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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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OOC: I'm heading back home tomorrow night, so, I'll have internet at my disposal again (more consistently) starting tomorrow night. Just thought I'd throw that out there in case it seemed like I wasn't showing up much to update the diary.<hr color="black">


Thank you to everyone who read "Extreme Roulette", and then, leaving some feedback behind. The show was truly one of my favorite write-ups ever. No lie. I knew I had fallen on a "golden opportunity" with Marat, so, I was eager to write up the show & finally introduce the big man to the "World of Greed". :)


With the large volume of responses (again, Thank you for that!), I've decided to break down my, return, responses in this kind of format. Easy to read and such.




PSW gaining Marat Khoklov

Funny enough, He's been available for quite some time now, however, he had always turned down my request due to not being large enough for him. So, a week or so ago, I was mulling over what I wanted to do following Bryan Holmes leaving (and going through a mini- "WTF am I going to do creatively" kind of questioning, and thought I'd try again. I almost fell off my chair when it actually came back for a contract negotiation with the big man. I was seriously beside myself... laughing, etc. I knew that I had easily filled the gap of a leaving Holmes, however, didn't do so in a way that felt like I was copying the success that Bryan Holmes had. Marat is 100% his own man... his own character... His own deal. Therefore, a new "major player" is born in PSW.


In this case, as well, I knew that he HAD to fall in the hands of the "Unknown Figure" as he (The Figure) is looking to overtake PSW by violent means. What do most underground militia's want the most? A powerful display of weapons in which to force their way into power. Hence, Marat Khoklov is the "Unknown Figure's" atomic bomb if you will. Now, with the PSW Championship in his corner... Marat Khoklov also in his corner... And Mitch Naess nowhere to be seen (Off in Canada), It's much easier for an overthrow to take place as the power is drastically shifting in his favor.


There is a catch to signing Marat though... Which will be tackled in the next few posts as John Greed projects those issue(s). All in all, though, i'm crazy excited to move forward with Marat as a vital person in this diary. I mean, look at his picture.. haha.. Who wouldn't want to write for the guy? He's one of my fav. people in the Cornellverse & it's a "dream" to actually be able to book for him in a diary.



Harry Allen not helping Marat win the title

Great point, and great find. Yes, Harry Allen (as we saw during last month's event) has a tie with the "Unknown Figure" and was pretty much shown to be a major player in his overthrow. That being said, there is def. a reason for why this took place & that will unfold this next month at "Vile and the Vengeful".



Knuckles joining PSW

I was just as excited about a debuting Knuckles as I was about Marat Khoklov. Honestly was. I've always been a big fan of his character in the SWF and KNEW he would be perfect in PSW... Both from a character standpoint as well as his actual in-game ratings. The reason for his attack on Johnny Martin will unfold, starting next month possibly, and, overall, there will probably be a name change for his character coming at some point here as the SWF probably would be much like the WWE in the sense that they would own copyrights to their superstars names. That being said, the announcers were able to say his name... Not knowing what his new persona was yet since he hadn't spoken yet, however, in the next month or two there'll be a new focus/name for him.



"Unknown Figure" Identity

While I won't tell you who the person is.... I can say that his identity may not be a quick unveil. This storyline is vital to the success (both in-game as well as creatively) for all of 2009 (in-game)... Therefore, I wanted to really give it it's due and allow it to unfold gradually so that once you finally see his face... You know exactly what kind of persona he is. I've been trying to give both subtle, and outright, clues as to what his character means to PSW as a whole! :)



"The Butcher" = Thimblebly Langton

Thank you for the alt PaulSkln! His new persona is taking a slow, gradual, process as well to make it onto the "Live Show". I've been having him work dark matches, hoping to update his ratings a little through in-ring action, however, I plan on having him debut at some point in 2009 (in-game). Right now, with the "Ministry Overthrow" taking place, I felt that he would only get lost in the shuffle and I'd really love to see his character (as weird, wacky, and 80's horror-cult themed monster as possible - a la "Freddy Krueger, Jason, etc.") get the time, and respect, that is due for a budding youngster.

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What happened to INSPIRE? Did all of their fighters become available because their written contracts became PPA deals?


That's what I'm guessing came to happen as they are currently set as "Cult". So, anyone's contracts who came up probably were shifted to PPA deals. Marat, though, was unemployed when he came to PSW so he wasn't doing anything at all.


Either way, INSPIRE has been very-very good to me thus far. ;)

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Well, Marat Kholov has A popularity in Japan, which meant he wouldn't work for a Cult Promotion in Japan. Problem for him is.. PGHW won't sign him (not ahtletic enough or have high enough stamina, plus his Performance skills aren't where they like it to be, and a low Puroresu skil), GCG is probably regional or Cult, and BHOTWG might have fallen to Cult.
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The Day After "Extreme Roulette"

... Good God, John. You're doing it ...



"How the HELL did you pull that off?"


Larry [Wood] spoke through a light stint of laughter, Crossing through a faded, waned, wooden doorway leading into my "office". Not so much of an office from a traditional standpoint, however, a small windowless room that use to stand as a daycare for the children of the sunday "Ministry" church goers.


"Don't give me that typical sh*t you always mutter... 'I did my job'. [Laughs] You had to have made a deal with the devil himself to land Marat Khoklov. So.... [Pauses] How long do you have before the 'fallen angel of darkness' comes for your soul? 5? 10 years?"


Without any real furniture to speak of in the room, Larry takes a seat on the floor (an awkward vision as the near 7 foot grizzly bearded man attempting to fold himself up enough to sit on the floor.). With his hand running across his lower back, obviously not a 20 year old anymore and feeling the wear and tear of everyday life, Larry looks up in my direction... Seated behind a collection of wooden crates that I call my desk.


"5 years... He offered me a job in the gift shop. Couldn't turn it down."


I responded the only way I knew how, A subtle... Sly remark. I had to fight back a stint of laughter of my own as I saw Larry's head shake back and forth... Heavily smirking as if to say "F*ck you man".


"Come on, John. How'd you pull this one off?"


I sat back on a torn computer chair that I found out in the trash outside of my crappy studio apartment. The fabric had frayed greatly, mud was seen splattered across the side of the arm rests.. However, I wasn't one to clean it up. To be honest, I felt the chair was a better representation of myself... Torn, battered, a little muddy... But still useful despite it all.


"I spoke with a friend of mine over in Japan. Someone I use to work with back in my days in Mexico. They patched me with Marat's 'legal adviser' and we worked out a plan. I didn't get what I originally wanted, to be honest, but we at least got something..."


"Something? [Laughs] In one night alone we saw our website hits triple in numbers. Hell, TotalExtremeWrestling.com had Marat's stateside debut as the #1 story listed in their 'NEWS SECTION'. [Laughs] And you say we got 'something'? Jesus, John. You changed the course of this rinky-dink company in one night.... One night! Something that Mitch had been trying to do for 2 years prior to you coming on board..."


Larry, running his other hand across his mountain main-like beard, looks straight into my eyes with a look of pure happiness. To me, Larry has always been my "right hand man". While he stands 10 years older than I, I've never met someone as easy to work with as Larry. When I first got the job he all but saved me when I showed up wide-eyed on my first day. He knew what it took to be a booker... And luckily, he didn't try to powertrip me in the beginning... Rather, he tried to help me. For that, I will forever be grateful and typically look to him as THE most respected person on our roster.


"What I mean by 'something' is that his contract isn't what I was really looking for to start with. I guess, after leaving INSPIRE, Marat's 'legal advisors' felt it would benefit him best, financially, to become a freelancer. A little here... A little there... He gets a big pay day and won't sign a contract for longer than 3 months. So, even though I wanted to lock him down for years with incentives up the wazoo, I had to abide by their 'new rules'. He's here, for sure, for the next 2 months... But... It's never a given that he'll be here after those limited contracts are up."


Larry, sensing my fear of "what could happen", slowly nods his head now... Curling his mouth inward as if to say "Ahh, yes".


"That's tough, John. Then again, even if we can squeeze a few months out of the guy... It'll be golden for PSW.... Golden for you!"


We were on the same page, Larry and I, now I just had to move forward with what I wanted to get out of the big man (Marat). Even if I never knew how long Marat would be with us... I had to continue on this path as his presence, alone, means EVERYTHING to this organization.


With a sigh of relief, I delivered, possibly, the most inciteful... well thought out... Philosophical statement I could conjure up in such short time...


"F*ck yea"

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He's freelancer now? Better than nothing, I guess. You could always try to renegotiate after 2 months.


Yea, that's my plan at this point. Keep on renewing his contract after each one passes (3 months in duration) and hoping that he doesn't obtain a major popularity push that it ends up hurting his chances of coming back. Granted, Holmes did find a popularity push up into the B- range during his "hayday" in PSW, however, I still could resign him at that point as the rest of the country he was still around a C or so.


only trouble with the giant Marat Kholov is he doesnt speak english which could be a problem sometime for you.


Very true. Larry Wood [KILLER Colossus] speaks one of the languages that he can also speak, however, it's passable from Marat's standpoint. So, I may need to look into bringing in a "friend" for Marat to keep him happy while he's here. Maybe some chica for him on the side... ha. :p

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I was going to ask you about Thimblebly Langton, but I did not know if it was common knowledge that you were changing his character. Glad to hear that you are using him in dark matches.


Yea, Even if there isn't much of a bump ratings wise then at least I can him some momentum running before he would make his eventual debut. I've made it a goal to try to push the original PSW's as much as I possibly could without hurting my overall booking plans. There are certain "newcomers" that I really want to work with and am focused on getting them over... However, with that being said, I really would like to keep a backbone of these superstars on the roster at all times:


Johnny Martin

Mr. Morgan

Marv Slater

Dean Waldorf

Thimblebly Langton


Sure, Teddy Powell was suppose to be part of that listing but things come and go as they do. I messed up a little and lost track of his contractual stips... So, in the end, my loss.

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NEWS: Deadbolt & Teddy Powell leave PSW.

4th week of June 2009




PSW Originals "walk out" of PSW


Teddy Powell, PSW's longest reigning National Champion (10 months), has recently announced that he has left Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. In a statement left on his website (TeddyPowell.com), Teddy left his message for the masses.


"First and foremost, I want to thank Mitch Naess, John Greed, Jeff Morgan, and all of those who made my stay in PSW over the last 2 years. They gave me a "chance" after DaVE fell apart, and for that, I thank them greatly. Sadly, due to the fact that PSW did not meet my contractual demands, I was forced to step away from the company at this time. I could foresee myself re-joining their roster at a later date, however, a lot would have to be worked through for that to happen. Thank you, to all of you, who have followed my career up to this point and consider yourself a 'fan'. Today, I embark on a new chapter in my wrestling career. I hope to see you following close behind!


+ Teddy Powell, TeddyPowell.com


It should be noted that the rumor circulating around the "Steel City" is that John Greed was unable to satisfy Powell's contractual stipulation for a 2nd National Championship reign. Greed, very frank about his respect for Powell, has recently told the wrestling media that it was all his mistake and that Powell's original title reign was the ultimate culprit in halting a second title reign due to the fact that the 1st was longer than first thought out.


In an un-related note, to Powell at least, PSW original, Dead Bolt, has also left the company. There was no contract offered to the aging New York veteran and it's expected that he will return to the Indy scene in NY following his release.


More to follow...

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In an un-related note, to Powell at least, PSW original, Dead Bolt, has also left the company. There was no contract offered to the aging New York veteran and it's expected that he will return to the Indy scene in NY following his release.




On a serious note what happened to Thimblebly Langton's partner? I can not remember if you already covered this before.

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Well you can always have Powell make a shock return in 6 months. That is the advantage of the 1 show a month companies that time goes way faster.


I've always been a fan of Teddy Powell (no matter the company I was booking for). So, there's a good chance that TP will find his way back to PSW sometime after the 6 month stint away. Probably wouldn't be right away but then again you never know...




On a serious note what happened to Thimblebly Langton's partner? I can not remember if you already covered this before.


Wooton is working dark matches right now too, though, he's being crapped on by the PSW fans pretty much every time he steps out. That's the reason I decided to turn Thimbleby into a singles wrestler as Wooton was really holding him back. This way, if Wooton finally gets over the whole "the fans hate you" thing... Then he can make a comeback of some sorts... But for now, he'll play in the background as Thimbleby gets his singles shot in the next few months.


As for "Acedia" (or Dead Bolt), I just didn't have anything for the guy to do anymore. He was a member of the "Deadly SIN's" and then went on to side with KILLER Colossus by turning on Primal Rage. As time went on, though, I just couldn't get myself to really give him "Show time" if there were far better options available. ya know? ha. I know you had a connection with the man.... Maybe he'll come back at some point? For a second there, He was going to be the "Butcher" character, I thought, but when it came down to it... Thimblebly had better upside & looked more (and wrestled more) the part.

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Early July 2009

... A War's a brewin' ...


"What's your response to Derek Bradford's recent comments condemning PSW as a 'misguided company built upon the ills of this industry"?"



<hr color="black">


... 2 Minutes Earlier ...


<hr color="black">


I hadn't left "The Ministry" in a few days now. Mr. Marquez, the man who was nice enough to rent out the space for us each month, knew that his business affairs were on "hard times" as of late, as it appeared that no one wanted to rent out a former church that was on the verge of being shut down by the city due to health and structure codes, therefore, he allowed me to pitch a cot in the corner of my make-shift office (a windowless former child's daycare for church goers).


It's not that I didn't want to go home. Sure, my dreary studio apartment was starting to look more and more like a jail cell, however, it still had it's character to it. A broken window here, clogged plumbing there, an occasional mouse scurrying underneath my cabinets... You know... The life we all dream of when we're 10 years old... Making a grand statement that we want to... "Work in the Wrestling Industry". Sadly, You don't want to break it to your 10 year old self that working in such an industry wasn't what you first thought it would be.... There's no real fame... No real glory... Just pain, loneliness, and lack of realistic health care. You were pretty much thrown to the wolves each and every week... Trying to fend for yourself on a small, almost non-existent in my case, income. Far from glorious... Far from "Ideal".


I was mulling over the sad state of my living space, wanting to move however not making enough to really put that plan into action, when all of a sudden the phone rang. I was expecting it to be Larry [Wood] on his box of a cell phone that I'm sure was his first, ever, cell phone back in the 80's... I mean, jesus man... Adapt with the times.


However, it wasn't....


I didn't recognize the number...


Then again, in this job, there are a lot of numbers that I don't really recognize that actually carry quite a lot of interest in the end...




I picked up...


"Is this John Greed?"


"Uh... Who is this?"


"This is Jacob from TotalExtremeWrestling.com, Do you have a moment so that I may speak to you?"


I really didn't want to speak to anyone right now, to be honest. The shakes were still resonating through out my body (once and addict, pretty much always an addict) and my self-defeating mentality was getting the best of me today... But... I knew that anything TEW.com was looking for could potentially help the company. So, I came back with a simple...


"Sure. What 'ya need?"


"What's your response to Derek Bradford's recent comments condemning PSW as a 'misguided company built upon the ills of this industry"?"


I was thrown back at first. Sure, I knew that "Stomper" wasn't really all that thrilled that we were cutting into his market (a market he had pretty much owned ever since DaVE fell apart) but I never thought he would stoop this low as to send a verbal jab our way. I guess when you really feel threatened by what others are doing... You reach out and try to... Punch someone?


"Uh. That's the first time I've heard that. Are you sure he said that"?


"Yea, he actually called into TEW.com to give us a message. It seems that he really wants to get that out there..."


I cleared my throat... Giving no time to really think about my answer..


"F*ck him."


"That's it?"


"Sure, why not?"


"Nothing more than that? That's all you want us to quote you as saying?"


I took a brief second to think it over... Then came back once again...


"I understand that 'Stomper' felt that he could rule the region after DaVE collapsed.. but.. Did he really think he wouldn't see anyone else challenge his status? Honestly, I respect the man... I think he's put together a testament to wrestling with a promotion like NYCW. I mean it's been around since 1988... That's a god-damned feat! Especially in this day and age. All in all, If he wants to pick a fight with us... So be it... We're not going to apologize for how we run things... For our events... For the violence that comes from our shows. If you don't like us... That's fine... F*ck you. [Laughs] If you do like us... Great. It's as simple as that..."


"Will you address his message in your next show?"


"To be honest, Jacob. No. We're all 'big boys' here... 'Stomper' sees that we're moving up from the basement of the industry and he wants to latch on as quick as he can. That's fine. The way I see it, They do their thing and we do ours... If they want a war... That's fine. We'll compete for space... But, I have other things to focus on... A company to help run. That's it."


Did I put my foot in my mouth? I don't really think so. It's not like I threw the first punch. Either way, I'm sure this would set some of my 'boys' the wrong way... We may end up losing some people, some NYCW loyalists, however, if they really cared about PSW... They would understand what we're trying to do here.


If they don't understand and sadly chose NYCW over us...


That's fine...


However, There is one resounding thought that comes to mind...


One thing that's become my personal mantra as of late...


F*ck... You...

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NEWS: "The Stomper" calls his people "home"; slams PSW again.

1st Week of July 2009




A small battle turns to an all-out war?


Derek "The Stomper" Bradford, owner and head operator of NYCW, has come forth with, yet another, sound byte directed squarely upon PSW. However, this time around it carries a more deadly punch than the last. Why? This time around, Mr. Bradford is calling on all of those wrestlers on his roster, who also work for the "Steel City" hardcore promotion, to turn their backs on the competition and "come home".


While the statement seems rather lofty, There has been a significant level of buzz circulating around Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, as of late, as many are starting to feel like the company is "Spiraling out of control" without Mitch Naess present. Several un-named sources have, pretty much, condemned the company for it's "negative work environment"... "Psychotic demands"... and "Management's inability to not act as children."


With that being said, and with that background knowledge permeating, it's been rumored that alot of those who work for both companies are starting to lean toward leaving PSW in favor of the much more stable NYCW. While it's only speculation, at this point, there are some major names on the PSW roster who may be defecting from the underground promotion in which to return to "Stomper's" Traditional-based product.


While it's all speculation, at this point, there are some strong signs that something of this magnitude could certainly take place as many consider NYCW to be more "prestigious"; on top of the fact that they are widely seen as one of the most consistent companies in the U.S. Wrestling scene (In Active Operation since 1988).


More to come...

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<hr color="black">

"The Vile and the Vengeful"

Monday, 4th Week of July 2009

Run-Time: 1 HOUR 30 MINS

PSW Event #17

<hr color="black">

Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa

[PSW National Championship Match]


Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus


Dean Waldorf w/ Nicole Kiss and Marv Slater vs. Nigel "Rock Hard" Svensson


Frankie Future and Johnny Martin © vs. "The Dirty White Boys"

[PSW Tag Team Championships Match]


Brutus Roach vs. Mr. Morgan

[Roach's PSW, In-Ring, Debut]


Marat Khoklov © vs. El Demonio Volador

[PSW Championship Match]



The fallout of "Extreme Roulette" is upon us as we bare witness to two quasi-rematches that sprung up during the event. Firstly, Malietoa will receive another shot at the National Championship and will have to go through it's current holder, Harry Allen, to claim PSW gold for the first time in his career. On top of that, the menacing giant Marat Khoklov will defend his newly won PSW Championship up against the quirky, coke-addict-like, luchador El Demonio Volador in a pairing that we saw extensively at "Extreme Roulette".


What will come to pass as "The Unknown Figure" NOW has an unstoppable force, or as he calls it his "Hand in Destruction", Marat Khoklov at his side? Will the underground militia continue its rampage through the "Steel City" or will someone finally stand up to the eventual "Divine Iron Fisted Leader"? With Marat in his corner... There's a good chance that "Hell will continue to rise from the depths of the earth to engulf PSW whole..."


Tune in LIVE via PSW.com on the 4th Monday of July 2009...


"Thoughts of Greed":

We've come under fire from NYCW in the past few weeks, however, I can't allow "Stomper" to slow down our momentum. My main focus was trying to deliver a strong showing in which to keep our website hits continuing to climb. The addition of Marat Khoklov has made it quite easy to do so, though, as the towering giant is a spectacle all his own. It's as if it's Christmas in July as I conjure up what I want to see out of the Russian powerhouse. Needless to say, "The Vile and the Vengeful" is shaping up to be one hell of a scenario.... Blood will certainly fall, injuries may occur, however, we're going to continue to do what we do best.... Beat the living sh*t out of eachother.


<hr color="black">

"The Vile and the Vengeful" Quick Picks

Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa

Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus

Dean Waldorf vs. Nigel Svensson

Frankie Future & Johnny Martin © vs. "The Dirty White Boys"

Brutus Roach vs. Mr. Morgan

Marat Khoklov © vs. El Demonio Volador

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Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa


I could see this going either way as Malietoa could be a good champion.


Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus


This is another tough one as I could see it going either way. I will go with Larry.


Dean Waldorf vs. Nigel Svensson


No doubt in my mind about this one.


Frankie Future & Johnny Martin © vs. "The Dirty White Boys"


Wow yet another tough pick, I will go with the champs as you do not change your titles all that often.


Brutus Roach vs. Mr. Morgan


Maybe I should know who Brutus Roach is but I do not so Mr. Morgan is the safe bet.


Marat Khoklov © vs. El Demonio Volador


Marat is going to win no ifs ands or butts about it.

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Maybe I should know who Brutus Roach is but I do not so Mr. Morgan is the safe bet.


Brutus Roach is Knuckles aka Peter Roach...


Yea, as PoisonedSuperman said, "Brutus Roach" is "Knuckles" from SWF-fame. I wanted to give him his own persona in PSW, as I feel he could def. be a long-term solution to the company, therefore, that, along with the fact that I believe Richard Eisen would be much like Vince McMahon and trademark all of his superstar's names, I thought I'd go with a new name/character.


I was thinking of hinting that "Knuckles" was Roach but I forgot. So thank you PoisonedSuperman.


Also, BHK, you're one of my fav. predictors... I love to see what you think may come to pass since I know you've been reading this diary for some time now! Thanks for the insight.


Great turnout thus far in predictions. The show is in the booking process right now but the results probably won't be up for a few days (thinking early next week). Though, you will see a few posts leading up to that point of other information being put forth.



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