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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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"The Ministry" Event Center

PSW Event #17






"The Unknown Figure", Marat Khoklov, and Harry Allen

... The Kingdom Cometh ...


["The Vile and the Vengeful" opens with the image of an individual of an average height wearing a thick black cloak equip with a long hood cover their face. The lights in "The Ministry" are slightly dimmed as the low-grade web-camera is locked in a very tight shot of the mysterious figure. With the sound of a very vocal crowd, shouting obscenities at every turn, the camera slowly begins to pan out now... Showing that PSW Champion, Marat Khoklov, is standing to the right of the Cloaked Figure and PSW National Champion, Harry Allen, is seen standing on his left. With that extra tidbit of knowledge, It's now easy to connect the dots... The person in the heavy black cloak is none other than the "The Unknown Figure". With his massive giant of a soldier next to him, and a snarling "Franchise Player" off to his other side,"The Unknown Figure" slowly raises a black PSW microphone up to his hood.... Speaking before the crowd for the very first time since forcing his presence upon the "Steel City".]


"The Unknown Figure": I've been labeled as vermon.... Projected as the Anti-Christ... Branded, by you all, as some sort of freak.... But what have I really done but promise you everlasting prosperity? Since the very first breath I expelled here in the "Steel City" I've brought nothing but hope... change... and a consistent voice... As your former leader has tucked his tail between his legs and exiled himself away from your presence. He wants nothing to do with you.... Nothing to do with this company.... Hell, nothing to do with anything here in the "Steel City". Yet, I stand before you as a calming voice... A man with nothing more than progression on his mind. Yet, again, you brand me with a "Scarlett Letter"... Throwing my name through the dirt of this world... Depicting me as some sort of evil, conniving, manipulative force...


[brief Pause as, both, Allen and Khoklov are seen snarling on either side of their "fearless" leader.]


"The Unknown Figure": There's a voice from within that begs my soul to accept the reality of this situation.... A piece of me that proclaims... "If you want the devil... If you see me as the devil... Then, by hell, You'll get........ The Devil". [Pauses] There comes a point in every man's life where a choice must be made.... To toe the company line... or.... To break free from the confining hell that is normality. We stand, collectively, at that very pass.... Who will you choose...... in the end? Will you continue to pledge your allegiance to a man who won't even show his face in the United States? Leaving you abandoned, weak, and without any sense of direction? ..... OR .... Will you follow the man before you.... The divine being that will deliver nothing short of the world's riches... [Pauses] Does it really require any sort of thought?


[An awkward, and somewhat eeery, raspy chuckle comes from under the black hood. Meanwhile, almost as if it were planned for this very second, former SWF referee... Shane Stones... Is seen walking down the rampway toward the ring. The PSW crowd... Shocked and unaware of what's going on.... Watches on with confusion as some choice fans begin to throw verbal attacks at the established referee just for the fact that he is a "SWF Figure". Now, within the ring and standing next to "The Unknown Figure as well, the promo continues onward.... Looking to explain what is taking place at this very second.]


"The Unknown Figure": Mr. Naess has come and gone.... Never to return. Why? Who knows.... But to be honest, He was weak anyways.... HE was the sole reason why Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling was nothing more than a rinky-dink local promotion... Barely able to make ends meet each and every month. It's his type, his lack of focus, that has all but driven this sh*t-hole into the ground.... I, however, will raise Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling out of the blazing inferno like a phoenix in search of prey. [Pauses] To do so, however, I will need to implement my own rules.... my own staff.... My OWN way of doing things. Your trust...... is needed..... And if you defy my rule..... You will..... be destroyed. [Pauses as Marat Khoklov moves forward... Staring into the nearby camera...sending a message.] My first choice of action is to strip R.M. Stones of his senior referee position.... Delegating him to... Well, the unemployment line. [Raspy Laughter] No longer will I stand by and allow for such sub-par performances as R.M.'s recent behavior.... It's not acceptable in MY PSW. In his place, a seasoned veteran.... A paragon of virtue.... A master at setting the tone for a lawful scenario.... Shane Stones.


[The crowd begins to boo like crazy... Not that they loved R.M. Stones per sey, but he had been the only referee the company has held for the last 3 years now. For The "UF" to just fire him like that.... The crowd slowly begins to turn more and more against the mysterious man under the cloak]


"The Unknown Figure": Onto my second matter of business....


[All of a sudden, like a flash out of nowhere, Marat Khoklov spins and lays out PSW National Champion, Harry Allen, with a big boot to the side of his head. Allen, folded up sideways on the canvas, is barely holding onto consciousness following the unsuspecting strike as Khoklov violently tears him off of the matt... Holding him up so that the "Unknown Figure" can make a mockery of him.]


"The Unknown Figure": Here stands your beloved Harry Allen.... A man who fell victim to his own sense of wanting to "Belong".


[Massive Booing from the crowd at this point as Harry Allen is widely considered to be the TOP Babyface in the company... and up until 2 seconds ago... Their ally]


"The Unknown Figure": You see, Harry is what we call a broken soul.... Someone who has felt pain, agony, and defeat in their lives.... So, They latch onto anything they can... Hoping to, someday, find a sense of comfort in an, often, destructive world. The thing is, Harry was never my ally... Instead, He was chosen...... Chosen from day one as an example to the rest of you. What's the example? Trust nobody. [Raspy Laughter] I have an army, a battlefield, filled with men who would lay down their lives for me... However, You don't know who they are. Chances are.... None of you will know who they are until it's too late. [Raspy Laughter] So, what to do with your beloved Harry? We could let him go.... Allow him to speak to his "brothers in the back".... Telling them of what he had to endure tonight.... However, in most cases, none of them will ever trust him again.... As he was ready to take our side versus anyone who considers themselves to be a..... "PSW Sympathist". .... OR.... I could levy an assault on Allen that would resonate through-out the world.... A declaration of authority.... A moment in history that can be looked upon as the VERY SECOND I took control of this seaspool.... The dawning of a NEW "Kingdom".... Hmmmm...


[With that, without words, "The Unknown Figure" turns to Marat Khoklov (who still holds a semi-conscious Allen up) and slowly raises his arm up... Pointing downward with his thumb... This symbol, all be it small, turns Marat Khoklov into a rage-filled monster. From there, Allen was forced to endure one of the most heinous assaults in PSW history as Marat Khoklov mawls the National Champion much like a bear would mawl an intruder. With an array of power moves, heavy-handed punches, and a violently aggressive barbed wire 2 x 4 shot to the head and stomach (repeatedly), Marat Khoklov practically shoves Allen to death's door.... Leaving him a bloody mess in the middle of the ring... All Alone.... As "The Unknown Figure" and Marat Khoklov slowly leave the scene to a resounding chorus of hatred.]


[Meanwhile, as they are seen leaving... Malietoa comes running out of the back, knowing that this is the best time for him to do so, climbing into the ring and calling for Shane Stones to start the bell for the opening match of the night. Which Shane does so...]


Grade: C


Doc Messing: GOOD GOD.... Harry Allen could be dead....

Remmington Remus: I... I..... I don't know what to say...

Doc Messing: It looked as if Allen was part of this new guerrilla faction... but... it was all a hoax... A Sham... "The Unknown Figure" was using Harry Allen all along...

Remmington Remus: I... God.... What the F*ck is happening to this place?

Doc Messing: Hell on earth, Remmy..... "The Unknown Figure" is bringing the depths of Hell to the "Steel City"...




Harry Allen © vs. Malietoa

[PSW National Championship Match]


This wasn't fair for Harry what so ever.... Then again that's a major understatement on the matter. The PSW National Champion was barely able to stand as blood poured like a waterfall from his forehead... The glazed over look in his eyes showed that he wasn't really "all there" and yet... Light a true champion, a true fighter, Harry tried to pull himself to his feet... Looking over at Malietoa and attempting to throw a punch or two in his direction despite the fact that he was a good 5 feet away. However, just as it looked like he was going to pull himself back up to his feet for real, Malietoa sent him back to the canvas with a stiff superkick to the jaw.


From there, with Shane Stones in his "corner", Malietoa pretty much toyed with the bloodied champion... Allowing him to pull himself back to his feet each and every time before he violently sent him back down to the canvas with a powerful strike. Truthfully, despite the showing that he had the true heart of a champion... There was no way that Harry stood a chance.


With that being said, Malietoa brought the match to a close with a running knee strike to the side of Allen's head. The PSW National Champion collapses back down to the canvas, in a pool of his own blood, as Shane Stones threw "salt on the wound" by counting a fast 3 count in favor of Malietoa.


Overall, the crowd was not very happy with the outcome of the match and they showed their distaste with a lack-luster response... Bringing their mood down collectively.


All in all, though, Harry Allen is unable to defend the PSW National Championship, largely due to the vicious beating forced upon him by the newly developed "Kingdom", and Malietoa was able to reap the benefit of such an attack... Picking up his first title win in PSW.


Malietoa wins the PSW National Championship by defeating Harry Allen in 5:32 via a Running Knee Strike.

Grade: D-


Doc Messing: Congrats Malietoa.... You won the National Championship in a true "sloppy seconds" kind of manor.... Bravo... You coward.

Remmington Remus: Does it really have to end like this? After months, and months, of Harry Allen working his way up to the National Championship.... This is how his title reign is ended? A 5 minute beatdown at the hands of Malietoa? Well, really, a beatdown at the hands of Marat Khoklov with Malietoa taking advantage? This just doesn't seem right...

Doc Messing: It appears that the "Unknown Figure" is not this great leader we thought he could have been.... He spoke of unifying the company and bringing us toward prosperity, however, what he's shown tonight is that he only cares about his own ideals... About his own ability to generate power...

Remmington Remus: After something like this... What's next?

Doc Messing: Who the F*ck knows, Remmy..... Who the F*ck knows...



"The Dirty White Boys" - Lead Belly and Grease Hogg

... Entering "The Ministry" ...


[A single camera view is shown of a dented, heavily tagged, and dimly lit, grey door positioned on the back-end of the former house of worship, "The Ministry". At first, there is nothing but a still, and somewhat eery, silence, however, with time there comes the loud roar of a pair of motorcycles raging through the dreary alleyway outback. The deafening sound oFf a pair of classic hogg engines practically rattle a nearby, cloudy, stainglass window... Almost as if each segment of glass was on the verge of breaking apart for good. However, that never comes to pass as the loud, low-grumbling-like, noise comes to a sudden halt.]


[The metal door handle, only a few feet from the low-budget (and often shaky) camera lens, slowly begins to turn... and then some more.... As the door dramatically flies open in a, rather, violent surge. The door itself, slams up against the outside brick wall of "The Ministry" as the outlining of two men are seen standing before the doorway. With a few cluttered steps, The two men make their way through the doorway... Giving each of them an opportunity to be seen in the extremely dim light positioned above. Such an occurrence showed the tandem to be none other than the former PSW Tag Champions (For a full year in PSW)... "The Dirty White Boys"]


Lead Belly: F*ck this sh*t.... I need some "Jack"...


[... Said in his typical, grizzled, raspy, voice. Pertaining to a bottle of "Jack Daniels".]


Lead Belly: Meet 'ya back at the bikes in 5....


[With that, Lead Belly continues to walk toward the locker room area bound and determined to score a bottle of jack off of someone. Meanwhile, Grease Hogg turns off to the right... Shuffling his feet slightly as he pulls a lonely cig out of his back pocket. He places the stick of tobacco into his mouth, and is in the process of searching for his lighter within his jean pockets, when all of a sudden a single flame is seen shooting out from the darkness. Hogg, thrown back by such a thing, slowly raises his head... Only a few inches away from the flame.]



"The Unknown Figure"

... Waiting in the darkness ...


[There stood a shadowed figure wearing a black, hooded, cloak... Holding a powerful lighter in his right hand... Offering his services to Grease Hogg. Hogg, not one to take hand-outs from anyone, locates his own lighter in his front left pocket... Lighting his cigarette while he continues to keep his eyes glued on the mysterious man before him. With Hogg's cig now lit, The shadowed, cloaked, figure closes his metal boxed lighter... Extinguishing the flame in the process.]


Grease Hogg: I know who you are....


"The Unknown Figure": Do you now? [Raspy chuckle] Grace me with your knoweldge...


[Grease Hogg inhales rather strongly, Shooting a massive cloud of smoke in the direction of the cloaked figure before him. Neither man moving.]


Grease Hogg: I've seen your type before... Hell, I've sent freaks like you to the hospital, time and time again, up and down this f*cking country... [Pauses to inhale again] You don't scare me with your psycho babble bull-sh*t....


"The Unknown Figure": Oh, Greaser... [Raspy Chuckle] You know me too well. However... That perception you carry of me is not entirely true. [Pauses] Then again... You know exactly what it means to carry a pre-existing perception now don't you? [Pauses] How does it feel to be known as the lesser individual in a dominating tag team? A secondary character in the story of "The Rise of Lead Belly"?


[Grease Hogg, not overly joyed with such a statement, slowly looks over the end of his burning cig... Staring down the unknown man before him... Obviously smaller than he...]


Grease Hogg: Watch yourself boy... I've killed for less....


"The Unknown Figure": There's no need for violence here, Greaser. At least not in this situation. [Pauses] But, That's why I admire you... Why I... Covet.... You. [Raspy Chuckle] You see, Greaser... If you only knew the greatness that stood only inches from your grasp.... The amazing, and all-powerful, potential that charges through your ice cold veins... [Pauses] Your exactly the kind of warrior that I NEED.... The kind of general I could rely on as the battlefield, here in PSW, becomes even more soaked with the blood of the innocent. [Pauses] You COULD.... Personify destruction..... Stand as a great, adored, warrior within the fray of my uprising. However....... Knowing you.... You'll continue to mindlessly walk behind Lead Belly... Giving him the opportunity to suppress any sort of legend within you. It's a sad.... sad.... reality.


[Grease Hogg continues to puff away at his cigarette... Growing increasingly agitated with the "Unknown Figure's" statements...]


"The Unknown Figure": But.... It doesn't need to be that way.... [Pauses] Join me, Greaser.... Leave your oppressive partner behind..... Join me, and take your rightful place at my side....


[Grease Hogg doesn't really move at first. Actually, He doesn't even show any sense of emotion what so ever. However, after a few brief seconds to "think it over", Grease Hogg ends up flicking his cigarette in the direction of the cloaked figure before him. Unlike most who had such a situation thrusted upon them, typically looking to move out of the way, the often stoic mysterious figure before him doesn't move an inch either. Instead, Grease Hogg walks off toward the locker room area... Landing one final verbal jab in the "Unknown Figure's" direction.]


Grease Hogg: F*ck off, Freak....


[With that, Grease Hogg exits the large, and quite open, hallway connecting the basement exit, the locker room area, and the broken wooden stairway leading to the ringside level of "The Ministry". The camera lens turns back to get a reaction, however hard to really see with a heavy black hood over his head, from the "Unknown Figure"... But... He's already gone. All that's left in the corner of the hallway is a extinguished cigarette... Smashed into the cement floor below.]


Grade: D-


Remmington Remus: The brass..... To ask Grease Hogg to leave his tag team partner, and best friend, Lead Belly behind? I just can't see that happening... Not now... Not ever.

Doc Messing: You're forgetting one thing though... "The Unknown Figure" has the unique ability to offer Greaser something quite powerful... A place at the top of the PSW hierarchy. I mean, First he pulled in Marat Khoklov to be his "hand" in destruction.... Any man with half of a brain would realize that this man, no matter who he is, carries a great deal of weight around these parts.

Remmington Remus: I don't deny that... It's astounding how quick this man grew into power... Especially since we don't even know his true identity... However, were not talking about a youngster hungry for the big three.... Money, Fame, and Gold. Grease Hogg is, and will forever be, a member of "The Dirty White Boys"... Case closed. These guys are too much of a well-oiled machine to ever fall apart due to someone's manipulative ranting...

Doc Messing: All I'm saying is this... Remmy... Don't rule this out. I love "The Dirty White Boys" just as much as you do, Hell, I call them my "hero's" just last month. However, when push comes to shove, this is a unique opportunity given to Grease Hogg... I wouldn't be shocked if the grizzled biker doesn't, at least, entertain the thought...

Remmington Remus: I think, "F*ck off, Freak", is enough of a mandate against that statement...

Doc Messing: Good point.



Alastor vs. KILLER Colossus


After last month's shocking outcome between Alastor and KILLER Colossus, There was a fear that tonight's altercation could end up in a self-mutilating blood bath in favor of KILLER Colossus. Some questioned whether or not Alastor would even put up a fight after he literally begged the 7 foot monster to steamroll him following their first meeting. However, their second affair was quite a back-and-forth situation with Alastor coming out somewhat strong at certain positions in the match. Granted, it wasn't with his own fists or any sort of aerial assault... But rather, using an array of weapons such as a baseball bat & a barbed wire wrapped steel chair to keep the monster at bay.


The thing is though if you want to beat KILLER Colossus you have to do more than just "keep him at bay" as his sheer animalistic fury could over-power any situation at any given moment. With that being said, KILLER never appeared to be in danger of losing the match... Just had moments where it seemed like he was having a slight bit of trouble keeping a weapon shot from Alastor from bouncing off of his massive head.


As their bout gravitates to the backstage area, Alastor "went for broke" with a high risk/high reward dive down the stairs... Looking to connect with KILLER Colossus who was a good 8 feet down the stairs already. However, as he landed upon the burned behemoth, KILLER was able to catch his momentum... Simply slamming him down on the stairs below with a deadly powerslam. The impact on Alastor's back made a sickening thud as the much lighter cruiserweight yelped in pain briefly.


In the end, KILLER Colossus is able to remove Alastor from the stairway leading down into the basement/locker room area of "The Ministry".... Finally putting an end to the match with a running big boot that wedged his opponents head between KILLER's boot and the wall behind him. From there, new PSW referee Shane Stones, was able to administer a standard three count in favor of the menacing Colossus.


KILLER Colossus defeats Alastor in 9:47 via a Running Big Boot.

Grade: D-


Doc Messing: GOD DAMN.... Did you see Alastor's head get sandwiched there? [Laughs] Holy Sh*t.... He may have had his skull crushed on that one...

Remmington Remus: To be honest, from what we've seen from the youngster, he probably enjoyed it....

Doc Messing: He has turned into quite the "pain lover".... [Laughs] Sadly, It's probably going to get him killed at some point...



KILLER Colossus and Alastor

... Into the Abyss ...


[Alastor lays practically motionless upon the cold cement underneath him. A pool of his own bloody surroundings the upper half of his torso as his eyes appear to roll into the back of his head and, then, quickly dart back toward their normal resting place in a show of a lack of consistent consciousness. Meanwhile, KILLER Colossus is now back on his feet... His body positioned toward the same grey, graffiti-filled, doorway that the "Dirty White Boys" entered into only a few moments ago. Himself, also motionless, as if he is weighting the option of a continued assault upon the man who threatens to unveil his tortured past.]


[Just then, Alastor dramatically gasps for a breathe as if he had finally been released from a throat-closing chokehold. The young, darkened, Soul attempts to lift his head off of the ground... The rest of his body somewhat still as a, shocking, smile grows from ear to ear. Then, a few seconds pass that, Alastor actually begins to produce a stint of un-easy laughter directed toward the scenario before him.]


Alastor: I'm deeply disappointed, KILLER. [Laughter continues] I had this vision of you, potentially an unrealistic want for you to be the monster they said you were.... But.... You're no "monster".... Your just a charred.... every day psychopath... Your "garden-variety" schizophrenic... Your nameless aggressor. The stories they told of you.... [Laughs] Good god, That THING... That person... They were a monster....


[KILLER Colossus continues to keep his back toward the fallen Alastor... Only inches from the door...However, not leaving... As if he wanted to hear what Alastor had to say to him.


Alastor: He tried to "save you" from your demons... Believe me... He attempted to do the same for me.... But, no matter what I did.... No matter how violent I became.... They never threw me into "The Cement Hole"... [Laughs] Then again, Maybe I should have broke Dr. Wilson's neck as well.... Then I could have experienced your "home"...


[KILLER Colossus, absolutely losing whatever sense of decency he had left, quickly spins back around... Stomping his massive foot square across the face of the, already, fallen Alastor. One strike alone forced the youngster back in and out of consciousness as KILLER forcibly reaches down... Palming Alastor's head in his right hand... Pulling him slightly off the ground.... Kicking the door open before him... And dragging a semi-conscious Alastor in the dark alleyway by his bloodied face.]


[The door slams behind the sight of the deadly monster dragging the much smaller cruiserweight into the abyss that is the darkened alley of "The Ministry"... Never to be heard... or seen from for the rest of the night.]


Grade: D


Doc Messing: Holy F*ck.... That may be the last time we'll ever see Ash Campbell alive...

Remmington Remus: You can call him Alastor, you can call him Ash Campbell... Either way.... He's talked himself into a deadly predicament at this point....

Doc Messing: What is this about Dr. Wilson though? Who the hell is he and why did Alastor make it sound like KILLER Colossus may have broken his neck at some point?

Remmington Remus: I don't think anyone, but those two, really know what he's talking about. Did you see KILLER snap his head around when he heard that name? It was as if some internal secret had finally bubbled its way to the surface.



Dean Waldorf w/ Nicole Kiss and Marv Slater vs. Nigel Svensson


"The Ring Generals" are an overly arrogant bunch. It just resonates off of their bodies as they subconsciously deliver a confident swagger with everything that they do. Funny enough, however, despite their confidence in one another, They've only been able to generate a lack-luster win/loss record in the "Steel City". You would think that such an outcome would render them humble but that's certainly not the case. Dean, standing across the ring from the debuting Nigel Svensson, toys with his opponent in various ways before the match even starts. Most men, standing across from such a show of disrespect, would literally bolt across the ring in a violent, "tough as nails" approach, however, Nigel simply smiles back... Shaking his head and mouthing something under his breathe to the affect of... "Just you wait..."


The match itself was quite a surprise actually as the debuting Nigel Svensson brought his "A Game" with him as he stepped through the ropes. His stiff mentality to fighting quickly caught the "Ring General" off guard as Dean was expecting a walk in the park it seems. At one point, Dean's lower lip is busted open from a diving elbow strike off the ropes delivered by Nigel. Sensing blood, and then seeing the blood on his hand after dabbing his face, Dean went absolutely crazy! In a "Kill or be killed" kind of way, Dean begins to come back full force as well.... Making it a true, heated, back and forth affair.


Sadly, for Dean, the legit contest that he was trying to convey was not working out best for him as Nigel Svensson still found the upper hand after every exchange. All in all, everything looked great for the Swedish wrestler.... That was... Until Marv Slater and Nicole Kiss forced their way into the match....


With numbers firmly in Dean's corner... Nigel is unable to keep both "Ring Generals", as well as an interfering Nicole Kiss, at bay. At one point, Nigel was inches from being able to deliver a clean shot across the face of Nicole... but refrained... Showing a sense of true class. Then again, his moment of "classiness" ended up being a major downfall when it came to his chances to win as Marv Slater caught the unsuspecting Nigel with a steel chair shot from behind. Nigel, toppling up against the ropes, was able to disarm the chair from Marv... But it was too late... By then Dean had slipped in, grabbed the chair for himself, dropping it on the canvas....


"Waldorf Salad Toss" (Fireman's Carry Spike) onto the steel chair!!


Nigel is motionless as Dean dramatically, as if he had just stood within an amazing feet, goes for the pinfall as new PSW referee, Shane Stones, delivers a standard three count in his favor.


Dean Waldorf defeats Nigel Svensson in 9:55 via a "Waldorf Salad Toss" (Fireman's Carry Spike) onto a steel chair.

Grade: E


Doc Messing: It's how it was on day one here in PSW and how it'll be until its final days.... You may posses a great deal of talent, drive, and determination... But numbers will always stand as the ultimate asset here in the "Steel City".

Remmington Remus: If this were a classic one-on-one affair then Nigel would have had this one wrapped up.... but.... As you said.... It's never really a "one-on-one" affair when you factor in "The Ring Generals"...

Doc Messing: If Nigel wants revenge he'll need to do one of two things.... Knock Slater out of action so he can get at Waldorf in a singles fashion.... OR.... Find himself a tag partner.

Remmington Remus: If he choses the second route, There is one man on the roster that he already has a history with... and if they were to form together.... wow.... What a team!




Frankie Future and Johnny Martin © vs. "The Dirty White Boys"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Everything appears to be normal as "The Dirty White Boys" gravitate down the iselway on their classic, rusted, hoggs. Even despite the "Unknown Figure" trying to recruit Grease Hogg into his fold; It appears that the "tough as nails" biker duo stands just as cohesive as ever. This is evident as the match begins to take shape in the early moments as "The Dirty White Boys" look to be the more experienced tag team in the fight. Sure, Martin and Future are both considered to be "big players" here in PSW (and have been since day one)... However, that doesn't always mean that two singles superstars can meld well together in a newly formed tandem.... Add in the pressure of being the top tag team in the company, gold-wise, after only joining forces recently and it is quite easy to see why their pairing appears to be alittle awkward.


With that being said, "The Dirty White Boys" tore the roof off of "The Ministry"... Shocking many as Johnny Martin is widely considered to be an overly popular figure with the fans. While that is still true, in a way, there's no denying the "force" that the DWB's have become since joining PSW in 2007. So, when Frankie Future's head was almost taken off by a vicious crowbar shot from Grease Hogg.... The rabid, blood-thirsty, crowd in "The Ministry" is absolutely beside itself with pure joy as a trickle of blood begins to roll down Future's face. Needless to say, things are on the verge of getting out of hand... But those in the ring had no idea how much so...


Just then, Marat Khoklov and the mysteriously cloaked "Unknown Figure" slowly appear from behind the thick, black, entrance curtain. With a simple pointing gesture for the "UF", Marat Khoklov climbs into the ring.... Focused directly on Lead Belly. That alone would be crazy enough, however, at that exact second, "The Ring Generals" are also seen jumping over the nearby steel guard rail and attacking the PSW Tag Champions from behind....


Grease Hogg, looking to defend his tag partner, is all of a sudden pulled backward by two men wearing army fatigues and black ski masks who shockingly came onto the scene after coming out from underneath the ring. With Hogg being held back, not attacked, Marat Khoklov literally DESTROYS Lead Belly in a matter of a few seconds... Violently flooring him with a massive spear. Hogg, able to break free from the clutches of his captors, attempts to take out Marat... However, before he can do so, Frankie Future had slipped back into the ring (knocking Waldorf down to the ground only seconds before)... Cutting Grease Hogg off at the pass and taking him down to the matt with a "Frank-N-Hurter" (Stunner) out of nowhere!


With Grease Hogg flat out on his back... Future quickly goes for the 3 count as Marat Khoklov has now exited the ring and is half way back up the rampway to take the side of his leader once again. "The Ring Generals" are also seen attacking Martin 2 on 1 on the outside... Laying into him pretty heavily as Frankie Future picks up a shocking victory following a standard three count from new PSW referee, Shane Stones.


Johnny Martin and Frankie Future retain the PSW Tag Team Championships in 11:33 after Frankie Future defeated Grease Hogg with a "Frank-N-Huter".

Grade: D


Doc Messing: Holy Sh*t.... What a Cluster-F*ck! [Laughs]

Remmington Remus: I'll be honest with you on this one.... Up until the last second.... I had no idea what was going to happen. "The Dirty White Boys" looked like they were on pace to win the Tag Titles back when all of a sudden "The Unknown Figure" and his hired goon, Marat Khoklov, pretty much ruined all of that. Could this have something to do with the talk that Grease Hogg had with "The Unknown Figure"?

Doc Messing: And what the Hell was the ski-masked army men all about? They pulled Grease Hogg away and let Marat Khoklov attack Lead Belly.... While it seemed like Grease Hogg wanted to help... He wasn't able too. Even though we saw him turn down "The Unknown Figure's" proposal... Is he working with him? I mean, those masked men didn't even harm Hogg... They simply pulled him back... Possibly to make it seem like he wasn't "able to help"?

Remmington Remus: There's no way... I don't know why they didn't attack him but I don't believe Hogg is in their corner... However, it seems that there are at least two other people here in PSW who are dedicated to futhering the "Unknown Figure's" cause... Who were under those masks?

Doc Messing: God, could be anyone... Who knows.... Keep an eye on this situation though with "The Dirty White Boys".... Something doesn't smell right here...



Harry Allen

... In Immense Pain ...


[Harry can barely hold himself up as he uses the white-wash wall before him as a crutch. His hand, covered in his own blood, is seen slowly gliding across the wall... Attempting to keep himself off the ground, however, also leaving a smeared blood stain for everyone to see. His face, covered in blood, looks emotionless... As if he were in some sort of trance, a coma if you will. Meanwhile, his body appears to be barely functional at this point... His free arm is wrapped around his stomach as if he were holding his guts in place... Afraid of whatever damage may have already been done by the violent attack levied upon him by Marat Khoklov... Orchestrated by "The Unknown Figure"]


Harry Allen: MARAT....... MARAT......GET YOUR F*CKING ASS OUT HERE...... FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN....... MARAT!!!!!!!


[His voice is barely able to peer through the space before him as his glazed over look continues to register a creepy scenario. It's as if he had just suffered through a car accident, broken almost every bone in his body, yet he is trying to walk to a nearby gas station... Completely on auto-pilot. However, in this case, Harry is desperately looking to find his attacker... Sadly, for him though, even if he found Marat Khoklov there's a good chance that he would finally be put down for good, Harry that is.]


Harry Allen: MARAT........ MARAT!!!!


[With that, Harry's body finally gives out on him as he crashes heavily to the cement floor below. Landing face first, however slightly catching his fall with his free hand, Harry collapses due to his injuries. ]


[in a deeply sad sight... Harry lays unconscious on the floor below.... No EMT's to give him medical treatment.... No allies to help him back to the locker room area..... Not even the sight of Marat Khoklov and "The Unknown Figure" to at least give him some sense of a feeling that he could potentially inflict his own vengeance (Despite being literally on death's door in a sense). Here he was, The former PSW National Champion, and "Franchise" in many's eyes, passed out.... Alone.... All Alone.]


Grade: D


Doc Messing: After everything.... After we had first thought that Harry Allen was on the inside with "The Unknown Figure" and his supposed "Kingdom"... After a hellacious beating that was said to be an "example" to those in PSW not to cross the mysterious leader....Here he is.... Bloodied, Broken, and All Alone....

Remmington Remus: It goes to show you that you have to choose your allies wisely here in the "Steel City". Harry thought that he was embracing a new ruler who was bringing nothing but greatness, and prosperity, to our small company... When really... He was being prepared as an "example".... A victim of his own trust...

Doc Messing: If Harry Allen makes it back.... IF he's physically able to compete again.... You best be sure that he's coming straight for Marat Khoklov and "The Unknown Figure"....

Remmington Remus: But is that a smart choice by Allen? He was viciously beaten to a bloody pulp here tonight.... odds are, if he attempts to stand up for himself, then Marat will just do the same thing yet again.... Plus.... We don't even know who else may be behind this newly formed "Kingdom".... There could be members on the roster right now who are looking out for "The Unknown Figure".... If Harry tries to make a quick move, tries to get revenge, It could end up in a 2 on 1... 3 on 1... Hell, 20 on 1 scenario for the high flyer. If he doesn't lose his career tonight he would certainly lose it then!

Doc Messing: You know better than that Remmy.... If Harry is able to walk into "The Ministry" again.... It doesn't matter if the odds are stacked 100 to 1.... He's coming for Vengeance...



Brutus Roach vs. Mr. Morgan


Brutus Roach is a freak amongst men. Beside his obvious immense height, powerful strikes, and the ability to withstand torture within the ring from a toughness stand-point, Roach is also quite agile for a big man. Sure, He's not going to leap off the top rope every other move.... And, to an extent, his fighting style is pretty generic for most big men.... Brutus knows exactly how to inflict as much pain in as little time as possible. Call it... "Prison Warfare"... If you like. Brutus reeks of a man who has spent time behind steel bars... His Shifty demeanor doesn't hide that fact very well.


So, when you place someone like Brutus into a one-on-one affair with someone like Mr. Morgan.... You're bound to have a truly unique outcome.


Mr. Morgan, knowing that his best chance of walking out with a win tonight is by focusing on Roach's legs, quickly installs his plan from the get-go... Stomping at the back of Roach's knees, slamming them down to the canvas when in a dominate position, and even locking in various single-leg submission holds in which to slow down the big man. To no one's shock, the crafty veteran gains a lot of success through tonight's fighting style as Brutus appears to favor his right knee through out the match. With each and every take down that Morgan is able to execute.... A submission hold quickly follows. Against a lesser man this may have put Morgan in the position for a victory early on... However, Brutus Roach is not a lesser man... Far from it actually.


Despite favoring his right leg, Brutus Roach comes into his own around the 4 minute mark. With a fiery, brute-like offense, Roach shows himself to be the threat we all know he is.... Slamming Morgan down on repeated occasions with an array of power moves. At one point, Mr. Morgan is attempting to take Roach down to the canvas with a single arm bar off the ropes when Brutus quickly blocked the attempt by forcibly landing a hard elbow strike to Morgan's show. As Mr. Morgan backed away for a second, holding his mouth in pain, Brutus is able to quickly slip in...










Despite a heavy impact, Morgan is able to kick-out somehow.


For a few more minutes it was all Brutus... An absolute domination for sorts. With a steel chair in hand, Brutus begins to work over the UK Icon.... However, not badly enough as Mr. Morgan is able to break free from being a victim shortly to register a 2nd wind. With the PSW crowd firmly behind the highly respected Morgan, Roach begins to see his momentum start to wane... Again, Here comes the submission holds... The moments that were most likely going to help Mr. Morgan pick up the victory!


In the end, Mr. Morgan sets up the steel chair in a seated position... Picking up Brutus in the process.... Setting him up for something...






Brutus blocks!


Kick to the gut by Roach!




As Mr. Morgan slams through the chair, bending the seat downward in the process, a sharp pain runs up his back. Brutus watches on for a brief second as Mr. Morgan squirms around the canvas holding his back in a great deal of pain.


After a few seconds of watching his prey suffer... Brutus walks over to the top of Morgan's head.... Stomping viciously down upon Mr. Morgan's face... Leaving him motionless with a curb-like stomp. With his opponent motionless, Roach slowly drops down to the mat with two hands lightly on Morgan's chest.... As Shane Stones delivers a standard three count in favor of the SWF Reject, Brutus Roach.


Brutus Roach defeats Mr. Morgan in 12:27 via a Powerbomb onto a Steel Chair & a Curb-Stomp.

Grade: D


Doc Messing: After years of being stuck with a bull-sh*t, slaving away in New England, Brutus Roach is FINALLY given the opportunity to let his true personality shine. What a menacing piece of sh*t.... wow... [Laughs] This guy had to have spent some time in Prison... His mannerisms, his approach, his fighting style... All very familiar to those who know what it's like to live behind bars.

Remmington Remus: You know?

Doc Messing: Oh, No.... I have showtime.



El Demonio Volador

... Main Event Hype Promo ...


[We open our scene in a unknown warehouse. The dusty, dirt filled, cement floor houses everything from shards of glass, broken pieces of furniture, and a smattering of homeless individuals appearing to settle down for the night. The sound of heavy sheets of rain slamming up against the brittle walls of the abandoned warehouse fills the environment as an occasional roar of thunder forces its way into the conversation.]


[The single camera view, low-quality, web camera slowly pans across the underground oasis until it comes to a screeching halt... Zero'd squarely upon a figure of a man crouched on high. As the camera man grows closer to the individual, It's seen that it's none other than the high flying, high octane, and often unorthodox, El Demonio Volador. His body, scrunched up in a perched like position, Drastically shaking as if he were in the midst of a deadly need for his choice of vice.]


[From his perched position on high, crouched on a steel platform that was once used by a job foreman to oversee his workers, El Demonio delivers an eery promo directed toward his opponent for tonight's Main Event, Marat Khoklov.]


El Demonio Volador: Fear... It's what men like you thrive upon.... Power... It's what you lust for.... Greed.... It's what fuels you from within...


[slight Pause]


El Demonio Volador: You may be able to force the "Steel City" into a state of hysteria with your actions.... With your apocalyptic messages.... But you don't scare me in the slightest. Why? If you've been through hell and back... You can stair straight into the eyes of Satan and continue your journey onward. Unafraid... Free from Fear....


[Demonio's shaking his become increasingly disruptive, at this point, as it seems that his body is physically reacting to something. What? We don't really know. However, overall, it creates a very awkward, very unsettling, view of the enigmatic luchador.]


El Demonio Volador: The "Unknown Figure" has manifested a physical presence in the form of a 7 foot tall Russian Monster... A giant of a man who practically threw me like a lawn dart just 30 days ago. His size, his immense strength, is something that legends are made of... A borderline folk icon that only lives-on in reality-bending fables. To any mere soul, Marat, and to an extent his power-hungry demi-GOD, would pose as an absolute threat... A creator of bone-chilling shock. However, Again.... I cannot, and will not, accept your fear-mongering. I felt the carnage that Marat can deliver.... I've seen the kind of hell that the "Unknown Figure" claims he can generate... And yet.... I still stand before you. You may challenge me physically... Attempt to manipulate me mentally.... But.... The truth of the matter is that you will never, ever, break me... For I've done that already, myself. I've torn my body apart time and time again... Practically ended my career, my life, every single time I step in through those ropes... And now I'm suppose to drop to my knees in homage of your rule? F*ck that.... and F*ck you.... Bring your "hand of destruction".... Create your call for a Divine Rule within PSW.... You may be able to control the minds of the weak... Of the opressible... However, I.... I will forever stand as the blind, and deaf, warrior... Fighting till my last breathe... Oblivious to the odds, supposedly, stacked in favor of the wicked... [Pauses] Tonight, I will not only derail your attempt to crush us all into submission.... However, will walk away with the very prize you need in which to truly control PSW..... The PSW Championship....


[With that, The low-grade camera lens slowly zooms in on the psychotic man before it... Shifting in and out of focus as El Demonio Volador peers into your soul with a lawless mentality that sums up his obvious psychological detachment from reality.]


Grade: B-


Remmington Remus: Did you follow any of that?

Doc Messing: Kinda? [Laughs] Demonio teeters on extreme intelligence and absolute insanity....

Remmington Remus: I guess you have to be somewhat of a crazy-person to willingly step into the ring with Marat Khoklov...

Doc Messing: Good point. It's his mind's way of creating a coping mechanism... He may not always be the biggest dog in the fight, however, his inability to realize that ultimately gives him the chance to overcome all odds.

Remmington Remus: Does he pose a chance then?

Doc Messing: [Laughs] God No!




Marat Khoklov © vs. El Demonio Volador

[PSW Championship Match]


The stage had already been set moments before the initial bell was rung. The Challenger, El Demonio Volador, vowed that he "is not afraid of Marat Khoklov", So in a way, Volador was stripping Marat, and "The Unknown Figure" for that matter, of the very thing that they covet most.... FEAR.


Needless to say, as everyone else gawked at the sight of the monster that is Marat Khoklov.... El Demonio Volador simply stood in his corner... Focused as ever as as his eyes tell the story... Volador, despite being the much smaller fighter in this bout, knew that he needs to bring EVERYTHING HE HAS tonight in which to even survive.


The match itself starts off in a manor that no one would say they "didn't see coming" as Volador quickly bolts out of his corner like a "bat out of hell". With a truly reckless approach, Volador is able to send Marat reeling, at first, however, his sudden burst of offense was short lived.... Marat quickly takes control of the match with a simply head-butt. It was actually quite comical seeing Volador working his ass off for a few big-time strikes... Only to have him lose every single inch of his momentum with ONE... count it.... ONE Head-butt from Marat. It's not so much that Volador isn't a gritty fighter, unable to defend himself, rather than the fact that Marat Khoklov is just an absolute beast.


With a woozy Volador in his grip, Marat spends the next 3 minutes throwing the much smaller luchador around the ring like a rag-doll. A guerrilla press slam here, One handed chokeslam there... There is NO stopping the Russian powerhouse. Even as El Demonio Volador is able to regain a sense of composure following a high-arching moonsault, after an irish whip from Marat, Demonio's momentum, again, was short-lived. As the challenger took to the air, yet again, for a missle-drop-kick... Marat is able to catch him in the air... Planting him on his back in the middle of the ring with a ring-rattling powerslam.


El Demonio Volador, much like Harry Allen earlier on in the night, is just no-match for the much larger, the much stronger, Marat Khoklov. Speed, agility, and the ability to deliver a "shock and awe" type of offense is quite admiral... However, when you match that up with someone who is truly a giant... Someone who can floor you with one single strike... There's just no chance of walking out with the victory.


With that being said, Volador is dragged off of the canvas by Marat and finally driven back down with a forceful Crucifix Powerbomb.... (Razor's Edge)... Putting Volador out of his misery once and for all.


Marat Khoklov retains the PSW Championship by defeating El Demonio Volador in 10:05 via a Crucifix Powerbomb.

Grade: D+


Remmington Remus: He may not be afraid of Marat... But... He certainly did fall victim to the mythical-like beast...

Doc Messing: I like Volador, Don't get me wrong. However, this man, Marat Khoklov, is just a freak of nature to say the least. There isn't one person on our roster right now that I could foresee defeating this man. He took out Harry Allen, Lead Belly, and now El Demonio Volador all in one night. Who else can say that?

Remmington Remus: "The Unknown Figure" speaks of Marat as his "Hand in Destruction" and he's exactly that. wow... This "Kingdom" that he spoke of ("UF")... There's no stopping their reign if they have Marat as the ultimate weapon....

Doc Messing: The only way that the PSW roster can take back the company, taking it away from the supposed "Kingdom", is if they all band together... I just don't see that happening though. Allies are hard to come by here in the "Steel City"... You can't trust anyone, really, as we saw tonight for Harry Allen...

Remmington Remus: It's true.... [Pauses] We're F*cked...



Marat Khoklov and El Demonio Volador

... Post Match Assault ...


[El Demonio Volador looks completely lifeless as he lays, mangled, on the blood soaked canvas below. His body, contorted awkwardly, only shows slight movement every time Demonio conjures up a shallow, rapid-like, breathing pattern. Meanwhile, the massive giant, Marat Khoklov, slowly rises to his feet with nothing more than a light scratch across his face from his fiery opponent.]


[The enthralled "Ministry" crowd watches on, now, as Marat violently beats his fists against his chest in a purely primal fashion. His alpha-male-like response to defeating Volador only furthers his menacing persona as certain members in the crowd are heard actually cheering the massively framed giant on. In PSW, the face/heel divide is quite blurred... Therefore, some "heels" will always receive some sense of positive response due in large to the fact they are just that damn cool. However, for the most part, the crowd in attendance appears to be somewhat silent as they were pulling for Volador to walk away with the PSW Championship tonight.]


[Just then, "The Unknown Figure" slowly strolls through the thick, black, entrance curtains... Stopping only a step into the ringside area... Dressed in his, now, signature black cloak... Staring down, not knowing for sure however with his head facing that way we can make an educated guess that he's looking to the ringside area, upon Marat's carnage in the ring...]



"The Unknown Figure"

... The Verdict for Demonio ...


[From there, in a truly chilling moment, Marat is seen walking over to the side of the ring where "The Unknown Figure" stands a good 20 feet away from... Kneeling down in his direction.... Almost as if he was paying homage to his mysterious leader. As Marat dips his head slightly, still looking to the "UF" from on far, the mysterious cloaked cult-leader slowly raises his right arm in the air... Then slowly turning it downward in which to point with his thumb to the ground. This small gesture unleashed a "personal hell" for Demonio like no other...]


[Marat's body language grows increasingly aggressive as a sadistic smile begins to grow across his face... It's "showtime" in a way for the violent Russian Powerhouse.]


[Marat, leaning down and pulling Demonio off of the canvas, is seen repeatedly slamming his much smaller opponent into the mat with a continuous streak of spinebusters... one after the other... Pulling Demonio up with brute force after every ring-shaking impact. In what felt like forever, By the 5th impactful move... Demonio's body was completely limp. His brain is most likely concussed due to the repeated striking of the back of his head forcibly on the canvas below.... Blood starting to slowly show itself upon his sunken lips.]


[With Marat's 8th, and final, spinebuster... The crowd is now firmly against the rage-filled monster... Booing crazily upon his actions. However, their cries for justice are not heard as Marat drags the lifeless Demonio by his right arm... Pulling him to the left side of the ring... Trapping his arms in the ring ropes as he stretches one over the top of the other. With Demonio trapped, in a crucifix like position, Marat is seen grabbing a steel chair....]


[With the "Unknown Figure" still watching from the isleway, surrounded by deadly aggressive fans shouting obscenities at the cloaked one, Marat slowly climbs back into the ring.... Running Full speed at Demonio and slamming the cold steel over the top of his head... The sickening thud upon Demonio's head sends most of the crowd into a frenzied state. Volador's body begins to convulse violently for a few seconds... Finally ending with his body going completely limp once again.]


[The damage has been done.. El Demonio Volador looks close to death as Marat carries out "The Unknown Figure's" dirty work.]


["The Vile and the Vengeful" comes to a close with the sight of Marat Khoklov raising the bloody, and dented, steel chair high over his head with his right hand... Yelling out in a lion-like, alpha-male, kind of manor.]


Grade: B-


Doc Messing: Good.... God.....

Remmington Remus: Someone needs to come out and check on El Demonio Volador....

Doc Messing: He could be dead.... That chair shot.... Holy Sh*t.... Volador could be dead....

Remmington Remus: They need to free him from the ring ropes... Get an EMT out there right now....

Doc Messing: We don't have EMT's here....

Remmington Remus: What?!?!

Doc Messing: Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling doesn't employ EMT's... It's not their way of settling things. When you come into the "Steel City" you have the knowledge that there will be no medical assistance... You pretty much subject yourself to absolute hell... A gladiator-esque kind of environment where your days are marked more so with survival than keeping healthy..

Remmington Remus: You've got to be kidding me? F*ck this.... I'll call an ambulance if none of you are...

[Remmington Remus throws down his headset... Pulling his cellphone out of his pocket]






<hr color="black">Overall Show Grade: D+

Popularity Increased!

Show Attendance: 1,000

Tri-State War: 1st Place - NYCW, 2nd Place - FCW, 3rd Place - PSW<hr color="black">

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Great show once again!


I loved the Frankie Future and Johnny Martin/Dirty White Boys match! There was just so much going on in that match, it was well awsome! I love how you have been setting up the DWB split for awhile now and we might finally see it! Or maybe not!


I have to say that I was a little surprised about the Harry Allen match, but it makes perfect sense as he is now free to feud with the giant Russian for the PSW Championship.


And the Alastor/KILLER Colossus feud reminds me a lot of the Abyss/Stevie Richards feud in TNA. Well sort of, I like the one that you are doing a lot better! It really has this whole horror movie feel to it like Killer Colossus is Michael Myers and this Dr. Wilson (maybe Harry Wilson?) is Dr. Loomis.


All and all keep up the great work!

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fantastic show... i am totally engrossed in this... you got me wondering as to who this "unknown figure" is now...


i think it is either Mitch Naess or John Greed but i am probablly wrong...


who do the other readers think it is ?


this reminds me so much of the angle with the undertaker in wwe when vince mcmahon was revealed as the "higher power"


keep up the good work...and if you need any other alts made just pm me

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Wait... FCW is already all the way up there? And damn, the ratings don't match your write-ups. What bothers me about that is that you're getting the short end of the stick...


Yeah that does suck, but he did get a B- on one segment. I guess it is to bad that the game can not read...:D


When I chose PSW, I knew that my match, and segment, ratings were going to be quite low. In a way, It doesn't bother me at all. Sure, I get excited when I see something like a B- promo from El Demonio Volador but, all in all, it's what I expect out of a small company like PSW.


My Upper-Midcarders tend to range from an E+ up to a D in popularity. So, with that being said, it's easy to see why the ratings are somewhat on the lower side. Plus, I've always made it a focus of mine to give "time" to people who I wanted to write versus who would get great ratings. ya know? I'm sure If I put certain people in every segment then it would go over better but that would lose the story behind it all.


Maybe John Greed is just the "Vince Russo of the Cornellverse". haha :p


He puts together great shows to some, however, to those who are there in the front row (match ratings)... Meh... They're already bored with it. hah.



Great show once again!


I loved the Frankie Future and Johnny Martin/Dirty White Boys match! There was just so much going on in that match, it was well awesome! I love how you have been setting up the DWB split for awhile now and we might finally see it! Or maybe not!


I have to say that I was a little surprised about the Harry Allen match, but it makes perfect sense as he is now free to feud with the giant Russian for the PSW Championship.


And the Alastor/KILLER Colossus feud reminds me a lot of the Abyss/Stevie Richards feud in TNA. Well sort of, I like the one that you are doing a lot better! It really has this whole horror movie feel to it like Killer Colossus is Michael Myers and this Dr. Wilson (maybe Harry Wilson?) is Dr. Loomis.


All and all keep up the great work!


That's awesome that you liked the tag team match! It came together as an all-out overbooking kind of scenario but in PSW that's something that's totally doable without feeling like you're cluttering the scene. Plus, as you said, the DWB situation made it so that the overbooking actually made sense from a... "Did Grease Hogg allow himself to be held back, helping Marat attack him or not?". In the end, I felt that it helped to sell the story that's going on between the two right now.


As for Harry Allen losing the title to Malietoa... , as you noted, it's to help free up Harry for a potential main event push. He's my "Franchise Player" from a creative screen stand-point and I've always had a soft spot for the guy since he jumped down from TCW. His character is soo easy to write for as he's a classic jaded, feels inadequate, yet is quite strong due to an underlying aggression. Perfect for the role that he's about to play... And also... Perfect for being the "example" made by "The Unknown Figure". I'm excited to move on from here, however, there are some red flags that are starting to show which may end up forcing me to change my plans sadly.


As for KILLER Colossus/Alastor... While they're really wasn't a lot of focus on their storyline in this show... This is exactly how I like to book KILLER. To me, he's less of a in-ring competitor and more of a "Folk Tale". In a sense, he's more of a "Horror Flick Demon" (like you noted - Michael Myers) where his segments are really where he shines. Everything that happens in the ring is more or less to push his persona... Wins/losses aren't as much of an importance as something like that would never really be all that important for a man whose more focused on violent intent... When you're focused on destroying the man before you... Someone may catch you with a slight victory. In the case of their storyline as a whole, I can def. see the comparisons with the Stevie Richards/Abyss storyline in TNA. Granted, mine, I hope, will be a little darker... a little more gritty than what TNA did with their attempt. :)



fantastic show... i am totally engrossed in this... you got me wondering as to who this "unknown figure" is now...


i think it is either Mitch Naess or John Greed but i am probably wrong...


who do the other readers think it is ?


this reminds me so much of the angle with the undertaker in wwe when vince mcmahon was revealed as the "higher power"


keep up the good work...and if you need any other alts made just pm me


Great to hear that you're enjoying the diary thus far, Paulskln! I will def. be hitting you up for some alt renders in the future as I love your work. Side note, You're latest creation ("The Butcher") will most likely see the light of day during next month's event. ;) At least in some way, shape, or form.


I would be lying if I didn't say that the "Unknown Figure" storyline congers up the same vision of the old WWF/Higher Power storyline. The only real distinction, in my version, is that the "Unknown Figure" is more of a crazed individual... Someone who literally speaks of his own "divinity"... Someone who appears to want to have all the power in the world... In a sense, someone who wants to be GOD. I've alluded to the whole "Antichrist" persona to his name and that's a huge part of the storyline for me.... In a sense, without relaying too much information, this storyline is kind of like.... The Apocalypse taking place in "The Steel City" with the "Unknown Figure" being the ultimate evil figure... Speaking of bringing the company into prosperity, however, also contradicting himself and showing his true colors every once and awhile.




<hr color="black">

**** All in all, Thank you to everyone whose still keeping up to date with this dynasty. It took me a little longer than what I wanted to finish "The Vile and the Vengeful", as I was feeling a little writer's block for a second there, however, I'm really happy with how it came out! ****

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Sorry if this seems like a lackluster bump, however, I just wanted to let people know that "The Vile and the Vengeful" show is posted on the previous page! For those who haven't had a chance to check it out, and want to, then swing by and give it a read!


I plan on starting my slew of backstage scenarios in the next coming days as John Greed continues to tackle the awkwardness of running a company that isn't his company (Seeing how Mitch Naess, despite being in Canada, is still in control).


Plus, there are some extra tidbits of information that will probably be leaked via TotalExtremeWrestling.com as well.


All in all, Just thought I'd leave that for those who are following the diary!



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i wonder if you could post up a screenshot of your current roster at all?


I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for, however, this is a screen-shot of my roster section. As you can see, I've blocked out some of the names as they are new to the company or potential "try-outs". I typically have 2-4 people on the roster at all times that I'm trying to monitor... See if I can construct a persona for them/if they can put together a good showing... With a potential to make the main roster. Hence, I didn't really want to leak those names out there as 95% of the time they are released before they're ever given a chance on the "main show".


Anyways, Let me know if this is what you were looking for or if you wanted me to post something else. Any questions, comments, etc...






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I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for, however, this is a screen-shot of my roster section. As you can see, I've blocked out some of the names as they are new to the company or potential "try-outs". I typically have 2-4 people on the roster at all times that I'm trying to monitor... See if I can construct a persona for them/if they can put together a good showing... With a potential to make the main roster. Hence, I didn't really want to leak those names out there as 95% of the time they are released before they're ever given a chance on the "main show".


Anyways, Let me know if this is what you were looking for or if you wanted me to post something else. Any questions, comments, etc...







i was really trying to see what sort of wage you paid everyone...as in my own game i am in the mire money wise...i just wondered how much you spend

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i was really trying to see what sort of wage you paid everyone...as in my own game i am in the mire money wise...i just wondered how much you spend


My Lightest month (in the last 9 months) has been around $ 23,000 in worker wages. My heaviest month has been around $ 32,000 (it killed me) in worker wages.


All in all, I average around $ 25,000 a month.


Hope that helps.

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My Lightest month (in the last 9 months) has been around $ 23,000 in worker wages. My heaviest month has been around $ 32,000 (it killed me) in worker wages.


All in all, I average around $ 25,000 a month.


Hope that helps.


yes helps fine thanks....i only make about 1500 in gate money and 8000 in sponsors so i need to cut down on my worker costs a hell of a lot.

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yes helps fine thanks....i only make about 1500 in gate money and 8000 in sponsors so i need to cut down on my worker costs a hell of a lot.




What size event are you running?


I'm at a medium sized event now a days and I tend to pull down $ 10,000 in ticket sales as well as around $ 22,000 in sponsorship.

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What size event are you running?


I'm at a medium sized event now a days and I tend to pull down $ 10,000 in ticket sales as well as around $ 22,000 in sponsorship.


And the data check says that sponsorship will be very tough. :)


The Unknown Figure guy is someone from either SWF or just really popular.

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Video shown on PSW.com

June 2009


[We open our scene with, what appears to be, a standard cable news broadcast (much like you would see if you sought out CNN, MSNBC, etc.). A slightly scruffy, borderline awkward, anchor with a heavy british accent is seen staring into the low-grade quality camera lens before him... Relaying "the news", according to the mysterious "Kingdom" faction, as a thick, grainy-like, filter stretches across your computer modem... Distorting the picture slightly, however, all together, bringing a very gritty, patched-in, like presentation.]



"The Mediated Voice of the Overthrow"


Orrick Cull: In late breaking news tonight, The regime change in the "Steel City" continues to take shape as the, self-proclaimed, "Kingdom", has brought forth a violent strategy in which to ignite an overthrow. Mr. Naess, the sole, yet, exiled commander, has shown little ability to thwart the aggressive uprising and is said to be, reluctantly, leaving his empire open to such a scenario. As the violence continues to escalate there is a lingering question of who can potentially stand-up to the emerging faction?


[A very short, grainy, 10 second video clip is shown at this point relaying a collection of apocalyptic kind if images across the screen. Major fires, massive armies marching in the streets, blurred out commanders standing before their masses.]


[We then cut back to another view of the, for the most part, unknown news anchor.]


Orrick Cull: In a related story, The glorious leader, "The Unknown Figure", has reached out to former Tag Team Champion, Grease Hogg, in the hopes of obtaining a new field general. While it appears, by his word choice this past month, to have turned down such an offer.... His actions speak of a different situation.... "Allowing" Marat Khoklov to physically dismantle his supposed tag partner, and confidant, Lead Belly. At this point, there is no comment from either member of "The Dirty White Boys", however, it's been said that Lead Belly suffered a minor concussion due to the assault. With a special comment... We turn to the beloved, "Unknown Figure".


[The feed quickly changes to another grainy view of a darkened room. The shaky camera lens captures "The Unknown Figure" standing before the camera lens, only a few feet away, wearing a black ski-mask-like cover up.]



HE Speaks...


"The Unknown Figure": Blood will continue to pour from the innocent until my grasp is firmly seized around Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. Only then will the violence subside. Grease Hogg, a man that I respect dearly, has been offered the ability to stand at my side... As a valiant general... An iconic figure in the rise of my "Kingdom". While his initial reaction was understandable... I foresee his allegiance later on down the road... Once he realizes exactly what is at stake.


[We now, once again, cut back to the view of the CNN-like set-up.]


Orrick Cull: With tensions rising, a lack of a true resistance, and a sadistic regime in his corner, There's no doubting the potential seizure of power that "The Unknown Figure" will soon posses. Now, We stand at a waiting game...


[Just then, abruptly the feed shuts down... Forcing your computer modem to show "TV-like Snow". Followed by a slight symbol appearing at the bottom of the screen... That symbol reading... "The Kingdom cometh - OCT 09"]

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Early June 2009

... Fine, Be that way ...



I wasn't really in the mood for anything today. My addiction, My Vice, potentially a life-long struggle, has continued to survive in the back of my mind. Every frustrating moment, every turn slightly shifting downward, every "pot-shot" thrown from afar... Agitating me to no end.


Sure, from a mediated standpoint... I had no real comment for NYCW. "Stomper" had made it a point to "prove" to me, and I guess Mitch despite he not being here all that much, that his company is the far superior establishment in the Tri-State area. I guess, so far, you can't argue with the man as many wrestling journalists in the area had given NYCW the "win" this last month from a warring perspective.


Now, here I stood, knowing what I knew was coming next.... 3-5 people... Doesn't sound like a lot, right? Sure, in some cases that wouldn't really constitute the perception of any sort of loss... however, in this case, it certainly was.


I'm set to lose 3-5 people from my roster....




As the battle cry began to escalate on both sides (NYCW and PSW)... A few were caught in the middle. Working for both "Stomper", and I, there was this underlying tension that continues to rage through out the locker room area. Everyone knew the fate of those 3-5 people... They were already showing their allegiance to "Stomper" in subtle ways, however, everyone could see the writing on the wall as if said writing was down with a bucket of red paint.


We were set to lose a piece of our identity...


Some may not think so...


However, to me, to PSW-as-a-whole, at least one of these men personifies "PSW" ever since it's early days.


So, I sat behind my collection of wooden crates that I call a desk and muttered the only word to have forced itself into my vocabulary quite often these days... My self-harming mantra i guess..



... F*ck ...

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What size event are you running?


I'm at a medium sized event now a days and I tend to pull down $ 10,000 in ticket sales as well as around $ 22,000 in sponsorship.


i run small shows...i have changed to just one a month as i would be bankrupt within 3 months running 4 shows a month...i only get anywhere between 63 and 79 people to a show...maybe when my pop goes up a bit ill fill my arena up...


the biggest problem i have is my owner goals ...


must have improved to at least $75,000 .... currently at $46,667


cannot fall into debt at any point...


i have 27 months and 2 weeks to make $28,333 so i need to make about $1050 a month profit.

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i run small shows...i have changed to just one a month as i would be bankrupt within 3 months running 4 shows a month...i only get anywhere between 63 and 79 people to a show...maybe when my pop goes up a bit ill fill my arena up...


the biggest problem i have is my owner goals ...


must have improved to at least $75,000 .... currently at $46,667


cannot fall into debt at any point...


i have 27 months and 2 weeks to make $28,333 so i need to make about $1050 a month profit.


Depending on how the market is at the time, you can realistically make $28,000 in 2 years. Especially running small shows. In my first 6-7 months (before Bryan Holmes came on board) I made $50,000 in that time frame. My roster was filled with, mostly, the originals from PSW so they weren't asking for a lot of money. The downfall, with a company like PSW, is that you can't sign a bunch of big name guys straight out of the gate. In a sense, you have to embrace the fact that you're company is small... will have less over workers... and will probably not pull down great ratings overall. However, that's the fun with a company like this. Knowing that.. Hey, it's not the best collection of talent but that the people they do have makes for an interesting show.


I've been losing money lately though as I've been re-signing a lot of my more over workers. A lot of the veterans (especially El Demonio Volador and Marat Khoklov) are asking for $2,000 a show. It's hard for me not to resign the guys since they are big time superstars... BUT... At some point, I may have to shed their contracts and let them go just based upon financial reasons. ya know? So, that way, I can keep the company afloat.


I guess, the best thing is, to really work with what PSW has to start with. Over time you can find some decent workers who won't ask for very much but will be able to bring some more talent to your roster. At first, though, PSW is one of those companies that you need to keep the initial roster in tact (with no real additions) for the first 6 months, up to possibly a year, or so.


Hope that helps!


So I guess this means that Honest Frank is probably gone.:( I liked the way that you turned him face and it is to bad that you could not keep him.


I don't want to totally give it away but, i guess, it's not that hard to see who one of the people will be as Frankie starts out in both PSW and NYCW. Funny enough, this whole "war" thing with "Stomper" came about after I asked him to "talent trade"... Thinking of creating a storyline where the Tri-State area bands together in which to represent the region. However, when he turned that down, I found myself wanting to declare war just out of the idea of wanting to say... "Well, Screw you too". Ha. Sadly, that idea backfired as now anyone who worked for both of us is going to chose NYCW over me since they are at a better standing. Oh well, You live and you learn.


Frankie, while never a major threat as a singles star, will always have a soft spot with me. His character helped me to initially get over "The Ring Generals" and Nicole Kiss. It was that storyline that helped shape that trio in my mind. From there, Frankie was always a good mid-card warrior. Someone who could have the chance to walk away with the win but just never had the ability to carry it out in the twilight of his career. His tag team title reign with Johnny Martin, currently taking place, was more of a... I want a PSW Super Team... Someone who could sum up the Tri-State region for me.

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Depending on how the market is at the time, you can realistically make $28,000 in 2 years. Especially running small shows. In my first 6-7 months (before Bryan Holmes came on board) I made $50,000 in that time frame. My roster was filled with, mostly, the originals from PSW so they weren't asking for a lot of money. The downfall, with a company like PSW, is that you can't sign a bunch of big name guys straight out of the gate. In a sense, you have to embrace the fact that you're company is small... will have less over workers... and will probably not pull down great ratings overall. However, that's the fun with a company like this. Knowing that.. Hey, it's not the best collection of talent but that the people they do have makes for an interesting show.


I've been losing money lately though as I've been re-signing a lot of my more over workers. A lot of the veterans (especially El Demonio Volador and Marat Khoklov) are asking for $2,000 a show. It's hard for me not to resign the guys since they are big time superstars... BUT... At some point, I may have to shed their contracts and let them go just based upon financial reasons. ya know? So, that way, I can keep the company afloat.


I guess, the best thing is, to really work with what PSW has to start with. Over time you can find some decent workers who won't ask for very much but will be able to bring some more talent to your roster. At first, though, PSW is one of those companies that you need to keep the initial roster in tact (with no real additions) for the first 6 months, up to possibly a year, or so.


Hope that helps!


it helps a hell of a lot thanks for taking the time for replying...i guess i need to use cheap workers for a while

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