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"The Ministry" Event Center

PSW Event #14





El Demonio Volador

... Debut Promo ...


[PSW's Live April Event, "Rome is Burning", has been setting the internet community ablaze ever since the announcement of Bryan Holmes's inevitable retirement. If there ever were an event for PSW to broadcast to the masses via PPV, or even TV for that matter, this would be your #1 choice... Why? The potential "passing of the torch" from one Cornerstone to the other? Potentially. A moment for someone to take the reigns of the Regional "Steel City" promotion? That's certainly a possibility. While both of those have the ability to transpire tonight, The real reason for such a statement is the fact that Bryan Holmes, the PSW Champion and "hands down" leader of the PSW squared circle, is only an hour and a half away from officially being known as a retired individual.]


[With that being said, Everyone was expecting to hear, or see for that matter, Bryan Holmes as the show opened... However, that wasn't the case. Instead, a black smokey screen stretches across your Computer Screen. With the sight of flames billowing at the base of the screen (obviously a computer generated sense... not real flames), We are treated to the sound of a bone-chilling stint of laughter.]




[The sound of Hyena like laughter fills your computer speakers as a truly unsettling tone begins to form from within. A few seconds pass as we now see a darkened room... Barely able to make out anything before us as the web camera is currently using a Black and White Filter... Making the contrast of darkness even more limiting. With that being said, however, we see a purple and black lucha libre mask only a few inches from the lens. With horns like a devil sticking out each side, It's easy to see that this isn't your "garden variety" lucha Mask... In fact, It's quite ellaborate... A sign of a well beloved figure.]


[A few seconds pass as the devilish figure, once again, delivers a high pitched Hyena like laughter...]




[shortly after the close of his laughter, The devilish figure begins to speak for the first time... Standing in an awkward way as he constantly scratches at his body, twisting his head and neck, and flexing specific muscles at different rates.... Creating a vibe as if the man before us was a full-blown Crack Addict. That's the only place you would ever see someone's body react as such... Violently twitching, twisting in awkward positions as they "pine" for more of their vice. Whether or not this mysterious luchador is actually an addict... little is known... What is known though, That they can carry a promo like the best of them.]


El Demonio Volador: With the close of every day comes the dawning of the midnight air. A dark, overwhelming, Blanketing of darkness... A state, in which, all can happen and little can be seen. [Pause] I stand in the wake of one man's decent... Just like the darkness that falls as the day subsides... I stand before you as the midnight cloud to Holmes's blazing sun. [Pauses] Time will shift, names will change, people will leave you empty and cold.... However, I will reside within the cracks... Like a ****roach within your walls, Embedded within your every day being.... Silent, assumed as gone, however, a constant reminder of what we can't explain.


[Demonio's body, continuing to shift like a horror-film monster, gives him a unique presentation. Something never seen in Pro Wrestling thus far.]


El Demonio Volador: Tonight, as the coliseum threatens to engulf in flames... I sweep through the thickness... Fall from the heavens.... And instill a level of fear unseen by the human eye. As I take flight.... You take cover.


[With that, abruptly, the screen turns back to black. Just as everything started... It's now come to an end... With us all left with more questions than answers. Who is this new figure in PSW? Where do they lie in the disposition realm of "death to kayfabe"? Time will tell...]


Grade: C


Remmington Remus: With the retirement of Bryan Holmes, this being his final night, it appears that everyone is looking to forcibly shove themselves to the top of PSW!

Doc Messing: I have no idea who that was but..... [Laughs] I like him. Nothing creepier than a "crack-addict" in a lucha-libre mask! [Laughs]

Remmington Remus: His body movements did make him to look like a serious addict... You're right with that one. With that being said, We don't know that to be true, Doc.

Doc Messing: I know, He's probably not... But did you see his awkward movements? God, [Laughs] Now that's a freak if I ever saw one.



El Demonio Volador vs. The Sensational Singh

[PSW Debut for Volador]


If you thought the video was a little creepy with Demonio twisting his body in awkward ways, scratching at himself like an addict in need of a calming fix, and the overall tone that was delivered with each Hyena like laugh.... Then you can honestly say that it's far worse in person. Not really "worse" in the sense of not being able to truthfully convey his character but rather in the sense that his quirky antics resonate on an even greater level when you're forced to watch it in person.


The middleweight hailing from parts unknown started off his altercation with FCW's Sensational Singh with a stint of his, now, trademark hyena like laughter... Pushing his hip out and dropping the upper part of his body to the side... Twisting his head upward to look Singh in the face. Needless to say, Singh quickly stepped back in a hilarious moment... Grabbing for the ropes and telling PSW official, R.M. Stones, to "get that freak away from me". Sadly, for Singh, R.M. couldn't do anything to stop their match...


Singh did pretty well for himself despite the frantic debut of El Demonio Volador. In a typical, arrogant prissy heel fashion, Singh used every single short-cut possible to gain control of the situation. This approach worked pretty well until Singh attempted to escape Demonio by ducking out of the ring... Verbally jarring with a few choice PSW fans at ringside. However, as he spun back around to focus once again upon his match, there was Demonio... Flying over the top rope with a twisting body plancha that made everyone in "The Ministry" gasp in excitement. From there on out, The fans were firmly behind Demonio not for the fact that they hated Singh with a passion... But rather because they were intrigued by the new persona thrown into the mix.


Demonio would follow that big spot with a few more... Leaping off the apron, and to the outside onto Singh, with a flipping cannonball like plancha. Also, executing a rapid fire moonsault attack... First jumping from the bottom rope... 2nd turnbuckle... And then the top all in a span of 10 seconds. With each and every source of impact, Singh's body flails... Becoming less likely to block the next attack from Demonio.


In the end, Singh put forth a strong showing... However, it was far to much for the FCW superstar to keep the debuting Demon at bay. With an awesome display of great chemistry, Demonio and Singh absolutely tore the roof off the "Ministry" in their opening match. Sad when it came to a close, however, not too shocking of a finish as El Demonio Volador picked up his debut victory in an exciting fashion... Executing a shooting star press off the top rope... A move he calls... "The Demon's Decent".


El Demonio Volador defeats The Sensational Singh in 9:33 via a "Demon's Decent" (Shooting Star Press).

Grade: C+


Remmington Remus: The mysterious Demonio is a force to be reckoned with here in PSW... Hands down.... Wow, what a performance.

Doc Messing: I agree whole heartedly, Sensational Singh, despite his girly mentality, put forth one hell of a fight tonight... This one could have gone either way and yet Demonio pulled away with a major upset in his opening night!

Remmington Remus: I can't wait to see where we go from here... Do you think Demonio may be the mystery opponent for Bryan tonight? He did speak of coming in off of Holmes's wake?

Doc Messing: There's always a chance of that... At this point, We have NO IDEA whose stepping into the ring with Bryan tonight. However, if it is Volador... [Laughs] What a match that would be!



The Sensational Singh

... Sick of PSW ...


[With the hoop-la from the debuting Demonio Volador now past us, The Sensational Singh is seen pulling himself up off of the canvas with a look of absolute hatred upon his face. Throwing a hissy fit, in a way, as he stomps his feet around the squared circle calling for a microphone. Finally, after what seems like a good minute or so of Singh throwing a temper tantrum while asking for a mic, he's handed one... Sadly now, for the rest of us, we're subjected to his constant whining.]


The Senational Singh: I F*CKING.... HATE.... THIS GOD-FORSAKEN SH*THOLE....


[The crowd, livid PSW fans, return the favor with an aggressive chorus of boo's.]


The Senational Singh: Don't you get it or are you all to stupid to realize? [Looking out to the crowd] This piece-of-sh*t company is nothing more than a glorified circus.... A whose-who of the psych ward community. [shaking his head in hatred] How can a legit wrestler like myself... A stand-out, "crown jewel", of this industry hold even the slightest chance to truly compete if my opponents week in and week out SHOULDN'T be allowed anywhere near a wrestling ring. Hell, almost the entire roster should be locked away in a F*cking padded room more so than actually given the chance to walk with the rest of you handi-capped fools. [Crowd boo's] But no... You cheer them all on... You buy their merchandise... You chant their names... You're all nothing more than a gathering of co-dependents. You cheer and their given positive reinforcement for their, borderline, life-threatening gestures. THIS IS NOT A WRESTLING COMPANY.... THIS IS A F*CKING PSYCH INSTITUTE!


[The crowd continues to boo like crazy... Starting a chant of... "F*cking leave then" over and over again... To the point where that's all that can be heard... Even drowning out Singh's attempt to keep on speaking. Finally, as things start to slightly calm down, Singh closes his promo.]


The Senational Singh: I've been forced to enter this seaspool each month due to Power's decree (Puerto Rican Power)... But No MORE! I'm done with this sh*t... I'm going back to a company that actually applauds REAL Wrestling... [Crowd boo's] Boo all you want.... This is the last time you're ever going to see me in a PSW ring... A gain for me... But a loss for you! Now, for the next few months until this company is finally shut down by the Pittsburgh fighting council for defaming the competitive wrestling world, you'll only be subjected to those FREAKS... Like that f*cking psychopath I was just forced to keep up with... Hope you're happy. F*ck you PSW.... F*ck you Pittsburgh.... And, most importantly, F*ck each and every last one of you....


[With that, Singh quickly drops the black PSW mic down to the canvas below. Meanwhile, the crowd is really letting him have it... Starting up with a "Na, Na, Na, Na... Goodbye" chant directed toward the FCW superstar. Singh, wasting no time, quickly exits the "Ministry"... Potentially for the last time.]


Grade: D


Doc Messing: Good Riddance....

Remmington Remus: I agree, What a whiny baby... He makes Teddy Powell look like a stand-up guy. [Laughs]

Doc Messing: That's a feat in itself. [Laughs] But, you're 100% right on that one... Maybe Teddy will follow Singh out of PSW too? A man can hope...

Remmington Remus: Well PSW fans, That may be the last time we're ever going to see Sensational Signh... If you're like us, and the rest of the PSW roster, I think one thing comes to mind... Good F*cking Riddance.

Doc Messing: You Swore!! [Laughs] Welcome to PSW Remmington... I knew you had a little edge in your step.

Remmington Remus: You better F*cking believe it..

Doc Messing: Okay don't go overboard now...



The Dirty White Boys © vs. The Ring Generals vs. KILLER Colossus and Acedia vs. Johnny Martin and Frankie Future

[PSW Tag Championship Match]


While it was intended to have an orderly four-way Tag Team Championship match... The idea of that fell by the wayside rather quickly as all 8 men started in on the action almost immediately. There were fists flying everywhere, bodies emptying out of the ring, and weapons brought into the fold all within the first 45 seconds. Hell, before you knew it, Frankie Future was already bleeding by the 1 minute mark following a heavy, over-the-shoulder, steel chair shot from Marv Slater. Blood continued to pour from the unsung PSW hero as he was, at first, double-teamed by "The Ring Generals"... However, that didn't last long either, as Lead Belly quickly asserted his foot into the situation... Landing a big boot square across the face of an unsuspecting Dean Waldorf.


The match itself never really settled down and ultimately made for a really overwhelming 10 minutes. Why? Because there was no lull in the action to speak of. With 8 men all trying to take part in battle, There was never a moment where everything came back to some sense of order. Instead, once it seemed like someone was about to gain full control... possibly even win the match... Another competitor would quickly ascend upon the scene... Breaking up any attempt at a pin count. This was evident on numerous occasions as it pertains to the team of KILLER Colossus and Acedia. These two, while not attempting to pin anyone, inflicted a heavy hand of violence from the very start... Using their immense power to break pincounts, submission holds, and all-around destroy everyone in their paths. Even the hated "Ring Generals" weren't lucky enough to escape their wrath. While Dean and Marv attempted to link up with the monstrous tag team... It ultimately led to both of them being thrown around the ringside area like rag-dolls. At one point, it seemed as if Dean Waldorf was practically killed by KILLER Colossus following a powerbomb onto the cement outside of the ring. Upon impact, A sickening thud would resonate through-out "The Ministry" as PSW fans watched on with slight horror... Was Waldorf dead?


He wishes.


As the carnage continued to unfold there was no clear-cut front runner to walk away with the PSW Tag Championships. In a way, I suppose you could count on "The Dirty White Boys" as they've been undefeated in Tag Team action since joining the PSW early in 2008... However, even they were having a hard time keeping up with the action. Case in point, Grease Hogg was busted open rather badly around the 5 minute mark as Acedia broke a beer bottle over the head of one half of the PSW Tag Champions. The bottle, found on the floor by Acedia from a nearby fan, shattered across the side of Hogg's head as he attempted to piledrive KILLER Colossus on the cement floor below. Luckily for Colossus, The strike forced Hogg down to the ground rather quickly... Holding his head as blood spilled. While the strike, at first, left Greaser confused.... It ended up being a major wake-up-call for the "Tough as Nails" biker... Turning him into somewhat of a superhuman... Running over practically everyone in his path.


Grease Hogg's path of destruction continued for quite some time....


He set himself up in the corner... Awaiting for Dean Waldorf to rise to his feet.... Then....




"The Grease Stain" (Spear)


Grease Hogg quickly went for the pin








KILLER Colossus broke the pinfall count with a legdrop to the back of Hogg's bloody head. The break-up, preventing a DWB retain, once again, allowed all hell to break loose. Grease Hogg, looking for KILLER Colossus, was caught off guard as Frankie Future quickly slid into the ring, out of nowhere, and connected with his signature "Frank-N-Hurter" (Stunner)! He quickly dropped to the canvas to attempt a pin count...








It had come to pass. The Dirty White Boys, previously holding an astounding 7-0 Tag Team record, had finally lost a match in PSW. Sadly, this would mark the end of their year-long Tag Championship reign... However, would mark the beginning of a new union.... A tandem that personifies PSW from the very early days of it's inception.


Johnny Martin and Frankie Future are NEW PSW Tag Champions after a "Frank-N-Hurter" from Frankie upon Grease Hogg.

Grade: D


Doc Messing: HOLY SH*T!! The Dirty White Boys have Lost the Tag Titles!

Remmington Remus: After a full year of being known as the Tag Champs... The Dirty White Boy's reign atop the division has come to a close!

Doc Messing: What a combination between Future and Martin though... These guys, on talent alone, could do much the same as the DWB's...

Remmington Remus: They have the ability... Now we'll just have to see how long they can keep their tandem focused on the same goal.



KILLER Colossus

... A wild animal enraged ...


[As the match comes to a close, KILLER Colossus is seen shifting into an animalistic rage... Grabbing R.M. Stones by the throat and slamming him forcibly down to the canvas below in a matter of 2 seconds. Martin and Future, exiting the ring straight after the match look to be more focused on their own health as they celebrate in the iselway, all the while as the DWB's look on from afar with jealous rage brewing.]


[KILLER, slipping into a violent rage, once again, is subjected to a black-out.... Followed by the sight of Alastor standing a few feet behind him..]




... What's his connection with KILLER? ...


[His body slouched over, his head bent downward slightly so that his eyes peer upward toward the towering behemoth. Just like last time, however, before KILLER Colossus can even realize what is going on... Or us for that matter... The lights go completely out again.... and when they come back up.... Alastor is gone. Just as fast as he showed up... The mysterious lightweight had disappeared all together.]


[What's his connection with KILLER Colossus? More importantly, Are his intentions to one-day attack the Behemoth or is this a greater sign that Alastor may be on his side? TIme will tell...]


Grade: D


Remmington Remus: When will we finally understand Alastor's obsession with KILLER Colossus? This marks the second event in a row that the Anti-Ash has made his presence known... Only to disappear before any action is taken.

Doc Messing: Who knows, Remmy. This isn't the Ash Campbell that we all have known up until now... There's something brewing in his mind. What? I don't think anyone knows...

Remmington Remus: Some day.... At some point... This has to come to a conclusion!



Teddy Powell vs. Mr. Morgan


For the first time since joining PSW, Teddy "The Master Manipulator" Powell was all alone with nobody to come to his aide. Actually, in most cases, Powell had developed more enemies in PSW than actual allies.... Burning bridges with some (Mr. Morgan) and lying to another in which to further personal gain (Kanishoki). You could tell from the onset that Powell was in an awkward position... Uncomfortable with his surroundings as he argued with the referee as to when the bell should be rung to start the match.... Almost as if that was something he could slightly control in a situation where he was thrown into the wind.


Powell couldn't stall any longer....


The bell was rung...


And Mr. Morgan had nothing less than Vengance on his mind...


The former PSW Champion, cheated out of said title by his very opponent tonight, Mr. Morgan came out of the gate with an aggressive streak. However, unlike others in PSW, His attack didn't consist of weapon strikes or underhanded tactics... Instead, he relied heavily upon his expert knowledge of technical wrestling to absolutely floor his opponent. It appears that Powell is completely over-matched as Morgan made quick work of him... A combination of throws, suplexes, and ground based submissions liters the scenario as the former DaVE stand-out throws everything at Powell.




Powell was able to take it...


Teddy, at one point, even found a way to claw himself back into the match-up like a scrappy underrated warrior... Eventually using his quickness to shift the momentum of the match in his favor. Morgan, attempting a belly to belly overhead suplex, was quickly blocked with a knee to the gutt... Then a poke to his eyes... Mr. Morgan staggered away for a second... Coming back, however, to keep on the offensive... When...




"Motion Censor" from the former PSW National Champion.










In a triumphant, almost comic book hero-like moment, Mr. Morgan has kicked out of the very move that Powell perfected in his time with PSW.... Withstanding the bottom of Powell's boot squarely across his jaw and STILL finding a way to kick out before the 3 count. Almost as if it were second nature... Not really all that conscious but, rather, an subconscious reaction to the circumstance.


Powell, heartbroken by such a scenario, attempted yet another "Motion Censor" as he awaited Morgan to rise back to his feet... However, this time around it wasn't all that successful. Instead, the former PSW Champion moves out of the way just in time to lock Teddy's leg in a DDT like hold... Pushing TP down to the mat with a swift throw followed up by a twisting leg lock.


With Teddy's ankle twisting... Twisting... Almost as if it were to pop right off his leg...






Rope break?




Teddy Powell submits to the hold as he screams out in a show of dreadful pain. Mr. Morgan has finally come away with the Vengeance he's been seeking since his former partner cost him the PSW Championship.


Teddy lays face down on the canvas gripping his injured ankle as Mr. Morgan slowly rises to his feet in a victorious gladiator-esque kind of way. The lights shining down upon him as the ecstatic PSW crowd showers him with a wave of admiration.


Mr. Morgan defeats Teddy Powell in 11:32 via a Twisted Ankle Lock.

Grade: D-


Remmington Remus: Tonight, the answer was finally given as to who was the greater "Untouchable"...

Doc Messing: It was never a question in my mind. Teddy Powell is a rat... Mr. Morgan was always the backbone in their tandem.

Remmington Remus: Easily. A former PSW Champion, Could Mr. Morgan be Bryan Holmes's opponent tonight? A possible second chance at redemption in one night?

Doc Messing: I say... F*ck Yea to that idea. Holmes vs. Morgan... One last opportunity for Morgan to reclaim the Title he was forced to lose.



Bryan Holmes, Dean Waldorf, Marv Slater w/ Nicole Kiss

... Meeting of the Minds ...


[We cut backstage at this point to see Bryan Holmes putting his gear on for his final battle tonight versus an unknown challenger. The feed, while rather scratchy and grainy in sight, depicts "The Ring Generals" in an extremely aggressive manor... Practically hovering over Bryan as he continues to get ready.]


Dean Waldorf: I can't believe tonight is the night. God Damn. Are you honestly sure that it's your time to step away? I mean, F*ck, Bryan. This all just came together...


[bryan stretches back, Cracking his back on the bridge of the steel chair behind him. Letting out a sigh following]


Bryan Holmes: It's time, Dean. We've been over this... There's nothing that's going to keep me in that ring. I've done everything, accomplished all that I set out to.... It's just, just.. Time.


[both Dean and Marv looked to be heartbroken over Bryan's decision... Just like Teddy Powell... Lost as to what to do as things are forcibly changing around them.]


Dean Waldorf: Have you decided who you're taking on tonight? Morgan? Martin? [Laughs at the next name he's about to say as it comes to mind...] Frankie?


Bryan Holmes: I've got it worked out. It's the only man I would ever want to finish my career against... [slides his Knee pad up] The only competitor that I respect in this god-forsaken Hell.


Dean Waldorf: Just give us the word tonight, Bryan. We'll be there in a heart beat... We're going to make sure you walk out tonight as the PSW Champion. F*ck the whole "the retiring Champ can't leave out on top"... F*ck that.


Bryan Holmes: I don't want either of you at ringside...


["The Ring Generals" seem floored at first... Followed by a stint of laughter.]


Dean Waldorf: Very Funny. [Laughs] Come on, Bryan. You know that you need us there... Just a little added insurance to make sure that you come away as the victor tonight. No one likes to see such an epic moment fall short.


[bryan shakes his head, Looking down at the floor at first... Then standing up to look Dean and Marv straight in the eyes.]


Bryan Holmes: I'm going to say this one last time.... I don't want either of you at ringside. This is my battle... My moment. I don't need anyone.


[With that, Bryan Holmes storms out of the room... Ready for action tonight. Meanwhile, both Dean, and Marv, look to each other with shocked looks on their faces. Almost as if they've seen a ghost at first, Dean breaks their silence with a slight stint of uneasy laughter. Almost as if he was trying to talk himself into the notion that their fearless leader didn't just say that.]


Dean Waldorf: [Awkward Laughter] Don't worry, Marv. It's just pre-match jitters... He's feeling the stress... The pressure. [shakes his head and smirks] He knows that he needs us...


[The scene slowly fades as "The Ring Generals" awkwardly smile... Floating their own boats while they KNOW that their relevance within PSW may be slipping already. With Bryan Holmes on his way out... The struggling tag team is set to be on an island of their own very soon.]


Grade: D-


Remmington Remus: In his final night in PSW it appears that Bryan Holmes, our Champion, has shot down his own allies relevancy.

Doc Messing: Shot down? More like destroyed. [Laughs] It appears that Bryan may be turning over a new leaf... A little too late... But, This version of Bryan looks to have an actual spine.

Remmington Remus: I can't wait for tonight's Main Event!



Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa vs. Madman Boone

[PSW National Championship Match]


The newly crowned, as of last month, National Champion, Harry Allen, came to the ring under a thunderous ovation. In the last 10 months since debuting in the "Steel City", Harry Allen has fastly become one of THE hottest superstars in the company. At this point, many point to the former TCW Cornerstone as a potential Franchise as Bryan Holmes makes his escape from the world of insanity (PSW). With that being said, the extremely vocal PSW crowd was heavily behind the "Forgotten One" from the very start.


You would think on fan's reaction alone that Harry would walk away from tonight's match with a quick squash, however, that certainly wasn't the case. Madman Boone, a potential Main Eventer in PSW, is often seen as a difficult competitor to gage as his psychotic mindset leads to limitless possibilities. This was seen early on in the match as Boone, known for his ability and willingness to bump like crazy, leapt from the top rope onto Harry Allen, who was attempting to regain his breath following an onslaught from Malietoa, with both men crashing to the floor violently. His dive wasn't flashy... It wasn't even all that pretty... As the Heavyweight twisted in mid-air... Landing an awkward splash... However, the impact did it's job as Allen looked to twist his knee in the process.


Out of all three competitors, though, Malietoa was the man who really impressed. The 30 year-old Samoan brawler was like a ball of fury... Viciously swinging for the fences with each and every strike. It took an alliance from Boone and Allen to actually slow down the PSW newcomer as it was seemingly imperative for such a situation. Without their brief cooperation, There's a good chance that Malietoa could have picked up the victory pretty early on. The Samoan Heavyweight was like a man possesed... However, it didn't seem as if the Title was his main focus rather just looking to mow over his opponents. He's very instinctual like that... It's less about the idea of winning and more about the ability to physically destroy someone else. Violence is his focus... Packed into a motor that runs on high speed the entire time.


As the match came to a close Malietoa was firmly in control of the match. It didn't hurt that, by this point, Madman Boone was incapacitated by an interfering KILLER Colossus. Boone, trying to fend off his bitter rival, was taken completely out of the action as the two of them spilled into the crowd... Wildly brawling within the dusty, and often beer soaked, "Ministry" crowd. This left Malietoa and Harry Allen one-on-one... Not a great situation for Allen as the Samoan Heavyweight wasn't showing any signs of slowing down.


Malietoa set a semi-conscious Allen on the top rope...


Top Rope Piledriver?


He sets up Allen for exactly that... Lifting his legs up in the air...


However, Allen forces his weight back down...


Allen is now standing up with both feet on either side of the outside of the turnbuckle...


Punch to the Jaw... To the side of the head...


Malietoa is groggy...


Allen then flips over the top Malietoa, who stands in front of him on the turnbuckle, landing a top rope overhead neckbreaker!!!


The "Ministry" crowd begins to chant "Holy Sh*t" as Harry Allen quickly goes for a pinfall following their impact.








Harry Allen has retained the National Championship after barely squeaking out a victory over the dominating challenger, Malietoa. Their war seems to be in its infant state, however, there are signs that the two may be on a crash course toward a re-match as Harry Allen slowly raises up to his feet... overlooking the fallen Heavyweight with an arrogant smirk upon his face.


Harry Allen defeats Madman Boone and Malietoa in 10:24 via a top rope overhead neckbreaker on Malietoa.

Grade: D


Doc Messing: Holy Sh*t... Who saw that ending coming? [Laughs] What a move by Harry Allen... Skying over the much larger Malietoa for an overhead neckbreaker!

Remmington Remus: The ability to pull out an ugly win is the true sign of a Champion... Something that Allen appears to understand already despite it only being his first defense.

Doc Messing: I'll put my money on a re-match at some point... That was too good of a f*cking match to not have one.

Remmington Remus: Can't wait for that.



Harry Allen and KILLER Colossus


[The bell has rung and Harry Allen is declared victorious over both Malietoa and Madman Boone. Allen, climbing back to his feet, is quickly handed the PSW National Championship as he holds it high into the air with a sense of pride that screams "F*ck you TCW, I can survive without you". Sadly enough, Harry's celebration doesn't last long as KILLER Colossus shockingly ascends upon the ringside area, once again, like a rabid dog looking for a chew toy. With Madman Boone laying in a pool of his own blood, a few rows back in the "Ministry" crowd, Colossus steps over the top rope in a display of physical dominance. Harry Allen, seeing that KILLER is on his way into the ring, hits the ropes behind him looking for a fast paced assault.... However, his attempt at being proactive ends with a mammoth boot square in his face as KILLER Colossus floors the National Champion with a Big Boot from Hell.]


[Harry's body twists and turns in mid-air following the impact of Colossus's boot; a true sight to see. From there, KILLER Colossus continues to dominate the National Champion with a violent bearhug which seemed to last forever. With brute strength, KILLER Colossus is seen flinging Allen's lifeless body around like a rag-doll... Finally, slamming him down to the canvas with a standing spinebuster. The throw by Colossus was so heavy that Allen ended up landing, more so, on his shoulders and neck versus a standard, on his back, fall.]


[The "Ministry" crowd watches on, booing KILLER Colossus like crazy as they truly love Harry Allen, as KILLER Colossus aggressively throws both of his arms out at his side... Throwing his head back at the same time in a Gladiator-esque kind of pose. While flexing, The 7 foot monster delivers a glass shattering battle cry that can be heard from outside of the former house of worship. A sight that many of the buildings predecessors would quiver in fear at the sight of pure evil.]


Grade: D


Doc Messing: There...is... NO Stopping this man.

Remmington Remus: I'm not sure if you can really classify KILLER Colossus as a "man" per se... He's more of some kind of mythical mutant. An absolute nightmare to anyone here in PSW...

Doc Messing: He practically killed Alex Braun almost a year ago now in a heinous car wreck, Choked the life out of Shawn Gonzalez, and just tonight left Madman Boone in a pool of his own blood... Now, It seems that this psycho-freak has his sights on Harry Allen!

Remmington Remus: I have to say, I buy into what Harry Allen brings to the table... But you can't like his odds against someone like KILLER...

Doc Messing: Very true. KILLER is one of those guys where you may pick up the win.... but... He'll make sure that you're the one sent to the hospital. [Laughs]

Remmington Remus: While he just won the National Championship, Allen's days as the Champ may be numbered....



Bryan Holmes © vs. ??????

[PSW Championship Match]


The average heart rate falls within 60-100 beats per second... An energized rhythm that can convey, based upon its speed of occurrence, typically any emotion bestowed upon the human body. As you grow more and more anxious, Your heart develops a more frantic pace... Pumping blood through out your body as a way of heightening one's response. Such an event was highly prevalent in tonight's main event as 1,000 PSW fans awaited the arrival of the soon-to-be-retired PSW Champion, Bryan Holmes. The overall tone was heavily influenced by the collective anticipation felt through out the "Ministry" as we all embarked upon a surreal journey... A final chapter in a historic international career. Needless to say, When Holmes's theme music kicked in over the low-grade quality sound system... Everyone was absolutely beside themselves. Even Holmes, walking out of the back with a ferocious level of determination running across his face, clenched his jaw tightly as his eyes stayed locked on the squared circle before him. He was only 20 minutes away from the close of his career, a day he never thought would come, however, the parade wasn't here just yet... First, Bryan had to overcome the odds and defeat a challenger of his choice in which to walk out of PSW as he came in... On Top.


The PSW crowd, known for their hatred for Holmes, were well aware of the situation at hand... Breaking from Kayfabe and delivering a respectful response to the Champions arrival to the ringside area. With everyone standing on their feet, respectfully clapping, Holmes slowly climbed his way into the ring... Handing the PSW Championship off to R.M. Stones for one final time. However, as all of this took place, we still had no idea who Bryan Holmes had selected for his Final Contender. A loud rumbling was heard from the crowd following the close of Holmes's music as everyone looked to the entrance way in another display of anticipation. Who was it going to be?


The only man it should be...




Johnny Martin , a former PSW Champion himself, had been part of some of the most historic matches in company history against Bryan Holmes. The two, meeting on 3 different occasions with Holmes winning all three, have been intertwined with one another since Holmes's debut back in mid 2008... And while Martin never defeated the PSW Champion in any of their three previous altercations... Martin has always pushed Bryan to "hell and back". With that being said, Who else could it really be? These two were destined to face off one last time before a sold out "Ministry" crowd.


An air of epicness filled the "Ministry" walls as either competitor stood in their opposite corners. Holmes, without his recent allies "The Ring Generals", and Johnny Martin, now Tag Champions with Frankie Future who also was not present, were locked in a deadly stair. With R.M. sensing the magnitude of such a fight.. The PSW referee walked to the center of the ring holding the ultimate prize up before the crowd... Visually displaying that tonight's Main Event was not only one for the ages but a PSW Championship Title Match.


The match itself started off rather slow as both competitors looked to gage their oponent... Trying to, ultimately, score some sense of brief understanding in which to further their chances of a victory tonight. With that being said, both Holmes and Martin seemed rather tentative from the onset. An arm lock here and a headlock there was really all that was seen. This went on for a good 2-3 minutes until both men ended up staring each other down in the middle of the ring once again... Both seeming as equals... Both on the verge of opening up for the first time in the match... And that's exactly what happened as fists began to fly. A violent brawl ensued as both men used the entire squared circle to inflict as much pain as possible... Stomping the hell out of each other while their opponent lays on the matt... Holmes executing a strong irish whip to an un-protected corner as Martin's chest slams into the steel knot before him... Martin collapsing the PSW Champion's breathe following a series of hard elbows to the side of his head as Martin blocks him in the corner. Either way, neither man was really coming away with the absolute momentum... However, both were delivering a hard-nosed brand of brawling in their attempt to overtake said momentum.


Just like a typical gradual process, We had gone from a short "feeling out" period... Followed by a wild squared circle brawl... Now coming to the point where neither man felt that the squared circle was enough to encompass their battle as their altercation spills out of the ring and around the ringside area. Using the cement below as a weapon in itself, Johnny Martin caught Holmes attempting to execute a snap suplex... Instead, kneeing him in the stomach... And DDT'ing him viciously to the cement below. The sickening thud registered through out the "ministry" as Holmes appeared to be out-cold upon impact. Well, it appeared so... but as Martin attempted to roll Holmes back into the ring... Bryan regained his composure enough to shove Martin into a nearby ringpost... Slamming his head in a hard manor up against the cold steel. Martin, now bleeding from such a strike, was no out of it though.... As both continued to brawl like crazy around the ringside area... Holmes using the steel steps for a front face suplex on Martin.... Johnny Martin using a nearby steel chair to wallop the PSW Champion square over the head with a running strike. All in all, again, neither was really able to gain full control... But... Was creating enough damage that, later on, there could be a potential outcome.


This is when it got a little weird though...


With the action now back in the ring, "The Ring Generals", despite hearing that they weren't needed, made their way down to the ringside area with evil intent. Without fail, not even giving a second to think about what they were about to do, Marv Slater and Dean Waldorf quickly climb into the ring and go after Martin... Stomping the hell out of him in the process. Holmes, now coming too and seeing what is taking place, clenches his fist in a fit of rage... Slamming said fist across his supposed allies Slater and Waldorf... Ultimately clearing them from the ring as the ecstatic PSW crowd is going absolutely crazy for, what appears to be, a Bryan Holmes babyface moment. Instead of allowing his "hired hands" to help him walk out with the title no matter what.... Holmes was standing up for the sake of competition... Not wanting his final match to go down like this.


While it was quite valiant, The clearing of "The Ring Generals" didn't really help Bryan out all that much as Martin quickly used the situation to his advantage. Barely picking up the win with a 2 1/2 count school-boy roll-up. By this point, The PSW Crowd was actually behind Holmes just as much as they were behind their beloved Johnny Martin. In a sense, it had become a babyface vs. babyface war within 10 minutes of action.


In the end, with the "Ring Generals" re-cooping outside of the ring, Bryan Holmes was fortunate enough to catch Johnny Martin going for his "Twist on the Rocks" (Spinning Fisherman's Brainbuster Suplex)... Breaking the hold... Landing a quick knee to the stomach and, ultimately, turning the tides of the match in his favor with his own signature move...


"FINAL IMPACT" (Spiked DDT)!!!


The crowd, firmly in Holmes's corner at this point, counts along with R.M. Stones as the PSW Champion ends his legendary reign in the "Steel City" with a dramatic victory!! In what no one saw coming, A heavy show of respect for Holmes was administered by the "Ministry" crowd as Holmes quickly rolled off of Martin... Laying face first down on the canvas below. Obviously emotional over the end of his career... Knowing that, while he made this decision wisely, that it was not going to be an easy situation to walk away from the very thing that he loved the most.... Pro Wrestling.


Bryan Holmes defeats Johnny Martin in 17:34 via a "Final Impact" (Spiked DDT).

Grade: C


Remmington Remus: There's so much to say at this point.... So much meaning behind this very moment... For that, We're not going to say anything... Rather, give you, fans of our company and Bryan Holmes, the opportunity to witness history on your own. Thank you all for tuning in tonight. We watch, now, as we say goodbye to, quite possibly, one of the greatest technical wrestlers in Pro Wrestling Today.



Bryan Holmes

... Post-Match Celebration ...


[The time has finally come... The bell has sounded and the outcome finally shown. Bryan Holmes, after a long and often decorated career, was now officially part of the greater public and no longer a member of the small wrestling fraternity. He slowly pulled himself to his feet... His eyes darting every which way as he attempts to hold back his emotions over the ordeal. Once on his feet, R.M. Stones quickly hands the PSW Championship over to the now retired Champion. In a moment of suspended belief, the emotional PSW crowd continues to believe that the man before them is their real Champion... Knowing that in the next few months there would be a "changing of the guard"... however, for tonight, it was still Bryan Holmes's title.]


[The response given to Bryan is something that can only be classified as movie hero-esque. Much like Rocky Balboa stood before his final crowd... A victor even if the outcome didn't totally point in that direction, Bryan Holmes was now before HIS crowd... Actually victorious... And still seen as a rugged champion despite his flowing signs of emotion.]


[Needless to say, That's why what came next truly catapulted the "Ministry" into a state of absolute horror..]



"The Ring Generals"

... Post-Match Attack ...


["The Ring Generals", after briefly talking with one another, quickly climb back into the ring and waste no time.... Attacking the PSW Champion, and their former ally, from behind. Marv quickly drops Holmes to the mat with a chop-block like attack... Buckling the aging veterans right knee out from underneath him. With a look of shock, and confusion on his face, Bryan looks up at the both of them as a slight lull in the action takes place... As if "The Ring Generals" were thinking about what they have done and possibly turning back on their potential assault. While it was a somewhat touching moment of remorse... That would quickly fade as both Dean and Marv viciously beat Bryan down to the mat... 2 on 1. With no real allies to speak of, and Johnny Martin out cold following their match, Bryan was left alone... A historic figure within' an amazing moment... Now, Subjected to a violent beatdown at the hands of the youngster tag team.]


[The beating would last only a few minutes but would ultimately turn the PSW crowd rabid against "The Ring Generals". The final blow, the final moment in Bryan Holmes's PSW career, sent shivers down the spine of any wrestling fan as Marv butterflied his former fearless leader's arms behind his back.... as Dean Waldorf executed a strong superkick to the jaw of Holmes.... Followed up by a belly to back butterflied suplex from Marv Slater. Upon impact, Holmes looked to be broken in half... Unconcious... Motionless on the canvas below.... The attack of a lifetime had come at the very moment that we least expected it... Bryan Holmes's going away present from his own allies was a remorseless, and severely brutal, assault from the very tag team that he helped catapult to "the next level". Just like other great figures in sports, movies, and TV... We were forced to watch greatness unravel, Challenging our own beliefs of said greatness, ultimately creating a sour taste in our mouths.]


Grade: D-


Doc Messing: Come On, God Damnit! What the F*ck is this all about?

Remmington Remus: It appears that "The Ring Generals" are not too happy with Holmes verbal, and physical, decree to stay away from his match tonight....

Doc Messing: This is F*cking ridiculous... Someone get out here and F*ckin' end this!

Remmington Remus: Bryan, much like many other competitors on our roster, have sadly burned way to many bridges to see any response... Sadly, This appears to be our final vision of a once great competitor...

Doc Messing: This is B*ll****... I'm out of here. [The sound of a Mic being dropped]







<hr color="black">Overall Show Grade: C-

Popularity Increased!

Show Attendance: 1,000<hr color="black">

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How did you get *him*? Did they also release the *other*?


*He* became available when the SWF fell to cult a few months back. His contract came up following their downfall, and even though he re-signed with them, he's only under a PPA right now. Needless to say, I thought about picking him up right away but wanted to wait until I had a persona/reason for him. Didn't want to just throw him out there for the fact of having someone like him on the roster if I didn't feel like there was a character that I had in mind for him.


Sadly, The other has not yet become available. To be honest, though, I'm not sure whether or not I would sign him too. I brought Demonio Volador in as a single character. Who knows though...

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Well, it's a good thing you got *him*. For some reason, Larry Wood and Madman are still disappointing me. Harry Allen seems to be getting better grades on average, even though his performance skills are supposedly not good as theirs initially.


Yea, it's really quite shocking to be honest. Bringing in Madman Boone was a moment I thought would prove to be great for my dairy but thus far he hasn't really done much to really produce. Same with KILLER, He's one of my fav. characters in this diary... but... I've been forced to deter some of my plans for him based on the fact that he can't really pull down a better grade than a "D" on average.


Then again, this last show pulled a bunch of D to D- matches... sadly. For the popularity of most of my workers that's not all that bad but I wouldn't mind some better outcomes. ha.


Harry is listed as the #1 Franchise in my "Creative Section", So... Everything seems to be clicking for him.

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Great show eisenverse. I thought you may put martin in the main event with the history between holmes and him. worked pretty well. also even though i like what youve done with dwb its good to see a new tag team pull down the belts. with the ending that you had i could see a ring generals feud with martin and future as martin stands up for the man who called him into his last match. either way great show!
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Great show eisenverse. I thought you may put martin in the main event with the history between holmes and him. worked pretty well. also even though i like what youve done with dwb its good to see a new tag team pull down the belts. with the ending that you had i could see a ring generals feud with martin and future as martin stands up for the man who called him into his last match. either way great show!


Thank You, CZCW.


I took an extra amount of time with this show partly because I was extremely busy over the past week and partly because I wanted to have a proper send-off to Bryan Holmes within PSW. In the end, I crafted the Holmes/Ring Generals split, in a way, to help further some Original PSW talent up the ranks. Now, "The Ring Generals" continue their path toward becoming public enemy #1 possibly.

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That reminds me. Remember when you said he was losing skill in Hardcore? Maybe he was already in decline then.


True. That could always be the case. Wouldn't surprise me either way. This company, more so than any other I've ever worked with before, leaves me baffled at some points as people I would expect to pull down great grades don't really do so... however, those who I don't always expect turn out great performances. Makes it more interesting that way though... Just forces me to change my plans almost always.



<hr color="black">Diary Note: My next Diary post is going to shape a new "view"/feel for what to expect from Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling going forward. With the loss of Bryan Holmes, There's a perfect point (at this given situation) to evolve. The product will stay the same... However, the company itself may go through a slight transition period... As new superstars are born, new people are given their shot at the top, and a new overall feel to the upcoming shows.


I've been playing with this company now for a year (in-game) wise and have made it a point to keep true to the brutal Hardcore approach of the company. That won't change what so ever, however, with the loss of my typical Main Event Scene... Things are being forced to move with the times. With that being said, expect the next few posts to bring a new feel (however, not too far from what you typically expect from this diary) to everything going forward.

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When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

~ Victor Frankl, Austrian Neurologist


Change is inevitable.


Evolution transcends normality.


Innovation ensures relevancy.


These are all subconscious truths in life. To move forward, to set a new tone, to bring on a new day, you must find a way to transcend your current state of mind and adopt a sense of innovation. If you continue down the same path... Past the same flowers... Admiring the same wildlife... Then there's a good chance that your mind will wander and lose focus. While their is beauty in normalcy.... Beauty in comfortability... These traits will almost certainly result in one outcome... "Status Quo".


There are moments where change is brought on naturally. A shift in season... the process of one aging. However, there are also instances where evolution is thrusted upon you. With the later, It becomes more of a fight to stay alive.... To remain in the greatest state of being.


Much like the "Fall of Rome", A once great empire was toppled in mere days as a new governing body took control of their space.... Change. Today, Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, remains in that very state.... Thrusted into evolution... Forced into innovation... Shaken by an Agent of Change.


To resist such a stage would be to ultimately ensure your death. While Mr. Naess scampers off to Canada, most likely leaving his own company to flounder to its demise, one man is forced to grab-hold of the situation... Shift with evolution... And ultimately grow a new empire in the space where the old once stood.


Again, like the Ancient Roman Empire... PSW houses some of the most brutal, most vicious, and most accomplished fighters in the world. With blood soaked hands and broken bones, both continue on their path toward dominance with the same Gladiator like approach. An uprising of the forgotten... A war within itself... A company on the verge of a life or death situation... To deny one's need to shift with the times is to plunder below its wake.


Today marks a new day in PSW history... A stage of utter chaos, a scenario of temporary anarchy as the new empire takes hold. Today, we mark this moment, as Chapter II in the story of a Revolution.






... The Rise of a New Era ...

... The Birth of the NEW Modern Day Gladiators ...

... Anarchy reigns Supreme as the "Steel City" begins to shift ...



<hr color="black">NEXT: A COMPANY MEETING...

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Early May 2009

... Addressing the Situation ...




"I don't know where he is at this exact moment, and to be honest, I don't really care. The only people who matter in this company are those in this room right now."


I wasn't one to deliver "rah-rah" speeches. In most cases, I've always been one whose stood in the shadows and just breezed through life. However, with 'the boys' standing up for me and ultimately saving my career, and to a greater sense my life, I felt that it was needed for me to finally stand in this position.


"You all know the situation... A lot of you have been here for longer than I have. Mitch [Naess] has done nothing but alienate himself from the rest of you. In most cases, He's shown that he cares more about his own well-being than the state of your happiness. He ran Alex [braun] out... Ran Wolverine out... and almost pushed Johnny [Martin] out the door as well. Those days are done and overwith... Today we mark a new day."


Here we were, packed in the basement of the "Ministry"... Holding a meeting about the status of PSW; without the need of the owner being present. They appeared to be buying into my speech thus far... Knowing that this was a much needed change of pace for the locker room area.


"Bryan isn't coming back. While it wasn't always popular to have the show centered around him... He was our Franchise player. That's just how it was. However, in his wake, We need to find a new focus... A new gathering of potential superstars... And that's where you all come in. I need for all of you to have an open mind... Continue to do 'your work'... and relish in the notion that you could potentially be 'next in line'."


Their eyes began to widen... It was apparent that everyone in the locker room area was focused and determined to take Bryan's place.


"If you 'do your job' night in and night out then i'll make sure that I do mine. In the end, We NEED for the masses to know.... [Pauses] PSW is a place where only the best can survive, where the violent can succeed, and where the brutally vicious can thrive. We are not Sports Entertainment... We are not Traditional Wrestling... Hell, we are NOT DaVE's version of Hardcore Wrestling... We are F*CKING Pittsburgh... Steel... Wrestling... The heart and soul of the "Steel City"... The tough as nails, bloody thirsty, hell-bent warriors that will usher in a NEW Generation of Hardcore."


Going forward, The PSW locker room appears to be back on track. With the loss of the constant locker room cancer, Billy Russell, the "Ceiling" to many other PSW wrestlers, Bryan Holmes, and the antagonistic self-obsessed manipulator, Mitch Naess (well, for the most part he's gone), There was a new sense of excitement in the air.




<hr color="black">NEXT: SURVIVAL OF THE VICIOUS...<hr color="black">

Diary Note: For those just coming in, Read the previous post (before this one) to see why such a meeting was held. Out of the two, The last post is probably the more important one.
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Great work man. Love what you're doing with the diary right now. The new logo gives PSW a real proffesional look. This has an ECW feel to it. The characters are the real story to this diary. The wrestling takes a backseat to the characters and their story and I like that.


I think you need to let John have full control of PSW and run with it..haha Mitch is lame rolling with NOTBPW. Can't wait to see where you go from here. You're debuting character had a real good match with Kashmir..he could be a huge star..I look forward to seeing what you do with him. Great job again man

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Great work man. Love what you're doing with the diary right now. The new logo gives PSW a real proffesional look. This has an ECW feel to it. The characters are the real story to this diary. The wrestling takes a backseat to the characters and their story and I like that.


I have KAM to thank for the new logo. Isn't it bad ass? ;) I wanted a new look for the company so that, going forward, it could mark the beginning of a new era in PSW. There have been two prior, 1) The very beginning of the company, 2) The Bryan Holmes Era, and now.... A state of anarchy ensues as we try to find where the next crew of Company leaders comes from. No one will ever take over Holmes's place but a collection of people could hopefully carry the company in their own rights.


As for ECW, I've always been outward with the fact that ECW is a huge huge influence on me & this diary. I was between the ages of 10-16 when ECW was brewing up and then made it onto TV. I remember watching their small small, before TNN, every saturday night after SNL at midnight. At that time It was hard to stay up but I knew that I was watching something special... So every week, I watched. Needless to say, now, running a hardcore company in this diary... ECW is a major backdrop for what I believe is "cool". While I won't go ahead and completely rip anything off (as there are differences between the two companies)... I would be lying if I didn't say that I've watched a few old episodes in which to get into the mood of writing this diary.


I think you need to let John have full control of PSW and run with it..haha Mitch is lame rolling with NOTBPW. Can't wait to see where you go from here. You're debuting character had a real good match with Kashmir..he could be a huge star..I look forward to seeing what you do with him. Great job again man


At this point, John is pretty much in control of PSW. Mitch has fled to NOTBPW, and in my eyes despite the fact that he's been terrified that PSW would also fail just as DAVE did, He's mentally detached himself from his own creation. Why? It all stems down to Greed's punch. Like some bullies, All it takes is a swift sock in the jaw and all of sudden they lose their internal strength or their desire to harm. When John punched Mitch and then Mitch was forced to keep him since his entire roster would walk if Greed was let go, Mitch became powerless in his own company.


Overall, again at this point in the diary, Mitch has become the figurehead owner but not a hands on guy anymore. He doesn't work at the announcing desk, won't be seen much probably from a creative stand-point, but now just resides in the background as he spends most of his time in Canada. Some may think it's stupid for me to not use mitch since he's a C- in popularity and an amazing announcer... But, with the background story that's brewing, It makes sense for such a situation to take place. Mitch still brings in the money from PSW but can also make a fat check with the, now, national NOTBPW.


With El Demonio Volador, I was crazy happy to see that he pulled a "C+" with Kashmir. Who would have thought? I didn't really want Kash to pick up another loss (as I love his character) but the storyline that developed during and following that loss works for me. Kash now gets to continue with his PSW-hate-speech and rile up the fans against him while Volador can continue to impress (Writing his promo, Volador, and crafting his character was one of the most fun things i've done in this diary thus far). Could be he PSW Champ at some point? Quite possibly. I'm not sure when, and where, or if he'll even get to stick around to that point but as of right now I love what I've got in Volador.




Sorry for the novel. ha. After working for hours on my last show I guess I have a lot of things to talk about. :)



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<hr color="black">

"Survival of the Vicious"

Monday, 3rd Week of May 2009

Run-Time: 1 HOUR 30 MINS

PSW Event #15

<hr color="black">

Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly

[barbed Wire Match]

["Extreme Roulette" Qualifier]


Johnny Martin vs. Dean Waldorf w/ Nicole Kiss

["Extreme Roulette" Qualifier]


Marv Slater w/ Nicole Kiss vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Malietoa vs. Frankie Future

["Extreme Roulette" Qualifier]


Harry Allen © vs. Teddy Powell

[PSW National Championship Match]

["Extreme Roulette" Qualifier]


Grease Hogg vs. El Demonio Volador

["Extreme Roulette" Qualifier]



This show, "Survival of the Vicious", is unlike any other show in PSW's short history. The entire show will be devoted to qualifying matches for the Main Event match-up of our June 2009 live event, "Extreme Roulette". For those who are new to the "Steel City" promotion, "Extreme Roulette" is a match where 6 competitors compete for the rights to both the National Championship and the PSW Championship. With ladders sprawled about the ringside area, The main event match takes place in two different segments... Once a wrestlers is able to snag one of the championships (which are hung above the ring like a typical ladder match) then segment #1 is done and that Champion has been declared. The winning superstar, and new champion, then is given the chance to compete for the other title that is still available. Needless to say, Championships can EASILY CHANGE HANDS NEXT MONTH!


"Thoughts of Greed":

What could be more fitting, at this point, to come to our yearly live event "Survival of the Vicious"? Given the fact that, creatively, PSW is in a state of anarchy... Desperately trying to find its new slew of main eventers in hope of keeping the company afloat. So, needless to say, it's quite fitting to have such an event come back around... Catapulting those who are vicious enough to survive the hell that will most certainly be bestowed upon them this month.


Instead of declaring a new PSW Champion, in Bryan's wake, this month... I felt it was best to push the new crowning back a month as to take place during our most popular gimmick match, "Extreme Roulette". With the title being vacant until then, It seems, again, most fitting to have this months event declare who will be able to via not only for the National Championship next month but who will also be able to potentially walk away as the NEW PSW Champion.


There are five matches set for "Survival of the Vicious" and the winner from said matches will then be thrown into next month's main event. As anyone can notice, due to the math, that leaves out the 6th competitor of the match... The final competitor will be decided at a later date.


With big names defecting from the "Steel City"... It's time to develop a new cast of cornerstones. Ensuring that we can move on into the future even though we lack those names that have become synonymous with our company.


<hr color="black">

"Survival of the Vicious" Quick Picks


Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly

Johnny Martin vs. Dean Waldorf

Marv Slater vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Malietoa vs. Frankie Future

Harry Allen © vs. Teddy Powell

Grease Hogg vs. El Demonio Volador

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Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly

Johnny Martin vs. Dean Waldorf

Marv Slater vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Malietoa vs. Frankie Future

Harry Allen © vs. Teddy Powell

Grease Hogg vs. El Demonio Volador


I am really enjoying this EV. You have a few guys that could become franchise guys, I will be interested to see who comes out on top.



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Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly


Even though Killer has not done what you want him to do I think he pulls this one out.


Johnny Martin vs. Dean Waldorf


I know that Dean is in for a big push after the last show but Johnny is a Main Eventer and really can not lose this match.


Marv Slater vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Malietoa vs. Frankie Future


For me this is a bit of a toss up as any of these guys could win and it would make sense to me.


Harry Allen © vs. Teddy Powell


Still can not see Harry losing this quickly.


Grease Hogg vs. El Demonio Volador


Grease Hogg is not all that great by himself and El Demonio Volador is really good on his own so this is a simple pick for me.

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Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly


I agree with BHK on this one. KILLER hasn't been great for you but you haven't given up on him yet.


Johnny Martin vs. Dean Waldorf


I think Dean will pull this off. You are trying to create new main eventers and after the last show I see both Dean and Marv getting big pushes even over Johnny.


Marv Slater vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Malietoa vs. Frankie Future


See Dean above...I am a big fan of Mr. Morgan but feel Marv will go over.


Harry Allen © vs. Teddy Powell


Gotta go with Harry on this one. Too early to drop the strap and he could be a future star.


Grease Hogg vs. El Demonio Volador


EV you know how I feel about El Demonio Volador so I gotta go with him. Future World champ!

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Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly

Boone has been less than impressive since coming in and has definitely under achieved. Plus, I think you want to build Colossus and will keep doing so here.


Johnny Martinvs. Dean Waldorf

Can't see past a Martin win here but seems The Ring Generals are in for a push as part of the 'New Generation' in PSW so anything could happen


Marv Slater vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Malietoa vs. Frankie Future

Again, The Ring Generals are in for a push so Slater could pick up the win but I'm a massive fan of Samoan's in the game, especially Malietoa. Morgan & Future are both cornerstones of PSW but they're ageing so why not have them help build a new star?


Harry Allen © vs. Teddy Powell

It's clear that you're a big fan of Powell but I think that Allen is well on his way to becoming one of the No.1 guys in your PSW so can't see him losing just yet


Grease Hogg vs. El Demonio Volador

If you can keep hold of him, Volador is gonna be a top guy. Greaser is great as one half of The Dirty White Boyz but I don't see a singles push for him here so for him to beat Volador wouldn't make sense to me.


Can't wait for the show, EV. Get it up ASAP!!!

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Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly - Its a barbed wire match so my money is on the monster. This should be a bloody one.

Johnny Martin vs. Dean Waldorf - Could go either way. Martin is a big wrestler for you but dean cemented a push with his attack on bryan holmes. I'm most interested in this match.

Marv Slater vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Malietoa vs. Frankie Future - Slater could win but morgan pulls out the veteran win.

Harry Allen © vs. Teddy Powell - Harry seems to be very important to you and for that i dont see him losing the belt this quickly.

Grease Hogg vs. El Demonio Volador - I cheated and saw who is under the mask by clicking on his pic. :rolleyes: So with that background knowledge I think he has the better chance to win.



I really like the idea of PSW falling into anarchy now that mitch isn't "around" anymore. your meeting with the roster, plus the post before that, makes for a cool new setup. plus, your new logo is awesome. looking forward to the next show.

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Can't wait for the show, EV. Get it up ASAP!!!


Sadly, The results for this show won't be up anytime in the next coming days. I'm thinking, hypothetically, that they should be up sometime around the end of the week/beginning of next week? I go back to work starting tomorrow and will work straight through the weekend so finding time to book and then write the show may be somewhat tough.


Either way, I'm going to attempt to get the results up as soon as possible without compromising the overall quality of the write-up. :)


Side Note, Thank you to everyone who has left behind predictions/feedback/personal opinions. I say this each time around but it honestly means a lot to have people paying attention to this project. It's been a lot of fun crafting the company and It's great to see people paying attention! :)



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NEWS: Rebel Pittsburgh Promotion continuing to spiral out of control?

3rd week of May 2009




PSW Anarchy-Bound?


Don't let the new PSW logo fool you, Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling is the same dysfunctional company it's always been. A company that built itself out of the ruins of THE most heart-wrenching loss in Pro Wrestling History, "The Fall of DaVE", PSW is now finding itself hovering dangerously close to the same abyss that sucked its predecessor to its depths.


We here, at TotalExtremeWrestling.com, have done everything to bring you the latest, and often polarizing, news from the young rebel promotion. Sadly, during this time frame, many have labeled its recent developments backstage as MORE interesting than what was really happening on the other side of the curtain; a truth that tends to speak volumes negatively for any sense of longevity in any promotion.


Our internal sources, within PSW, haven't pulled any punches when it comes to their criticism for the Naess-led, well sort of, company. These said sources have labeled PSW as a "toxic environment"... A "sea spool of egocentrics".... And, most damaging, a "complete, and utter, Mess from a organizational standpoint."


As reported here first, Company Owner, and former "Voice of DaVE", Mitch Naess has recently fled his own promotion to work for rising Canadian powerhouse, NOTBPW. In doing so, Mr. Naess has not been seen, or heard from for that matter, in several weeks. In his absence, former addict & recently violent, John Greed has taken full control of the company. While Mitch's name is still listed as the Owner... Our sources have made it very apparent that the 29 year old Greed is heavily in control of the day-to-day situations.


On top of that, We are also receiving word that the company is potentially set to lose MORE of their big names. While our sources couldn't name them all, The biggest name of the bunch is that of former PSW National Champion, Teddy Powell. Powell, a major player in PSW since its opening, is said to have 2 months left on his verbal contract and will not resign unless the company stands by its decision to give him another Mid-card title reign. At this point, This could shift in Powell's favor... However, if it does not, it appears that Teddy is willing to walk on the Pittsburgh based promotion.



So, Who can be held at fault for such a chaotic existence?


Mitch Naess? John Greed?


It's really unclear, however, their hatred of one another has seemingly driven a major wedge through the company. With Naess not even present for any PSW events as of late, and John Greed still relatively knew to the "backstage area", it appears that PSW could follow the same outcome as the very company that it built itself out of. At least, in DaVE's standpoint, they lasted for longer than 2 years.


More to come....




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"Survival of the Vicious" Quick Picks


Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly

Johnny Martin vs. Dean Waldorf

Marv Slater vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Malietoa vs. Frankie Future

Harry Allen © vs. Teddy Powell

Grease Hogg vs. El Demonio Volador

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Night Before "Survival of the Vicious"

... I don't get it ...



"I still don't get it... I don't know why they chose me. Why they rallied behind me..."


"What is there to get, John? They see something with you... Something in you. Then again, I don't get it either... You've always been nothing more than a screw up."


My brother's laughter, short yet machine-gun like, penetrated through the silence. My mind was brewing with questions... With confusion... I knew that Michael was the only one who I could turn too. Why? Because he wasn't part of "this world"... The industry. He was an outsider to my trade... Something that made him a hot commodity when it came to giving me advice. It wasn't littered with career asperations... Trying to push me a certain way for the sake of company politics. Nah, Mike always told it like it was... Never strayed far from the facts.


"Shutup. Honestly, though, this company... some of these people... It's a F*cking asylum. Trying to juggle different personality types, varying egos, and self-obsessed bullies... I mean, I know wrestling... I've lived in this industry for a few years now and have seen a lot of sh*t go down... But, this place... It can suck the life out of you."


"John. What did Dad always say?"


"Why are you going into wrestling... That kind of crap is for high school drop-outs?"


"Well yea, but that's not what I'm talking about. Remember? When sh*t starts to get the best of you... Flush."


Always with a joke. However, it's true... I needed to purge myself from the weight of all of this crap... F*ck Mitch, F*ck Russel, Hell... F*ck Bryan Holmes for all of a sudden deciding to walk out on the only company that gave a sh*t about him following his mental "breakdown" during his time with DaVE. It all needed to subside... Float away... If I continued to wrestle with these feelings then I will ultimately find myself, back, in another round of treatment... Or even worse, A fatal Overdose.


"You're right, Mike. I may never know why they chose to follow me... but one thing is for sure... I can't let them down for doing so. Hell, I'm sure Mitch would love to see me just walk away from PSW... Vow that it was too difficult of a job to carry. F*ck that... Ya know? F*ck all of that."


"atta boy, P*ssy. I knew you had it in you..."


"F*ck you, Mike."


Again, another stint of laughter followed.


"What's this about Terry Powell or something? The boys at work were talking about how you may lose another of your big wigs?"


I couldn't help but laugh. Mike didn't follow wrestling... He wasn't the "wrestling" type.... More of the money laundering type.


"Teddy? I don't know... There's a title reign in his contract that he is owed and we're 2 months away from the end of his contract. Understandably enough, He wants me to honor the contract stip... But.... I don't know if I can? Just doesn't seem in the cards. Ya know? I don't know though... We'll see I guess what comes about...



<hr color="black">

"Survival of the Vicious" Quick Picks


Madman Boone vs. KILLER Colossus vs. Lead Belly

Johnny Martin vs. Dean Waldorf

Marv Slater vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Malietoa vs. Frankie Future

Harry Allen © vs. Teddy Powell

Grease Hogg vs. El Demonio Volador

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OOC: This post is done to inform the average PSW diary reader of what the company currently looks like from an "in-game" perspective. Nothing too crazy, not the most meaningful post of all-time, however, for those who like to think of these diaries as extension's of the TEW game itself... Then here is your fix. :)

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In-Game Date: 3rd Week of May 2009 (Day before "Survival of the Vicious")

Company Popularity & Importance in the US: D- for both in The Tri-State area.

Current Capital Amount: $101,700

Highest Capital Amount (at one point): July 2008 = $141, 723

Promotion Pacts: Working Agreements w/ FCW & MAW, At War w/ NYCW.


I decided to "open up my books" in which to show those reading my PSW diary that things are actually fairing quite well. Sure, I wouldn't mind being a little more popular, however, at this point, it's not that important to me. A TV deal would be amazing but I don't foresee that happening as I plan on running all of my shows out of the Tri-State (Pittsburgh) area @ "The Ministry" as long as this diary is running.


I'm almost halfway through writing "Survival of the Vicious" and I must say... Things are getting much much darker with a slew of new storylines coming through. It may not be that apparent but while writing the show I could sense a def. shift. Why? With the fact that Mitch Naess has walked out on the PSW (Still the Owner though from an in-game standpoint).. The company has shifted into a state of anarchy. With that being said, When anarchy ensues that means that really anything can take place.


With that being said, A major storyline is starting at this upcoming show and I have to say that I'm extremely excited for how it's going to unfold. Also, how you all will feel about it as well. It's laid out pretty well from the get-go, however, there are a lot of open-ended questions coming from the write-up. Something that's done on purpose.


All in all, I just wanted to leave this "in-game" post for those who like that side of a diary. I've focused primarily on the rise of John Greed as a headbooker (someone also dealing with a major career ending injury and a crippling addiction that followed) as well as the shows themselves/creative storylines. In the end, wanted to show another side of the diary in an easy to read... Re-cap kind of thing.



"Survival of the Vicious" to be posted sometime Monday I do believe.

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