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1989 WWF: Summerslam Aftermath

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--This is my first attempt at a diary. I have some ideas, so we'll see where this leads. This will not be updated 20 times a day as my schedule doesn't allow. I hope to post shows on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, though.


--I am using the 1989 No Holds Barred data.


--Seeing as I never enjoyed diaries where the writer goes out and signs 20 new wrestlers in the first week, ruining some of the reality, as a rule, I am allowed to sign only one singles wrestler or one tag team per month. As well, I can never have a roster of more than 60 wrestlers at any one time. Furthermore, I am not allowed to release wrestlers for the sake of signing someone. I must wait until their contract expires before they can leave the organization.


Current Champions


WWF World Heavyweight Champion


Hulk Hogan


WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion


The Ultimate Warrior


WWF World Tag Team Champions


The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard)



Current Roster (September 1989)


Main Eventer


Hulk Hogan

The Ultimate Warrior

Roddy Piper

Jake Roberts


Andre the Giant

Randy Savage


Ted Dibiase

Rick Rude

Greg Valentine

The Warlord


Upper Midcarder


Tito Santana

Jimmy Snuka

Brutus Beefcake

Jim Neidhart

Demolition Ax

Demolition Smash


Rick Martel

The Canadian Earthquake

The Honky Tonk Man

The Barbarian

Tully Blanchard




Jim Duggan

Dusty Rhodes


The Red Rooster

Bret Hart

Shawn Michaels

Marty Jannetty

Bushwhacker Luke

Paul Roma


Mr. Perfect


Arn Anderson

The Big Boss Man


Raymond Rougeau

Jacques Rougeau


Lower Midcarder


Koko B. Ware

Tugboat (yet to debut)

Ron Garvin

Hillbilly Jim

Bushwhacker Butch

Jim Powers


Dino Bravo

Bad News Brown




Al Perez (yet to debut)


Barry Horowitz

The Brooklyn Brawler

Barry Windham

Boris Zhukov


Enhancement Talent


The Genius

Nikolai Volkoff


Current Tag Teams


The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart)

Demolition (Demolition Ax & Demolition Smash)

The Rockers (Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels)

The Bushwhackers (Bushwhacker Butch & Bushwhacker Luke)

The Young Stallions (Jim Powers & Paul Roma)


The Powers of Pain (The Barbarian & The Warlord)

The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard)

The Twin Towers (Akeem & The Big Boss Man)

The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers (Raymond Rougeau & Jacques Rougeau)

The Bolsheviks (Boris Zhukov & Nikolai Volkoff)

Rhythm & Blues (Greg Valentine & The Honky Tonk Man



Saturday Night's Main Event Card (Saturday, Week 3, September 1989


1. Mr. Perfect vs ???


2. The Brainbusters ( C ) vs Demolition for the WWF World Tag Team Titles


3. The Ultimate Warrior ( C ) vs Rick Rude for the WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Title

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Summerslam 1989 Results


Dark Match: Dino Bravo defeated Koko B. Ware by pinfall


1) The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) defeated The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart) in 16:23 when Arn Anderson pinned Bret Hart after hitting him with a double ax handle off the top rope with Bobby Heenan distracting the referee. Bret Hart was not the legal man.


2) Dusty Rhodes defeated The Honky Tonk Man in 9:36 by pinfall after Jimmy Hart accidently hit The Honky Tonk Man with his guitar.


3) Mr. Perfect defeated The Red Rooster in 3:21 by pinfall


4) Rick Martel & The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers (Jacques Rougeau & Raymond Rougeau) defeated Tito Santana & The Rockers (Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels) in 14:58 when Rick Martel pinned Marty Jannetty. Jimmy Hart distracted Marty Jannetty, which allowed Jacques Rougeau to hit Jannetty from behind. Marty Jannetty was not the legal man.


5) The Ultimate Warrior defeated Rick Rude in 16:02 by pinfall to win the WWF Intercontinal Heavyweight Title when Roddy Piper came to ringside and distracted Rick Rude


6) Jim Duggan & Demolition (Demolition Ax & Smash) defeated Andre the Giant & The Twin Towers (Akeem & The Big Boss Man) in 7:23 when Demolition Smah pinned Akeem. Jim Duggan had hit Akeem in the head with his 2x4.


7) Hercules defeated Greg Valentine in 3:08 by disqualification when Ronnie Garvin (special ring announcer) announced Hercules the winner because Greg Valentine had pinned Hercules with his feet on the ropes.


8) Ted Dibiase defeated Jimmy Snuka in 6:27 by countout


9) Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake defeated Randy Savage & Zeus in 15:04 when Hulk Hogan pinned Zeus after hitting Zeus with Sensational Sherri's loaded purse with the referee distracted.

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Prime Time Wrestling Preview


Monday, Week 1, September 1989


1) Koko B. Ware vs Mr. Perfect


2) Jim Duggan vs Dino Bravo in a Flag Match


3) The Red Rooster vs Barry Windham


4) Roddy Piper vs Haku (Piper's 1st match since Wrestlemania III)


5) 20-Man tage Team Battle Royal for a Title Shot At Saturday Night's Main Event (Hart Foundation, Demolition, Rockers, Bushwhackers, Young Stallions, Powers of Pain, Twin Towers, Fabulous Rougeau Brothers, Rhythm & Blues, Bolsheviks)


Plus, appearances by Rick Rude, The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Brutus Beefcake, Randy Savage, Zeus, and many more!

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1) Koko B. Ware vs Mr. Perfect


2) Jim Duggan vs Dino Bravo in a Flag Match


3) The Red Rooster vs Barry Windham


4) Roddy Piper vs Haku (Piper's 1st match since Wrestlemania III)


5) 20-Man tage Team Battle Royal for a Title Shot At Saturday Night's Main Event (Hart Foundation, Demolition, Rockers, Bushwhackers, Young Stallions, Powers of Pain, Twin Towers, Fabulous Rougeau Brothers, Rhythm & Blues, Bolsheviks)

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1) Koko B. Ware vs Mr. Perfect


2) Jim Duggan vs Dino Bravo in a Flag Match


3) The Red Rooster vs Barry Windham


4) Roddy Piper vs Haku (Piper's 1st match since Wrestlemania III)


5) 20-Man tage Team Battle Royal for a Title Shot At Saturday Night's Main Event (Hart Foundation, Demolition, Rockers, Bushwhackers, Young Stallions, Powers of Pain, Twin Towers, Fabulous Rougeau Brothers, Rhythm & Blues, Bolsheviks)

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1) Koko B. Ware vs Mr. Perfect


2) Jim Duggan vs Dino Bravo in a Flag Match


3) The Red Rooster vs Barry Windham


4) Roddy Piper vs Haku (Piper's 1st match since Wrestlemania III)


5) 20-Man tage Team Battle Royal for a Title Shot At Saturday Night's Main Event (Hart Foundation, Demolition, Rockers, Bushwhackers, Young Stallions, Powers of Pain, Twin Towers, Fabulous Rougeau Brothers, Rhythm & Blues, Bolsheviks)

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Date: Monday, Week 1, September 1989


Location: Louis Brown Athletic Center in Newark, NJ






Gorilla Monsoon: Welcome everyone to another edition of Prime Time Wrestling. I am Gorilla Monsoon...


Bobby Heenan: And I am your host, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.


Gorilla Monsoon: We have some great action for you this evening. Tonight we will see Mr. Perfect do battle with Koko B. Ware. Mr. Perfect has his work cut out for him tonight.


Bobby Heenan: I've been told by my sources that Mr. Perfect has a big announcement to make this evening. I predict Mr. Perfect will mop the floor with both Koko and that ugly bird, Frankie.


Gorilla Monsoon: We will also hear from the new WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, The Ultimate Warrior.



Bobby Heenan We were jobbed at SummerSlam, Monsoon. That no-good, skirt-wearing freak, Roddy Piper, cost Rick Rude his title. He has no business coming to ringside during the match. Piper, beware: Rude has assured me you will pay, and pay dearly, for what you did. It is only a matter of time before Rude recaptures the Intercontinental Title. The Ultimare Warrior, I wouldn't get too comfortbale with the title because we're going to get it back in short order.


Gorilla Monsoon: That remains to be seen. Speaking of 'The Hot Rod', he makes his return to the ring tonight for the first time since Wrestlemania III against your man, Haku.


Bobby Heenan: That's right. And when Haku gets down with Piper, they'll have to call his parents to identify the body because he won't look the same.


Gorilla Monsoon: Highly unlikely. And in our main event tonight, we will have a 20-man, tag team Battle Royal. The rules are simple: There are 10 teams in the ring. When one member of the team gets eliminated, the other must leave the ring. The last team remaining gets a title shot at the current World Tag Team Champions, your Brainbusters, Brain, at the next Saturday Night's Main Event. It's only a matter of time before Demolition gets their hands on you and The Brainbusters and regain the tag team titles.


Bobby Heenan: We're not worried. I mean, anybody that paints their face like its Halloween every day can't be taken too seriously. How would you like to be their mother and have two kids who dress like Kiss-wannabes on a daliy basis.


Gorilla Monsoon: Will you stop! Anyway, lets head to the ring. Mean Gene Okerlund is in the ring with your man, 'Ravishing' Rick Rude.


Bobby Heenan: The next WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion.





Mean Gene Okerlund: Please join me in welcoming to the ring, the former WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, 'Ravishing' Rick Rude.


Rick Rude: Former nothing, little man! I was screwed out of the title at SummerSlam by a man who had no business being at ringside. I had The Ultimate Warrior down and out and was about ready to beat him with the Rude Awakening. I am out here demanding a rematch with The Ultimate Warrior at Saturday Night's Main Event. Warrior, you can run and you can hide, but it's only a matter of time before I reclaim MY title.


Mean Gene Okerlund: And what about 'The Hot Rod?'


Rick Rude: Hot Rod, you will pay for costing me my title. You better have eyes in the back of your head because I could appear from anywhere. This is far from over Piper. You may have won the first battle, but you haven't won the war!





Mr. Perfect: Before I wipe the mat with Koko B. Ware, I want to introduce my new manager. He is the perfect manager for the perfect wrestler. Together, it's only a matter of time before the WWF World Heavyweight Title is around my waist. He is Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan.


Bobby Heenan: Everyone beware. This man is the perfect wrestler, and there is no one out there that can touch him. He can defeat any wrestler within 10 minutes, he's that good. Wait, I take that back: he's that perfect! So confident am I that no one can match up with Mr. Perfect that we are issuing an open challenge to anyone in the locker room to meet Mr. Perfect at Saturday Night's Main Event.





Mr. Perfect had his way with Koko B. Ware. He dominated the match from start to finish, and just toyed with 'The Birdman'. The end came after Mr. Pefect hit the Perfect Plex and got the 1-2-3.


Winner: Mr. Perfect by pinfall in 4:36 (Match Rating: C)





Gorilla Monsoon: How much of his earnings are you taking, Brain? 80-85%? Nonetheless, it was an impressive win for Mr. Perfect.


Bobby Heenan: That's none of your business, Monsoon. The fact is, there is no stopping this man. No one in the WWF matches this man's speed, technical skills and ability. I mean, you saw what we did to poor Koko B. Ware. Who names their kid Koko B. Ware anyway? Of course, with a mother named Tupper Ware, what else would you expect?


Gorilla Monsoon: Will you stop1 You may be sorry you made that open challenge. There are plenty of guys lining up in the back for an opportunity to make a name for themselves in the back.





Sean Mooney: King Hacksaw Jim Duggan, in just a few minutes, you have a Flag Match with the 'Canadian Strong Man' Dino Bravo. And you know with Dino Bravo in the ring, Jimmy Hart can't be far behind. What is your strategy in this match?


King Hacksaw Jim Duggan: Sean, my strategy is rather simple. It's attack, attack, attack. My plan is to grab the U.S.A. flag and wave it proudly. This is the land of the free and home of the brave, and I don't want to see the Canadian flag being waved here. As far as Jimmy Hart, don't worry. I have my trusty 2x4 right by my side. HOOOOOOOOOOOO, Tough Guy!





This was a back-and-forth affair with very little technical wrestling involved. Instead, it was a lot of punching and kicking. Both men made multiple attempts to climb up the the top rope to retrieve the flag before being pulled down just short of their respective flag.


Finally, King Duggan hit the three-point stance on Dino Bravo, and was about to climb the ropes to retrieve the flag and win the match. Just as he had his fingers on the U.S.A. flag, a rather large man appeared out of nowhere and threw King Duggan to the outside of the ring. It was at this point the referee asked for the bell.


Winner: King Hacksaw Jim Duggan by Disqualification in 7:14 (Match Rating: C+)





After the bell sounded, Dino Bravo threw the referee out of the ring. He went outside the ring and threw Jim Duggan back in. With Jimmy Hart directing things, Bravo and the large man continued to beat down on Duggan. With Bravo and Hart holding Duggan down on the mat, the large man hit multiple sit-down splashes on a helpless Duggan. They grabbed the American flag and draped it over the prone body of Jim Duggan.


After a few minutes of this assault, 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes cam running down to the ring and proceeded to knock Dino Bravo out of the ring. The large man was not intimidated, and just stared down "The American Dream' before departing the ring behind Jimmy Hart and Dino Bravo.




Mean Gene Okerlund: Jimmy Hart, what is the meaning of all this? Who is this man?


Jimmy Hart: Mean Gene, meet the newest member of the family, The Canadian Earthquake. This monster can't be stopped. You saw what he did to King Hacksaw Jim Duggan and if 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes gets in our way again, we'll make him pay. Is that right, guys?


Dino Bravo: Duggan, it's going to be awhile before you wave that flag again, Tough Guy! Ha ha ha ha.


The Canadian Earthquake: Dusty Rhodes, if you ever stick your nose where it doesn't belong again, I'm going to Earthquake Splash you straight to the grave!





Gorilla Monsoon: What a dispicable act by Jimmy Hart and his cronies. Rest assured, King Duggan and Dusty Rhodes will make them pay.


Bobby Heenan: I rather enjoyed that. After The Canadian Earthquake flattened Jim Duggan, all you need is some maple syrup and you breakfast will be served! Pancakes with maple syrup! Ha ha ha ha


Gorilla Monsoon: I'll have you flattened one of these days if you don't watch it.




Sean Mooney: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the ring to answer the challenge made by 'Ravishing' Rick Rude, the new WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, The Ultimate Warrior!


The Ultimate Warrior To a real warrior, power perceived may be power achieved! Given enough time, any man may master the physical. With enough knowledge, any man may become wise. It is the true warrior who can master both....and surpass the result. 'Ravishing' Rick Rude...I accept your challenge...with the power of the little Warriors, we will extinguish you once and for all!





Gorilla Monsoon: Wow! Brain, you and Rick Rude may have bitten off more than you can choose.


Bobby Heenan: He's got those tassles wrapped around so tight, it is limiting his oxygen to the brain. Rest assured, at Saturday Night's Main Event, Rick Rude will pin The Ultimate Warrior and win back his title!


Gorilla Monsoon: When we return, we will see in action The Brain's former protege before seeing the light and firing The Brain, The Red Rooster, take on the formidable Barry Windham.


Bobby Heenan: Firing me? I fired him! I only manage winners, and The Red Rooster was no winner. He wouldn't follow directions, and now look at him floundering...he's nothing without The Brain!





The Red Rooster put up a valiant effort, but as usual, he made a mistake late in the match. Barry Windham capitalized on his error and hit him with the Lariat for the easy 1-2-3!


Winner: Barry Windham by pinfall in 6:39 (Match Rating: D)





Gorilla Monsoon: An impressive vistory by Barry Windham. With a few more dominating performances, he could be in line for a title shot in the not too distant future. When we return, we will take you to Mean Gene Okerlund as he interviews the Champ, 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan and his partner, Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake.




Mean Gene Okerlund: Fresh off their big win at Summerslam, please join me in welcoming the WWF World Heavyweight Champion, 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan, and Brutus 'The Barber' Beefcake!


Hulk Hogan: You know something, brother, at SummerSlam, we were finally able to get our hands on that no-good Zeus! And it felt good...with all the little Hulksters behind us, we shook the foundation of the Meadowlands Arena. Now Zeus and Randy Savage knows what will happen if they ever get in our way again! So what are you two going to do brothers when all the little Hulkamaniacs and the 24-gun salute run wild on you!


(Sensational Sherri makes her way towards the ring)


Sensational Sherri: Hulk Hogan...it will never be over! NEVER! Not until we get rid of you and win back the World Heavyweight Title. You know as well as I do you guys cheated! You took my purse and walloped Zeus in the side of his head...that's the only way you could defeat the monster!


(While Sensational Sherri is talking with Hogan and Beefcake, Randy Savage and Zeus are making their way through the crowd behind Hogan and Zeus)




Suddenly, Randy Savage and Zeus hit the ring while Sensational Sherri is distracting Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake. They proceeed to leave them lying in the ring. It takes many officials to come to the ring and get them back towards the back.





Bobby Heenan: Looks like Hulk Hogan's days are numbered and the end of Hulkamania is near. There is no stopping the monster Zeus or 'The Macho Man.'


Gorilla Monsoon: I wouldn't be so sure about that Brain....we've seen Hogan come back many times before and I'm sure all the little Hulkamaniacs will give him all the strength he needs to make a full recovery. When we return, Roddy Piper returns to the ring for the first time in over two years against Haku! Don't go anywhere.




Sean Mooney: Hot Rod, welcome back. It seems you have your work cut out for you tonight. You face a tough challenge in Haku, with Rick Rude looking for retribution for your actions at SummerSlam.


'Rowdy' Roddy Piper: I see Rick Rude wants me in the worst way...that's ok, because you see, I've been a wanted man ever since I started in this business. Tonight, I return to take on Haku...and if Rude thinks I'm scared, well, I won't be too hard to find!






Early on, the ring rust on Roddy Piper showed as Haku seemed to be a step ahead of The Hot Rod. However, about half-way through the contest, Piper began to turn things around. There were many near-falls on both sides. Piper finally was able to get the Sleeper Hold on Haku, but Haku was able to reverse it into a suplex. As Haku picked up Piper for a slam, Piper was able to roll up Haku for the 1-2-3!


Winner: Roddy Piper by pinfall in 8:52 (Match Rating: C+)





As Piper is celebrating by high-fiving the fives along ringside, a man in a hood hits Piper over the head with what appears to be a tire iron. The man removes the hood to reveal himself as 'Ravishing' Rick Rude. He has busted The Hot Rod wide open, and continues to pound on him until officials pull him off Piper and send him to the back.





Gorilla Monsoon: You must be real proud of what Rude did to Piper. You do realize you're both going to pay dearly for your actions.


Bobby Heenan: We told you Piper wasn't going to get away with costing us the title. If you think that was bad, wait until Rude gets Piper into the ring. I promise you'll see the end of The Hot Rod as we know it!


Gorilla Monsoon: We'll see about that. When we return, it's time for our main event. The 20-man tag team Battle Royal for the opportunity to face the Brainbusters at Saturday Night's Main Event!






Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart, Demolition Ax & Smash, Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels, Bushwhacker Butch & Luke, Jim Powers & Paul Roma, The Barbarian & The Warlord, Akeem & The Big Boss Man, Jacques & Raymond Rougeau, Greg Valentine & The Honky Tonk Man, Boris Zhukov & Nikolai Volkoff




Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard were at ringside providing commentary during the match. The match started quickly with Bushwhacker Butch, Jim Powers, and Boris Zhukov being elminated in short order by the monster Akeem.


About half-way through the match, 'Rugged' Ronnie Garvin appeared at ringside to distract Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine. This gave Bret Hart the opportunity to toss Valentine over the top rope and eliminate Rhythm & Blues.


That left six teams remaining: The Hart Foundation, Demolition, The Rockers, Power of Pain, The Twin Towers, and The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers.


With Marty Jannetty and Raymond Rougeau battling by the ropes, The Barbarian came up from behind and tossed both men out, leaving four teams remaining.


The Big Boss Man had Demolition Smash held from behind. Akeem ran the ropes and attempted to sandwich Smash. However, at the last moment, Smash was able to get out of the way and knocked his own partner, The Big Boss Man, out of the ring instead.


That left The Hart Foundation, Demolition and The Powers of Pain remaining. Demolition kind of layed low in the weeds, as Powers of Pain and The Hart Foundation went at it tooth-and-nail. At one point, The Barbarian had Bret Hart down and out in to center of the ring. He went to the top rope for his big headbutt. However, Bret Hart was playing possum and quickly got to his feet and drop-kicked The Barbarian out of the ring, eliminating The Powers of Pain.


The Hart Foundation and Demolition were left remaining. Tully Blanchard left the announce table to distract the referee. As this was going on, Arn Anderson left the announce table as well. Bret Hart had Demolition Ax and was going to whip him into the ropes. However, Ax reversed it and sent 'The Hitman' into to ropes. Thinking it was Ax running the ropes, Arn Anderson pulled the top rope down, thus eliminating Bret Hart.


Winner: Demolition Ax & Smash in 12:34 (Match Rating: B-)





Show Rating: B-

USA Network Rating: 2.99

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Saturday, Week 1, September 1989


1) Hercules vs Ted Dibiase


2) Hillbilly Jim vs Akeem


3) Al Perez vs Bad News Brown


4) Tito Santana vs Rick Martel


plus, Jake Roberts stops by the Brother Love show and much more!

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Saturday, Week 1, September 1989


1) Hercules vs Ted Dibiase


2) Hillbilly Jim vs Akeem


3) Al Perez vs Bad News Brown


4) Tito Santana vs Rick Martel


plus, Jake Roberts stops by the Brother Love show and much more!

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