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WCW A Change In Power

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Hey my name is Wesley Tyson and this is the story of how I became Head Booker of WCW. After months of bad booking and damn near killing WCW Vince Russo was fired. See my uncle is Ted Turner and ever since I was a little boy I stayed at his house during summer break from school.


See Uncle Ted and I have always been close because of are love of wrestling, so when he came to with the idea of me taking over WCW to get them back were Russo made them drop I didn’t hesitate .He told me to meet him in Nashville, Tennessee Tomorrow to see when I start, I cant wait!

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Ok so I’m sitting in my Uncle Ted’s office waiting for him to come in right now im one weired person even though I’ve known this man my whole life.


He walks into the room with a big smile on his face.


TT: Howdy, How you been.


WT: I’m good Uncle Ted how about you.


TT: Just fine trying to run this wrasslin company of mine. Speaking of that lets get down to business, I need you to be Head Booker for WCW. What do ya thing about that?


WT: Well Uncle Ted I think that would be great, but the only thing is my lack of experience what about that?


TT: That will be fine, damn you’ve watch wrestling for about 20 years now. Plus I’ll give you a couple months to get things the way you like them.


WT: Ok, So when do I start?


TT: The first week of January to have a fresh start to 1998.


So wow my first wrestling job and it starts in less then two weeks I hope I don’t let my Uncle Ted down.

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Ok my first show is in two day and so far this is the card I have.


Alex Wright V. Disco Inferno


Harlem Heat V. Raven and Kidman


DDP V. Curt Henning U.S Championship match


Dean Malenko V. Chris Beniot


Sting V. Kevin Nash


Also appearances by Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Scott Steiner, and more

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WCW Nitro Januray week one 1998


MT: Welcome to Nitro and Happy New Years to everyone. I’m Mike Tenay here with Tony Schiavone.


TS: That’s right Mike and were here to start your new year off right with WCW Nitro.


MT: Lets go to the ring for the opening match.


Match 1: Alex Wright V. Disco Inferno

Starts up slow but picks up. Disco works on Wrights arm for about half of the match. Alex came back and beat Disco Inferno STF. Overall pretty poor match but fans didn’t mind. (D- )


TS: Well Mike Alex Wright continues to prove him self in WCW.


MT: That’s right, if you ask me I would say he has learned a lot from his dad who was a wrestler in England.


TS: Hogan is in the ring with a mic lets see what he has to say.


HH: Let me tell you something brother, I’ve been in WCW for a long time now and never have a been as glad as I am now Brother. I mean look at me I’m World Heavyweight Champion and Vince Russo is gone.


A big pop from the crowd when he say Russo is gone.


HH: And brother the N.W.O is stronger that ever, and later tonight brother we will introduce a new member to the N.W.O, and rember the N.W.O is not forever their for life. (A )


MT: Wow, Tony did you hear that a new member to the N.W.O


TS: I have no idea who it can be, do you?


MT: No clue Tony, but what I do know is that we have tag team action up next.


Match 2: Harlem Heat V. Raven and Kidman

A good beginning with Raven and Booker squaring off. Rave took the early advantage with beating down Booker untill Stevie Ray jumped in and distracted the ref and that aloud Booker to hit Rave with a low blow with a roll up for the win. Over all it was an alright match. (C- )


TS: Oh come on that should have been a DQ Mike.


MT: I completely agree Tony but the ref was being distracted by Stevie Ray.


TS: Yes I know but there is still no excuse for it. But anyway lets go backstage to Mean Gene Okerlund with Scott Steiner.


The Camera cuts backstage.


MG: Thanks Mike, I’m with Scott Steiner as he has something to tell us here tonight.


SS: That’s right so listen up all you stupid ass fans here tonight and everyone in the locker-room. I feel that Buff Bagwell thanks that he is a bad bitch but guess what I woul like to have a one on one match next week here on Nitro to prove that he’s not bad he’s just a bitch. Know get lost Gene. (B- )

Match 3: DDP V. Curt Henning

Curt starts off strong hitting a line of super flexes and connecting with a Elbow drop from the top rope. DDP recovers and hits Henning with a clothesline. DDP goes for the pin but no Henning kicks out at two. Henning then tries to hit DDP with a Jab but DDP blocks it and hits Henning with a Diamond Cutter for the win. (B- ) DDP wins the US Heavyweight tittle.


After the match The Nature Boys music hits to a big pop from the crowed.


RF: Wooow. Lets cut to the point, Randy Savage I want you in a match Wooow, Yes that’s right to prove the that I’m the better man you say you’re the man but you know what they say, Wooow, to be the man you have to beat the man Wooow. So next week it’s already confirmed Macho Man V. Ric Flair Wooow. (B+ )


Match 4: Dean Malenko V. Chris Beniot

Match started off with an arm bar from Beniot. Then the match turned to a submission fest move after move truing to make the other tap out. Beniot had Malenko in position for the Sharpshooter but it was reversed into a Texas Cloverleaf and Beniot tapped. (B- )


MT: Tony I hear it’s time for the big announcement.


TS: That’s right, for those of you who missed the beginning of the show Hogan announced that a new member of N.W.O will be announced and that is next.


Hogan comes to the ring with Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Syxx-Pac, and Booker T and Stevie Ray.


HH: Well brother I told you that we would add a new member to the N.W.O tonight and I wont disappoint. The new member of the N.W.O is……Diamond Dallas Page


DDP walks out with his newly won U.S Championship wearing the N.W.O black and white as the crowed gives him heat for joining the N.W.O.


DDP: Thank Hollywood, I am glad to finaly be part of the most dominate stable in wrestling history. Hollywood I would like to thank you for the opportunity and I want let you down. Also all you guys out here I will not let you down either. Big Sexy I know you have a match up next and I would love to be at ringside to watch you beat the hell out of Sting. (A* )



Main Event: Sting V. Kevin Nash W/ DDP

Nash starts of good with a Irish whip to the ropes followed with a backdrop. He then drops a knee to Sting’s arm. Sting then gets up and whips Nash into the corner and hits him with a couple of Knife Edge Chops. Nash then gets out of the way of a Stinger Splash and starts choking Sting with the ropes the ref gets to a count of 4 and Nash lets go. Then DDP got up on the apron and distracted the ref. Nash tries to hit him with a chair but Sting gets out the way and locks in the Scorpin Death Lock and makes Nash tap. (A )


After the match DDP goes in the ring and hits Sting with a chair. The rest of the N.W.O comes out and beats the hell out of Sting. Then Hollywood Hogan brings out the spray pain the then hands it to DDP as they left up his shirt a spray pain N.W.O on Stings back as the show goes off the air.


Final Rating B+

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Well I think that my first show went down pretty good my Uncle Ted is said to be off the Wall with excitement for the final rating which was a 9.45 and beat raw which scored a 4.54. Uncle Ted wants me to start hiring talent to add a new feel to WCW I’m thinking of singing some guy that I saw in the gym the other day who looked pretty good and one is 7’4 467lbs. Uncle Ted also wants to introduce me to all the wrestlers tomorrow so I’m excited about that.
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Ok right now I’m sitting in my Uncle Ted’s office and he has gone to get a few wrestlers for me to meet. He comes in with Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, and Raven.


TT: Well, Wesley I told you that I wanted you to meet the wrestlers so here you go some of are top veterans here for you to meet.


WT: Thanks Uncle Ted, and thank yall for being here to let me meet you. My name is Wesley nice to meet you.


RS: Nice to meet you to, by the way I like what you’ve started with me and flair.


R: Glad to finally meet the man behind last weeks great show I have the felling you will take us a long way.


WT: Thanks that means a lot to me.


HH: Brother welcome to WCW you have great potential if you ever need help just come to me.


WT: Thanks Terry, Uncle Ted remember you wanted me to sign new talent I’ve sign two new wrestlers that have just entered wrestling this month.


TT: Wesley isn’t that a little risky are you sure with that choice.


WT: Yes Sir, Ones name is Todd Smith he is 7’4 and 467 pounds and the other is Jamal Foster who is a master in interviews and will be going by the name Kid Crusher.


HH: Brother I think you should be on T.V as an Authority Figure you would be great.



Wow being on screen I never thought of that. Should I? I will try it out on this weeks Nitro to see how it works out.

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WCW Week 2 card.


Booker T V. Goldberg


Todd Smith and Kid Crusher V. Alex Wright and Disco Inferno


Ric Flair V. Randy Savage


Scott Steiner V. Buff Bagwell


Starting a compition the one with the most correct picks win

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WCW Nitro Week 2 Jan. 98


MT: Welcome to Nitro here live in Detroit, Michigan. We have a good show for yall tonight.


TS: That’s right Mike and the Main Event will be Ric Flair V. Randy Savage.


MT: But now Kevin Nash is in the ring and wants to say something.


Nash is getting a lot of heat from the crowed here in Detroit.


KN: Shut up, Shut the hell up. Do yall know who I am? I’m a legend damn it you should all bow down to me. I’m the reason WCW is what it is now and I made the N.W.O so before you start booing show some respect.


Some unknown music comes on and Kid Crusher comes out.


KC: Yo yo yo, you’re a legend ha. Well you know what I’m the new blood around here, if you’re a legend I guess that makes me a legend killer.


Kid drops his mic and nails Nash with a monster right hand that drops Nash. (D )


MT: Tony this kid is sure to get him self in trouble with the N.W.O for this


TS: For what I hear his tag partner is 7’4 and 400 plus pounds.


Match 1: Booker T V. Goldberg

Goldberg starts up with and monster clothesline flipping Booker in the air followed by a nice knee lock that did a lot of damage on his knee. Booker tries to hit Goldberg with a kick but Goldberg catches his leg and does a leg drag. Goldberg then goes into the corner and hits Booker with a Spear Goldberg covers Booker. 1..2..3 Goldberg wins easy. (C )


The camera cuts backstage to Wesley Tyson’s office. Hogan, Nash and Hall all burst in


HH: Brother I know your new here, so let me tell you something Brother the N.W.O is WCW so if you like your job you better put us over.


WT: I know who you are and you know what I don’t like what you have been doing lately. I have all of you in a match in two weeks at N.W.O/WCW Sold Out. That will be announced later tonight but don’t forget I’m in charge now. (C+ )



Match 2: Todd Smith and Kid Crusher V. Alex Wright and Disco Inferno

The match starts with Kid Crusher and Disco Inferno. Kid starts off fast with a corkscrew elbow off the ropes followed by a standing back flip. Disco tries to get up but Kid hit’s a flipping leg drop to the back of his head and then tags Todd Smith in. Smith picks up Disco with one hand and throws him out the ring. Kid rolls him back in and Smith finishes him off with a Two handed sit down Choke slam. (E+ )


MT: Wow, these young guys just rolled right through Wright and Inferno.


TS: Kid Crusher’s style is really different. And Todd Smith looked unstoppable there.


Brett Hart comes down to the ring and before he can say anything the N.W.O comes out and attacks him. It’s a four on one beat down until Sting, Raven, and Roddy Piper came out and helps Brett Hart and runs the N.W.O off. (B+ )


Match 3: Scott Steiner V. Buff Bagwell

Steiner starts off strong with a backdrop off the ropes. Buff then gets up and hits with two forearms to the face. Steiner catches the third one he through and put him in a Body slam he then did push ups as he talked trash to Buff. Steiner then connects with Frankensteiner covers Buff 1..2..3. (C )


Wesley Tyson comes down to the ring.


WT: Everyone having a good time tonight?


The Crowed cheers most still not knowing who he is.


WT: Here is some of the matches for N.W.O/WCW Sold Out. The Outsiders V. The Steiner Brothers for the WCW Tag Team Championship, DDP V. Curt Henning and Raven for the U.S Heavyweight Title.


Brett Hart comes down to the ring and grabs a mic.


BH: Come on you’ve got to give me a title shot. Give me Hogan please.


WT: You want Hogan? You know what you’ve got it. After what he did to you tonight you’ve got. Also next week on Nitro it will be Hogan, Nash, Hall and Booker V. you Sting Raven and Roddy Piper. (B- )


Main Event: Ric Flair V. Randy Savage

Ric starts off with an Irish Whip to the corner then two Knife Edge Chops to Randy. The third one misses and randy hits him with a body slam followed by a leg drop. Ric gets back up and run towards Randy but he catches and hit’s a piledrive. He then goes up to the top and misses the Elbow Drop. Ric attempts to lock in the figure four but is not successful. Randy the hit’s a spine buster. Randy then claims to the top and hit’s an Elbow Drop flowed by the 1..2..3. (A )


Final Rating B-

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Well my second show was alright my angles could have been better but it was my first time I was nevus. Uncle Ted told me I am doing great, but I want to do something special something that will change wrestling forever but I don’t know what, maybe it will come to me later. I have a meeting tomorrow with Indy star Christian Cage to discuss a contract.
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WCW Nitro week 3



MT: Welcome to Nitro. We have a good show for you tonight.


TS: that’s right Mike, right now lets go down to the ring for our opening contest.


Match 1: Alex Wright V. Kid Crusher

Kid crusher starts off strong, hiting with a standing dropkick. Wright gets up goes for a wrist lock but its reversed and Crusher hit’s a running sunset flip 1...2...kick out. Wright then gets up but gets knocked back down with a DDT by Crusher. Crusher climbs to the top rope and connects with a spinning corkscrew forearm to the face and goes for the pin, 1...2...3

Rating: E+

Winner: Kid Crusher


TS: good showing by Kid Crusher again here tonight.


MT: Alex Wright just doesn’t have what it takes to beat Kid Crusher




Hollywood Hulk Hogan comes out to a lot of heat and picks up a mic and says that Brett Hart does not deserve a title shot and tonight he will end Harts career. Brett then interrupts and tells him that he is getting the title shot because he is the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be and Hogan better watch his back.


Rating: A


MT: Tony, Hogan has his hands full in 1 week at N.W.O/WCW Sold Out.


TS: Yes he does, and Brett will get a chance to get his oppent tonight in that Four on four main event.


MT: Should be a great. Right now we have DDP V. Goldberg in a non title match up.


Match 2: Goldberg V. DDP

DDP starts off stong but that don’t last long Goldberg hits him with a spear 1:45 into the match.


Winner: Goldberg

Rating: D+

TS: Wow Mike, Goldberg just beat the U.S Champion in under two minutes.


MT: That’s right and Goldberg told me earlier he wants that belt and he wants it now.




Hogan goes into Wesley’s office and is screaming at him saying, ‘Why would you give him that match Sunday he don’t deserve it do you understand who I am Hollywood Hulk Hogan Damn it I run this place.” Wesley then tells him “ You think you’re in charge **** you’re an old has been that wants to have the same success that you had in the 80’s but guess what I’m not scared of you and next week you will be in a Two on One match against Piper and Raven how do you like that?” Hogan leaves looking irate


Rating: A

TS: Mike, I think this new man in charge of WCW has it in for Hogan.


MT: Can you blame him?


TS: What has Hogan done to him?


MT: …..


TS: That’s what I thought.


Match 3: Ric Flair V. Lex Luger

Flair starts off with chops to Luger’s chest but it doesn’t faze him and he pushes Flair across the ring. Flair then stands up with a “ Wooooow” and crowed goes crazy. He the connects with two big punches knocking Luger off his feet. He then goes for the figure four but it doesn’t lock in. Luger then gets up and hits Flair with a Bodyslam. Luger then tries to pick Flair up but Flair pokes him in the eye he the does an atomic drop and locks in the Figure Four for the win.


Winner: Ric Flair

Rating: B-


MT: Flair looked good in that match.


TS: Yea, he proved that he hasn’t lost a step since he first started.





Mean Gene is backstage interviewing Randy Savage. Randy talks about Flair saying that he is just mad that he got the girls 10 year s ago in WWF ansd he still hasn’t got over it. Gene asks him if he thinks Flair can beat him he told him only in his dreams Mean gene. Oh Yeah.


Rating: A


MT: Tony are you ready for the main event?


TS: You bet I am.


Main Event: Hogan, Hall, Nash, and Booker V. Brett Hart, Sting, Raven, and Piper

The match starts off with Nash and Sting. Sting starts with a body slam on big sexy he then follows up with a elbow drop. Sting then tags in Piper who doesn’t waste any time. He gets on top of Nash and connects with lefts and right until Nash pushes him off. Nash then tags in Booker T. Piper rakes the eyes of Booker and then does a roll up wit a handful of tights. 1...2..broke up by Hall. Booker capitalizes on this and goes to work on Piper’s right leg. Booker puts a half bosten crab on Piper still woking on the right leg. Booker lets go and tags in Hall. Hall goes for a razors edge but Piper reverses and locks a sleeper on Hall but Hall gets to the ropes. Piper limps to his corner and tags in Brett. Brett goes in and locks in a armbar on Hall but Hall doesn’t tap Hall crawls over to his side and tags Hogan in. Hogan and Brett are the to legal men, Brett runs the ropes and hit’s a clothesline. Hart then goes to the top and hit’s a Knee Drop on Hogan. Hogan gets up and hit’s a belly to belly suplex on Brett and then goes for a Hollywood leg drop but Brett rolls out of the way and locks in the Sharpshooter Hogan cant get to the ropes and has no chocie but to tap.


Winner: Brett Hart, Raven, Sting, and Roddy Piper

Rating: B


MT: Tony, Brett Hart just made Hogan tap out!


TS: Yes I saw it, this has to go in favor of Hart going into NOW/WCW Sold Out in two weeks.


MT: Well that’s all for tonight thanks for watching WCW Nitro.


Final Rating: B

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Right now I’m backstage after the show when DDP bust in my office.


DDP: Wesley, Why in the hell did you job me to Bill tonight?


WT: Bill is the future of this company and I have to build him up.


DDP: Screw that ****. I’m the present and if I job out again I’m leaving this company.

He walks out.


Wow I never knew people would get so worked up about jobbing to a younger guy. I guess this business isn’t as easy as I thought.

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WCW Nitro Card week 4


The Giant V. Randy Savage Special ref Ric Flair

Eddy Guerrero V. La Parka non title

DDP V. Curt Henning Non title

Hollywood Hulk Hogan V. Raven an Rowdy Roddy Piper


Last week MattitudeV2 went 4/4

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With a long match writup like the last one use more paragraphs. Good to see you are taking the advice to hart.

Only give us a roster overview or something as I think at that time Booker was a face so why would he be on the side of the NWO and Luger was face too so why vs Flair?


Not everyones memories are that great so what happend just before you took over and what is the state of the company and what direction are you going in.


Its not bad stepping out of character now and then to give us some insight into your decision making process.


Also handy is to do a preview of the card as to why are they fighting and not just quick predicts, depends on your style o course but definitly in the early stages it helps if there are reasons.


PS those two new signings of his where random generated wrestlers, he told me in pm for anyone that was wondering.

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Ok Here is the roster. Faces in Blue Heels in black




Evan Karagias

Johnny Swinger


Louie Spicolli

Todd Smith


Lower Midcarders

Brad Armstrong


Hector Garza Jr.

Ice Train

Kid Crusher


Norman Smiley

Rocco Rock

Silver King

Stevie Richards



Alex Wright

Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Chris Kanyon

Dave Tayler

Dean Malenko

Disco Inferno

El Dandy

Hugh Morrus

Jim Duggan

Juventud Guerra

La Parka

Perry Saturn



Scott Norton

Super Calo

Ultimo Dragon




Upper Midcarders

Bam Bam Bigelow ( on loan from ECW)

Brain Knobbs

Chris Beniot

Chris Jericho

Eddy Guerrero


Jerry Saggs

Jim Niedhart




Rey Mysterio Jr.

Steven McMichael

Steven Regal

Stevie Ray

The Barbarian


Main Eveneters

Booker T

Brett Hart

Buff Bagwell

Curt Henning

Diamond Dallas Page

Hollywood Hulk Hogan

Kevin Nash

Lex Luger

Randy Savage

Ric Flair

Rick Steiner

Roddy Piper

Scott Hall

Scott Steiner


The British Bulldog

The Giant

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Tag Teams and Stables



Tag Teams

Beniot & Mealeko

Disco Dancing ( Alex Wright and Diso Inferno )

The Faces of Fear ( Meng and The Barbarian )

Harlem Heat ( Booker T and Stevie Ray )

The Blue Bloods ( Steven Regal and Dave Taylor )

The Nast Boys ( Jarry Saggs and Brian Knobbs )

The Next Big Things ( Kid Crusher and Todd Smith )

The Outsiders ( Kevin Nash and Scott Hall )

The Steiner Brothers ( Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner )




N.W.O ( Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Buff Bagwell, Eric Bischoff, Konnan, Randy Savage, Rick Rude, Syxx, and Virgil )


Four Horsemen ( Arn Anderson, Chris Beniot, Ric Flair and Steve McMichael )


Raven’s Flock ( Raven, Kidman, Perry Saturn, Riggs, and Stevie Richards )

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WCW Nitro Week 4



TS: Welcome everyone to Monday Night Nitro here on TNT. We have a action packed night here tonight.


MT: Yes we do, and whats going to happen with Brett hart and Hogan with only 7 days until N.W.O/ WCW Sold Out.


Match 1: DDP V. Curt Henning non title

Henning starts off strong with suplex after suplex. He then goes to the second rope and drops a Fist to DDP Face. DDP struggles to his feet and slaps Henning, Henning then runs toward DDP but he moves out the way and Henning goes shoulder first into the ring post.

DDP then capitalizes on the injury and put Henning in a Arm bar. After he lets go he does a back suplex and then goes for the pin, 1...2... Kick out. DDP is frustrated but doesn’t let up, he then send henning to the ropes and hit a Diamond Cutter “ Bang” and goes for the cover, 1...2...3 the bell rings.



Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Rating: B


MT: What a match, Page really bounced back this week after that lose to Goldberg last week.


TS: That’s right, If you have missed Nitro over the last few weeks here is a clip to get you caught up on the Hogan, Brett Hart situation.






A Video plays showing the angles over the last few shows and a reminder that Hogan will be in a Two on One Handicap match tonight against Raven and Roddy Piper.


Rating: A*


MT: They will go head to head this Sunday at N.W.O/WCW Sold Out.


TS: But right now Brett is in the ring with a mic.





Brett is in the ring and calls out Hogan. Hogan comes out with Nash and Hall by his side. Brett says that after he beats him this Sunday Hogan want be able to have his rematch because he want be physically able to. He the States that if Hogan was wise he would get a new job to support his family. Nash and Hall then jump on Brett and Hogan joins in. Then out of the crowed come Raven and Piper and they start working on Hall and Nash but then Hogan attacks them. Then the lights go off and down comes Sting with his baseball bat a cleans house. Brett then announces the formation of “ The Hitmans World Order the HWO”


Rating: A*


MT: Wow Tony, The Hitmans World Order the newest stable here in WCW.


TS: Yes and the HWO is sure to make an impact on WCW in the up coming months.


Match 2: Raven and Roddy Piper V. Hogan

This is not a tag so both workers start off against Hogan. Hogan throws Raven into the corner but Piper hit him in the back of the heaand Raven hit’s a Knee drop across the chest. Hogan the gets up walks out the ring and goes backstage the ref counts 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10


Winner: Raven and Roddy Piper.

Rating: B


MT: Hogan just walked out of his match!


TS: That had the makings of a great match. Wesley is not going to be happy with that.


Match 3: Eddy Guerrero V. La Parka

Eddy starts off good with a Arm Drag taken La Parka down he followes that up with a Standing Dropkick. Eddy goes to the top rope and hit’s a Front Flip Legdrop on La Parka. La Parka gets up and hits with two right hands but it doesn’t affect Eddy. Eddy does a Flying Tornado DDT. He then goes to the top and connects with a Frog Splash. 1...2...3


Winner: Eddy Guerrero

Rating: D-


Main Event: Randy Savage V. The Giant Special Ref Ric Flair

Randy goes in for a Lockup with Giant but gets pushed across the ring. Giant then steps on the chest of The Macho Man. Flair then gets involved and sprays something in Randy’s eye. The Giant then picks Randy up an Choke Slams him to the mat. 123 Flair with the fast count.


Winner: The Giant

Rating: B-



Final Rating: B-

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N.W.O/WCW Sold Out Card


DDP V. Curt Henning V. Raven for the U.S Champion

Curt Henning gets his rematch but Wesley added Raven in the mix because of his recent wins and performance.


Hogan V. Hart for the WCW World Heavyweight Title

Hart and Hogan have been going at it for a month now and this is for the title.


The Outsiders V. The Steiner Brothers for the WCW Tag Team Titles

Two of the best Tag Teams ever battle it out for power of the Tag Team Division in this Title match.


Roddy Piper V. Buff Bagwell

A battle between N.W.O and the H.W.O Piper has said on his website that Buff has a lack of respect and he’s going to beat it in to him.


Eddy Guerrero V. La Parka V. Rey Mysterio Jr. for the WCW Cruiserweight Title.

Should be a great high flying match with lots of action.


Disco Inferno V. Kid Crusher for the WCW T.V Title

Kid has been on a roll with his recent wins can Disco Inferno stop him this Sunday?


Ric Flair V. Randy Savage

This is match has been coming for about 13 years now. These men absolutely hate each other.


Chris Jericho V. Chris Benoit

Two similar styles clash in this match. Benoit and Jericho are good friends but that’s not going to stop this from being a great match.



Quick Picks

DDP ( C) V. Henning V. Raven

Hogan ( C) V. Hart

Outsiders V. Steiner Brothers ( C)

Piper V. Bagwell

Guerrero( C) V. La Parka V. Mysterio

Disco Inferno ( C ) V. Kid

Flair V. Savage

Jericho V. Benoit



Last weeks Nitro


MattitudeV2 3 / 4

Hyde Hill 2 / 4

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