my....

Doc Messing: I don't know if either Lead Belly or Grease Hogg are moving right now... Both of them could be seriously injured.

Remmington Remus: After an attack like that... There's no way they can't be. What does this mean for tonight's Main Event? Will Grease Hogg even be able to step into the ring?

Doc Messing: Knowing him.... He's going to be there regardless of being injured or not... This man is a fighter... Fighters never back down... It's as simple as that.

Remmington Remus: But is it smart to do so? He could potentially lose his life if he pushes this too far...

Doc Messing: I don't think either of these guys think that far out in advance... A powerful trait and a curse all wrapped into one.



Teddy Powell + The Grand Kanishoki, Mr. Morgan, and Harry Allen

... "Pick your Poison" ...


[The National Champion, Teddy Powell, at his best, is considered to be an arrogant, self-obsessed, manipulative, fiend with nothing but personal advancement in mind. So, with the ability to choose his own challenger, you KNOW that Teddy Powell would end up making the best decision for himself, In the end. However, can you really blame him? He's been National Champion now for 10 months... THE longest National Title reign in PSW's History! So, for that, Teddy is considered to be a dominating force... Even if his persona doesn't really match.]


[Powell, seen standing in the ring, stands across from his two potential challengers... Mr. Morgan and Harry Allen. With Kanishoki over his right shoulder, Teddy overlooks both of his possible opponents for tonight... One, Mr. Morgan, showing obvious signs of a back injury stemming from last month's tag match against Kan and Powerll. The second, Harry Allen, actually on crutches... Injured in the same match.]


Teddy Powell: I can sense the hatred resonating off of both of you.... [smirks] I can practically feel your muscles tightening... Your fists clentching... Your eyes focusing. You want MY title... And you want to go through me to get it. I don't blame either of you... [Laughs as he looks to Mr. Morgan]... Morgan, We were once a dominating duo here in PSW. The sky was the limit for us as a tandem... and you through that all away. How so? You turned your back on me... Pretended like you were "too good" for me and where did that end for you? Oh, that's right... Me being the deciding factor in WHY Bryan Holmes defeated you for the PSW Championship. [Laughs] You should have seen your face following your loss.... It was priceless.


[Mr. Morgan takes a few steps forward... His jaw clentched... Ready for a fight. However, he stops far enough away from Teddy as not to start a fight with Kan, who looks to be ready to throw down himself.]


Teddy Powell: And Harry... [shakes his head with a smirk on his face] You've done everything in your power to walk away with the National Championship since coming to PSW... But... You just haven't been... well... Good... Enough. [smirks] Sure, you can blame your losses on Kan here... But, Lets face it... Nobody likes a whiner.


[Allen, looking for a fight himself, tries to move toward Teddy as well in an act of standing up for himself. However, the crutches make it somewhat hard to do so.]


Teddy Powell: So, with that, I have to come to a decision.... Giving one of you the ultimate opportunity of a lifetime... To step into the ring with ME... The National Champion. [Drops his face] The Other... Forced to, yet again, wait in line as I defeat the #1 contender, yet again, only to do this song and dance in another month or so. Honestly, it's getting quite old. [smirks] So, who have I decided to face off against tonight? Who will forever be in debt to me for giving them a coveted shot?


[Teddy physically weighs his options with either hand... Finally pointing at Harry Allen.]


Teddy Powell: You....


[Harry Allen smirks with confidence as Teddy Powell continues on.]


Teddy Powell: You may smirk now, Harry, but the truth of the matter is this... I may have given you a shot here tonight but make no "if's about it... I'm going to protect my investment. [Points to the PSW National Title] With that being said, Tonight's National Title match will be none other than.... A Ladder Match.


[The Crowd erupts with excitement as everyone loves a good Ladder Match. Powell, laughing as if he had "one-up'ed" the obviously injured Harry Allen, slowly raises the National Title high into the air... Inches from Harry's face as if to say... "I'm the Champ".]


Teddy Powell: KAN... Get the Ladder....


[Teddy points to a ladder laying on the floor outside of the ring.... An action that pushes his bodyguard, a man who thinks that Teddy Powell is the owner of the company since he's unable to speak english, to begin his travel toward said ladder. Just then, however, Harry Allen slowly moves toward Teddy... Staggering his way on his crutches.]


Teddy Powell: What do you want?! The bell hasn't run yet... Cripple...


[Harry Allen, with an arrogant smirk on his face, quickly drops both of his crutches on each side... Now standing all by himself. With the sight that Allen is, in fact, not injured... Teddy begins to freak out like a little school kid whose been "cheated out of the truth". Stomping his feet, flailing his arms around, Powell overall looks to be very unhappy with what came to happen. However, it didn't end there.... Harry, grabbing the mic from Teddy's hand, pulls out a small booklet in the back of his pocket....]


Harry Allen: Don't worry Teddy... This will only take a second... [Looking to Kan, Harry speaks In Japanese using his booklet] "He is not what he says he is. He is a liar".


[With Harry's broken Japanese, Kan stops dead in his tracks... Looking over at Teddy Powell with a look of confusion on his face. Powell, not knowing what is going on, frantically looks back toward Kan... Knowing though that this is probably what was said. Teddy, trying to halt the carnage, quickly moves over toward Kan... Pleading his case, however, Kan doesn't speak a lick of english so it means nothing to him. Either way, the damage may have been done.... Will Kan believe Harry or fall in line with Teddy?]


Grade: D


Doc Messing: What just happened?

Remmington Remus: I think Harry just told Kan that Teddy's a fraud in Japanese....

Doc Messing: F*ck yea, if that's true... [Laughs] F*ck him up Kan!!



Teddy Powell © vs. Harry Allen

[PSW National Championship Match]

["Pick your Poison" - Ladder Match]


Teddy Powell looks as if his entire world has crumbled to the floor. His complexion looks rather pasty (as if he's seen a ghost), his body stiff from fear. Why? Because just a few short steps away, standing outside of the ring, stands a giant of a monster with nothing but evil intentions on his mind. Trying to push aside his initial fears, Teddy looks to focus on Harry Allen... Knowing that today could possibly the day his 10 month long National Title reign comes to a close. With the deck stacked against him (both Mr. Morgan and Kanishoki standing outside of the ring) Powell quickly tries to floor Harry... Attempting to climb the ladder to retrieve his title within the first minute of action. Sadly, for him, Harry was all to aware of the situation at hand... Knocking him off the ladder with a subtle push of the ladder.


From there the ladder became a prop... Less as a weapon... more as a platform for both men to catapult themselves off of. At one point, Harry Allen cemented his status as being a major Franchise player for PSW by leaping from inside the ring (on top of the ladder) onto Teddy Powell (who stood on the oustide of the ring) with a twisting corkscrew plancha. Allen, making slight impact with Powell, took the brunt of the fall however. Crashing to the cement below in a thunderous fashion... Hurting himself just as much as he hurt Powell most likely.


Powell, sensing Kan and Morgan close by, looked as if he was more focused on staying alive than winning his title at this point... Climbing over the guardrail and walking into the crowd... Away from the ring. This pushed Harry Allen to quickly jump up on the guardrail... Diving through the air and crashing into the back of Powell's head with a major closeline. The two, dodging in and out of a heavily packed crowd, began to violently brawl all around the ringside area... Something that would have gone in Powell's favor in the past (with Kan helping him out), however, at this point... He had no allies to rely on.


Powell, finding a way to overcome the odds, was actually able to floor his challenger on their way back to the ring with his signature "Motion Censor". Allen, laying on the cold cement below, looks motionless as several crowd members yell in his face to get up! Meanwhile, Powell slowly staggers back to the ringside area... Climbing up onto the apron and about to step into the ring when all of a sudden...


KAN grabs Powell from behind... Pulling him off the apron in a powerbomb position.... and POWERBOMBING HIM THROUGH A NEARBY TABLE!


Powell is folded in half upon impact as the crowd is going CRAZY over what just happened!


Meanwhile, Harry Allen is slowly pulling himself back to his feet... Staggering his way, as well, back to the ringside area... Climbing into the ring and setting up the ladder. The PSW fans, watching on with high anticipation, watches on now as Harry Allen slowly (and with a lot of drama) begins to climb the ladder rung by rung..














Is not moving...





Harry Allen, reaching up high, pulls the PSW National Championship down from a metal ring hanging from the ceiling of the reformed church. The bell quickly rung as the overly Pro-Allen crowd goes absolutely nuts over the fact that... FINALLY... After coming ever-so-close time and time again, only to have KAN screw him over many times before, had FINALLY found his way to the National Championship!


Harry Allen wins the PSW National Championship in 11:43 via capturing the National Championship while Teddy Powell was KO'ed.

Grade: C-



Remmington Remus: After months of chasing the National Championship... Mark tonight as a historic moment in PSW history.... Harry Allen is the NEW PSW National Champion!

Doc Messing: I hope this shuts up Teddy Powell for good...

Remmington Remus: You know that isn't going to happen... If anything, He's going to whine until kingdom-come...



Harry Allen

... New Champion Celebration ...


[With the former Champion, Teddy Powell, still motionless on the outside of the ring... The NEW PSW National Champion, Harry Allen, is finally able to bask in his moment of greatness. Months after leaving TCW, months after losing to Teddy Powell due to Kan's interference, now was the moment.... His moment... The crowning of a NEW Champion!]


[With the PSW National Championship in hand... Harry Allen celebrates atop the ladder that got him there.... Throwing his head back in victory as his newly won title gleams in the lights.]


Grade: D-


Remmington Remus: This is a moment that Harry Allen will never forget.... Hell, this is a moment PSW will NEVER forget!

Doc Messing: This is the reason Harry left TCW... To come to a company where opportunity was only a ladder rung away.



Bryan Holmes © vs. Grease Hogg

[PSW Championship Match]


The time had come... Grease Hogg's triumphant rise to the Main Event was finally upon us as the consummate tag team wrestler was now given a chance to shine as an individual for once. Often shoved aside, not on purpose, by Lead Belly's ability to connect with the PSW crowd... Grease Hogg had, sadly, become a secondary character in the story of "The Rise of Lead Belly". While, in a way, this could still be set as truth.... This was the defining moment for Greaser to FINALLY show to the world that he was just as dangerous as his tag team counterpart.


The PSW Champion, Bryan Holmes, has made a career out of physically dominating each and every one of his opponents. While it's not in a "Burial" or "squash" kind of manor, Holmes is almost always seen as in control of the situation. Tonight wouldn't be any different, however, there was an overtone of change in the air. What was changing? The fact that Holmes actually looked to be in danger at certain moments through out the match.... His health, his title, and even his career, looked be in jeopardy in the beginning of their altercation as Greaser was able to utilize his obvious size difference (and with that, power difference) to slow down the dominating champion. While Bryan was still able to land a few shots of his own, Grease Hogg was ultimately seen as the aggressor in this situation.... Looking as if he could SERIOUSLY walk away with the PSW Championship tonight.


"The Ring Generals", sensing that their fearless leader was on the verge of losing everything, quickly interfered.... Imposing themselves into the action. While Greaser was able to keep them at bay, for the most part, their earlier assault on the challenger had done enough damage to leave him susceptible to another beating. As time passed, Grease Hogg was unable to keep all three men at bay... Instead, falling victim to a destructive 3 on 1.


Where was Lead Belly?


Injured from "The Ring Generals" previous attack? Possibly.


A sore loser leaving Greaser to fend for himself? No way. Right?


In the end, Lead Belly did make a return to the ringside area with a barbed wire wrapped 2 x 4 in his hand... Swinging it like a man possessed! While he never connected on Bryan Holmes... He did wail away upon his previous attackers, "The Ring Generals", even cutting both Marv and Dean open in the process. Bloodied, bruised, and trying to escape Belly's grasp... "The Ring Generals" attempted to shove Nicole Kiss in the way... Pushing her to deliver a explicit rant against the much, much, larger Lead Belly. Belly, laughing at his advance, listens on as the crowd begins to chant... "Use your WOOD" over and over again.... And that... He did.... Jamming the end of the 2 x 4 between Nicole's eyes! Knocking her out in the process!!


Grease Hogg, looking down on Lead Belly from the ring, smirks... Nodding his head in approval... However, as he spins back around... Bryan Holmes was there...


The crafty Champion quickly slips in a steel chair of his own across the head of Grease Hogg.... Greaser, staggering for a second, comes back full force... Running....










Bryan Holmes, like a matador, moves aside and has Greaser run into the steel chair that he holds out...


As Grease Hogg slowly gets back up to his feet... Bryan Holmes is there....




Holmes, somehow, was able to lift the much heavier Grease Hogg... Planting him on the steel chair below. R.M Stones, quickly dropping to the matt, calls a standard three count in favor of the PSW Champion as Bryan Holmes... yet again, retains!


Bryan Holmes defeats Grease Hogg in 18:02 via a Steel Chair Spiked Piledriver.

Grade: C-


Doc Messing: Will this man EVER Lose? Tonight was probably the closest he's ever come to losing the PSW Championship... and somehow... He continues to impress!

Remmington Remus: I'm sure Mitch is watching from Canada with eyes full of pride!

Doc Messing: Don't even get me started about Mitch.... But yes, I'm sure he's happy to see "His Champion" victorious yet again.








<hr color="black">Overall Show Grade: D+

Popularity Increased!

Attendance: 1,000<hr color="black">

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