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SWF: The True Story

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Preview for SWF Supreme TV

Tuesday 1st week of January


- 2007 ended with a bang when at the end of the broadcast last week, Christian Faith returned to the ring costing Vegeance the man who put him on the shelf for two months a very important match against champion Jack Bruce. It was Vegeance's first loss since turning in to what he has become and rumor has it that he's not to happy about it. Speculation is that SWF owner Richard Eisen isn't too happy about it either and this week Richard Eisen will address Christian Faith. Many fans and experts alike are wondering why Christian Faith made his return, wearing a neck brace!


- Also the SWF World Title is on the line when the already mentioned Jack Bruce puts the title on the line against former champion Runaway Train. Train has had a clause in his contract that says he gets a rematch since he lost but only now has he excerised that right. What does the Guru have up his sleeve? Why did he make his monster wait?


- The SWF North American title will also be on the line tonight when Rich Money puts his title and 5,000 dollars on the line against one half of High Concept, Groucho Bling. Money has been running this challange for weeks now and is still to lose! Will anyone ever beat the Money man?


Find the answers to these questions and much, much more tonight!


Also in action:


Robbie Retro


Kurt Laramee




Brandon James vs. Enygma


I know there are a lot of SWF diary's around here and people have stories of why they became the booker and all that, but me, I'm just telling you what really happend in SWF during 2008 and beyond. So if you want to know the truth, then read on... that is if you can handle the truth.

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SWF Supreme TV


Dark matches:

Death Row defeats The Samoan Wild Boyz

Big Smack Scott over Valiant

Frehley > Frederique Antonio Garcia



The show starts with the announce team of Duane Fry, Peter Michaels and Jerry Eisen wishing everybody a happy new year and running down the matches for this week, basically repeating what you read in the show preview.


The show starts out with Richard Eisen in the ring with a long folding table set up and one chair on the announce team side, which he is sitting in, Eisen begins to speak:


Since November Christian Faith has been out with an injury that was suffered at the hands of Vengeance. Last week Mr. Faith finally made his return to SWF by attacking Vengeance. As far as I am aware Christian Faith is not cleared by the doctors to be in SWF at the present time. What these papers on this table in front of me state is that if Christian Faith wants to wrestle in SWF he has to do it at his own risk, if he is injured or even worse I can not be held responsible. If Christian Faith does not limp down this aisle and sign these papers he will be forced to leave the building. So Christian come on out here...


With that Christian Faith comes out as the fans erupt into a frenzy, Faith is clearly favoring his back and neck as he walks down to the ring and gets in, Eisen hands him the mic.


Rich give me the paper, I will sign anything that says I get my hands on that no good monster. I've never backed down from a challenge and I'm not going to let a small neck and back injury change that.


Eisen hands him the paper and Faith signs it, Eisen then grabs the microphone back standing up.


Oh and Chris, I've got another offer for you, here lies a contract to get your hands on Vengeance at When Hell Freezes Over.. if you're "man enough".


Faith doesn't say a word as he grabs the paper and signs it.


As Faith signs the paperwork, out from the back come Vengeance. Vengeance attacks Faith once again with the chain, as he punches Faith in the back of the head with the chain wrapped around his hand. Vengeance hits the 6 foot under through the table, as Eisen barely is able to pull the paperwork out of the way, dropping Faith right on the back of his injured head and back. As Faith lays there hurting, Vengeance pulls out his chain and begins wrapping it around the throat of Faith.


He's getting ready to throw Christian over the top rope with Jack Giedroyc comes in and makes the save, sending Vengeance out of the ring.


Richard Eisen on the outside of the ring says that Jack has made a big mistake and he will take on Vengeance... right now!


Vengeance made quick work of Jack, dominating him from start to finish, clearly sending a message to Christian Faith as Vengeance wins the match with the Skull Crusher.


The next match wasn't really anything more then the first one as fan favorite, "The Disco Stud" Robbie Retro made short work of residential SWF jobber, Andre Jones. No one really expected anything less did they? Didn't think so. Murder on the dance floor is the move that was used to finish this one.


Next up was an interview with Runaway Train and The Guru, The Guru tells Jack Bruce that he hopes he has enjoyed his place at the top because the time has come for him to lose his spot. The Guru compares Bruce to a damsel in distress tied to the rail road tracks and the Train is coming through.


Emma Chase brought her client, Brandon James out for the next contest as he took on former SWF World Champion Enygma. Enygma put up a good fight but in the end, Brandon James was too big and too quick as he picks up the win with the Big Money Move! You could of counted to twelve after that move.


"Blue Blood" Paul Huntingdon made his way down to the ring for the next bout much to the dismay of the fans who was letting him know that he isn't much liked. I don't think Paul cared much though, he might of but I just got that vibe from him. His opponent for the night was Lobster Warrior. Before you go on and think in your mind how this match went, you might want to thing again! Huntingdon controlled the match for about half, Lobster the other half, meaning the fight was pretty even but in the end it was the Sea Man who got the win!


Next up was a video to promote the great Steve Frehley, nothing new here, just a video of him beating some of the top guys in SWF while the announcers talk over the video and put over how great Steve is and how it is amazing that he has only lost 1 time since his debut in 2004.


Kurt Laramee destroys Greg Rayne quickly! Very quickly. The most squash you can have in a squash match in this one.


After the match Kurt Laramee grabs a microphone and challenges Steve Frehley to match at When Hell Freezes Over. Laramee says that is if you're tough enough to face "The King Of The Streets". The announcers basically say the match is made, saying that Frehley never backs down from a challenge.


The SWF North American title was on the line next, as tag team specialist Groucho Bling tried to capture the title from Rich Money. Bling put a valiant effort but it wasn't enough to beat the champion. Money wins with Money In The Bank.


In the main event of the evening, we saw Runaway Train absolutely destroy World champion Jack Bruce. Train set up for the Train of Pain but it was reversed and Bruce got the roll up for the one, two three. Immediately after the match Train puts the boots to Bruce.


The Guru walks over to the time keepers table and grabs the title, telling Train to come on as the two head to the back and the show goes off the air.




The Wild Boys vs. Death Row - D+

Toma and Shady K off their game

Announcing and Colour boosted the match

Brave improving perfomance skills

Toma and Shady K improving technical skills


Big Smack Scott vs. Valiant - C-

The fans don't like Scott

Colour and Announcing boost

Scott improving in rumble


Steve Frehley vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia - C+

Garcia can use something to freshen him up (I will take character suggestions through pm if you guys want).

Frehley improves performance skills


Main Show!!


Sign The Waiver or Don't Wrestle - B


Vegeance Attacks - A

Segment lifts crowd


Jack Saves - B+


Match Maker - B


Vengeance vs. Jack G - C+

Dawn did some good work


Retro vs. Jones - D+

Colour and Announcer boost

Retro improving performance


The Train Talks - B+

The Guru helped Runaway Train


Brandon James vs. Enygma - C

Emma Chase did good work

Announcer quality improved the match

Brandon improves in performance and technical


Lobster Warrior vs. Paul Huntingdon - C+

Announcing Quality boost

Warrior improved performance

Paul improved Flying


Frehley Video - B+


Kurt Laramee vs. Greg Rayne - D-

Announcing and Colour boost

Brought Crowds mood down


Laramee Challange - D+


Rich Money vs. Groucho Bling - C+

Announcing Boost

Bling boost in Rumble and Performance


Bruce vs. Train - B-

Announcing Boost

Jack improves performance


Title Steal - B+


Overal - B-

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SWF News and Notes


- The rating for the first SWF Supreme TV of the year is in, and it is a 2.93 on C.A.N.N


- Big Smack Scott fired??? Apparently last night in the locker room Scott provoked and then attacked what was first believe to be another wrestler. But we soon found out that the worker was none other then Jerry Eisen. Richard Eisen was not happy with what transpired and fired Scott immediately after the incident which happened right after the show.


- Steven Parker, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Crippler Ray Kingman, Jennifer Heat, and Champagne Love have all been signed.


- RIPW held there show Unscripted yesterday, the star of the show was SWF prospect Neveda Nuclear who also happens to be RIPW Champion.


- .09 is the rating for SWF Supreme TV on UK Broadcasting Secondary Network.


- Bull Wrecker and Playboy Jake Sawyer have been signed, Sawyer will be a manager while Bull Wrecker heads to RIPW to develop more.


- Through a series of houseshows SWF has found that Brandon James and Elmo Bensen have poor chemistry as opponents. So look for that fued to never make it on screen! Also Enygma and Kurt Laramee and Robbie Retro and Remo are awful in the ring as opponents and the tag teams of Joe Sexy and Paul Huntingdon are terrible as partners.


- Chloe Dean has been signed by SWF and has been sent to RIPW where hopefully she will develop into a good manager. USPW star Darryl Devine has also signed with SWF.

My thoughts:


I did NOT want to cut Big Smack Scott as I had huge plans for him but I took a more realistic look at it since this is "the true story" of SWF. If he would of spread rumors or something he would of got a small warning but what he did was totally unacceptable. It's also pretty sweet, as much as I have played TEW I have never seen an incident saying that.


As you SWF players know you have to pick up a few guys at the start of the game, I believe I have signed enough. Look for them to debut soon.


It kind of sucks about the chemistry notes but I did already start a storyline with one set of those bad chemistry notes so oh well! The show must go on.

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No! Big Smack Scott gone already! I am dying to read an SWF diary where someone is brave enought to put up with his garbage and actually push the big useless piece of meat. Ah well, you definitely made the smart move there. Now watch BSS stink up USPW.


I'll be reading, BTW.

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