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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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At $2500 per show, Marat Khoklov is simply not worth that much. Although his angles rate highly, his matches are on par for PSW's current quality, which is actually what you don't need for now. On the other hand, El Demonio Volador and Harry Allen have prove themselves to be more than enough to be main players.


True. Sadly, though, Harry Allen is on his way out too as he leaves for NYCW. So, Demonio is really the only guy with good overness (C in the Tri-State area) and the ability to carry a promo/match.


Then again, I'm not worried too much. There are some talented people on the roster still. Just need to find ways to maximize their ability/rating levels.


It would be good to keep the big man but I agree with you.... Naess blocking me from signing him for $2500 is probably a blessing in surprise as it would seriously strap us for cash in the long run. If it wasn't this month it would be after the next contract that Naess would block it. Either way, it's what had to be done.


Just because you never pull the trigger on a title change that quickly. You usually do a slow build up.


I'm not one to give "out of the blue" title reigns. Why? I'm more of a fan of the build. Ya know? Seeing someone rise to the point where it's obvious that they are ready for the spotlight. Look at the "Ring Generals", They've slowly built themselves up over the last 17 shows and now on lucky number 18 they finally walk away with Tag Title gold. To me, it realistically took that long to get them over as potential threats in my mind.


That being said, I do believe that it's best to throw a wrench in there every once in a while in which to keep things fresh. A random title win, major victory, etc. is needed in which to keep the idea that anything can happen.


Great show, Eisen! Truly enjoyed it! Sorry about Khoklov being gone but like you said it's part of the fun of running companies that are not TCW or SWF.


Thanks, Angeldelayette!


And I agree. That's the fun side, to me, on running a much smaller promotion. There's moments where you might want to pull your hair out due to the fact that you can't seem to keep anyone long enough to run a respectible storyline... but... It keeps you on your toes. You have to adapt with what your roster looks like at all times or else you'll go crazy when you lose your big guns.

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Makes you wish that you kept Acedia!:p


haha. I don't know if I would go that far. ;) haha jk.


Acedia was your boy though, huh?


There's always a chance he could come back around and make a big comeback. Then again, I guess you'll never really know......


duh... duh... duuuuuuuuuuhhh

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Ok EV great show. You have a real knack for writing. I cannot wait to see where you go from here. I do have a question and you can PM me if you don't want everyone to know. I cannot for the life of me figure out who El Demonio Volador is. Myabe I missed it somewhere and am blind but I never did see who is under the mask. Keep it up EV.



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Ok EV great show. You have a real knack for writing. I cannot wait to see where you go from here. I do have a question and you can PM me if you don't want everyone to know. I cannot for the life of me figure out who El Demonio Volador is. Myabe I missed it somewhere and am blind but I never did see who is under the mask. Keep it up EV.




Just PM'ed you Trevor.


I'm not sure how easy it is to find out his identity, however, I don't really ever plan on giving away (at least during a show) who it is under the mask. There are some, potential, backstage scenarios that may arise with the new PSW Champion. Then again, I guess you never really know what could happen going from here.


He's become one of my favorite characters... from his signature hyena laughter, to his blitzkrieg/almost reckless wrestling style, to his sweet look. To me, he's kind of a cross between super crazy, your garden variety luchador, and a cult-phenomenon kind of character. That's why, to me, I would think he would take the chance of working in PSW despite having much greener pastures... Because, It allows him to delve into his creative side and pull-out an interesting character that neither TCW, SWF, or USPW would allow him to do (or if they did, it would be severely watered down).


All in all, more posts coming today! So if you're bored and want to keep up... Stop on by and keep reading! :)



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I'm not sure how easy it is to find out his identity, however, I don't really ever plan on giving away (at least during a show) who it is under the mask.


I know I know! :p And to everyone who has played the game or done alts sure knows who is behind that mask.

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I know I know! :p And to everyone who has played the game or done alts sure knows who is behind that mask.


haha. You would know as you were the master creator of that alt. ;) I thank you again for that.


I thought his hair would give it a way. honestly. No one has a head of hair like that... All stringy and flowing except for, maybe, two people up in New England. Either way, I'm still floored that I have him and have had him this long. Much like Harry Allen, and Marat Khoklov, I'm sure I'll loose him sooner than later but, while I have him, I'm having a lot of fun.

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Video shown on PSW.com

August 2009



[After you've clicked on the video, posted on PSW.com, your computer screen is instantly crossed over into complete darkness. A heavy black background encompasses the entire area as the sound of weaving radio journalists complete an overwhelming tone of mis-matched stories. What sounds like absolute clutter begins to wane a little as a familiar voice peers through them all... Becoming louder and louder as the collection of others begins to slowly fade into the back... Until the voice of Orrick Cull, the "Unknown Figure's" personal news outlet, is the only thing heard.]


[upon the rise of Cull's voice, The video moves on past the darkened background to see Orrick, himself, seated behind a black mahogany desk. The set behind him appears to model itself after any cable news station equipt with "modern graphics" as, for all intentions, stands as a legit newscast.]


[After wrestling a batch of papers before him, Orrick looks into the camera with his signature calm demeanor... Delivering the news... With a heavy slant, or bias if you will, in favor of "The Unknown Figure."]



He manufactures the truth


Orrick Cull: In shocking news, today, Exiled PSW Owner, Mitch Naess, has announced the release of former PSW Champion, Marat Khoklov. The decision generated much confusion as to WHY Mr. Naess would release one of his most prized individuals on the roster, however, many believe that it's his attempt to "squash" the "Unknown Figure's" attempt to overtake his company. Here to comment, "The Unknown Figure"...


[We cut to a split screen view of both Orrick Cull, seated behind his news desk, and "The Unknown Figure" seated in a pitch black room with the only light coming from the top of the live feed camera. His face, and his greater identity, still covered up by his long flowing, heavy, black cloak.]



A challenge is laid down for Mr. Naess


"The Unknown Figure:" Mitch Naess claims to have PSW's best interest at heart, however, what he did today could potentially leave our great promotion only seconds away from its "death bed". This is just another example of Mr. Naess trying to govern as a bully from thousands of miles away... and yet, here I stand as a true leader... Someone who wants to further the development of this great company... Keeping our big names versus exiling them much like he has done to himself. [shakes his fist] You may call me vile, manipulative, and destructive... but at least I have the guts to step into "The Ministry" every month and lead "The Steel City" physically on site. That is why I am issuing a challenge to Mr. Naess.... Come back to "The Steel City" in 2 months time at our October live event, "The End of Days", and prove to us all that you really give a damn about this god-forsaken company. [Drops his fist] For, my "Kingdom" will officially be established in 2 months time... And the cloak that I wear... That keeps me in secrecy... Will finally fall to the floor and reveal my identity. You have 2 months to respond... Come back and fight for your company or risk losing it forever!


[We now cut back to a single view of Orrick, still, seated behind his desk.]


Orrick Cull: Breaking news, as you just heard, "The Unknown Figure" will finally display his true presence in 2 months time at "The End of Days", however, is calling for the companies owner, Mitch Naess, to "put up or shutup" in a sense. Will Mr. Naess return to the "Steel City" in which to fight for his company or will "The Unknown Figure", and his "Kingdom", take their seat at the top of PSW for good? Only time will tell. It should be noted that this next month, September, will house PSW's annual tournament event, "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" where the victor will go on to face the PSW Champion, El Demonio Volador, at "The End Of Days as well.


[With that, almost abruptly, the feed cuts out. A round of "tv snow" is shown for a matter of a few seconds before the video finally times out for good.]




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Early September 2009

... Picking up the pieces ...





1. <s>Marat Khoklov</s>

2. <s>Harry Allen</s>

3. <s>Frankie Future</s>

4. <s>Malietoa</s>


Everyone knows the names by now. All four men have made their way out of the "Steel City". Marking their mass exodus to our rival nemesis, NYCW, in most cases, and one, Marat Khoklov, walking away due to Mitch's "iron grip" demand to reject negotiations with the former champ based upon his increasing need for more capital.


Look at the list even closer though...


We're losing a former PSW Tag Champion, a former PSW Champion, and 2 former PSW National Champions (one being a 2-time winner himself) all in a matter of a month.


They are starting to classify Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling as a company inching ever closer to its death bed. Some have even gone as far as to illustrate that the vulchers are currently circling our little hardcore-based company in anticipation of it's ultimate demise. However, I don't see it that way.


With the loss of one brings the ability to catapult another. It's as simple as that. A company like PSW is less about the actual people competing in the ring and more about the culture that we've been able to capture. Sure, the loss of someone like Harry Allen will register through the walls of the "Ministry" for time to come. He WAS "The Franchise" player in our rinky-dink promotion... And yet, even HE will be forgotten with him... Just as those in the South West allowed him to move on as well.


I know it may sound rather shocking to some, however, I agree whole hear tingly with Mitch. Marat was an amazing figure to book... Don't get me wrong. His menacing looks and his overwhelming power made for the PERFECT Heel, however, even he can be replaced with time. It just comes down to creating new superstars... new characters... new people to take the reigns and shine. Just as when we lost Bryan Holmes.... There was a new cast of characters that picked up where he left off... Now, We stand at another cross roads... Eagerly anticipating the rise of a new "Franchise".


Really, since I've come into the fold with Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, there has been 3 major "eras" in a matter of two years. In a way, I like to look at them like chapters in a book with each chapter having their own main characters, their own plot lines, and their own ability to convey a new message without having to rely on the previous chapters for help.


Chapter 1: The Johnny Martin Era


When I first took over the duties as headbooker for PSW Johnny Martin was "THE" man. There was no one on the roster who could truly challenge him outside of "The Untouchables" (Teddy Powell and Mr. Morgan). His PSW Championship reign spanned a full calender year as challengers came and went without ever really leaving more than a dent on the Tri-State Icon. Sure, many came close to doing so ("The Untouchables" most notably), however, in the end, Martin was the true personification of a veteran bouncing back.


Chapter 2: The Bryan Holmes Era


I almost passed out when Bryan Holmes became available from Japan. Still, to this day, I wonder how it all came to happen... however, a perfect storm is really what best describes the chain of events I believe. Bryan "Motha-F*cking" Holmes was a man who went on an absolute tear through PSW, winning the first ever "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" tournament (the event set for this month, September 09) on his route to defeating the, then, champion, Mr. Morgan. From there, the man physically and mentally dominated his opponents to the level of sporting a 12-0 record all-time in the "Steel City". A feat that has yet to be surpassed by anyone. His retirement was the only reason we had to shift away from the man I simply label as..."Amazing"... As we had to usher in a new era... The era that we currently find ourselves entrenched within..


Chapter 3: Anarchy Reigns Supreme


This is where we find ourselves today. With our owner, Mitch Naess, personally exiled away from his own company while working with NOTBPW in Canada.... And the rise of the "Unknown Figure" and his, cult-like, "Kingdom"... There is no shortage of chaos, and anarchy, in the "Steel City" these days. With that being said, during this Chapter, the story was centered around the likes of Harry Allen... Marat Khoklov... El Demonio Volador... and "The Dirty White Boys". While we did lose Allen and Khoklov for different reasons, We do STILL posses two members of our overall story at this time. So, from a bookers stand point, I can't be anything less than happy.


This is where we come to a cross-roads, as I stated briefly before, as who try to uncover WHO will lead us into a new chapter in the history of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. We know one thing, The struggle between "The Unknown Figure" and Mitch Naess will continue to rage on well into 2010, most likely, however, who will be the pawns in such a war? Who will transcend their names, their pre-conceived notion, to bring a new era in "The Steel City"?


Brutus Roach? "The Dirty White Boys"? "The Ring Generals"? KILLER Colossus? El Demonio Volador? Or maybe... A slew of superstars you've never seen, or heard from before.


I've been on the phone a lot lately, ushering in a new segment of PSW superstars and am currently in the process of implementing them into our system. Will the rabid, often violent, PSW fanbase except them? Who knows....


but what I do know is this...


Don't count us out...


For the second you do so...


You're inching, ever-closer, to the thought process only held by Fools...




<hr color=black>NEXT: The Vacant PSW National Championship is addressed...

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I have to give you some props here, EV. As if you really need more, but still... The kind of things you are having to deal with in PSW are exactly what drive me away from running the smaller companies. The joy of signing some new talent - like Holmes or Klohlov - and the fun of creating storylines around them, only to have them depart for some reason and destroy all your plans... It frustrates to no end. Its just part of running a smaller promotion, I know, but its tough to deal with. Especially in diary terms, where ruined plans can be tough to deal with. Not only do you manage to not let the frustration come through, if it is there, but you make it work in diary terms. Great work, my friend.
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I have to give you some props here, EV. As if you really need more, but still... The kind of things you are having to deal with in PSW are exactly what drive me away from running the smaller companies. The joy of signing some new talent - like Holmes or Klohlov - and the fun of creating storylines around them, only to have them depart for some reason and destroy all your plans... It frustrates to no end. Its just part of running a smaller promotion, I know, but its tough to deal with. Especially in diary terms, where ruined plans can be tough to deal with. Not only do you manage to not let the frustration come through, if it is there, but you make it work in diary terms. Great work, my friend.



Thanks for the props, PA. :)


To say that I wasn't frustrated at certain points when I was losing big name stars over the last (almost) 2 years (in-game wise)... I finally found an idea that made me comfortable with such drastic change-over. yes, running a smaller company makes it so you can't bank on any of your wrestlers to be with you the next month, which can ultimately screw over booking plans to no end. However, the way I look at it, PSW is more of an experience than banking upon specific workers. ya know? There's no doubt in my mind that I'll lose my entire main event before it's all said and done, however, in a way, I never sign anyone with the idea that I'll have them for very long. If I grow attached to a character, a wrestler as a whole, or an idea, then I'll probably end up pulling my hair out as they all exile from such a small company.


The way I see it, wrestlers will come and go.... but PSW will live on forever.... or..... At least until we run out of money. haha. ;)


Thank you again though, PA. You know how important you've been to be as a diary writer, especially with PSW, and I can't thank you enough for all of that.



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I just wanted to say that I'm reading your diary and really enjoy what you've done thus far. A great mix of interesting characters, great write ups, and the ability to really tell a story. You're a great writer man. bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The, often, polarizing Owner makes his return in 8 weeks


NEWS: Mitch Naess to return to the "Steel City" next month @ "The End of Days"; Will address the vacant National Championship in his return.

1st Week, September 2009


In a shocking turn of events, exiled PSW owner, Mitch Naess will be making his return to "The Ministry" next month to address the vacated National Championship. The anticipated return of Naess comes at a point where "The Unknown Figure" has recently called out the exiled owner to stand up for his company or risk losing it forever.


It appears that Mr. Naess has accepted the "Unknown Figure's" challenge and will personally return to the "Steel City" next month.


A short statement was made by Mr. Naess following the announcement earlier today.


"I can no longer sit aside and allow such a fiend as the "Unknown Figure" ruin the very company I built from the ground up. I will be making my return next month, October, at our annual event, "The End of Days", and will see to it that PSW is restored to a level of respectability."


+ PSW Owner, Mitch Naess


It should be noted that Mr. Naess will not be present this month at "Blood, Sweat, or Tears", however, will address PSW fans via a live feed from his residence in Canada.


More information to come...

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I just wanted to say that I'm reading your diary and really enjoy what you've done thus far. A great mix of interesting characters, great write ups, and the ability to really tell a story. You're a great writer man. bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks CZCW!


Good to see you're still checking back and reading the diary. Since day one, I've wanted to build a PSW experience versus just a random booking diary. ya know? That's why my shows probably take a little longer than they should, however, I come up with what will take place at the show... Make sure it works with previous storylines (and future storylines in mind)... And then tackle each and every show as if I was writing a novel. I want my characters to be well-rounded, the stories to be gritty and dramatic, and the action to be bloody... bloody... warfare. ;)


All in all, Thanks for the nod of confidence!



I'm thinking there will be one more post before the end of tonight. I'm not 100% sure though. Depends on if things clear up enough between some other projects i'm working on. Either way, I have one more backstage scenario (that I know of) ready to go and then you'll get the card for "Blood, Sweat, and Tears". The show is a one-night tournament to see who will go on to face El Demonio Volador for the PSW Championship next month at "The End of Days".

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Early September 2009

... The phone call that changed it all ...





Reaching out


"Enough with surface level sh*t.... Let's put all our cards on the table as that's the only way anything is ever going to get resolved. You were acting like a dick, however passionate about where you thought the company should go, meanwhile, I acted like a 10 year-old punk and did something I regret to this day, Even IF your demands were absolutely insane. It all came together like a perfect storm."



There was a slight moment of silence from the other side of the phone... Then, a short clearing of his throat. I wasn't afraid though. In the past, This kind of situation would have spiked my anxiety levels pushing me ever so closer to a potential relapse, however, at this point in our scenario, I found myself rather calm.... More so, Searching for a means to an end after months of having to physically run the day-to-day operations of this company.


I couldn't see that he was nodding in approval on his end. A sight I wish I could have witnessed as it would have certainly knocked me off my chair.



Straight from Canada


"I agree. Things did escalate pretty quickly. Instead of wallowing in what happened... It's better to move forward and work toward pushing the PSW-brand through the roof."


That's where Mitch and I often butt heads. Mitch wants PSW to be in every single household... on every single TV... In the news daily... So, pretty much, Mitch wants PSW to be the SWF minus all the "cookie-cutter" bullsh*t. Meanwhile, While such a situation would certainly make my job a little easier, as it pertains to keeping an actual superstar longer than 2 months, I've always come to favor where we find our selves right now... Underground. More of a cult-based phenomenon instead of a large, mind numbing, sell out. Then again, it wasn't time to fight... no... We were trying to mend our fences... not destroy what he had left of our original, war-torn, fence.


"You know that you're going to have to speak to 'the boys' though, Mitch. A lot of them feel as if you turned your backs on them."


A slight sigh from Mitch...


"I didn't turn my back. To be honest, John, I was overly pissed that they backed you following your 'momentary lapse of judgment'. They were all going to walk if I fired you and right then, and there, I realized that I was powerless... That those in my own company, in the very organization that I built from the ground up, that I was no more powerful than the guy in the first row. I had become a spectator in PSW... You weren't listening to me... They weren't rallying behind me. So, when NOTBPW offered me a job... I decided to give you all what you wanted... A company without me. I kept my name on the documents, watched over our finances, and just left the business to you. I didn't turn my back on them... If anything... well, Nevermind... That's neither here nor there... It's time that we work on bandaging our lingering wounds..."


I never had a clue as to why all of this had transpired. Why Mitch actually left PSW in which to find safe haven in NOTBPW? Now, it all seemed rather simple. He didn't want to leave... His spirit was so broken, so grounded, so fragile... That he knew he HAD to leave.


"When can we expect you?"


"I have to finish my affairs here, speak with Dan [stone] and work out some sort of deal where I can continue my work for their dot com while also spending my time back in Pittsburgh. I'm guessing, barring any sort of issue, I'll be back in the states in November.... Just in time for 'The end of Days'."


Despite our newly found, and extremely fragile, understanding... It seemed quite fitting that he would return, both on camera and behind the curtain, to PSW at such an event.


... Can Mitch and I co-exist in the same city once again?...


... Or ...


... Will the "Land of Steel" crumble beneath World War IV? ...


... Only the great writer in the "sky" knows ...

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I just spent the last 3 days reading this from beginning to end. Awesome stuff, wish I had caught on sooner. Keep it up.


wow. Thanks for taking the time to catch yourself up from page 1, Candyman! Very cool. :) I've done that a time or two, As you never really get a true feel of what you're reading unless you've read it from the opening segments. Good to know that it was engaging enough to keep you reading all the way through!

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El Demonio Volador is tournament bound.


NEWS: "The Unknown Figure" forces El Demonio Volador to compete in this month's event, "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" Tournament. If he loses, He loses the title to the winner of said tournament.

1st week of September 2009


Only hours after it was announced that Mitch Naess will be coming back to the "Steel City" in the month of October at PSW's live event, "The End of Days", "The Unknown Figure" announces that PSW Champion, El Demonio Volador, will be competing in this month's, "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" tournament. If Demonio loses within the tournament, at any time, then the PSW Championship becomes vacant and will be awarded to the man who makes it all the way through the tournament with a round of victories. If Demonio is able to win the tournament himself, then, he will be able to keep said Championship and will be given the opportunity to name his opponent for "The End of Days" personally.


It's been noted that "The Unknown Figure" feels that his "Kingdom" appears weak after Marat Khoklov was unable to defeat the psychotic luchador during last month's event. Now, feeling slightly jaded, the mysteriously cloaked man is putting all bets on the table and forcing Demonio to compete for his life... And the PSW Championship.


Many believe that this is "The Unknown Figure's" way of attempting to control who will have the PSW Championship come time for Mitch Naess's return. An event, "The End of Days", that poses to be an all-out war as Mitch makes his return... "The Kingdom" that has been spoken off will finally debut as a whole, and "The Unknown Figure" vows to remove himself from secrecy and de-robe for the first time since ascending upon the "Steel City"-based company.


Can El Demonio Volador survive an 8 man tournament to retain his PSW Championship?




Will we find, yet another, brand new PSW Champion?


More information to come...

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Spent four hours over the last couple of days catching up from the start. I'm not usually a commenter in diaries, but I just had to pop on and say that I like the way you've presented PSW to us.


More so than that, I like the way you've worked with the John Greed character so far. Color me intrigued, and consider me a future reader.

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Spent four hours over the last couple of days catching up from the start. I'm not usually a commenter in diaries, but I just had to pop on and say that I like the way you've presented PSW to us.


More so than that, I like the way you've worked with the John Greed character so far. Color me intrigued, and consider me a future reader.


Damn, ShadowedFlames. That had to be quite a chunk of your time to give this a read from start to finish in four hours or so. Thanks for giving it a look/read though, I really appreciate it. :)


Good to know that I've got you on board as a future reader as well. It's great to know that there are others out there who are interested enough to keep up to date with this project. I'm having a lot of fun crafting PSW as it is right now and even with all the people leaving my roster... It's still a lot of fun to continually craft a new image (a new chapter if you will).


As for John Greed, He's my favorite part about writing this thing. As his personality, what has gone on with him, and how he's come to this point is very intriguing as a writer.


All in all, Thank you man! Good to see you on board.



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<hr color="black">

"Blood, Sweat, and Tears"

Friday, 4th Week of September 2009

Run-Time: 2 HOURS

PSW Event #19

<hr color="black">

Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling holds its second annual "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" tournament LIVE from "The Ministry" this month, September of 2009. Unlike last years event, however, instead of solely looking to crown a #1 contender for the PSW Championship... The actual PSW Champion, himself, is being forced to compete within the brackets in which to "prove his worth" as the Champ. If Demonio Volador loses, at anytime through out the tourney, then the winner of the "BST" Tournament will walk away as the NEW PSW Champion! However, if El Demonio Volador can survive past 3 other oponents... Then he will personally be able to chose his challenger for PSW's October event, "The End of Days".


With Mitch Naess only a month away from returning to the "Steel City", What will happen when the companies newfound champion is forced to compete for his life? Will he have the ability to outlast 7 other men who are hell-bent on knocking him out of the competition & potentially walking out with the "crown jewel" of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.


Tune into PSW.com this month to find out!




Prediction Key:


Round 1


A: ?? PSW Returning Superstar ?? vs. Mr. Morgan


B: Lead Belly vs. El Demonio Volador ©


C: Johnny Martin vs. Brutus Roach


D: KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg


Round 2


E: Winner A vs Winner B


F: Winner C vs Winner D




Winner E vs Winner F



"Thoughts of Greed":

How do you salvage a sinking ship? This very question has literally consumed me ever since I first received word that several of our bigger named superstars were on their way out. Honestly, I don't hold anything against any of them as I understand the "nature of the beast". Each, and every, Pro Wrestler is looking for the next big jump.... Always looking for that NEXT spark in which to generate buzz. Truthfully, That's what our industry is built solely upon... Buzz and your ability to develop your own.


With that being said, however, as the headbooker of a promotion on the losing end of a mass exodus, I have to try to find a way to limit the view of loss while scurrying to seamlessly push us forward. How do you do so when half of your Main Event roster is all defecting from your promotion? Harry Allen, Marat Khoklov, Frankie Future, Malietoa... They all left. All have moved on from our roster... And that's not it. There are more... Sadly... more.


In every aspect, Anarchy has become our best friend as PSW staggers its way through the greater-world of Pro Wrestling. As, in an era of cookie-cutter... after-school specials in Pro Wrestling, we're attempting to do something that NO ONE has the insanity to tackle...


Create a successful hardcore-based, adult entertainment focused, cult-like-phenomenon in the wake of the, once, glorious DaVE.


God, F*cking help us all...

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Sorry to say this but I am more looking forward to the October show. Not that this show does not have my interest, but the October show really has my interest!:D


I am usually bad at picking for tournaments but here goes:


Round 1


A: ?? PSW Returning Superstar ?? vs. Mr. Morgan


I should go with the unknown but I will go with JD who should be featured more now that the mass exodus is over with.


B: Lead Belly vs. El Demonio Volador ©


Much like Scott Steiner and Jeff Hardy in real life, I can not see Leady Belly as a singles world champion. To me his is just a tag team wrestler even if his tag team does end up getting broken up.


C: Johnny Martin vs. Brutus Roach


This is a tough one, I could see it go either way. Johnny Martin was once the face of the company and has taken a backseat. However, at the end of the day Brutus is new and he needs the victory more.


D: KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg


Another tough one, Killer Colossus has never really done what you want him to do, but that being said I think he will be given one more shot.


Round 2


E: Mr. Morgan vs El Demonio Volador


El Demonio wins and retains.


F: Brutus Roach vs KILLER Colossus


I will go with the new guy.




El Demonio Volador vs Brutus Roach


Well you have surprised me with the frequent titles changes in the past couple of shows. But they were all for good reasons, this time I think that there is no good reason for El Demonio to lose the gold. So he wins and gets to pick his opponent for the next show.

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Round 1


A: ?? PSW Returning Superstar ?? vs. Mr. Morgan




B: Lead Belly vs. El Demonio Volador ©


More masked mischief


C: Johnny Martin vs. Brutus Roach


I like Johnny Martin


D: KILLER Colossus vs. Grease Hogg


DAMN SON! What a match. Hogg's going to be in the finals, so yeah.


Round 2


E: Morgan vs Volador


Needs momentum after what may be a flash victory


F: Martin vs Hogg


Almost a rest match for Hogg




Volador vs Hogg


The pieces fall into place as Belly finally gets back at Hogg.

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