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PSW News and Notes


January 2008


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling have made some minor moves over the past month and one major announcement that has changed the future of PSW for ever.


- First of all PSW has announced there show for the week 3 of week of January which will be called "A Tribute To Our Forefathers" which will take place on Friday.


- PSW has picked up 3 workers this month; Playboy Jake Sawyer, Evil Spirit and Tribal Warrior. There are no words on the characters in which the 3 will be using. Tribal Warrior is an interesting signing as he was only brought in after T-Rex declined an offer to join the company.


- "The Future" Steven Parker will be competing for USPW.


- The big announcement is that PSW has signed a non-aggression pact with SWF and a working agreement with TCW! The PSWrestling.com held a very special news conference to announce the agreement between TCW And PSW and you will not believe what happened.


***CLICK HERE for exclusive footage***


There is a large folding table set up on top of a stage in a church hall, on one side of the table sits Alex Braun and Mitch Naess and on the other side sits TCW representative's Danny Fonzarelli and Giant Tana. There are a few reporters and fans sitting off the stage facing the table. Naess who is running the meeting introduces everyone at the table to the crowd and mentions that questions will be answered after he is done. Mitch Naess then reads a prepared to statement to the camera:


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling is proud to announce that starting write now we have a working agreement with Total Championship Wrestling. What this is means is that any worker who is on the PSW roster as of right now will remain there; they are free to sign with TCW but will never become exclusive property of TCW. The same goes for a worker on the TCW, they can not and will not become property of PSW. The agreement also allows for the trading of talent between both companies. Now I myself and Giant Tana of TCW will sign the agreement making it official.


Both men sign the agreement and Naess asks the reporters for questions.


Reporter 1: This question is for Mitch, have any "trades" taking place thus far? If so who is going and who is coming?


Mitch: As of right this second I can not comment on that question, but we look forward to bringing the very best into PSW. That will never change.


Reporter 2: Danny, how would you feel leaving the big time of TCW to come to a small company like PSW? Wouldn't that make you feel unwanted?


Danny: No, not at all. I mean this is a business and we have to do whats best for ourselves and for our company. If the owner feels that I need to come to PSW then I will come to Pittsburgh and show them what I am made of. I've heard nothing but great things about Mitch and the stars of PSW.


Fan 1: Tana, do you really think that you and your co-workers can thrive in a hardcore environment such as PSW?


Tana: In a word, yes! But really...


As Giant Tana answers the question The Untouchables burst on screen from the back and hit Fonz and Tana with chair shots to the back of the head. Both men get up and turn around to fight but the chair shots really took a toll on them. Alex Braun comes over but with Giant Tana and Danny Fonzarelli laid out already there wasn't much he could do. Steven Parker and JD Morgan lay him on the table as Teddy Powell hits a Motion Censor through the table as the video cuts out...


PSW: A Tribute to Our Forefathers announced card:


Teddy Powell vs. Alex Braun


JD Morgan vs. Giant Tana


Steven Parker vs. Danny Fozarelli


Nelson Callum vs. Lazy Joe


PSW Championship Match


Frankie Future vs. Johnny Martin (champion)


Okay so here is my diary! I probably will not be announcing my wrestler signings like this but I had to make a sufficient amount of news for the first post. The TCW/SWF agreements are made directly to keep Steven Parker. Questions, comments and critism always welcomed.

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PSW: A Tribute To Our Forefathers

(the DVD)


The show starts with a close up off the National Title and then the camera slowly zooms out to reveal the sexy stomach of Nicole Kiss who has the title around her waste, as the camera continues to zoom you can see the full collection of men known as The Untouchables. From left to right there is JD Morgan, Steven Park, Kiss and Teddy Powell at the end. They are standing outside in front of a brick building in the snow, there breathe showing every time they speak, sprayed painted on the brick are the letters "PSW" and "Welcome to Pittsburgh", Powell begins to speak:


Since September I have been hoping and praying for revenge, since September all I could think about was being left behind in the dust by somebody that I thought was my friend. Its funny how things can change in 4 months, in September you went to the big time. Fast forward to January and the promotion that you work for, has the audacity to sign an agreement to work here? Under my roof? For my promotion? Everybody thinks that you left me, you left me for the big time but the truth is I left you and tonight me and my brothers are going to show your promotion what they are missing. Alex Braun, I had nothing against you, you are just like us. You are labeled by this wrestling community as somebody who couldn't hack it. But when you try to save the enemy, you become the enemy and Alex there is no where you can run, there is no where you can hide. You don't have the safe haven of knowing that you can just up and go. No Alex you are here for the long run and tonight is just the start of things to come for you. I wouldn't be surprised if you decided to not show up after being hit with one Motion Sensor.


Powell goes back to his original spot and Steven Parker steps up, Nicole Kiss coming up to his side. Parker looks at her:


What are you doing? Did I ask you to touch me? Give me my title.


Nicole takes the title off her waist and Steven snatches it out of her hand, placing it on his shoulder.


Get in the back, this is my camera.


Park slaps the title with his right hand as it drapes over his left shoulder.


Danny Fonzarelli, the happy guy, the lovable guy, do you see what this is? This is a championship. Something you have yet to win and never will win because you are worthless. You want to be the nice guy? Well nice guys finish last Danny. You want to be the peace keeper, the hippy? Well you are looking at the future of wrestling, I didn't get this title by being friends with the fans, I didn't get this title by trying to help anybody out but myself. You guys come up here to Pittsburgh and the talk is that you're trying to help us out? We don't need your help. Do you know who I am? I am Steven Parker and I am better then you. After tonight you won't forget it.


Next the camera zooms in JD Morgan, Morgan opens his mouth as if he were going to speak but doesn't say a word, instead spitting on the ground and walking away as the rest of him stablemates follow him.


We cut to the arena where Mitch Naess and Doc Messing are doing the commentary for tonights show. They thank everyone for buying the DVD and hype up the big matches for the evening. Parker vs. Fonzarelli, Morgan vs. Giant Tana, Alex Braun vs. Teddy Powell and The PSW Championship match between Johnny Martin and Frankie Future.


The first match of the evening is a relatively short one as new comer Evil Spirit took on Tank Bradley. Bradley dominated pretty much from start to finish as the cool looking Spirit was barely able to muster any offence. This match was ended by a Tank Crush.


Lazy Joe made his way out to the ring next, followed by rookie Nelson Callum. Before the match even starts Tribal Warrior comes down and starts destroying both workers! First hitting Joe with the Head Hunter special and then hitting Callum with the very same move. Warrior then got two tables and set them up one on top of another, placing Callum on the first one under the second and setting Joe on the top turn buckle. Warrior then climbs the turnbuckle and security and wrestlers from the back come out to stand in between Warrior and the tables but it doesn't do any good as he jumps anyway, Power bombing Joe through both tables and on top of Nelson Callum.


Naess: Oh My! Tribal Warrior has destroyed not one but two PSW stars. This man is a force to be reckoned with! Did you see what just happened?


Doc: Wow! I'm speechless, I don't know what to say. What a dangerous individual we have here! What has PSW gotten themselves into?


Naess: We are going to need some time to clean this mess up so lets go to the Johnny Martin interview.


Martin is in his street clothes, bundles up like an Eskimo, as he is standing outside in the cold, snowy parking lot that we seen earlier. Apparently PSW can't afford a place to do interviews but we're okay with that!


Frankie Future, you can say that we've both been through the "war", we have both been champions. You have beaten the very best at one time or another and so have I. Since the early 90's we have both been in this business and never once have our paths crossed. Well tonight that changes, its funny the only thing bringing us together is this title. I have been a champion 12 times, you have been a champion 3 times. But this is the only title that we both want. I eat, drink and breathe this title. To pry this title out of my hands you might have to kill me Frankie. You might have to drag me out here, right through these doors


Johnny points to the doors leading inside the building.


And freeze me to death to get this title out of my hands. But if there is one thing I know about you Frankie, its that you will do it. You will do whatever it takes to get a step ahead, you will do what it takes to get this title but so will I, so will I! Do you have a champion in you? Because I have one in me..


Next out was Danny Fonzarelli who came out using the same gimmick he uses in TCW, shaking hands with the fans, and giving the peace sign to the kids in the audience. Following his was Steven Parker with Nicole Kiss trailing not far behind. Parker doesn't look happy as he gets in to the ring.


Parker gets the match started quickly as he goes right after The Fonz, the two men battle back and forth for quite a while. Parker sets up for the Future Shock on 3 separate occasions but is never able to hit the move. Nicole Kiss gets on the apron to distract the ref "accidentally" throwing her purse into the ring. Fonzarelli gets to the purse before Parker and lays him out with it. He opens it up to reveal a brick! Fonz goes for the pin and gets the victory when the referee turns back around and hits the canvas for the 3 count.


After the match a busted open Steven Parker is yelling at Nicole Kiss who looks like she is about to cry. Parker leaves her in the ring as he walks quickly to the back, Kiss soon follows...


Giant Tana was out next as he was ready for his match JD Morgan. Once again the match went back and forth, this one more of a wrestling match then a street fight at least from Morgan's side. Tribal Warrior, came walking down to the ring side area, dressed in his "Native" Tribal gear. Morgan got distracted and caught looking out at Warrior and when he turns around he is caught in a big fat Samoan squash from the big guy for the victory.


After the match Tribal Warrior enters the ring and destroys Giant Tana with a steel chair he brought in from the outside. He repeated smacks Tana around with it. Morgan gets up not looking to happy at Tribal Warrior but thinks better of it and gets out of the ring. Tana is bruised, bloodied and battered by the time this beating is settled down by the road agents and security.


In the next bout we had Teddy Powell defeat Alex Braun. This was not a pretty fight as the two men fought all over ring side. We had ring bells, steel steps, steel chairs and a ladder used. Steven Parker came through the crowd, running and jumping over the steel barricade with a running dive. Tank Bradley then made his presence felt as he hit Powell with a tank crush. JD Morgan then entered the ring and locked Powell in a cross arm stretch. Locking it on for a very long 3 minutes. This allowed Steven Parker to get in the ring and hit the Future Shock on Braun, rolling Powell on top of Alex for the victory!


The Championship match was next and this was hardcore wrestling at its finest. Johnny Martin controlled the early part of the match with the help of a kendo stick that he brought into the ring with him, whipping Frank around the ring like a horse! Eventually Future rolled out of the ring grabbing a steel chair and both competitors swung at the same time, over and over again causing the weapons to violently mash together, the sound echoing through out the small building. The chair weighing more then the kendo stick meant Frank would get the upper hand and smash Martin's brains in for a little while. Hitting him in the chest and the back with the chair. He then attempted an Irish whip into a chair he stuffed between the 2nd and 3rd turnbuckle but it was reversed as Futures head left a huge dent in the chair. The referee had to check on Frank to make sure he was still conscious. When Johnny walked over to continue the damage he was thrown to the floor by Frank who seemed to be playing possum. Frankie set up a table on the outside and power slammed the smaller Martin through the table to the wooden floor since PSW can't afford or doesn't want padding on the outside. Frank goes for the victory but we had a kick out at 1 and a half, meaning that the champion still had some life in him. The challanger lifts Martin to his feet and attempts an Irish whip in to the guard rail which is reversed. Martin then hits a clothes line sending both men over the rail and on to the floor. The two men began brawling in the stands, using chairs and anything they can get there hands on take the advantage. Johnny Martin even grabbed a fans beer and through it in the face of Frankie Future temporaily blinding him before hitting a DDT in a sea of people. This time Martin goes to the pin but no! There is a kick out at two! Neither man has any quit in their body. An Irish whip sends Future through the door and out to the parking lot where the interview with Martin took place. Except its a little darker, and it is packed by the fans cars! The snow is shin high and the two men are having trouble moving through it. Frank hits a press slam onto a hood of a punch bug! He tries to pin Martin on the hood but the referee says he has to do it on the ground! Frankie is arguing with the referee and walks into a twist on the rocks! But no, he's able to reverse with a kick to the gut. He's setting up for what looks to be a power move but Martin reverses it and hits a Twist on the Rocks which Doc joking calls Twist in the snow. He goes for the pin and 1, 2, 3! The champion wins the match in the snow!


DVD Bonus matches:


The Ring Generals drew with The Good Ol' Boys: EBrought the crowds mood down


Dead Bolt defeated Brimstone: F+

Brought the crowds mood down

The fans hate Brimstone


The Ratings for the main show


The Untouchables interview: E+

Parker/Kiss are an akward pairing

Fans came to see in ring action

Brought the mood down

Teddy Powell is developing performance skills


Tank Bradley over Evil Spirit: E

Spirit was treated with Utter contempt

Bradley was tired in 7 minutes 19 seconds

Brought the crowds mood down


Tribal Warriors debut: F+

Segement didn't go down well, fans came to see matches

Crowds mood.... down!


Johnny Martins interview: E+

Didn't go down well


Fonz over Parker: D+

Parker/Kiss no chemistry at all.

STUPID Creative Controll!!


Giant Tana over JD Morgan: C-

Morgon improving rumble skills

Tana tired towards end of 11 minutes 59 seconds

STUPID CREATIVE CONTROL! Especially after the Fonz match! Very pissed.


Tribal Warrior attacks Tana: F+

Fans want in ring action

Brought the crowds mood down

Wasn't expecting this!


Teddy Powell over Alex Braun: D

Braun tiring at the end of 14:27

Powell improving in Performance skills


Johnny Martin over Frankie Future:D

Martins first title defense

Future tiring at the end of 12:30

These 2 did not click

Future improving in performance skills


Overall: D-No comments.

Damn I knew the fans would be tough but I thought they would like a couple segments! I'll change a little bit but we'll see what happens!

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Post Show News and Notes

January 2008


- A Tribute to Our Forefathers, run at The Ministry drew 1,000 fans which is a sell out and most fans felt that the show was pretty good, especially for a promotion of our size.


- Special thanks for Astil for commenting, I'm glad it was an easy read. I don't really have a style yet, I'm just letting it go and seeing what happens. I will try not to let creative controll hold me down anymore!! Screw TCW! Just playing..


- JD Morgan was sent to TCW as part of the trade that brought Giant Tana and Danny Fonzarelli to PSW and apparently he and former co-worker Scout. The story has something to do with Morgan offering to pay for shots from the New Wave and then ditching them before the bill came. Guide just laughed the incident off, but Scout and Morgan were at each others throats back stage the next night!


- Alex Braun teamed up with Giant Tana and Danny Fonzarelli the Tuesday before our show for those of you who missed it, the team went to a draw with Charlie Thatcher, Ronnie V. Pain and Edd Stone.


- Giant Tana and Danny Fonzarelli have both left PSW for the time being.


- Fabolous Frank instigated a huge argument with debuting worker Evil Spirit yesterday. It is said that Frank was not happy with the skills of Spirit. No one knows what Evil Spirit was saying as he was yelling in Japanese, and doesn't even understand english. Frank was given a slap on the wrist in which he didn't seem to care, just taking his punishment with a shoulder shrug, saying "whatever you say".


- The next event from PSW will take place on the fourth Friday of next month and is named "Steel City Showdown". Only one match has been announced so far and its a big one... The New Jersey Devils will be taking on 2 members of the Untouchables.. Steven Parker and JD Morgan.


- Java has been signed by PSW and you have to think that he will be forming a tag team with his long time friend and partner Tribal Warrior.


- The second match for "Steel City Showdown has been announced as Johnny Martin will be defending his PSW Championship against, one of the toughest men around, and a new comer to PSW... Madman Boone!


- JD Morgan had a match on TCW's PPV Malice in Wonderland last night, he lost to Danny Fonzarelli. He has left TCW for now!


- As far as the regional battle went this month we lost in all areas, the one that hurts the worst is our home area of Tri-State where we finished dead last. We were 2nd in both the New England and Mid Atlantic regions.


My thoughts.. I had big plans for Tribal Warrior, I planned on making him a monster heel but if he can't get over on his menace then I'm going to put him back into the tag team ranks. I feel that Savage Fury can be a very dependable tag team, but I also thought the fans would love my show so we will see what goes on.


Kudos to JD Morgan for taking the promo to heart and going to TCW and starting some problems!


Madman Boone... next champion??

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