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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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You know, Rhino Umaga and Larry Wood aren't pulling the grades I expect them to.


Agreed. I'm somewhat shocked as I would expect, at least, Rhino to pull great matches with the slight bump in "realism" within the PSW product. Then again, he's still only at a "E"... And I guess he did pull a D+ in singles competition during his debut. So, I guess that's not all that bad since he was at a "E-" at that point. I'm guessing, as his popularity continues to rise, he will become a major player grade wise within the dairy.


KILLER, on the other hand, I haven't a clue why he's not pulling better grades. Maybe the rise in realism? Then again, from what I remember, he's a decently good brawler. So, You would think that wouldn't hurt him in the end. Either way, I cant help but feel a little let down with the amount of time gone into his character (especially as it pertains to his feud with Madman boone which, as you know, didn't pull that great of ratings either).




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For those who are interested, "Underground Execution" was posted on the previous page (Sept. 3rd). Go back one and give it a read if you're looking to keep up!
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Glad to see my boy Acedia is out there kicking ass and taking names!:D


I was kind of wishing that you would give us another great promo from The Sensational Singh, but one can not always get what they want. Quick question is Singh now under contract with you or is he just coming over due to the talent trade?


Liked the way that you used the Ring Generals as well, doing whatever it takes to keep the title around the waist of Bryan.

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I was kind of wishing that you would give us another great promo from The Sensational Singh, but one can not always get what they want. Quick question is Singh now under contract with you or is he just coming over due to the talent trade? .


At first, I was planning on having him cut a promo, however, as the show was booked... There wasn't any room to fit it in with everything else that was taking place. More or less, This show was focused primarily upon Grease Hogg and Lead Belly. So, people like Singh had to take a back seat this month and rely on other situations to push their feuds.


All in all, Though, Expect to see a promo coming up here.


As for him working for PSW or not... That's something that will be covered in a storyline going forward... So, I can't really tell you for sure. :)

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NEWS: Mitch Naess not backstage at "Underground Execution"; Instead working with NOTBPW in Canada.

4th Week of March 2009




|| Mitch Naess is M.I.A. at "Underground Execution" ||


For fans of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, The latest buzz has been circulating around the fact that company owner, Mitch Naess, was not present at "Underground Execution" (PSW's Live Event for March). While his character was not seen on TV, despite being in the middle of a major storyline, many expected that the former "Voice of DaVE" was pulling the strings backstage. However, we can report today, that Mitch was in fact not present the night of the show as he was working with NOTBPW in Canada.


PSW, always holding their live events on the 3rd Saturday of the month, was without it's head-honcho due to a scheduling error, at least so says Mr. Naess. Funny enough, however, With such a lock solid schedule of always working the 3rd saturday of the month... Mitch would have certainly known when his next event was coming up.


Rumors have been circulating ever since the highly documented assault levied by headbooker, John Greed, upon the Owner, that Mitch may be losing interest with his own company. The respected announcer, turned owner, recently signed a PPA agreement with NOTBPW despite the company running its shows thousands of miles away from PSW's homebase.


All in all, It has been reported that headbooker, John Greed, was in full control of last night's event.... Something that may be seen more often as Mitch, seemingly, appears to be pulling away from his own creation?


More to come...

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I sense a new owner in PSW's future.


That could create a whole new set of issues and the stress of ownership could get to Greed.


Will be very entertaining whtever happens.






To be honest, I've given it some thought... However, I always come back to the same idea.... It would be really hard to do so from an in-game perspective, and also, I don't want to lock John down with a company just yet. My idea is, if PSW ever gets old or I feel like I need a change (or I get fired from my post in-game) then I could continue his path within another company. Not saying that it's my focus but... I'm a man of options. ha.


You know, no matter how much of a jerk he is, he's still a great announcer.


By the way, what happened to Tommy London?


London is still on the roster for NOTBPW. They grew to "National" (as You'll see with an upcoming post of my highlighting the craziness that was this last month when it comes to Company movement).


I'm not really sure why they hired him outside of just needing another Announcer? All in all, It works well with my story. So, I'm cool with it.

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NEWS: Changing of the Guard; SWF removes Headbooker, TCW takes control of U.S. Market, and NOTBPW takes top spot in Canada.

1st Week of March 2009




|| Two Companies on the Rise... The other... Slipping down the ranks ||



There seems to be a "Changing of the Guard" in the North American Pro Wrestling scene as two companies (NOTBPW and TCW) have made substantial leaps in world-wide popularity. Total Championship Wrestling, the "golden child" of the U.S. Wrestling scene in the last few years, finally saw its new in-ring product pay off as the updated traditional approach has resonated with world-wide wrestling fans (went from National to International to Global in a week). Upon the recent shift, We were able to receive an official sound byte from company owner, Tommy Cornell.




"We are pleased about our recent numbers overseas and will continue to push 'our brand' of wrestling to the world. We believe, when it's all said and done, that wrestling fans want exactly that... Wrestling... Not an overly drawn-out soap opera. Our recent rise depicts this exact truth."


- TCW Owner, Tommy Cornell


TCW isn't the only company celebrating a recent rise in popularity, Dan Stone's, North of the Border Pro Wrestling, also saw its numbers rise in their Canadian homeland. Despite being entrenched in a battle with CGC, NOTBPW found a way to overcome their competitors... Standing out above all other companies in the area. While we couldn't reach their officials for a word regarding their rise... There's no doubt that the Stone Family is certainly happy over recent developments.


Not all news out of the North American Wrestling scene is positive today, however, as the, once, Global Juggernaut... Supreme Wrestling Federation saw their numbers drop severely across the board. It's been said that their ratings have fallen so sharply that most of their time slots are currently under review with the possibility of the company losing said time slots.



|| Out with the Old.... In with the New ||


In what many industry insiders are calling a "knee-jerk reaction", Supreme Wrestling Federation owner, Richard Eisen, has removed Peter Michaels from his role as headbooker of the Sports Entertainment-slanted company. While many expected to see one of his son's end up taking the reigns, possibly far enough removed from the dreaded "Election Angle" that bombed last year, Mr. Eisen "shook things up" by looking outside of the SWF Family to fill the position. Farrah Hesketh, all around wrestling mind, was brought in just a few days ago to hopefully "steer the ship back toward prominence". Will the un-proven Hesketh find a way to do so though with the transcendatory rise of both TCW and NOTBPW, two companies that reside within the very area that the SWF has dominated for years.


More to come...



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In-Game Report:

+ SWF has fallen to Cult from Global.

+ TCW went from Cult to International and then to Global all within a weeks time.

+ NOTBPW is now at a National Level.

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1st Week of April 2009

... If it's not one thing, It's another ...


I knew that Mitch wasn't going to be at the show. Not because he told me himself but rather because Larry [Wood] relayed the story. You see, ever since our little... well... ever since I knocked his head off, Mitch and I have not spoken. We haven't even been in the same room to be honest.... In a way, It's as if I became an "at home" employee... No real boss to hear from (which is quite shocking seeing how Mitch use to be down my throat every day, every hour of said day, with new ideas to implement)... No need to really head down to "The Ministry" on official business outside of speaking with 'the boys' as they get ready for our next upcoming live event.


I owe my career, and in a way my life, to these guys (the PSW locker room). It wasn't my ability as a booker that saved my job... Hell, it wasn't because Mitch felt I made a mistake and gave me... well, a 3rd chance. It's all upon the fact that these guys, the PSW roster as a whole, stood up for me. To this day, I have no idea what possessed them to carry out such a plan? However, to be honest, I don't really care.... That's something that can unveil itself in time... For now, I had a show to book, a company to theoretically run as the REAL owner was running off to Canada on business.


Was Mitch officially M.I.A. for good? I have no idea. Larry only had half the story from him. It seems that Larry, a trusted figure to both Mitch and I shockingly, was playing middle man between the two of us. Relaying short statements from Mitch my way... Wasn't the most ideal situation I guess, but with that being said, it's probably for the best... Now, I not only had the locker room on my side suprisingly... However, also had creative control in a way. No more 7 AM meetings... No more walking on eggshells around Mitch...


While everything was looking rather rosey, There's an age-old adage that states - "Great moments come and pass; it's what happens after the great moments that test your sanity."


I was shifting around my sh*tty apartment in the heart of "Steel City"... Working over some new character plans, talking with various PSW superstars on the phone about said changes, and ultimately trying to craft the upcoming event... When I received a text message.... A slicing collection of words that would inevitably change PSW forever.... And not for the better.



"I'm done, John. I can't commit to this anymore..."

- ?????




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Early April 2009

... Change is 'gonna come, Oh Yes it will ...




"I'm done, John. I can't commit to this anymore... I was barely able to lift my kids last night, Hell, you should see how my wife looks at me these days. I'm afraid she thinks I'm killing myself out there. I just can't do it anymore, John. I'm really sorry but this is a judgment call for me. I'm going to retire."


- PSW Champion, Bryan Holmes




His message blindsided me like a train coming full force. My breathe quickly escaped my body, my mind visually stuck on what PSW would look like without it's biggest star...




Word traveled quite fast. By the end of the day the entire roster knew of Bryan's decision to retire. It started off with a low buzz early in the day but had manifested itself into an all-out conversation tool as the day came to a close.


What's going to happen? The most common phrase passed along from guy to guy. There was a subtle hint of optimism behind some of their questioning as some of the "big names" felt that their time may have come to claim the PSW Championship in Bryan's wake. I mean, since his debut in 2008, Bryan has been the centerpiece of the ever-evolving image of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. He was "The man"... He was the Franchise... Hell, in a way, he was PSW.


So, where to go from here? Elevate a new star and focus the company around a fresh face? Go with the safe pick and instantly shift the title to a veteran like Johnny Martin, JD Morgan, or Madman Boone? Hmm... To say the least, I'm caught in a whirlwind of emotions. Who deserves the top spot? More importantly, who deserves to be the new "Man" of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling?


I've got some thinking to do...

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Wow that sucks! I did not see that coming! Not only do you lose your star but now what happens to the Ring Generals? They were apart of a major alliance and now they are screwed as well. I wonder if you could bring in Nathan Coleman or Shooter Sean to fill Bryan's spot. Granted it might take time to get them over and as you know neither have the in ring ability that Bryan has but they can fill the same basic spot that Bryan held if you want to go that way. Just a caution though Nathan Coleman is a major you know what on the level of Billy Russell so if you do go after him this is a heads up.
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Awesome in so many ways. I love it how playing small promotions force you to make these kind of decisions once in a while..


I agree totally. While it sucks, in a way, it's also very cool as it forces you to change your cast of characters (ie: what we're seeing with ROH right now). With losing Holmes, I'm forced to find a way to keep the company going forward however doing so with a new cast of characters.


This is, partly, why I enjoy working with smaller companies than a National or higher organization. I love change... This, while it forces me to do so, works well with how my mind works. Keeps this fresh, interesting, and, in turn, will keep my interest within the diary for quite some time.


Wow that sucks! I did not see that coming! Not only do you lose your star but now what happens to the Ring Generals? They were apart of a major alliance and now they are screwed as well. I wonder if you could bring in Nathan Coleman or Shooter Sean to fill Bryan's spot. Granted it might take time to get them over and as you know neither have the in ring ability that Bryan has but they can fill the same basic spot that Bryan held if you want to go that way. Just a caution though Nathan Coleman is a major you know what on the level of Billy Russell so if you do go after him this is a heads up.


I've worked with Coleman before in my X-WA diary and will never do so again. ha. He doesn't really have any talent to speak of (at least in my mind) and his attitude will only get in the way that much more. I'm not afraid to hire people who are going to be difficult (as it adds to the story), however, they better be able to help me in some way... Entertainment or In-ring Skills.


Shooter Sean is in NOTBPW. Sadly. Then again, I probably wouldn't bring him in. Yea, I love the guy (see my X-WA diary), however, it probably wouldn't work out that well.


As for "The Ring Generals", I'm really high on these guys to be honest. Being original roster members, I have a fondness for them. Plus, who doesn't like an arrogant young tag team? Especially with Nicole Kiss turning to be on their side. They've got enough story to be interesting. Sadly, with Holmes leaving, I'll have to re-think how to best get them over.


Or this is a I retire to get out of my contract swerve hehe. Good opportunity to elevate someone new though by having him beat Holmes.


The sucky thing is, Holmes has "creative control" set in his contract (He still has a year left on his contract too), So... I don't believe anyone on the roster has enough popularity to outright defeat him. Making it even more difficult to conjure up a story for how a new champion will be crowned. Many different ways to go with this one, Luckily.

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Tough situation. But fun at the same time. It definitely changes things up.


If he won't job on the way out, you can always do the indirect rub - he has one last title defense and gets destroyed, but "wins" by disqualification. But the beatdown is so bad he can't return, so he vacates the belt. It doesn't do a huge in-game rub for however delivers the beatdown, but it would in fans eyes. Plus it can be a kayfabe reason for him retiring - whoever it is, they beat him down so bad he ends up leaving wrestling.

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Guest TDubTNA



Honestly this is a great diary. Great work man I've been reading since the beginning and I've loved every second of it. Keep it up man

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Actually, Nathan Coleman is good... just not good to warrant his attitude. It's not like he's the second coming of Tommy Cornell, Dan Stone Jr., Yoshimi Mushashibo, or Tadiyuki Kikkawa.


That is my point, he has good stats not great but good and he is a better talker then Bryan and has a better star quality then Holmes. That being said I understand why Eisen-verse would not want to use him as he used him before and he was probably put off by him.

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Tough situation. But fun at the same time. It definitely changes things up.


If he won't job on the way out, you can always do the indirect rub - he has one last title defense and gets destroyed, but "wins" by disqualification. But the beatdown is so bad he can't return, so he vacates the belt. It doesn't do a huge in-game rub for however delivers the beatdown, but it would in fans eyes. Plus it can be a kayfabe reason for him retiring - whoever it is, they beat him down so bad he ends up leaving wrestling.


Hm, Seems like a good way to go about this whole process. I'll def. keep that one in mind, PA. You've been such a great help from a creative end since this all started, So, needless to say, your ideas are always helpful.


I'm going to take a little bit to craft what's going to happen... Hopefully, that way, I can continue to shape a new direction for the company as the landscape of PSW has changed quite a bit.


Actually, Nathan Coleman is good... just not good to warrant his attitude. It's not like he's the second coming of Tommy Cornell, Dan Stone Jr., Yoshimi Mushashibo, or Tadiyuki Kikkawa.


Agree. He's decent, Not terrible. BUT, his talent levels make me not really want to take the risk with him. He was causing backstage troubles all the time in my X-WA diary and at that time he was only a bodyguard.


Someone like Jay Chord... I would put up with his crap cause he's crazy talented. Sadly, he's on a written deal with NOTBPW or else you would see him part of this diary (as he was in my X-WA diary as well).


Honestly this is a great diary. Great work man I've been reading since the beginning and I've loved every second of it. Keep it up man


Great to hear from ya, TDubTNA! :)


Also, good to hear that you've been enjoying the diary thus far. It's been a really fun one to write and now, with everything changing, I can feel my tie with this diary getting even stronger as I'm forced to evolve my company/outlook.


Thanks again though for checking back and reading!

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Personally, I keep short leashes on Big Smack Scott and Jay Chord.... even as the SWF. I don't fire them, I just discipline the hell out of them. "You want to leave? Fine, PLEASE let the door hit your HEAD on the way out." I think it's great you disciplined Billy Russell. :)


I'm much the same. I won't let them get away with anything and will typically discipline then to a certain degree. However, mentally, I'm more willing to go through that process with someone like a Jay Chord. Someone who can actually make a difference in the ring for my company. ya know?


WHen push comes to shove... If it gets to be too much... Then they're on their way out. (ala Billy Russell).

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