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Mid Atlantic Wrestling: Because We're Your Last Hope...

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The beginning...


Monday, Week 1, January, 2008


Well I guess we all have to start somewhere don't we...


[i just looked up and looked around at my surroundings and trust me there wasn't much. Must admit though the weather was nice though, hell I'd of moved to Orange County even if I didn't have this job but hey ho; I'm getting paid to be in the sun so this is a bonus and a half.


I walked up to a large wooden door of a small office complex downtown in Orange County, composed my self in my cheap $40 suit and breathed in one final time before slowly opening the door and walking in, moving towards reception while having a slow look around the various memorabilia I passed.


I stood in front of the desk while waiting for the receptionist to finish talking on the phone. You had a feeling she didn't want to be there, hell the woman was having a talk with what appeared to be a friend. I quietly mumbled a cough to grab her attention to which she just glanced up and sighed saying her goodbyes to her friend and placing the phone down. She spoke with quite a blond, bimbo tone of voice as she started talking]


Welcome to Mid Atlantic Headquarters, How can I help?


Umm...I'm here to see Mr. Chord...


[she just looked at me with a dumb glance. I noticed her name was 'Jennie' as she just glanced a 'whatever' look at me]


Well yeh, everyone in this room is...


[i looked behind me and saw a host of people sat in chairs, all looked quite big in size, well just like me, so I'm guessing Chord is looking for his next batch of students]


Oh...I don't think you understand, My name is Jack Starr...I'm the new head booker of Mid Atlantic...


[Her face suddenly shot up, like a bolt of lightning through her body. She suddenly came to life acting more interested in what I had to say]


Oh Mr Starr I'm sorry I didn't recognize you since you cut your hair...I'm a huge fan. Mr Chord is in his office waiting, second door down to the right. I'll just buzz him and tell him you're here. Go right ahead.


[i just nodded and smiled at her, who would of known? I had a fan...I did a lot of wrestling but not much down this area of the country; god bless the internet ay? I kept moving towards the door until I reached my destination. The door had a placard with the words 'MAW Owner' on so I knew I was in the right place. I knocked on the door once before I heard a low toned 'Come in Mr Starr' and opened the door to seal my fate.


As I opened the door and walked in the room I could see already what Tradition meant to Mr Chord, a lot of his old wrestling attire was hung up or in cabinets around the room. What looks to be a replica version (It could be the real one) of the CWF National Championship he held for 2 years is on the left hand side of the desk he is sat behind, a SWF World title on the right. This was the man I was told about, one that was described as a legend; not the shell of a wrestler he became once the drink took its toll.


He made a hand gesture to me to sit down in the seat opposite him as he looked up and then back down to papers on his desk. He finally shuffled them together before placing his hands, cupped together, on top of them]


I take it you're here to accept the job then Mr Starr?


Indeed I am, and please call me Jack


Well Jack, I'm very happy to have you here. As you will know Mid Atlantic is purely here for the reason of creating tomorrow's top North American talent, like the Hinote Dojo is to Japan. Except unlike Hinote we don't cater to just one company, if any company wishes to acquire one of our talents we will not stand in the way of them. We have helped to make future talents like Mainstream Hernandez and along with you, it is my job to now create more.


[i sat almost in awe of the man, someone who was given so much by the wrestling world and is now giving back. You don't see it very often and it was a delight to witness. I just watched him talk on]


The reason you were hired my boy is we felt that Mid Atlantic should not just be for wrestlers or managers but also to create the next best head booker. See while you're here you will also be learning in every way you can. So all I can ask is...do you think you're up to the challenge son?


Sir...I know I am.


[All that goes through my head is...wow I must of sounded such a arrogant moron there]


Thats just what I wanted to hear...


[Or not]


The first show will be in 25 days, my tournament, The Rip Chord Invitational...for that prize there


[He pointed to a large, golden trophy behind him, sparkling in a trophy case, only one name appears on it...twice; Mainstream Hernandez. I've heard of him, I guess that was Mr Chord's doing really.


He looks at me thoughtfully]


We have a chance of a TV deal, a small one...just for this area coming up next month. We want to take it, but only if you feel we could do well enough?


I have a few people we should bring in, I've worked with some of them and I've heard of others. If we were to take the TV show if its offered I'd need some people behind me to work with and be the creative but apart from that indeed Sir, I think we could do it.


And the Inivitaional? What are your plans for that?


I know two names we could get in. The rest should be from Mid Atlantic. But thats what I need most of all, a report on every member of the roster.


That can be done by the morning. Now I'm sorry to be abrupt but I have another meeting I have to get to, theres a car outside for you, it'll take you to the Mid Atlantic Arena so you can see first hand the training that is taking place.


Excellent. Thank you Mr Chord


[He just nodded as we both stood. I looked at him as he walked out the door and towards the front door to his car. He passed some files to Jennie as she just said a quick 'goodbye' to him, I walked past and just smiled and lifted a hand making my way to the waiting car.


Time to see what we have to work with]

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Good luck mate taking on JC's version of MAW is quite a challange but don't let it discourage you in any way best to learn from it. Nice start btw


PS did you ad t.v. stations? And if yes change anything else in the default data?


I added a very small tv station called 'Sunshine TV' with very little finance and only runs out of the Mid Atlantic area. I also added a arena called the 'Mid Atlantic Arena' so that I have somewhere to run out of regularly (Like the Impact Zone etc) which is set to very small and has the same attributes as the North Carolina Biker Museum.


I'm just about to post a 2nd update now, I have a huge signing for the Rip Chord Invitational that I'm very happy about so just stay tuned people :)

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Tuesday, Week 1, January, 2008


Got back to the headquarters this morning after watching the training yesterday, I must say I'm impressed. There are a few that with the right gimmick and maybe a change of style would be a ideal fit into a major wrestling company in a few years. The second generations there as well are a huge gain to any small company, Valentine and Vessey have all the potential in the world I'm guessing its gonna be my job to help build it.


So anyway back to the office and found a huge file on my desk. I'm guessing Jennie typed it up seeing as Chord doesn't appear to be a man that knows anything about computers...or twenty first century technology for that matter. But I must admit my first impression of her was very wrong. She does seem to have a lot of talent and a passion for wrestling because these reports help me a hell of a lot.


So anyway my wonderful roster I'm getting to mold as the future of wrestling...






Erik Strong


Held the title now since June last year. His performance skills are quite good and if improved that little bit more could really be his selling factor, not exceptional in his fighting style although he does pose a promising high flying game. Needs some major acting work if hes going to break out as a main event star.



Jack Starr


Was quite suprised to see me here. I'm guessing the pull I've got in terms of my popularity must have had some effect. Jennie really has been watching me. I have exceptional basics and selling skill which I feel if true could come in handy when helping to improve other wrestlers. Says my chain wrestling is also of a good standard so again if true I should be able to put a decent match on with anyone. Says I could do with a improvement of power however.



Mean Jean Cattley


The man seen as my number one heel in the promotion right now. Said to be quite a good, consistent performer with a good set of basic skills. However lacks any real menace or star quality to ever be anything more than a midcarder in a larger promotion I feel. Fails to sell a lot of offence and when he does it looks rather unrealistic so that may be something we have to improve upon. At 29 hes coming into his prime about now so could be a huge asset to the promotion.


Upper Midcard





Not exceptional in any real area but at only 22 has the chance to become a huge name. I'm not a fan of one word names though so he may be in for a last name at some point soon. Shows good resiliency for a youngster too.



Cameron Vessey


The last name kinda says it all for this kid. Greatness seems to be guaranteed if he can keep a cool head and remember to respect his elders. More of a fighter than a technician he really could use some work on his acting and microphone work if hes gonna progress to the level he should.



Citizen X


Another who is getting to the prime of his career now but could still be a big wrestler in the coming years. Possibly one of the best talkers on the active roster, oozing charisma. An OK high flier but again one who doesn't really specialize in any particular field although again one with quite a good basic skill.




Oscar Golden


One half of the current tag team champions. A fairly consistent performer who has a huge amount of star quality and is pretty good eye candy for the women. If he could improve his in ring skills he could become a main eventer here in no time at all.


(A interesting note is that all 4 upper midcard wrestlers are heels. I need one person to come in and maybe turn one (I've already decided who) just so I can even it up.





Casey Valentine


Another one who I feel could follow in his family's footsteps and become a credible wrestler. Physically he is impressive, technically he still needs work but at 19 years of age I have high hopes for him.



Findlay O'Farraday


The big man from Georgia. Gotta say I'm mighty impressed with him and feel with the right push he could become a main event heel monster. Another that needs a lot of training before his basic skill alone is of a decent standard but he does have the look.




Flash Savage


The other half of the tag champions. For a small wrestler its gonna be a hard career for him to be able to succeed in this business. If he did change to a face at some point being the underdog could work amazingly for him but right now I'm quite happy to keep him with the boy band gimmick.



Ricky Douglas


All that can be really said is he is consistent. Apart from that he is a rather bland wrestler with ok basics and little in the way of that X factor. No star quality at all.



The Masked Patriot


A intense, brutal, meancing wrestler to say the least. Again due to his size could be a great asset to the company. For a big man has great stamina and basics and I feel I may be building quite a lot around him.


Lower Midcard



Curtis Jenkins


English born wrestler who really needs any improvement before he can be considered as anything more than a opener or enhancement talent to the main eventers.



Huey Cannonball


Another of the 'Canadian Blondes' and one again that has the right look about him to be a decent up and comer. Needs major work at all entertainment aspects and may be worth putting a manager with him just to help him out.



Max Mayhem


Decent high flyer. Lacks basic skills which is a worry to me if the TV show does come up. Needs a lot of work fast.



Riley McManus


Good technical wrestler with some decent mic skills. A general improvement would help him greatly.





Jefferson Stardust


A entertaining wrestler that sells well and is paying his dues. Good amount of star quality too for someone just starting out.





Ernest Forthdyke-Hume


For a manager not the most entertaining person (We have a few wrestlers more than him). Gonna need a lot of work to stay up to standard.



Kristin Pearce


Again same as Ernest except may work better as a backstage interviewer as she seems to be quite charismatic. Also has tons of sex appeal which could be a huge selling point for her.





Marv Earnest

Like the managers will need work if hes to get any better.




Duke Hazzard


Same as Marv.





Jay Fair


Reliable referee and a good backstage presence.

Road Agent



Rip Chord


Really the man I'm gonna need behind me to make this promotion work. One of the best of all time



I'm quite impressed. I felt the roster would be ok but this is really promising, there is a few people already I can see being main event talents in a few years time with the right training and company.


A couple more notes were dropped in the file.


Mr Chord has decided to set me a few tasks to make sure I'm up to the job. Nothing major really: just keep Mid Atlantic open, build the momentum of Antonio and Casey Valentine, Don't hire any cruiserweights and don't hire anyone without a decent basic wrestling skill (D- or lower)


Also was a host of memos from a few companies stating a working agreement with them. Mr Chord has now set up agreements with NYCW, FCW, 4C, CGC, CZCW, USPW, PSW and NOTBPW. I'm hoping to keep these connections as it could open huge markets for us.


The Invitational is shaping up. The 8 names competiting in the tournament will be revealed on Sunday night on MAW.com. with the promise of at least 2 huge names.


Going to go watch the SWF show tonight have a look at whats going on there.


For now peace


Jack Starr

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So I decided to take a few days off, watched a lot of training at the arena and made a few phone calls. Both my big names are signed and ready for the Invitational that the final will be part of a double main event in which Erik Strong will also face Mean Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Heavyweight Title. Tomorrow night the wrestling world will find out the beginning of arguably the biggest card in Mid Atlantic's history. I know Mr Chord is excited. One of the men brought in hasn't worked with Mr Chord in a long time and the other is well known in another part of the US which could give us some exposure over there. I also had a phone call from two wrestlers looking to come into the promotion, one being probably the biggest name to leave so will be following up on those leads this week.


I also spoke to Duke Hazzard for the first time yesterday, he was in doing some sound work in time for the PPV and we spoke for quite a long time. He only works part time here and the rest of it works in a BBQ restaurant him and his wife own in Orange County but he has said he'll do a online blog for the Mid Atlantic every Monday starting after the huge announcement tomorrow.


I'm very excited right now...everything appears to be going just right.


Speaking of the wrestling world I felt I should bring you some news (Mainly from the US to show what maybe future rivals are currently up to)


Wednesday, Week 1, January, 2008


  • SWF held Supreme TV last night and got a B rating. Match of the night was Jack Bruce, Groucho Bling and Steve Freley beating Rich Money, Brandon James and Squeaky McClean (A)
  • TCW presented Total Wrestling and also got a B last night. Match of the night was Tommy Cornell defending his title against Genghis Rahn (A)


Thursday, Week 1, January, 2008

  • USPW held American Wrestling last night in a rather dissapointing fashion (C rating). Match of the night saw James Justice defeat Giant Redwood (B-)
  • GCG rose to cult status


Friday, Week 1, January, 2008

  • Harley Neill becomes new head booker of Ring Of Fire.

Saturday, Week 1, January, 2008


  • Samoan Machine has signed for BHOTWG on a written deal
  • SWF signs a PPV deal with United Kingdom Choice
  • USPW signs a PPV deal with Public Access Select
  • James Prudence signs with SWF

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Sunday, Week 1, January, 2008


Courtesy of MAW.com this exclusive statement with owner Rip Chord:

It is with great pleasure that Mid Atlantic Wrestling announces the run up to the third annual Rip Chord Invitational tournament. The eight man, one night spectacular will feature six of the best the Mid Atlantic has to offer as well as two competitors from other companies we here at Mid Atlantic value as great friends.


The final Friday of January, we will crown our third winner joining the former two time winner James "Mainstream" Hernandez on that illustrious winners plate.


The following eight men will fight for this trophy:


Citizen X- A man I believe could become a major player in the near future.


The Masked Patriot- The man that embodies USA will bring his power and his desire to the table hoping to take home the trophy.


Jefferson Stardust- The rock star is a man we here at Mid Atlantic believe has all the tools to one day be in a company like the SWF or TCW.


Findaly O'Farraday- Another man that could be seen as a favorite for the tournament.


Cameron Vessey- The second generation star is looking for a win to set him up for the career his name should make him live up too.


Casey Valentine- Another second generation star Valentine could be seen as one of the outside favorites for the trophy.


And joining us from outside the Mid Atlantic ranks


Jack Starr- A native of the Mid West Mr Starr is joining the company full time to help devolop and will be participating as his debut. A rising star in the US people are already claiming he could be one of the best


Steve Flash- One of the best independent talents around right now Mr Flash is a former multiple time tag champion and a current champion in New York. Having him here will be a huge boost to the competition.


Also on the show the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles will be on the line when James Hernandez returns to the company with partner Jacob Jett to take on The Canadian Blondes.


As part of our main event Erik Strong will face Mean Jean Cattley for the Mid Atlantic Heavyweight title in what is sure to be a great match.


And much more...so make sure to check out Mid Atlantic Wrestling for all the news running up to this amazing event!


In addition to this we here at MAW.com will be running interviews with the eight men in the Invitational up until the night of the show.


Make sure to check out MAW.com and have a good night,


Dexter Chance

MAW.com editor

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