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ECW: The Revolution Starts Now!

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ECW The Revolution Begins Again


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The video begins with a close up on Paul Heyman’s face. He stares intensely into the lens.


“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for watching this video. As many of you know I am wrestling personality, Paul Heyman. Some of you may love me; some of you may hate me. To those that hate, hate away. To those that love, listen closely.”


Heyman takes a breath and continues.


“Let me tell you some facts. 60 days ago a man named Taz left the WWE. What’s less known is that on the same day one Joey Styles left the WWE. What’s more you will notice that from now on a certain brand on the WWE will be changing name. From now on when you switch over to Sci Fi on a Tuesday night you will now be looking at Velocity due to the rights of a certain ECW being sold.


You may wonder why this is. Well let me tell you – Taz leaving the WWE 60 days ago was no coincidence. Joey Styles leaving on the same day was not a coincidence. And the appearance of Velocity on Sci Fi from now on is not a coincidence.


Ladies and Gentlemen, in exactly 30 days, on the last Sunday of June 2009. There will be an event that will shake the very foundations of this earth. An event, which no one expected, which no one thought was possible except me.


Ladies and Gentlemen, on the last Sunday of this month. The Revolution Begins again.”


The camera fades…


(OCC: This is my first diary so I hope you all get into it!)

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Source: Pwinsider.com

ECW (now owned by Paul Heyman) has announced its first show that will be held this June, Rising Revolution. No names have been announced and it has been said none will be. This show will be live at the Hammerstien Ballroom and also available on Pay Per View on Cablevision.


In other news Kevin Nash won the TNA World Title last night in Detroit at Slammiversary.

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ECW Rising Revolution


Live at Hammerstien “ECW” Arena (and on Cablevision)

Sunday, Week 4 June 2009

Attendance: 9626


"Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed hits and the crowd go crazy, beer and nachos are thrown everwhere. Streamers are thrown around as loud ECDub chants echo round the arena. Heyman walks through the curtain. The crowd get even louder. He slowly walks to the ring and shakes hands with a few fans at ringside. Once in the ring he gets a microphone and begins to speak…




Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the REVOLUTION! Tonight is for all the fans that believed, all the people who said that we would be back. THIS IS FOR YOU



Paul Heyman: In 2001 this company died. We had to claim bankruptcy and the dream was over. I had to sell out and go to the devil himself. I admit. I sold out. It was the hardest day of my life. But it was the inevitable. I didn’t think things could get worse. I thought the day this company died would be the worst day this company would see and boy was I wrong. For the past 3 years we have had to sit through and watch the good honest name of ECW die. We have had to see it turn into the very definition of sports entertainment.




Paul Heyman: And it killed me! It tore out my very soul! I had to do something. And I have. I’ve done the right thing. I bought the rights of ECW back and with a loan I have started the revolution AGAIN!


Cheers erupt, ECW chants begin!


Paul Heyman: This is not just wrestling, THIS IS ECW! I’ve been called a lot of things. But the one name that sticks out in my mind is the Evil Genius. I will admit. I am evil. But I am also a genius. I have sat back and watched the two companies we all know make the mistakes and pay for them. I am going to pick up the pieces and turn it into gold. So tonight, I host the first show of ECW Revolution Rising! However, I do not do it alone. In the back there are old faces, there are new faces. Welcome them like family! So, lets get this started!




Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen I will now had you over the very capable hands of the VOICE of ECW or should I say…VOICES! JOEY STYLES AND TAZ!

The crowd goes crazy as the two announcers walk down the ramp, wave to the fans and sit down at the booth.




Taz: You ready Styles?


Joey Styles: You betcha buddy! I missed ya!

Segment Rating: B



http://s870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/th_ShannonMoore2.jpg VS http://s870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/th_JamesMaritato.jpg


Shannon Moore vs Little Guido


The match was a fast paced match with a lot of leaps and chair shots that started many ECW chants around the building. It certainly got the crowd going and it has been said that there was great chemistry between the two competitors. It ended with Moore hitting the Mooregasm on Gudio for the 3 count.


Winner: Shannon Moore in 10:19 (C- rating)



“Epic” by Faith No More hits the PA as Elijah Burke comes out to a mixed reaction and begins to speak.




Burke: You know, a few months ago I was released from the WWE. I had nothing, I was given nothing. I put so much effort in and I got NOTHING in return! I’ll be honest I thought of hanging up my boots. But a few weeks ago Paul come over to me and offers me a place on his ship to create the revolution. I’ve come out here today to say thank you Paulie for this chance. I will NOT let you down. THANK YOU ECW!


The crowd cheers seeing Burke appreciates them and the company. Burke is about to talk again when suddenly “Superhero” by Jane’s Addiction comes on. Out strides Lance Cade with a microphone in his hand.




Cade: You make me sick. You’re full of lies! Who the hell thinks like that. You and I are both here for the same reason. The MONEY! Screw the fans. Screw ECW! What kinda of place is this anyway!? Being here is an insult to my talent! And hardcore?! Pah! It’s the easy way out.


The fans starts a “You’re a p*ssy” chant.


Cade: Call me what you want you are all mindless idiots who need to get a life! Smashing someones head in with a trash can is NOT entertainment. I don’t need weapons to win a fight. I use my fists!


Burke: You think you're such a big man Cade?! How about you get into the ring with best athlete out there? How bout you get in the ring with the black attack? How about you fight me TONIGHT!


Cade: You’re on!


Rating: D+



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Sabu.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/BallsMahoney.jpg

Sabu vs Balls Mahoney


A pure hardcore fest! The fans gave cheers to the returning guys and it was obvious they appreciated it but whether or not these performers will be able to keep up to standard begs questioning. Nevertheless blood is blood and tables are tables and here at ECW the fans love BOTH! Balls won with the Nut Cracker.

Winner: Balls Mahoney in 7:58 (Rating: C-)



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/MontyBrown.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/SpikeDudley.jpg

Monty Brown vs Spike

There was a huge pop for Spike but as soon as “Welcome to the Jungle” played and Brown came out it was a forgone conclusion who would win. Brown played this up by slowly taking his time dominating Spike before hitting The Pounce for the three count.


Winner: Monty Brown in 7:41 (Rating: C-)



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Raven3.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/BlueMeanie.jpg

Raven vs The Blue Meanie


The fans got really into this match and the hardcore action paid off with a good reaction. The ending was brilliant. Blue Meanie had just sprayed blue mist in the eyes of Raven who was blinded. The fans thought that the Meanie could do it – but then two masked men came running out of the crowd with Singapore canes and started to beat Big Blue down and let Raven hit the Even Flow DDT!

Winner: Raven in 9:59 (Rating C)




The beatdown continued for another 2 minutes with Raven joining in. They made Meanie bleed and rubbed his blood over the blue mist on Raven’s face before slowly unmasking to reveal two faces.

Rating: D


Raven picked up the microphone.

Racen: This revolution is beginning alright, but not in the way Heyman wishes. He dreams of a take over in which there will a land where ECW is king. I do not see that day. Instead I see a time where it will be one soul that is ruling ECW. That one soul is me and my two followers here – Jimmy Jacobs and Sinn – will be helping me. They will help in getting what I deserve. The river will run red with blood of those that don’t get away, whilst the war paint with dye the canvas as The Flock rules the day – Quote the Raven, Nevermore.

Rating: D+



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/JustinCredible.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Homicide.jpg

Justin Credible vs Homicide


Another match the fans could get into, both guys got cheered for their effort and who could blame them, it was a quality match. Homicide looked good out there and it looks like ECW could be his new home soon enough.

Winner: Homicide in 7:42 (Rating: C)



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/MasatoTanaka.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Tomko.jpg

Masato Tanaka vs Tomko


A real slugfest with few weapons used and instead a strong pureso style. Shots were stiff in this and the fans got into it in quite a big way. Two real giants battling and in the end in was Tomko who came out on top with a boot to the face.


Winner: Tomko in 7:46 (Rating: C-)




“Colossal” by Wolfmother plays and Shane Douglas struts onto the ramp. He looks around as the fans automatically boo the most hated man in wrestling.




Douglas: It’s nice to know you all missed me! Ha! You freakin’ idiots don’t get it do ya? I’m the franchise. I’m Shane Douglas! ECW would not be the same with out me! And yet here you are booing. Well I’m gonna be here in a big way. I wont be wrestling, those days are behind me. Instead I’ll be brining smashmouth to ECW in the form of two men. But I don’t want to ruin the surprise, the next show this company has…these two men will debut. But not just debut, they will DOMINATE! Get it? Got it? Good!


The music hits once more as a chorus of boos follows Douglas back behind the curtain.


Rating: C



The camera opens to a close up shot of eyes. It zooms out to show a smiling Monty Brown. He gazes in to the camera with his big pearly smile.




Brown: You know, when I signed up for the WWE’s ECW I was disspointed when I got there. It wasn’t Extreme! It was tepid to say the most! But now I’m here, I smell the sweat, I taste the blood, I hear the chants. And I see that I was more wrong about this place! This places isn’t Extreme enough for me! This place is a dissapointment. You saw how I dominated that runt in the ring tonight, and it’ll be the same everynight. The Alphamale is here, like it or not and he aint going till he owns the place. Maybe that way we can turn this place to the true meaning of extreme!


Rating: B-



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/ElijahBurke.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/LanceCade.jpg

Elijah Burke vs Lance Cade


The fans seemed to like this match as the two personalities really did a good job in the ring together. Burke stuck to his guns and did not use a weapon at all (much to the dismay of the fans). However, Cade (when Burke wasn’t looking) got the brass knuckles out and with one punch to the temple laid him out for the win.


Winner: Lance Cade in 12:15 (Rating C-)




The camera fades into Ken Doane with staring intently into the camera lens.




Doane: The Rock star Ken Doane is here baby, I got a new look, a new look on life and a new love for the Extreme. Get ready to be rocked BAY-BAY!


Rating: C-



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/PaulLondon.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/JerryLynn.jpg



The perfect blend of old and new which left the perfect statement as to what the new ECW will be all about. Fast paced action that people want to see. The fans really got into the match and the people should be very happy about what the future entails judging by this match. In the end Lynn picks up the win with a missed Mule kick turned into a Cradle Piledriver. The legend waves to the fans who lap it up. Oldschool!


Winner: Jerry Lynn in 11:53 (Rating C)



Heyman appears on the screen at the arena.




Heyman: There are no words that can describe what I am feeling at the moment. This wave of emotion is too much. But this is the beginning my friends. We will be back next month with an old tradition of July - Heat Wave! The card will be released soon, we will see you there. As the revolution continues!

Rating: B


Show Grade: C




OCC: As I've said before this is my first Diary so any feeback positive or negative will be greatly appriciated.

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Heat Wave Card

Sunday, Week 4 July 2009


Shannon Moore vs Tony Mamaluke


After his win over Mamaluke’s partner in crime Little Guido last month revenge will surely be on the cards for Moore.

Jerry Lynn vs Sabu (ECW World Title Match Qual.)

Two Legends of ECW battle it out for a chance to become the new ECW champion. Who will win this dream match in the making?


The Krowz (Jacobs and Sinn) vs Blue Meanie and Spike Dudley


Blue Meanie wants blood and has called in a friend to help him. Meanwhile The Krowz will want to prove themselves to their leader Raven. Who will come out victorious?!


Sonjay Dutt vs Little Guido


Trying to make up for his loss last month Guido will take on newcomer Sonjay Dutt to see who really is the big small fish in the big small fish pond.

Shane Douglas’ Mystery Team vs Speed Muscle (Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino)


Last month Douglas announced a tag team that would be debuting at Heat Wave. That moment has come. Little is known as to who the team is but they are said to be bringing smashmouth to ECW. Will the new team manage to prove themselves by facing the also debuting Japanese team of Speed Muscle. A team that Heyman claims was TNA’s first “mistake”


Paul London vs Juventud Guerrera


London was caught short last month against Lynn and now its time to prove hes still got it. However Juvé Geuerrera will have something say (he always does)! High Flying, Fast Paced Action only at HEATWAVE!!

Homicide vs Masato Tanaka


Brawling anyone!?


Balls Mahoney vs Monty Brown (ECW World Title Match Qual.)

A Hardcore Legend against the self proclaimed Legend! Who will get the coveted spot in next months triple threat title match?


Tomko vs Lance Cade (ECW World Title Match Qual.)


Both won matches on Rising Revolution and one will have to face defeat. What will happen!?


Quick Picks:


Shannon Moore vs Tony Mamaluke

Jerry Lynn vs Sabu (ECW World Title Match Qual.)

The Krowz (Jacobs and Sinn) vs Blue Meanie and Spike Dudley

Sonjay Dutt vs Little Guido

Shane Douglas’ Mystery Team vs Speed Muscle (Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino)

Paul London vs Juventud Guerrera

Homicide vs Masato Tanaka

Balls Mahoney vs Monty Brown (ECW World Title Match Qual.)

Tomko vs Lance Cade (ECW World Title Match Qual.)


Extra point: Who is Douglas’ Team?

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Shannon Moore vs Tony Mamaluke

Jerry Lynn vs Sabu (ECW World Title Match Qual.)

The Krowz (Jacobs and Sinn) vs Blue Meanie and Spike Dudley

Sonjay Dutt vs Little Guido

Shane Douglas’ Mystery Team vs Speed Muscle (Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino)

Paul London vs Juventud Guerrera

Homicide vs Masato Tanaka

Balls Mahoney vs Monty Brown (ECW World Title Match Qual.)

Tomko vs Lance Cade (ECW World Title Match Qual.)


Extra point: Who is Douglas’ Team? The Naturals

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ECW Heat Wave


Live at Hammerstien “ECW” Arena (and on Cablevision)

Audience: 9471







http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/ShannonMoore2.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/TonyMamaluke.jpg

Shannon Moore vs Tony Mamaluke


The match was a fast paced opener that the fans seemed to get into. Actually managed to get quite a good response through out the perfect sort of opening match. The match went back and forth for a while but soon Moore took control and hit the Mooregasm for the 3 count.


Winner: Shannon Moore in 6:15 (Rating C-)



"Down with the Sickness" by Disturbed plays around the arena as Heyman walks out from behind the curtain. He high fives a few fans and climbs up the stairs into the ring. He is wearing his trademark baseball cap and suit combo, slowly he raises a microphone to his mouth.




Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Heat Wave! There are many things I would like to say but I don’t have all the time to say it. I would first like to thank each and everyone of you here and watching at home for keeping this dream alive. I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed with what we have got for you tonight.


Now there are a few things ECW are known for. Hardcore Wrestling, pushing the limits, taking risks, giving talent a chance! But whats less realised is how much ECW helped established the three way dance style of match. Now, with that in mind next month ECW will be having yet another Pay Per View show entitled “Anarchy Rulz” the main event will be historic.


On the last Sunday of August 2009 ECW will crown it’s new champion in a triple threat match. The people competing will earn their spot through the qualifying matches held tonight. There will be 6 competitors and they go as follows: “The Legend” Jerry Lynn, Lance Cade, Tomko, “The Alpha Male” Monty Brown, Balls Mahoney and “The Homicidal, The Genocidal, The Suicidal” SABU!


Chants of Sabu echo round the arena!


Paul Heyman: You want to see Sabu?! Well he is competing next against the legend Jerry Lynn RIGHT NOW!


Rating: B-



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/JerryLynn.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Sabu.jpg

Jerry Lynn vs Sabu


Another very fast paced match with some amazing highflying spots. Needless to say the fans went crazy for the return of Sabu, however the match itself was very mediocre – clearly the two aging wrestling aren’t as slick as they used to be. Lynn hit the Cradle Piledriver for the win after Sabu missed an Arabian Facebuster.


Winner: Jerry Lynn in 10:19 (Rating C-)



The camera cuts to a backstage area as the Blue Meanie paces up and down. He turns and faces the camera.




Blue Meanie: People who know me, know that I am an easy going guy. I like to laugh, I like to have fun all the time. Inside the ring, out side the ring I am a comedian. But something’s are NOT funny. What Raven and his goons did to me last month was NOT funny! I did NOT laugh. He wants to take over the company?! Over my dead body!


Rating: C-



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/JimmyJacobs2.jpghttp://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/SinnBowdee.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/BlueMeanie.jpghttp://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/SpikeDudley.jpg

The Krowz (Jacobs and Sinn) vs Blue Meanie and Spike Dudley


Another mediocre match. Spike got quite a nice pop and the Krowz characters are going down really well with the crowd. However, the match was mediocre at best with nothing really gripping the fans. The ending was quite predictable with Raven distracting Blue Meanie to turn around and be hit with the Krowz finisher mover “Eternal Darkness”.


Winner: The Krowz in 7:32(Rating D)


<hr> http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/SonjayDutt.jpg VS http://s870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/th_JamesMaritato.jpg

Sonjay Dutt vs James Mariato


Needless to say the fans loved Dutts fast style and really got behind him in the match. However the heel tactics of Guido payed off as he hit a low blow following with the Sicilian Slice for the 3 count. A good possible MOTN candidate


Winner: Little Gudio in 7:46(Rating C)



The camera cuts to a dark basement area filled with candle light. Out from the shadow emerges a figure. The light flickers on his face as he raises his arms out to the side showing the watchers who he is.




Raven: When will people learn? When will the world realise what I say is the truth? Do people think I joke? Do people think that everything I say can be taken with a pinch of salt? Last week I told people not to mess with The Flock. I said we were taking over. Yet…here come Meanie saying that he will stop us?! That’s more of a joke than his career winning record.


The world is turning to darkness and in darkness no light can survive. There will be no heroes when we have our way. The Flock is dangerous and we are here to stay. Quote the Raven Nevermore.


Rating: D+



”Colossal” by Wolfmother blast around the arena as “The Franchise” Shane Douglas walks through the curtain. He stands at the top of the ramp as the boos rain down on him.




Shane Douglas: You idiots still boo me? You realise I couldn’t give to craps about what you people think? Last month I said that I had signed the greatest free agent tag team onto my books. And I now have the pleasure of revealing them…Ladies and gentlemen I give you Doug Basham and The Damaja - “The Bash and Damage Connection”. Colossal hit again and the team walk out and into the ring ready for their match.


Rating: C+


http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/DougBasham.jpghttp://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Damaja.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/MasatoYoshino.jpghttp://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/NarukiDoi.jpg

Bash and Damage Connection vs Speed Muscle


If you look up squash match in the wrestling dictionary a picture of this match will be there. Bash and Damage pretty much controlled it all. The few moves the Japanese workers managed to pull off did get quite big pops they are certainly skilled. The match ended when Basham hit a diving headbutt for the 3 count.


Winner: The Bash and Damage Connection in 4:31(Rating D)



The camera fades to the back once more this time Tomko is facing the camera looking intensely down the lens.




Tomko: So, it seems my first opportunity has come knocking. In this business first impressions mean a lot and last month I showed the world what I was capable of. In the ring I am a lethal weapon and I will not go down. Lance Cade, you may have managed to sneak the victory from Burke last month but don’t get your hopes up for tonight!


Rating: D+


<hr> http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/PaulLondon.jpg VS http://s870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/JuventudGuerrera.jpg

Paul London vs Juventud Guerrera


This match defied the “Extreme” in ECW! Flips and leaps all over the ring meant this match was really fun for the audience to watch. It got a reasonably good rating for the show we are trying to make. Seemed to get both workers over but in the end it was London who hit a spectacular Shooting Star Press from the top rope for the 3.


Winner: Paul London in 8:23 (Rating C-)



A video plays on the screen as logo appears along with lots of flashing lights around the arena. The crowd don’t really know what to make of this. A picture appears on the screen. It is Ken Doane with his purple hair, green goatee and aviator sunglasses.




Ken Doane: Next month ECW gets ROCKED!!!


The logo plays once more and the scene fades as the crowd claps politely


Rating: C-



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Homicide.jpg VS http://s870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/MasatoTanaka.jpg

Homicide vs Masato Tanaka


The match lived up to the hype as the workers pulled another MOTN candidate out of the bag. A really intense, stiff purso style match that made the crowd wince with pain. Of course there was the mandatory pop for Homicide when he hit the Cop Killa and got the pin.


Winner: Homicide in 8:20 (Rating C)



The camera opens to Monty Brown smiling. He has a smug look on his face




Monty Brown: It’s about time! It’s about time that this place got a title race going! Although, the word “race” implies some sort of competition. The idea that anyone can win. I here to say that this is not the case! You saw me dominate last week and when I get in the ring with Balls Mahoney you’ll see again just how good the Alpha Male is!


Rating: C-



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/BallsMahoney.jpg VS http://s870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/MontyBrown.jpg

Balls Mahoney vs Monty Brown


A really good brawling match the fans seemed to enjoy. Not as good as some expected it to be but still a really good match which saw Balls get busted open by a sick chair shot. A fairly open match but Brown hit the pounce and got the pin.


Winner: Monty Brown in 12:25 (Rating: C-)



The scene fades to Lance Cade who is stretching, getting ready for his match. He stands up straight as he feels a presence behind him. He turns around to find Elijah Burke staring at him. He begins to clap his hands together.




Cade: What the hell do you want?


Burke: Nothing, nothing at all. I just wanted to say congratulations. Well done on beating me and earning a spot in the tournament. Although…I must say I have a little qualm.


Cade: Which is?


Burke: Well you know, you said you’d beat me fair and square and you’d pin me on the mat.


Cade: Which I did


Burke: Well yes and no. You did pin me and win the amtch. But…I can’t say it was fair and square.


Cade: The match was extreme rules. There are no rules, everything is fair and square!


Burke: You said you didn’t need weapons and you hit me with brass knuckles?


Cade: Alls fair in love and war no get out of my way I got a match next.


Burke: You’re the boss


Cade walks past Elijah leaving him on his own.


Burke: All’s fair in love and war…


Rating: C-



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Tomko.jpg VS http://s870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/LanceCade.jpg

Tomko vs Lance Cade


The fans really got into this. It is good to see them really embrace character who are not ECW originals. The finish ended with Cade rolling to the outside to get a chair (once again going against his anti-hardcore preaching) and went to swing it only get it snatched from behind him by Elijah Burke, when he turned around to fance Tomko he was hit with a huge running Yasuka kick and got pinned. Elijah stood at the top of the ramp smiling as Cade rolls around in pain on the floor.


Winner: Tomko in 11:36(Rating: C-)

Show Rating: C



dse81 - 7/9

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Anarchy Rules Card

Sunday, Week 4 August 2009


??? vs Chuck Taylor


Chuck Taylor recently wrote on his blog that ECW would be his new home and on his debut show he would throw out an open challenge just so he could show the world how good he is. Who will the acceptant be and will Taylor show the world he can handle the big leagues?


Bash and Damage vs F.B.I


Bash and Damage will look to continue their win from last month this time against the more established Full Blooded Italians, a team who have recently been troubled by Shannon Moore. Who will come out on top? Will The F.B.I put their shaky start behind them or will B&D get another win to there record?


Masato Tanaka vs Balls Mahoney


Tanaka is another ECW wrestler who would have liked to start out differently, he has yet to win a match in the new ECW ring. Mahoney has also been very shaky showing no real dominance in the ring. Who will show the world they should be watched out for?


Justin Credible vs Sonjay Dutt

Old School vs New School. Dutt amazed the world last month with his MOTN candidate bout against Little Guido. Meanwhile Credible has been consistently showing that he has what it takes to be a success in ECW.


Petey Williams vs Sabu

Another fusion of new blood and old blood. Two highflyers take to the sky in a battle of extreme proportions. Who will show the world they have got what it takes?

Juventud Guerrera vs Homicide vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Shannon Moore (ECW TV Title)


The first title match to be shown on the new ECW! 4 of the main players of ECW who have shown people they should not be taken lightly are stepping in the ring to see who is the best of the best. Will it be the Mexican, The Puerto Rican, The Emo or the Punk?

Lance Cade vs Elijah Burke


These two wrestlers have never seen eye to eye after joining ECW. Cade beat Burke in their first encounter after stating he could beat him with no help from weapons and then using the brass knuckles to gain the victory. At Heat Wave Burke then came out and cost Cade his shot at the ECW World Title by distracting him in his match against Tomko. Both believe they have something to prove, who will prove it?!


Tomko vs Jerry Lynn vs Monty Brown (ECW World Title)

The big one. 3 way match to decide the new ECW World Champion. All wrestlers have a right to it. Tomko has shown that he is a unmoveable object that cannot be stopped, but so has Monty Brown. Meanwhile Jerry Lynn is a legend in ECW and has also kept his unbeaten record in tact. Who will win this epic encounter!?


Quick Picks:


Paul London vs Chuck Taylor

Bash and Damage vs F.B.I

Masato Tanaka vs Balls Mahoney

Justin Credible vs Sonjay Dutt

Petey Williams vs Sabu

Juventud Guerrera vs Homicide vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Shannon Moore (TV Title)

Lance Cade vs Elijah Burke

Tomko vs Jerry Lynn vs Monty Brown


Added Question:


ECW have made a fans questionnaire the main question being if ECW got a TV show what should it be called?

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Quick Picks:


Paul London

Bash and Damage

Masato Tanaka

Justin Credible

Petey Williams

Shannon Moore(TV Title)

Elijah Burke

Jerry Lynn


Added Question:


ECW have made a fans questionnaire the main question being if ECW got a TV show what should it be called?


Hardcore Revolution or Extreme Extravaganza

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Paul London vs Chuck Taylor

Taylor is one of the most entertaining wrestlers on the indy scene right now, but London is a WAY bigger name.


Bash and Damage vs F.B.I

*sniff sniff* Do I smell a squash? Oh, and p.s. keep Speed Muscle, I'm a huge Dragon Gate fan, and I marked out big time when I saw them in here


Masato Tanaka vs Balls Mahoney

I've never been able to buy Mahoney as that credible in the upper card. Tanaka is awesome though, and should ascend to title competition


Justin Credible vs Sonjay Dutt

Old school ECW, and already proven as a main event draw


Petey Williams vs Sabu

He's an ECW icon.


Juventud Guerrera vs Homicide vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Shannon Moore (TV Title)

I could see Jimmy taking too, due to interference from Sinn or Raven, but you seemed to like Homicide, with wins of Credible and Tanaka


Lance Cade vs Elijah Burke

I could see this feud going more than one or two matches, and if that's the case, you need the heel winning to give a reason for the face to keep coming back


Tomko vs Jerry Lynn vs Monty Brown (ECW World Title)

He's seemed like an animal so far, and he seems like the most ECW-y one of the group, besides Lynn of course. I feel he could get the win, and be a fairly dominating champion, between his charisma and his monstrous build.

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ECW Anarchy Rulz


Live at Hammerstien “ECW” Arena (and on Cablevision)

Audience: 9728







“Down With The Sickness” by Disturbed plays as the opening video package plays on a screen by the ramp. Paul Heyman strolls down to the ring with a microphone in his hand. Once in the centre of the ring he begins to speak.




Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Anarchy Rulz. The title sums up the essence of everything ECW. Here at ECW there are no rules! Anything is possible, anything is viable, anything is allowed!


ECW chants echo around the area


Paul Heyman: Tonight we make history once again by crowning the new ECW champion. The match will prove to be the best match we have seen from the new ECW to date! But that’s not the only title that will be given an owner. Tonight 4 men will step in to the ring for an elimination fatal four way to decide the new ECW Television Champion! Those four men are Juventud Geurrera, Homicide, Jimmy Jacobs and Shannon Moore!


More ECW chants


Paul Heyman: Now, I can see a lot of confusion on the faces of you all. The TV title? Why do we have that, we aren’t even on TV. Guess again my friends. This Wedensday if you switch onto Sci Fi at 9pm you will see the return of ECW Hardcore TV!


The fans go crazy as the ECW chants are louder than ever!


Paul Heyman: I’m not going to say anything more on that tonight because tonight is not about the TV deal! Tonight is about crowning champions! Now lets get this STARTED!


”Down with the Sickness” plays again as Heyman goes to the back leaving the fans going crazy!


Rating: B-


”Hate To Say I Told You So” by The Hives plays around the arena and out walks ECW’s newest Acquisition – Chuck Taylor. He walks down the ramp and rolls into the ring before grabbing the microphone.




Chuck Taylor: Now, I don’t expect you to know me because you’re all so god damn stupid but I am Chuck Taylor the man who will single handily rule this place. I am the greatest human being to ever grace this earth since Braden Walker and I am out here tonight to issue a challenge to anyone in the back who wants to prove me wrong.


’Burn Burn’ by the Lostprophets hits and the fans cheer loudly as London sprints into the ring. He stares at Taylor with a smile on his face – the bell rings.


Rating: D-


http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/ChuckTaylor.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/PaulLondon.jpg

Chuck Taylor vs Paul London


This match ended as quick as it started. Taylor did some pandering to the crowd got some good heat then quickly went to strike London who ducked before hitting a dropsault and a stand SSP then getting the pin. The fans enjoyed the desimation of Taylor!


Winner: Paul London in 1:35 (Rating: C)



“Colossal” by Wolfmother hits and out walks Shane Douglas with his team The Bash and Damage Connection. The get into the ring as Douglas gets a microphone.


Shane Douglas: Last month, we proved that we are not messing around! We took those Asian idiots and threw them around. We caused more carnage than Hiroshima, and yet we still get booed by you people?! Once again tonight we will show you why you have no choice but to love The Bash and Damage Connection


Rating: C


http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/DougBasham.jpghttp://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Damaja.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/JamesMaritato.jpghttp://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/TonyMamaluke.jpg

Bash and Damage Connection vs F.B.I


Another fairly average match from the B&D Connection. Nothing special but seemed to get them over a bit more. The match was nothing special at all the fans never really got into it. B&D got the win with a double spinebuster.


Winner: Bash and Damage in 8:48 (Rating: D+)



The camera cuts to Monty Brown who is standing next to a glass case with the ECW Title in it. He looks at the title and turns to the camera.




Monty Brown: I am so close to it, I can taste it. I can taste the gold. I can taste the pride. You know sharks can smell blood from 10 miles away? I can taste victory about an hour away. Lynn and Tomko have NOTHING on the Alpha Male and tonight I will prove that as I show my dominance take home that belt. The Alpha Male will be your new champion.


The camera fades.


Rating: C-



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/MasatoTanaka.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/BallsMahoney.jpg

Masato Tanaka vs Balls Mahoney


A good brawling hardcore match filled with fun and blood! These two had a good chemistry in the ring and it payed off with a MOTN contender. Some really brutal stiff shots were taken during the match and it really looked real at points. The fans ate it up. Balls won with a pin after hitting a powerbomb through a table.


Winner: Balls Mahoney in 6:17 (Rating: C+)



“Superhero” by Jane’s Addiction plays on the PA system and out walks and angry Lance Cade. He climbs into the ring and snatches a microphone from a technician.




Lance Cade: Last week I was robbed of a victory! Last week I was cost my chance at the ECW Title and I want an explanation. So Burke get your sorry ass out here right now!


“Epic” by Faith No More plays as the fans cheer for Burke as he walks out onto the ramp.




Elijah Burke: You called?


Lance Cade: I want answers! Start speaking!


Elijah Burke: Answers? You want answers? You gave a good enough yourself answer last week; alls fair in love and war. My friend, at Rising Revolution you cheated your way to victory so last month I gave you my response. You want to make something out of this? Be my guest.


Lance Cade: Hell yeah I want to make something out of this! You and me TONIGHT!


Elijah Burke: Done! And don’t go giving me any crap about you not wanting to use weapons. Bring you’re “A” game because believe me, you’re going to need it.


Rating: D+



The camera cuts to a dark basement Jimmy Jacobs is standing there staring at the floor.




Jimmy Jacobs: Tonight, is my night. My night to show Raven that I am a valuable member of the Flock. Tonight I prove my loyalty to him by winning that title and taking the first step to the take over! Tonight, I know what I must to gain his respect and he should already consider it done.


The scene fades


Rating: C



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/JustinCredible.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/SonjayDutt.jpg

Justin Credible vs Sonjay Dutt


A really good match from these two. Dutt continues to amaze the fans with his high flying moves and agility. Another solid performance from Credible who is showing the fans that he has really still got a lot more in him. He won with the That’s Incredible much to the hatred of the fans!


Winner: Justin Credible in 8:24 (Rating: C)





A video plays showing the past and present of Jerry Lynn


Rating: C-



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/PeteyWilliams.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Sabu.jpg

Petey Williams vs Sabu


A very mediocre match with little excitement. The fans didn’t get into it that much which really suffered giving it a fairly low rating. The match ended with a top rope Arabian face buster.


Winner Sabu in 6:02 (Rating





A video plays showing the past and present of Tomko


Rating: D



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/JuventudGuerrera.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Homicide.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/JimmyJacobs2.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/ShannonMoore2.jpg

ECW TV Title Match

Juventud Guerrera vs Homicide vs Jimmy Jacobs vs Shannon Moore


This match was brilliant and really showed off all the new talent in ECW. Not one real ECW original in the match and the fans still really enjoyed it. The ending was slick with Moore and Jacobs being the last two in the ring. Moore hit the Mooregasm before Sinn ran down and hit Moore with a Singapore Cane only to be locked with the End Time by Jacobs.


Winner and new ECW TV Champion, Jimmy Jacobs in 12:05 (Rating: C)


After the match Jacobs merely sits in the corner with no celebration. “Wake Up” by Rage Against the Machine plays and Raven walks down the ramp. He whispers something to the referee then rolls into the ring…


http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/JimmyJacobs2.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Raven3.jpg

ECW TV Title Match

Jimmy Jacobs vs Raven


Jacobs merely lay down. The fans booed like crazy, hated every second of it. But for all the right reasons!


Winner and new ECW TV Champion, Raven in 0:35 (Rating: D+)





A video plays showing the past and present of Monty Brown


Rating: C-



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/ElijahBurke.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/LanceCade.jpg

Elijah Burke vs Lance Cade


A reasonably good match, certainly an improvement of their clash at Rising Revolution. A really odd finish where no weapons had been used until Cade took out the brass knuckles again. Burke ducked a punch from them only to his a punch of his own. Cade was Koed. Burke looked at his hand where he had his own pair of brass knuckles on. The crowd loved it.


Winner: Elijah Burke in 12:27 by KO (Rating: C)




A video plays hyping the main event


Rating: D+



http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/Tomko.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/JerryLynn.jpg VS http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab263/Eyeofhurricane_2009/ECWRev/MontyBrown.jpg

ECW World Title Match

Tomko vs Jerry Lynn vs Monty Brown


The match was really good and got all the fans up and down on their seats. Some beautiful spots (mostly using Jerry Lynn’s far superior in ring skills). One big spot was a failed Frankenstein that turned into a power bomb on to a lying Monty Brown. In the end is was Lynn who was on top, he threw Tomko out of the ring only to be turned around to be hit with the pounce. Brown got the three.


Winner and new ECW World Champion, Monty Brown in 18:01 (Rating: C+)




Show Rating: C+



jesushat902 - 4/8

FuelFan0102 - 5/8

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ECW Hardcore TV

Wednesday, Week 1 September 2009

Live at the Arad McCutchan Stadium and on The Sci-Fi Network


Elijah Burke vs Monty Brown


The first match Brown has as ECW champion. Will Brown start his reign strong or will Burke, the man who never got a chance to qualify for the title, prove to everyone he can play with the big men.

Sabu vs Sinn


The Hardcore Legend against one half of the Krowz, this will be Sinn’s first single match and he will want to prove to everyone that he can handle his own.


Chuck Taylor vs Homicide


Both competitors need to show they deserve a place on the ECW roster as they both lost their matches at Anarchy Rulz. Will Taylor show that he really is the best ECW has to offer, or will Homicide do as his name suggests and kill Taylor’s career?


Ken Doane vs Tony Mamaluke


Doane’s televised debut will show the world if he is ready for ECW!

Bash and Damage vs Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams


B&D asked for a better challenge and low and be hold these two ex TNA stars came and said they’d beat them for the three count. Who will be left red faced after this match?

Nicho el Millionario vs Jimmy Jacobs


After his bizarre actions at Anarchy Rulz will Jacobs prove that he will not lie down for just any one! Or will the Luchador show that Jacobs title win was nothing more than a fluke?

Paul London vs Tomko vs Jerry Lynn (Ladder Match for No. 1 Contendership for ECW Belt)


With the title crowned all that is needed now is a number 1 contender but who will it be? All competitors have a reason to the title, but who will prove it by climbing the ladder and grabbing the contract?


Quick Picks:


Elijah Burke vs Monty Brown

Sabu vs Sinn

Chuck Taylor vs Homicide

Ken Doane vs Tony Mamaluke

Bash and Damage vs Sonjay Dutt & Petey Williams

Nicho el Millionario vs Jimmy Jacobs

Paul London vs Tomko vs Jerry Lynn

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