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1st June 2009



Following weeks of speculation on the internet, TNA Impact opens with Mike Tenay and Don West behind the desk with a new feeling in the ImpactZone.


MT: “Welcome everybody to the new and improved TNA. As you may have heard on the internet, the founder, Jeff Jarrett, has indeed sold the company to new ownership with immediate effect and TNA is now under new management.”


DW: “I didn’t see this coming Mike”


MT: “I don’t think anybody did Don. Jeff has released a statement over at TNA Wrestling thanking the fans for their support during his tenure.”


DW: “What a kiss ass...”


MT: “Show some respect Don!”


DW: “He doesn’t pay my wages anymore!”


MT: “Were going to go over the Jeremy Borash who we’re told is stood by with the new owner!”


The camera cut backstage with Jeremy Borash...




JB: “Exciting times here in TNA, and I’m back here with the new owner of TNA, Edward Halsey!”


EH: “Hello JB and hello to all of the TNA fans. Now I’m sure you’re asking yourselves who in the hell I am, but to be honest, that’s not really important. What’s important is that I’m here to make a difference....to make changes...to make things better....to take this company where it needs to be. As of this very moment, ALL TNA Titles are hereby vacant! I want to see what my roster has, I want everybody to get a chance. Tonight, each of the titles will be contested between those I feel deserve a chance.”


JB: “EVERY title?!”


EH: “Yes Jeremy, EVERY title.


JB: “The Champions won’t be pleased about tha....”


EH: “Lets get this straight JB, their happiness is not my concern. I will do whatever I feel is necessary to take this company to the next level and THIS is something that I feel necessary. For instance, I’ve watched TNA programming since the very beginning and one man keeps on harping on about how he never gets a chance. So tonight JB, we’re going to see Eric Young get that chance when I enter him into the main event match for the TNA World Heavyweight title against Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Sting, Mick Foley and Kevin Nash.”


JB: “Eric Young?!”


EH: “Yes JB. But every reaction has a counteraction, for every good there is a bad, so whilst Eric gets his shot, I am making this match even more important for him. Should Eric Young get pinned tonight, his contract with TNA will be terminated...immediately.”


JB: “Isn’t that a bit...”


EH: “And speaking of terminations, this roster needs freshening up...”


JB: “I’m safe though right big man?”


EH: “We’ll see....you see I have big plans for this company, plans you couldn’t even fathom and frankly some of the supposed ‘talent’ sat back in that locker room is no longer of use to the new and improved TNA!”


Several of the TNA roster including Jacqueline, So Cal Val, Jesse Neal and Cody Deaner burst into the studio, fronted by Cute Kip


CK: “Whoa whoa whoa...you can’t just start playing with people lives...their careers....”


EH: “Actually yes I can Billy. And I will. And I will NOT be intimidated by YOU into changing my company policies...”


CK: “Who do you think you are?! Why shouldn’t I kick your teeth down your throat little man?”


EH: “Because of him...”




With that, the debuting Taz appears from nowhere and chokes Kip out on the floor leaving him unconscious. Security carries Kip out of the room as the rest of the crowd disperse. Halsey looks square into the camera...


EH: “I will NOT be intimidated. I will NOT compromise. And I will NOT falter.”


JB: “Clearly...”


EH: “I have hired Taz to assist me in enforcing my policies. Kip – in case you hadn’t guessed; you’re fired. As for the rest of that rabble who dared cross the boss – your papers will be with you in the morning. Now lets get this show on the road....”


Angelina Love is shown backstage with the Beautiful People, seemingly plotting a means of victory in her match up next


We cut back to the Impact Zone for the first match of the evening..


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Angelina Love beat defeated Awesome Kong, Taylor Wilde and Daffney for the TNA Women’s Knockout Title by flash pinning Taylor Wilde after Velvet Sky sprayed hairspray in Wilde’s eyes


Kurt Angle is shown backstage leaving his dressing room. He inadvertently slams the door in Eric Young’s face who is knocked out.


Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin are in the ring complaining about having to face a ‘gimp masked’ Suicide in the coming match. As they do so, the lights go out and Suicide appears behind them in the ring to start the match as Jay Lethal runs down to the ring.


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Alex Shelley beat Jay Lethal, Chris Sabin and Suicide for the TNA X Division Title by pinning Jay Lethal with the Shellshock


Alex Shelley is shown celebrating in the ring. Chris Sabin looks on somewhat disgruntled.


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The British Invasion defeated Team 3D and Beer Money Inc. For the TNA World Tag Team Titles after Brutus Magnus pinned Brother Devon following interference from Rob Terry.


Sting is shown arriving in the building as Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner inform him of the various announcements made this evening. Sting looks pleased to get a title shot, but looks a little concerned when Kevin Nash announces that he too will be in the match. Sting warns him against any funny business and enters his dressing room


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AJ Styles defeated Daniels, Booker T and Scott Steiner for the TNA Legends Title after pinning Scott Steiner with the Styles Clash.


A video package is shown highlighting TNA’s various superstars with particular focus on Kurt Angle, Sting and Samoa Joe.


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Kurt Angle defeated Sting, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash, Samoa Joe and Eric Young for the TNA World Heavyweight Title after pinning Eric Young with the Olympic Slam.


Eric Young is shown crying in the ring at the realisation that he has been fired, whilst Kurt Angle celebrates on all four corners.

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2nd June 2009


Several Talents Released

Written: June 2nd, 2009


TNA has come to terms on the release of Dixie Carter, Jacqueline Moore, Cody Deaner, Cute Kip, Terry Taylor, Eric Young, Dave Penzer, Willie Urbina, So Cal Val, Jesse Neal and Savio Vega as of today, June 2nd, 2009.


TNA wishes them the best in all future endeavours.

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5th June 2009


Several Talents Acquired

Written: June 5th, 2009


TNA has come to terms on the procurement of several new talents in the form of Jimmy ‘Superfly’ Snuka, Josh Raymond, Nigel McGuiness, Red Vinny and Roderick Strong as of today, June 5th, 2009. TNA is delighted to welcome them to the roster with immediate effect.


Jimmy Snuka will immediately begin work as head road agent with the company whilst Raymond, McGuiness, Red Vinny and Strong will report to development.

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6th June 2009


Sonjay Dutt Signed

Written: June 6th, 2009


TNA has come to terms on the procurement of free agent Sonjay Dutt as of today, June 6th, 2009. TNA is delighted to welcome him to the roster with immediate effect.


Dutt will immediately begin work as as a part of the X-Division roster.

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7th June 2009


Several Talents Acquired and Released

Written: June 7th, 2009


TNA has come to terms on the procurement of several new talents in the form of Claudio Castagnoli, The Briscoe Brothers and Sonny Siaki as of today, June 7th, 2009.


Furthermore, TNA are excited to announce the signing of three major players in the world of professional wrestling who will all be debuting soon. TNA is delighted to welcome them all to the roster with immediate effect.


Claudio Castagnoli and the Briscoe Brothers will report to development, whilst Sonny Siaki will join the main roster with immediate effect.


In contrast however, TNA has also come to terms on the release of Christy Hemme and Jethro Holliday as of today, June 7th, 2009.


TNA wishes them the best in all future endeavours.

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8th June 2009




The Briscoe Brothers defeated Lethal Consequences by illegal pinfall from Jay on Creed with a handful of tights.

Sonjay Dutt defeated Red Vinny by pinfall following the Hindu Press.


Don West and Mike Tenay welcome us to Impact and speak about the five new champions we have in the company.




Ed Halsey announces that he is passing over day to day management of the company to a his latest acquisition...Eric Bischoff.


Flanked by Taz, Bischoff says that his first act as General Manager of TNA is to announce tonights main event, pitting the Olympic Hero and current TNA World champion Kurt Angle against the Nation of Violence, Samoa Joe and that the title is on the line.


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Rhino defeated Raven by pinfall following The Gore.


After the match, Dr. Stevie and Daffney hit the ring and the three of them beat down the Man Beast with Stevie commanding Raven to give Rhino the Evenflow DDT onto a chair.


The Mafia are shown backstage discussing Eric Bischoffs arrival. Whilst Nash, Steiner and Booker discuss inviting Bischoff into the Maint Event Mafia, Angle and Sting don't look so sure.


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Angelina Love defended the TNA Women's Knockout Title against Tara by pinfall following a Botox Injection.


Eric Bischoff is out back with Jeremy Borash and announces that there will be a number one contenders match for the TNA Tag Team Titles with Team 3D facing off against Beer Money Inc and the Motor City Machineguns.


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Suicide and Daniels beat No Limit by pinfall following an Angel's Wings.


Abyss is shown backstage talking to someone rocking back and forth uncontrollably.


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Team 3D defeated Beer Money Inc and the Motor City Machineguns by pinfall when Chris Sabin was pinned by Brother Ray following the Deadly Death Drop.


After the match, Sabin chastises Shelley for not saving him from the pinfall. Shelley apologises to Sabin, trying to explain that he was brawling outside with Roode, but Sabin storms off up the ramp way.


Samoa Joe is shown backstage pacing his lockeroom


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Matt Morgan defeated Homicide by pinfall following the Carbon Footprint


The Main Event Mafia wish Kurt luck in his title match. When they offer to come to ringside with him, he smiles and says that he thinks that he has this one covered.


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Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle by disqualification when Joe was attacked mid-match by Leaga (the former Umaga).




After the match Leaga proceeded to Samoan Spike Joe three times, leaving him destroyed in the centre of the ring.


Eric Bischoff comes out to the stage with Taz to announce that next week we will see Kurt Angle and Leaga take on Samoa Joe and a partner of his choice as we go off air.

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9th June 2009


Contract Expiry

Written: June 9th, 2009


Jimmy Rave, Rhaka Khan, BG James and Kiyoshi have left the company with immediate effect following expiry of their respective contracts.


TNA wishes them the best in all future endeavours.

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15th June 2009




Sonjay Dutt defeated Shawn Shields by pinfall following a Hindu Press

Claudio Castagnoli defeated Davey Richards by pinfall following a Ricola Bomb




Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring and voices his disappointment that he's yet to even feature on Impact. He says that management obviously wants to drive him out of his own company but he thinks that with all he's done for the company he deserves a Title shot at Slammiversary.


Eric Bischoff comes to the stage and reminds Jarrett that he no longer has a say in TNA; that he is surplus to requirements. He does however offer Jarrett a lifeline. At Slammiversary, Jarrett will be involved in a triple threat match for the number one contender's match with two other former champions, Mick Foley and Sting. Bischoff goes on to say that should anyone of them get pinned during the match, they will be forced to retire because he already has enough dead wood around here without carrying around these has-beens. Jarrett says he's all in...


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Matt Morgan defeated Rhino following interference from Dr. Stevie, Raven and Daffney




After the match, Rhino is beaten repeatedly with a steel chair by Raven, before he and Dr. Stevie carry Rhino to the back.


Sting is shown backstage trashing his lockeroom, enraged by Bischoff calling him a has-been.


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Angelina Love defeated Raisha Saaed by pinfall following interference from Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne


Angelina Love boasts that she's already beaten half of the lockeroom and doesn't see any need to defend her title again any time soon. Eric Bischoff comes to the stage and announes that at Slammiversary, Angelina Love will have to defend her title one last time...against Awesome Kong.


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Booker T defeated Colt Cabana by pinfall following a Bookend.


Mick Foley is seen entering Eric Bischoff's office.


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Daniels and AJ Styles defeated The Motor City Machineguns by pinfall following a Styles Clash on Chris Sabin


After the defeat, Chris Sabin demands an explanation from Alex Shelley who proceeds to assault his former tag team partner. Shelley grabs the house mic and insists that Sabin has held him back for years, but that as TNA X Division champion, he no longer needs him.


Samoa Joe is seen psyching himself up for the main event. As we get ready to to begin the match, Samoa Joe introduces his tag team partner....Mrrrrrrrr Anderson! (the former Ken Kennedy).




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Samoa Joe and Ken Anderson defeated Kurt Angle and Leagavia pinfall after Anderson hit Angle with Green Bay Plunge.


After the match, Ken Anderson backs up the ramp motioning for Angle's belt whilst Leaga and Samoa Joe continue to brawl outside the ring as we go off air.

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18th June 2009






TNA’s New General Manager Eric Bischoff is delighted to announce that at this year’s Slammiversary, there will be an eight man knockout tournament with the winner receiving a check for $1,000,000


Participants will be announced on this week’s Impact.

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19th June 2009






Due to new management, TNA have rescheduled Slammiversary to the 28th June 2009.


In added news, all TNA PPV's have now been scheduled to take place on the last Sunday of every month

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22nd June 2009





Eric Bischoff comes out to the ring and highlights the rules of the forthcoming $1,000,000 tournament. As he begins to name the participants, a cow bell rings and a debuting John Layfield appears on the ramp.




Layfield demands inclusion in the tournament which after some deliberation, Bischoff agrees to. Bischoff confirms the participants as John Layfield, James Storm, Robert Roode, Abyss, AJ Styles, Booker T, Daniels and The Amazing Red and tells Layfield that he’s up next against James Storm...


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John Layfield defeated James Storm in Round 1 of the $1,000,000 Tournament by pinfall after Storm accepted a $100,000 bribe to lay down.


After the match Layfield rights Storm a check there and then and Storm jumps up and down celebrating in the ring.


Ken Anderson is seen entering Eric Bischoff’s office.




Rhino is shown backstage in a chair seemingly unconscious. As the camera pans back Dr. Stevie is seen talking to him and it becomes apparent that Rhino is under hypnosis. Raven and Daffney watch on from a sofa.


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Robert Roode defeated Abyssin Round 1 of the $1,000,000 Tournament by pinfall with a handful of tights following interference from Rhino – who is seemingly under the control of Dr. Stevie.


Following the match as Abyss asks Rhino why he attacked him, Rhino simply stares blankly at him and leaves the ring to the back.


Alex Shelley cuts a promo backstage challenging Chris Sabin to an X-Division title match at Slammiversary to prove that he wasn’t the weak link in their team.


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AJ Styles defeated Booker T in Round 1 of the $1,000,000 Tournament by pinfall following a Styles Clash


Kurt Angle is with Eric Bischoff backstage and says he refuses to face Anderson at Slammiversary. Bischoff calms Kurt down and says that he will always ‘protect his champion’ and that come the end of Slammiversay, he will personally make sure that Angle is still TNA World champion. To reassure Angle, he’s putting Anderson in a match tonight against Leaga.


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Daniels defeated The Amazing Red in Round 1 of the $1,000,000 Tournament by pinfall following The Angel’s Wings


Kurt Angle is shown backstage with the Mafia watching the TV Monitors.


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Ken Anderson and Leaga went to a no contestwhen Samoa Joe hit the ring and destroyed Leaga.




As Anderson walks up the ramp, Kurt Angle appears from nowhere and smashes Anderson over the head with a steel chair. As Anderson lays helpless, Angle locks in the ankle lock on the ramp as the show ends.

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Kurt Angle © vs Ken Anderson



Jeff Jarrett vs Sting vs Mick Foley



Featuring John Layfield, AJ Styles, Daniels and Robert Roode



Samoa Joe vs Leaga



The British Invasion © vs Team 3D



Angelina Love © vs Awesome Kong



Alex Shelley © vs Chris Sabin

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TNA Slammiversary - 28th June 2009


28th June 2009




Don West and Mike Tenay welcome us to TNA Slammiversary as we cut to the back.


The Main Event Mafia are shown arriving in the arena with a nervous looking Sting. Should Sting lose tonight he will be forced to retire, however should he win he will become the number one contender to Kurt Angle's title.


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Alex Shelley defeated Chris Sabin by pinfall to retain the TNA X-Division title with a hand of tights having feigned injury.


At the end of the match, Sabin offered a hand shake to Shelley. Shelley initially went to shake his hand before pulling it away and spitting at Sabin's feet. Shelley then walked up the ramp with his title aloft.


Eric Bischoff is shown arriving in the arena with Taz flanking him.


Styles and Daniels bump into one another in the hallway. Styles wishes Daniels luck in their match tonight and they shake hand.


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John Layfield defeated Robert Roode in Round 2 of the $1,000,000 Tournament by pinfall after Roode accepted a $100,000 bribe to lay down.


Once again after the match is finished, Layfield writes a check for Roode thanking him for his hospitality. Roode celebrates in the ring with his check.


Angelina Love is shown backstage preening in a mirror. Velvet and Madison tell her that they've got her back for her match tonight and they've got something up their sleeves.


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AJ Styles defeated Daniels in Round 2 of the $1,000,000 Tournament by pinfall following a Styles Clash


Raisha Saaed is found backstage having been seemingly knocked out.


Mick Foley is shown arriving at the arena.


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Angelina Love defeated Awesome Kong by pinfall retain the TNA X-Division title following interference by Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne


Following the match The Beautiful People are beating down Kong in the middle of the ring when a familiar laugh is heard throughout the arena...




Suddenly Trish Stratus hits the ring to her theme music cleaning house of the Beautiful People. Trish takes the microphone and announces that the competition has arrived.


Kurt Angle is shown leaving Eric Bischoffs office smiling.


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Team 3D defeated The British Invasion by pinfall to win the TNA Tag Team Titles following botched interference from Rob Terry


As Terry tries to apologise to Williams and Magnus they ignore his pleas and leave the ring furious.


Samoa Joe is shown backstage warming up for his match.


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Samoa Joe defeated Leaga by disqualification when Leaga refused to break his choke hold on Joe.


As Leaga refuses to break the hold an unconscious Joe is saved by TNA security who hit the ring to separate them.


John Layfield cuts a promo in the ring about how money can buy him whatever he wants and that after tonight he'll have even more. He calls out AJ Styles and offers him $300,000 to lay down in the ring and let him pin him. AJ takes the mic and instantly refuses Layfield's offer, saying that he may be from a tough upbringing, that he might have fought his whole life to make ends meat, but that he doesn't want Layfields money. He begins to brawl with Layfield as the bell rings...


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John Layfield defeated AJ Styles in The Final of the $1,000,000 Tournament by pinfall after interference by Beer Money Inc. allowed Layfield to hit the Clothesline from Hell.


After the match, Layfield is presented the check by Eric Bischoff. Layfield holds the cheque aloft, and taking the mic welcomes James Storm and Robert Roode to his newly formed ‘Cabinet’. Layfield goes on to suggest that he'll be looking for more suitable candidates to join his business in the coming weeks.


Sting cuts a heartfelt promo in the ring saying that win or lose he finds himself in a difficult situation. Should he lose, his years in the business are over, all his history is for nothing as he's forced to retire. Should he win, there will be more tension in the Mafia as he becomes number one contender to Kurt Angle's TNA World Heavyweight Title. He says that last time that happened it nearly ended the Mafia and that this time they may not be so lucky....


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Sting defeated Jeff Jarrett by pinfall to become number one contender for the TNA World Heavyweight title and send Jarrett into retirement.


Jarrett looks shocked in the ring. Only a month after selling his company to Edward Halsey he is now forced into retirement.


Anderson is backstage and gives a promo about how he came to TNA to prove that he is the best and to win the TNA World Heavyweight title. He says that these days Angle is more interested in hanging around with the rest of the Village People pretending to have morales and that after tonight they will have to call themselves the Midcard Mafia.


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Kurt Angle defeated Ken Anderson by pinfall to retain the TNA World Heavyweight title when Eric Bischoff’s distraction of the referee allowed Taz to choke out Anderson behind his back.


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28th June 2009


Several Talents Released

Written: June 28th, 2009


TNA has come to terms on the release of Amazing Red, Consequences Creed, Madison Rayne, O.D.B, Shane Douglas, Sojourner Bolt and No Limit as of today, June 2nd, 2009.


TNA wishes them the best in all future endeavours.


On an unrelated note, TNA management would like to offer thanks to Mr Electricity and MattitudeV2 for there support during this difficult period for the company.

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Very good. Shame to see Amazing Red to go out, but I love the fact you put Anderson on the PPV Poster. I've also noticed the winners are the ones on the left. Hmmmmm..anyways. You've got yourself a reader. Plus since this just started. I'll be able to keep track of it.
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TNA Impact - 29th June 2009


29th June 2009




Brutus Magnus defeated Shane Douglas

Elijah Burke defeated Shawn Shields




TNA Impact opens with Mike Tenay and Don West who introduce new co-commentator Taz. Taz reveals that he has been appointed to the commentary team by Edward Halsey to keep Tenay and West in line following recent comments by them that have been deemed anti-establishment.




Ken Anderson is in the ring. He says that last night at Slammiversary, Eric Bischoff took it upon himself to cost him his shot at the TNA World Heavyweight title under the pretence of protecting his champion - he thinks Bischoff is on the Mafia payroll though.Eric Bischoff comes out to the stage and explains to Anderson that it was just business - that Kurt Angle has paid his dues in TNA and that he can't have Anderson just turn up and take the top spot in the company. He says that he respect's Anderson's ability though and that tonight he will face Sting for his newly acquired Number One Contender's spot.


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Rhino defeated Homicide with a Gore as Dr. Stevie and Raven watched on


After the match, at the command of Dr. Stevie, Rhino Gore's Homicide straight through a table that Raven had set up in the corner of the ring. As he picks him up, Abyss' music hits in he arena and Abyss clears the ring of the Dr. Stevie and his




Angelina Love is shown backstage asking Velvet Sky who the hell Trish Stratus is, and why she thinks she can just come up here and play with the big girls. Velvet says she has no idea, but that tonight in her match with her, she'll show everybody that Stratus is just another wannabe


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Trish Stratus defeated Velvet Sky with the Chick Kick after Angelina Love was ejected from ringside




Mick Foley is shown in Eric Bischoff's office. He says that he doesn't think it's any coincidence that since Bischoff arrived he has conspired to not only take the title away from him without him even losing it, but he then gets removed from the title hunt again in the Number One Contender's match at Slammiversary without even getting pinned. Bischoff agrees that Foley is somewhat off of his radar and that he's trying to build stars not make the same mistakes that WCW made and focus on over the hill has-beens. Foley argues that he is still in his prime and Bischoff says that we'll see how good Foley still is tonight in his match....with Leaga.


Alex Shelley is shown coming down to ringside to join the commentary team.


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Daniels defeated Suicide, Jay Lethal, Chris Sabin and Colt Cabana to become the Number One Contender to the X-Divison title by pinning Shields with the Angel's Wings.


After the match, Shelley hits the ring and clocks Daniels with his X-Division title belt but before he can do any more damage, Chris Sabin makes the save.


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Beer Money Inc. defeated Team 3D in a non-title match after a Clothesline from Hell by John Layfield allowed Roode to pin Brother Devon




We are shown a pre-recorded sit down interview with Samoa Joe and Mike Tenay. Joe says that he's fine but that doctors have advised him to stay away from the Impact Zone for a couple of weeks to recover as they have found severe damage to his trachea. Joe says that whilst he can't fight, he is already back in training and when he's ready, the world will see a new Samoa Joe.




Sting bumps into Anderson backstage. He says he doesn't like the fact that he won the Number One Contendership fair and square and is now being made to defend it, but that he also doesn't agree with what happened at Slammiversary to Anderson and that it's only fair that Anderson gets his chance. They wish each other luck, shake hands and go their separate ways.


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Leaga defeated Mick Foley with a Samoan Spike


After the match Foley is seen looking dejected in the ring. He thanks the crowd, bows his head and lumbers back to the dressing room. Is this the end for Foley?


Kurt Angle wishes Sting luck backstage, as do the rest of the Mafia. Kurt reminds Sting that they have to keep this 'in the family' - Sting says he's got this one covered as he heads to the ring.


http://i44.tinypic.com/2qbvi15.jpg vs http://i42.tinypic.com/2lt5x0w.jpg

Ken Anderson defeated Sting by pinfall to become Number One Contender. When the referee was knocked out, Jarrett came running down to the ring and smashed a guitar over Sting's head. The referee came around just in time to make the three count.


Jarrett is shown backing up the ramp looking angry pointing at Sting.

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I like this diary. The match write-ups may benefit from a little more detail but it doesn't really take anything away from the whole thing. You get the storylines across really well without using too much detail. Maybe that's actually a good thing?


Anyway, yeah. Good diary, good use of the roster and some great signings in Kennedy, Umaga and JBL, they really freshen things up.


Oh, btw, the Slammiversary poster is great.

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Hernandez Released


30th June 2009


Hernandez Released

Written: June 30th, 2009


Following complications with his neck surgery that have led to severe nerve damage in his neck, TNA has been forced to come to terms on the release of Hernandez, as of today June 30th, 2009.


Hernandez has announced on his personal website that he is hereby retiring from in-ring participation with immediate effect.


TNA wishes him the best in all future endeavours outside the ring.

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TNA Impact - 6th July 2009


6th July 2009




Matt Morgan defeated Shark Boy with a Carbon Footprint in a mere six minutes.

Roderick Storng defeated Chris Sabin with a small package following seven minutes of high flying spots.


Sting is shown walking to the ring in the bottom corner of the screen as Don West, Taz and Mike Tenay welcome us to the broadcast:




MT:- “Welcome everybody to TNA Impact one week after the founder of TNA, Jeff Jarrett, took it upon himself to smash Sting over the head with a guitar and cost him his number one Contendership...”


DW:- “It was brutal Mike, brutal.”


MT:- “What will Sting have to say to Jarrett in the Impact Zone this week?


DW:- “Sorry for putting my head in the way of your guitar maybe?


TZ:- “Isn’t the heel act getting a little old now Don?”




Stings music plays in the arena as he makes his way out to the ring with a baseball bat in one hand and a mic in the other. Sting says that he’s never seen such disrespect as Jarrett’s unprovoked attack on him last week and demands that the founder come to the ring and explain himself.




Jarrett’s music hits and Jeff comes to the ring with his trusty guitar. He gets right in Sting’s face and talks a little about respect. He says that Sting disrespected him, cheating, forcing him to tap out at Slammiversary and embarrassing him in his farewell match. He says that Sting needs to be taught a lesson. Sting says he didn’t cheat and that he did what he had to do, if Jarrett couldn’t survive the Scorpion Death Lock then he shouldn’t have taken the match. He says that Jarrett is just bitter that the company he worked so hard to build has outgrown him. He is surplus to requirements. Jarrett goes mental and swings his guitar at Sting only to have it shattered by Sting’s baseball bat.




As Sting gains the upper hand on Jarrett, Matt Morgan comes running through the crowd, jumps into the ring and proceeds to nearly take Sting’s head off with a Carbon Footprint. As Morgan beats down on Sting, Jarrett takes the mic and explains that whilst he recognises that he can’t fight him in the ring anymore, this man can, and that he’s hired Morgan to single-handedly make sure that Sting never wrestles again. As Sting lays unconscious, Morgan celebrates over him.


A video package is shown hyping tonight’s main event with Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash against Ken Anderson and AJ Styles.


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Daniels defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir with the Angel’s Wings in a fast paced ten minute match. Daniels successfully thwarted every attempt by Bashir to turn the tides of the match much to the frustration of the Middle Eastern Nightmare





A debuting Elijah Burke comes out to the ring to a mixed reaction from the fans – they’re not quite sure how to respond. When he calls them morons, they soon begin booing. Burke goes on to suggest that they are all inbreds and that he....is....legend!




This brings out AJ Styles who says that his belt says otherwise. Burke insults Styles size, suggesting he must be the midget champion. Styles says Burke is up next, so he guesses he’s going to see just what Elijah is made off. He pulls a chair out of the audience and sits himself in the middle of the ramp.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/ElijahBurke.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/SonjayDutt.jpg

Elijah Burke pinned Sonjay Dutt in a ten minute spot fest that saw Elijah hit all of his signature moves before using the ropes for leverage to get the three count



Following the match, Elijah appeals to Styles, telling him that he just proved he’s the real deal and that Styles just got to witness....the Elijah Experience.




Sting is backstage and is going crazy at the rest of the Main Event Mafia asking them where they were when he was getting double teamed in the ring. Nash, Steiner and Booker all look sheepish as Sting screams at them about family and finally storms out of the room. Nash asks the rest of them what the hell Sting’s problem is.




Angelina Love is shown backstage with Velvet Sky being interviewed with Lauren. Love says that after last week, she wasn’t that impressed with anything Trish could do in the ring and that she got lucky against Velvet. She goes on to challenge Trish to a title match at Victory Road.


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Leaga defeated Rhino in a a 12 minute power house performance with the Samoan Spike. Rhino seemed confused throughout the match and distracted by Dr. Stevie and Raven at ringside.





Following the match, Dr. Stevie removes his belt and starts whipping Rhino across the back to punish him for his loss. This brings out Abyss, but when he tries to help Rhino up, Rhino hits Abyss with an almighty Gore, almost cutting his body in half.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/BookerT.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/JayLethal.jpg

Booker T pinned Jay Lethal after twelve minutes with a Book End. Lethal played a classic underdog trying to break his opposites vicious onslaught but ultimately being dominated by the superior bully.





Backstage we seen Team 3D being decimated by The Cabinet (JBL and Beer Money Inc), unable to defend themselves against the one man advantage. They eventually leave them in a crumpled heap, letting them know that they’ll be back for their titles.




Ken Anderson is interviewed backstage by Jeremy Borash. He says that Kurt Angle keeps running and hiding, but he keeps on finding and that come Victory Road, there’ll be no Mafia, there’ll be no Bischoff and there’ll be no Taz. He wants it to just be him, Angle and a cage....


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/KurtAngle.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/KevinNash.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/KenAnderson.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/AJStyles.jpg

Kurt Angle and Kevin Nash defeated Ken Anderson and AJ Styles when a steel chair to the back of AJ Styles by Elijah Burke went unseen by the referee and allowed Kurt Angle to hit the Angle Slam for the win after fifteen minutes.



All five competitors brawl across the ring and out into the audience as we go off air.

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TNA Impact - 13th July 2009


13th July 2009




Claudio Castagnoli defeated Dragon Kid in eight minutes following a Ricola Bomb

The British Invasion defeated Shark Boy and Sonjay Dutt




Don West, Taz and Mike Tenay welcome us to the broadcast...


MT:- “Welcome everybody to TNA Impact one week after Jeff Jarrett introduced Sting to the boot of Matt Morgan”


DW:- “Sting damn near lost his head Mike”


MT:- “And tonight we’ll see if Kurt Angle can continue to escape unscathed as he teams with Leaga against Ken Anderson and the returning Samoa Joe”


DW:- “Kurt Angle’s the TNA World Heavyweight Champion for a reason Mike – he’s got ring smarts... ”


TZ:- “Speaking of ring smarts, here comes Matt Morgan”


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/MattMorgan.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/Rhino.jpg

Matt Morgan defeated Rhino by pinfall in a hard fought slug fest following yet another Carbon Footprint. Dr. Stevie was furious with Rhino after the match and whipped him with his belt as he dragged him up the ramp.





Alex Shelley comes down to the ring flanked by a monster of a man who Shelley introduces as his bodyguard, Horshu (the former Luther Reigns).


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Daniels and Homicide beat Alex Shelley and Horshu via flash pinfall despite Horshu dominating Daniels and Homicide throughout the match. Despite pulling out the ring, Daniels was isolated by Horshu for much of the match and one has to wonder what state he will be in for Victory Road after the beating that he took.



Shelley is furious in the ring following the loss as Daniels takes a mic and tells him he’ll be looking forward to doing the same to Shelley at Victory Road. Shelley pushes Horshu who apologises and says he doesn’t know what happened.


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John Layfield defeated Brother Ray in a twelve minute brawl that finished with a Clothesline From Hell.



Following the match, Beer Money Inc. hit the ring and begin to beat down Brother Ray. Moments later, Brother Devon hits the ring to try and make the save, but The Cabinet have the number advantage and soon dominate their opponents.




Music fills the arena as Bobby Lashley storms the ring, spearing Layfield, powerbombing Storm and press slamming Roode out of the ring onto his two allies. Lashley points the finger at Layfield who looks livid on the outside of the ring. Lashley mouths “It’s on...” as the heels limp up the ramp.


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Abyss defeated Raven in a brutal nine minute hardcore match that saw Raven take multiple kendo stick and trash can shots to the head before being Black Hole Slammed onto a steel chair for the pin.



Dr. Stevie, accompanied by a trance-like Rhino took the mic after the match and told Abyss that clearly his therapy didn’t work in the slightest and that at Victory Road he would be forced to up Abyss’ ‘medication’.



The Beautiful People come down to the commentary desk to watch the next match.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/TrishStratus.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/Daffney.jpg

Trish Stratus defeated Daffney via pinfall with a Chick Kick in a short but sweet seven minute match.



Following the match, Angelina and Velvet hit the ring and try to cut the Trish’s hair. Just as they look likely to succeed, Trish wriggles free of their hold and escapes the ring.


Sting is shown in Eric Bischoff’s office demanding that he gets a match with Jeff Jarrett at Victory Road. Eric explains that Jeff is officially retired from active competition but that Jeff has already appointed Matt Morgan as his official representative. Sting says he wants Jarrett so Eric says that if Sting beats Morgan at Victory Road he’ll get five minutes alone in the ring with Jarrett. Sting reluctantly agrees and says that Jarrett will regret having crossed him.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/AJStyles.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/BookerT.jpg

AJ Styles defeated Booker T by pinfall after a hard fought eleven minutes which was watched from the rampway by Elijah Burke.



At the end of the match Elijah Burke applauds AJ Styles from the rampway.


The Mafia are shown backstage discussing recent events. Kevin and Booker say that Sting has lost his focus on the Mafia’s goals. Angle sticks up for Sting saying that Sting has other issues that need dealing with, but Steiner suggests that Sting no longer represents the same values as them. They agree that they will meet with Sting next week and discuss his place in the Mafia and make sure that they are all still on the same page.


Samoa Joe is shown warming up backstage punching a brick wall until his knuckles begin bleeding. He licks the blood off and heads to the ring.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/KenAnderson.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/SamoaJoe.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/KurtAngle.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/Leaga.jpg

Ken Anderson and Samoa Joe defeated Kurt Angle and Leaga by pinfall in a fifteen minute slobberknocker. As Joe destroyed a helpless Leaga who he had managed to tie up in the ropes, Anderson managed to counter an Angle Slam with a Mic Check for the pinfall.



At the end of the match Joe goes to the outside to get a chair and busts Leaga open with six of seven stiff chair shots to the head. Back in the ring Anderson has a hold of Angle’s World Heavyweight title belt and clocks Angle in the head with it. Kennedy then drapes the belt over a fallen Angle as the show ends.


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TNA Impact - 20th July 2009


20th July 2009




Brutus Magnus pinned Colt Cabana following a running powerslam

Jay Lethal defeated Red Vinny, Chris Sabin, Paul London, Dragon Kid and Sonjay Dutt when he pinned Red Vinny following a flying elbow drop




Don West, Taz and Mike Tenay welcome us to the broadcast...


MT:- “Welcome everybody to TNA Impact six days away from Victory Road where we’ll see TNA World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle defend his title against Ken Anderson”


DW:- “And we’ll also see the “DNA of TNA” Matt Morgan, accompanied by Jeff Jarrett, take on “The Icon” Sting “


MT:- “And speaking of Sting, we learned last week that the Main Event Mafia are questioning his place in the group and that this week they will make a decision on his membership...”


DW:- “Maybe Sting doesn’t want to be a member of the Mafia anymore – they’ve hardly been there for him in recent weeks...”


TZ:- “Speaking of Sting, here he comes...”




Sting enters the Impact Zone. He says that as if he’s not got enough trouble with Jeff Jarrett and Matt Morgan he now hears on the grapevine that the Mafia are talking about expelling him.




This brings out the Mafia headed by Kurt Angle. Kurt says that Mafia never said he was out, they said they just wanted to discuss things with him. He says that Sting is a valued member of the Mafia and that they are proud to have him in their Faction. Sting thanks Angle who goes on to say that they’ve got Sting’s back both tonight and at Victory Road.




Elijah Burke is seen with Eric Bischoff backstage. Bischoff says that he’s putting Elijah against AJ Styles tonight in a tag team match and that Burke and Styles need to find a partner.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/Horshu.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/ChristopherDaniels.jpg

Christopher Daniels defeated Horshu by pinfall despite being dominated for the vast majority of the match by the bigger man. Alex Shelley accompanied Horshu to the ring and watched from ringside.





Elijah Burke approaches Kurt Angle backstage and asks him to be his tag partner tonight. Angle just pushes Burke out of the way and carries on walking.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/AngelinaLove.jpg [ http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/VelvetSky.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/Tara.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/TaylorWilde.jpg [

Angelina Love and Velvet Sky defeated Tara and Taylor Wilde when Angelina Love was able to use the ropes for leverage to pin Taylor Wilde.





Angelina Love is shown on the rampway in a white t-shirt and short pants. She begins disrespecting Trish and calls her a cheap tramp. As she continues, Trish creeps up behind her with a bucket of water and tips it right over her head, leaving her white t-shirt looking a little ‘too’ transparent as she tries to cover up.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/BobbyLashley.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/JohnLayfield.jpg

Bobby Lashely defeated John Layfield by pinfall with a Spear and Dominator combination.



After the match, Bobby Lashley takes the mic and says that at Victory Road, it will be him and Team 3D against Layfield and his ‘Cabinet’.




Elijah Burke approaches Ken Anderson backstage, but before he can even ask Anderson to be his partner, Ken tells him not to even think about it.




Matt Morgan is briefly interviewed backstage by Lauren. He says that whilst Jeff was unable to beat Sting to retire him at Slammiversary, this Sunday he would force Sting into retirement when he cripples him in the centre of the ring.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/Abyss.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/Raven.jpg

Abyss defeated Raven by pinfall with a Black Hole Slam after 7 minutes.





Kevin Nash is shown reluctantly accompanying Elijah Burke to the ring. He tells Burke that he’d better be good for the money or he’s going to kick his teeth down his throat.




In the ring, AJ Styles reveals his mystery partner.....ROB VAN DAM!


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/AJStyles.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/RobVanDam.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/ElijahBurke.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/KevinNash.jpg [

AJ Styles and Rob Van Dam defeated Elijah Burke and Kevin Nash in a twelve minute tag match when Nash left the ringside area allowing Styles to hit the Styles Clash and Rob Van Dam to nail the Five Star Frog Splash for the pinfall.



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/Sting.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/EdJames/TEW2008%20Pictures/TNA%20Dynasty/Leaga.jpg

Sting and Leaga fought to a no contest when the Main Event Mafia hit the ring and pretended to storm Leaga before turning and beating Sting down to the mat. Sting was on the receiving end of an Olympic Slam from Angle, Jack Knife Powerbomb from Kevin Nash and Samoan Spike from Leaga.





As Scott Steiner holds Sting in the Steiner Recliner, Matt Morgan makes his way to the ring with Jeff Jarrett. The Mafia pull an unconscious Sting to his feet. As Morgan lines up for the Carbon Footprint, Samoa Joe’s music hits and he storms the ring, throwing Booker T and Steiner over the top ropes before going for Leaga who is on the receiving end of an almighty Muscle Buster as Angle and Nash slide from the ring. Joe helps Sting to his feet as we go off air...

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